Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, August 08, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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    The Kind You nave Always Bought, and which has been
in use for over 30 years, has borne the signatnre of
9 f and has been made under his per-
6y457A sonal supervision since its Infancy.
?S-y, J-CUCAW Allow no one to deceive you In this.
AH Counterfeits, Imitations and " Jast-as-good" are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger $he health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. - It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance, Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
JHirt allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
p Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the
The Kind You Me Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
all the horn,! s of
kidneys nod t 'i o
CITPIDESfE strengthens and resioresHumll
Tbe reason siiuVrprs are not enrol hv Itnciorr, is ht'i-;u:f ninety per eent are troubled with
Proaiatltlft. OUPIDKNEIstbeonlyknown remedy to cure - u liout an operation. Bono lestlnmnl
als. A written gtmrnntoefflvenand money rehirnwl u' six hoxes does not eil'cct a perwuui-ubcure
U)0 a box, six for (5,00, by mail. Head or kkilK circular and testimonial.
Address I4 V I. Jl KUK'I.VK CO., P. O. l.x a)76. Sou Francisco. Cal. Fur Sole t
Q. A. HARDING, druggist Oregon City Oregon
The Summer Season f
Ib full of dangers, particularly for the
jiiildren, who not knowing the result of
t:ng unripe fruit, indulge themselves,
witk the usual griping pains in the
jtoniach as a consequence. Mothers
jliould have on hand at all times a bot
tto of painkiller i Perry Davie) which
willa'ouoe relieve the sufferer; it is a
afe, simple remedy and it should he,
kept in every house. Large holtles 25
and 50 cents.
Your Tongue
If it's coated, your stomach
is bad, your liver is out of
arder. Ayer's Pills w ill clean
your tongue, cure your dys
pepsia, make your liver right,
t'iisy to take, easy to operate.
25c. A'.l drugglsta.
jf ant your moustache or heard a beautiful
1 brown or rich black '! Than uso
SO TTg. of pmmatsTs, p. r p. hmi a Co., n.shua, n h.
Court House Block.
Straw and Crash Hats, below
Shirt Waists, - - - from 35c up
36-inch Percales, -N - - no 2c yd
Tabic Cloth, .... fr0m 20c
Duck Skirts, in colors, - - from 75c
Men's and Boy's Caps, Reg. price 25c, now 1 5c
Men's Fancy Dress Shirts, " " J .00 " 75c
Neckties, - " " 25c " 15c
Men's Sweaters, - " " 85c " 65c
Boy's " - " " 50c " 40c
Men's H cavy Shirts, " 60c to 75c " 45c
Fancy Sox, - - - - per pair, 5c
We arc making a big cut
in the line of Shoes, Dry
Goods. Call and examine
Court House Block Oregon City
Signature of
i Vltaliaer.thprireHm'io.
This great Ve.-Minhlii
tion of a famous lri;i'Ch unysiduu, will quicklvcuro von of all nor
voun or dlMiusi's of the e.T. .-i-r .j-mtis, eudi u Lost Manhood,
Insomnia, I'uumln thy J.m-k iaeuunal Emissions, Nervous lability,
pimples, I'tifi'tT-nn '.i '. rximkOiiiK l'mins, Varicocele alia
t'ousthmtlo:,. 1 1 stops all losses bv day or night, Prevents qulcs.
llfssof !(:: rLM v.';;i'h if t ... .-'p-nUfil Wil'i to Sporn.j torrhrpu. and
Impotent-; 4 TS'fl Bl-:&: eleuusea the liver. the
urinary orca"-- of au ilnnuMles.
weak oil'ioo
The Beat Prescription for Malaria
Chills and Fever is a bottle of Grove's
TaHtelesa Chill Tonic. It is simply iron
and quinine in a tasteless form. No
cure no n:iy Price 50c.
Special sale Millinery at Red Front.
I' C tf O. Ill, Co.
is the regular
i.'uiiva blip lam i.cfcwctru uirguu
City Bnd Portland. Get your tickets at
rate between
naming s aruu store
All Were Saved.
"For years I suffered untold misery
from bronchitis," writes J. II. Johnston,
of Broualiton, Ga , "that often I was
unable to work. Then, when everything
else failed, I was wholly cured by Dt.
King's New Discoveiy for consumption.
My wife suffered intensely from asthma,
till it cured her, and all our experience
goes to show it is the bert croup medi
cine in the world." A trial will con
vince you it is unrivaled for throat and
lung diseases. Guaranteed bottles 50c
and $1. Trial bottles free at G. A.
Oregon Cili, Ore.
in prices on everything
Goods and Furnishing
goods and get our prices.
TLED. Judge Ryan Decided the Question
In the matter of the estate of John H.
Green, deceased, Judge Ryan on Mon
day, after having had the matter of con
firmation of the sale under advisement,
confirmed the sale.
The property in the estate that was
sold is on the Clackamas river, near
Springwater, and is valuable particularly
for water power. The sale was made
for $11,000 to Fred. S. Morris, some time
ago, and at the time of sale, by an unex
pected appearance of the Portland Gen
eral General Electric Co., the price went
up from about $000, the appraised valua
tion, to the amount stated above, and
some of the Leirs of John L Green ob
jected to the sale through their attorneys,
Geo. E. Chamberlain, governor elect,
and Geo. Cameron of Portland.
The principal objection urged was that
citation had never been served upon one
of the heirs, Caroline Green. There
were other minor objections, but the
court held it to be the only question of
moment in the ca a. It was urged in
opposition, that Caroline Green, by her
appearance and motion, made a general
(appearance and was in court for all pur
poses, and the Court held with the latter
contention and decided that by the wai
ver of citation all irregularity prior to
the order of sale was cured and the sale
The attorneys for Fred. S. Morris were
William T.Muirof Portland, and Frank
lin Griffith.
TlPftih fit 7?saa Pti'i
Koss barker, of Clackamas, who has
been suffering for quite awhile from ab
scess, died Monday evening at his home
in Clackamas. The widowed mother,
whose only means of support is now
gone, alone remains to mourn the loss.
No young man in Clackamas was more
highly respected than was Ross. Few
young men possessed the faculty of
making more friends than he, and all
are of the substantial kind. The loss of
this youne man, only a little past 20,
is a blow to the whole community, as
his influence was always for good, and
his life a source of kindly deeds. The
funeral was held Wednesday at the Con
gregational church in Clackamas, and
the remains interred in the Clackamas
Indian Deer Slaying.
Reliable word has just been received
that the Warm Spring Indians way up
on the Clackamas are killing deer out of
season. A gentleman, who recently
made a trip into that section, returns to
us with the report that he saw where
fresh bones and hides were lying around
near recent camp fires, and by the ap
pearance of the carcasse.- he is sure the
deer have been killed very recently.
As everybody is aware this killing is
now directly contrary to the law as laid
down in our statute books, and if this
report is true, and we have no reason
to discredit it, we believe in uting our
influence against the continuance of the
Several of our white brothers have al
ready been heavily fined for an occasion
al killing and here thelm.ian is permit
ted to engage in this unlawful killing
with impunity. It is not right, and we
A Chinese Runaway
A serious runaway was narrowly
averted Thursday afternoon. Tom, the
Chinaman, who drives on the wagon of
the China garden, had left his horses
a few moments in front nf Hnl
dertakintr oarlors. when Imm anm ,m.
eeen cause the harness parted, letting the
heavy tongue of the wagon fall against
the horses legs. The horseB started.and
two or three men attempted to stop
them, but on seeing tlm ilmu-r nf .rut.
ting dragged undei the hordes' hoofs,
wineiy uiewou. uy mis time tne Horses
had gained considerable momentum and
were about to have things their own way
When little Tom. the Cliinnnian mal.Bil
out of the store, and running with ath
letic speed.'caught the bridle, and af;er
repeated jerks and pulls with both
iimuus Btoppeu me irigntenea steeds.
After BtODDint? them Tnm iloliuoroil a
verv acrtinmiinnfl rliapnnrao in iiiam
which we would disclose to our readeis
if we could, but unfortunately it was in
Ch ins. The horses seemed to omnre
hend it. however, fnr Ihpv im.nuli,itol
dropped their heads and looked the
vety picture of shame itself.
Iwo Measures Laid Over by the
City Cuuneil.
The city council met Wednesday even
ing, and notwithstanding the extreme
oppressiveness of the heat the entire
membership was present.
The principal subject of interest was
the matter of granting the franchise
for the electric line up Water street, con
necting with the proposed line from
Eagle creek. The petition seeking the
franchise was prepared by Charles La
tourette, who is one of the main pro
moters of the undertaking. This peti
tion aroused considerable actimoniou.
debate on the part of Councilmen Kellv
and Koerner, and was finally laid over
till next Wednesday night, when the
council will have more time for consid
eration. The next qnestion of interest was the
matter of Bale of the lot owned by the
city near the sash and door factory. A.
W. Cheney presented terms for the pur
chase of the property, which met witii
heated discussion and considerable op
position on the part of several council
men. This matter was also deferred till
next week, when final seti lenient will be
Eiler's Piano House, 351 Washington
street, Portland, Oregon Gentlemen :
Kindly let me know by return mail how
you can save me from $;0 to '2M on
the price of the finest piano that money
can secure, and a proportionate amount
on a tine, standard org in. I am think
ing of purchasing a piano or an organ,
and I believe that "money saved is
money earned." Why not look iuto the
piano qucBt'on? Do it now.
stops the eoroH ash works off
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tahlets cure a
cold in one day. No cure no pav. Price
15 cents.
"Shut your ajrea, opmn your mouth
mad mom what luok will bring you."
The mother smiles at the childish
game, and doesn't realize that it is a
game she as a woman has perhaps
played for a great many years.
Many a woman is weak and sick,
nervous and discouraged. She suffers
from headache, backache and other ills.
She wants to be well, but all she does is
to shut her eyes
and open her
mouth for medi
cine and trust to
luck for results.
She "doctors"
month after
, month, often
year after year,
in this same
blind, hap-hazard
fashion, and re
ceives no perma
nent benefit.
Women take
Dr. Pierce's Fa
vorite Prescrip
tion with their
PVPQ nnpn fn iht
tact, mat u cures womanly his. It cures
irregularity. It dries debilitating drains.
It heals inflammation and ulceration and
cures female weakness. There is no
trusting to luck by those who use
"Favorite Prescription."
"My disease was displacement and ulceration
of the uterus, and I was in a terrible condition
with pain and weakness and had given up all
hopes of ever being well again." writes Mrs.
Harry A. Brown, of Orono. Penobscot Co., Me.
Had doctored with four different doctors with
in four months, and .instead of getting better
was growing weaker all the time. I decided to
try your ' Favorite Prescription,' ' Golden Med
ical Discovery,' and ' Pleasant Pellets.' as I had
heard of tbe many cures resulting from their
use, I bought five bottles and felt so much bet
ter after taking them that I kept on until I am
as well as ever in my life, and to Dr. Pierce all
the praise is due. I cannot say enough in favor
of his medicines. Before I began taking your
medicines I only weighed one hundred and
twenty pounds. I now weigh one hundred and
suty pounds. I gained forty pounds in six
months. I shall doctor no more with home
doctors, as it is only waste of money. I am now
in perfect health, thanks to Dr. Pierce." f
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets clear the
muddy complexion.
Grange Celebration
Saturday the Grange at Chckainas is
to have an especially enjoyable time It
is Young People's Day, and the yome
people have spared no pains h making
theirprogram an interesting one. Sev
eral speakers from other cities will be
present to discourse on the good of the
order, and especial attention is to be
given to the preparation of the musical
sidaofthe program. Besides this, sev
eral recitations are to be rendered by lo
ci! talent, which will be delivered in the
pleasiiu manner so characteristic of the
young people of the order. Th peo
ple of Clackamas always give enjoyable
fetes and all who want to spend a quiet,
profitable day can not well let the op
portunity escape. The time is Saturday,
LabOr Day evely business firm which
ade will have the nrnferpnr'P nf tha no
.a iiicarincu ui 1110 par
tronage of labor union members 900.
Flour Best $3053.60.
Wheat Walla Walla 6263c; valley
64c05 ; bluestem 65 and 66a
. Oats White, 1.10; gray, 1.001.05,
Barley Feed $22; brewing $23 per ct.
Millstuffs Bran Ui! middlinoa oi .
shorts $18 ; chop $16. '
Hay Timothy $12(315: clover. 7.R(i
Butter Fancv creamery Sflandoi,..
store, 15 and 16.
Eggs 20 and 21 centa per doz.
Poultry Mixed chickens $3.504.50 ;
hens$45.50; springs $2,'4 .50; geese.
$45; ducks $23; live turkeys .
Mutton GroPB, 2)4 and 3; dressed, 6
cents per pound.
Hogs Dressed, 7 and 7, cents per
Veal Large, 7 and 8 cents per
Beef Gross.top steers,$3.00 and $4.00
dressed beef, cents per pound.
Cheese -Full cream 12Jc per pound
Young America V3)4 and 14,'c.
Potatoes $ .75 .83 per hundred,
new 1 c.
Hops 16 and 18c.
Ti"-jVr "w.'.j-'qMjt ""ir
poisons the blood, irritates
the nerve-cells and causes
aches and pains in the tem
ples, eyes, brain and spinal
cord. Headache, neural
gia, impaired appetite, indi
gestion, sleeplessness, nerv
ous exhaustion and des
pondency all point to the
weakened nerves that are
crying aloud for renewed
strength and health.
"My head was badly troubled, I
ached nil over and was weak and nerv
ous. One bottle of Dr. Miles' Nervine
and Dr. Miles Pills brought me out all
Hershal II. Jokes,
Klueiield, W. Va.
Df. Miles'
soothes the nervous irrita
tion, stimulates digestion
and builds up health and
strength. Begin to-day.
Sold by druggists on guarantee.
Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.
ANTED To increase my list of farma
and lands for sale, in all parts of the
county. Lands owned by non-residenta
represented and sold. H. E. Cross, At
torney at Law.
JTOR SALE 500 tracts of land. In
quire of O. A. Cheney, Oregon City.
FOR SALE Thoroughbred Holstein
Freisian bull, 10 montos old, aire and
dam Registered, or will exchange for No.
1 mi'.ch cow. Address Chas. N. Wait,
Oanby, Oregon.
TOR RENT Fjve room house on Tenth
Street. Apply to J. F. Rait, Courier
Herald Officer- (
1Q TEAMS WANTED to haul wood
at $1.10 per cord. Pay 11th of
each month. Good roads; swamping
done. W. H. Vanover, Beaver Creek.
JOR SALE Finishing Lumber by J.
A. Jones at his mill on the Abernethy,
2 miles eaBt of Oregon City. The mill
and machinery is also for sale, including
40-horses ingine and boiler. Address J.
A. Jones, Oregon City.
WANTED Chas. Schramm
to do sign work.
JK)R SALE Good grades Angora goats
by W. W. Irvin, Aurora, Or.
J)R SALE CHEAP-11 acres of land,
close to town. Addrees C. R. Live
say, Oregon City.
JONEY TO LOAN on approved real
estate and chattle security. G. B.
DuiicK, Attorney-at-Law, Stevens Build
ing, Oregon City, Oregon.
you at 6 per cent and 7 per cent on
and or chattels ; also a good farms for
sale worth $5000 each. $600 of city
money on approved security. John VV.
Lodeb, Attorney-at-Law, Oregon City.
?OR SALE Stock of tne Lelioy gold
mines, Bohemia, on at price "below
quotation. X, this office.
Labor DaV Buttons For Sale at 5c.
naoli ar 1?nrl.lMnl T 1
-.w, av rcurini XJttUUr
Union Office. The proceeds to be used
for celebrating Labor Daj.
RATTLE FOR SALE-17 cows and
calves, 28 dry cows, 17 yearlings, 1
registered Hereford bull, 1 full blood
short-horn bull. For further particu
lars, inquire Budd Smith ranch, 6 miles
ea.it of Molalla Corners.
600 11011 PICKERS WANTED-400
at Eola ranch, 6 miles southwest
of Salem, in Polk county, 207 acres;
200 at Riverside ranch, 7 miles north of
Salem, 114 acres. Best yards in valley
for hop pickers. ood, water and pas
ture free. Will close books as soon as
number required registers. AddreBB
Horst Bros. , Salem, Or.
JjUMBER Leave orders at this office
for first-class lumber of all kinds, or
address W. F. Harris. Beaver Creek,
of June 27, 1902. Send for free copy.
Consultation Free. No fee unless suc
817 14th St., Washington, D. C.
Hot soda at the Kozy Kand y Kitchen
Younger, the watchmaker, has moved
next door to Harris' Grocery.
Drs. R. B. and A. L. Beatie, dentists,
Weinhard building.
family. Apply Dr. Freeman, Ore
gon City
When you visit Portland don't fail to
get your meals at the Royal Restaurant,
First and Madison. They serve an ex
cellent meal at a moderate price ; a good
square meal, 15c.
Just Look at Her.
Whence came that BprigMly step,
faultless skin, rich, rosy complexion,
smiling face? She looks good, feels good.
Here's her secret. She uses Dr. King's
New Life Pills. Result: All organs
active, dieestion trood. no hpaHnehoa nn
chance for "blues." Try them your
self Only 25c at G. A. Hardins's.
Smith's Dandruff Pomade
stops itching scalp upon application,
three to six removes all dandruff and
will stop fallina hair. Price 50c. at all
Shattirs All Records.
Twice in hospital, F. A. Gulledge,
Verbena. Alu.. nuitl ft vaat anm in nnn
tors to cure a severe case of piles, cau3
ing 24 tumors. When all failed, Buck-
len's Arnipft &u1va snnn niirol him Cnl..
dues inflammation, conquers aches, kills
painB. Best salve in the world. 25c at
G. A. Harding's drug store.
The Best Kidney Remedy" """j
Is S. B. Cfttftrrb Hnrn aliiih r,r,aifii,T?Uf
cures pains in the back, loins or groins,
swelling 01 me nmos, nequent desire to
pass water, scanty, turbid urine sedi
ments in the urine resembling brick dust
and gravel in the bladder, all of which
leads to Bright's disease. For sale by
all druggists. Book ou catarrh free.
Address Smith Bros., Fresno, Cal.
Notice is hereby given that Hie undersigned lim
been Hppoiutoit' aiimlnistrntor of the estate ot
Lucy M. Campbell, deceased.
All persona hnvlng claims against the said es
tate are hereby notified to present the same duly
veritied aceordiHg to law and aocDtupanird by the
proper vouchers, to the undersigned at Oregon
City, within six mouths from the date of this
Dated this 4th dav of Atuut, YM2.
BRUCE C. Ct RRY, Administrator.
Attorney (or Administrator.
Physician, Sarjeon aid Oculist
Office In Barclay Building, Cor. Main and "th 8t
Calls Answered Promptly Day or Night
In the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for the
county of Clackamas.
Mary Lulu Deitz, plaintiff, vs. Frank V. Deitz,
To Frank W. Delta, the above named defend
ant: In the na.ne of the state of Oregon you are
hereby required to appear and answer the 00m
plaint filed against you In the above entitled suit
within six weeks from the first publication of
this summons; the first publication thereof as
ordered by said court being on tile 27th day of
June, 1902, and which Is the date of the flrat pub
lication of Ihe same.
And if you fail to so appear and answer, for
wnt thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court
for relief prayed for in the complaint herein, to
wit: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matri.
mony now existing between plaintiff and defend
ant, and deciecing that plaintiff have the custody
of the minor children named in said complaint,
This summons is served on you by publication
In the Courier-Herald, once a week for six
consecutive weeks, the first publication thereof
being mude in the issue of June 27, 1902, by order
of Hon. T. A. McBride, a Judge of the above en
titled court, duly made and entered therein on the
21st day of June, 1902.
Last inser'ion August 1, 1902.
MACMAlION, Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for the
CAunty of Clackamas.
Eldora Younger, plaiutill', vs. John R. Younger,
In the name of the state of Oregon, you are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you in the) above-named suit
011 or before Friday, August , 19H2, the same being
six weeks from the first publication of this sum
mons, mid you will take notice that if you fall to
so appear and answer said complaint, the plaintiff
will apply to the court for th relief demanded in
said complaint, to-wit : That the bonds of mat
rimony now existing betweeu you and plaintiff be
This summons Is publ shed by order of the Hon,
Thomas F. Ryan, county judge of Clackamas
couuty, In the Oregon City Couhikr-Hbrald, a
weekly newspaper of general circulation in Clack
amas oouuty, for six consecutive weeks, commenc
ing Friday, July 4th, and continuing each week
thereafter to and Including Fridav, August 8, 1902
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Clackamas.
John W. Doores, Plaintiff, vs. Rebecca Long
L. Hughes, Robert Murdock and P. J. Ridings
To L. Hughes and Robert Murdock said def en
dents. In the name of the state of Oregon: Y'ou are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you in the above entitled suit,
on or berore September 2nd, !!)(; and il you fail
to answer, for want thuanf, the plaintiff will
aoply to the court for -the relief demanded in
said complaint to-wit: '1 he partition and allot
ment in severity of a part of the Robert Allen
1). L, C., No. 42, in Sees. 4 and 0 in Tp. 0 S R. 1 K.
of the W. M., bounded and described as follows;
Beginning at the N. E. corner of said claim; run
ning Iheiice N. on the K. boundrv of said claim
63.41 chains to the S. E. comer of a tract of land
deeded to Enoch Skirvin; thence N. 80 3 30',
V. about 13 chains to the county road leading to
Silyerton; llieuco lu a southwesterly direction
along said road 8. 40 s 51' W, 8 chains and
63 links to Ihe S. corner of a tract of land deeded
to J. K Jack; thonce N. 4U5 9' YV. 10 chains
to the N. V. corner of said tract; thence N. 40 61'
E. 3.2s chains to the land deeded to P. J. Ridings;
thence N. 49 9' V. along said Ridings lutid 12.40
chains to the N. boundary of said claim; thence
W. on N. boundnrv of said claim 3.43 oliains to
the hind deeded to John V. Murdock ; tlieuce S.on
said Murdock's E. line 65.32 chains to Uie N. line
of a tract of land conveyed to J. F. Myers; thence
Noitheasterly Rlong said Myers N. line 9 25 chains
to the N, E. corner thereof; thence N. on the
chum line 2.25 chains to the re-entrant corner of
said claim, thence E. 011 the 8. boundary of said
claim 25.15 chains to plaoeof beginning; except
ing therefrom a strip of uniform width off the
westerly side of said described tract, said strip to
exlend southerly from the centre of the afore
mentioned county road to the 8. boundary of said
D. L. O. and wide enough to comprise 30 acres.
Ihe plaintiff to have a life estate in the whole be
sides a fourth interest in the fee, and the defend
ants, L. Hughes, Kobert Murdock and Rebecca
Long, each to have a one fourth interest in fee
subject to said life estate.
This summons is published by order Hon. T A
McBride, Judge of said Court, made and d .t.d
July 8th, 1902, the first publication of this sum
mons being had on July 11th, 1902.
C, U. & 1). c. LATOURETTE,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for
the couuty of Clackamas.
M. Reed, plaintiff, vs. W. L. Reed, defendant.
To W. L. Reed, said defendant.
In the name of the state of Oregon: Y'ou are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against yau in tne above entitled suit,
011 or before September 2nd, 1902, and
if you fail to answer for want thereof, the plain
tiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded
In said complaint to-wit: the dissolution of the
marriage contract existing between said parties.
This summons is published by order of Hon.
Thomas A. McBride, judge of said court made
and duted July 8th, 1902, the first publication
dated this July 11th. 19U2.
0. 1). oi I). C. LATOURETTE,
Attorneys for PUiu.iff.
In the circuit court of the state of Oregon for
the county of Clackamas,
Rosa 'Cordray, plaintiff, vs. A. E. Cordray.
defendant. "
To A. E. Cordray, said defendent
In the name of the state of Oregon; You are
hereby required to appear and mswer the com
plaint filed against you In the above entitled
suit, on or before Sdpteinber 2nd, 1902, and if you
fail to answer, for want thereof, tne plaintiff
will apply to ihe court for tbe relief demanded In
said complaint towlt: The dissolution of the
marriage contract existing between said parties
This summons is publishej by orderof Hon'
Thomas A. McBride, j udge of said court, mail 0 anil
dated July 8th, 1902, the first publicaiiuu dated
tlus July Uth, 11)02. K eQ
Attorneys for Plalutiir.
In the circuit oourt of the state of Oregon for
Clark.iiiHi co.intv. '
Anna Whitlle'd, plaintiff, vs. Albert G. Whitfield
defendant. '
To Albeit G. Whitfield, the above-named de
ft ndiini : In the name of the state of Oregon you
are htieoy commanded to appearand answer the
rompluint tiled against you in the above entitled
court 011 or before August 9, 1902, after six week's
publication of this summons, and if you fail to
so appear, for want thereof the plaintiff will take
judgment against you as prayed in said com
plaint, vl: A decree of divorce between vou
and plaintiff-, and the change of plaintiff's name
to Annalautfest.
This order is made by Thomas F. Rvan indue
of theconntv ennrf f I 'I -.b .,....:.. AJ "
June 25, 1902. UrU0n'
iirsl publication June 27,1902,
JOHN W. lODER, Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon Fr
Clackamas County. s rur
ant'"'" S,0U' Plal",iff "' Edlvin L- Scot'. Defend
To Edwin L. Scott, the defendant ab ,ve ntmM
In the name of the State of Oregon, you ar. hereby
required to appear and answer trie complaint ft'el
against you in the above entitle 1 Court and cause
on or before the 22d day of September, 1902. and if
you fail so to appear and answer, the plainUff wil
apply 10 the Court for the relief demanded in her
said complaint, to wit . For a decree dissolving the
bonds of matrimony now existing Between main,
tiff and delendan. f.,r alimony ami at orney s fee
and for the casto- and control of the minor child
ren named in J.J complaint, and for costs and
disbursements of? this suit, and for such other a d
X'able " 10 '"" CUrt mi-vseera j" d
This summons Is publi-hel bv order sf ri
Thomas F. Ryan, Jud-e of the Countv Cn,,
Count, of Clackamas: Oregon, du"? made "I 'l'
tered on the 4th dav of August; lw' e"'
The date of the first publication of this summon,
as directed by said order is August 7 lii r" nT?P
last tnereof is September lvh l'.'" ' 1 the
IVSt. REID, "'
Attorney for Plaintiff.