4 I c. OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAY, AUGUST 1, 1902. Poor lime has its ending IMVxi-elJ" Good time has its beginning in an WATCH Every Elgin watch has the word "Elgin" engraved on the works, and Is gunriinteod agulnst original defect of every character. A booklet about watches will be mailed to you for the asking. ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH COMPANY, Elgin, Illinois. RED FRONT Court House Icck Oregon City Ore Look at This ! For the next 60 days for Cash we will give 10 per cent off on Pry Ctooris, Boots, liocs AND Furnishing; 4oo1 RED FRONT TRADING CO. OREGON CITY, ORE. COURT HOUSE BLOCK Everything Tnsh, Heat and Chan, AT Straiten Bldq. meat market of fi.Betbke Opposite Suspension Bridge, Oregon City " OUT OF HIS CLASS. 1 Didn't Occur to the Elephant That the Tortoise Curled No Trunk. An elephant that bad read the fable of the tortoise that by strict attention to business had won a race from a hare that indulged In sleep, gentle sleep, during the progress of the race, decided to profit by the hint given by Mr. sop, so he challenged a rabbit to a contest of speed and offered to bet genuine money on the result. "Tou are on," said the rabbit, and the course was measured, judges were selected and press agents secured. "It Is a cinch," said the elephant. "I weigh between fonr and five tons. That hnre In racing form weighs twenty-two ounces. I will win by three long city blocks." "If that pachyderm Is figuring on my being dopy," said the rabbit, "he will Siscover that he has been smoking the wrong brand himself, for I am troubled with insomnia, and I never sleep. What resting I do Is after the running haB ended and the shouting has commenc ed." The race was run, and those who had placed their money on the elephant never saw It again. The rabbit covered the distance before the elephant had moved his ponderous legs three times. Moral. The elephant was out of his class. Judge. Satidfled Anyhow. "Maria," said the colored citizen, "I feels lak my time hez come at las'. I Is mighty low." "Ain't you been eatin' de kunnel'g watermillions?" "Oh, yes." "Well, didn't you know he done pi lened de las' one er um?" "Did he pizen um ?" "He sho' did." "Dat settles me. But, Maria" "What you want?" "I wuz all day at um, en I eat nine befo' I quit.'' Atlanta Constitution. Amblisuoiifl. "Mr. Grumply." said the landlady se. rerely, "I heard you at the table this noon ask Mr. Smith if the hash was at his end of the table. When he replied that it was, you said, 'Pass It up!'" "Yes'm. I er well, what about It?" stammered the star boarder. "This about it, sir. I want to know whether that remark was intended as a request or piece of advice!" Balti more News. 1IO! FOR NEWPORT! Selling iHor ou jj at Cost 'ays To make room for new Fall Goods, which will be a lamer and more complete stock than has ever before been carried at the i RACKET TME Do not pass us by but come and investigate. Ladies' Dress Skirts White Skirts ' Colored Skirts " Chemise " Drawers " Fine Underwear " Lace Hose Children's I lose Coret Covers Corsets Sutibonnets, 20c Gloves, 20c Mitts, ioc, 15c, 20c Ladies' Silk Ties All kinds of Laces Ribbons, ic yd. and up New Lot Ladies' Wrappers Table Linen Napkins, Towels Knit Shawls Shirt Waists Oegon's Favorite Seaside Re sort. 'Recognizing the advantage of New port hh a summer reBort over other Fea side resorts in the northwest, and to make it possible for all who desire to do so to spend their vacation by the ocean waves, the Southern Pacific Company, in connection with the Corvallis & Eastern Railroad, will place on Bale, ef fective June 15th, round-trip tickets from all points in Oreiron on the South ern Pacific to Newport, good for return until October 10th, at specially reduced rates. For full information please in quire of your local agent." Pretty Safe Rule to Go By. When there is a feeling that the heart or lungs, blood or liver, brain or nerves are diseased, at once commence to doc tor the stomach. That is the founda tion of the trouble in 90 cases out of every 100, Commence to regulate the di gestive organs, get them in healthy working condition, and the other troubles will leave of themselves. Diseases which have their beginning in the stom ach must be cured through the stomach. The medicine for stomach disorders and half the ills of life, is Dr. Gunn's Improved Liver Pills. These pills put all the digestive organs in good condi tions so that disease has no bapis to work upon. They are sold by all drug. gists for 25 centH per box One pill is a dose. We will Bend a box post-paid, on receipt of 25 cents or to anybody who wants to try them we will send 2 pills free. Send name and ad 'ress to Dr. Gunn, Philada., Pa. For pale by Char nian .k Co., Druggists. Hose Supporters Men's Underwear, Sox, Pins, Needles, San Silk, Knitting Cotton, 15rcnaird & Armstrong Embroidery Silk, Sewing Silk 2 and Thread. T Newly Furnislied and Refitted. Optn Day and Night. Georra Bros. Restaurant and Lunch Counter Opp. Electric Hotel, Oregon City Has No Superior in the City. Meals at All Hours. ahutacturing M J.YJL .AM).. WATCH REPAIRING A SPECIALTY Fitting Spectacles and Kije Glasses By Up-to-Date Methods. Examination Free, by PHILLIPS, The Optician A. N. RIGHT The Iowa Jeweler, 293 Morrison, near 5tn Xew Sprinkling Rules. To accommodate the merchants with more Convenient hours for sprinkling streets and sidewalks so as to lay the dust, the Board of ater Commissioners have amended the rules to permit the use of water between the hours of seven to nine, a. m., and two to four, p. m. Lawn aod garden sprinkling, or irri gation, can be done only curing the hours as previously published, six to eight, a. m., and six 10 eight, p. m. When Sifkncss Comes to the head of the family the bread winner, the omnipresent thought is "Have I safely provided for the wife and little ones?" Nine times out of ten, "No" is the answer. It is then too late, however, to do anything. The e sential thing to do is to prepare now for what may occui at anytime. An investigation of the Mas sachusetts Mutual's new policies and bonds, will, without a doubt, bring to jour notice a contract that will exactly suit your case. If interested, fond a postal, giving your name, address, oeeupaton iiml dale of birth, when an illustration will he sent you, showing kxacti.y what the company will do for vm. No guess work about it, as the dividends are paid AXM Ai.i.Y and not with I eld for twenty vears or so, and then not paid unless the contract is in force at that timh. 11. U. I 01. TON, Manager Pacific Coast l'ept , Chamlx'r of Commerce, Portland, Or. fit! IS And other working women know what it is to have work that must be done at once and yet cannot be done without great physical suffering. There are times when a woman's condition is such that every pressure of the foot on the treadle of the sewing machine means sharp suffering. The typewriter, too, must keep at her post even when the keys of the machine blur into a confused blotch of black and white before her aching eyes, and every touch of her fingertips jars her nerves almost beyond endurance. It's the same with every kind of woman's work. There are times when it can only be done at the expense of great suffering. In such cases there is a strong temptation to spur the flagging energies by the use of a little stimulaut, or to take some nerve-numbing drug to dull the present pain. Either practice is dangerous and may prove deadly. The need of the woman is not stimulation but strength, not to numb the nerves but to nourish them. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription perfectly satisfies the need. It works wonders for weak, run-down, worn-out, over -worked women, whether they work at home or abroad, in factory or in office, school-room or store ; whether they sit all day at the sewing machine or at the typewriter. It contains no alcohol and is entirely free from opium, cocaine and all other narcotics. It is purely vegetable and a powerful invigorating tonic. It makes weak women strong and sick women well. It cures nervousness, backache, head ache, sleeplessness, mental anxiety, despondency and other maladies which are but the consequences of disease of the delicate womanly organism. "Please accept my thanks for the benefit received from your medicine," writes Mrs. Nancy C. Dodd, of Red Top, Dallas Co., Mo. " I was not able to sit up all day and had been sick about three months when I first wrote to you for advice. Had tried two different doctors but they failed to cure me. One said that I had in herited heart and stomach trouble from my mother. I had smothering spells, two and three every twenty-four hours. Had pain in back of head and my stomach would pain me after eating. I could eat nothing but crackers and these would hurt me. Had pain in right side; could not be moved without suffering excruciating pain. Life was fast be coming a burden to me, as I had given up all hope of ever being better until death would end my sufferings. What I suffered, both in mind and body, cannot be imagined. But for my unbounded faith in God's goodness and mercy I doubt not I would have given up and died. I was so weak, nervous, and down-hearted, I thought I would have to leave my husband and little ones. Never a night was I free from worry. Had female weakness, cold hands and feet. After spending almost everything for doctor bills, and having read so much about Dr. Pierce's medicines, I concluded to try his 'Favorite Prescription.' Took two bottles and then wrote to Dr. Pierce for his advice. Got a prompt repiy, advising me to take his ' Golden Medical Discovery ' and Tleasant Pellets,' and to use Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy locally for inflammation of the uterus. I followed the directions given, and took nine ottles of the 'Favorite Prescription,' five of the 'Golden Medical Discovery,' six vials of the 'Pleasant Pellets,' and used also one bottle of the 'Catarrh Remedy,' as directed. I improved fast while taking his medicine. I can now do my own work for my family and take in sewing and any kind of work. My sister came to see me; she said two years back she did not think I would ever be straight any more, that I was drawn over in my shoulders; but my shoulders are not drawn over now." "I take pleasure in writing to let you know the great good I received from your 'Favorite Prescription ' and 'Pleasant Pellets,' " says Mrs. Nora Gaddie, of Rio, Hart County, Ky. BI took seven or eight bottles ot avorite Prescription ' and one or two vials of the ' Pellets.' Think I would have been in tn., grave had it not been for your medicines. Now I thank you a thousand times for your advice. It has been about four months since I took the medicine. I was all run-down, had loss of appetite, could not sleep at night, was nervous, had backache, black spots on my limbs, and sick headache all the time. I have not had sick headache since I took your medicine." Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription establishes regularity, dries weakening drains, heals inflammation and ulceration and cures female weakness. It encourages the appetite, tranquilizes the nerves and induces refreshing sleep. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets should always be used with " Favorite Prescrip tion " whenever a laxative is required, as they assist the action of that remedy. They are small in size and easy and pleasant to take. Sick women are invited to consult Dr. Tierce by letter, free. All letters are held as strictly private, and the written confidences of women are guarded by the same strict professional privacy observed by Dr. Pierce and his staff in personal consul tations with weak and sick women, at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Sometimes a dealer, tempted by the little more profit paid on the sale of less meritorious prepara tions, will offer a substitute for " Favorite Prescrip tion" as "just as good." Judged by its record of curee of womanly ills, there is no other medicine just as -ood as " Favorite Prescription." people's il JMEDICAL JJl I "EVERYTHING MADE PLAIN." "I thank you most sincerely for the 'Common Sense Medical Adviser,'" writes Mrs. Charles E. Thompson, of Georgetown, Eldorado Co., Calif. " It is a splendid book, and everything is made so plain in it that any one can understand. I would not part with mine for anything." Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, con taining over one thousand large pages, is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Send 31 one-cent stamps for the cloth -bound volume, or only 21 stamps for the book in paper covers. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. I'lJIIHtBW Ml H INDIGESTION is tho Cfiiisn of more tlituvmfort thnn any other ailmont. If yon eat the tiling- thtU vou want, nil! tli u f tut1 p'M for yon. vu mo iStivsi1'l. Ackfi'i lvpi'isirt TmIiIoIs will m;tk your diction j'OrtVol nn-1 prevent ilysprpU nmUts HtU 11(1 'lit .iKiKl't t;lt. 0 !M" plOIllS V-'li onn anft'Iy out unythitm, Ht ftny Uin' if you Mfce one ot thpno tablets afierwrtnU, iSulii by 'nil .irui;;its under poMtlvP mmrantit) ; cfiits. Money rfuihhxl it J vou an not stt!i-nV1. tMul o for a free nam- tUe. W. II. lUVer A Co., .Kuffulo, X, Y , or i Howell .fe.JoilM, itmgsUtft. i waii Paper a Complete Line is the time to buv vouH I Now is the time to buy your wall paper and Murrow, the paper hanger, will sell it to you cheaper han you can buy it in Portland. Drop a card in the postoffice and have sample-book brought to your house, or telephone Ely Bros.' store J. MURROW, Oregon City DR. KING'S try new discovery FOf? THAT COLD. TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. Cures Consumptioii,Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Pneumonia, Hay Fevcr,PIeu risy, LaGrippe, Hoarseness, .Sore Throat, Croup and Whooping Coim'h. NOCUf?E. NO PAY. ric50c. and$1. TS'4L BOTTLES FRiiS Sick Ili(nlaolip Abolutly ami rernia nently euiil by mine Mukl To, A pVrhuI lierlwlrink. Cuivs consrlj.aii.in rtnu iinliircstion, ninkes you eilt.slwp, work ami hnppy. SlUl'.totiim, piuirnntewl or monev back : -.o iiml 60o. Writ to W. 11. Hooker A , HutT,ilo, X. Y, for a tree siunpU, or Howell i Joues, dnigfiata. Fine Footwear For ladies, gentlemen and children you will find in our stylish and up-to-date stock. Our handsome and durable $3.50 shoe for men can't be equaled fcr wear, quality or style, and our women s line $o.uu snocs arc the acme of comfort Sncdgrass, Fotografer Gives a Large PORTRAIT FREE With all Cabinet Photos. This offer is ,mnA until Tnkr 4tli il,r All U and graceful outline. Our ! etiictiv up-to-date. prices will suit. Kranssc Bros. All kinds of bicycle repairine, lock work anJ Faw tiling nt Johnson fe Lamb's bicycle shop, opposite Barlow's gro cery. Give them a trial anJ be satis ed." THE SURE WAY to prevent pneumonia and ennsnmptfnn I? to rnre your cold when it tinst ftpp mre. Acker's En ellsh Kemedywill stop the cough In r night, and drlra the coM out o! your system. Alwayj a quick ami sure core for asthma, hronehiti., and all throat and lun troubles. If It does not satisfy vou the dniecUt will refund vourmnnev. Writ. j to ns for free sample. W". H Hooker & Co., Buf ' falo, S, Y., or Howell & Jones, druggists.