Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, August 01, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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The Street Parade Will Be a Pageant of Splendor
All kinds of Sport
Ball Games, Hose Races
Foot Races
And Races to See the Show
Phone, Main 264.
Shout line
AND Union Pacific
tt8he east
The 0. R. & N. Co.
Gives the Choice oi
9:00 a. m.
9:00 p. m.
6:00 p. m.
ST. PAUL and
Ocean Steamers leave Portland everv
5 Days for
Boats leaves Portland daily for Willam
ette and Columbia Kiver Points.
Monthly Steamers to China and Japan,
For full Information call on or address nearest
O. R. & N. Ticket Agent, or address
A. L. CKA1G, G, P. A.,
Portland, Oregon
Only transcontinental line
passing directly through
Salt Lake City,
Colorado Springs
and Denver.
Three splendidly epuipped trains
daily to all points East.
Through Sleeping and Dining Cars
and Free Reclining Chair Cars.
The most magnificent scenery In
America by daylight.
Stop overs allowed on 'all classes ol
For cheapest rates and descriptive literature
General Agent,
24 T bird Stieet, Portond, Oregon
The Dalles, Portland and Astoria
Navigation Co.'s
Strs. Regulator & Dalles City
Dally (exceptStinday) between
The Dalles,
Hood River,
Cascade Locks,
and Portland
Tonching at .way points on both sides of the
lOluuiuia liver.
Both of tie ebove slcamtrs have been re ul
and are in excellent cha j e for the season ofl 00
The Regulator Liue will endeavor loglveiU
peuons the best service possible.
For Comfort, Economy and Pleasure
travel by the steamers of lh Regulator
The above steamers leave Portland 7a. m.an
Dalles at8a. m.,and arriveat destination in amp
time for onteoing trains.
Portland Office, To Dalles Offlcs
Oak St. Dock. CourtMreet.
Giitisl if e
DYE are fast to sun Ugh
washing and rubbing. Sold by
C G. Huntley
npilnn Vim. ' i v.n T C? I
For Maygers, Rainier,
'latskauie, Westport,
Clifton, Astoria, War
renton, Flavel, Ham
mond, Fort Stevens,
Gearhart Park, Seaside,
Astoria and 8oashore
Express, Daily.
Astoria Express,
Astoria Express,
Daily, express Saturday,
Portland-Seaside Express
Saturday only.
8:00 A.M.
11:10 A.M.
7;00P. M.
9:40 P. M',
2i38 P. M
Ticket Office. 255 Morrison st. and Union Depot.
J. C. Mato, Gen. Pass. Agt.. Astoria, Ore.
Daily Round Trips, except Sunday
Leave Portland 7 A. M
Leave Astoria 7 P. M
and 1HETLAK0
Daily Trips ExcepiJSunday
Leave Portland, Mnn., Wfd.oml fri 7 A. M.
Leave The Dalles, Tues.Thms and Sat. .7 A. M.
Leave Portland, Tues , Thurs. and Sat 7 A. M
Leave Dalles, Hon., Wed. and Fri 7 A. M
Landing, Foot Alder street
John M. Filloun The Dalles, Ore.
A. J. Taylor Astoria, Ore.
J. J. Luckey Hood River. Ore.
Wolford & Wyers. While Salmon, WaHh.
J. O. Wyatt Vancouver, Wash.
R. B. Gilbreth ..Xyle, Wash.
John M. Totton Stevenson, Wash.
Henry Olmstead Carson, Wash.
Win. Butler Butler, Wash.
Whiskey Beans.
Something absolutely new ami
with which we have experi
mented for years.
One hran makes one plnss Ar
tificial Whiskey (Rye or bour
bon); six beans to the pint.
Just the thing for travelers, and
convenient for picnics, excur
sions, eto .
Contains ail the virtue of the
best whitskieB without the dele
terious effect. Made from the
pure vegetable matter, and guar
anteed to contain no poisonous
or narcotic drugs of any descrip
tion. If a beverage is not desired, a
Bean may De taken in the mouth
without water, and the most ex
hileratiDg effect will be experi
enced. Box of 12 Beans, 50c
The Beans retail at 10 cents
each, and can be procured from
any druggist, faucy grocer or
first-class bar. For sale on din
ing cars.
One box sent post-paid on re
ceipt of 50 cents.
Ginseng Distilling Co.
Distillers of
Rye and Bourbon Whiskies,
A Letter From Litchfield, Neb.
Thomas Clancy, of Litchfield, Neb.,
wrote us a few weeks ago about his ex
perience with Dr. Gunn's Blood and
Nerve Tonic. As his case may be simi
lar to others it naturally would be ot
interest to them to know the result of
his teat. lie had been haunted for years
with a gradual growing weakness until
he was reduced to almost a shadow.
His complexion was sallow and pimply,
had dizzy and pinking spells, with loss
of memory and ambition. Always felt
tired and outdone, suffered greatly with
nervousness, and felt that his heart's
action wts weak. His digestion was so
poor his system received no nutriment.
He says he commenced the use of this
Tonic, taking one tablet after each meal.
He did not notice much change after
using one box only he enioyed his meali
better, still he kept on until he had ujed
six boxes. He used the last box more
than six months ago. When he stopped
the use of Tonic he weighed 28 pounds
more than he did when he commenced.
Has not been tick a day since, and la
well in both mind and body. Dr. Gunn's
Blood & Nerve Tonic is the best medi
cine in the world for pale, weak or sick
ly women. Sold by all druggists for 75
cents per box, orEent by mail on receipt
of price. Write us about your case. Ad
dress, Dr. Gunn, Philadelphia, Pa. For
sale by Charman & Co , Druggist.
All Unions
Tuesday, July 29.
A colossal fight ip in sight between rail
road properties aggregating altogether
$6,000,000,000, George J. Gould, repre
senting the YVabah interests, being on
one side, and A. J. Cassatt, represeit
ing the Pennsylvania interests, on the
The coal trust has a store of anthra
cite coal in New York city of 1,200.000
tons, and has raised the price, thanks to
the strike, to $10 per ton.
In a speech delivered at Paarl, Cape
Colony, Gerieral Botha said that tfouth
Africa was their fatherland was under
one flag, hut that the Boers had noi
been vanquished.
That the Fitzsimmons-Jeffries fight
was a fake has been proved without a
doubt. It was known by San Franeit-co
epo.its the day beforehand that Fitz
would lose in the eighth round.
Near the headquarters of the Sanger
Flume and Lumber Co., California, a
Sequoia gigantea tree has been discov
ered with a diameter of more than 50
feet, which is believed to be about 7000
years old.
Wednesday, July 30.
The Lordon Daily News states that
the three oil interests of Rockefeller,
Rothschild and Nobel have formed the
world's greatest trust.
King Edward has so far recovered
that he is able to walk about on hit
Harry Wr'ght. nho is wanted for bs-
sifting Trar , the oiiilaw, to eecap9, ha s
bteq seen in Lane county.
Fisst car of new wheat came into
Portland from Eastern Washington
Since January 1, 2,000,00!) bushels of
wheat have been shipped from the Pa
cific Northwest for South Africa.
The coast of the Gulf of California has
been ravaged by a cyclone. '
The revolution continues in Colum
bia. Twenty-three natives of the island
of Mindoro confess they murdered four
Near Cape Town Generals Botha and
Delarey were given an ovation. Botha
delivered an address.
A Blight earthquake was felt in Ne
braska. A socialist revolutionary periodical
printed at Stuttgart will be regularly
circulated in Kussia under sealed letter
In Eastern Washington Utah farmers
depending on irrigation by means of
mountain streams have sutured great
losses fi-ji the denuding of watersheds
by the sheepmen.
At Shenandoah, Pa., 1000 strikers
have been making riotous demonstra
tions. A newly devised shell whose secret is
known only in Uncle Sam's navy,
pierces 14-lnch Kupp steel, which is
thicker than the iron skin of any for
eign warship,
The Iowa republican state convention
expresses itself strongly against trusts
and for tariff revision.
In a collision between two. British
schooners off Malacca, Asia, 40 lives
were lost. One of them sank.
The loss by floods jn southwest Texas
is enormous.
The Russian government is trying to
devise meanB for alleviaing the wide
spread, alarming depression in agricul
ture. The peasantry at one point are in
rebellion and destroying factories.
The Australians want a navy.
At Cindad Porfirio Diaz, Mexico, two
Mexicans killed one another on account
of a woman. She still lives.
Tickets to the semi-private dinner at
Cape Town in honor ofGeneial DeWet
sold at a premium of five guinea.
At church last Sunday Generals Botha
and Delarey were received by the con
gregation with a most enthusiastic wel
come. At San Francisco, the W. U. Tel. Co.
discharged four of its beet operators for
joining the telegraphers' union.
The corn crop of Kansas, Nebraska
and Oklahoma will be a half billion
Nearly four millions in gold left New
York for Europe on July 30.
July 31.
The European wheat crop is estimated
to be about 11,000,000 quarters larger
than last year. m
The Columbia river salmon pack for
tliisjearis etimated at 300,000 cost.
The funeral of Chief Rabbi Jacob Jo
seph, in New York city, precipitated a
street fight between the thousands of
Address J. H,
Hebrews in attendance and the inmates
of R. Hoe & Co.'s factory on Grand
W. S. Devery, the noted politician of
New York city, give a picnic and dinner
to six great shiploads of women and
children from the ninth district.
In a Mot at She;iandoah, Pa., started
by foreign strikers, sevaral persons were
killed or severely hurt.
At Kure, Japan, 700 blue jackets
cleaned out sundry of the native eetab
li.h.nents. Nearly 9,000,000 feet of lumber shipped
by water from Portland in July.
Henry L. Shattuck, of Shellsbursr,
Iowa, was cured of a stomach trouble
with which he had been alllicted for
vears, by four boxes of Chamberlain's
Stomach andiLiver Tablets. He had
nrevlotislv trieH- manv other rempdipn
and a number of physicians without re
lief. For sale by G. A. Harding.
Look Pleasant, Please.
Photographer C. C. Harlan, of Eaton.
O., can do so now, though for years he
couldn't, because he suffered untold ag
ony from the worst form of indigestion,
Ali physicians and medicines failed to
help him till he tried Electric Bitters,
which worked such wonders for him
that he declares they are a godsend to
sufferers from dyspepsia and stomach
troubles. Unrivaled for diseases of the
stomach, liver and kidneys, they build
up and give new life to the whole sys
tem. Try them." Only 50c. Guaran
leedby.G. A. Harding, druggist.
Letter List.
The following is b'st of letters remain
ing in the Post Ollioe at Oregon City,
Juiy ai, rjiK:
women's list.
Reed, Miss Ohristenn,
Seckle.r, Miss May A.j
Yeska, Mrs. Win.
men't list.
Adams, Chas. Morris, Ralph M.
Agoten, Rhudhoff Montgomery, Weld
Bailey, E. on W.
Bnrroeghs, Frank Pollard, Mr.
Campbell, R. A. (2) Redden, B. L.
Everett, Martin Robertson, C. A.
Foiety. Geo. Shuck, Linno W.
Frazer, Frank J. Shuhtrt, Win. F.
Herrick, H. Schinder. F.
Holmes, vVnj Wyman, A. J.
Zambloch. Claude.
Gno. F. Hokhon, P. M,
A Cure for Cholera Infantum.
"Lait May," eays Mrs. Curtis Baker,
of Btokwalter, Ohio, "an infant child of
our neighbor's was sufferingfrom chol
era infantum. The doctor had given up
all hopes of recovery . I took a bottle of
Chamberlain's Cholic, Cholera and Di
arrhoea Remedy to the house, telling
them that I felt sure it would do good if
used according to directions. In two
days' time the child had fully recovered,
and is now (nearly a year since) a vig
orous, healthy girl. I have recom
mended this remedy frequently and
have never known it to fail in a single
instance." For sale by G. A. Harding.
State op Ohio, City of Toledo,)
Li'cas County. f
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he
is the senior partner of the firm of F. J.
Cheney & Co., doing business in the
city of Toledo, county and state afore
said, and that said firm will pay the sum
of one hundred dollars for each and
every case of catarrh that cannot be
cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Frank J. Cheney.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in
my presence, this 6th day of December,
A. D. 1880.
A. W. Gleahon,
Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally, and acts directly on the blood and
mucous surfaces of the eystem. Send
for testimonials, free. Sold by all drug
gists, 75c. Hall's family pills are tine
For 20 years I had been a sufferer
from bronchial troubles accompanied
with a hacking cough. I at times
suffered from extreme nervous pros
tration. About four years ago I be
gan taking Ripans Tabules, and since
then I have used them pretty con
stantly. I rarely retire at nigci with
out taking my Tabule, and I find they
keep my digestive organs (which nat
urally are weak) in good order, and
they also allay my tendency to ner
vousness and make me sleep.
At druggists.
The Fie-Cent packet is enongh for an or
dinary ocasslon. Tho family bottle, 60
cents, contain! a supply for a year.
Prizes Will Be Hung Up
In All Departments
All Business Houses
Will Be Represented
Howard, Manager, Box 374, Oregon City
The New Flat.
Mr. and Mis. Wellover started out
house hunting early one morning, In
tending to spend the entire day In
that occupation.
The agent of the first flat they ex
amined told them the rent would be
$20 a mouth, which was $10 less than ,
they had expected.
"Any objection to children?" asked j
Mrs. Wellover. 1
"None at all," replied the agent
"How often does the janitor wash
the windows?"
"Whenever you want them washed
nnd no oftoner."
"How about the stent-fluent?"
"We don't shut it off until the last
of May, and not then if the weather is
"What kind of janitor .have you?"
"He's-a good natuied man with an
impediment In his speech and can't
It was a second floor flat, with rooms
well lighted, as many closets as rooms,
a large pantry, deadened floors, all the
modern conveniences and was new and
in a good part of town.
"And only $20 a month!" murmured
Mrs. Wellover. "Can I be dreaming?"
Whereupon she pinched herself and
found she was. Chicago Tribune.
Reatanrant Cooka' reel.
When a cook applies for a place In a
restaurant, he says first:
"What's the waxes?"
And after he has learned about the
wases he goes on:
"Includln' grease?"
"Yes," is the answer, or else It la
"No," whereupon he resumes:
"Includln' bones?"
An inquisitive person the other day
heard a cook asking these strange ques
tions of a restaurateur, and the inquisi
tive person Inquired, "What on earth
did that cook mean?"
"Ho meant that he wished to know
if he would get the grease and bones
as perquisites," the restaurateur ex
plained. "The waste grease and bones
of a big eating house amount In the
course of a mouth to a great deal, you
know. Here we get monthly 3,700
pounds of bones, and they all go to the
cook. Ue sells them at a half cent a
pound, nnd thus they add $4.50 a week
to his salary." Philadelphia Record.
The Florin.
The florin, one of the most famous of
modern coins, originated In Florence.
Some say that It gave the name to the
city, while others assert that It was
first so called because It bad on It a
flower-de-luce, from the Italian florone,
or "flower," for the same reason that
an English silver piece Is called a
"crown," or certain goldpieces In
France indifferently a "napoleon" or a
"louis," or the ten dollar goldpiece In
America an "eagle."
Two countries, Austria and Holland,
havf) retained the florin as a unit of
monetary value, taking It at a time
when It wag very universal In Europe,
Its usage having been rendered general
by the financial supremacy of the little
states of northern Italy and" the Imper
fect coinage system of the other coun
tries of the continent
A July Snowatorm.
In the year 18T'9 a snowstorm swept
over New York on the Bth of July. It
W8;g Monday, and the fireworks, which
were thcD set off In front of the city
ball In celebration of the glorious
Fourth, had been kept over froih Sat
urday. The weather was pleasant
enough in the morning and during the
greater part of the afternoon, but to
ward dusk heavy clouds appeared In
the sky, a northwest wind followed,
the thermometer went down to 81 de
greesone decree below freezing and
the snowfla'kes rame down at a lively
gait Men who went out thnt night
wore their winter overcoats and, did
not flud them uncomfortable, for the
cold Lasted for hours. New York Press.
I!l TTevoiiKe.
Mr. De Lone (on being introduc-d)
Miss Coquette and I have met befoo.
Miss Coquette (coldly) Yes. I e
menjber now.
"We will l"t bygones be bygone'- fur
time 'heals all wounds and no U .t 1
was a very billy hoy at the time."
"I must have been. It was ten enrs
ago, and your reason for refus-" : me
was thut you were old enmiuti to ' my
APC illit
Poets have beet
fomd of likening
woman to a flower.
H.-r fairness is
tlc-werlike. Het
sweetness suggests
th'.' flower fragranw.
1! i very frajilily
fir.il- its type again
in the frail flower, which languishes when
neglected, and is so easily uestroyed. It
is a pretty simile and almost as perfect as
All women love flowers, and every woman
who grows them knows that their health
depends on daily care. Not alone are
water and sunshine necessary to the health
m" the plant. Their leaves and roots must
beguiui;d from the parasites which soon
destroy the flower's beauty and undermine
its life.
If a woman would care for herself as she
does for her plants she would preserve her
beauty and retain her strength far beyond
the period when the"uverafre woman looki
old and feels older than she looks.
Of woman's preservation of her beauty
lies in the intelligent care of the womanly
health. So close is the relation between
the health of the delicate womanly organs
and the health of the whole body, that
whenever the feminine functions are de
ranged or disturbed the consequences are
felt bv everv nerve in the body. Severe
headache, backache, pain in the side, and
bearing-down pains are borne with by so
many thousands of women that one who is
in sound health is a rare exception. Most
women would give anything to know how
to be cured. The way isery plain. Fol
low the path made by more than a half n
million women who have been perfectly
cured of womanly ills and, weakness.
"I believe I owe my life to Dr. Pierce's Favor
ite Prescription ami Pleasant Pellets,' " say
Mrs. Mnrin O. Hnvzol, writing from Drooklanil
D.C. "Six years'axo, after the birth ol one of
my children, I was kit in a weak, run-down con
dition. My henllh seemed utterly gone. I suf
fered from nervousness, female weakness and
rheumatism, and I suffered everything one could
suffer from these complaints. Lite whs a burden.
1 doctored with three different physician and
got no relief. I tried several patent medicines,
all with the same result. 1 began to get worse,
and to add to the complications I suffered ter
ribly from constipation, I chanced to see one of
your advertisements and concluded to try the
above remedies. l commenceu to laice ut.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription and 4 Pleasaul
Pellets' and bean to improve rieht away, and
continued improving and paining in strength. I
cannot express the relief, it was so great. Seven
months later niv little daughter was born with
out much trouble. I feel that I would never
have been able to endure my confinement had
it not been tor the help I received from hr.
Pierce's medicines. My baby was a fine, healthy
child, aud the only one I have ever been able to
nurse. She is now two years old and I have
never had to take any medicine since, so I feel
that your medicine tins made n lasting cure
with me. 1 owe so much ill thank, it would be.
imjiossihle for me lo express 1 y word or pen
how thaukful 1 am lo God aud Dr. Pierce."
Than the effect of Dr. Pierce's Favorite
Prescription. It makes weak women strong,
sick women well. It regulates the periods,
stops disagreeable drains, heals inflamma
tion and ulceration, and cures female weak
ness. It preiaris the wife for motherhood,
gives her vigor nnd physical strength, so
that the birth hour is practically painless.
It is the best of miiks because it contains
no alcohol, neither opium, cocaine, nor any
other narcotic. For working women in the
home, store or ix'.ioulroom it is an invalu
able medicine. It quiets the nerves, in
creases the appetite, and causes restful
and refreshing sleep. Nursing mothers
will find no tonic so beneficial to mothei
and child as Dr. Pierce's Favorite Presciir-
That question is often on a woman's lips,
for of her it is expected that she shall be
ready to do something in any emergency
in the home. When that question refer
to health, sickness or disease, the answei
will be found in Dr. Pierce's Common
Sense Medical Adviser. This grcat work
contains i'S large pages, aud is sent free
on receipt of '..cup to pay expense vt
mailing only. Send i one cent stamps fin
the book bound in paper or 31 stamps foi
the volume ill cloth binding. Address Dr
R..V. fierce, IHiffalo, N. Y.
.-. V:U'AA, )l'" !,l. AS,. j.'Jr Ml.
As til sVug tws
3s rw 2S.