V OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAY, AUGUST 1, 1902. 1 Good for You I Good for Us ' We ask you to compare our prices, our terms and our instruments with those that you secure elsewhere. We do this because we feel morally certain of wha the result of such a comparison will be. There's a good reason, a very good reason, why you should buy a piano from Eilers Tiano House, and you make a mistake if you ignore it. We know that our prices are lower on pianos and organs; we know that our terms arc easier; we know that we have the best instruments that money can buy. We want you to know it, too. It's just as much to your interests as it is to ours for you to find this out. There may appear a certain amourt of self interest in what we say here, but if your interests and ours are identical, as we can show you they are, we are doing you a favor to call your atter.tion to the superb line of Chickering, Weber, Kimball, Decker, Vose, and nearly 25 other leading makes of pianos that we carry, especially when you will save from $50.00 to $200.00 on an instrument by dealing with us. EILERS PIANO HOUSE 251 WASHINGTON ST. Opposite Cordray's Theatre. Four fine busy stores: Portland, San Francisco, Spokane and Sacramento. The Summer Season I'd full of dangers, particularly for the children, who not knowing the result of eating unripe fruit, indulge themselves, wiih the uaual griping pains in the stomach as a consequence. Mothers should have on hand at all times a bot tle of painkiller ( Perry Davis) which will a once relieve the sufferer; it is a safe, simple remedy and it should he kept in every house. Large bottles 25 aud 50 cents. Your Tongue If it's coated, your stomach is bad, your liver is out of order. Ayer's Pills will clean your tongue, cure your dys pepsia, make your liver right. Easy to take, easy to operate. 25c. All druggists. Want your moustache or heard a beautiful brown or rk:h black ? Then use BUCKINGHAM'S DYEtters RICTi. Of D.UOOI.T..O. R P. HAIL A Co. ,NHU, N. H. 1RED FRONT I Court Mouse Block. Oregon Citq, Ore. Straw and Crash Hats, below cost. Shirt Waists, - -36-inch Percales, Table Cloth, - - -Duck Skirts, in colors, Men's and Boy's Caps, Men's Fancy Dress Shirts, Neckties, - -Men's Sweaters, -Boy's Men's Heavy Shirts, , , Fancy Sox, We are making a big cut in the line of Shoes, Dry Goods. Call and examine RED FRONT, Court House Block , Oregon City MANHOOD ...... ArT'n am tut) horrorsot luipoteucy t i i'i s t; fit'ousta Uiouvcr, ui I Btrunt AND Mr I -n W,imvn and thoiirltmrrnnranNot all luiuuriUea. CTIIIEXK BtrongthensamtrV'stort'aRmallwpttWorKaiiR. frottttU. OIMM I'KN hi In the onl v known ri'rnedv to cure tihoulan opt-ratlon. Mtootwrnmonk nl. A written minnuitt'O (riven and imWv returned if six boxon does not eilocl m jwmittucuttiurft 5l.i)G a box, ilx for j.V0O, by mull. Hend for jru s u circular aud testimonials. AddruBS 01VOL MKOlClJi W CO., P. Oi 3778. San FraiH3isco,Cal IrSi44b Q. A. HARDING, Zmtgl8t, Oregon City Oregon Special sale Millinery at Red Front. The Best Prescription fur Malaria, Chills and Fever is a bottle of Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is simply iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No cure no pay. Price 50o. The best physic, Chamberlain's S om ach and Liver Tablets. EaBy to take. Pleasant in effect. For sale byG. A. Harding. " All Were Saved. "For years I suffered untold misery from bronchitis," writes J. II. Johnston, of Brouahton, Ga , "that often I was unable to work. Then, when everything else failed, I was wholly cured by Dr. King's New Discoveiy for consumption. My wife suffered intensely from asthma, till it cured her, and all our experience goes to show it is the bert croup medi cine in the world." A trial will con vince you it is unrivaled for throat and lung diseases. Guaranteed bottles 50c and $1. Trial bottles free at G. A. Harding's. from 35c up now 2z yd - from 20c from 75c Reg. price 25e Now J 5c " 75c " J 5c " 65c " 40 " 45c " " 1.00 " " " 25c " " ; " 85c : " 50c " 60c to 75c " - per pair, 5c in prices on everything Goods and Furnishing goods and get our prices. RESTORED I "CUPIDENE" ttonot a Uuiuus French nhysU'liin, will quickly cure you or all ner vous or disoa.si'8 of the gt'iu-rtulve orKitut, giu'h m Lost Manhood. IiiMunihitt, rntnslu tho Bm'k.fcH'mhml KuUsnions, Norvoua Dohuily, riiiU'U'H, ViiUuium to Martv, Kxlmiixtinji lriiluB, Vnrloooele and Coiistijmtlnn. 1 1 stops alt losaoa bv dnv or n!ht. i'revpnt quk'i.. lit 1 88 ol tlisoluirKO, which if not ohtvViM lomls to !rHwmtorrlHia and AN UNEXPECTED ANSWER.' Bright Yoangr ScOioUr'. RnpoiN Bright lonng Teacher. She was a bright young teacher in charge of a bright young class, com posed of many foreign children. To in crease their vocabulary she had. hit on a guessing game. She told tie class of what she was thinking, and they named the object. This time she had thought of the word "birthday," and the lesson went on in this fashion: "Now, little folks, I'm thinking of something you all have. You don't have it very often, Just once every year. Even I have one( What is it? I'll give you a minute to think, and when you are sure you know raise your hand," Hands began to go up rapidly. "My!" said this bright young teacher. "I really think I bav the best little folks in all this big school. They all think so fast, and I know they are thinking of the very thing I thought. I'm going to let Morris tell. I'm sure he knows." Morris rose to his feet and stood in the aisle in true military position, and like a shot from a "gun in response to the teacher's "Tell us what it is, Mor ris," came the ready answer: "A clean undershirt, teacher!" New York Telegram. Similar Desires. Mrs. Mulligan I'd rather hev the hull family sick than you. Mr. Mulligan So would I. 1 She Knew. "Can you tell me why it is," he growl ed as he began diving under the bed, "thnt my slippers always seem to get pushed clear over against the wall?" "Yes, dear," she answered pleasantly. "You can?" "Yes. dear." "Then why is It?" "Because you don't put them away in the slipper rack when you take them off, dear." Chicago Tost. , SatUfled. Senator Grab A man called on me this morning and offered me $1,000 for my vote on a certain measure, but I re fused it. Political Turist Bravol You ought to have the approval of your con science. ' ' Senator Grab I have. We finally agreed on $2,000. Boston Post. MUird. "Is Mr. Green at home?" asked the caller. "No, but he will be in very soon," ex plained Mrs. Green. "He has been planting flowers this morning and has just gone down to the florist's. You Bee, they sent the four o'clocks up, but neglected to send the key to wind them with." Judge. Lettered Leianre. "So you have seen better days?" ask ed the lady. "Yes, ma'am," answered Tatters, "I used to give short talks on things lit erary." "Ah, you were a lecturer?" "No, ma'am, a book agent" Indian apolis Sun. ' Pointed. "So you're in society ?" "Yes." "In real society?" "Yes." "Way up society?" "Yes.'; "Does society know it?" Had His Share. "So you think you won't camp out during your vacation this summer?" "No," replied the weary man. "We moved this spring, and I think I have had all the discomforts that I really need." Chicago Tost. Generous Hoatft. "I suppose those newly rich friends of yours will entertain in society next season?" "No," answered Miss Cayenne, "they' won't entertain. They will amuse." Washington Star. STOVS THE COI'GH AND WORKS OFF THIS COLO. Laxative Brouio-Quinine Tablets cure a cold iu one day. No cure no pay. Trice 25 cents. Shattirs All Records. Twice in hospital, F. A. Gulledga, Verbena, Ala., paid a vast sum to doc tors to cure a severe case of piles, eas ing 24 tumors. When all failed, Buck leu's Arnica Salve soon cured him. Sub dues inflammation, conquers aches, kills pains. Heet salve in the world. 25c at G. A. Harding's) drug store. The Best Kidney Remedy; Is S. B. Catarrh Cure, which positively cures paius in the back, loins or groins, swelling of the limbs, frequent desire to pass water, scauty, turbid urine sedi ments in the urine resembling brick dust and gravel iu the bladder, all of which leads to Bright's disease. For Bale by all druggists. Book on catarrh free". Address Smith Bros., Fresno, 01. Cncoaaeloua Humor. With the unconscious humor of the schoolroom and the extfrnination f,w are familiar, but in this respect tht prayer meeting and the board meeting that doles out parish relief remain al most untouched sources of fun. I Recently a trembling old lady at Camberwell appeared for parish relief. "But what is your son," she was asked, "that he cannot support you?" "Please, sir," she replied, "he's only a million aire." Amid the ensuing laughter thej learned that what she meant was com missionaire. Also quite recently at a prayer meet ing where the worshipers wished foi the restoration to health of some friend one of them prayed, "O God, restore unto us our brother if it doth not in terfere with thy perquisites." The sii uation was saved by the exclamation of an intelligent listener: "Halleluiah1, The Lord knows what he means!"-: London Chronicle. ' Irish Bird Beliefs. A Dublin journal, speaking about the beliefs about birds In Ireland, says that the blackbird and thrush are "wandering souls" whose sins must be expiated on earth; hence they are forced to endure the rigors of winter. Rooks, Jackdaws, bats, hawks and owls are animated by lost souls. The wagtail is called the devil's bird for no other reason, it is supposed, than that it cleverly evades the missiles thrown at it. A dead wagtail is a rara avis. The robin is calledGod's bird be cause it plucked a thorn from the cruel crown pressed upon the head of our Saviour and in doing so wounded its own breast. It forsakes a "cursed" graveyard. Sparrows, stares and plovers are on friendly terms with the fairies. The lark and the swallow are birds of good omen, but the latter should not rest on the housetop. tinman llollowness. If we look on the doings of a man with a merely worldly eye and pierce below the surface of character, we are apt to feel pitter scorn and disgust for our fellow creatures. We have lived to see human hollowness, the ashes of the Dead sea shore, the falseness of what seemed so fair, the moldering beneath the whited sepulcher, and no wonder if we are tempted to think "friendship all a cheat, smiles hypocrisy, words de ceit," and they who are what is called knowing in life contract by degrees as the result of their experience a hol low distrust of men and learn to sneer at apparently good motives that de moniacal sneer which we have seen, aye, perhaps felt, curling the lip at times. Robertson. "The Lady or the Tlffer?" Once, referring to "The Lady or the Tiger?" Frank R. Stockton said: "I cannot answer the question, for I have no earthly idea myself. I really have never been able to decide irhether the lady or the tiger came out of that door. Yet I must defend myself. Peo ple for years have upbraided me for leaving it a mystery. Some used to write me that I ted no right to impose upon the good nature of the public in that manner. However, when I started in to write the story I really intended to finish it, but it would never let itself be finished. I could not decide, and to this day I have, I assure you, no more idea than any one else." Milk and Crnokers. In the article on "Dietetics" in the Enclycopufdia Britaiinlca. which was written by Dr. T. K. Chambers, an em inent authority, the li.f,;rra.".?!;ii is giv en that Dr. Cheyne. a well known Kng llsh physician, spent sixteen years in the prime of his life without suffering or loss of vigor, while he succeeded in preserving his health and strength, on a dally allowance of only three pints of milk and only six ounces of crack ers. Through all those years he also kept up constantly the active practice of his laborious profession. ' The Two Orphans. Two little girls leaned over the fence that incloses the playground of the Lit tle Wanderers' home, says The Chris tian Register. "Oh, my!" said one. "Don't they have a good time? If I should be an orphan, I am coming here." "Oh," said the other, "the one at Rox bury is ever so much better. I would go there if I were an orphan." "I wouldn't," replied little girl No. 1) "'cause in this one I'd be near papa aud mamma." Who Sir Roger de Coverley Was. Sir Roger de Coverley was the name of a member of the imaginary club of twelve under whose direction Addi son's Spectator was professedly pub lished. He was an old school, bluff, good hearted aud simple English gen tleman. The dance named after him is an English coutra dance corresponding somewhat to the Virginia reel. A Bad Beginning. j "I have known better days, lady," began Faded James. "Yes, it's a wretched morning," re plied the farmer's wife, "but I've got no time to discuss the weather with you, bad as it is." And she shut the door aud left him. Philadelphia Bulle tin. Didn't Give It. "Willie, did you give Johnny Smith a black eye?" "No, ma'am." "Are you sure?" "Yes, ma'am. He already had the eye, an' I jest blacked it for him." Chicago Tost. Remember that you will never gain, but always lose, by being afraid to do the thing that seems to you right, by following the crowd without cultivat ing your own individuality. Ladles' Home Jurnal. It Cure JJL Me ? ' That's the personal question a woman asks herself when she reads of the cures of womanly diseases by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Why shouldn't it cure her? Is it a complicated case? Thousands of such cases have been cured by " Fa vorite Prescription." . Is it a condition which local doctors have declared in curable? Among the hundreds of thou sands of sick women cured by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription there are a great many who were pronounced incurable by local doctors. Wonders have been worked by "Favorite Pre scription" in the cure of irregularity, weakening drains, inflammation, ulcera tion and female weakness. It" always helps. It almost always cures. "Three years ago," writes Mrs. John Graham, of 2018 Plumb Street, (Frankford) Philadelphia, Pa., "I had a very bad attack of dropsy which left me with heart trouble, and also a very weak back. At times I was so bad that I did not know what to do with myself. My children advised me to take your ' favorite Prescription,' but I had been taking so much medicine from the doc tor that I was discouraged with everything. I came to Philadelphia two years ago, and pick ing up one of your little books oiie day began to read what your medicine had done for others, I determined to try it myself. I took seven bot tles, and to-day I am a strong, well woman, weighing 162 pounds. Have gained 29. pounds since I started to use ' Favorite Prescription.' " Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets clear the domplexkm and sweeten the breath. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISMENTS. yANTED To increase my list of farms and lands for sale, in all parts of the county. Lands owned by non-residents represented and sold. H. . Cross, At torney at Law. JOR SALE 500 tracts of land. In quire of O. A. Cheney, Oregon City. POR SALE Thoroughbred Holstein Freisian bull, 10 montos old, sire and dam Registered, or will exchange for No. 1 milch cow. Address Chas. N. Wait, Canby, Oregon. ;., POR RE NT Five room houee on Tenth Street Apply to J. F. Rait, Courier Herald Office. JW SALE Finishing Lumber by J. A. Jones at his mill on the Abernethy, 2 miles east of Oregon City. The mill and machinery is also for sale, including 40-horses ingine and boiler. Address J. A. Jones, Oregon City. JX)R SALE Good grades Angora goats by W. W. Irvin, Aurora, Or. fOR RENT Blacksmith shop aud tools. Address W. J. Lewellen, Springwater, Or POR SALE Fresh milch cow with Calf, three-fourths Jefsey. Gust Jof nson, Parkplace, Or. AN .'ED 10 teams wanted for haul ing wood. Good price. Inquire of Crown Paper Company. JHONEY TO LO AN on approved real estate and chattle security. G. B. Dimick, Attorney-at-Law, Stevens Build ing, Oregon City, Oregon. NDIVIDUALS MONEY to Loan to you at 6 per cent and 7 per cent on and or chattelp; also a good farms for sale worth $j000 each. $600 of city money on approved security. John W. Lodeb, Attorney-at-Law, Oregon City. pOR SALE OR TRADE 3-Inch wagon nearly new. Inquire of Richard Jen son, Carus, Or. yANTED Good girl forgeneral house work byM;s. John Schram. POR SALE Stock of tne LeUoy gold mines, Bohemia, on at price below quotation. X, this office. RATTLE FOR SALE-17 cows and calves, 28 dry cows, 17 yearlings, 1 registered Hereford bull, 1 full blood short-horn bull. For further particu lars, inquire Budd Smith ranch, (i miles ea t of Molalla Corners. 600 HOlJ PICKERS WANTED-400 at EoU ranch, 6 miles southwest of Salem, in Polk county, 207 acres; 200 at Riverside ranch, 7 miles north of Salem, 114 acres. Best yards in valley ior nop picuers. vooj, water and pas ture free. Will clna hnnL-O OO annn ,m number required registers. Address norsi jjros., eaiem, ur. JjUMBER Leave orders at this office for first-class lnmhnrnf nil L-i,i,la m address W. F. Harris. Beaver Cre'ek, uregon. , . i INDIAN WAR PENSIONS New law of J linn 27. 1)02. Snnrl fni fraa nnrvn Consultation FrfiH. Nn ffA tin nag ciw. cessfui. MILO B. STEVENS & CO., Attys, 817 14th St., Washington, D. C. Hot soda at the Kozy Kandy Kitchen Younger, the watchmaker, has moved next door to Harris' Grocery. Drs. R, B. and A, L. Beatie, dentists, Weinhard building. Prices to suit you all Millinery at Red Front. When you visit Portland don't fail to get your meals at the Royal Restaurant, First and Madison. They serve an ex cellent meal at a moderate price; a good square meal, 15c. Just Look at Her. Whence came that sprightly step, faultless skin, rich, rosy complexion, smiling face? She looks good, feels good. Here's her secret. She uses Dr. King's New Life Pills. Result: All organs active, digestion good, no headaches, no chance for "bines." Try them your self. Only 25c at G. A. Harding's." LEGAL NOTICES. SUMMONS. In the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for the county of Clackamas. Mary Lulu Deits. plaintiff, vs. Frank W. DeitZ, defendant. To Frank W. Delta, the above named defend ant: In the name of the state of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint died against you in the above entitled milt within iix weeka from the first publication of this ummom; the first publication thereof as ordered by said oonrt being on the 27th day of June, 1902, and which is the date of the first pub lication of ihe same. And If you fail to so appear and answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for relief prayed for in the oomplalnt herein, to wit 1 For a deoree dissolving the bonds of matrl. mony now existing between plaintiff and defend ant, and decieeing that plaintiff have the cuitody 01 'Uf minor children named in said complaint, i 8 8"n"i"s Is served on you by publication In the Coukiek-Hebaij), once a week for six consecutive weeks, the first publication thereof 2g m?i?e ln tlle lssue of June 27, 1902, by order J , Hn.T. A. Mt'Brlde, a judseof the above en titled court, duly made and entered therein on the 21stday of June, 1902. Last insertion August 1, 1902. MACM AHON, Attorney for Plaintiff. In the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for the n, . county of Clackamas. Ildora Younger, plaintiff, vs. John R. Younger, defendant. In the name of the state of Oregon, you are horeby required to appear and answer the com plaint ; filed anainst you in the above-named suit on or before Friday, August 8, 1902, the same being six weeks from the first publication of this sum mons, and you will take notioe that if you fail to so appear and answer said complaint, the plaintiff will apply to the court for th relief demanded in said complaint, to-wit : That the bonds of mat rimony now existing betweeu you and plaintiff be dissolved. This summons is publ shed by order of the Hon. Thomas F. Ryan, county jucige of Clackamas comity, In the Oregon City Courier. Hekald, a weekly newspaper of general circulation in Clack amas county, for six consecutive weeks, commenc ing Friday, July 4th, and continuing each week thereafter to and including Fridav, August 8, 1902. iik.0. C. &ROWNKLL, Attorney for Plaintiff. ' NOTICE OF ASSIGNEE'S SALE. In the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for the county of Clackamas. In the mattor oi the assignment of E. M. Atkin son, an inso.veut debtor. Nolioe Is hereby given that under and pursuant to an order of the above entitled court, duly made and entered in the above entitled matter, on the twelfth day of November, 9ul, requiiingaud com mantling me as assignee of the above named insol vent debtor to Bell the following described real property, to-wit! About fifteen acres in Oregon City claim, iu Clackamas county, state of Oregon, with the south boundary of Abernethy claim, and the Abornethy creek as the northerly boundary, with HcLoughlin avenue as shown on the plat of 'Buena Viata as the southerly boundary, with the eastern boundary of Oregon Ciiy claim us the easterly boundary aud the easteru line of blocks one hun dred and seventy-six (176), and one hundred and seventy.seven (177), in Oregon City, as the westerly boundary thereof, I, K. G. Caurleld, assignee of the above named E. M. Atkinson, will, on the 2d day of August, 1DU2, at. the hour of eleven o'clock iu the forenoon, at the front door of the county oourt house of Clackamas county, state oi Oregon, in Oregon City, soli at publio auction to the liighost , bidder for cash all of the aoove described real property. Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, this 30th day of Jmio, 192. E. G.CAUFIEI.I), Assignee uf E. M. Atkinson, an Insolvent debtor. NEWTON MoOOY, Attorney for Assignee. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the StatB of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. John W. Doores, Plaintiff, vs. Rebecca Long ti. Hughes, Robert Murdock and P. J. Ridings Defeudents. To L. Hughes and Robert Murdock said defen dents. In the' name of the state of Oregon! You are hereby required to appearand answer the com plaint filed against you in the above entitled suit, oil or berore September 2nd, 19(12; and il you fail to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will auply to the court for the relief demanded ill said complaint to-wit: The partition aud allot ment in severity of a part of the Robert Allen 1). L. C, No. 42, in Sees. 4 and 9 in Tp. 6 S., B. 1 E. of the W. M., bounded and described as follows; Beginning at the N. E. corner of said claim; run ning thence N. on the E. boundry of said cl.iim KUl chains to the 8. E. corner of a tract of land deeded to Enoch Skirvin; thence N. 8C 30', V. about 13 chains to the county road leading to Sllynrton; thonce In a southwesterly direction along said road S. 40 61' W, 8 chains aud 68 links to the 8. corner of a tract oi land deeded to J. E. Jack; thence N. 40 9' W. 10 chains to the N. W. corner of said tract; thenoe N.40s 61' E. 8.28 chains to the land deeded to P. J. Ridings; thenoe N. 49" 9' W. along said Killings land 12.40 chains to the N. boundary of said claim; thence VV. on N. boundary of said claim 3.43 chains to the land deeded John W. Murdock; thence 8. on said Murdock's E. line 65.32 chains to the N. line of a tract of land conveyed to J. F. Myers; thence Northeasterly along said Myers N. line 9 25 chains to the N. E. corner thereof; thence N. on the claim line 2.26 chains to the re-entrant corner of said claim, thence E. on the 8. boundary of said claim 25.15 chains to place of beginning; except ing therefrom a strip of nuiform width off the westerly side of said described tract, said strip to extend southerly from the centre of the afore mentioned county road to the S. boundary of said 1). L. 0. and wide enough to oomprise 36 acres. 1'he plaintiff to have a life estate iu the whole be sides a fourth interest in the fee, and the defend ants, L. Hughes, Robert Murdook and Rebecca Long, each to have a one fourth interest in foe subject to said life estate. This summons is published by order Hon. T. A. McUride, Judge of said Court, made and dated July 8th, 1902, the first publication of this sum mons being had on July 11th, l'.K)2. C, U. & D. c. LATOL'RETTE, Attorneys for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the circuit conrt of the state of Oregon, for theoouaty of Clackamas, M. Reed, plaintifCvs. W. L.Wd, defendant. To W. L. Reed, said defendant. In the name of the state of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint filed against yau in the above entitled suit, on or before i-epteuiber 2nd, 1902, and if you fail to answer for want thereof, the plnln tiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded In said complaint to-wit: the dissolution oi the marriage oontraet existing between said parties. This summons Is published by order of Hon. Thomas A. McBride, judge of said court made and dKted JnlvXth. liiiw iUn dthisJuTylTlwr oiiuunuu U. U. 11. U. LATOCRETTE, Attorneys for Plaiujff. SUMMONS. " Iu the clroult conrt of the state of Oregon for the county of Clackamas. Rosa Cordray, .'plaintiff, vs. A. E. Cordray. defendant. . " To A. E. Cordray, said defendent In the lUmP of th RtotA nfnu.nn. V-.. . -- v v. ivuii. xuuare hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you in the above entitled suit, on or before Hepieniber 2nd, 1902, and if you fail to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded In said complaint towit; The dissolution of the marriage contract existing betweeu said parties THiiR Rnmmnne la tiuhlidlia.4 i Thomas A. McBride, Judge of said court, made and """V1) ". m ui puuucauon dated -this July lltU. 1902. - a C. D. St D. C. LATOtJRKTTE, Attorneys for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the circuit court of the Mate of Oregon, for Clackamas countv, Anua Whitfie'd, plaintiff, vs. Albert O. Whitfield, defendant. To Albert G. Whitfield, the above-named de fendant : In the name of the state of Oregon yon are hereby commanded to appear and answer the complaint tiled against you in the above entitled court on or before August 9, 1902, after six week's publication of thu summons, and if vou fail to so appear, for want thereof Ihe plaintiff will take Judgment against you as praved In said com plaint, vii: A decree of divorce between you and plaintiff, and the change of plaiutitl s name to Anna laulfest. This order is made by Thomas F. Rvan lu.lie I jue 25, 1902. , uregon, tirsl publication June 27, 1902. JOHN W. 1.0DEB, Attorney for Plaintiff.