OREGON CITY GOURIER-HERALD, FRIDAY, AUGUST 1,1902. HairSplits "I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for thirty years. It is elegant for a hair dressing and for keeping the hair from splitting at the ends." J . A. Gruenenfelder, Grantfork, 1 11. Hair-splitting splits friendships. If the hair splitting is done on your own head, it loses friends for you, for every hair 'of your head is a friend. Ayer's Hair Vigor in i advance will prevent t!iv ' splitting. If the split:?-- ' has begun, it will step if.' ! JI.0O a bottle. All drugjlsu. i If your druggist ennnot supply you. send us one dollar and we will exureun VOU a bottle. Hn xura rwl ,-.. n.. r' ! . """I sill LUG Jltllilt or your nearest exnreBrs office. Address. V A A U1V XiUWOil, JUitSS. coooccocoocoooccocooocog CORRESPONDENCE 8 ooooocoooecoooooooooooooo Liberal. and daaeh'er, Annie, of visitirg friends for a few A J Mayille Caneniah, are days. Humor fajfaptftm sawmill will go up hi v -igni s Druige in the near future. Alias Waldron is visitn g Mr Akina' family for a few days. Brother Farmer, how about your twine, if-n't the price about riht for 60 cent wheat? No corner on twine, eh? We have to have the twine, spot cash. The shingle mill closed down today. The new buggy and the flyer seem to he going across the river often of lute. Look out, Johnnie, or you'll get left on that proposition. Farmers areahout done haying. liarl Jingle, road boss, had a crew of men graveling the Wiles road last week. Early-sown spring grain will Boon be ready for the binder-t 1 John Cole startrd his Ihrether on the 30th on John Rhodes' fall wheat, being ihe firBt machine out this season. Mrs Ann Deeth and family.ofPortland, are visiting relatives here for a couple of weeks. J E Coatis is helping S Wright paint his house this week. George Frazer hud a swift old time with his team when hauling on the road. Incrosirg the river one of the the horses wanted to take a swim and dove its bead to the bottom of the river and its heels into the front end of the wagon. George sung to them or by this time lliey would have been to the Wil lamette and still swimming. Health of this community ia good, be cause the people drink Molalla water. Jackson, the bicycle man of Oregon City, passed through here Sunday with his automobile, SylviaT Molalla. Jce Ifarlees and family and Nellie Gibson have gone to the Jiot springe for a few weeks. John Cole is having his engine re paired. Treehing will soon commence. MispeeOfanml Bertha Weisncrwere the puetts of Zelma (shaver Sunday and Monday. Mrs Rmneby's sistors are visiting with her. Mr Ogle and son, George, have gone to the mountains for an outing. George Eveihait went to Cauby Tues day. Mrs J It Shaver, Mrs Eyerbart and Willie went to Oregon Citv the first nf the week; Charlie Leavitt wkb home on a visit lust Sunday. Will, Zoe and Edgar Shaver, Roy Rid ings and Percy Adams have gone to the mountains on a fishing trip. Where was the young man, who was going to join the singers lasit Sunday at Glad Tidings? Ben Jones and ton, of Mission Bottom, were at J R Shaver's home Saturday buying cattle. darken. Haying is about finished in this neighborhood. Mrs Mary Ball, of Portland, ia visit ing her mother, Mrs Hall, who has been Bick foi some time, but is able to be out again, The eight-year-old eon of Mr and Mrs Uarr was drowned in the mill pond at Stone's mill on Milk C ork near Colton. He was their only sm . The two Stone boys and the Carr bo.t ere playing on the logs, when the lat t, r Ml in. The boys called for help, and Mrs Carr ran to save her son, but whs almost drowned herself. Her siBter, Mrs Stone, and Mrs Aiquett saved her from drowning. Mr James and Mr Robeson got the boy out and worked with him for half an hour hut could not restore him. lie was under water for an hour. The neigh bors deeply sympathize with the be reaved father and mother. Precious darling, thon hast left us, Left us, yes, forever more; But we hope to; meet our loved one On that bright and happy shore. Lonely the house, Bad the hour Since onr dear one has gone; But, oh 1 A brighter home than ours in heaven is now thy own. Frank Wills is working for Mr Hall a few days till he is able to work. Mr Hall and wifo narrowly escaped a serious ac-' cident while sitting on their porch, A pile of lumber overhead gave way and fell on them and injured them quite seriously. They are now ablo to bo out again. Frank Wills has gone (o Washington (o see his mother-in-law, Mrs l'.lrt, who is not expected to live. W L Edgrcomb wns homo visiting his mother for a few days. James Hunt is working now for Mr Holmnn. SwkktTom. I RusteUvlUe. Peter Olson of Monitor, is hauling lumber through our country from the upper mill, as the weather is dry and the roads as good as they will be this summer . Hay making is over and commence next week. hauling will Elder Moore, of Mohlla, will preach at the 0 :le school house the first Sun day in August at 11 o'clock. He Willi so preach at the Gorbeft hall on the sec ond Sunday in August at 11 o'clock. O W Wingfleld. of Itiifisellvilln oa'.a. orated his 00 th birthday xt Mrs Nettie Carter's home on the 25th of July. Mr Wingfjeld is a pioneer of 1816 Misses Hazel Cooper and Maud Winfleld gave him very nice preeents. Mrs Wingfleld and daughter, Maud, visited Mrs Mary Boyles yesterday, and also Miss II Cooper. - Mrs G Wingfleld and datichtpr. Maud. and Miss Hazel Cooper visited 'Mrs Marts Ihursday evening. The people af this place who attended the Macksburg picpic had a most enjoy able time. Mr and Mrs Joe Harless, of Molalla, and MrsD Engle and son visited Mrs L B Trulhnger Thursday and also Mr and Mr and Mrs Moore and Mr Lemon, of Molalla. John Nightingale and daughter.Retta, and Miss Myrtle Boyles visited at the Boyles home Friday. Stafford, where she had been visiting friends. - 1 Mr tnd Mrs W Havhurst, formerly of this place but now of Portland, were visiting friends and relatives in this burg a few days last week. Tom Lewis made a flying trip to Port land Monday. Mr Roberts, cf Black Diamond, W sh, is visiting friends in Oarus. Mr Dewis is erecting a new hop bouse. William Davis and family are spend ing a few weeks at Wilhoit for the bene fit of Mrs Davis' health. There will be preaching at the Evan gelical church next Su.uiay afternoon at A o ClOCK. J Miss Emma Jones gave a nartv to the young folks last Friday evening. At midnight ice cream, cake and lemonade were served to the guests,, after which they departed for home. Those presr ent were Misses Denver, Katie and Sarah Jones, Maggie and Clara Guyer, Rachel and Maggie Lewis, Emma Jones, Tillie Thomas, Delia White, Mary Moore, Cora Jaggar, Geneva Green; Messrs DewJy Thomas, Evan Lewis, Herbert Green, Charlie and Clark White, Albert Schoenborn, Johnnie Moo-e, Hugh Jones, Gordon Jones, Richard Da vis, Louis Jagg&r aad Jack Irish, Mr and Mrs Stsdham, Mrs Healy and Mrs W Moore. Itedland , Haying is a thing of the past with a short crop, except for a few who intend to cut oat hay. The Star of Stars Star Star Mr and Mrs F E Murdock, of Macks burg, are visiting the latter's parent, Mr and Mrs F Wilcox. Miss Lillie McCubbin, of Logan, spent Saturday with her grandmother, Mrs A Sprague. , L Mosher has gone to take his former place on the U S snag boat. Saturday is the day of the picnic. No moneymaking scheme. Admittance free. Just an enjoyable time. Fritz Pierrin, while shooting squirrels last Saturday, had the misfortune to have his gun Durst. No damage was done farther than fill his arm full of splinters from the stock, fie was using sunkeli-ss powder in a muzzle-loading g in. wnich one should never do. Come to the picnic Saturday with a well-tilled basket. j(likhtlL BUGGIES. Hive better satisfaction than anything on the market at anything like the price, be cause they are made of good material, to jland "Oregon roads" Iron corners on bodies, braces on shafts, heavy second growth wheels, screwed rims. If you want to feel sure that you are getting your mon IC,. wor,hl for a "Bee tine" or a ".Mitchell" (Uenuey) Buggy. We guar antee them. Mitchell, Lewis Staven Co. Seattle, Spokane, Boise. Portland, Or. Frog Foud. Grain harvesting has begun and the click of binders is heard from all direc tions. The wheat crop is from fair to good and the winter oats is excellent; Turner Brothers have finished hauling 31 tons of hay to the Oswego dairy. Sharp Bros have purchased a new six foot McCormick bimler. J L Kruse sold a large draught horse for $165. " Old "Honest John," the well-known draught horse belonging to Mr. Farmer, took his departure Sunday night in the presence of a Urge crowd along the road side. On Saturday evening he was driven at a lively speed. Within abont fli I m Wind Has ball bearings in torn table. Turns freely to Ihe wind. Ball bearing thrust In wheel, insuring llghest running qual ities, and resorving greatest amount of power for pumping. Galvanized after making. Put together with galvanized bolts, double nutted, no part can rust or get loose and rattle. Weight regulator; perfect regulation. No spring to change tension with every change of tempera ture, and grow weaker wit'' age. Kepalrs always on hand. These thing! are wnrth money to you. Then why not buy a Star. ' Wagons j luirmmii in .,., , , , ,,,rr iTaiV .Vnn,, Hiii V f .m.BBl rcrimram iiUHu I ISlllirl Best possible to build No wagon Is or can be better than a Mitohell because the cream of wood stock is nsnrl. nr.lv nfi ter being thoroughly seasoned. The wagon Is wel. ironed, well painted, well proportioned, and run the lighest of any It Is nearly 70 years since the first Mitchell wng, on was built, and thev have been built continu ously ever since by the Mitchells. When you buy a Mitcneii you get the benefit of this 70 years' ox-perience. AVegctablePreparationfor As similating ikToodandBegula ling the Stomachs andBawels of Promotes Kgeslion.Cteerful uessandHeslXontains neither Opium.Morphinc nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. Reap ot'OtdHrSAMUELPtTCMS Pumpkin Sad' Jlx.Senna JtotAtlU Salt -Anllt St sd itypermiiit -ihCarionm&Soda fUmSetd -fiimhed Sugar . A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions Jeverish oess and LOSS OF SLEEP. facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears Sigi lature Use jr t 1 tfa For Over Thirty Years EXACT COPY-OF WRAPPEB. l " " 1 mmatmm the centaur company, new york city. Send for Special Catalogue Free 1 MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVER GO. First, and Taylor Sts., Portland, Ore. Branches Houses at Seattle, Spokane, Boise, Salem and Medford Agricultural Implements, Vehicles, Harness and Bicycles Mention this Paper Good Literature For Almost TVJr-In J of what MR. CHA'S. S. FEE, Ot 11 O LIU Till Agent, St. Paul, Minn., wills mailed, upon receipt of prices gi The Northern Pacific is not ed among railways for its advertising matter. Its pamphletH, folders, booklets, etc.. are tasteiuilv gotten up and are valuable for what tliev contain. Here is a nartiai list General Passenger send out, carefully ven. Anv combi- uiuion can ne mane, aim money or express orders, euver or stamps will be accepted. This is a fine opportunity to obtain good descriptive reading matter for little or nothing. Wonderland 1901 An annua. blirntion, bemilllullv illustrated in color and halftone. T i is number treats particularly of the history of Sen the Northern Pacific's Trademark, the C'ister Battlefield in Six Cents Montana, and the Yellowstone Park. Miniature Wonderland a neai ana aainty publication containing a complete History of the Northern Pacitio Trademark, The artistic oovers of the Wonderland, 1U01 are used lu miniature. Wi!d Flowers from Yellowstone A book of preBod wild flowen from Yellowstone Park, showing the real flowers in their natural colors. A dainty and beautiful souvenir ten specimens of flowers and six full page illustrations of Park scenery. Yellowstone National Park Sfnd Four Cents Send Fifty Cents AMERICAN CREAM SEPERATOR Fully Guaranteed Easiest Cleaned of Any 1 1 i i-1 Close I I if Skimmer i SSI Light -t fsass. Running - J f'fBSs. H iwhiH IWttfA 1 Simple Stover Champion in name Champion in the field I A new 112 page book In strong, flexible oovers, good paper, plain type, illustrated, pocket size, a compendium and descriptive of the Woild's Wonderland. Climbing Mount Rainier Gasoline Engine V2, 3, 4 and 6 II. P., Plain and Pumping. Simplest En gine made. More easily un derstood than any other. Catalogue Free. An illustrated pocket-size book, 72 pastes, in strong, flexible covers, printed on heavy paper, descriptive of an ascent of the highest peak in the United States outside of Alaska of a glacial nature. Twenty-five Cents Send Twenty-five Cents. DRAW CUT MOWER It beats them all. That's all there is to say. Same with the CHAMPION BINDER and CHAMPION RAKE. Catalogue Free. liajJJWflfWWlLUBIIItlJVMIJ Uncle Teter Boyles ia visiting iu Rua sellville. Misses Maud Wingtield and Hazel Cooper visited JMrs L B Trullinger Sat urday evening. Mrs Scott Carter and son, Arthur, Mrs Wingliold and daughter, Mandjand Miss H B Cooper visited Mis F Davidson Monday. Archie Boyles visited Mtiu,l Wingfleld Saturday evening. Ryan McClnren, who was on his way to visit hia brother, of Wilhoit, loft the stage to go a near way, but was lout and had camped for the night when f jund. Misses Ojldie and BeBsie Davidson visited MrsTrulliiizer Saturday evening. Miss Hazel Cooper is visiting friends in Kusscllville. Earl Davidson visited Roy Trullinirer Saturday. He also visited Oscar Davidson. Hazel Cooper and Maud Wingfleld I called on lluttie Wednesday. and Florence Marts ' Varus. have The farmers of this vicinity started to cut their wheat. Walter Emmet has purchased a new buggy and harness. Miss Hildah Erickson, of Portland, is visiting hor parents, Mr and Mrs Erick son. Mr Vonderahe is having a fresh coat of paint put on his house. Mr and Mrs Hobbles an 1 Mr and Mrs Holden were the guests of the Erickson family Sunday. Mrs Gritlith, of Hazel Dale, was call ing on friends in Carus Monday. MissEmtna Jones has returned from James Fullatn fell out of the mow while baying and uurt his head. Aug Funk was thrown from the mower and hurt, about the head and neck. Ltttle Johnnie Snider, who was re ported dead in last week'j issue, is still among the living. He was unconscious for one hour, after which he gradually improved. Jack Fullam was out last week on a visit. While here he erected a $150 tombstone over his wife's erave. She was a member of the Order of Wood craft. Win Stone is having a hard lot of luck by losing stock. F G Stone and wife are out from Port land on a visit. A M Kerchem has returned from a surveying trip to Baker City. Fall wheat auid oats will he ready hr the binder the hitter part of the week. Mrs Mattie Herman was out from Portland on a visit the past week. W H Bonney burned his slashing a week ago last Saturday night. Mrs II Dittmer has has gone to Port land for a few weeks. liedland. Haying over, Harvest begun, A little rai n, And plenty of sun. Mrs Woler went to Salem the first of the week to visit her husband, who is sojourning there. If you iui?s the Sunday school picnic you'll miss half of your life. Mrs Sarah Moslur spent Sunday vis aing Mrs J Baxter in Oregon Cty". 300 yards from home "Honest John" fell down, never to rise again. He was unharnessed and left for the night on the road. The next morning tie was conveyed to the pasture, where feed was brought to him, but John had passed the time of want. "Honest John," thy work you've done, This world you have left at last, Be true and honest with yourself, The time for rest has come. CnusKY Fellow. IVilaonviUe. Too late for last issue. George F Aden, our new justice of the peace, was in Wusouville on legal busi ness Wednesday. Mrs Hanson and children are visiting at her mother's in Dilley, Or. Her mother is very low and is not expected to live. There was an ice cream social at R J Seely's Wednesday evening given by the VT 17 IT."l 1'! Jl -L r o v fj oi noou lew cuurcii. 'Shorty . r COCO We want to inform the people of Oreeon Citv and vicinity v that we have opened a Jewelry btore and Repair Shop on Main Qtrnot- Pnrt U,u ml. t t nj i. 1 C - f' vuuu.iiuuK uiucri, ucal lu ivuu i'luiu, ciuu carry a tine line of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware and Spectacles, and we want our customers to feel that our shop is theirs that we qpttend to their work, whether much or little, the same as if attended to by themselves: and that the oftener ve hear from them the better it pleases us. Yours for good goods, low prices and honest dealing Wm. Gardner & Son, Watchmakers, Oregon City THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, OREGON . The first mester, Session 1902-3, opens Wednesday, September 17th. The following Schools and Colleges are comprised in the. University : Graduate School, College pf Literature, Science and Arts, College of Science and Engineering, University Academy, School of Music, School of Medicine, School of Law. Tuition free, excepting in Schools of Law, Medicine and Mus c (Incidental fee $10.00, Student-Body tax $2.50 per year). Cost of liv ing from $ioc.oo to $200.00 per year. For Catalogue, address Registrar of the University, Eugene, Ore. Mountain View. Haying is the main topic of those that live in the suburbs of town. George Bylan twk Grandma ami Grandpa Roberts to the mountains for a vacation outing. Many are going to the coast. F M Darling and J Harrington went up on the Clackamas fishing Monday and Tuesday. Miss May Lewellen is taking painting lessons of Mrs King at Mount Pleasant. Mr Voder has purchased the property where J W Grout is living and will take possession in October. George Young and family have moved down town. Wm Bluhm's 2-year-old baby was badly scalded last Saturday by falling into a pan of hot water. Dr. Strickland dressed the burns, and the child is doing well. Mr Johnson, who went to Alaska last fall, is expected home this week. Mrs Grout's niece, Miss Tate, from Roseburg, is visiting her this week. Mrs Matthews, of Beaver Creek, has rented Ernest Harrington's cottage. Mas Arthur Sooggins and children were visiting in this burg Sunday. There is a great deal of excitement in this burg over the Fitzsimmone-Jeff-reys fight. It is a five-gallon keg of beer. Salina. V ilsonville. J L Seely is building a new house on his ranch oa Pudding river. J L ij the boss carpenter. Mr Harms is out peddling spray pumps (aad liquid for killing chicken lice. He says the business is a howling success. R I Seely is busy putting up hay in the lake. Ernest Seely went over to see his parents Thursday. (Continued nest week.) Sorn Why You Should irist on Havit $M$m vmm oil Uliequa'.cl by any "tlu-r Renders fcnr! kailier soft. E socially r- 'rated, Iv-cps out .v::tvi A heavy bri'liui oil. H,n exo i:c-.i Radiuxj i ost Never Warn t Secures l,t .1 , Stitches kt.-p; On. s sol.! in all Localities 5t.in"'v-nrr-.t tiy 'Standard Oil I'limpflny. the: 'ts lung. C. S. SEAMANN, MD. Physician, Strgjoa an J Oculist Office In Barclnj Building, Cor. Main and 7th Sts. Calls Answered rrompily Day or Vight OREGON CITY, OREGON