otirIerHerald! COURIER ESTABLISHED MAY, 1883 HERALD ESTABLISHED JULY, 1893 INDEPENDENT ESTABLISHED 1898 OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 1, 1902 20th YEAR, NO. 12 Cit C J D. & D. C. LATOURETTE ATTORNEYS AT LAW Commercial, Beat Fstate and L Hpecialties Office in Commercial Bank Building OREGON CITY OREGON (COMMERCIAL BANK of OREGON CITY capital $100,000 Transacts a general banking business Makes loans and collections, discounts bills fcny and sells domestic and foreign exchange, and receives deposits subject to check. Open from 9 a. m. to i p. m. D. C. LATOUBETTE, F. J. MEYER NEWS OF THE WEEK. J I , rdeut (Jashie (TJ N. GREENMAN THE PIONEER EXPRESSMAN (Established 1865) Prompt delivery to 11 parts of the city OREGON C1TI OREGON DR. GEO. HOEYE DENTIST All work warranted and satisfaction guaranteed Crown and Bridge work a speolalty Caufleld Building OREGON CITY OREGON )R. FRANCIS FREEMAN DENTIST Graduate of Northwestern University Dental School, also of American College Dental Surgery, Chicago Willamette Block OREGON CITY ' OREGON Qt E. HAYES ATTORNEY , AT LAW Stevens Building, opp. Bank ( ' Oregon City OREGON CITY OREGON QEO. T. HOWARD NOTARY PUBLIC REAL K ST A IE AND INSURANCE At Red Front, Court.House Block OREGON CITY OREGON Friday, July 25. The arrival around the Horn of car goes of Bait in Portland worries the salt trujt. American pilgrims received bv the pope at Rome. President Roosevelt addressed - New Jersey national guardsmen at Sea Girt. New England democracy's harmony meeting at National beach. Two terious trainwrecks on railroads in Ohio and one in Nebraska. Judge Jackson.at Parkersbur. W. Va.. found striking coal miners guilty of con tempt. Boys get away with 13800 hidden in tin pail by Hubbard woman. Marion county farmers will form a large wheat pool . Oats make a big jump in the East. Railroads 'continue to book large or ders forrilsin 1903. Saturday, July 26. A San Francisco Jeffries knocked out Fitzsimmons in the eighth round. President Loubet, of France, closes more Catholic Bcbools. Anxiety among British cabinet officials oyer the king's condition. The drama "Tracy" is being produced at Seattle. . Ten fishermen lose their lives in gale on Fraeerriver. Eastern advices indicate still higher prices for Oregon hops. Rich new placerS field discovered in Chetco county, Oal. Wall Btreet has it thatall the railroads in the country are to.be combined. Weekly trade reviews show gooc: crop news inspiring general confidence in trade. In the Strawberry and Blue Mountain regions, .Eastern Oregon, uOUO square miles of territory have been temporarily withdrawn from settlement with the purpose of creating a government tim ber reserve. J. D. Rockefeller is heavily interested in the proposed strawboard and meat trusts. HJ C. STRICKLAND, M. D. (Hospital and Private Experience) Special attention paid to Catarrh and Chronic Diseases Office hours: 10 to 12, a. m.; 4 to 6, p. m. Willamette Building OREGON CITY OREGON J. W. Norkis, M. D. J. W. Powell M. D. JJORRIS & POWELL, Physicians and Surgeons. Calls in cily or country promptly attend ed Office: 1,2.17, Charman Bros. Block, Oregon City. Q W. EASTHAM ATTORNEY. AT LAW rd Titles Exprnlred, Abstrncts Made, Deeds, MDi'.gfgEE, Etc. diaun, Money ujhucu. Office over Bank of Oregon City. OREGON CITY, - OREGON JJROBERT A. MILLER ATTORNEYS AT LAW Will practice in all Courts of the State Weinhard Building, Opposite Court House OREGON CITY, OREGON n HrnnrRKL W. 8. TJ'REN JJREN & SCHUEBEL ATTORNEYS AT LAW S)eutfft 'Jlr-Dotat Will prRCtioe In all courts, make collections and settlements of estates, furnish abstracts of title, lend you money and lend your money on first mortgage. Office in Enterprise building. OREGON CITY OREGON E I. SIA8 DEALKB IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY Silverware and Spectacles CANBY OREGON W. II. YOUNG'S Livery & Feed Stable Finest. Turnouts City OREGON CITY. OREGON S. J. VAUGHAN'S Liverv, Feed and iSale Stables Nearly oppositelSuspension bridge First-Class Rigs of All Kinds OREGON CITY, OREGON Oregon City Second-Hand & Junk Store Highest Prices Paid for Second-Hand Goods, Hides, Junks, Metals of all Kinds, Etc. Second-Hand Goods Bought and Sold Sunday, July 27. In Portland, Frank Carlson is killed in fist right with Ueorgj Baldwin. : The Canadian Pacific contemplates building 15 steamers for transatlantic trade. !I"At Marshfield, the new Coob Bav rail road has secured termirinl grounds. At Porterville, Cal ..James McKenney, who murdered a man two yars ago, has started out in imitation of Tracy by kill ing a gambler, wounding (our others and fleeing to the mountains. Under a Russian concession, nearly 100 American miners have left Nome by steamer for Siberia to explore its coast for gold and other metal. France and Russia guaranteed rWe a's independence some time before Japan and England were prepared to do the soinethiug. In the interior of Mindoro island, Philippines, is a white race, of Moham medan faith, which wants nothing to do with ''benevolent assimilation" or civilization in and in any respect. The annual revolution is now taking place in the public of Hayti. At Marshfield, Ore., five $70,000 schooners are being built. The terra insognita of this continent is the territory of about 75,000 square miles in South America between the tropic of Capricorn and latitude 30 south, ana longitudes 68 and 65 west, where of late years, about a half dozen exploring expeditions have perished. Fights have occurred in the anthra cite region, Pennsylvania, between non union men and strikers. Forty thous and of the latter have already left to work elsewhere. Tuesday, July 29. Articles of incorporation for a $6,000, 000 railroad were filed at Baker City. At Portland a German ship has been chartered for wheat at 25 s. Last year she bad a 40 a charter. An elpntric nt.nrm in Pittshnror. Pa..'!? kiiled three persons. j Wi De Windt, newspaper man, who made SyS the Siberian exploring trip, eays a rail- j mj road will be ultimately built across Beh- gjj-J ring straits. jT Next summer the 192 miles of rail-1 ash road across the isthmus Tehountepec, Mexico, will be finished. For $4 a ton, in 24 hours, it will transfer freight from jj ocean to ocean. I The steamer Roanoke brought one mil- Jl lion in gold to Seattle from Nome. I O In Michigan and Minnesota seven I fog beet su par congressmen have failed of if renomination. In West Virginia the judges are firing injunctions at the strkiug miners. Earthquake in Southern California. Rio ing occurred at Paris, Venice, Pa dua and in Galicia, A German electrician invents a wire less telep' one. ' This Trade Mark on the side of a wagon box is a guarantee of excellence and high grade quality in the construction of this wagon. If yours does not have it on dispose of it and get one that has as you cannot afford to run any chances on the material us in a wagon, every time you break down it costs you moi though the manufacturers replace the broken part Ms1 w foi.O- .., mm fern dw V ivnuiiiL-mu Ahnmm BUY A FISH k . We also carry a full line of Buggies and Sprin p W agon. M Write us for prices on everything you need, it cn!y takes' a j postal card and may save you dollars. Big run of salmon on Lower Colum bia. Executive Council of A. F. of Labor has been in session in Sun Frai cisco.. Governor Geer may increase reward for Tracy's capture, a .. : Explorer De Windt," who traveled nerly 6000 miles through the sub-Arc tic regions to look for a railway route, haB arrived at Dawson. Fitzsimmons and Jeffreys prove bv the terrible punishment each received that their fight last week was no fake. Troubles continue in France over the closed Catholic schools that refuse to obey the rectntlaw made to regula'e them. -i " i Thirty-three of 50 .Pennsylvania strikers under arrest escape from depu ties. , Pennsylvania miners will fight Judge Jackson's injunctions in the courts. W. J. Bryan has finished his speech- making tour in New Englaud, Near Paris, Mme Edmund Sempis, an American woman, was killed by two hungry Great Dane dogs, the pets of her husband. !. -:,."". At"" OysterfEBay, N. Y.TPresident Roosevelt discusses national affairs with his cabinet while eating corn-beef hash ar d boiled cabbage. Monday, July 28.1 England, TJapan and Korea have formed an alliance for peace and war." Rupsia, in defense of her selfish com- merial policy, asks for an international conference on trusts . Tbenew Chinese minister at Wash ington is a graduate of Yale college. Minister Wu returns to China to assist in reformation of the empire, -n. By new treaty between England and China, four new ports are to be opened to trade in China. In an open letter to the president by the anti-imperialist committee, it is claimed that in one single district of the Philippine Islands, 100,000 of a popula tion of 300 000 have been killed in the war. ' Morgan is said to have consolidated 20,000 miles of railroad in the Southern states. Artie Anderson, a Umatilla farmer, skipped out with another woman while his wife was burying his mother. - (Continued on page 7.) Kreuder-Kletxch Nuptial . One of the prettiest qf the tnmmer weddiniss was fo emnized July 16th, at the home of Mr and Mrs. William Kletscn, of Woodstock, when their daughter, Ida, hs united in marriage to Thorunp .1. ktender, of Portland. The rooms were beautifully decorated j for the occasion. Delicate white mar- : gueritesand Oregon grape changed the double parlors into a lovely wild wood bower. In the dining room highly per- : fumed sweet peas gleamed through ver- j dant Oregon gnipe and trailing ferns, ; The groom wore the conventional black, j The bride was arrayed in white organ- die and carried a boquetof white carna- j tions . Only relatives and a few imme- j diate friends witnessed the ceremony, which was performed by Rev. lloffner. j Mr. and Mrs. Kreuder were the re cipients of many beautiful and cosily l presents. The happy couple departed for San Francisco to spend their honey- ! tiio'in, and on their return they will be home to their friends after September 1st in Portland. N n ORTHWEST IMPLEMENT COMPANY, 208 FRONT STREET, PORTLAND ORE, FRANK BUSCH Mouse Furnishing The Ring Phone 416 for Junk. Sngarman & Co. Dou't pass us by call in and get our prices. Red Front Trading Company. To support the striking miners inthe anthracite region of Pennsylvania costs $2,000,C00a month. Contributions are coming to them from labor organiza tions in every part of the country. In Paris, France, both women and men take part in the fqtiabbles and fights over the closing of' tho Catholic schools. President Roosevelt has asked his cabinet to go "on the stump" this fail for the republican ticket. In Wisconsin, the republican state convention has expressed itself strongly against interference from Wanhington in the political affairs of the state, President Roosevelt counts on Boss Hanna and "Me-Too" Piatt for his nomination in 1904. Since the miners' strike began, coal has risen 100 per cent in price in New York city. The killing of Frank Carlson by J W. Baldwin in a fist fight on Saturday night in Portland was caused by mu tual jealousy over two girl waiters at a hotel. University of Oregon. The University of Oregon will open its 27th session at Eugene Wednesday, September 17th. The outlook for the year seems at present very promising A number of new men have been added to the faculty, all thoroughly fitted bota by preparation and by experience for ineir worK. ine university nuiiuings are being repaired and improved during the summer.the dormitory, gymnasium and .beady nail receiving special atten tion. Students intending to enter this fall are invited to correspond with the presi dent relative to their work. Catalogues will cheerfull be sent on application. Card of Thanks. We desire to express our gratitude to the Odd Fellows and friends, who, in so many ways assisted us in the burial of Sideboards iese are handsomely carved in ash, with fancy clock stielves and large bevel plate mirrors, two cutlery drawers each, long linen drawer and two cupboard Price $14 50 PJrttttv Pfamoc A fine frame doesn't make a fine picture, but a poor frame spoils many a mmmm IU1C IILLUIC, laSIC "I LUV. 3tll--l lJll Jl a UlUUlUJll anu Midi 311UU1U UC lUi nished by the picture framer. We sell a niee 16x20 gilt frame with glass, for $1 Stnvf Pnlf;h Some housekeepers think that stove polish is simply to make the stove look UtOVC 1 UUMl p,. They are mistaken in this. Our "Silver Gloss Stove Polish" preserves the stove and is a positive necessity if you want to keep your stove in prime condition. Per box 15c IT'S REASONABLE. The price is not much when you come to buy a refrigerator, and one of these well ventilated zinc lined affairs will prove itself a satisfaction every day through the summer. Ycu ought fft have one early so as to get the full benefit. Price $10; size 22x39 ' father. G. J. Howki.l, W. E. Howell, A. E. Howell, E.T. Howell. A YOUNG LADY'S LIFE SAVED At Panama, Columbia, by Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Dr. Chas. H. Utter, a prominent phy sician of Panama, Columbia, in a re cent letter stateB: "Last March I had as a patient a young lady sixteen years of age, who had a very bad attack ot dys entery. Everything I prescribed for her proved ineffectual and she was growing worse every hour. Her par ents were sure Bhe would die. She had become so weak that she could not turn over in bed. What to do at this critical moment was a study for me, but I thought of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and as a last re sort prescribed it. The most wonderful result was effected. Within eight hours she was much better; inside of three days she was upon her feet and at the end of one week was entirely cured." For sale by G. A. Hardir.g. 3& 1 Su-A i- K ' X Ml tiful dishes add to the taste ot the lood, ana tnese Deautitui sets will give a banquet effect to a simple meal. They are all durabe, of ex ent artistic quality, and not expensive 100 piece set transparent cnina, $19. T?ir4uf T4ac Your garden and lawn will xvuuuci nuac lnf)lf better if you haye plenty of hose and keep the lawn well sprinkled. Our canvas lined high quality rubber hose, 4 inch diameter, is the most convenient size and the most economical hose you could have. Price per 50 foot section, $5. Of course we have cheaper hose excellent if there is no high pressure. Chinaware T.here is mu,ch here .th1 in w give you pleasure, including attractive necessities, which go so far to making up the comfort and pleasure of a meal. Beau- POPTICPtS- ip- Lf'i-'i VUI LalilO jfl,rA lnrlenmc rnrnpt'5 nn C- ;4 ".:t sr..-, rv - 1 . a j mmfmimn' rugs, but it is the draperies that give a fin ishing touc hto a new or old house. Don't put all of your money into the other things, save a little for vour lace curtains. It only takes a little money to get all you will want at the p'ices we are now making on this line of goods. Lace Curtain Material, I2c. per yard. Hammocks 90c ur Chamberlain's Colic, Diarrhoea Remedy has i reputation for its cures, and is pleasant and safe sale by G. A. Harding. Cholera and ; i world-wide i It never fails j to take. For FRANK BUSCH, House Furnisher,. Oregon City 'L't 'A