Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, July 25, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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Poor lime
has its
in an
Good time
has its
Every Elgin watch has the word "Elgin" engraved on the works, and Is
guaranteed against original defect of every character. A booklet about
watches will bo mulled to you for the asking.
Court House Block, Oregon City, Ore.
Look at This !
T- y r P 1 iff l
ror the next bU days tor asn, we win give
10 per cent off on
Pry (Roods,
oots, Shoes
Furnishing (Koods
Everything Tresb, Yliat and Chan,
StratUn Bldg. Meat Market of ly. Betbke
Opposite Suspension Bridge, Oregon City
Selling at Cost
For 60 Days
To make room for new Fall Goods, which will be a larger and
more complete stock than has ever before been carried at the
(Continued from page 1.)
Koad District No. 27
J E Marquam 7 05
Wallace Albright 3 00
P Jones 5 25
Harris Ridings... 1 80
O Marquam 1 50
Percy Adams 5 25
John Dunlavy 2 25
MO Kinney 23
PE Maiquam 2 60
LR Garrett 23
W C Courer . 2 63
J F Bentley.... 2 63
J E Marquam 8 00
Ioa M Cliaee, tax sheriff $52 00
State vs. Chas Dull, J. P. Dist. 4
J W McAnulty., 4 45
H S Moody 5 20
State vs James Smith
J W McAnulty 4 50
HSMoodv 4 90
J J Cooke, jail 1 43
Johu Page , $27 50
. Charles Deeuche........ 39 00
Q W Heller..... 6 50
G W Broodish 13 50
W T Smith 14 50
II Cromer 25 50
John Page, election 3 00
J K Morton, bridge $9. commis
sioner $11, mileage $2 23 00
C N Greenman.election 75
T P Randall, recorder 25
ODEby, clerk 23 00
T a Killin. bridge J22.50, com
missioner, 16.95 39 45
H H Johnson, surueyor....,.,.. 12 00
W H Young, sheriff. 813, commis
sioner $2 . 15 00
John W Meldrum, surveyor 12 00
F A Sleigut, stati nery 2 00
Enos Cahill " 1 00
Henrv Stevens " '.'00
J R Shaver " 2 00
A Lueliing, treasurer 19 00
Eli Williamc stationery 100
John Lewellen, bridge, 130, com
missioner $15, mileage 20c 45 30
Vvm Brobst, commissioner, $b,
mileage $1 25 7 25
Beaver CreeK Hall Association,
election 2 00
Baliffn circuit court
Thomas M Miller 6 00
T W Fonts 6 00
WW II Samson 6 00
Road Distrfct No. 31 Continued
Wm Borland 6 25
Mike Shafer 9 00
John Hager 9 00
Herman Iderhoff .. 5 25
Henry Toedtemier 3 00
Cad Honan : 2 00
John Aden 40 00
July 2, 1902.
In the matter of John R Shaver's bond
as tax collector. It is ordered that John
R. Shaver, sheriff, give bond for the col
lection c f the 1901 taxes in the amount
of $15,( 00.
In the matter of the report of view
ers on mrvey of Perdue and Struthers
road 'J'hiB matter came up for its first
reading on this day and was laid over
until luly 3d for its second reading.
July 3,1902.
In the matte of the report of viewers
on Burvey of Perdue and Struthers road.
This matter coming up on this day for
its second reading, it is hereby ordered
dismissed, and expense of said survey of
the Perdue and Struthers road be paid
as follows : '
LeviStohman , $ 4 40
D McArthur 4 40
A Todd 2 70
PJ Schneider 2 00
A A Schneider 2 00
J R Hart 2 00
E P Rands 7 00
Do not pass us by but come and investigate.
Ladies' Dress Skirts
White Skirts
' Colored Skirts
" Chemise
" Drawers
" Fine Underwear
" Lace Hose
Children's Hose
Coret Covers
Sunbonnets, 20c
Gloves, 20c
Mitts, ioc, 15c, 20c
Ladies' Silk Ties
All kinds of Laces
Ribbons, ic yd. and up
New Lot Ladies' Wrappers
Table Linen
Napkins, Towels
Knit Shawls
Shirt Waists
ing fully advised, it is ordere'i tha
the same ta hereby in all respects ap-pioved.
July 5, 1901.
In the matter of officer's reports. The
officers having made their reports and
the board having examined their books
and being fully advised, it is ordered
that the same be and are hereby in all
respects approved and accepted.
In the matter of $15 paid by county
for bicycle tags. ThiB matter coming be
fore the board and they being fully ad
vised in the premises. It is ordered
that the treasurer transfer $15 from the
bicycle fund with the general fund for
payment of said tags.
The board now adjourned until Mon
day, July 7th, 1902.
July 7,1902.
The board convened pursuant to ad
journment the board and officers pre
sent as on Saturday.
In the 'matter of county warrants No
10551 and road warrant No 19255, This
matter coming before the board asking
that, county warrant No 10551 and road
warrant No 19255 be cancelled. It is or
dered that said warrants becancelled.
All matters having come before the
board being transacted the board stands
In the matter of the approval of the
bonds of officials elect for county and
district offices. Now comes before the
board the following named. officialB-elect
and file their bonds as such offices for
the ensuing term of two years, to-wit:
Frank A Sleight, county clerk.$10,000 00
John R Shaver, sheriff. . . . 10,000 00
" " " tax collector 15,000 00
Henry E Stevens, recorder. . . 3,000 00
R L Holman, coroner 3,000 00
Enos Cahill, treasurer 50,000 00
J W Meldrum, surveyor 5,000 00
The board having examined said bonds
and being fully advised, it is ordered
that said bonds be and . are hereby ac
cepted and approved.
State of Oregon, county of Clackamas.
Before the board of county commis
sioners of the state of Oregon for the
county of Clackamas.
Be it r -membered, That a regular
term of the Board of County Commis
sioners for the county of Clackamas,
state of Oregon, begun and held at the
court house in said county and state on
Monday, the 7th day of July, at 12
o'clock m., of said day to transact
county busines when' were present Hon.
Hon. John Lewellen, Hon. T. B. Killin,
Hon William Brobst, commissioners;
John R. Shaver, sheriff; F. A. Sleight,
clerk : when the following proceedings
were had to-wit :
Monday, July 7, 1902.
In the matter of application of Ira
Lewis for aid. Comes now before the
board the application of Ira Lewis show
ing that he is in need of aid and the
board being satisfied that the said Ira
Lewis is in need of aid, it is ordered
that he be allowed $5 and that the clerk
draw a warrant in his behalf for said
In the matter of overtime of outgoing
officers. In this matter it was ordered
that said retiring officials receive pay
ment for G4 davs (overtime) at the
rate of their regular salaries, and that
said amounts be deducted from the sal
aries of the incoming officials on August
1,1902. The clerk is therefore ordered
to draw warrants accordingly in favor of
said retiring officials, as follows, to-wit:
J J Cooke, sheriff $ 30 G8
J K Jack, deputy sheriff 13 00
E II Cooper, clerk 27 04
G D Eby, deputy clerk ' 13 00
T P Randall, recorder 2163
ment be approved and salary fixed at
(60 per month, '
Board now adjourned until Tuesday,
July fth. at 10 o'clock a.m.
Tueeday, July 8, 19112.
The board convene pursuant to ad
journment at 10 o'clock, and officers
present same as yesteiday.
In the matter of contingent fund. It
is hereby ordered that the fund known
as contingent fund shall be abolished.
In the matter of the appointment ot
appointment of Miss Iua Chase a-i
special deputy. It is ordered that Miss
Ina Chase be appointed Bpecial deputy
at $2 per day until revoked by the
In the matter of cancellation of county
warrants. Warrants No 11277 to 11288
being draw through error. It is or
dered that said warrants be cancelled
and warrant be drawn in their stead in
favor of Heman A Lee for $5.40.
In the matter of appointment of Hen-
rv Hughes as special deputy sheriff. It
is ordered that eaid appointment be ap
proved. In the matter of the re survey of the
New Era and Waldron road. Said re
port was read yesterday in its second
reading. It is ordered that field notes
and plat of said survey be recorded and
in all respects approved and that the
said view and resurvey be established as
a county road and that the expense of
aid view and reBurvey be paid by (Jlack-
amas county and the clerk is hereby .or
dered to issue the necessary orders to
open the same Expense account.
J W Meldrum, 3 days 12 miles . . .$16 20
In the matter of W W Bellmore, indi
gent soldier. On petition of Spencer
Thomas, commander of John Gibbon
Post No 78 it, was ordered that W W
Bellmore be allowed $10 per month.
In the matter of Wm Knotts, assign
ment of tax sale certificate. On appli
cation of Wm Kuotts, it is ordered that
the clerk of this county assign to said
Wm Knotts the certificate No 580 iSBued
to OlackamaB county upon sale for taxes
for the year 1900 upon payment of $5.14
to Clackamas county.
In the matter of the application of Eli
Maddock for payment of services ren
deied in July, 1896. Not at this time
comes Eli Maddoc and represents to
to the board, that during the close of
his term of office as sheriff of Clacka-ma-tcounty
he was paid only for the
month of June that the first 5 days of
July, 1896, he has not been paid and for
which the county is still indebted to him
in the sum of $27 40 for which he re
quests tiie board to order the same
amount paid. And the board being
fully advised, it is ordered that said re
quest be rejected.
Pjj "" r
- yi)
Hose Supporters
Men's Underwear, Sox, Pins, Needles, San Silk, Knitting X
Cotton, Hrcnaird & Armstrong Embroidery Silk, Sewing Silk 1
and Thread. T
Newly Furnished and Refitted. Optn Day and Night.
Total $24 50
July 5,1902.
In the matter of of report of viewers
on the purvey of the extension of Davis
road. Said report was read this day on
its first reading and laid over for a eec
ond reading tomorrow.
In the matter of the report of viewers
on survey of extension of D.iyis road.
This matter having come up for its sec-
rfirtdintt nn thin duv. Hiarn lifting obit-c-
tionR filed by O R Lewthwaite, Wm
McKeeand Herman riper claiming dam
ages. Therefore it whs ordered by the
board that Thomas Bohna, Wm Ul
rich and James Wilson be appointed
of view and asseen damages to lands of
said claimants. It is ordered that the
expense of survey of Davis road be paid
as follows :
AW Cooke $ 2 40
George Deny 2 40
Austen iSewell I 4u
J W Roots 2 00
J E Davis 2 00
Paul Ocheschlager 2 00
John W Meldrum II 20
Geosp Bros. Restaurant
and Lunch Counter
Opp. Electric Hotel, Oregon City
Has No Superior in the City.
Meals at All Hours.
AND.. .
Total $24 40
July 3, 1902.
In the matter of John and Margaret
Mahan, Now at this time the pe'.ition
of Wm Scott being presented to the
board for aid in expense in support of
John and Margart Mahan, county
charges and the board being fully ad
vised ; it is ordered that the clerk draw
awarnntin favorof Wm Scott in the
amount of $15, and that said charges be
allowed $28 per month from July 1st,
In the matter of petition of P M Hoest
et al, for a county road. This matter be
ing presented to the board and they
hereby fully advised, it is ordered that
Wm Boring, Krauk Osborn and Thomas
Bohna are appointed viewers to meet
at place of beginning on 21st inst, 1902,
with E P Rands, surveyor, and survey
said road.before proceeding to view and
locate said road and report in writing at
the next regular meeting of thd board.
In the matter of petition of W T lien
dcrron et al, for a county road. This
matter coming on this day before the
board, and they bt'ins fully advisen. It
is ordered that Mat Kendall, Wm Buck
ner and W J Lewellen be appointed
viewers to meet at the place of begin
ning, on the 29th day of July, 1902, with
County Surveyor K P Rands, ho being
Total $105 37
In the matter of the appointment ( f
deputy recorder, C E Ramsby. It is or
dered by the board that said appoint
ment be and is t ereby approved and
that the salary of said O E Ramsby be
fixed at $52 50 per month.
In the matter of appointment of Dep
uty Sheriff E C Hackett. It is ordered
by the board that said appointment be
and the same is hereby approved and
saidJj O Hackett placed upon the pay
roll at $60 per month.
In the mutter of the appointment of
ppecial D puty Sheriff II S Mco'y. It
is ordered by the board that said ap
pointment be and is hereby approved.
In the matter of J J Cooke, si er'ff, n
collection of taxes. To the Honorable
Board of County Commissioners of
Clackamas county, Btate of Oregon, I,
J J Cooke, sheriff and tax collector of
said county and a ate do hereby, submit
to your honorable body the following
statement of taxes as charged to myself
for the year 1901, together with the
amounts collected and uncollected and
double assessments and errors for your
approval in final settlement of said
taxes for 1901.
To total amount of taxes
charged to sheriff $168,162 76
Sheriff's assessments 1,616 44
Will give you a
Bargain in' Wall Paper
Wall Tinting and in
General House Painting
Paint Shop near Depot Hotel
A Complete Line
Fine Footwear
For ladies, gentlemen and
children you will find in
our stylish and up-to-date
stock. Our handsome and
durable $3.50 shoe for men
can't be equaled for wear,
quality or style, and our
women's fine $3.00 shoes
are the acme of comfort
and graceful outline. Our
prices will suit.
Krausse Bros.
Some time ago there v.as a t-'',
automobile procession in the eity o 1. ...
falo, N. Y. It was notable for its s'.?, r.::d
also for the fact that it was entirely com
posed of automobile wagons (like that
in the cut above), built to distribute
the advertising literature of the World's;
Dispensary Medical Association, propri
etors and manufacturers of Dr. Pierce's :
medicines. In many a town and village
Dr. Pierce's automobile has been the
pioneer horseless vehicle. These wagons,
sent to every important section of the
country, are doing more than, merely
advertise Dr. Pierce's Remedies they
are pioneers of progress, heralds of the
automobile age.
And this is in keeping with the record;
made by Dr. Pierce and his famous pre
parations, which have always kept in
the front on their merits. Dr. Pierce's.
Golden Medical Discovery is still the
leading medicine for disorders and dis
eases of the stomach and digestive and
nutritive systems, for the purifying of
the blood and healing of weak lungs.
Women place Dr. Pierce's Favorite
Prescription in the front of all put-up-medicines
specially designed for women's
use. The wide benefits this medicine
has brought to women have been well
summed up in the words " makes weak
women strong and sick women well."
The reputation of Dr. Piercers .Pleas
ant Pellets as a safe and effective laxa
tive for family use is international.
It may be asserted without fear of con
tradiction that no other firm or company
engaged in the vending of put-up medi
cines can rank with the World's Dispen
sary Medical Association, either in the
opinion of the medical profession or of
the intelligent public. The Invalids'
Hotel and Surgical Institute, which is
connected with the "World's Dispen
sary," is alone sufficient to prove this,
supremacy. Here is a great modern
hospital, always filled with patients,
where every day successful operations
are performed on men and women whose
diseases demand the aid of surgery. No
hospital in Buffalo is better equipped,
with respect to its modern appliances, or
the surgical ability of its staff. Dr. R. V.
Pierce, the chief consulting physician of
this great institution, has associated with
himself nearly a score of physicians,
each man being a picked man, chosen
for his ability in the treatment and cure
of some special form of disease.
The offer that Dr. Pierce makes to
men and women suffering with chronic
diseases of a free consultation by letter,
is really without a parallel. It places
without cost or charge the entire re
sources of a great medical institute at
the service of the sick. Such an offer i9
not for one moment to be confounded
with those offers of "free medical advice"
which are made by people who are not
physicians, cannot and do not practice
medicine, and are only saved from pro
secution by artfully wording their adver
tisements so that they give the impres
sion that they are physicians without
making the claim to be licensed.
Those who write to Dr. Pierce, chief
consulting physician to the Invalids'
Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo,
N. Y., may do so with the assurance that
they will receive not only the advice of
a competent physician, but the advice
of a physician whose wide experience
in the treatment and cure of disease, and
whose sympathy with human suffering
leads him to take a deep, personal inter
est in all those who seek his help and
that of his associate staff of specialists.
Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser (in paper
covers), containing 1008 large pages, is
sent free on receipt of 21 one -cent
stamps, or 31 cents for the cloth -bound
volume, to pav expense of mailing only.
Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
Fitting Spectacles and Kije Glares .
By Up-lo-Date Methods.
Examination Free, by PH1LLIP5, The Optician
The Iowa Jeweler, 293 Morrison, near 5th
Total $168,779 20
By amounts collected up to
and including March 15th,
less discount $108,974 v. 7
By discount allowed and up
to and including March 15,
1902 3,216 64
By amount collected from
March 16 to April 7th ... . 22,497 12
By amount collected from
April 8 to July 5 inclusive. 7,284 90
tsy amount of errors and
double a8se88ments 2,009 76
By balance uncollected, o
. July 7, 1902 25,790 11
Total $169,779 20
By penalties and interest
collected from April 8th to
July 5th, 1902,not included
in above 034 87
In the matter of report of report of
vieweis of the New Era and Waldron
road. This matter coming on upon the
report of J W Meldrum, the report was
read on thisdav on its first rcadin? and
appointed to survey said road before the hud over for a second reading tomorrow.
proceeding to view and locate said road
and report in wilting at the next regu
lar term of the board.
The beard now adjourns until July 5,
The board convejied persuant to ad
journment the board and oUicers pre
tint tame as yesterday.
In the matter of scalp statement.
This matter cowling on upon county
clerk's statement of ecalps turned in
and warrants issued and tho.bonrd be-
In the matter of a deed from Ferdi
nand Kath to Clackamas county. This
deed was accepted by the board" and or
dered to be recorded without charge.
In the matter of appointment of Miss
Gussie C Maddock as deputy treasurer.
The board being fully advised it is or
dered that the appointment be approved
and her salary fixed at $20 per month.
In the matter of appointment of L W
Ingtam as deputy county clerk. It ia
ordered by the board that the appoiut-
For years I had been a sufferer with
chronic Btomaeh troubles, pressure of
gas and distress of my bowels. I con
tracted what the doctors pronounced
a low type of malaria. I could not
take, solid food at all, and only a very
little of the lightest of diet would
create fever and vomiting.. The drug
gist sent me a box of Hipans Tabules,
saying he sold more Ripansthan any
thing else for Btomaeh troubles. I
not only found relief, but believe I
have been permanently cured.
At drnggiBtt.
The Five-Cent parket ia enough for nn or
dinary ocasslon. The family bottle. 60
cents, contain a supply for a year.
Wall Paper
Now is the time to buy your
wall paper and Murrow, the paper
hanger, will sell it to you cheaper
han you can buy it in Portland.
Drop a card in the postoffice and
have sample-book brought.to your
house, or telephone Ely Bros.' store
J. MURROW, Oregon City
Is the cause of more oiscnnirort than any other
ailment. If you eat the things that you want,
ami that Bre Rood for you, you are distressed.
Acker's Dyspepsia Titlilets will make your
digestion perfect and prevent dyspepsia and its
attendant disagreeable symptoma. You can safely
eat anything, at any time, it you take one ol these
tablets afterwards. Hold by'all drtiRRlsts undera
positive guarantee ; 2o cents. Money refunded if
vou are not satisfied. Send to us for a free sam
ple. W. H. Hooker & Co., Buffrtlo, N. Y or
Howell A- Jones, druggists.
Shodgrass, Fotografer
Gives a Large
With all Cabinet Photos. This offer is
good until July 4th only. All work is
strictly up-to-date.
DR. KlfiC'S
Cures Consumption,Coughs,
Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma,
risy, LaGrippe, Hoarseness,
3ore Throat, Croup and
Whooping Cough. ;
Oricei 50c. and $ 1. TB'L BOTTLES FRES
to prevent pneumonia and consumption Is to enre :
your cold when it tirst nppars. Acker's Eu-j
dish Remedy will stop the coiu;h in a night, i
and driva the cold out of your system. Always a
quick and sure cure for asthma, hronchitis, and j
all throat and lun? troubles. If It doss not satisfy I
you the druggist will refund your money. Write
to us for free sample. V. II. Hooker & Co., Buf-'
falo, N. Y., or liowoU & Jones, druggists. ,