Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, July 25, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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Follow the Crowds I s
Low prices bring crowds here We
Jlj we know it. We
; Goods move here. They don't have time to get old and stale
t on the shelves. This is a busy store made so by low prices,
fiighest quality goods, courteous treatment and an honest fnten-
H tion to give every customer full value for his money,
Paint Economy
Consists of two things painting the
Ouilding or article when it needs it,
wr.d buying your paints here. This is
fti3Maplete paint store. Special prices
orlar-'B lots.
Kloclf Oil per gal, 65c
Gooflae linseed for everything except
mixing with white lead.'
Roof and Barn Paint. gal. $1.25
Sherwin-Williams any color, guar
anteed. Enamels per can, 20c up
JL ny color for any purpose. Every
aost housekeeper has use for them.
Stains, all kinds. pt. can, 15c
A-laJaastine and Cementico . 50c
One -package will paint and decorate
your room. Can apply it yourself.
SJloor Paint. . . . per gal., $1.50
CThis ti "Siterwin-Williams, the best
arcade. A. little paint on tne floor
saves 'lots of bard work.
Guy your glass, brushes, lead and
Hiiere and Baye money.
. 0. Huntley W. A. Huntley
Popular Price
Druggist . Booksellers . Stationers
ISiiMc Iicva Wilson Meets Death
t.$t! Fire. The Entire City
Grief Stricken.
""Cuestfay's setting run witnessed Ore-
c.B Oity in the deepest mourning, for
a. weet little baby girl had at 1 o'clock
o that day bc-eu burned to death .
Ct was little Heva Grace Wilson, the
year'old child of Mr and Mrs Wil-
Jiaui J. Wilson, who have their residence
iu tli is city on Fifth street. How the
'backing affair happened is not clearly
understood, as the mother was away at a
neighbor's house at the time and only a
wory little child was present to tell the
Ctaeeuis, however, that poor little
'-'..'ietftumd her playmate decided to cook
flometiiing to eat out in the yard and
. Heva entered the house to get a light at
'the stove but not being able to get any
light there, ub the tire had about died
4UU, she picked up pome kindling wood
'and lighted it and then started to the
door to light the lire in the yard. As
f-al3 approached the door, it is thought,
c gost of wind must have blown the
fiiawiy lighted kindling against her skirts
s-nd 1 r. an instant, almoet, cruel flames
'hart doM their fearful work.
doctors wore summoned, and every
- means available were employed to nurse
' the poor little snfl'erer back to life, but
: So uo avail. As evening began to lower
; merciful, death came ami a beautiful
Sliild's npirtt took its flight.
I have nad occasion to use your
J Black-Draught Stock and Poultry Medi.
cine and am pleased to lay that I never
! used anything for stock that gave half as
Hood satisfaction, I heartily recom
mend it to all owners of stock.
J. B. BF.LSMr.R, St. Louis, Mo.
iFiok stock or poultry should not
I oit fheap slock food any more than
I i.'k uersons should exnect to bo
cared by food. When your stock
-.urn poultry are sick give thorn med
' i-ji.no. Ion't stuff tluun with worth-
I w stock foods. Unload the bowels
oj.iJ tir up the torpid liver and the
suainuil will be cured, if it be possi
ble to cure it. Blm'k-Draiicht Stock
and Poultry Medicine unloads the
bowels and stirs up the torpid liver.
It cures every malady of stock if
taken in time. Secure a 25-cent can
of liluck-Drnupht Stock and Poultry
Medicine and it will nay for itself ton
times over, llort work better. Cows
cive more milk. Hoes irain flesh
And hens lay more eggs. It solves tlio
nroblem of milking as much blood,
-.ak and energy as possible out of
U10 smallest amount of food con
sumed. Buy a can from your dealer.
buy right and have the
carry everything in stock
for professionals and amateurs.
We guarantee our prices as low
as any on the Pacific Coast.
Regular Our Price
Pocket Poco $9.00 $720
, " Kodak .... 6.00 4.80
Vive 4x5 . '. 9.00 4.00
" 3x4---- 8.00 3.00
Brownie 1.00 .80
Tripods 1.00 .59
Lamps 25 .13
A few second-hand cameras
at 1-3 regular price. Be sure
your Plates, Film, Paper and
Chemicals are fresh. We get
fresh shipments every week.
Neve: in the past life of the city
can we remember an incident more
shocking in the extreme. This life was
sobeautiful her loveliness so rare and
at her departure a whole community
The funeral was held at the Presby
terian ciiurcti Thursday p.fternoon at '
o'clock, and the remains interred in the
Mountain View cemetery.
Wedding Bells at Clackamas .
One of the most elaborate weddings
that has occurred at Clackamas in many
a moon was that of Carey Johnston
to Miss Mabel Curthbert at 10 o'clock
Thursday iu theOongregational churchof
that place. The little church was artis
tically decorated with choice English
ivy, sweet peas and delicate maiden hair
ferns which together with the large as
sembly of invited guests gave to the
scene an effect of rare beauty.
At 10 o'clock a beautiful march was
played at the coiulusioan of which Rev.
K. T. Simpson, rector of St. Mark's
church, Portland, pronounced the solemn
and impressive ceremony as laid down
by the Episcopal chinch. ' One feature
of the impressive ceremonies was a boIo
by Miss Mary Conyers, o( Oregon City,
with Mrs. L. L. Porter as accompanist.
The solo was rendered in the usual
pleasing manner, characteristic of MLs
Conyers, and she waB the recipieut of
many pleasing compliments of the
Fred Patterson acted as best man and
Miss M. Oericb officiated with pleasing
grace, as bridesmaid.
Mrs. Johnston w the highly respected
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Curth
bert, of Clackamas and has many ardent
admirers, who will watch with interest
htr future carer.
Mr. Jjhnstou, who is the fortunate
young man in the above described con
tract, is one of the mos1, hi. lily respected
citizens in Clackamas county, and his
large circle of friends entertain for him
and bis bride none but the incut s.in
guine expectations.
Judge liyan's Court Scene of
Interesting Contest.
Saturday morning the mutter of the
estate of John Green came on forbear
ing before the county court on objection
to the continuation ot sale.
The property is a 1 j-acro tract and a
contract for purchase of MO acres from
the Oregon o; Calitorma Kullrcuul Com
pany, and was sold by the administra
tor under order of the court in May
last. The principal objection argued by
Governor Chamberlain and Judge Cam
eron was that one of the heirs, Caroline
Green, had never been served with ci
tation before the order of saL was
granted ; they contend 'that one of the
heirs not having been cited, the order of
sale was void and therefore the sale in
valid. It was contended by W. T.
Muir nd FranklinT. Griffith attorneys
for the purchaser, Fred 8. Morris, and
John. F. Clark, attorney for T.P.Kandall,
the administrator, that a general ap
pearance had been made and that there
fore service of citation was completely
waved. The matter wis argued for
four hours and taken under advisemeiit
by Judge Kyan ami will be passed upon
and determined on Monday, the 4th day
of August,
Bean a " In Kind Yon Haw Always BatyjTit
are never undersold if
facilities for selling,
That Do Not Fit
A truss that chafes is a nuisance
a truss that does not fit properly is of
no value only an aggravation. We
make a specialty of fitting Trusses
fit them perfectly so that you can for
get you are wjaring one. Let us ex
amine your old truss and see what is
the matter with ft.
Hot Weather
Brings Bowel Complaints as certain
as flies. Bowel troubles allowed to
run become dangerous taken in time
they are easily cured.
We have sold many different rem
edies but the one that never fails is
Cholera Mixture
It has cured many serious cases.
We guarantee it. Perfectly safe for
children. Price 25c.
Wedneday, July 23.
Archbishop Ire' and takes Catholics to
task for criticising the administration.
Major Glenn was convicted on the
water cure charge.
Religious riots are reported in several
French cities.
Recommendation that large tract of
Eastern Oregon land be placed iu a re
serve, temporarily.
Milling interests are leagued to pre
vent re-election of Speaker Henderson.
J ff ries and Fitzsimmons stop active
training for their fight Friday.
Seattle is still evincing great interest
in the Tracy fiasco.
Government will spend much money
reclaiming Clatsop lands covered with
Oregon supreme court holds an eating
home a legitimate railway enterprise.
Lumber vessels of nearly 50,000,000
feet capacity built at North Pacific ports
in, past two years.
Thursday, July 23.
Professor Sehuaman ennsidern tlm
outlook in the Philippines satisfactory.
Instances cf heroism among the hos
pital corps.
Missing Cebu teachers were mass a
cred by ladrones,
Two hundred persons were drowned
by the capiziug of a steamer iu West
riv.-r, Ctiii a.
A series of Irish debates was opened
in the house of commons.
Emperor William is advised not to
visit Prussian Poland.
Religious .disorders in Paris contiuue.
Three Americans held up and robbed
a Mexican train.
Convict Tracy is on his way East to
visit bis mother. Has also been report
ed since at Tacoma, Salem, Woodburn,
Spokane and Roslyn.
O li TLA XI) 31. 1 R K E T.
Flour Best $3 053.tl0.
Wheat Walla Walla 0;lcf63c; valley
tti'sch7j bluestem 65 and 06c
Oats White, 1.20; gray, 1.051.10,
Barley Feed J22; brewing $23 per ct
Mdlstuffs Bran ifUi; middlings $21 '
shorts $18 ; chop $16.
Hay Timothy $12(315; clover, $7.50
3 10.
Butter Fancy creamery 20 and 21c;
store, 15 and 16.
Eggs 20 and 22 cents per doz.
Poultry Mixed chickens $3.50(94 50
hens$4(il5.50; springs $2,'j 4 .50 ; geese.
$4iito; ducks $21a':;; live turkeys .
Mutton Gross, 2.'4' and 3 ; dressed, 6
cents per pound.
Hogs Dressed, 7 and 7' cents per
Veal Large, 7 aud 8 cents per
Beef Gross.top steers-, $3.00 and $4 00,
dressed beef, Sand 7 cents per pound.
Cheese Full cream 12,Si'c per pound
oung America 13l aud 14'ie.
Potatoes 5 .50 .Si per hundred,
new 1 c.
Hops 16 and ISc.
Bean the H8 Kind Von Have tosBiKgtt
How He Went to the Relief of the
West India Sufferer.
Upcle Sam has astonished the civ
ilized --world with the celerltr with
which he has dispatched relief to the
starving survivors of the Martinique
disaster. Never has his purse strings
been loosened so readily as in this In
stance. No sooner was it definitely known
that help was needed by the West In
dians than Rear Admiral Barker, com
mandant of the Brooklyn navy yard,
was ordered to get the cruiser Dixie
ready to proceed at once to Fort de
France. Admiral Barker Immediately
got to work, and In a marvelously
short time the cruiser was ready for
sea. On the sixth day after Mont Pe
lee had blotted out St. Pierre the Unit
ed States cruiser Dixie sailed from
New York harbor loaded to the gun
wales with food, medicine and clothes
for the sufferers.
But this was merely a beginning. In
the meantime congress, at the request
of the president, had appropriated
$500,000 to help the unfortunates, a
national relief committee had been ap-
pointed and thousands of dollars be
gan rolling in for the same purpose of
mercy from all over the land.
The promptness and munificence of
the American people in relieving the
distress of the West Indies have fairly
taken the breath away from France
and excited favorable comment in the
British house of commons. The French
papers referred feelingly to the sympa
thy manifested by congress and the
American people, saying that such gen
erosity tends to draw together the ties
already uniting the two republics.
Admiral Barker, through whose en
ergetic efforts the Dixie was made
ready. Is a native of Massachusetts
and was graduated from the Naval
academy in 1861. During the Spanish
war he commanded the Newark and
nt the close of hostilities succeeded
Captain Clark as commander of the
Oregon. The operations of the naval
personnel bill made him a rear admiral.
He is very religious and is interested
In the navy branch of the Y. M. C. A.
Fashion Rna Decreed That Women
Shall Carry Canes.
The society .woman's latest fad is the
swagger stick in other words, a cane.
But it must not be called a cane. The
proper appellation Is swagger stick.
The fashion originated In Paris, and
Countess Cassinl. daughter of the Rus
sian minister to Washington, lias the
credit of introducing it to this country,
where it 1ms been taken up by society.
Miss Alice Roosevelt, the president's
daughter, attracted much attention at
a recent White House- lawn party by
appearing with a swagger stick, which
she carried In her left hand.
The swagger stick of fashion closely
resembles the drill canes carried by
Britibh officers when drilling and by
the men when they are out on leave.
The new stick is iu no sense a walking
stick. It is held In the hand. Neither
must it be crooked. The proper swag
ger stick, according to the mandates of
fashion, must be twenty-seven inches
in length, perfectly straight, of bamboo
or malacca, and be ornamented with a
silver top and a silver ferrule.
Canes or walking sticks have certain
ly been carried before by women, but
it does not appear that they were ever
of the pattern favored by Miss Roose
velt. The ladies of the eighteenth cen
tury, of the type depicted by Watteau
aud Greuze iu France and by Reynolds
and Gainsborough In England, used to
carry cauos. but they were very tall
ones, the tops coming far above the
ANTED To increase my list of farms
and lands for sale, in all parts of the
county. Lands owned by non-residentB
represented and sold. H. E. Cross, At
torney at Law.
fOR SALE 500 tracts of land. In
quire of O. A. Cheney, Oregon City.
POR SALE-Thoroughbred Holstein
Freisian bull, 10 niontos old, sire and
dam Registered, or will exchange for No.
1 milch cow. Address Cbas. N. Wait,
Uanby, Oregon.
J"OR SALE Finishing Lumber by J.
A. Jones at his mill on the Abernetby,
2 miles east of Oregon City. The mill
and machinery is also for sale, including
40-horses ingine and boiler. Address J.
A. Jones, Oregon City.
JX)R SALE Good grades Angora goats
by W. VV. Irvin, Aurora, Or.
fOR RENT Blacksmith shop and
tools. Address W. J. Lewellen,
Springwater, Or.
pOR SALE Fresh milch cow with
calf, three-fourths Jersey. Gust
Johnson, Parkplace, Or.
yAN .'ED 10 teams wanted for haul
ing wood. Good price. Inquire of
Crown Paper Company.
3JONEY TO LOAN on approved real
estate and chattle security. G. B.
Dimick, Attorney-at-Law, Stevens Build
ing, Oregon City, Oregon.
you at 6 per cent and 7 per cent on
land or chattels ; also a good farms for
sale worth $5000 each. $600 of city
money on approved security. Joun W.
Lodkk, Attorney-at-Law, Oregon City.
pOR SALE OR TRADE 3-inch wagon,
nearly new. Inquire of Richard Jen
son, Carus, Or.
RANTED Good girl forgeneral house
work by John Schram.
POR SALE Stock of tne LeUoy gold
mines, Bohemia, on at price "below
quotation. X, this office.
RATTLE FOR SALE-17 cows and
calves, 28 dry cows, 17 yearlings, 1
registered Hereford bull, 1 full blood
short-horn bull. For further particu
lars, inquire Budd Smith ranch, 6 miles
ea.t of Molalla Corners.
at Eola ranch, 6 miles southwest
of Salem, in Polk county, 207 acres;
200 at Riverside ranch, 7 miles north of
Salem, 114 acres. Best yards in valley
for bop pickers, rtood, water and pas
ture free. Will close books as soon as
number required registers. Address
Horst BroB., Salem, Or.
T.UMBER Leave orders at this office
tnv fifnlDn -11 l.-.l
i- ui.in.tana tiiuiucr Ul tui &.1IJUH, Ur
address W. F. Harris. Beaver Creek,
of June 27, 1902. Send for free copy.
Consultation Free. No fee unless suc
cessful. MILO B. STEVENS & CO., Attvs,
817 14th St., Washington, D. O.
Hjt soda at the Kozy Kandy Kitchen
Younger, the watchmaker, has moved
next door to Harris' Grocery.
Drs. R. B. and A. L. Beatie, dentists,
Weiniiard building.
Prices to suit you all Millinery at Red
When you visit Portland don't fail to
get your meals at the Royal Restaurant,
First and Madison. They serve an ex
cellent meal at a moderate price ; a good
gqaare meal, 15c.
"I am using a box of Chamberlain's
Stomach & Liver Tablets and find them
the best thing for my stomach I ever
used," says T. W. Robiuson, Justice of
the Peace, Loomis, Mich. These tab
lets not only correct disorders of the
stomach but regulate the live, and
bowels. They are easy to take and
pleasant in effect. Price 25 cents per
box. For sale by G. A. Harding.
yiLL Havana Fillc?
of , saint vain as tags front
or "MASTER WORKMAN" Tcbaeco.
In the circuit court of the itate of Oregon, for the
couu'.v of Clackaniits.
Mary Lulu Deiiz, plaintiff, v. Frank W. DelU,
To Frank W. Delta, the above named defend
ant: In the name of the state of Oregon you ara
hereby required to appear and answer the oom
plalnt filed against you in the above entitled uit
within six weeks from the first publication of
this aummoni; the first publication thereof as
ordered by said court being on the 27th day of
June, 1902, and which is the date of the first pub
lication of (he same.
And If you fail to so appear and answer, for
want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court
for relief prayed for In the complaint herein, to
wn : For a decree dissolving the bonds of matri
mony now existing between plaintiff and defend
ant, and decieeing that plaintiff have the custody
of the minor children named in said complaint.
This summons is served on you by publication
In the Coubier-Hebaid, once a week for sil
conseoutlve weeks, the first publication thereof
being made in the issue of June 27, 1902, by order
?.. j T" A' MB"d, a Judge of the above en
titled court, duly made aud entered therein on the
21st day of June, 101)2.
Last iusor'ion August 1, 1902.
MAUM AHON, Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the circuit oourt of the state of Oregon, for the
county of Clackamas.
Eldora Younger, plaintiff, vs. John E. Younger,
In the name of the state of Oregon, you are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint fllod against you in the above-named suit
on or before Friday, August 8, 1SW2, the same being
six weeks from the first publication of this sum
mons, and you wjll take notice that if you fail to
so appear and anBwer said ooinplaint, the plaintiff
willapply to the court for th relief demanded iu
said complaint, to-wit : That the bonds of mat
rimony now existing betweeu you and plaintiff be
'1 his summons is pub shed bv order of the Hon.
Thomas F. Kyan, county judge of Clackamas
cjuuty, in the Oregou City Courier-Herald, a
weekly newspaper of general circulation in Clack
amas county, for six consecutive weeks, commenc
ing Friday, July 4th. and continuing each week
thereafter to and Including Friday, August 8, 1902
Ui0. C. eitOWNELL,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for the
county of Clackamas.
Iu the matter of the assignment of B.M.Atkin
son, an insolvent debtor.
Nolloe Is hereby given that under and pursuant
to an order of the above entitled court, duly made
aud entered in the above entitled matter, on the
twelfth day of November, lBul, requiiingand com
manding me as assignee oi the above named insol
vent debtor to sell the following described real
property, to-wits About fifteen acres in Oregon City
claim, in Clackamas county, state of Oregon, with
the south boundary of Abernethy claim, aud the
Ahernethy creek as the northerly boundary, with
McLoughllu avenue as shown on the plat of Buena
Vista as the southerly boundary, witli the eastern
boundary of Oregon City claim as the easterly
boundary and the eastern line of blocks one hun
dred and Boveuty-six (170), and one hundred and
seventy.seven (177), in Oregon City, as the westerly
boundary thereof. I, K. G. Caufiel'd, assignee of the
above named K. M. Atkinson, will, on IheAl day of
August, 1902, at the hour of eleven o'clock in the
forenoon, at the front door of the county oourt
house of Clackamas county, state ol Oregon, in
Oregon City, sell nt public auction to the highest
bidder (or cash all of the auove described real
Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, this 30th day of
June, 19H2. K, (j. OAUFIKI.D,
Assignee of E. M. Atkinson, an insolvent debtor.
Attorney for Assignee.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Clackamas.
John VV. Doores, Plaintiff, vs. KobeocaLong
L. Hughes, Robert Murdock and P, J. Kidiugsi
To L. Hughes and Robert Murdock said defen
dents. In the name of the state of Oreguns You are
hereby required to appearand answer the com
plaint filed against you in the above entitled suit,
on or berore September 2nd, 19U2; and il you fail
to answer, for want thereof, tho plaintiff will
aoply to the court for the relief demanded in
said complaint to-witi The partition and allot
ment in severity ot a part of the Robert Allen
1). L. C No. 42, in Sees. 4 and 9 in Tp. 6 S., B. 1 E.
ot the W. M., bounded and doscribod aa follows;
Beginning at the N. K. corner of said claim; run
ning thence N. on the E. boundry of said cl im
S3 41 chains to the 8. E. ooruer of a tract of land
deeded to Enoch Sklrvin; thence N.'86S 30',
W. about 13 chains to the county road leading to
Silvertou; thence iu a southwesterly direction
along said road S. 40 61' VV. 8 chains and
53 links to the S. comer ot a tract of laud deeded
to J. E. Jack; thence N. 401 9' VV. 10 chains
to the N. VV. corner of said tract; thenoe N. 40 0 61'
E. 3.28 chains to the land deeded to P. J. Ridings;
thence N. 49 9' VV. along said Ridings land 12.40
chains to the N. boundary of said claim; thence
VV. on N. boundary of said claim 8.43 chains to
the land deeded to John VV. Murdock; thenoe S.on
said Murdock's E. line 05.3a chains to the N. line
of a tract of land conveyed to J. F. Myers; thence
Noitheasterly along said Myers N. line 9 25 chains
to the N. E. corner thereof; thonee N. on the
claim line 2 25 chains to the re-entrant corner of
said claim, thence E. on the 8. boundary of said
claim 25.15 chains to place of beginning; except-
ing therefrom a strip of uniform width off the
westerly side of said described tract, said strip to
extend southerly from the centre of the afore
mentioned county road to the S. boundary of said
1) L. C. and wide enough to oomprise 36 acres.
The plaintiff to have a life estate in the whole be
sides a fourth interest in the fee, and the defend
ants, L. Hughes, Robert Murdock and Rebecca
Long, each to have a one fourth interest in lee
subject to said life eBtute.
This summons is published by order Hon. T. A.
Mcliride, Judge of said Court,, made and dated
July 8th, 1902, the first publication of this sum
mons being had on July 11th, 1902.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for
the county of Clackamas.
M. Reed, plaintiff, vs. VV. L. Reed, defendant.
'To W. L. Reed, said defendant.
In the name of the state of Oregon: You are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint tiled against yau in the above entitled suit,
on or before September 2nd, 1902, valid
if yon fail to answer for want thereol, the plain
tiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded
in said complaint to-wit: the dissolution of the
marriage contract existing between said parties.
This summons is published bv order of Hon.
Thomas A. Mcliride, judge of said court made
and dated July xth, 1902, the first publication
dated tills July 11th, 1902.
Attorneys for Plaiu.iif.
In the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for
the county ol Clackamas.
Rosa Cordray, plaintiff, vs. A. E. Cordrav
defendant. "
To A. E. Cordray, said defendent
Tn tlip num.. thaci.t,, -..
... ..v. vicon; iouare
hereby required to appear and niswer the com
plaint filed against you in the above entitled
suit, on or before September 2nd, 1902, and if you
fail to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff
will apply to the court for the relief demanded iu
said cumplaiut towlt: The dissolution of the
marriage contract existing betweeu said tiarfies
This slintni.iiis iu l.li-l.o 1 1, '. !. a-
Thomas A. Mcliride, Judge of said court, made and
onieu jui. can, i.n.i. cue nrsi publication dated
C. V. S. 1). C. LATOrRRTTE,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the circuit court of the state of Oregon for
Clackamas conntv. 1
Anna VVhiifie'd, plaintiff, vs. Albert O. Whitfield,
Tn Alliarf fl lii,..i .... . .
- ...v.. ... r,u, Lin- noove-nameu de-
: - oi uregon, ynu
are he eby com manded to appear and answer the
complaint hied against you in the above entitled
court on or before August 9, 19'p2, after six week's
mihlt.-Mlif.nnf rhi. . . .
, uu(i11,.,i, aim u yOU lull to
appear, for want thereof the plaintiff will take
llldtzment against vmi as nr.v.ui :n
"--; ""i" " unurre oe'ween you
and plaintiff and the change of plaiutiffs name
. . ... .u....,.; ,,j luuuiaa r, jij-ftu indue
Jur,eTl)5.eUUrt CU,'k"mM u,"'- Oregon,
Thie Anh.p iito.lr. V, Tknmnl- n . .
tithi publication June 27,
JOHN W. lOUKH, Attonu'y for Plaintiff.