Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, July 25, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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HrJr Falls
mm fcgggag t--rarmiMi i nimi iwrarr.-
" I tried Ayer's Hair Vigor to
stop my h:.lr from falling. One-
half a bottle cured me."
J. C. Kaxter, Braidwood, 111.
Ayer's Hair Vigor is
certainly the most eco
nomical preparation of its
kind on the market. A
little of it goes a long way.
It doesn't take much of
a - . P 11" C . 1
n iu siop iaiung oi inc b
hair, make the hair grow,
and restore color to gray I
hair. $1.00 tHit. ah druis. I
If your drug-gist cannot supply you,
end us ona dollar and ws will express
you a bottle. Be sure and give the name
of your nearest express office. Address,
J. C. AYKR CO., Lowell, Mass.
J R Shaver, sheriff of Clackamas
eounty, spent Sunday with his family at
Everybody is busy making hay.
Clyde Engle is on the sick list.
There was quite a number of Molalla
people attended the Macksburg picnic
last Saturday.
J R Shaver brought out a new rubber
tired buggy Saturday for his family,
which was a pleasant surprise fortheru.
A large number of Molallaites attend
ed the Ghd Tidings campmeeting
George Everhart is helping Willie
make hay.
We have a photogiaph gallery at Mo
lolla now. Everybody come and have
their picture taken. The photographer
is Mr Jones, of Silverton.
Willie Everhart has been hauling hy
to the Corners.
Earl Shaver is boss on the ranch now
since his father has gone to Oregon
Mrs Marjaset Engle had some im
provement mad on her house.
Martin Boyles has turned hay heuler.
Martin is a ruHtler.
Mo MM t a i H 1 'I l"IV .
Good haying weather has come at last.
The thermometer registers 1(2 decrees
quite often.
Mr and Mrs Henry Brand took a drive
out to Beaver Creek Monday to visit
among relatives.
Mrs Seely'e mother, who lives with
her, went to Beaverton, Washington
county, last Tuesday to spend a few
weeks among relatives at that place.
Mr Freidrich, one of the genial black
smiths of this burg, is on the Bick list.
Mrs Francis and children have gone
to Chehalis to spend a few weeks with
her mother, Mrs Myers.
Mountain View Fire Company No 4,
have moved into their new home latelj
purchased from F M Darling.
Mr and Mrs Shaw, of Union Mills,
were the guests of Mrs Albright Tues
day evening.
Mrs Kelson and dautrl.ter, Lena, are
rusticating at Union Mills.
Mountain View was well represented
at New Era Smidny. The lecture given
by Mrs Smith was good.
Wedding bells are chiming again, not
only in this burg, but adjoining burgB.
S Oglesby is haying fur Mr Andrews
thiB week.
JGillettnnd John Gray are digging
a bo-loot well at Willamette 1'alls.
Ed Muy, who has been in Eastern
Oregon working, has returned to thi
Mrs Walton has returned from her
visit to Highland accompanied by Miss
Peurl Harrington.
The having is about all finished in
this neighborhood.
John Blunm bought a driving horse
last week.
Karl Stuedeman lias given his house
a fresh coat of paint.
Emil Cluenther has his now barn
about finished.
There was preaching in the Evangeli
cal church Friday evening.
Postmaster G A Schnohel and W D
Hill were hauling hay to market lust
Abel Thomas, of I'eavir Creek, is
hauling lumber from . 111 Jones' saw
mill. Lou and Phil Steiner railed at
the home of Jacob Croesmiller last Tues
day evening.
Dame Rumor says thero is going to be
A wedding iu the near future.
A surprise party was given at the
homo of Peter Hohlnnder Monday eve
ning. Games were indulged iu by the
voting folks until midnight when nil de
parted for their homes. Bkass.
bars of a bike last Monday, as he parsed
through our burg. Billy thinks bicy-
i-ies are an rignr, lor small boys, but
they are no good for the mighty man.
Mrs Lizzie Michael is visiting her
parents, Mr and Mrs Herman, this
Miss Arta Kirk was a guest at the
home of Madolin Mathis last Tuesday.
I B Hein and family have moved on J Boyles and family made Ode
to the farm recently purchased of Mr Boyles and wife a visit a few days ago.
their son, William
called on
Maple Lane.
Fine weather for hayine.
John B Jackson and family attended
the picnic at Macksburg last Saturday.
Mr and Mrs George Hyatt and son, of
Goldendale, Wash, were visitings Mrs
Hyatt's parents, Mr and Mrs A Mautz,
last week.
Mr and Mrs Beard Sr. of Wisconsin.
are ine guests oi
Beard, and family
Mrs Gibbs and d luijhter
Mrs Schilling last Sunday.
Miss Zella Su'fns was seen hipping
along the dusty t treels of our burg Sat
urday last.
Josi & Scherruble are hauling hay
from the Apperson place and putting it
into their new barn.
Miss Annie Duboise, nf Portland is the
guest of her aunt, Mis Gale, and family
this week.
Misses Annie Maiitz and Sara Davis
were seen spinning alone nn their whee s
yesterday evening. Pansy Blossom.
Miss Lillie Thompson it working at
the Aurora hotel.
Vernie Deetz died Monday morning at
10 o'clock of rheumatic fever. He was
the second son of H Ii Deetz.
J J Scrock is very sick.
Mrs Dutcher, of Portland, is visiting
her daughter, Mrs. Askins.
Mrs John Rankin and sons, of ' Port
land, are visiting Mrs C 0 Molson.
Miss Custer, of Oregon City, visited at
the Noblitt farm last week.
S W Hardesty and daughter, Mrs
Tubs, of Alameda, Cal, is visiting with
Mrs Fred Smith .
Quite a few of Needyites took in the
Macksburg picnic.
Miss Ella Perdue, of Portland, and
Mrs Sacrey, of Hubbard, are visiting
Needy friends.
Union Hall
David Riggs was visiting William
Parker and wife a few days ago.
P L Coleman was calling on friends in
this neighborhood a tew days ago.
A number of people from this place
attended the Spiritualists canp meeting
at New Era last Sunday.
Mrs Nancy Burns visited her daugh
ter, Mrs Caroline Thomas, last Saturdav
night and Sunday.
Mrs Wm Adams, of Molalla, and Mrs
J I artless were visitors of Mrs Wing
field last Tuesday.
Elder Moore preacfies at Mulino on
ihe third Sunday in July. He is ex
pected to preach at the Gorbet hall the
second Sunday in August.
Mrs Carter and little daughter made
Mrs G Wingfield a pleasant call Thurs
day. Mips Orla Boyles made Miss Maud
Wingfield a pleasant call today.
Haying weather has come at last, the
Fourth hieing past, which iB the mark
fur the weather.
0 S Boyles and H Daugherty have
finished cutting and shocking 25 acres
and have about 17 acres yet to cut.
Weather is very warm and dry.
Grain crops are looking very well.
Rain would do some good to the gar
dens and other grains.
Mr Shandy, of Russellville, has not
been heard from since his wife died.
A number are anxious to hear from him.
The telephone line is quite an im
provement to our country from
Molalalla to Wilhoit. What will come
Sick Headuche Absolutely and perma
nently cured by uslntf Mokl Tea. A pleanant
herb drink. Cures constipation and indigestion,
makes you eat,sleep, work and happy Satisfaction,
guaranteed or money back ; 26o and 50c. Write
to W. H. Hooker & Co., Buffalo, N. Y., for a free
sample., or Howell & Jones, druggists.
The Stat
of Stars
jfdieiU BUGGIES,
Olve hotter satisfaction than nnvthlng on
the market at anything like the price, be
cause they are made of rood material, to
stand "Oregon roads" Iron corners on
bodies, braces on shafts, heavy second
Krowth wheels, screwed rims. If you want
to fee Inure that yon are getting your mon
ey's worth, ask for a "Bee Line" or a
"Mitchell'' (lleimey) Buggy. We guar
antee them.
- Mitchell, Lewis Slavor Co.
Seattle, Spokane, Boise. Portland, Or.
Has bell bearings in turn table. Turns
freely to the wind. Hall bearing thrust
in wheel, insuring lighest running qual
ities, anil reserving greatest amount of
power for pumping. Galvanized after
making. Put together with galvanized
bolts, double nutted, no part can rust or
get loose and rattle. Weight regulator;
perfect regulation. No spring to change
tension with every change of tempera
ture, and grow weaker wif age. Repairs
always on hand. These tilings are
worth money to you. Then why not buy
a Star.
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been.
iu use for over 30 years, has home the signatnre of
and has been made under his per-
ju(j?'fA sonal supervision since its infancy.
taT7 t J-eucAOZ Miovr no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
pud allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep
The Children's PanaceaThe Mother's Friend.
Sears the Signature of
The KM You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Rest possible to build
No wagon fs or can be better than a Mitchell
beofnise'the cream of wood stock is used, only aft
ter beinpr thoroughly seasoned. The wagon Is wela
ironed, well painted, well proportioned, and run
the lighest of any
It In nearly 70 years since the first Mitchell wag,
on was built, ana they have been built continu
ously erer since by the Mitchells. When you buy
a Mitchell you get the benefit of this 70 years' experience.
Send for Special Catalogue Free
First and Taylor Sts.t Portland, Ore.
Branches Houses at Seattle, Spokane, Boise, Salem and Medford
Good Literature
For Almost
IM O Till 111; Agent, St. Paul,
C mailed, upcm recc
Tire Northern Pacific is not
ed among railways for its
advertising matter. Its
pamphlets, folders, booklets, etc., are
tastefully gotten up and are valuable for
what thev contain. Here iR a partial liet
CI1AS. S. FEE, General Passenger
Minn., will send out, carefully
receipt of prices eiven . Anv combi
nation can be made, and money or express orders, silver or stamps will be
accepted. This is a fine opportunity to obtaia good descriptive reading
matter for little or nothing.
Wonderland 1901
Agricultural Implements, Vehicles, Harness and Bicycles
Mention this Paper
.iiii.Hi I,..
. '- ' i
I Easiest It . 1
01 Any ju
Skimmer Hj
Simple Stover
0jk 1 fl
Gasoline Engine
l).,3,4and6H.P., Plain
and Pumping. Simplest En
gine made. More easily un
derstood than any other.
Catalogue B'ree.
Champion in name
Champion in the field
An annua. blloation, beautifully illustrated in color and
half tone. Ii. is number trtmtfi puriicularly of the history of
the Northern PaelDc's Trademark, the cister Battlefield ill
Montana, aud the Yellowstone Park.
Miniature Wonderland
A neat and dainty publication containing a complete history
of the Northern Paeiflo Trademark. The artistic oovera of
the Wonderland, 1U01 are used in miniature.
Wild Flowers from Yellowstone
A book of pressed wild flowers from Yellowstone Park,
showing the real rlowers in their natural colors. A dainty
and beautiful souvenir ten specimens of flowers and six
full page illustrations of Park scenery.
Yellowstone National Park
A new 112 page book in stronn, flexible covers, good paper,
plain type, illustrated, "pocket size, a compendium g and
descriptive of the Woild's Wonderland.
Climbing Mount Rainier
S en
Six Centa
Four Centa
F.fty Cents
It beats them all. That's all
there is to say.
Same with the CHAMPION
Catalogue Free.
Hood view
Heaver Creek.
Mrs ; lavis and family left here last
week to return to their old homo ut
l.tike Chrialal, Minn.
Mrs T 1! Thomas made a Hying trip to
Poitland one day Inst week.
V P.olander's team ran nway Monday
with n load of hay and three passengers
on. Jsohodywaa hurt, which was very
lucky, I'onsHlerii'g the case, as the wagon
was more or less pulled apart.
Mrs Hay Pierce, Mrs Mathis and
daughter, Madolin, were visit ins in Port
lamia few days last week.
Mrs J S Pavie, who has been quite
sick for the past week, is (retting some
what better,
Everybody seems to be linking hay
while the tun chines.
Hilly O'Connor's beaming counte
nance was Et en illuminating the handle
Mrs Joseph Grimes is visiting
parents, Mr and Mrs Stnhlnecker.
Mies Ileton Murray went to Portland
Wednesday as a delegate to the Grand
Lodtre Degree of Honor. ,-he returned
MrsMawgio Nendall is visiting her
parents, Mr and Mrs T M li ,ker.
George Seely is erecting a large barn
and Charlie Hall, of Sherwood, is doing
the carpenter work.
Among those win attendee the Chau
tauqua from here Saturday were Hishop
Seely, Krank Mrobst, Miss Mabel Seely,
Miss tlelen Murray, liert Seely and
Ilirschel Clutter.
The danco given by the A O U W Sat
nrday evening at Wilsonvilh was largely
attended and a good time was had. j
The Y T S C K of 11 00 1 View gave an I
ice cream 'social at the resi once of Mr
and Mrs Ira Seely Wednesday evening. I
A number from here attended the
picnic at Macksburg last S.ilunlny. I
Fred Seely made a business trip
Oregon City and l'ortland Saturday .
to Woodburn last
his mother-in-law,
with him to Btay
Seedy. j
Harvest is in full blast. j
Frank l'islr and J 1) Kilter went to j
the mountains on a hunting nip. I
C C Molson and daughter, .May, went
on the excursion to "Camp Williams,"
Albany, Sunday.
Mrs Gibson, who ;u report h1 quite
HI, is much improved under the care of
Or Weaver, of Hubbard.
The Women of Woodcraft circle here
visited their neihlKir lodge of Wood
bum Tuesday evening and reported
having a most enjajable time.
B J Helvey went
Saturday to bring
Mrs Smith, home
a while.
Grandpa Wilkerson has moved to
Can by.
J II Burns is helping John Thomas
make Rhingles. Mr. Thomas intends
to build his house one etory higher than
it is now.
Quite a number of Union Hall people
attended the picnic at Macksburg given
on July liHh. Both the picnic in the
day time and the dance given in the
evening were excellent, and all those
present, I will venture to say, thorough
ly enjoyed themselv.'s.
Miss Daisy Phelps, who has been
teaching in Kaatern Oregon, has re
turned home to spend the vacation with
her parents.
L liiggs went to Oregm City last Sat
urday. Geno Burns visited her grandmother,
Mis J Knotts, one day last week.
I Messrs J Thomas and Frank Hilton
i went to town hist Saturday.
Louisa lVrringer returned home from
j a visit to her nunt, Mrs Kidennan, who
1 lives in Portland .
Unit elleille.
Alvis Quinn, of Kastern Oregon, visit
ed his sister, Mrs Wingfield, last week.
Mrs Alvis Quinn. of Marquam, made
Mrs Wingfield a visit last week.
F.rval lioyles visited his grandmother,
Mrs Winglield Thursday.
Mr Arm-tro- g visited his 1 ttle daugh
ter, F.tliol, at -Mrs Carter's Thursday.
Mr and Mrs Winciield and their
daughter Maud, visited .Mr and Mrs
Mutts and family a few days ago.
An illustrated porket-size book. 72 twph. in strong, flexible Send
covers, printed on hoavv paper, descriptive of an accent of Twenty-five
me inquest pean iu tno united states outsiue of Alassa oi a cents,
glacial nature.
We want to inform the people of Oregon City and vicinity
A Letter From Litchfield, Neb.
Thomas Clancy, of Litchfield, Neb.,
wrote us a few weeks ago about his ex
perience with Dr. Gunn's Blood and
Nerve Tonic. As his case may be simi
lar to others it naturally would be of
interest to them to know the result of
his test. He had been haunted for years
with a gradual growing weakness until
he was reduced to almost a shadow.
His comulexion was sallow and pimply,
had dizzy and sinking spells, with loss
of memory and ambition. Always felt
tired and outdone, suffered greatly with
nervousness, and felt that his heart's
action wis weak. His digestion was so
poor his system received no nutriment.
He says he commenced the use of this
Tonic, taking one tablet after each meal.
He did not notice much change after
using one box only he enjoyed his meals
Oetter, still he kept on until he had used
six boxes. He used the last box more
than six months ago. When he stopped
the use of Tonic he weighed 28 pounds
more than he did when he commenced,
Una tint, heen sick a dav since, and is
oll ! r.,in,l ami hnAv 1r llnnn'i ' CentS
Blood oc Nerve Tonic is the best medi
cine in the world for pale, weak or sick
ly women . Sold by all druggists for 75
cents per box, or sent by mail on receipt
of price. Write us about your case. Ad
dress, Dr. Gunn, Philadelphia, Pa. For
sale by Charnian A Co , Druggists.
that we have opened a Jewelry Store and Repair Shop on Main
Street, Court House Block, next to Red Front, and carry a fine
line of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware and Spectacles,
and we want our customers to feel that our shop is theirs that
we attend to their work, whether much or little, the same as if
attended to by themselves; and that the oftener we hear from
them the better it pleases us.
Yours for good goods, low prices and honest dealing.
IWmJjardner & Son, Watchmakers, Oregon C'tyjj
The first Semester, Session 1902-3, opens Wednesday, September
17th. The following Schools and Colleges are co.nprised in the
University : Graduate School, College of Literature, Science and Arts,
College of Science and Engineering, University Academy, School of
Music, School of Medicine, School of Law. ,
Tuition free, excepting in Schools of Law, Medicine and Mus"c
(Incidental fee $10.00, Student-Body tax $2.50 per year). Cost of liv
ing from $ioc.oo to $200.00 per year. For Catalogue, address
Registrar of the University, Eugene, Ore.
S. B. Catarrh Care.
Is taken internally, acting directly on
the blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. It permeates every fluid of tt e
body, eradicates the disease from the
system, cleanses and heals the afflicted
parts and restores then to a .natural.
healthful coi."1.:
druggists. Be!:
dress Smith L
For sale by all
r. CO. rh free. Ad
IV .. .jc Cal.
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure a
cold in one dav. No cure no pay. l'rice
Sure Cure for Piles.
Itching Files produce moisture and cause
itching, this form, as well as Blind,
Bleeding or Protruding Piles are cured
by Pr. Bo-san-ko's Pile Kemedy, Stops
idling and bleeding. Absorbs tnmois.
flOc a"a jar at Druggists, or sent by mail.
TreatLe free. Write me about your
case. Dr. Bosanko, Philadelphia, Pa.
For sale by Charnian A Co., Druggists
Your Tongue
If it's coated, your stomach
is bad, your liver is cut of
order. Ayer's Pills will clean
your tongue, cure your dys
pepsia, make your liver right.
Easy to take, easy to operate.
25c. All druggists.
Want your ini.wj.cu-he nr lu.na t. Uauuiul
thrown ur rkh M.u k . Tlu'ii mo
Some Reasons
Why You Should Insist cn fav!n
mmM mmm oil
Uncciiialed by any outer.
Render,, bar. leirher autt.
Espeti.'.'.'.y prepared.
Keqs e-i:t vw ?r.
M heave bndi'-d oil.
fin o".-L.Un y,. ...Ti-.-.n-?
Re.':-.' - i : i
fc'eve. l-.-.rn- ir tii.-. t
E'ltici.-iu 11. ere.:
Secures K ' -t-.-'-iec.
jt iiu
rr--. rr j
( cm puny. 8
ravsician. SirDn ,nJ
aysician, birjji ,nj O-JiBt
Office in Barclnj Building, Car. JIain and 7th Sts.
Calls Answered rremp)ly Day or Night
........ jfirww'r?KaBstiiNBit