Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, July 18, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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As Time is the stuff Life's
made of, take it from an
Elgin Watch
the timekeeper of a lifetime the world's
standard pocket timepiece. Sold every
where; fully guaranteed. Booklet free.
Elgin Illinois.
Court House Block, Oregon City, Ore.
Look at This!
For the next 60 days for Cash, we will give
10 per cent off on
Pry (Roods,
Boots, Shoes
Furnishing; (Roods
everything Tresb, Heat and Clean,
Stratton Bldg.
meat market of ft Betbke
Opposite Suspension Bridge, Oregon City
Selling at Cost
or 60 Davs !
To make room for new Fall Goods, which will be a larger and
more complete stock than has ever before been carried at the
Do not pass us by but come and investigate.
' Ladies' Dress Skirts
White Skirts
' Colored Skirts
" Chemise
" Drawers
" Fine Underwear
" Lace Hose
Children's Hose
Corjet Covers
Hose Supporters
Sunbonnets, 20c
Gloves, 20c
Mitts, ioc, 15c, 20c
Ladies' Silk Ties
All kinds of Laces
Ribbons, ic yd. and up
New Lot Ladies' Wrappers
Table Linen
Napkins, Towels
Knit Shawls
Men's Underwear, Sox, Fins, Needles, San Silk, Knitting
Cotton, Ikcnaird & Armstrong Embroidery Silk, Sewing Silk
and Thread.
Newly Furnished and Refitted. Optn Day and Night.
George Bros. Restaurant
and Lunch Counter
Opp. Electric Hotel, Oregon City
Has No Superior in the City.
Meals at All Hours.
Fitting Spectacles and IJyc Glasses
Fy Up-to-Date Methods.
Examination Free, . by PHILLIPS, The Optician
TJie Iowa Jeweler, 293 Morrison, near 5th
(Continued from page 1.)
Road District No. 14
George B Rate & Co $24 50
Alos Horam, bridge 6 40
J R Myers.. 20 00
0 Williams 22 60
1 Shortlidge 24 00
M G Irwin 16 50
Bob Rondols ' 1 50
F VV Beard 21 75
Delbert Shelly 22 50
Corty Gibbs 23 25
Sam Bailev ft no
A S Bai'ey 3 00
Jim Shelly 23 00
Harry Shelly y 75
t w Gibbs ;.; 12 7o
L I) Barney... 1 50
Road District No. 15 !
W B Lawton. . 12 75
M in Corbit 16 50
R D Miller 12 00
H Hart 2 60
Frank Hendricks 13 50
G A Wilson 16 50
J b Howell ; 9 00
R H Taber 27 00
E Carnahan 7 50
E Warner 10 50
Fly Parker 3 00
C E 8wick 1 50
Malcolm Telford 4 30
G D Bruner 1 50
E Douthit 1 50
Wm Corbit. ,, 5 25
Frank Hendricks 7 50
J B Howell 1 bo
F W Hacker 5 70
E Carnahan 1 50
W B Lawton g 00
O E Swick 3 00
Ely Parker 60
A Warner g 00
R D Miller "" 3 00
R H Taber e 00
d uanong 1 50
RH Taber g 00
RD Miller 3 75
Wm Corbit 4 50
George McCord 65
Road District No. 16
Geo B Rate & Co 38 90
W H Breimer 28 00
Chas Bauman 33 25
T W Blanchard 45 50
MiKe rluiras 35 50
Chns Bradtt 10 50
Frank Engle , 7 00
Herbert Lucas 8 25
J Rhineman 4 50
B Erickson 2 25
R McAr.liur..' 300
A Breanier 1 50
CDeitz 6 00
II Engle 3 00
E Gal brick 3 00
C Bauman 7 00
A Uelbrick 1...'..!. 3 00
Suraneriifcld 3 00
1' Hall 300
c Hall 10 50
J G BriftgB 60 50
C V StocSer 15 '50
C McCormick 3 00
W Kinger 7 50
W S liiiler 7 50
Chas CI irk 6 00
Alberi MoCormack 3 00
Robert Campbell 3 00
Clark 3 00
Jos Wilson 1 50
Archie Curry 1 50
Curry 1 50
Will Penman 3 OO
J fBrhjgj 41 00
TPennian 3 00
Road District No. 17
Carlton & Rosenkrans $ 8 65
Alex lice 13 50
Win Tice 12 00
VVmMcIntoBh ."..!.!.'! 7 50
James Wilkerson 4 50
Sam Wilkerson " 1 50
James Wilkerson 2 00
Road District No. 18-
Lindsley it Son ( $12 40
Wilson & Coake 80
Albert Steadman 75
Thomas Daniels 34 00
Edward Smith is 75
Fred Moehnke 40 00
Road District No. 19
Trullingur Bros $ 4 71
Jacob Schmidt, bridge 4 00
Wer 4 50
PP Murphy 300
W Parker ; 1 50
J A Daniel , . '. 3 75
JDauell 1 5q
J J M allatt 9 00
G Schmidt ' 17 40
K Schmidt ' k an
C Beck 10 20
fli uecK g 70
L Moser ""' 11 ai
P A Moldenhauer 19 00
u sRer 10 20
A Saner to nn
J J Mallatt 90 nn
I Miller.. . i8 60
E Starks 7 00
E 1 lornschuch 6 00
L Wallers ' n 40
W Wallers 7 oq
F Mink 1 50
Road District No. 20
T ii Madison j 33
J A Stromgreu " 1 82
T Grace 50
Road District No. 20
J POlsen 1 50
HTaaS; 150
J BLund 1 50
Nat Scribner.. 1 m
Lee Parrish "t j 1 50
Chas Parrish ',,'.'" j 50
T J Kirk ' 1 84
j 1 arnsn 1 50
G Wallace 6 00
R Muber 3 60
K Rsptke .'.",';; 3 (,o
Carl Stromgreen 14 25
junnsoii 1 1 ok
People who travel and are constantly on the road are very
liable to have dyspepsia or some other form of "stomach
trouble." They have to live as they can, not as they would.
The train won't stop for them to eat, they must eat when the
train stops, and in general the food hurriedly swallowed in the
" ten minutes for refreshments " is of an indigestible character.
It is small cause for wonder that under such conditions the
stomach becomes disordered and diseased. One of the peculiar
features of .the times is tht the scores and thousands of people
who don't have to travel persist in living as if they did. They
eat at home or in the restaurant as if the time for refreshment
was limited to ten minutes and they were in momentary expec
tation of the call, " All aboard 1 " to break in upon their hur
ried meal. The very natural consequence of this way of living
is to recruit the great army of dyspeptics. Dyspepsia has many
stages which range from mere discomfort to utter mental misery
and physical wreck. But at any stage dyspepsia is a menace to
health and happiness. Ordinarily we think of dyspepsia as a
disease affecting only the organs of digestion and nutrition.
But as a matter of fact the disease affects the whole body. It
causes physical lassitude, mental dullness and depression, head
ache, muscular debility and constipation or irregularity. It is
one of the greatest handicaps to human happiness and useful
ness the world knows.
Side by side with these facts there is another : Dyspepsia can
he cured, has been cured, and is being cured by the use of Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It cures dyspepsia at any
stage, and the only difference between the cure of an old and
obstinate case of dyspepsia and the disease in its beginning, is a
difference of time. It takes longer to cure a disease which has
had years perhaps in which to root and a disease which has
only just begun to show itself. But so uniform are the results
obtained by the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis
covery that it may be affirmed that in ninety-eight per
cent, of cases a perfect and permanent cure will be ob
tained. It always helps. It almost always cures. f""". g3f
Mr. Ned Nelson, the celebrated Irish Commedian and Mimic
of 577 Royden Street, Camden, N. J., writes: "We fulfilled an
engagement of twelve weeks, and the constant traveling gave me
a bad touch ot that dreaded disease called dyspepsia. I had tried evervthinir
Bossible to cure it till last week while nlavino- at Ft V TJVnUi'o u;j A .
Philadelphia, in the Nelson Trio, a professional friend of mine advised meta
try Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. I tried it. and. thot,v
g6od results." ' ' wiia
Having seen the advertisement of your 'Golden Medical Discovery' and
being a great sufferer from the effects of stomach trouble for the past ein-ht
years, I concluded to try your medicine," writes Mr-. W. A. Maxwell of Marsh
field, Coos Co., Oregon. "I had tried almost every known remedy and a1
consulted with the best medical skill attainable, but all without any reli f
After reading "one of your oirculars I concluded to trv oua bottlp nf n, t 5. '
Golden Medical Discovery. After taking one bottle I felt so relieved it iZu a
continue Am now on the fourth bottle and have not had a spell of bloating I
muiuatu wuitu was very painiui; ior tne iast six weeks.
Spell of bloatincr Kooi
Before the use of your medicine
I was in dread of every mealtime for in twenty minutes after eatiL I
!3 . '?ftion was my principal ailnLt, and Vbav'e ffioTe .Sffl
t . T'h T" ue"evf rwas "roK" n tnrougn the medium of inditres
as I stated, after having used four bottles of your medicine, I have not hid ,
sour stomach or painful bloating, and my asthma has just about disannealid
feel better now than for the last ten years!" J disappeared,
on. Now,
. attack of
In fact, I
1 he cures effected by the use of "Golden Medical Discovery are real and
lasting. A large number of the so-called "remedies offered for dvJi,
mere palliatives. The most thev can do is to ,1 .W1! are
physical discomfort. But the Discovery " makes a perfect and remanent
It does this because it is much more than a mere medicine for Hv.;.
uigaiis 01 digestion and nutrition Tt
cures diseases of organs seemingly remote from the stomach, but which in realitv
have their origin in a diseased condition of the stomach and its allied orS
Ihuswith the cure of dyspepsia and stomach "trouble comes th in F
I! kld,ney8' heart' lun and other or
gans, when these diseases, as is often the case, have
their cause in the diseased condition of the organs
of digestion and nutrition. ' b
t.rStM M dea',Cr' eytQi bF the little re
Sni J? r th6,8al f 1CSS meritorious medicine,
will offer the customer a substitute as beine- it
Medical jv
111 !
as gooa as the "D.scovery." It jB better for Lim
because it pays better, but it is not as good for you,
f you want the medicine that has cured othersand
Which VOH hp ovo it. 1 u
m If you are looking for a laxative which is gentle
PlersantnpennetseffeCtlVe re8Ult8' PierCe'8
Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, 1008
large pages, is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay
expense of mailing only. Send 81 one-cent stamps
lor cloth-bound volume, or only 21 stamps for the
book 111 paper covers.
Address : Dr. R V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
3 00
3 00
4 50
3 00
J Putv
Peter Schiewe
Kred Browers.
F. Martin ....
f "",VBn 3 00
K W Hammette 3 75
M Freeman )' 12 75
J A StromiTrtiiii mi! A.-.
G Wallace, bridge 1 50
Carl Stromgreeu, bridge 3 00
J A StroniL'ieeu " a cia
Road District No. 21
J 11 James 13 50
Kellie James '. ar
Jessie James 6 8-i
W K Garrett 75
0 R James 1 so
Koht Writdit i R,,
F M Countryman ,' 450
John Countryman ' 4 50
LP Williams -
John lierber "" i r,n
iMvui ioneson o r.
V V. liornev
Road District No. "2
L W Kobbins no
tieo F Ball in m
Andrew Johnson ' 7 Rn
DC Ball o
- 00
6 00
Richard Ball 6 75
Gus Johnson 2 25
Louis Penalton 3 7j
George Williams 6 00
John R Johnson v 3 00
II J Rastall 8 00
Andrew Lamb 1 00
Clay Engle 3 00
Joe Ringo 12 00
Albert Engle 6 00
Road District No. 23
C Frost $3 00
August Rottenberg 3 00
W J Armstrong '. 3 00
I F Yost 7 00
Road District No. 21
Disallowed .
Hoad District No. 25
Loie hros, bridge 1 56
lruiiinger 15ros 37 3
A Willoroad 9 00
J Willbroad 4 50
H Dry en 15 00
r Jinan 4 12
F Hanson 6 00
F Kraxberger 1 50
F Matthews 13 87
John Heinz "3 ..
Joseph Both 9
beorca alsh. road 9 nn
John Eccel 3 00
N K Cole 20 40
A M Condet !. n nn
James Fry rear 24 00
Henry Getler 6 87
111 uetler 10 50
Wm Getler 3 no
Road District No. 25
James Mitts, road $ 3 Oo
F Werner 15 75
L Werner 7 50
F Murdock 14 00
Ira Morris 4 50
Otis Morris 15 00
Chas Morris l' 00
Geo St,ear 12 00
Will Tucker 12 00
Mm Bowers 75
M Berkholder 4 50
P Wallact 1 0
Fred Lamour 75
G Murdock 7 50
(Continued next week.)
Saves a Woman's Life.
To have eiven up would have meant
death for Mrs Lois Crang, Dorchester,
Mass., For years she bad endured
untold misery irom a severe lung trouble
and obstinste couh. "Often,", she
writes, "1 could scarcely breathe and
sometimes could not speak. All doctors
and remedies failed till I used Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption and
was completely cured." Sufferers from
Coughs, Colds, Throat and Lung
Trouble need this grand remedy, for it
never disappoints. Cure is guaranteed
by George A. Harding. Price 50c and
$1. Trial bottles free.
Wall Paper
Now is the time to buy your
wall paper and Murrow, the paper
hanger, will sell it to you cheaper
han you can buy it in Portland.
Drop a card in the postoffice and
have sample-book brought to your
house, or telephone Ely Bros.' store
J. MURROW, Oregon City
Oregon City
SecoiHl-HaiHl & Junk Store
Highest Prices Paid for Second-Hand
Goods, Hides, Junks, Metals of all
Kinds, Etc.
Second-Hand Goods Bought and.Sold
Ring Phone 416 for Junk.
Sngarman & Co.
Mokl Tea positively cure nick head
ache, inJisjo-itiou ucl constipmlon. A dpHehifnl.
herb driuk. Kt-moTes nil emptioiu of the skin, pro.
duoiny s perfect complexion or money refunded;
ud 60o. Write to us for free sample. W. Hi
llooker fc Co., Buffalo, X. V., or Howell A Jout'S,