OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1902. pay SEPTEMBER 1st, The Street Parade Will Be a Pageant of Splendor All kinds of Sport Ball Games, Hose Races Foot Races And Races to Sec the Show All Unions WILL UNITE TO CELEBRATE: Prizes Will Be Hung Up In AH Departments All Business Houses Will Be Represented Phone, Main 264. Address J. H. Howard, Manager, Box 374, Oregon City ASTORIA & COLDMBIV j RIVER RAILROAD CO. Oregon Shot Line and Union Pacific T) THE The 0. R. & N. Co. Gives tine Choice of tudcc or ' I nnLt TRAINS LEAVES DEP0T l1? 1 Sl8" ARRIVES For Maygers, Rainier, "latskanie, Westport, Clifton, Astoria, War 8:00 A.M. renton, Flavel, Ham mond, Fort Stevens, 11:10 A.M. Qearliart Park, Seaside, Astoria and Seashore Express, Daily. 7:00 P.M. Astoria Express, 9:40 P. M, . Daily. Ticket Office, 255 Morrison St. and Union Depot. J. C. Mayo, Gen. Pass. Agt.. Astoria, Ore. TWO VIA ONE VIA THE OREGON THE GREAT SHORT LINE NORTHERN 9:00 a- m' r r,ri 9:00 p. m. 6:00 P- m- TO T0 SALT 1 KE, DEN',,, SPOKANE, OMAHA, MINNEAPOLIS, CHICAGO anrl ,8T. PAUL and KANSAS CITY. CHICAGO. Ocean Steamers leave Portland every 5 Days lor SAN FRANCISCO Boats leaves Portland daily for Willam ette and Columbia Eiver Points. Monthly Steamers to China and Japan. For full information call on or address nearest O. K. & N. Ticket Agent, or address A. L. CIUIG, O, P. A., Portland, Oregon PORTLAND-ASTORIA ! ROUTE STR. BAILEY GATZERT Dally Round Trips, except Sunday TIME CARD Leave Portland. A. M Leave Astoria 7 P. M THE DALLES-PORTLAND ROUTE STHS. TAI10MA and METLAKO Daily Trips Except Sunday STR. TAHONA Leave Portland, Mon., Wed. and Krl. . 7 A.M. Leave The Dalles, Tues., Thurs and Sat.. 7 A. M. STR. METLAKO Leave Portland, Tues., Thurs. and Sat 7 A. M Leave Dalles, Mon., Wed. and Fri 7 A- M Landing, Foot Alder Street BOTH PHONES, MAIN 851 PoBTt.AND, OKEOON AGENTS John M. Filloon The Dalles, Ore. A. J. Taylor Astoria, Ore. J. J. Luckev Hood River, Ore. Wolford & Wyers. White Salmon, Wash. J. O. Wyatt Vancouver, Wash. R. B. Gilbreth Lyle, Wash. John M. Totton Stevenson, Wash. Henry Olmstead Carson, Wash. Wm. Butler Butler, Wash. E. W. CRICHTON, PORTLAND, ORE. GO EAST' VIA Only transcontinental line passing directly through Salt Lake City, Lead v ill e, Pueblo, Colorado Springs and Denver. Three splendidly epuipped trains daily to all points East. Through Sleeping and Dining Cars and Free Reclining Chair Cars. The most magnificent scenery in America hv davlicht. Stop overs allowed on 'all classeB of tickets. For cheapest rates and descriptive literature address J. D. HANSFIELD, General Agent, 24 Third Street, Portpnd, Oregon The Dal!es, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co.'s Strs. Regulator & Dalles City Daily (except Sunday) between The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks, Vancouver and Portland Touching at .way points on both sides of the uoiumom river. Both of tie above Btoamers have been re ul and are in excellent shape for the season ofl 00 The Keeulator Line will endeavor to glveiU patrons the best service possible. For Comfort, Economy and Pleasure travel by the steamers of The Regulator Line. The above steamers leave Portland 7 a. m.an Dalles at 8 a. m.,and arrlveat destination In amp time for outgoing trains. Portland Office, ' The Dalles Office Oak 8t. Dock. CourtStreet. A. C. Al.LAWAY General Age Happy Tima In Old Town. "We felt very happy," writes R. N. Bevill, Old Town.Va., "when Bucklen's Arnica Salve wnony curea our aaugmer of a bad case of scald head." It delights all who use it for Cuts, Corns, Burns, Bruises, Boils, Ulcers, Eruptions. In fallible for Piles. Only 25c at Geo. A. Harding's drug store. " FRIJIT OF THE LOOM." Men and women of taste and judgment go into ecstacies over the wonderful pat terns, textures and colors which are " the fruit of the loom." But there is one fruit of the loom they rarely con sider, and that 'ii the frail and faded woman, old before her time, because necessity compels her to work under conditions, which send her more favored sister to bed and the doc tor's care. The diseases which weaken and tormant women, may in almost all cases be cured by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It establishes regu larity, dries weak ening drains, heals inflammation and ulceration, and cures female weakness. KI had female trouble for eight years," writes Mrs. L. J. Dennis, of 828 East College Street, Jacksonville, Ills. "Words cannot express what I suffered. T sought relief among the medical profession ami found none. Friends urged me to try Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. "When I commenced taking this medicine I weighed ninetv-five pounds. Now I weigh one hundred and fifty-six pounds more than I ever weighed before. I wns so bad 1 would lie from day to day and long for death to come and relieve my suffering, i had internal inflammation, a dis agreeable drain, breariug-down pain, and such distress every month, but now I never have a pain do all my own work and am a strong and healthy woman." "Favorite Prescription" makes weak women strong, sick women well. Accept no substitute for the medicine which works wonders for weak women. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets should be used with Favorite Prescription " when ever a laxative is required. Jf CHOICE MISCELLANY Paris Girls' Luncheon, The I'aris factory girl's restaurant is a bench on the boulevard or in a public square. She does not bring her lunch from home in the morning, but buys a little sausage or similar delicacy at one shop or vender's wagon, a few cakes at another and an apple or banana at a third on her way from the shop to her favorite bench. Ten minutes suffice for the frugal meal, and the rest of the hour Is passed in chatting and promenading. Usually she economizes on her lunch and spends a couple of sous for violets or other flowers. Now, all this is very .pleasant in fine weather, but the girls do the same thing on rainy days and in the worst Ktorms of winter. Why? Because they have to. The French believe in regulating everything by law. At one time the girls were compelled to eat their lunch in the es tablishments where they were employ ed. This regulation being complained of ns oppressive, it was decreed that they should not lunch in the establish ments. Now some progressive people are sug gesting the propriety of letting the poor creatures do as they please. Are Kinas Imniuur From Menslesf Are kings and queens and princes subject to the measles and the law of gravitation just like ordinary mortals? Prince George of Bavaria, a royal per sonage of twenty-two, says that they are not, or at least that the law of evo lution does not apply to men of noble lineage. Others may have descended from a ptotoplasmic speck, but not his family. Professor Ranke, the celebrat ed scientist, was recently delivering a lecture in Munich before a learned so ciety, in which he told incidentally of the descent of man, possibly from or through the "monkey, when the prince nrose and rebuked him sharply for in sinuating that any member of the royal family could be descended from apes. Prince George pointed out that as monarchs exist and rule by divine right it was logically impossible that the Darwinian theory should apply to them. Other mortals may consider themselves a product of evolution, but kings and princes are provided for in , other ways. King Canute had a similar' idea. If the prince could suspend the law of gravitation in the same way, he could be dropped out of a window without injury to. his feelings. Har per's Weekly. The RnsHlan Railroad. Russia has been occupied for more than ten years in building 0,000 miles of railway over a very easy country for the most part, and that railway is not yet completed. The turn around Lake Baikal, which involves serious difficulties, is not yet made and will not ke for some years. The Manchu rian branch is not yet complete. But assume that we may call the railway completed, what do we find? It has taken Russia ten years to build 6,000 miles of railroad. The annual construc tion of railways in the United States has twice reached 0,000 miles. The Russian Toad 1 has cost in the easiest part $30,000 a mile, and in Siberia lt has probably cost, with the equipment, $50,000 a mile. Yet, despite this enor mous and wasteful expenditure, they have only got a single track laid with rails so light that they must relay It from one end to the other. It is as yet a complete failure commercially. It is not paying its expenses. McnrnKua, If There la a Canal.'. The construction of the transisth-1 mian waterway through the productive country of Nicaragua means to that country an opening up of Its .latent re sources, immigration and improved transportation facilities. The construc tion of the canal will draw thousands of foreigners to i'it country, both capi talists and lulu, and it requires no stretch of the imagination to see this increasing population spreading over the adjacent country boih to the north) and to the south and settling on the lands which can be Dad for the asking. Where there are now only dense for ests, silvery lakes, rushing mountain streams and silent prairies with tall waving grass there will spring up) towns and villages, plantations and farms, and a new geographical and commercial center of the western hem isphere. Outlook. HEADACHE S mm: Ai tfiug ttorei. 25 Dost 22c. First Animal... Don't Fail to Try This. Whenever an honest triar-. is given to Electric Bitters for any trouble it is rec ommended for a permanent cure will surely be effected. It never fails to tone the Btomach, regulate the kidneys and j bowels, stimulate the liver, invigorate the nerves and purify the blood. It's a wonderful tonic for rundown systems. ElectricBitters positively cures Kidney I and Liver Troubles, btomach Disorders, Nervousness, Sleeplessnes, "Rheuma tism, Neuralgia, and expels Malaria. Satisfaction guaranteed by George A. Harding. Only 50 cents. t New Machine Shop With New Machinery HAS BEEN OPENED BY Fhilipp Bucklciii, AT THE Old Roake Stand, Rear of Pope's Store All kinds of Saw Mill, Farming and Other Machinery iTade ana Kepaireu. You Know What You Are Taking When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula is plainly printed on every bottle showing that it. s simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless iorm. No Cure, No pay. 50c. The Same Old Story. J. A. Kelly relates an experience similar to that which has happened in almost every neighborhood in the United States and has been told and retold by thousands ot others. He says: "Last summer I had an attack of dysentery and purchased a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which I used according to directions and with entirely satisfactory results. The trouble was controlled much quicker than former attacks when I used other remedies." Mr. Kelly is a well known citizen ot Henderson, jn.u.. Dor eaie by G. A. Harding. . 1 ...GIVEN BY THE.... Retail Grocers .AT. Catarrhal Deafness. Cannot be cured with local applications, as they cannot reacn tne diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafnesfr, and that is by constitu tional treatment. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the eustachian tubes. S. B. Catarrh Cure will reduce and cure all catarrhal inflammation of the eustachian tubes and restore them to a normal condition. Sold by all druggists. Book on Catarrh free. Ad dress Smith Bros., Fresno, Cal. ) T-tiii i iwfi'f jii-f "-"' jji ,iiiiiiiaMif S3 MANHOOD RESTOREDvSSl J linn ol a famous 1'rench physician, will quickly cure you of all ner- vmi. ne diseases of the generative organs, sucn as uisi mannwju, Inmma Pahisln the Bitot, Seminal Emissions, Nervous Debility, PtaSes, Cnu neto Marry, Exhausting Drains, Varicocele ana Const nation 1 1 stops all losses by day or night. Prevents qulc. m of discharge, which 11 notchecked leads to Hpermatorrh and D uiuisLuuigM " '! wv k o (-aiiMefl the Liver. LhS BEFORE mid AFTER ?i?'iuta. rrPinEXH "trengthens and restores jma troubled with rh ru,,n Riinrers are not cured by Doctors Is because rnneiy per it-mi ., . . .... iTrr PI HESK Is the only known remedy to cure wuuuui . " " ,, ZrTTZ'AtZZ rnt Dm nd money returned if six woi. " " " .P A,i 1 II QAni4 tnr no trv. fMrYMliRI Sl A written guarantee given nd moneyreturneu . --j Louabox.BXIurlo.oi, Dymau. nnura,uii.. - , . Address twmj -v Q. A. HARDING, Praggist, Oregon City Qrego CONSUMPTION the most dreaded and doadlr of all dlseaso. as well as pneumonia, and all lung troubles are re lieved at once and cured by Acker s Kngnmi UmnoD thilrmnnl nil sfiirh nnrnu. Ml rue Antlcrim and colds la R day ; 25 cents. Your rnoney bar-St if diMatifsfled. Write fur free Bample, W.H.Hooker & Co., Butlalo, si. i., or uoweli & Jones, arugglna. PUTNAM FADELESS, DYE are fast to sun ligh washing and rubbing. Soldby C G. Huntley Canemah Park, Wednesday, July 23 Base Ball, Swimming Race, Tug of War, Log Rolling, and' Other Sports Tree Dancing Band Concert All Day and Evening And Entertainment at Night Admission" to Park, 25c. Oregon City Contestants' Make Application to'O A Albright V Mr. McGlashan