Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, July 18, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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T DCni iTinki .V. . .
h?m iS timC t0rky a suPP'y of new a"d seasonable
trOOClS at less than m;niifatiii-A.. m ,
- "jmiuviuiwS LUol,
385 Yards of Wash Silks
Corded effects in checks and stripes and solid colors-3v
34-in All-Wool Challies
A limited quantity of these fine all-wool Challies will be
sold for 2Sc a yard, worth a half dollar. Wash Goods
PricT' aS S' CPrS andu.G!n&hams- Midsummer Sale
MouniailA"ythlng andeverything you want for the Coast and
Yes. Exceptionally fine in quality Larire in nnntit anA . i i
McAllen & McDonnell I
i nuivjj aim juukkisujn . PORTLAND nRTTfinw 4
Miss Laura Temple'on is down with
Echo Samson has a new buegy, the
gift of her father.
Tha little son of R. W. Brown broke
lia wrist by falliDg from a cherry tree
W.J. Saunders and Minnie M. Shaw
were married Friday by Mayor Grant B.
Philip Bucklein on Tuesday received
a fine lathe for his machine Bhup. It
weghed 2 tone.
Adolph Willey haa been very low with
typhoid fever for over three weeks and
is now Blowly improving.
The Oregon City tPam beat the Mt.
Angel nine on Sunday at Wjllamette
Falls by a sore of 16 to 1.
Duane, the four year-old eon of 0. W.
Robbins, of Molalla, dropped an ax and
cut off one of his left toes on Tuesday,
Charles Christenson had his hand
frightfully cut at Crown paper mills on
Tuesday and it is likely that he will
lose his entire hand.
The Portland Retail Merchants Asso
aociation will hold a picnic at Canemah
park on Wednesday, July 23. It is ex
pected that 5000 people will be preseit.
The heavy wind on Monday blew
down several trees. A large tree struck
the tent of Mr. McGetchieat Chautau
qua grounds aud Misa McGetchie nar
rowly jscaped.
The Wilboit stage began running last
week. Aa Boon as the manager of the
spring sees fit to advertise the fact that
the springs are open the Btage will be
loaded each trip.
A petition is being circulated among
business men asking tnat the balance
leftover from 4th of July be given to
labor unions for their celebration of La
bor Day, Sept. 1st.
Eagle Creek Grange, No. 297, Pa
trons of Husbandry, Eagle Creek, was
incorporated last week; capital, $300:
Charles Zeek, master; H. F. Gibson,
overseer; Homer Glover, lecturer.
The atrike on the Oregon Oity-Poit-land
electric Una has been settled and
cars are running on the old 'schedule.
The company disposed of its train dis
patcher and adopted a signal Byatetn.
All the employes with the exception of
five were taken back.
President F. S. Harding, of McMinn
ville, secretary Albert Tozier and A. VV.
Cheney, of Oregon City, members of
the executive committee of the Oregon
Press Association, met at Gladstone
Park on Friday and set August 14th at
Newport as the date for the state meet
ing. The ladies will give a lawn fete at the
residence of Mra. T. VV. Clark on next
Friday evening, July 25, for benefit of a
new public drinking fountain to be
erected in Oregon City by the humane
society. Fortune telling will be one of
the features, and a general good time is
The following hop contracts liave
been filled in (tie recorder's office : Jas
per Weston, of Sherwood, to the A. J.
Luse Hop Company, of Oneida, N. Y.,
10,000 pounds at 11 cente; John E. Vin
son, of Sherwood, to the same company,
4000 pounds at 11 cents; E. W. Paine
and R. Schuebel, of Mulino, C. S. Lins
ley, of Purtland, 20,000 pounds at 17
cents ; John R. Lewis, of Carus, to C. S.
.juicy, uuw pounus atlbcents.
p3eA,i t Biand lodge met in
Portland Tuesday. C. H. Dys was a
member of the committee on grievance
and appeals. The accredited delegates
v o p'a,ckams county were:
u. -u oi onerwooa, William True ; No.
61 of Aurora, V. W. Giesy and D. A
Hodge; No. 42 of Currinsville, E. Burg
hardt; No. 43, Sunrise of Wilson vilie, O.
T. Tooze ; No. 55, Gavel of Canby, Her
man Anthony; No. 59, Falls City of
Oregon Oity K. H. Gabbert, Samuel
Roake and C. G. Miller; No. 7 5 of Staf
ford, C. W. Larson ; No 135, Pig Iron of
Oswego, C. H. Lacey.
Tne Oregon Water Power & Railway
Company Monday filed a mortgage on
its property for $5,000,000, to he Land
litle Trust Compiny of Philadelphia,
ine loan is made for the purpose of
paying for certain property about to ue
purchased, and to improve the present
sym. The mortgage covers the Portland-Oregon
City electric line, the
Mount Scott line, and power-houses,
real estate, franchises, etc. The com
pany will erect a large power plant near
bpringwater on the Clackamas river,
and will build a branch line up Johnston
Creek to the new station. '
Fish Propagation.'
Field SuDerintpminnr. .T 'Nrlonr. a?:
ner, Jr., of the United States fish com-
imsniuii, was completed his annual re
DOrt showing t.hn
accomplished during the fiscal year end-
..... T..A OA iflnn en - .
;u8 tiuue ou, iwz, ior uregon ana Wash
ington flt.rflama T.asf aa nn !., n
o- mw jvw. ICOD tUttl
dl, 610,409 Chihook salmon fry were
pianieu in streams tributary to the Co
lumbia and Williamette rivers.
all the work has been directed from that
piace. Besides 10,013,000 Chinook sal
mon eeiTS taken, hrnnlr rrnnf nnt.tl.A.t
trout, Eastern brook trout, rainbow
nuui,, uieeiueaa ana wnitensn were
taken in large numbers.
At the Eagle creek sub-station 715000
were collected, 598,808 of which were
BhiDDed to Liulfl Whi ttk SI u 1 m rr a rA Oft
000 to Tanner creek. The whole num.
oer conectea was supplied from 146 fe
males, and the season of taking the eggs
lasted 17 flHVJ. frnm ontomho. 1 K
October 1. The average daily take was
1 ACO til il . J .,
t,ioo. a.u ine eggs taicen at iiagle
creek were sent tn I.ittlo U'hiin i;i,,i,.n
and Tanner creek for distribution.
Is hereby given that the board of county
commissioners will receive sealed bids
until noon, the 6th day of August, 1902,
at the office of county clerk for a county
physician who wi'l be required to fur
nish all medicinta and appliancea, and
perform all surgical opeiations for the
count. por for one year.
F. A. Sleight.
County Clerk.
Xow is the Appointed Time.
The O. R & N. Co. has just issued a
handsomely illustrated pamphlet enti
tled "Oregon, Washington and Idaho,
and their resources." People in the
East are anxious for information about
the Pacific Northwest. If you will give
the O. R. & Co. agent a list of names of
eastern people who are likely to be in
terested, the booklet will be mailed free
to such persons. A. L. Cbaiq,
G. P. A., Portlind.Ore.
Ladies' hats at the Red Front in
styles and at prices to suit one and all.
County Finances.
The report of the county cleric on July
1st gives the net indebtedness of county
as $92,421.06, by allowing all the delin
quent back taxes at face value. It is
well known that but a small per cent of
these are collected after they get a year
or so old. The county now has practi
cally all its money for 1901 taxes, and
te expenses are going along without
any income, and about the first of the
year will amount to nearly $200000
again. The amount drawn- for month
of June warrants to $14,743.48. The
facts are : On March 1st each vear we
are from $180,000 to $200,000 in debt.
Two months later, after taxes are col
lected for the preceding year, we are
about $100,000 in debt and a year be
hind. Following' is the clerk's state
ment on July 1st :
Warrants outstanding $111,839.64
Interest 10,020.00
Cash in treasurer hands... $ 10,154.12
" sheriff's " ... 81.86
Delinquent taxes not paid,1901 13 757.68
" " 1900 1404.21
" " " 1899 2391.25
" " " 1898 1648.87
Net indebtedness 92,421.96
The following Bnms were paid out of
the different fi?nds by the treasurer for
the past 12 months :
Scalp bounties $ 2131. S3
Special schsol fund 25,824.79
Oregon City special 8,337.97
General fund 119,329.37
County school 23,619.19
State fund , 43,790.99
Road fund 48,270.66
Contingent fund 406.31
Institute fund 237.75
Indigent soldiers 618.00
State school 9180.50
Bicycle fund 407.75
The total amount colle ted by sheriff
during past year on taxes was $144,
617.96, but a 'little over half what was
paid out. The state school fund and
fees received from clerk and recorder
help swell the receipts some.
The amount of warrants issued paet
12 months was $06,428.89 on county fund
and $31,749 43 on road fund, or a total
of $98.278.32. '
(Corrected on Thursday.)
Flour Best $2.953.00.
Wheat Walla Walla 6566c; valley
66c67; bluestem 67 and 68c
Oats White, 1.20; gray, 1.151.20,
Barley Feed $22; brewing $23 per ct.
Millstuffs Bran $16; middlings $21;
shorts $18 ; chop $16.
Hay Timothy $215; clover, $7.50
Butter Fancy creamery 20 and 21c ;
store, 15 and 16.
Eggs 20 and 21) cents per doz.
Poultry Mixed chickens $3.504.50 ;
hens$45.50; springs $24.50; geese.
$45; ducks $23; live turkeys ;
Mutton Gross, 2 and 3 ; dressed, 6
cents per pound.
Hogs Dressed, 7 and 1 cents per
pound. i .
Veal Large, 7 and 8 cents per
Beef Gross.top steere,$3.50 and $4.50,
dressed beef, 8 and 7 cents per pound.
Chelae pun cream 12Jc per pound
Young.America 13 and
Potatoes .60 .85 per hundred,
Bids Wanted.
Notice is hereoy given that the board
of county commissioners will receive
Bealed bids at the oftice of the countv
clerk up to Wednesday, the 6ih day of
August, for 50 cords of good sound wood,
cut from green trees, old growth timber,
to be first-class in every respect, to be
delivered in court house yard. Board
reserves the right to reject any and all
bids. By order of board of coui ty com
missioners. L. W . Ingram,
Deputy County Olerk.
' For Over Sixty years
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has
been used for over sixty years by millioni
of mothers for their children while
teething, with perfect success. It
soothes the child, softens the gums,
allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is
the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Is
pleasant to the taste, Sold by Druggists
in every part 'of the World. Twenty
five cents a bottle. Its value is incalcu
able. Besure and ask for Mrs. Wins
low'sSoothing Syrup, and take no oth er
WANTED To increase my list of farms
' and lands for sale, in all parts of the
county. Lands owned by non-residents
represented and sold. H. E. Cross, At
torney at Law .
JK)R SALE 500 tracts of land. In
quire of O. A. Cheney, Oregon City.
yOR SALE Thoroughbred Holslein
Freisian bull, 10 montos old, sire and
dam Registered, or will exchange for No.
1 mi'.ch cow. Address Chaa. N. Wait,
Canby, Oregon.
JK)R SALE Finishing Lumber by J.
A. Jones at his mill on the Abernethy,
2 miles east of Oregon City. The mill
and machinery is also for sale, including
40fhorsea ingine and boiler. Address J.
A.' Jones, Oregon City. '
JX)R SALE Good grades Angora goats
by W. W. Irvin, Aurora, Or.
pOR RENT Blacksmith shop and
tools. Address W. J. Lewellen,
Springwater, Or.
pOR SALE Fresh milch cow with
calf, three-fourths Jersey. Gust
Johnson, Parkplace, Or.
jJpNEY TO LOAN on approved real
estate and chattle security. G. B.
Dimick, Attorney-at-Law, Stevens Build
ing, Oregon City, Oregon.
you at 6 per cent and 7 per cent on
land or chattels ; also a good farms for
sale worth $5000 each. $600 of city
money on approved security. John W.
Lodeb, Attorney-at-Law, Oregon Oity.
pOR SALE OR TRADE 3-inch wagon,
nearly new. Inquire of Richard Jen
son, Carus, Or.
JOR' SALE Stock oi tne LeRoy gold
mines, Bohemia, on at price below
quotation. X, this office.
JjUMBER Leave orders at this office
for first-claBS lumber of all kinds, or
address W. F. Harris. Beaver Creek,
of June 27, 1902. Send for free copy.
Consultation Free. No fee unless suc
cessful. MILO B. STEVENS & CO., Attys,
817 14th St., Washington, D. O.
Hot soda at the Cozy Kandy Kitchen
A few watches for sale cheap at
Younger's. Watches cleaned, $1.
Drs. R. B. and A. L. Beatie, dentists,
Weinhard building.
Prices to suit you all Millinery at Red
' When you visit Portland don't fail to
get your meals at the Royal Restaurant,
First and Madison. They serve an ex
cellent meal at a moderate price ; a good
square meal, 15c
When Sickness Comes
to the head of the family the bread
winner, the omnipresent thought is
"Have I safely provided for the wife
aud little ones?"
Nine times out of ten, "No" is the
answer. It is then too late, however, to
do anything. The essential thing to do
is to prepare now for what may occur at
any time. An investigation of the Mas
sachusetts Mutual's new policies and
bonds, will, without a doubt, bring to
your notice a contract that will exactly
suit your case.
If interested, send a postal, giving
your name, address, occupaton and date
of birth, when an illustration will bej
sent you, showing exactly what the
company will do for you. No guess
work about it, as the dividends are paid
annually and not withheld for twenty
years or so, and then not paid unless
the contract is in force at that time.
II. G. Colton,
Manager Pacific Coast Dept ,
Chamber of Commerce,
Portland, Or.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money tf it fails
to rarer E. W. Grove's signature is on
each box. 1 25c.
Acker's Blond Elixir potltlvely cures
chrome blood poisoning and all scrofulous affec
tions. At nil times a matchess system tonic and
purifier. Money refunded If you are not satisfied.
50c and J1.00. Howell & Jones, druggists.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
The Parker " Lucky Curve "
Fountain Pen
The "Lucky Curve" not only feeds the ink perfectly to the
point of the pen and in the exact quantity desired, but it drains
the ink from the feed-channel back into the reservoir when the
pen is carried in the pocket so that the owner will not be annoyed
by wiping off the end of the fountain when he next uses the pen;
or, failing to do so, having inky ringers. The "Lucky Curve" fea
ture is patentefl and is used exclusively in the Parker.
The Spring Lock makes possible the successful Parker
Jointless feature. This simple device displaces the old style screw
nozzle, which is so liable to break at the point, in the pocket or
out, if a little undue pressure is brought to bear.
' ANTI Break Cap. A unique improvement, looks like an or
dinary cap, but the construction is extraordinary. The center of
the cap on the inside is heavily reintorced where it comes in con
tact with the barrel. This cap is warranted against cracking or
splitting for one year. It is not only more than five times as strong
as any other cap, but it is exceedingly symmetrical and pleasing to
the e e.
The Gold Pen. The gold pens used in the Parker " Lucky
Curve " Fountain Pen are the very best that skill and money can
produce. They are 14k. fine, all tipped with first grade iridium.
We warrant them perfect. With proper use they will, in connec
tion with our fountain pen, last practically a life-time.
The Fountain Case. The fountain case itself is made from
the finest quality of pure Para rubber, imported especially for use
in Parker Pens.
With each Tarker "Lucky Curve" we give a guarantee for one year,
Prices from $2.00 to $6.00
Other makes from $i do up.
Chatelain Bags
Have you noticed how popular they are? Our stock,
which just came in from the factory in the East, comprises
many new and elegant designs. These bags are finished
in all colors, some in plain and others in fancy leather with
polished cut steel beads. Some come with extra coin pocket
others are hnished in heavy chamois lining.
A Money
We are still sacrificing our entire stock oi
In order to make room for our Fall line. It is just like finding
silver dollars by purchasing from us during this sale.
Your Shoes is one of the main articles in dress. Every
careful purchaser buys the celebrated
W. 1L Boiiglas Shoes
Foot Fitting, Foot Form and Foot Easy,
At the most popular prices of $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00.
Watch our windows for the Fall arrival of the most popu
tx line of Clothing, the celebrated Hart, Schaffner & Marx make
J. M. PItlCE
The One Price Clothier. 6th and Main Sts.
1 You Save From
i$50 to $200
When you buy a Piano from Eilers Piano House
of Portland, and a proportionate amount if you
buy an Organ.
This is worth your consideration, and if you
will write us we will tell you how w: do it.
We have only good Pianos and Organs, and
you will be surprised when you know how little
it-will cost you to get one if you buy from us. '
Opposite Cordray's Theatre
351 Washington St.. Portland, Ore.
Four Big Busy Stores :
Portland, San Francisco, Spokane and Sacramento.
Monmouth, Ore.
Graduates oi the school are in con
stant demand at salaries ranging from
$40 to $100 per month. Students
take the State examinations during
their course in the School and are
prepared to receive btate Certificates
on graduation. Expenses range from
$120 to $175 per year. Strong Nor
mal Course and well equipped Training Department. The iall term
opens cept. 16. For Catalogue containing full information address,
E. D. Ressler, Pres.; or, J. B. N. BUTLER, Sec'y.
Sean tha KM Vou Havfl Always BoujH
Trimmed hats. Great bargains. Mis
VV. Oregonian& Courier-Herald $2
Largest assortment of
Pocket Books
Ever brought to the city. Best goods at the right prices.
Finest quality leather. Workmanship ancj finish unexcelled.
Latest designs with or without silver mountings.
China Souvenir Ware
Many new designs and shapes, all decorated with
Oregon City views. They are well adapted to send East or
to give to a friend as a souvenir. We have a full line of
cups and saucers, plates, creamers, sugar bowls, pin trays,
vases, ete.
Prices from 20c to $1.00
Prices from 50c to $5.00 Souvenir Spoons
In sterling silver, gold bowls; all hand engraved.
From 85c to $2.00
Burineister & Andresen,