Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, July 11, 1902, Image 7

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All kinds of Sport
Ball Games, Hose Races
Foot Races
And Races to See the Show
Phone Main 264.
Mew Machine Shop
With New Machinery
Philipp Bucklein,
Old Roake Stand, Rear of Pope's Store
All kinds of Saw Mill, Farming and Other Machinery
Hade and Repaired.
Hardvvarc, Stoves. Syracuse Chilled and Steel Plows,
Harrows and Cultivators, Planet Jr., Drills and
Hoes, Spray Pumps, Imperial Bicycles.
Cor. Fourth and Main Sts. OREGON CITY
ii -"- -TiiiaiiMfii luiitiiyi' -"'j'i'iiiiMir-'"it-
ftv X) K T V0U8 or diseases ol tbo generative ernaiii, such as Lost Manhood.
Si cJvf l -Jj Insomnia, l'ainslntheBwk Seminal Emissions, Nervous Debility,
a I ASlk T Nfi' nmpies, unnmess to jnariv, Axiiaummg Drums, varicocele ana
5 J V - Conatinutlon. It stops all losses by day or night Prevents qmcn.
vy xso- nc-ss of discharge, which if rolchpckpd lewte to Spermatorrhcaa and
orrnpr mn act'-'B all the horrors of Impotency ClllIlKNEcleauaestbeliver, Lh
ocr vr-ic and Mr i .n kjdneygand the urinary orsraneoX ttiiimpuritieSi
CUPIDENK strengthens and reatorea small weak organs
The reason sufferers are not cured by Doctors ts because ninety per cent are troubled with
PrOHtmtlflft. CUl'lliKNKis the only Known remony
Bis. A written tuaran tee given and money returned
a written piiflranti'fi crlvpn and monev returned
LOO a box, six fur ftf,00, by mall. Bend for frbk circular
AddrossDAVOI-JIKICI:CO.,P.aBox2(r7rJieanFraiicIsco,CaL ForSaltlW
Q. A, HARDING, Druggist. Oregon Clty Oregon
Scientific Dentistry
Why Many Artificial Sets of Teeth Work
k Unsatisfactory
They are Not Constructed along Lines of Recent Scientific
COME time ao-o it was discovered hv Dr. W T Rr.nr11 o Antr- .iA 1 i . .
ligations in relation to the human teeth, that the lower jaw forms an equilateral triangle the base of
;-hich is distance from centre to centre of the condyles of the jaw, and the sides the distance from these
joints to the medium line of the inferior incisors. The sides of the triano-1,. in ,ut
. wk.iinv,u w vi mv. aiutiiui ouijcuur icccn are in tne arc 01
:z msaiom line 01 ar neaa
'."J: which is knewr as the
sirxigh fuf cm'us c 'he
"i:nr.r lice cirlkl tc ,he
; wiphary ri t iircle, will
stvj""- of 'lz ier-rjd n'olar
"h" cusfi-J and the an-
z." icefh fctming
tncatr splines of
mark the decided
Failurs in the making
Julv is due to a lack of
you nearly a thousand first
sons who are wearing arti
fort and pleasure, construct
teen years practice in Ore-
Positivera painlesextraing ef teeth. No gas or cocaine
Lowest tes consistent with first-class wrk.
Bj -clay Bulging, Orgon
The Street
Brown & Welch
-Proprietors of thb-
Seventh Street
Meat Market
A. O. U. W. Building
This ereatVef.itnhla
if si
six boxet does not effect a permaueuceurtt
locure viiuouian operation, wmuipsumon
and testimonials.
"j n ii u
Parade Will Be a Pageant of
All Unions
. It 19 a laudable ambition to reach the
top of the ladder of success. But manv
a man who reaches the topmost rung 1
finds his position a torment instead of a
iiiumpu. ne nas
sacrificed h i s
health to success.
A man can suc
ceed and be
strong if he
heeds Nature's
warnings. When
there is indiges
tion, loss of ap
petite, ringing in
the ears, dizzi
ness, spots be
fore the eyes or
Ealpiation of the
eart ; any or all
Of thPRP Rvmtitrttiio
point to weakness and$$
loss ot nutrition. Dr.
Pierce's Golden Med
ical Discovery cures dis
eases of the stomach
and other organs of di
gestion and nutrition.
By perfect and abund
ant nourishment dis
tributed to each vital
organ it enables the co-opera-rr
nun vi an me organs to pre
serve the perfect health of
the body.
"For about two years I suffered from a very
obstinate case of dyspepsia," writes R. E. Secord
Esq., of ij gastern Avev Toronto, Ontario. "I
tried a great number of remedies without suc
cess. I finally lost faith in them all. I was so
far gone that I could not bear anv solid food in
my stomach for a long time ; fe'lt melancholy
and depressed. Could uotTsleep nor follow mv
occupation. Some four months at;o a friend
recommended your ' Golden Medical Discovery.'
LS "eek's treatment I had derived so much
benefit that I continued the medicine. I have
taken three bottles and am convinced it has
m my cast accomplished a permanent cure. I
can conscientiously recommend it to the thou
sands of dyspeptics throughout the land."
The Common Sense Medical Adviser,"
1008 large pages in paper covers, is sent
free on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to
pay expense of mailing only. Address
Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
Catarrhal Deafness.
Cannot be cured with local applications,
as they cannot reach thedieeased portion
of the ear. There is onlv one way to
cure deafness, and that is by constitu
tional treatment. Deafness is caused by
an inflamed condition of the eustachian
tubes. S. it Catarrh Cure will reduce
and cure all catarrhal inflammation of
the eustachian tubes and restore them
to a normal condition, fink! hv all
druggists. Book on Catarrh frfin. AH.
dress Smith Bros., Fresno, Cal.
will) viii miip 1 n nni cpianMrin
a circle
A line at right ancles to
through the centre of this
circle of the mouth, will pass
second bicuspids teeth, and
first,' through the posterior
pass through the posterior
terior buccal cusp of the
respectively the primary
the superior arch ; that is,
changes in its direction,
of artificial teeth unqueslion
knowledge of the a b 0 ve
Dr. Pickens can give
class references from per
ficial sets of teeth with corn
ed during a period of thir
gon City.
Address J. H
Tuesday, July 8.
King Edward will be crowned between
August 11 and 15. The king'e progress
toward recovey is rapid.
Joseph Chamberlain was painfully
hurt in a cab accident.
Venezuelan revolutionists surround
Barcelona. ,
Freightlanders at Chicago are on a
The convention of the National Edu
cational Association opened at Minne
apolis. Transportation companies abandon
ing the lower Yukon route.
Officers are without any trace what
ever of Convict Tracj.
Walla fValla police force goes on a
strike rather than arrest their chief.
Oregon supreme court holds the anti
Sunday shaving law valid.
New strike at Thunder Mountain
proves to be richest yet made.
Oregon City strike is on again, after
steps toward settlement had been taken.
Wednesday, July 9.
Don Dickinson suggests Choate as a
presidential candidate.
A national defense fund will be pro
vided to help the striking miners.
Chicago teamsters refused to aid the
striking freightlanders
Gates' coterie squeezes shorts in July
corn for $00,000.
Convict Tracy appears at Benton,
Wash., but easily eludes his pursuers.
He says he Is more uf 1 aid of newspapers
than pursuers,
Strong indications that another out
break at Oregon stnie penitentiary has
just been frus rated.
Outlook for Oregon hop crop continues
La Grande, Or., sugar factory consoli
dated with two Utah lactones.
Dean W. A. Henry, of Wisconsin Ag
ricultural College, advis.-s diversified
farming in Oregon.
Thursday, July 10.
The Panama canal treaty may be
signed within a week.
A sensation was caused at Rome by
the Vatican's treatment of an American
King E.lward will go aboard his yacht
next week .
Convict Tracy has again completely
Theory h advanced that Tracy has
lost his mind.
Masked man binds and gags Ferndale.
Wash., woman, and then sets her houee
on lire.
Cramps, Dysentery, Cholera M01 bus.
diarrhoea, and, indeed, all bowel com
plaints quickly relieved by Perry Da
vis Painkiller, a Bale, sure and speedv
cure, for all the troubles named. Every
reputable druggist keeps a supply, Each
bottle has full directions. Avoid sub
stitutes, there is but one Painkiller,
rerry wavis-. zoc ana ouc.
When Sickness Cornea
to the head of the family the bread
winner, the omnipresent thought
"Have I safely provided for the wife
aud little ones?"
Nine times out of ten, "No" is the
answer. It is then too late, however, to
do anything. The essential thing to do
ia to prepare now for what may occur at
any lime. An investigation of the Mas
sachusetts Mutual'g new policies aud
bonds, will, without a doubt, bring to
jour notice a contract that will exactly
suit, your case.
11 interested, send a postal , giving
your name, address, occupaton and date
of birth, when an illustration will be
sent you, showing exactly what the
company win ao lor you. No guess
work about it, as the dividends are paid
annually ana not witLDelo lor twenty
years or so, and then not paid unless
the contract Is in force at that time.
II. G. Colton,
Manager Pacific Coast Dept ,
Chamber of Commerce,
Portland, Or
Happy Tima In Old Town.
"We felt very happy." writes R.
. N.
Bevill, Old Town.Va., "when Bucklen's
Arnica Salve wholly cured our daughter
of a bad caseof scald head." It delights
all who use it for Cuts, Corns, Burns,
Bruises, Boils, Ulcers, F.ruptions. In
fallible for Piles. Only 25c at Geo. A.
Harding's drug store.
Acker' Blood Elixir potltlvely cure
chronio blooil poisoning rd all scrofiiloiu affoo
Hons. At nil times a mtrhw iytem tonic anfl
OiirUI"r. Money refunded If yon are not lauafied
50c f nil H.00. Howell & Jonc, druggist.
' V W W W
Prizes Will Be Hung Up
In All Departments
All Business Houses
Will Be Represented
Howard, Manager, Box 374, Oregon City
How a Fine Piano Can Be Secured for a
Very Small Outlay Great Advantages
Fosrieased by Kilers Plane House Alone.
Organs luo' uded In tlie Olfer.
Good pianos at low figures are to be
found at Eilers Piano House. ,
More than this, you can secure an in
strument at ca'h valuation, and yet tak
virtually your own time in whicn to pa
for it. The only extra cost is the smal
matter of legal interest on deferred pay
ments, for Eilers Piano House sells all
pianos at Btrictly csbIi prices. We do
not ask high prices from the persons
desiring the privilege of monthly pay
ments. Our establishment is, there
fore, the plice par excellence in which
to buy an instrument, if you do not care
to pay the entire amount at one time.
Look at the new leaders now offered
at $137, $158, $185. and then at $216,
1238, and upwards. We exhibit pianos
at these prices of which any one might
be proud.
Also note that at the time a limited
number of pianos returned from rental
are on sale. Some of these Instruments
are substantially new, and all are mark
ed so low as to be genuine bargains.
Also some second-hand pianos taken
in exchange. There are offered at from
$75 to 150 euch.
Several new Kimball, De 'ker, Pease
and Chickerinpt of last year'it style, that
are somewlmt charged this. year, are of
fered at a heavy bona-fide n-duction to
close cut, at once. This is n opportu
nity for persons wishing to place sevtrnl
hundred dollars in a most judicious in
vestment. Used pianos taken in exchange.
Knabe, $90;.j.lain rosewood Crown up
right, $235 ; Kimball upright, up-to-date,
$?35; Weser upright, $165; Singer up
right, $137, and others.
Verv handsome large-Bize maliogany
Checkering uptight at the reasonable
price of $340. A very fine Kimball,
good as new, loaned to an artist, $385;
beautiful special style Decker upright,
mottled walnut case carved panels,275 ;
beautiful new A. a. Chase upright, ma
hogany case, virtually sacrificed at $240 ;
Kimball uprights, having had Borne uee,
at $280 and $315.
Other bargains: Haines equare, $40;
Bechstein upright, $100; Raven & Ba
con square, $35; Chickering square, $'.10;
zecic square, f-io; uoioman uprignt.
$87 : Draper oak upright, $167 : and forty
other second-hand square pianos at from
$2o to $75 each. Will be put in good re
pair throughout.
Visitors are cordially welcomed in our
salesrooms from 8 a. m. until 6 p. m.
Uroups ot piano customers will a;-1
ways be found in our warerooms, but
we have such ample facilities and eucii a
large corps of salesmen that we can Bell
a dozen instruments simultaneously
without the least delay.
Easy payments 1 lanos may be se
cured by small payment, remainder on
easy monthly payments. No advance
in price when easy termB are aesirea.
Pianos of all descriptions included in
this offer.
Buyers at a distance write for special
bargain list, and also our schedule of
freight rates on pianos.
We ship pianos everywhere.
Inexpensive pianos bought from us
may be exchanged later toward the pur
chase of a Kimball, Decker, Weber or
New pianos to rent from $3.50 upward.
Eilers Piano Houbb, 351 Washington
street, opposite Cordray'g theater, Port
land, Oregon.
Four fine, bucy Btores Portland, San
Francisco, Spokane and Sacramento.
Summer complaint is unusually prev
alent among children this season. A
well developed case in the writer's fam
ily was cured last week by the timely
use of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy one of the best pat
ent medicines manufactured in which is
always kept on hand at the home of ye
scribe. This is not intended as a free
puff for the company, who do not ad
vertise with us, but to benefit little suf
ferers who may not be within easy
access of a physician. No family should
be without a bottle of this medicit.H in
the house, especially in summer ti ne.
Lansing, Iowa, Journal. For Bah: hy
G. A. Harding.
The partnership heretofore exi-"i"g
between Bethke & Gale is here! y un
solved, and all accounts due the finn -ire
payable to H. Bethke, and all ills
against the firm will be paid bv im.
II. Beth'.,-,
C. If. Gale.
June 20, 1902. 1 ur. "tT ZZ 1..
"I am using a box of Chamberlain's
Stomach & Liver Tablets and find them
the best thing for my stomach I ever
used," Bays T. W. Robinson, Justice of
theTeice, Loomis, Mich. These tab-'
lets to' only correct disorders of the
stomach but regulate the live and
bowels. They are easy to take and
pleasant in effect. Price 25 cents per
box. For sale by G. A. Harding.
Sew Sprinkling Rules.
To aecommodate the merchants with
more convenient hours for sprinkling
streets and sidewalks so as to lay the
dust, the Board of Water Commissioners
have amended the rules to permit the
use of water between the hours of seven
to nine, a. m., and two to four, p. m.
Lawn and garden sprinkling, or irri-.
gation, can be done only during the
hours as previously published, six to
eight, a. m., and six to eight, p. m.
To describe 'l''o;i ''iv "The World's
Great Disaster " h-tk set 0. Bry
son Taylor, i. .Inly Everybody's.
He has writtt- m oiipeii) p yle the stor
ies of the denmeU'W of Pompeii, the
earthquoke at Lisbon, the passing of
Port Royal and the cataclysm at Yeddo,
picturing the life of these cities at the
moment of destruction. Photographs of
the ruins of St. Pierre accompany the
article. Donsld Murray, the inventor
of the postal telegraph system of writing
telegraphy, writes "The Strange Story
of the Printing Telegraph." The De
lights of Salmon Fishing" are described
by Charles Hallock, and finely depicted
by Dugmore and other photographers.
A "Revival of Feminine Handicraft,"
by Minnie J, Reynolds, describes the
new movement which promises to pro
vide general employment for men and
women having an artistic sense.
Don't Fail o Try This.
Whenever an honest trial is given to
Electric Bitters for any trouble it is .rec
ommended lor a permanent cure will
surely be effected. It never fails to tone
the stomach, regulate the kidneys and
bowels, stimulate the liver, invigorate
the nerves and purify the blood. It's
a wonderful tonic for rundown systems.
ElectricBitters positively cures Kidney
and Liver Troubles, Stomach Disorders, .
Nervousness, Sleeplessnes, Rheuma
tism, Neuralgia, and expels Malaria.
Satisfaction guaranteed by George A.
Harding. Only 50 cents.
You Know What You Are Taking
When you take Grove's Tastelesa Chill
Tonic because the formula is plainly
printed on every bottle showing that it
s simply Iron and Quinine in ataBtelees
iorra. No Cure, No pay. 50c.
The Same Old Story.
J. A. Kelly relates an experience
similar to that which has happened in
almost every neighborhood in the United
States and has been told and retold by
thousands ot others. He eays: "Last
summer I had an attack of dysentery
and purchased a bottle ol Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy,
which I used according to directions and
with entirely satisfactory results. The
trouble was controlled much quicker
than former attacks when I used other
remedies." Mr. Kelly is a well known
citizen of Henderson, N.C.. For sate
by G. A. Harding.
All kinds of bicycle repairing, lock
work and saw filing at Johnson & Lamb's
bicycle shop, opposite Barlow's gro
cery. Give them a trial and be satis
the most dreaded anil deadly of all dlnnaaca, m
well as pneumonia, and all lung troubled are re
lieved at once and cured by Avker'a KnglUli
Kmriy,ttiekingof all cough cures; ouresoiragln
and coMk In a day ; 25 cunts. Your money hack if
dlmatlsfled. Write for free sample, W. II. Honker
& Co,, Buffalo, N. Y.,or Howell & Jones, drugglnti.
DYE arc fast to sun ligh
washing and rubbing. Sold by
G G. Huntlcv
Parties desiring to contract
for wood in lots of fifty cords
and upwards call at woolen
mills. J'rj
. Oregon Gty MfCo.