Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, July 11, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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I We Waal
! Tie Fanun' Trade
And we think we deserve it We
are equipped to handle this trade prop
erly. We understand their needs--we
have the goods.
cqit and humbug under the label of
Stock Remedies than any other class t
of merchandise. But you take no
risk in buying of us. We guarantee
every package to do exactly what is
claimed for it or you get your money
$ Can be Cured
By the use of
J Prussian Heave Powders
J? as has been demonstrated
'by 12 years of success.
V They are a sure cure for all
.tik. :i i.r i i in
m cuiuiciiisuuin wuicnneaves
such as Coughs,
Lunsr Fever. Dis-
temper, &c
It is especially adapted to Mikh Cows and not only in
creases the flow of milk, but adds greatly to its richness in
cream. It shortens tne leeding
Prussian Stock
t Food for Sheep
Keeps them in prime
condition and free from!d
makes lambs grow
the meat juicy and
kills all worms which trouble
sheep . Try a package on the
worst run down sheep or lamb
in your flock. You will be
quickly convinced,
constant users of Prussian Stock
quickly and lift Wflfc rtf JV
tender. It YWI W
Prices of Persian Remedies
Prussian Stock Food
3 lb. pkge., 150 feeds.. $ .50
7 " " 350 " . , 1.00
25 " pails, 1,200 " . . 3.50
Prussian Worm Powd'rs .50
1 leave Powders 50
Poultry Food, 75 feeds .25
Our Farmeri' and Stockmens' Handbook is free for the
Popular Price Druggist, Oregon City
, Nted More Help.
1 Olten the over-taxed organs of dines
f.iou crv out for help by 1H apepsia's
Hiatus, Kau, Diziuesg, Headaches,
liiver complaints, bowel disorders. Such
troubles call for prompt uae o( Dr.
ii inn's New Life rills. They are gentle,
thorough and guaranteed to cure. 23c
lico.A. lliudinn's drus store. i
There is more de-
Poultry Food
Used according to direc
tions, we guarantee large
fowls . We'guarantee there
will be no chicken cholera,
or that it will be readily
cured. We guarantee there
will be no Roup, Gapes,
but plenty of Eggs and
Red Combs, and no Drop
sied Chickens.
Prussian Stock
Food for Cattle
Used in hundreds of
American herds and En
dorsed by the Leading
Stockmen of the Coun
try Everywhere.
period lor tattcning.
Prussian Stock
Food for Hogs v
Will absolutely prevent
Leading Hog Breeders in
all parts of the country are
Prussian Vet. Salve
,$ .25
. 1. 00
Spavin Cure.
Blister Co
Colic Killer ,
Lice Killer. ,
Sheep Dip.
1. 00
If a Man Lie To You
Aud Bay some other salve, ointuieut, lo
tion, oil or aliened healer is as urood as
Bucklen's Arnica Salve, tell him thiny
years of marvelous cures of piles, Burns,
Boils, Corns. Felons, Ulcers, tuts,
Scalds, Bruises and Skin Kruptions
prove it's the best and cheapest, ioe
t Geo. A. Harding's drug store.
SIT tm . a
i, w nun v -,vv-v v
healthy y, V VWi WvV
isease; M 4i JViHi U
Meeting of Clackamas Pomona
With Central Orange.
From the grange standpoint, the
meeting of Pomona with the Central
grange was brilliant success. The at
tendance was over 100 more women
than men, because the latter bad to
make hay while the sun shines.
The matter of inviting the state grange
to meet at Oregon City next year was
left for further consideration at the Po
mona meeting in October, which will be
held with Warner grange at New Era.
Secretary Glover resigned and Mr.
Spence was elected in his place.
The reports from the different local
granges, as made verbally or by letter to
the lecturer, were most encouraging.
Eagle Creek has collected $200 towards
building a hall about a mile from Jack
knife j Molalla will next week begin r n
the erection of a two-story, 28x50, $1000
ball ; Garfield is growing and will build
a hall ; Mulino has bought a new organ
and repaired the hall ; Warner has
bought a new organ ; Butte Creek has
renewed its activity and meets the sec
ond and fourth Saturdays; Highland has
built a kitchen. All granges but one
reported. The outlook is most encour
aging. The gain in membership in the
state during the fiscal year ending with
May was 1300.
Slate Master Leedy, State Secretary
Mrs. Howard, Past Master J. Voorhies,
and State Deputies Casto and Chitwood
were present.
Resolutions were read in regard to
woman suffrage, district assessing and
election of U. S. senators by popular
vote, which were deferred for further
consideration at the October meeting.
Dr, Casto announced that on the sec
ond Saturday in September be and State
Master Leedy and Past Master Voorhies
would be present at the meeting of cap
poose grange in Columbia county for the
purpose of strengthening the brethren
there, and would thence proceed to
Clatskanine' to attend the Pomona
grange at that point.
Eagle Creek grange requested Pomona
to hold its October session with them,
but reluctantly this hospitable and
kindly invitation was refused, as Warner
grange has not had the pleasure of the
hard work and generosity required for a
successful Pomona meeting for two
Central grange spread ' a lavish feast
before its guests that would have tempt
ed the jaded appetite of an epicure.
Twnty-three were initiated in the
fifth degree.
-Resolutions were passed expressing
the profound sorrow of the grange on
account of the death of those two old
and faithful members of the order, Wm.
Bagby and Mr. Kisley. '
An open meeting followed the grange
work. 1 be large halt was almost pack
ed, a large crowd having come in to
hear the rendition of the following pn
gram : '
Music, vocal, Central g-ange.,
Recitaiion, Echo Spence.
Recitation, Lawrence Gardner.
Instrumental music
Recitation, Lorena Hill.
Music, Winogene Gardner.
Song, Henry Shannon.
Recitation, Bella Da vies.
Instrumental music, Miss Aiken.
Recitation, Willamette Harris.
Recitation, Edna Irish.
Duet, Messrs. Lindsey and Gardner.
Recitation, Mrs. Workman.
Solo, guitar accompaniment, George
Recitation, Delia Guttridge.
Choir, Central grange.
Recitation, Blanche Miller.
Quartette, Mrs. Holmes and assist'
Recitation, Cora Larkins.
Song, by Bertha Spangler.
Essay, I. LeMahieu.
Vocal solo, G. R. Miller.
A dance followed, which lasted until
Letter List.
The following is the list of letters re
maining in the postollice at Oregon
City, July 10, 1902:
Women's List Mrs Thersa Bakey, 2,
Mrs Dora Dinnie, Mrs Cecelia Howard,
Mies Knox, Grace E Morgan, Miss Mar
tha Parker, Miss Grace Robinson, Miss
Ruby Thomas, Nora Wood, Mrs Ed
Men's List M Brooks, J Croy, E W
Grousbeck, Geo A Grunmutt, Joseph
Green, Chester Morfilt, Whipple Nash,
L A Parker, Wm Wa"h"
GEORGE F. ntm& t. M.
The Heat Prescription for Malaria
Chills and Fever is a bottle of Grove's
Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is simply iron
and quinine in a tasteless form. No
cure no pay. i'rice 50c.
Smith's Dandruff Pomade
stops itching scalp upon application,
three to six removes all dandruff and
will stop falling hair. Price 50c. at all
Baarjth f inn miiu mu tiara Always
The Kind You Han Always Bought
the county of ClackamKs.
defendant. ' '
To A. E. Cordray, said delendcut
Tn Iha n.m.nf tk. tlalA ..f A.a .
j . ... ,.,.. n .uu.uint;i in com
plaint filed apiinst you In the alvove entitled
ult, on or belore September 2nd, liKU, and if you
mu lA. nunwci, mr nnui uiereoi, me plaintiff
uiill ki.nlv tit rliu nniiM fur H.a ..li..t i ...
.. ...,-r. .iri uvuiniiutM lu
said complaint towlt: The dissolution of the
iitm v.mv. V.MBHUK utnneeu gam parties.
Title aumioi.tia la n.l!..Ka.l ... ..
...... .... .v r.vii.ncu winur ui Hon.
Thomas A. MoUrhle, Judge of aaid court, mail e and
dated July Htli, I'm, the first publioailou dated
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for
Clackamaa countv,
Auua Whiifle'd, plaintiff, vs. Albert 0, Whitfield,
To Albert O, Whitfield, the above-named de
fendant : In ilie name of the state of Oregon you
are hereby commanded to appearand answ,.r ti,
complain! tiled auaiiwt you in the aljve entitle,!
court on or lief ore August 9, after six week')
IMiuiirniuiit t tins Biiuumills, ana a vou fml to
w appear, for want thereof the plaintiff will take
Judgment against you as prayed in said com
plaint, Yi; & uerree oi involve between vrni
and plaintiff, and the change of plaiulid's name
to Anna Tautfest,
This order is made hy Thomas F. Rran Judca
J of the county court of Clai kauiiu eouiitv. (Won
June 2ft, 1902. " a
First publication June 27, ItKfl.
JOHN W. LOOER, Attorney fr Plaint fT,
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Clackamas County.
George E. Smith, 1 '
r lain tin, I
vs. )
Catherine A. Smith, I
To Catherine A. bmith, the above named de
fendant. In the name of the state of Oiegon you are
he-ehy required to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you In the above entitled
court and cause on or before the last day of the
publication of this summons, and if you fail to ap
pear or answer the plaintiff will apply to the
court for the relief prayed for in the complaint
to-wil: that the marrlaee contract existing be
tween you and the plaintiff be dissolved.
This summons is published bv order of the Hon
Thomas F. Kyan, county Judge of Clackamas
county, state of Oregon, made and entered the 24th
day of May,1902, and the date of the first publica
tion hereof 1b Mav 30, 1902, and of the last publi
cation July 11, 1902.
Atcorney for Plaintiff.
Dated. May 29th, 1902.
In the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for the
coun'.y of Clackamas.
Mary Lulu Deitz plaintiff, vs. Frank W. Deitz,
To Frank W. Deitz, the above named defend
ant: In the name of the state of Oregon you are
hereby required to appear aud answer the com
plaint filed against you in the above entitled suit
within six weeks from the first publication of
this summons; the first publication thereof as
ordered by said court being on the 27th day of
June, 1902, and which Is the date of the tint pub
lication of the same.
And if you fall to so appear and answer, for
want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court
for relief prayed for in the oomplaint herein, to
wlt: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matri
mony now existing between plaintiff and defend
ant, and decieeing that plaintiff have the custody
Of the minor children named in said complaint.
This summons is served on you by publication
In the Courier-Herald, once a week for six
consecutive weeks, the first publication thereof
being made in the issue of June 27, 1902, by order
of Hon. T. A. McBride, a Judge of the above en
titled court, duly made and entered therein on the
21st day of June, 1902.
Last inserion August 1, 1902.
MACMAHON, Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for the
coumy or t;iacKamas.
Eldora Younger, plaintiff, vs. John R. Younger,
In the name of the state of Oregon, you are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you in the above-named suit
on or before Friday, August 8, 19'i2, the same being
six weeks from the first publication of this sum
mons, and you will take notice that if vou fail to
so appear and answer said complaint, the plaintiff
win apply to tne court tor tn rellei aemanuea in
said complaint, to-wit : That the bonds of mat
rimony now existing betweeu you and plaintiff be
This summons is publ shed by order of the Hon.
Thomas F. Ryan, county judge of Clackamas
cjuuty, in the Oregon City Courier-Herald, a
weekly newspaper of general circulation in Clack
amas county, for six consecutive weeks, commenc
ing Friday, July 4th, and continuing each week
thereafter to and including Friday, August 8, 1902
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for the
countv of Claeka'aa.
In the matter of the assignment of E. M. Atkin
son, an insolvent debtor.
Nolice is hereby given that under and pursuant
to an order of the above entitled court, duly made
arid entered In the above entitled matter, on the
twelflh day of November, 19ol. reauiiingand com
manding me as assignee of the above named insol
vent neoior to sea tne louowtng aescribea real
property, to-witi About fifteen acres in Oregon City
claim, iu Clackamas countv. state of Oregon, with
the south boundary of Abernethy claim, and the
Abernethy creek as the northerly boundary, with
McLoughlin avenue as shown on the plat of Buena
vista as tiiti southerly boundary, Willi the eastern
boundary of Oregon City claim as the easterly
boundary and the eastern line of blocks one hun
dred and seventy-six (176), and one hundred and
seventy-seven f 177). in Oregon Oltv. as the westerly
boundary thereof, I, E. G. Caufield, assignee of the
above named E. M. Atkinson, will, on the 2d day of
August, 1902, at the hour of eleven o'clock in the
roreuoon, at tne front door ot the county court
house of Clackamas county, state ol Oregon, in
Oregon City, soil at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash all of the above described real
Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, this 30th day of
June, 1902. E. G. CAUFIELD,
Assignee of E. M. Atkinson, an insolvent debtor.
Attorney for Assignee,
In theCIrcult Court of the State of Oregon, for
tne uouniy oi uiacaaiuas.
John W. Doores, Plaintiff, yp. Rebecca Longi
L. Hughes, Robert JIuidock and P. J. Ridingsi
To L. Hughes and Robert Murdock said dofen
dents. In the name of the state of Oregon! You are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint tiled against you in the above entitled suit,
on or berore September 2nd, 1!Ki2j and il you fall
to answer, for want thereof, tho plaintiff will
aoply to the court for the relief demanded in
said complaint to-wit; The partition and allot
ment lu severity of a part of the Robert Allen
D. L. C, No. 42, in Sees. 4 and 9 in Tp. 6 S R. 1 E.
of the W. M., bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at the N. E. corner of said claim; run
ning thence N. on the E. boundry of said cluira
63 .41 chains to the S. E. corner f a tract of laad
deeded to Enoch Sklrvin; thence N. 86 30',
W. about 13 chains to the county roal leading to
Silverton: thence in a southwesterly direction
along said road S. 40s 61' W, 8 chains and
63 links to (he S. comer of a tract of land deeded
to J. E. Jack; thence N. 40 ' W. 10 chains
to the N. W. corner of said tract; thence N. 40 61'
E. 8.28 chains to the land deeded to P. J. Ridings:
thence N. 49 9' W. along said Rldlncs land 12 40
chains to the N. boundary of said claim; thence
W. on N. boundary of said claim 3 43 chains to
the land deeded to John W. Murdock; theuce S.on
said Jlurdock's E. line 6S.32 chains to Ihe N. line
of a Iract of land conveyed to J. F. Myers; thence
Northeasterly along said Myers N. line 9 25 chains
to tlie N. E. corner thereof; tlience N. on the
claim line 2 25 chains to the re-entrant comer of
said claim, thence E. on the S. boundary of said
claim 25.15 chains to place of beginning; except
ing therefrom a strip of uniform width off the
westerly side of said described tract, said strip to
extend southerly from the centre of the afore
mentioned county mad to (he 8. boundary of said
D L. 0. and wide enough to oomprise 3ii acres.
The plaintiit to have a life estate in the whole be
sides a fourih interest iu the foe, and the defend
ants, L. Hughes, Robert Murdock and Rebecca
Long, each to have a one fourth interest in fee
subiect to said life estate.
Tliis summons Is published by order Hon. T. A.
McBride, J'ldge of said Court, made and dated
July 8th, 1902, the first publication of this sum
mons being had on Julv 11th, 1902.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for
the county of Clackamas.
M. Reed, plaintiff, vs. W. L. Reed, defendant.
To W. L Reed, said defendant.
In the name of the state of Oregon: Yon an
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against van in the above entitled suit,
on or before e'eptember 2nd, IshJJ, and
If yon fail to answer for .want thereof, the plain
tiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded
In said complaint to wlt; the dissolution of the
marriage contract existing betweeu said parties
Thl. anmm.tn. 1 l.li-1...1 Kn l . .'t .. '
. on....... ...c pii.,n.im, viuerui Hon.
Thomas A. McBride, Judge of said court mad
and dated July Mil, 1JU2, the first publication
dated this July 11th, 1902.
V. U. & V. U. LATOt RETTE,
Attorneys for Plaiu.iff.
rhls aignature Is on every box of the renuine
I evoilua D.n.y rk..:: . . . .
e remedy that core . cold I. mm da
Every genuine Elgin hoi the word "JQjrin" v
engraved on the uwrto.
have the name and works; and the faith of nearly
10,000,000 users as the world's standard timekeeper.
Sold by every jeweler in the land. Guaranteed by the world's greatest
watch works. Illustrated booklet mailed free.
Court House Block. Oregon City. Ore
Look at This !
For the next 60 days for Cash, we will give
JO per cent off on
Pry Goods,
Boots, hoc
Furnishing; Goods
Everything Tnsb,
Bldg. Meat market of Betbke
Opposite Suspension Bridge, Oregon City
j Selling at Cost j
To make room for new Fall Goods, which will be a larger and
more complete stock than has ever before been carried at the
Do not pass us by but come
Ladies' Dress Skirts
White Skirts
' Colored Skirts
" Chemise
" Drawers
. " Fine Underwear
" Lace Hose
Children's Hose
Coret Covers
Hose Supporters
Men's Underwear, Sox, Pins, Needles, San Silk, Knitting
X Cotton, Brenaird & Armstrong Embroidery Silk, Sewing Silk
T and Thread.
Newly Furnished and Refitted. Optn Day and Night.
George Bros. Restaurant
and Lunch Counter
Opp. Electric Hotel, Oregon City
Has No Superior in the City.
Meals at All Hours. 7
Fitting Spectacles and Etje Gla$scs
Bv Up-to-Date
Examination Free,
A. N.
j TQ6 lOWa JeWelei,
When the Public has
faith in a name it is a
faith that must be
backed up by good
works. .
C '
Heat and Chan,
and investigate.
Sunbonnets, 20c
Gloves, 20c
Mitts, 10c, 15c, 20c 1
Ladies' Silk Ties
All kinds of Laces
Ribbons, ic yd. and up
New Lot Ladies' Wrappers
Table Linen
Napkins, Towels
Knit Shawls
Shirt Waists
by PHILLIPS, The Optician
293 Morrison, near 5th