Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, July 11, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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Now is your time to lav in a sunnfv
goods at less than manufacturers' cost. ,
1385 Yards of Wash Silks
Corded effects in checks and stripes and solid colors 35c
40c and 45c values. Your choice for
27c Yard
34-in All-Wool Challies
A limited quantity of these fine all-wool Challies will be
sold for 25c a yard, worth a half dollar. Wash Goods,
Lawns, Dimities, Zephyrs and Ginghams, at Midsummer Sale
Prices. Anything and everything you want for the Coast and
Yes. Exceptionally fine in quality. Large in quantity and af the low
est prices ever quoted on ladies' fine Bathing Suits by any house in Port
land. See us to-day on Bathing Buitg.
McAllen & McDonnell
THTRD and MORRTMO'V . . Dnnmi vrr nr,r,,.
t - - - - x uftinai.il, uxliliUUXM X
mm mmmmmasmmmmm
The Dickens Club was entertained by
Mrs. T. W. Clark last week.
The Oregon Citv basebill team lost
two and won one game at Pendleton.
Senator Simon favors George 0 . Steel
for 0. B. Moore's place in the Oregon
City land office.
J. C. Edmonds is-living on the Baker
place, at mouth of Tualatin opposite
Willamette Falls.
William Rivers caught his hand in
the machinery at the paper mill Satur
day and lost two fingers.
H. W. Jackson is making arrange
ments to open a branch shop in Port
land for the repair and manufacture of
Trains for Gladstone Park leave Ore
gon City at 7 :00, 9 :22, 10:30 a. m., and
12 :15, 1 :45, 3 :40, 5 :20, 6:10, 7 :15, 7 :40,
a:uu, 8:3U, :2U p. m.
The Courier-Herald always appreci
ates accounts of events or items of inter
est sent in. When your friends come
to visit you let us know for fear we might
miss you.
Next Sunday is Children's Day at the
German Evangelical church. At 10:30
there will be a good program and at
3 o'clock d, m. music will be the fea
tures . All are invited.
Philipp Bucklein has opened a ma
chine shop with brand-new machinery
at the old Roake iron works, back of
Pope's hardware store, and is prepared
to make and repair all kinds of machin
ery. The June report of the Oregon City
land office shows 100 homestead en
tries for the month, 32 timber entries,
55 cash sales, 7 final proofs, 76 timber
proofs. Fees received amounted to
The Glad Tidings campmeeting will
begin July 18. Come and bring your
tents and camp on the grounds, good
camping privileges. The Beek family,
colored Binging evangelists will be in at
tendance. Come and hear them.
Christim Science services are held in
Red Men's hall every Sunday morning
at 11 o'clock. Subject for Sunday, July
13, "Life." Sunday school at 12 o'clock.
Wednesday evening meeting at 7:30
o'clock. All are cordially invited to at
tend these services.
Rev. N. Shupp, of Salem, will preach
in the Evangelical church at Carus,
July 12th, at 8 p. m., and Sunday, July
13th, at 3 p. m. Rev. N. Shupp, is the
new presiding elder of Salem district,
who holds his first quarterly meeting on
Canby mission. All are invited to these
meetings. It is a treat to hear Rev .
Shupp preach.
More farriers are taking advantage of
the rural free delivery every day.
George M. B. Jones, who had the first
free delivery contract in county says
says there were about 60 boxes on the
Logan-Viola-Redland route and more
are being put up. He was glad to give
ud his lob on July 1st. A 32-mile trip,
rain or shine, over all kind a of roads, is
no small job,
An adjourned meeting of the council
was held Monday evening.
A merry-go-round was granted per
mission for $40 to locate at foot of 13th
street for three weeks.
The curfew ordinance was passed.
An ordinance making it a misde
meanor to take up Main street brick and
put down again in an unworkmanlike
manner ordered published.
Ordinance ordered published for buy
ing hose house and lot for Ely Company
for $275.
The ordinance selling lots in hole op
posite Congregational church to A. W.
Cheney in exchange for printing, order
ed republished on a technicality. This
is a proposition where the city gets its
printing at half regular price and sells
lots for double price.
The petition lor old hose cart and hose
for Green Point discussed and matter re
ferred to street committee.
W. R. ShivBlr orantt.fi narmi'aainn fit
erect 10-foot bill board opposite Congre
gational church.
HfT.T.R Al.mwpn.
ThoB. Miller, 4th special police $5.00
v. iruuuie, " .... 4.UU
G. Gilstrap. " " . .. 3 no
John Kelly, " 3 00
r. Finnucan, ' 3 00
D. Dickey, wood 3 50
N. N. Rohhins. st.rnnt, wnrlr 9 Kn
B. Potts, attending smallpox case.. 5.00
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets
All druggists refund the money If it fails
to curer is,. W. (irove a signature is on
each box. 25c.
The Home Paper.
Take the home naner. Suddosb it
doesn't contain all the telegraphic news;
suppose it costB a Utile more than the
big city weekly : take it anvhow. It's
just like this, good people : The editor
of the home paper always starts out
with big hopes and plans for his town's
success, and in a really good editor that
hope and those plans are ever present in
nis thoughts, though they often have to
be put on the top shelf while he scram
bles around to feed the wife and babiea.
You refuse to take his paper because it
is little, doesn't contain all the news,
costs more than the big, newsy city
weeklies, etc. Don't you know that if
you would all take as much interest in
the home papers as you do in church
fairs, and the like, you would soon have
a paper you would be proud of and one
that would help build up your town.
Outsiders judge a town by its newspa
pers. That's the only means they have
of judging your town from a distance.
Don't shame the old town The editor
is not made of gold. All he asks is a
modeet living and the money he makes
he will spend in booming your town.
It's the solemn truth and don't you for
get it If you will all take the home
paper, all pay your subscriptions, all
take interest in sending in news and all
encourage the editor, he will soon show
you the value of printer's ink. St.
Helens Mist.
Demand for Normal Graduates.
The State Normal School at Monmouth
report that the demand for its gradu
ates during the past year has been much
beyond the supply. Uraduation from
the Normal practically assures a place
from $40 to $100 per month. The stu
dents take tne state examinations dur
ing the regular course and are easily
able to pass on all subjects required for
state papers before graduation. The
school has a well equipped training de
partment consisting of a nine-grade
town school and a typical country
yew Officers in Charge.
The ne-vly elected county officer took
the oath of office at noon Monday. Com
missioner J. R. Morton was succeeded
by William Brobst. Commissioner John
Levelling succeeds Commissioner Mor
ton as chairman of the board. Judge
Thomas F. Ryan succeeds himself. Sher
iff J. J. Cooke and Deputy Sheriff J. E.
Jack were succeeded by Sheriff J. R.
Shaver and Deputy Sheriff E. C. Hack
ett. Clerk F. A. Sleight, and Deputy
L. W. Ingram succeed Clerk E. II.
Cooper and Deputy O. D, Eby. Re
corder Tom P. Randall was succeeded by
Henry E. Stevens. The new deputy re
corder is Chauncey E. RamBby, and he
succeeds Louva Randall. Treasurer
Enos Cahill succeeded A. Luelling. Sur
veyor John W. Meldrum succeeds Ern
est P. Rands, and Coroner R. L'. Hol
man succeeds Dr. M. O. Strickland.
The newly elected assessor, John F.
Nelson, will take his office January 1st.
School Superintendent J.O.Zinser holds
a four-year term and has two years yet
to serve.
Sheriff J. R. Shaver immediately
after taking office, made the announce
ment that the bicycle -tax law would be
strictly enforced. He deputized Con
stable Harry 8. Moody to look after of
fenders who have not purchased tags for
their wheels.
MisB Ins Chase is assisting Clerk
Sleight for a few days. S. J. Burford
resigned his appointment as deputy
clerk. Miss Gussie Maddock succeeds
Miss Luelling as deputy treasurer.
Hop Notes.
The hop crop of the Isaac White farm
near Marquam, was sold' by B. B.
Garrett to the J. M. RusBell Company of
Portland, for 13 cents a pound. An
thony Moore, of Molalla, sold 15,000
nounds for 13 cents to the Rusiell Com
pany. Alfred Hinniman, of Butteville,
sold from his farm 12,000 pounds at 14
cents. O. A. Wass, of Portland, was
the purchaser. Waas allso bought trom
Hinniman Bros. 10 000 pounds of hops
on the William Mackintosh farm for 14
cents. Lilienthal Bros., of New York,
paid 15 cents for for 20,000 pounds of
hops from tne Hampden Grange farm,
near Hubbard.
August and Helen Rothenberg have
sold 3500 pounds of hops from the Roth
enberg yard, 2)4 miles southeast of Au-
roia, to a. J. Miller, ot Aurora, lor 14
cents per pound.
Why Go East
over the sun-burned, sage brush and al
kali plains when you may lust as well
take a delightful, cool and comfortable
ride through the heart ot the Kocky
mountains in view of the grandest scen
ery on the American continent?
This you can do bv traveling on the
Rio Grande System, the far famed
"Scenic Line of the World" the only
transcontinental line passing through
Salt Lake City, Greenwood Springs,
Leadville, Colorado Springs and Den
ver enroute to Eastern points.
Three uaily express trains make close
connections with all trains east and
west and afford a choice of five distinct
routes of travel. The equipment of
these trains is the best, including free
reclining chair cars, standard and tour
ist sleepers, a perfect diniDg car service,
and also personally conducted excursion
cars, each In charge of a competent
ghide, whose business is to look after
the comfort of his guests. No more
pleasant and inexpensive means of
crossing the continent can be found
than is provided by these excursions.
For additional details, address
J. D. Mansfield,
Gen'l. Agent Rio Grande Lines,
124 Third Street, Portland, Or.
Literary News.
3 The Cosmopolitan has undertaken to
present a series of brief sketches of the
men who are leaders in finance, manu
factures, and commerce, not prepared in
an offhand way, but by writers of the
greatest ability who have an exact
knowledge of their subjects. The series
thus far produced has attracted the
widest attention. , The industrial
changes which have of late'teen occur
ring with such rapidity have the widest
possible interest for all claseee. The
knowledge of these men, their deriva
tion, leading characteristics and weak
nesses throws much light upon the news
of the day in which tLeir. names con
stantly recur.
There are four particularly notable il
lustrated articles in The Outlook's Mag
azine Number for July. One of these is
an appreciation or characterization of
the newly crowned king of England un
der the title "His Britannic Majesty."
The writer is Mr. George W. Smalley.
Another is called "A Hundred Years of
West Point" and is written by Mr.
James Barnes, the author of "Admiral
Farragut" and other well-known books.
The third article referred to is "A Talk
on Birds," by Mr. W. E. Scott, the cur
ator of ornithology of Princeton Univer
sity. Finally, of great industrial inter
est is the paper called "Our Ships of
the Sea," by Mr. John R. Spears; it de
scribes the immense advance made in
ship building in this country ately, and
is illustrated by many fine pictures,
mostly photographs taken for this ex
press purpose.
Recently the publishers of The Youth i
Companion enjoyed a visit from one
of their seventy-five-year subscribers,
Mr. R. W. Peabudy, of Chicago, now 91
years old, who had been spending a few
weeks in New England. He is one of
the few subscribers on record who has
taken The Youth's Companion contin
uously since its first issue, April 17,
1827. The letter in which he sent his
original subscription was one of the firtt
he ever wrote.
Coct a Bicycle
At Wholesale Price
We propose to close out our entire stock of new
and second hand bicycles during July must have the
room for other goods. You know, the wheels. Noth
ing better can be made.
Weather Report.
Following is the voluntary observer
meteorological record for the month of
June, 1902, at Miramonte Farm, Clacka
mas county, Oregon :
Mean temperature, 59.4.
Maximum temperature, 89 on the
Minimum temperture,39 on the 17th.
Tital precipitation. 1.07 inches. I
No. of clear days, 13; partly cloudy,
14; cloudy, 6.
Prevailing wind Westerly.
Warm weather and some good rains
would be welcome.
G. Muecke,
Voluntary Observer.
Oegon's Favorite Seaside Re
sort. 'Recognizing the advantage of New
port aa a Bummer resort over other sea
side resorts in the northwest, and to
make it possible for all who desire to do
so to spend their vacation by the ocean
wavea, the Southern Pacific Company,
in connection with the Corvallis &
Eastern Railroad, will place on sale, ef
fective June 15th, round-trip tickets
from all points in Oregon on the South
ern Pacific to Newport, good for return
until October 10th, at, specially reduced
rates. For full information please in
quire of your local agent."
For Over Sixty years
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has
been used for over sixty years by million
of uiothers for their children wnne
teething, with perfect success. It
soothes the child, softens the gums,
allavs all pain, cures wind colic, and is
the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Is
pleasant to the taste, Sold by Druggists
in every part of the World. Twenty-
five cents a bottle, its value is incaicu
able. Besure and ask for Mrs. Wins
low'sSoothing Syrup, and take no other
(Corrected on Thursday.)
Flour Best $2.953.60.
Wheat Walla Walla 6566c; valley
66c67; bluestem 67 and 68c
Oats White, 1.20; gray, 1.151.20,
Barley Feed $22; brewing $23 per ct.
Millstuffs Bran $16 ; middlings $21 ;
shorts $18 ; chop $16.
Hay Timothy $1215; clover,$710.
Butter Fancy creamery 19 and 21o ;
store, 15 and 16 .
Eggs 19 and 20 cents per doz.
Poultrv Mixed chickens $3.504.50 ;
hens $4(35.50; springs $24 .60 ; geese.
$45; ducks $23K; Hve turkeys 11
12c; dressed, lofegic.
Mutton Gross, 214 and 3; dressed, 6
cents per pound.
Hogs Dressed, li and 7 cents per
Veal Large, 6 1-2 and 1 cents per
Beef Grose.top Bteerp.$3.50 and $4.50,
dressed beef, 8 and 7 cents per pound.
Chese Full cream 12c per pound
Young America Z and 14c.
Potatoes? .40 .60 per hundred,
new 1J c.
Cutthis out and take it to G. A. Hard
ing's drug store and get a box of Cham
berlain's Stomach and uver laDietB.
The best physic. They also correct dis
orders Of the stomach. Price 25 cents.
G. A. Harding,
Ladies' hatJrrtlie' Red Front in
sty lea and at prices to suit one and all.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Hava Always Bought
Bears the IX
Signature of WLaf-tUcUM
ColumbiaS, - - "Standard of the World"
Crescents, - - "The Wheels that Stand Up"
Tribunes, - -"The Speedy Blue Streaks"
We have cut off the profits altogether for this sale
are even willing to take less than cost on some mod
els that we are overstocked on.
Spring Frames
Coaster Brakes
G. & J,, Dunlop
and Hartford Tires
Easy Installments
$50 Bicycles for $35.00
40 " " 30.00
35 " " 27.5
30 " " 25.00
25 ' " 20.00
The stock is limited and of course there will be no
more at these prices. Only five ladies' wheels in the
lot. Better make your choice first There are about
ten second hand wheels two ladies', which we will sell
at $5 to $15. Everyone worth double what we ask for
This sale also includes all our bicycle sundries.
For instance :
Rejr. Sale
Price Price
Tires single tube .... $2.50 $1.25
Inner Tubes 1.25 .75
Handle Bars. . $1.20 to 2.50 1-3 off
Bells all kinds.. 25 to
Cement all kinds. 5 to
Luggage Carriers.25 to
Rims all kinds
Cyclometers 1.00
Grips per pair
Oil Cans 10
Chains $1.50 to 2.50
Pedals per pr. $1.50 to 2.00
Carbide per can 25
Solar Lamps
20th Century
Toe Clips.
Handle Bar Buffers . .
Reg. Sale
Price Prioe
$2.50 $1.95
, 2 50 1.95
. 1.60 95
. .50 .30
. .25 .15
. .50 .25
. .25 .15
. .25 .13
. .35 ,20
. .10 .05
. .25 .15
. .15 .10
. .25 .15
1.00 1-3 off
.15 1-3 off
1.00 1-2 off
1-3 off
Everything else in this line equally low while the
stock lasts. But no more at these prices.
Huntley's Book Store,
Monmouth, Ore.
Graduates of the school are in con
stant demand at salaries ranging from
$40 to $100 per month. Students
take "the State examinations during
their course in the School and are
prepared to receive btate Certificates
frflg on graduation, expenses range uum
$120 to $17 oer vear. Strong Nor
mal Course and well equipped Training Department. The tail term
opens cept. 16. For Catalogue containing full information address,
E. D. Ressler, Pres. ; or, J. B. N. Butler, Sec'y.
Beam ha The Kind You Ha Always
Trimmed hats. Great bargains. Mis
The Parker " Lucky Curve "
Fountain Pen
The "Lucky Curve" not only feeds the ink perfectly to the
point of the pen and in the exact quantity desired, but it drains
the ink from the feed-channel back into the reservoir when the
pen is carried in the pocket so that the owner will not be annoyed
by wiping off the end of the fountain when he next uses the pen;
or, failing to do so, having inky fingers. The "Lucky Curve" fea
ture is patented and is used exclusively in the Parker.
The Spring Lock makes possible the successful Parker
Jointless feature. This simple device displaces the old style screw
nozzle, which is so liable to break at the point, in the pocket or
out, if a little undue pressure is brought to bear.
ANTI-Break Cap. A unique improvement, looks like an or
dinary cap, but the construction is extraordinary. The center of
the cap on the inside is heavily reinforced where it comes in con
tact with the barrel This cap is warranted against cracking or
splitting for one year. It is not only more than five times as strong
as any other cap, but it is exceedingly symmetrical and pleasing to
the eye.
THE Gold Pen. The gold pens used in the Parker " Lucky
Curve " Fountain Pen are the very best that skill and money can
produce. They are 14k. fine, all tipped with first grade iridium.
We warrant them perfect. With proper use they will, in connec
tion with our fountain pen, last practically a life-time.
The Fountain Case. The fountain case itself is made from
the finest quality of pure Para rubber, imported especially for use
in Parker Pens.
With each Tarker "Lucky Curve" we give a guarantee for one year.
Prices from $2.00 to $6,00
Other makes from $1.00 up.
Chatelain Bags
Have you noticed how popular they are? Our stock,
which just came in from the factory in the East, comprises
many new and elegant designs. These bags are finished
in all colors, some in plain and others in fancy leather with
polished cut steel beads. Some come with extra coin pocket
others are finished in heavy chamois lining.
Prices from 50c to $5.00
Largest assortment of
Pocket Books
Ever brought to the city. Best goods at the right prices.
Finest quality leather. Workmanship and finish unexcelled.
Latest designs with or without silver mountings.
China Souvenir Ware
Many new designs and shapes, all decorated with
Oregon City views. They are well adapted to send East or
to give to a friend as a souvenir. We have a full line of
cups and saucers, plates, creamers, sugar bowls, pin trays,
vases, ete.
Prices from 20c to $1.00
Souvenir Spoons
In sterling silver, gold bowls; all hand engraved.
From 85c to $2.00
Bur meister & Andr esen, 2s2l2
ity Jewelers.