Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, July 11, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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Dark Hair
" I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor
for a great many years, and al
though I am past eighty years of
age, yet I have not a gray hair in
my head."-
Geo. Yellott, Towson, Md.
We mean all that rich,
dark color your hair used
to have. If it's i;ray new,
no matter; for Ayer's
Hair Vigor always re
stores color to gray hair.
Sometimes it makes the
hair grow very heavy and
long; and it stops falling
of the hair, too.
$1.00 I bottle. All dnnjliU.
If your druggist cannot supply yon,
tend us one dollar and we will express
you a bota?. Be sure and give the nam
of your uearost exprr bs office. Address,
J. C. AY Eh CO., Lowell, Mans.
Russellvllle. ,
Rtifeellville has bad plenty of rain,
, which wag much needed.
Mra J Shandy, who lived about five
miles southeast of this place waa out
hnntlng her horse a few days ago, and
i when about miles from her home
she dropped (lend. She was accompan
ied by a little girl. She was out for about
two days before the remains could re
ceive proper attention. The remains
were placed on horseback and carried
down the mountain side, which waa very
steep, and a very heavy load for the
horse, as the deceased weighed over 200
pounds. Mrs Shandy was about 55
years of age, and formally of North Da
kota. It is thought film died of heart
failure. Her husband's whereabouts are
Mra R Leslie died at her home on
July 2nd, of a Btroke of paralysis, of
which she has been alllicted with for
several years. The deceased was about
45 years of age, and leaves a husband
and two married eons to mourn
.. her loss. Tlieey have the sympathy of
the entire community.
Mrs S Carter is taking care af the lit
tle girl who lived with Mrs fc'tmndy.
J Marts called on Mr and Mrs Wing
field and gave them about 100 cabbage
plants, which was a good treat for them.
P M Boylfs is goirg to move to Mo
lalla boon, where he 'will blacksmith.
Union Ilall.
Mrs Caroline Thomas and Mrs Jos
eph Perringer visited Grandma Ticeone
day last week.
Mies Mollie Burns, of Portland visited
her parents, Mr and Mrs J II Burns, a
few days lunt week.
Mi s Jac k Webb and children, of Port
land are visiting her parents, Mr and
Mrs II 8 Phelps, at present.,
Mrs Neltie Eiugs went to Portland last
WedntBday to do some shopping.
Miss Mary Thomas, of Portland, vis
ited relatives here last Saturday and
Mrs Martha Burns visited relatives
in New Era lust Friday and Saturday.
Mr Hiderman and family, of Portland,
visited his brotlier-in -law, Joseph Per
ringer, and family last Sunday.
Andrew Ileus and sistei Miss Bertha,
of Oretown, Or., aw uisitirg J ) VV it
kereon and family and William Parker
and wife.
Mr and Mrs Otto Striker viBited the
former's parents, Mr and Mrs J Perrin
ger, last Sunday .
Miss OhriKtinia Paverlets of Portland,
visited friends here last Saturday.
John Molzan is hauling wocd for John
T"in Grimes has rented a piece of
ground and planted it in millet.
The Fourth of July was quite stormy
and blustering, but. nevertheless every
body in this vicinity celebrated it in
their different ways and enjoyed them
selves hugely.
yon. The party constated of Mm Shanda, a little
7-year old girl, who was living with her, and an
old German called Junior, who livef on a home
stead near Mrs Bhanda's place. The party was
lost at ;the time of the old lady's dtath, and the
body lay two nights before a trail could be cut so
that a hone could get tbrcngh and bring out her
Mrs Robert Lwlte died on July 3rd, from a
stroke of paralysis, dhe had been an invali i for
some time.
Owi ng to the rain on the Fourth, the Molalla
people celebrated at home. There was a lively
Utile dance at the hall in the evening. The Dib
ble orchestra furnished fine music, and all had a
good time. It was the intention of most every
body to go to Macktbuig if the weather bad been
pleasant, but owing to the steady djwnpour the
celebration at Macksburg was postponod until the
19th, so if the weather proves favorable we will
have a sortjof a second hand celebration on the
Kith of July,
Ohnflle Pelkcy is visiting home folks now. He
reports Charles H Bitzer as beiug fat and as usual
somewhat saucy. Thep both work at the same
mill In Washington.
Mrs Lucy Briggs end family are visiting her
father, W f Adnms.
Haying has commenced In earnest here, and
the song of the sickle can be heard in ever direc
tion. X.Y.Z.
Arista Nendel and George McKay spent a day
at Seaside last week, returning Monday.
Earnest Armes and Henry (Jonlet were in Port
land on business Monday.
Ceoil Brown, Joe Richards aud Sam Flester
spent the Fourth in Portland.
The Fourth was enjoyed in fine style here, as
the mud seemed to help things along a bit, and It
seemed as it was the 1st of March iuste id of the
Fourth of July.
Bert Hubbard, of Oak Point, Wash., was In the
city last Sunday on his wav 1 one.
Misses Beetle and Meadle Hubbard are up from
Portland on a few days' visit to frionds an , rela
tives. Company D of this place is drilling very regular
lately, as the annual encampment occurs on the
17th Inst to 24th. All the bvs are happy and
anxious to go, except one or two dissatisfied ones.
"Lovely" weallie r for July.
Most of Needy people celebrated at Hubbard,
all having a good time. .,
Mrs Gib Perdue has moved heme from Hubbaid.
Mrs Bub Leslie was Mir lid at Rock Cnek ceme
tery Friday July 4.
Jilss Perl (ianctt is attending the summer Nor
mal at Bulcui. bo) a a looks lonesome.
The sudden death of Mrs Anna Will (i ee Kon
achoe) was received here Monday. She had
many friends here at Kooriy, and her fantih.huH
tid and lly have Hie iii'i'thy of lite entire
community In their sad si i u,
Mtssl.entia Moore is no i. i.t Oregon l.'ltv,
where she .has stcuied a . .-. . u w itu .Vis W 11
Kane Spsglo come heme in ni l'ntlrxire to
spend the Fourth.
Charles and Frank pngle, Frit and F.rmst
Hlrnir returned to the togging camp, alior cele
brating at home Monday u,otuttig,
Mrs Wni Mnrclimd and daugh'er, I elnh, wtnt
to Portland Ihimduy on a visit with friends.
Fred Lauta is visiting friends in Keedy this
Wcsly Voder paused (through cur burg Friday to
visit his l arents,
Frank Flali and family ami Frt it Linus were
the guests at it Juliuosu's Sunday.
Miss Freda finhlor 'returned home fiom n visit
with her sister in 1 ortlnud Sunday,
Dirk Garrett and wife, C C Molson, lfo and
daughter, Mny.vcie visiting In llutl'iml Sunday.
Mel till a.
Work bus ci n nienccd on the JMhlla Ciat-ge
building lot In tlie way id iiiieit g the h t. In a
short time tone vi n.tu nil! um mince i u ihe
Hemy Kiiwsell rtmcdown fivni llie Oclot'rwk
Billies lucent ly. Ilo brought out solve hiiosnm
ulesnfKoUl tluit vtiis takeu out of his nilue. 'lhno
will be no inure woik di'iietlifrt until a M'tilr-i
ment is allied il with the S. 1'. H, Hiho o'hii;
ihe land In thai vicinity as as lieu land. wlldii
virtually Hups woik fur this neuron, as tho euso :
will not be rettled until tills fall. In order to save
luture trouble our government ought to give to I
the railroa-is all the land that it now owns i i it '
seems aa though w hen ,a railroad company wnnts
bodyoflaryl all lliry ha0 to do Is to claim It!
aud they Invariably get It.
Those who sslst(d In bringing 11 S', an 'r.' '
body out of the mountains had hard trip. '1 ho I
eld lady died very suddenly while searching f r
" hat lioim. In one of the most luiuvcs-ni K' '
"'u tiiat exist In the country, She tiled front !
. f otseasc, as li is supposed, ana sno .:is
two miles from home lu Coal Creek Gui-
Maple Lane.
Annie Shirtlidne returned home last
week after an absence of a couple of
months at Marshfield, Or.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Mautz enjoyed a
week's visit with two of the hitter's
nieces from Yakima, Wash.
Mr and Mrs Cramer and family spent
the Fourth with relatives in The Dalles.
Jacob Schilling and family spent Sun
day with Eli Williams and family, of
Oregon City.
John Gaffney, Jr, returned to The
Dalles Tuesday, after a few days' visit
with relatives here.
The new road supervisor, G F Gibbs,
with a crew of eight men commenced
work on the Highland road on Monday,
Miss Edith Jackson is slowly recover
ing from an attack of the measles.
James Emert is suffering from the same
Miss Allie Gale spent several days
last week with friends in Portland.
Mr. Maville, of Oanemah, dined with
John B. Jackson and family on Tuesday.
The July voices full of summer praise,
A nd the glad sunshine gleaming over all,
Come, let us fare along our summei days,
They are all there the joys of olden
Pansy Blossom.
E D Hutchinson is down with the
Mrs Charles Boroughs has been quite
ill, but is some better now.
The Star
Demand for Normal Graduates.
The State Normal School at Monmouth
report that the demand for its gradu
ates during the past year has been much
beyond the supply. Graduation from
the Normal practically assures a place
from $40 to $100 per month. The stu
dents take tne state examinations dur
ing the regular course and are easily
able to pass on all subjects required for
state papers before graduation. The
school has a well equipped training de
partment consisting of a nine-grade
town school and a typical country
For years I had been a sufferer with
chronic stomach troubles, pressure of
gas and distress of my bowels. I con
tracted what the doctors pronounced
a low type of malaria. I could not
take solid food at all, and only a very
little of the lightest of diet would
create fever and vomiting. The. drug
gist sent me a box of Ripans Tabules,
saying he sold more Ripans than any
thing else for stomach troubles. I
not only found relief, but believe I
have been permanently cured.
At druggists.
The Five-Cent packet is enough for an or
dinary ocassion. The family bottle, 60
cents, contains a supply for a year.
j(titdidU BUGGIES.
Give better satisfaction than anything on
the market at anything like the price, be
cause they are made of good material, to
stand "Oregon roadn" Iron corners on
bodies, braces on shafts, heavy second
growth wheels, screwed rims. If you want
to feel sure that you are getting your mon
ey's worth, ask for a "Bee Line" or a
"Mitchell" (lienuey) Buggy. We guar
antee them.
Mitchell, Lewis A St aver Co.
Seattle, Spokane, Boise. Portland, Or.
of Stars
feSS Star
Has ball bearings In turn table. Turns
freely to the wind. Ball bearing thrust
In wheel, insuring Ugliest running qual
ities, and reserving greatest amount of
power for pumping. Galvanized after
making. Put together with galvanized
bolts, double nutted, no partoan rust or
get loose and rattle. Weight regulator;
perfect regulation. No spring to change
tension with every change of tempera
ture, and grow weaker wit1 age. Repairs
alwavs on hand. These things are
worth money to you. Thenwhy not buy
a Star.
Beirt possible to build .
No wagon Is or can be better than a Mitchell
because the cream of wood stock is used, only afl
tor being thoroughly seasoned. The wagon Is wels
Ironed, well painted, well proportioned, and run
the Ugliest of any
It Is nearly 70 years since the first Mitchell wag,
on was built, and they have been built continu
ously ever since by the Mitchells. When you buy
a Mitchell you get the benefit of this 70 years' ex.
Send for Special Catalogue Free
First and Taylor Sts., Portland, Ore,
Branches Houses at Seattle, Spokane, Boise, Salem and Medford
Agricultural Implements, Vehicles, Harness and Bicycles
Mention this Paper
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which haa been,
ia use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of
and has been made under his per-
fS7--- sonal supervision since its infancy. -
i&ry. -CC66fiMi&: Allow no one to dfic.fiive vou In this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
ud allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Sears the Signature of
The KM Yon Haye Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Good Literature
TJ A ImiAnf pamphlets, folders, booklets, etc., are
The Northern Pacific is not
ed among railways for its
advertising matter. .Its
tastefully gotten tip and are valuable for
what, they contain. Here is a partial het
of what MR. CHAS. S. FEE, General Passenger
Agent, St. Paul, Minn., will send out, carefully
mailed, upon receipt of prices given. Any combi
nation can be made, and money or express orders, Bilver or stamps win be
accepted. This is a fine opportunity to obtain good descriptive reading
matter for little or nothing.
Wonderland 1901-
An annua, bllcation, beautilullv Illustrated in color and
half tone. 1 Is number treats particularly of the history of
the Northern Pacino s TrartemarK, the ouster attieneiu in
Montana, aud the Yellowstone Park.
Miniature Wonderland
A neat and dainty publication containing a complete history
or tne nortnorn racino xraciemarK, Tne artistic covers 01
the Wonderland, 1901 are used iu miniature.
Wild Flowers from Yellowstone
Six Centa
Four Cents
A book of pressed wild flowers from Yullowstone Park,
showing the real flowers in their natural colors. A dainty
and beautiful souvenir ten specimens of flowers and six
full page Illustrations of Park scenery.
Fifty Cents
Simple Stover
of Any
- in i nii n. j
L -ft i
Gasoline Engine
1,3, 4 and 6H.P.,Flain
and Pumping. Simplest En
gine made. More easily un
derstood than any other.
Catalogu e Free.
Champion in name
Champion in the field
Yellowstone National Park-
A new 112 page book In strong, flexible oovers, good paper,
plain type, mustmea, pocaet size,
compendium land
descriptive ot tne worm s wonaeriana.
Climbing Mount Rainier
An Illustrated pocket-size 'book, 72 pages, in strong, flexible Send
covers, printed oh heavy paper, descriptive of an ascent of Twenty-five
I the highest peak In the Dmted States outside of Alaska of a Cents,
glacial nature.
Clarkes is not (lend, if it has not made
its appearance for two weeks.
Frank Wills, mother anil son, Beit,
were visiting Mrs F M. Countryman last
Mitrv, Ady and Jap Wright were seen
at our meetuii? Sunday. Boys, get your
cans and bells leudy and keep your eyeB
cm them.
Mimb Marie F.dm comb is iu the swim
tvuin, Utt'd fur Marie.
P H Ponney was seen in our burg
James Hunt, of Washington, ia at
"is Ei'gt ccnibV.
The meeting at Chiiyon Creek hall last
Sunday was well attended.
L P Willian s is fulling hay this week.
Good luck to you, L P!
The tain w: a peat benefit to the
Jfss .lumps was Pi'en out with his dog
and pun Monday looking for the cou
viets. Ueoren llubidon and wife are vieiting
the fiTim r'n eisjttr. Mrs Bile Garrett, of
Ciitium Cnek on lurbey Hill.
The lumber is already
on the
year old be
i th ot June.
The Sr.; r c.m Uuler :ibove has extended
hit! rVi l.!';;ir. .! ra ni and has called him.
W n rj-th' with Mr and Mrs
Ivi :n, MM rviy God hrlpthein to meet
I heir el-i'il in y:,v n
Swkkt Tom.
Mra Blacker and Mra Evans are on
the sick list with la grippe.
Mra Kirk is staying with her daugh
ter, Mrs. Boroughs, this week during her
John Cook, of Woodburn, ia calling on
old friends this week.
Misa Woodcock, from Oregon City,
came down Tuesday to attend the Re
becca lodge.
Kev Dunlap and family returned from
an extended visit to the East a few days
ago. Mr Duulap's frienda are glad to
welcome him back.
Mr and Mra Rosenkrana left last
week foi an extended visit with friends
and relatives in Michigan.
Mra Dedman will attend the A O U
W meeting at Portland this week.
Misa Emma Clayson made a visit to
her sister, Mrs E Sias, last Sunday.
Halsey Phelps and wife, of Portland,
came up to spend a few days with their
parents this week.
The M E campmeeting closed last
Sunday evening after one of the most
successful meetings held here for some
time. After it became known that the
- -. - - ... it i ....-.
I gates were open iree to an targe cruaus
Beck family, with their voices and musi-
helped to make the meeting a success.
It beati them all. . That's all
there is to say.
Same with the CHAMPION
Catalogue Free .
S. B. Catarrh Cure.
Is taken internally, acting directly on
the blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. It permeates every fluid of tt e
body, eradicates the disease from the
system, cleanses and heals the afflicted
parts and restores them to a natural,
healthful condition. For sale by all
druggists. Book on Catarrh free. Ad
dress Smith Bros,, Fresno, Oal.
Cii! jon CietU in going to have a new j attended daily. The evangelists, the
S(1;0(. uiu;-y,
en IN g cui.d.
Mr .ui.l Mrs 1
a HI 1'tlll.l i:l
Llnihisnl for ' Strains.
Wells, the merchant at
".'.viin In lh, Uteot Hats
lV,i, t Sj'.f.-i'd Millinery Sale,
at lied
The Best
Mr. F. II.
Deer Park, Long Island, N.
I always recommend Uliamuerlain'a
Pain Bairn an the beet liniment for
strains. 1 used it last v. iuter for a se
vere lameness hi the side, resulting
from a atrain, and was greatly pleased
with the quick relief and cure it effect
ed." For sale by G. A. Harding.
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets
a cold in one day. No Cure no
Price 25 centa.
oney bavin;
We are still sacrificing our entire stock ot
In order to make room for our Fall line . It is just like finding
silver dollars by purchasing from us during this sale.
Your Shoes is one of the main articles in dress. Every
careful purchaser buys the celebrated
W. 1L. Bous;la hoc
In every
. and ... ' ft
I that makes your l
horses glad.
""' " """"""si .
Foot Fitting, Foot Form and Foot Easy,
. '
At the most popular prices of $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00.
', Watch cur windows for the Fall arrival of the most popu-
? i&r line of Clothing, the celebrated Hart, ScharTner & Marx make
1c ffl. PRICE
1 tie One Pries Clothier. 6th and Main Sts.
Liver Pills
That's what you need ; some
thing to cure your bilious
ness and give you a good
digestion. Ayers Pills , are
liver pills. They cure con
stipation and biliousness.
Gently laxative.
Want your niiMinarhe or ite.iru a L.eauuiu.1
fcrown or rich black ? 'f in 11 us
Fhysician, Surgeon and Oculist
Office in Barclay Building, Cor. Main and 7th Sts.
Calls Answered Promr4ly Day or Night
cures dysrT! nd H diEorder ariiing frcm Indi
gestion. Kndcr?cd by physicians everywhere-
tola iy an aiiifgiF!!. cure i o ray: locents
Trial ratkfg' Iim l-y nlirg to W. H. Heeler
l'e., liitlalo, K. Y. 1tl