Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, July 04, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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eHElOKl CITY "will ELEliATl
Regular Jnne
amd Union Pacific
the EAST
The 0. R. & N. Co.
Gives the Choice of
of the ConntT
J, R
Morton, John Lawellen and T.
KUlln, CommUaloneii.
Total $826 88
Road District No. 35
Chester Shetterly $ 2 25
Fred Wagner 12 25
9:00 a. m.
9:00 p. m.
DEN', fci..,
6:co p. m.
ST. PAUL and
oean Steamers leave' Portland ever?
5 Days for
Be it remembered, That at a regular
term of the Board of County Commis
sioners tor the County of Clackamas,
State of Oregon, begun and held at the
court house in said county and state on
Wednesday, the 4th day of June, the
same being the regular time fixed by law
for transaction of county business.
There were present: Hon. J. R.Morton,
Hon. John Lewellen and Hon. T. B.
Killin, commissioners; E. H. Cooper,
clerk; J. J. Cooke, sheriff; when the
following proceedings were had, to-wit:
Eoaa District No. 28
Geo B Rate & Co $ 15 15
John Nightingale 21 40
James Marts 4 50
Wm Bryan . 13 90
Henry Daugherty 9 40
Scott Carter 17 25
LBTrulliniier , 12 00
CN Brown.. 6 40
NBWade 7 90
Frank Sherman 4 15
LO Nightingale 150
Norris Thomas 1 50
O J Vorheis 1 50
H Wilson 3 00
Rav Wvland 1 50
Ben Johnson 1 50
B F Boyles 29 00
Boats leaves Portland daily for Willanv
ette and Columbia River Points.
Monthly Steamers to China and Japan,
For full Infommtlon eall on or address nearest
J. K. & N. Ticket Agent, or address
A.L.CKAia, G, V. A.,
Portland, Oregon
8:00 A.M.
7:00 P.M.
DkI'ot Firm and I bis., I
For Maygers, Rainier,
Olntskaule, Weatpnrt,
Clifton, Astoria, War
re i ton, Flavel, Ham
mond, Fort Stevens,
Uoarhart Park, Seaside,
Astoria and Pna.shore
KxprcsH, Dally.
Astoria Express,
11:10 A.M.
M0 P. M,
Ticket Office, 258 Morrison st. and Union Depot.
J. C. Mayo, (Jen. Pass. Agt., Astoria, Ore.
Dally Round Trips, except Sunday
Leave Portland 7 A. M
Leave Astoria 1 1'. M
Dally Trips ExceptlSundny
Leave Portland, Mon., Wed. and Fri 7 A. M.
Leave llio Dullos.Tuus , Tliurs. and Sat. .7 A. M.
Pnrllniid. Tnos . Thura. and Sat. 7 A. M
.ueave Dallia, Mon., Wed. and Frl 7 A. M
Lauding, Foot Alder Street I
John M. Fllloon The Dalles, Ore.
A. J. Taylor Astoria, Ore.
J. I. Luckev. Hood River, Ore.
Wolford & Wyers. White Salmon, WaBh.
J. O. Wyatt. Vancouver, Wash.
R.B.Gilbreth L,y, wast).
John M. Totton Stevenson, Wash,
Henry Olnistead Carson, Wash.
Win. Butler Butler, Wash.
Total $151 55
Road District No. 29
Geo B Rate &: Co $29 40
Road District No. 30
Tualatin Mill Co, bridge $ 42 04
E Rankin, bridge A 50
H Piatt, bridge 7 40
J II Piatt, bridge 3 50
J Ereckson, road 20 50
AH Bullock 14 00
E Rankin..... H 75
JKiser 5 25
John Bickner 50
W Bickner 50
A Davidson 11 00
J H Piatt 9 62
J Monroe 8 75
W Chuck 8 75
R W Thomas 5 2o
A Woithington 7 00
R Piatt 5 (58
M Piatt 3 50
G Waldorf 175
E Shinlev.... 5 25
I Long 19 25
F Childs ; 22 50
J R Hays 38 00
J Monk 25 00
J Cook 23 25
J Haines 21 00
J Dennis 18 00
FWhittin 18 00
E Cronend 14 50
J Hays 17 50
O Davidson 4 00
A Foetner 4 00
E Rankin 6 10
J II Piatt 3 50
II Piatt 20 55
Henry Piatt 20 10
I Long 6 35
F Childs 8 10
JRHavs 10 00
C W Kruse 25 40
UBWilmont 1180
E Shipley 2:
J Dennis 17 00
W Wauker 7 85
Total $14 50
Road District No. 36
Andrew Anderson $ 2 25
Blair.., 12 00
P D Christner 11 00
Charles Casto " 3 00
Charles Coldron 12 00
Christ Erntsen 6 00
David Hostetter , 1 50
William Jennings 3 00
ELKenagy 19 50
Benton Kilhn b uo
George Leffer 1 50
ieorire Owwes b uu
Ed Peterson 16 12
Samuel Prather 15 00
James Rener 3 00
C Reasoner 22 50
Alfred Schneider 2 50
C C Suncker 9 00
Will Todd 3 00
Andrew Thykier 3 00
P H Warmdahl 13 50
Amos Yoder 4 50
Noah Yoder 1 50
S A Yoder 75
Bud Thompson 39 88
Total $218 00
General Road Fund.
Frank Busch $ 98 95
Geo B Rate & Co 3 00
WF Harris 480 00
ALacey 230 00
Moehnke Heft & Co 705 28
$577 89
Aru .r run
Road District No. 31
Arthur Borland $ 15 00
Ren At hey b 75
T Baker 3 00
Geo Keller 10 50
J L Kruse 0 00
Homer Kruse 9 00
Albeit Turner 3 00
Fred Wagener 1 50
John Wilken 1 50
T L Turner 7 50
OP Sharp 3 00
Edw Sharp 7 50
George Aden 4 50
Guy Grofs 3 00
Mike Shafer 4 ou
Mike Shafer.Jr 4 50
John Soger, Jr 9 00
John Sager i w
Jacob Goerz 4 50
Frank Kegel 1 50
Carl Korman 3 00
John Aden 30 00
Lotal $1517 23
June 4th, 1902.
In the matter of petition of James Ben
nett, et al, for extension of Davis Road-Granted.
In the matter of the Howard s Road-
Ordered opened on claim line according
to original petition.
In the matter of report of viewers on
Burvev of Barstow Road Read first time,
In the matter ot w. l. Davis, a county
charge Name ordered taken from pau
per roll.
In the matter ot report of viewers on
survey of Milev Road Read first time
In the master ot road warrants jnos
18493, 18496, 18498, 18491, 18497 and 18,
502 Ordered cancelled.
In the matter of report of viewers on
survey of change in Long Road Read
first time.
In the matter of county warrant No
10,734 Ordered cancelled.
In the matter of report of viewers on
survey of Perdue andStruteers Road-
Read nrt time.
In the matter of petition of W B Wil
mot. et al. for a county road Laid over
until next term.
In the matter of damages of the Bor
land Road Ordered that damages
oaid bv county. $10.
In the matter of application of Wm
McDonald for rebate of poll tax-Granted
June 5th, 1902.
In the matter of petition of C Sannes
for a road of public easement Granted
In the matter of the application of An
drew J. Nickum for cancellation of mort
p-aire Taxes Granted.
In the matter ot petition ot & u reppei i
for aid Granted $5 00 per month from
June 1st, 1902.
In the matter of work in Road District
No 4 Supervisor ordered to spend $50 00
on Dowty Road north of Eagle Creek
In the matter of report of viewers on
survey of Miley road Ordered estab
O P Sharp $ 2 90
John Wagner 2 40
WACrissell z '
Paul Pellatz 2 00
A by Filer 2 00
Fred Eiler 2 00
JLSeelv . 2 00
EP Rands 12 40
Only transcontinental lino
passing directly through
Salt Lake City,
Colorado Springs
and Denver.
Three splendidly i"pped trains
daily to all points Ea&i
Through Sleeping umI Dining Cars
and Free Reclining Chair Cats.
The most magnificent scenery In
America bv daylight.
Stop overs allowed on all classes of
For cheapest rates and dcterlpllvt literature
Oei:ral Agent,
U Third Street, Portend, Oregon
Total $146 25
Road DisL'.jt No. 32
Augllolznagel $ 1 50
Carl Kolman 1 00
Baker Bros, bridge 9 89
L Seely 6 00
A Camehl 4 60
SB Seely 8 75
J S Barns 18 00
II Her '. 22 50
A VoR8 18 75
J Butson 3 OU
.1 Tavlor 6 00
HVoss 0 00
H K rouse 1 50
S Roberts 1 50
J Baker 0 00
W C Heater..., 53 00
Borfniilnx Itondaf. Jtin M, win b coo
tocttd ta on of tli rooms of th fort
land BuaUMuM Cotkg corner far id
Yfu.'&isum treet. it win tw atticCr
cltont of itudy, decfr4 to ild teacher,
' bK grtAn In til Ausuat xarutna
ttoa. mutiu particular on tfpUcattoiw
Th Portland SoBftieia CoCer 1 crta all
th jrar. etudeut may enttur at any
thn. tor vclal branch? or a rrzn'sj
omnia, and recrir InlrMurJ ft c'.va J.
troetlon, as preferred. Call or trmd for
catairgua. I -earn what and haw wa tcacls,
JL p. JjrmitraatSt U A, Principal)
Total $107 89
Road District No. 33
J A Ueid $30 00
Road District No. 34
Popo &Co $ 8 50
F S Baker 4 35
Wilson A Coohe 17 05
K Story 9 30
J C Townsend 15 00
Kd Batdoif 92 50
Jim Kiser. 20 00
Henry Gilbeit 42 84
H Hill 45 OS
Fritz Wagner 4t 81
Caleb Cross 4D Si
Tom Munson 1
John Kelly 25 38
M Petit 8 75
Geo Batdorf 19 75
Sam Batdorf 45 50
Geo Petit 24 50
Max Klinger 2S (X)
Ben Burgess 24 50
Hugh Chlow 28 88
Albert Blackburn 25 88
J McDonald 29 75
D Jones -( -J
Frank Shiple" 17 60
D Dickie....". 00
Pen Moore M 00
O Casper 40 00
Glen Batdorf 1 00
lotal $28 50
In the matter of report of viewers on
survey of BarBtow Road Laid over until
next term.
In the matter of report of viewers an
survey of Long Road Ordered opened.
Wiley May $2 50
E P Rands 0 20
. Total $8 70
In the matter of report of viewers on
survey of Perdue and Struthers Road-
Viewers ordered to amena report.
In the matter of rent of rock crustier
to Benedict Fathers of Mount Angel
County received $54.00 in full.
In the matter ot report oi viewers on
survey of Wiles Road Read first time.
In the matter ot report oi viewers on
survey of Sconce Road Bead first time.
June btn, 190-'.
In the matter of report of viewers on
survey of Wiles Road Ordered opened
D W Kinnaird $7 50
In the matter of report of Surveyor on
re-survey of Sconce Koad Ordered
TH Sconce $ 4 00
WS Sconce 4 00
FF Smith 4 00
E P Rands 17 00
Stonecutters who work on sandstone seldom live to be more than fifty
' years of ge and nearly all of them die of lung disease due to the inhalation of
mineral dust. Another class of workers who succumb to lung troubles are those
who prepare feathers for trimmings and ornaments. They inhale the floating,
feathery particles, and in three years disease has a firm hold on them. The
grinders and polishers of cut-glass rarely live beyond the age of forty. They
too die of lung trouble. The average death rate for consumption is reckoned at
about sixteen per cent, of the total mortality from disease. But among flint
workers that percentage leaps from sixteen to eighty per cent. ; among needle
polishers to seventy per cent.; and among file-cutters to sixty-two per cent
These are some of the trades that kill.
These facts and figures force upon our attention the delicacy of the lungs and
the other organs of respiration. It is impossible to be too careful of the lungs,
and the very first symptoms of weakness in these organs should be at once met
and overcome by the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery.
Four years ago I had a bad spell of sickness," writes Mrs. Mollie Jacobs, of Felton,
Kent Co., Del. "Was taken with a terrible cough; coughed and spit blood until I grew
weaker every day: had chills and night-sweats; not much appetite; bread tasted like dry
wood or no taste at all. I had three doctors in during the time I was sick; they all told tne
I had consumption. I am of a consumptive family my father and one brother having
' already died with it so I thought I must go the same way. I was in a terrible state of
health, and my mind was worked up considerable. I thought I must die soon, but I did
not want to I wanted to live to care for my little children until they were able to take
care of themselves. About that time a friend of mine advised me to try Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery, and so I did. The first bottle did me good so I kept on taking
it Took sixteen bottles altogether, and I believe that God and Dr. Pierce's medicine
saved my lite, wnen l commencea to lane me meuicine a
could not pump a bucket of water and could only carry half a
bucketful. Was so weak I could not sweep a floor with a carpet
on it; in fact, could hardly walk. Since taking Dr. Pierce's
medicines I have done the washing and all the work for five in
family, picked berries and worked in a canning factory. Any
invalid wishing to know about my case may send a stamp for
return reply and I will answer."
It is agreed to-day by physicians that consumption is
not inherited, but is communicated from one person to
another. It is, however, true that in some fami
lies there is a tendency to lung weakness, which
greatly increases the liability of its members to
to that dreaded disease. The use of Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery by those who have
" weak " lungs, will result in the strengthening of
these organs, and enable them to resist or throw
off disease. " Golden Medical Discovery " cures
deep-seated coughs, bronchitis, bleeding of the
lungs and other forms of disease which if neglected
or unskilfully treated may find a fatal termination
in consumption.
"I cannot speak too highly of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery." writes W. S. Long, Esq., of Frankfort, Sussex
Co., Del. "After recovering from a spell of pneumonia, I
was taken with a terrible cough, and nothing seemed to do
me any good until I began taking the ' Golden Medical Dis
covery.' Before I took the medicine I was very weak and
nervous, with no appetite, and could not sleep at night, and
my friends felt sure that I had consumption. Before taking
one bottle my appetite improved greatly, and after taking
four bottles I was completely cured. I think there is no
medicine equal to Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery,
and strongly recommend it to all similar sufferers."
If you are suffering from an obstinate, lingering
cough, if your lungs are "weak" or delicate, or if
you have developed lung trouble, and are weak and
emaciated, you may take Dr. Pierce's Golden Med
ical Discovery with the assurance that in scores and
hundreds of cases like your own the use of the " Dis
covery" has resulted in a perfect and permanent
Persons suffering from disease in chronio form are
invited to consult Dr. Pierce by letter, free. All cor
respondence is held as strictly private and sacredly
confidential Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo,
Don't be fooled into trading a substance for a
Bhadow. Any substitute offered as "just as good"
as "Golden Medical Discovery" is a shadow of that medicine. There are
... -i A tnr. 1.q nicnnvorir " u'hiMi no " iiiRt.-as-rrnod "
cures Denina every ciaim mauo v-v.w, - 4 o
medicine can show; therefore, accept no substitute for the "Discovery."
Valuable Medical Work Freee
Dp. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser contains more
than a thousand pages of information and advice, and has over
700 Illustrations. It tells the plain truth In plain English. It
treats of biology, physiology and hygiene In a common-senso
way. It tells what to do when accidents happen and how to do
tho right thing at the right time. This great work Is sent FREE
on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing ONLY. Send
31 one cent stamps for the cloth -bound volume, or only 21
stamps for the book In paper-covers.
Address I Dr. R. V. PIERCE, Buffalo, N. Y.
Total $29 00
In the matter of suit of Ware vs Clack
amas County Settled for $325 00.
June 7th, 1902.
In the matter of Indigent Soldier fund
Allowed $100k00 from General fund.
In the matter of application for aid of
W W Bellmore Allowed $10 00 from
Ind Soldier fund.
In the matter of L Mathewson, a
county charge Allowed $3 50 for pair of
June 9th, U02.
In the matter of petition of Waverly
Association for vacation of Cambridge
Granted. In the matter of Turner Bridge built
bv C II Datichv Accepted and warrant
oidored drawn for $o53 75, contract price.
In the matter of report of viewers on
survey of Barstow lxoad Kxpeuse ac
count ordered paid as follows :
P J Ridings $ 11 40
RlivsGwiuu.. 10 80
m arrz
I M R 1
Dan Groshong 11 20
W C Hammer 6 00
MH Smith 10 00
BT Barstow 10 00
E C Thomas 10 00
J F Jones 10 00
CK Thomas 6 00
II II Johnson 55 00
Total $H0 40
Don't pass us by call in and get our
prices. Red Front Trading Company.
Liver Pills
That's what you need; some
thing to cure your bilious
ness and give you a good
digestion. Aycr s Pills are
liver pills. They cure con
stipation and biliousness.
Gently laxative. Ad?u1ikt.
nt votir nn)iist.'u'ht or fc
nr.imi or rioh bhu-k ? Then use
;for the
miAiiiunT'iiiin nur
bUbrvmhriAM 0 Ult Whiskers
right's Disease.
The largest sum ever paid for a pte
scriution. chanced hands in San Fran
cisco, Aug. 30,1901. The transfer in
volved in coin and stock $112,500.00 and
was paid by a party of businees men for
a specific for Bright's Disease and Dia
betes, hitherto incurable diseases.
They commenced the series investi
gation o-. the specific Nov. 15, 1900.
They Interviewed ecores of the cured
and tried it out on its merits by putting
over three frozen cases on the treatment
and watcuing tbe-n. They also got pny
siciais to namecbron'iC incurable cases,
and sdministe ed :t with the physicians
for judges. Up to Aug. 25, eighty-seven
per cent of the test cases were either
well or progreseinj favorably.
The.e being but thirteen per cent of
failur the parties rere satisfied and
closedtte trail" -"'.'on. The proceeding
o' tbe iuvest'gnting committee and the
clinical reprts o'. tie test cases m e
published and wi)lbe mailed free on im
plication. Address John J. Fulton
Compan", 420 Montgomery St., .n
FranciBco, Cal. C ia-mun & Co. are oar
Eole stents in Oregon City.
The Dalles, Portland and Astoria
Navigation Co.'s
Strs. Regulator & Dalles City
Daily (except Sunday) between
The Dalles,
Hood River,
Cascade Locks,
and Portland
Tonchiug EtJwsT points on both sides of th
Columbia river.
Both of tbe above steniners lmve been n nl
dinlare in excellent shape for the season ofl 00
lie lirgulator i-me w yi enueavor logiveiia
natrons the Dest service pofcsi
Economy nnd
SeeCharman & Co.'s new advertise
ment. It will save ycu money.
For Comfort.
travel by tbe steameri of The
The above steamers leave Portland 7a. m.an
Dillea at 8 a. ra.,aud arrive at destination In amp
time for ongoing trains.
Portland Ollioe, The Talle Office
Oak St. Pock. CourtStreet.
General Age
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
'1 dru;g!:-ts refund the money If it fails
to curer L W. Grove's signature is on
each box. 5c.