Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, July 04, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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We We.nl
1 H tfJXHJ
w II Nil If
The Faraers' Trail
And we think we deserve it We
are equipped to handle this trade prop-
erly We understand their needs-we i
have the goods.
ceit and humbug under the label of
Stock Remedies than any other class
of merchandise.
risk in buying of
every package to
claimed for it or
flan U( Cured
By the use of
Prussian Heave Powders
J as has been demonstrated
by 12 years of success.
"V They are a sure cure for all
"O ailments trom which heaves
arise, such as Coughs,
Colds, Lung Fever, Dis
temper, &c.
It is especially adapted to Milch Cows and not only in
creases the flow of milk, but adds greatly to its richness in
cream. It shortens the feeding period for fattening.
Prussian Stock
Food for Sheep
Keeps them in prime healthy
condition and tree Iromjdisease;
makes lambs crow 'quickly and
the meat juicy and tender. It
kills all worms which trouble
sheep. Try a package on the
worst run down sheep or lamb
in vour flock. You
will be
quickly convinced.
constant users of Prussian Stock
Prices of Persian Remedies
.Prussian Stock Food
3 lb. pkge., 1 50 feeds.. $ .50
7 " " 350 " .. 1.00
25 " pails, 1,200 " . . 3.50
Prussian Worm Powd'rs .50
Heave Powders 50
Poultry Food, 75 feeds .25
Our Farmers' and Stockmens' Handbook is free for the
Need More Help.
Often the ovor-tsxed organs of dies
f.Ion cry out for help by J 8jHpaia's
ipainH, NftOBtifl, Dizziness, lfo&daeliss,
Liver complaints, bowel disorders. Such
'troubles call for prompt use of Dr.
'King's New Life Pills. They are uontlp,
thorough and guarantejd to cure, 2oc
eo. A. Hardin'e drug store.
There is more de-
But you take
us. We guarantee
do exactly what is 1
you get your money
Poultry Food ,
Used according to direc
tions, we guarantee large
fowls . Wejguarantee there
will be no chicken cholera,
or that it will be readily
cured. We guarantee there
will be no Roup, Gapes,
but plenty of Eggs and
Red Combs, and no Drop
sied Chickens.
Prussian Stock
Food for Cattle
Used in hundreds of
American herds and En
dorsed by the Leading
Stockmen of the Coun
try Everywhere.
Prussian Stock
Food for Hogs
Will absolutely prevent
Leading, Hog Breeders in
all narts nf Hip rniinti-w am
Prussian Vet Salve . . .$ .25
" Spavin Cure.. 1.00
" Blister 50
" Colic Killer . . 1.00
" Lice Killer. . . .50
bneep Uip. . . .50
If 1 Man Lie To You
And say eome other salve, ointment, lo
tion, oil or alleged healer is as good as
Bucklen's Arnica Salve, tell him thirty
years of marvelous cures of piles, Bums,
Bois, Corns. Felons, Ulcers, tuts,
bcalds, Bruises hnd Skin Eruptions
Drove it's the bant
at Geo. A. Harding's drug store.
Wednesday, July 2.
Congress adjourned.
Columbia river salmon pack this sea
son will be the largest in years.
Cut in freignts between San Erancis
co and Honolulu .
U. S. Marshal Matthews takes over
the office from Zoeth Houser.
Thursday. July 3.
The features of the new warships will
be the strength of batteries and thick
ness of armor.
King Edward's conditioa satisfactory.
Riots occurred in Southern Russia.
Georgia democrats ignore Bryan and
the Kansas City platform.
The Union Pacific strive settled down
to a stubborn contest.
Convict Tracy leaves Merril, his part
ner, steals a launch and makes hia way
to Seattle. Tracy says he killed Merril
in a quarrel.
August Schieve is hanged at St. Hel
ens, Or., for the murder of Joseph Shul
kowski. Marion county hopgrowers expect
prices to go above 16 cents and refuse
this offer.
Non-arrival of Calcutta bag ship causes
advance in price of bags.
Rainfall for 24 hours breaks all July
Letter List.
The following is the list of letters re
maining in the postoffice at Oregon
City, July 3, 1902:
women's List Miss Carrie Bair, Mrs
Annie Campbell, Mrs Mary Guenther,
Miss Orlie Miller, Miss Lucy Moy, Miss
A Early Peteat, MrsS Patterson, Miss
Smith. Mrs W 1) Simmons.
Men's List C E Baxter, Charles
Boyle, E P Burdine, E Byrnes, Louis
Uollette, D Ulinton, J T i,vans, J U
bisher, D W Fisher, Fred Henkel. Jr.
A J Lane, Gilbert Quick, Jas Stewart,
Uscar. Beiey. F JN Tuttle, K S Walters
J N Walker.
The following hop contracts were
recorded Friday: William and Anna
KieliDg to George S. Smith, 500 pounds
from the bmith 10-acre yard, four miles
east of Aurora, at 1214 cents per pound.
Peter Heater to Phil Neis & Co., 12,000
pounds from the Heater yard, four miles
southeast of Sherwood, at 10 cents per
pound ; James H. Barker to Phil Neis &
Uo., S0OO pounds at 10 cents per pound ;
E. G. Jones to Phil Neis & Co., 12,000
pounds at 10 cents per pound.
II. J. Miller, of Aurora, paid 14 cents
lor sauo pounds of hops from the Koth
berg yard 2i miles from that place.
Cost of Filter riant.
50x150 lot ...$ 3000 00
Contract filters and setting
tanks 12790 00
Settling tank house...; 389 50
inter bouse, clear water well
and foundations 5259 78
Pipes connecting pump and fil
ters 3462 19
Centrifugal pump and attach-
ments 554 97
Total $25456 44
Saves a Woman's Life.
To have given ud would have meant
death for Mrs Lois Cragg, Dorchester,
Mass., For years she had endured
untold misery from a severe! una: trouble
and obstinate cough. "Often," she
writes, "1 could scarcely breathe and
sometimes could not speak. All doctors
and remedies failed till I used Dr. King's
Jew Discovery lor Consumption and
was completely cured." Sufferers from
Coughs, Colds, Throat and Loner
Trouble need this grand remedy, for it
never disappoints, uure is guaranteed
by George A. Harding. Price 50c and
$1. Trial bottles free.
Acker'a Blood Elixir notltlvnlv our.,.
ehronio blood poisoning and all scrofulous affec
tions. At all times a matchoSB system tonic and
nurillor. Monev rtfunrii if vnti a n,,t uuti.HoH
50c and 11.00. Howell & Jones, druggists.
tor anybody!
Havana Filler
" FL0R0D0RA " BANDS art
o samt at tit as Itfs from
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon lot
Clackamu County.
George E. Smith, 1
Catherine A. Smith,
To Catherine A. Smith, the above named de
fendant. In the name of the state of Oiegon you are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you In the above entitled
court and cause on or before the last day of the
publication of this summons, and if you fail to ap
pear or answer the plaintiff will apply to the
court for the relief prayed for In the cemplaint
to-wlt: that the marriage contract exiiting be
tween you and the plaintiff be dissolved.
This summons is published bv order of the Hon.
Thomas F. Ryan, county judge of G'.'ackamas
county, state of Oregon, made and entered the 24th
day of May ,1902, and the date of the first publica
tion hereof Is May 30, 1902, and of the last publi
cation July 11, 1902.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Dated. May 29th, 1902.
In the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for
Clackamas county,
Anna Whitfle'd, plaintiff, vs. Albert G. Whitfield,
To Albert G. Whitfield, the above-named de
fendant : In the name of the state of Oregon, you
are hereby com manded to appear and answer the
complaint filed against you in the above entitled
court on or before August. 9, 1902, after sii week's
publication of this summons, and if vou fall to
so appear, for want thereof the plaintiff will take
judgment against you as prayed in said com
plaint, via: A decree of divorce between you
and plaintiff, and the change of plaintiff's name
to Anna Tautfest.
This order is made by Thomas F. Ryan, judge
of the county court of Clackamas county, Oregon,
June 25, 1902. is.
First publication June 27, 1902.
JOHN W. LODKR, Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for the
wtuuw ui v;iacxamas.
Mary Lnlu Deilz plaintiff, vs. Frank W. Deitz,
To Frank W. Deitz. the aonve named rWAnd.
ant: In the name of the state of Oregon you are
hereby required to appear aud answer the oom
plaint filed against you in the above entitled suit
within six weeks from the first publication of
mis summons; me nrst publication thereof ai
ordered by said court being on the 27th day o
nunc, mm which is lue uaie oi me nrst PUD'
lication of the same.
And if you fail to so appear and answer, for
want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court
iui euei pmyeii lor in me complaint nerein, to-
wii. r ur uecree uisBomug me Donas oi matri
mony now existing between rlaintift'and defnd-
ant, and decreeing that plaintiff have the custody
of the minor children named in said complaint.
This summons is Berved on vou by publication
In the Coukikr-Hkraid. once wek for ii
consecutive weeks, the first publication thereof
being made in the issue of June 27, 1902, by order
vx nun, x. a. incnriue, a juogeoi me a Dove en
titled court, duly made and entered therein on the
zisi nay oi June, i'Jm.
Last inser'ion August 1, 1902.
MACMAHON, Attorney for Plaintiff.
Kelly and Charles K. Noblitt, partners, and
as Individuals, upon their petition being duly filed
In the district court of the United States for the
uisincb oi uregon. nave Deen annulled hjmkrm.iB
a meeting of their creditors to nrovn tliir
appoint a trustee or trustees oi their estate, and to
uine such luriner action as may be lawfully taken
at the first meeting of their creditors, will be held
before me at the county court room, Oregon City,
Clackamas county, Oregon, at four o'clock p. m.,
Referee In Bankruptcy for Clackamas cnnntv.
Dated at Oregon City' this fifth day of July, 1902
In the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for the
county oi uiacKamas.
Eldora Younger, plaintiff', vs. John R. Younger,
In the name of the state of Oregon, you are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint filed aerainst VOU in the above-nnman1 Bu
on or before Friday, August 8, 19(12, the same being
oi nww uimu mo mmi puuuoation oi tnis sum
mons, and you will tuke notice that If von fall tn
so appear and answer said complaint, the plaintiff
wuii,iy iu lue uuun iur tu- renei oemanaeu in
said complaint, to. wit : That the bonds of mat
rimony now existing betweeu you and plaintiff be
This summons is uubl shed bv order o( th TJm,
Thomas F. Rvan. countv iudze of Clanlmmu
couuty, In the Oregon City Coubikb-Hkrald, a
weekly newspaper of general circulation in Clack
amas county, ior six consecutive weeks, commenc
ing imy, jinr iiii, aim continuing eacn week"
mereaner to ami including Friday, August 8, 1902-
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for the
tuuuij ui iiacKa'"as.
In the matter o( the assignment of E. M. Atkln
son. an insolvent debtor.
Nolioe is hereby itiven that under and mirsunnt
tuanurueroi tne aoove entitled court, duly made
and entered in the above entitled matter, on the
twelfth day ol November. 1901. reouiiincand com.
manding me as assignee of the above named Insol
vent ueutor to sell tne following described real
property, to-wlt: A bout fifteen acres in Oregon City
claim, in Clai kamas county, state of Oregon, with
the south boundary of Abernethy claim, and the
Abernethy oreek as the northerly boundary, with
McLouglilin avenue as shown on the plat of Buena
boundary of Oregon City claim as the easterly
boundary and the eastern line of blocks one huu
dred and seventy-six (176), and one hundred and
seventy-seen (177), in Oregon City, as the westerly
boundarv thereof. I. E. G. (kiiflelrl Rusiu'ima nf tlm
vmiaaame so liner v no nnOHrv wit , the M.tum
above named E. M. Atkinson, will, on the 2d day of
August, HK)2, at the hour of eleven o'clock in the
lowuoon, at tne iront door of the county oourt
house of Clackamas county, state ol Oregon, in
Oregon City, sell at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash all of the aoove described real
Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, this flOta day of
June, 1IK(2. E. G. CAUFIKLD,
Assignee of E. M. Atkinson, an Insolvent debtor.
Attorney for Assignee
Bargain in the Latest Hats at Red
Front Special Millinery Sale.
Special sale Millinery at Red Front.
F.C &O.Ry, Co.
25c is the regular Sunday
round trip rate between Oregon
City and Portland. Get your tickets at
Harding's drug store."
Smith's Dandruff Pomade
stops itching scalp upon application,
three to six removes all dandruff and
will stop falling hair. Price 50c, at all
S. B. Catarrh Cure.
Is taken internally, acting directly on
the blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. It permeates every fluid of tl e
body, eradicates the disease from the
system, cleanses and heals the afllicted
arts and restores tliem to a natural,
leallhful condition. For sale by all
druggists. Book on Catarrh free. Ad
dress Smith Bros., Fresno, Cal.
Cramps, Dysentery, Cholera M01 but.
diarrhoea, and, indeed, all bowel com
plaints ouii'klv relinvB.l hv P pro Tin-
vis' Painkiller, a safe, sure and s'peedv
cure, ior an tne troubles named . Every
reputable druggist keeps a supply. Each
bottle has full di
titutef, there is but one Painkiller,
rerry ul$ , ZOC ftOJ OOC.
Xvery genuine Elgin has the word "Elgin"
engraved on the work.
have the name and works; and the faith of nearly
10,000,000 users as the world's standard timekeeper.
Sold by every jeweler in tie land. Guaranteed by the world's greatest
watch works. Illustrated booklet mailed free.
Court House Block, Oregon City, Ore.
Look at This!
For the next 60 days' for ash, we will give
10 per cent off on 1
Bry (Roods,
Boots, Shoes
Furnishing ood
Everything Tnsb, Heat and Chan,
Straiten Bldg.
meat market of BeM
Opposite Suspension Bridge, Oregon City
Oregon City
Second-Hand & Junk Store
Highest Prices Paid for Second-Hand
Goods, Hides, Junks, Metals of all
Kinds, Etc.
Second-Hand Goods Bought and;Sold
Ring Phone 416 for Junk.
Sngarman & Co.
Whiskey Beans.
SomBthlng absolutely new and
with which we have experi
mented for years.
One bean makes one glass Ar
tificial Whiskey (Kye or Bour
bon); six beans to the pint.
Just the thing for travelers, and
convenient lor picnics, excur
sions, etc
Contains all the virtue of the
best whitkies without the dele
terious effect. Made from the
pure vegetable matter, and guar
anteed to contain no poisonous
or narcotic drugs of any descrip
tion. If a beverage is not desired, a
Bean may De taken in the month
without water, and the most ex
onerating effect will be expert
euoed. Box of 12 Beans, 50c
the Beans retail at 10 centB
each, and can be procured from
any druggist, fancy grocer or
first-class bar. For sale on din
ing cars.
One box sent post-paid on re
ceipt of 5U cents.
Ginseng Distilling Co.
Distillers of
Rye and Bourbon Whiskies,
ST. LOUIS, - - MO.
The Best Prescription for Malaria
Chills and Fever is a bottle of Grove's
Tasteleea Chill Tonic. It is simply iron
and quinine in a tasteless form. No
cure no pay. Price 60c.
Summer Complaint
is not always brought about by chance
of air and water. The "stay-at-homes"
are junt as susceptible to diarrhoea; due,
generally, to over eating, as unripe
fruits, etc.: and, drinking ice water: all
accompanied by painful bowel dis
chargee; and, if not checked, results
seriously. Perry Davis' Painkiller is
the only purely reliable remedy. 25
and 50c.
Mokl Tea positively cure alnk fiend
ache, indigestion mni constipation. A delightful
herb drink. RemoTe all eruptions of the skin, pro
ducing perfect complexion or money refunded ;
lific nd 50c. Write to us for Iree sample. W. H,
Hooker Jb Co., Buffalo, N. Y., or Uuwe.l A Jones,
enres dyspepsi nd 11 ditonlen arlning from Indi
gestion. Endorsed by phrsicians everywhere.
Mill by all druggists. No cure no pay: 35 tents.
Trial parkage free by writing to W. H. Hooker
Co., Buffalo, N. t.
When the Public has
faith in a name it is a
faith that must be
backed up by good
Utw Goods Jlrr'winq
Daily, at tfe
Fair Store
Muslin, 3c.
Stereoscope and 50 Views, $1.60
"Princely" Golf and Working Shirt,
pest made, !pi in Portland; 65c.
Pompadour Combs and Hair r-
naments, very latest
Valenciennes Lace for Ruffles, ic.
a yard.
Straight Front Corsets, 49c.
Colored Mercerized Underskirts
for 79c,
Nansoos Embroidery, 5c per yard.
Bone and Aluminum Hair Pins,
Sc. per doz.
Pearl Shirt Buttons, all sizes, 5c
per doz.
Ladies' Summer Undervests, 5c.
Ladies' Black Hose, 5c,
Ladies' and Children's Handker
chiefs, two for "5c.
Ladies' White Aprons, 15c.
Ladies' Ready Made Dress Skirts,
All Colors Satin Ribbon, 4c. a yd.
Tailor Made Suits, $775.
Girdle Corsets, 49c .
Torchon Lace, six yds. for 5c.
cannot Via nninvad i n a hnr.L i. .
. u m uaom ui limitPn
capacity nor where the water supply and
temperature is uncertain by reason of
defective plumbing or heating apparatus
To havfl hnth nnr in h..T..ir .re
order will not prove expensive if thl
Wall Paper
Now is the time to buy your
wall paper and Murrow, the paper
hanger, will sell it to you cheaper
han you can buy it in Portland
Drop a card in the postoffice and
have sample-book brought to your
house, or telephone Ely Bros 'store
J. MURROW, Oregon City
ill'f!''i'i r,H! -
; '