Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, July 04, 1902, Image 1

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oMmeirM le
20th YEAR, NO. 7
' i
With Its Galaxy of Star Attractions Gatliered From the Four
Corners of America Men and Women Brilliant at , Home and
v Abroad, With World Wide Reputations as Statesmen, Orators, En
tertainers, Instructors and Sinners, to Appear on the Chautau
qua 1'latform, at Gladstone l'ark, July 8th to 19th .Inclusive,
SON, the distinguished son of
Kentuekly, will deljver two
lectures at Gladstone Park this
present season. July 10, 8 p.
m., "Money ard Morals;"
July 11, 2 p. m., "Abraham
For several years the man
agement of the Chautauqua
have made every effort to close
a contract with the "Southern
Lyceum Bureau" for the ap
pearance of Hon. Henry Wat
te reon, the eloquent son of
Kentucky, upon our platform,
but until this year without
success. Already the interest
in the mxn and his two great
lectures is extraordinary.
Thousands will be in atten
dance. They will come from
the east and the west and from
the north and from the south.
It will be a "Bryan" and "Sam
Jones" day over again. The
probability is that it will pre
sent the first and only opnor
tucity to most of the people of
the Willamette valley to hear
this treat speaker of National
reputation. The public is ad
aiiviued to come early on these
days to avuid the rush and en
joy the entire day on the
Dr. Robert VIcInty e, late of Dnvnr and Chicago, and everywhere accepted
by managers, lectures and (he puclic as America's foremost descriptive orator,
will fill two engagements at the Chautauqua this year. His first lecture will oc
cur the evening of July 8th, a id his suhjtct will be "Fun on the Farm," "A pop
ular and profound presentation of the struggle for success in human affairs, show
ing the difficulties and revealing trie elements of chaiacter needed to attain a
place where peace and honor will rest the soul."
It will be foi'.ov e 1 on the afternoon of July 9. at 2 p. m., bv one of the most
popular and patrio ic lectures on the American platform, "The Sunny Side of
Soldier Life
, Rev. Tin inas McC'a v,of MmneaDol s, Ihe most popular orator at the Chau
tauqua two i j huo, will app r upon its platfurm strain this hi-hsod, which in it
self is a rap- e d r-ement ot U ahiluy. tin will deliver the sermon on Sunday
afternoon, .l i y 13, t 3 p m ..Subject: 'volution of the Spiritual Life." In
the eveniti" will preach a special sermon id railway men, on the subject, "The
Christian Mi-sion of the Railway " tfe will also lecture on popular subjects July
13 and 15. rl" leisures on Mondiy afternomi July 14 on "mid hine in Labor,"
followed on Tuesday evening by his laat lectuie, when his subject will be "The
American IIuiih-."
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Mr. Charles F Craig, the impersonator. asMi-tMrt by Mrs. T.ois Crniir, present'
ing "Shore Acre," a quaint story of New Knttlan') life .ntroilucitu; twelve charac
ters. "Shore Acre" is on the style of th" "Old Homestend," onlv much stronger,
This is hib eleventh season, having plaved in i en'lv s'e of the Uiiion and Caua'
da. His early training was received under Jo-i ph Jefferson, David Frohman and
Augustine Daly.
Mr. Craig possessej the power of presenting a play in a perfect and life-like
manner. The lines of each plav are presented with marvelous imitation of voice,
tones and mannerisms of the various characters. His pa-t vear-i of experience,
nis artistic style, wide range ot voice and wonileriiil powers of impersonation
malte nis monologues the most popular attraciioiot its kind on the platiorm
For an entertainment full of novelty, originality and mirth, bright picb.real char
acters, picturesque with delightful scenes, and umq in and artistic :n detail we cer
tainly can commend Mr. Craig. "Shore Acres" will he given on the afternoon of
July 12. The last appearance of Mt. Craig will be on Monday, July 14th, in an
evening oi character SKetcties.
The Polish orator, Ho i. John Sobieski, the ahle, louical, humorous and elo
quent lecturer. Cel. Sobieski has traveled more miles, delivered more lectures and
addressed more people than most men now on the platform. Col. John Sobieski
was born in Poland, Sept. 10, 1842. With his daughter he is the only living de
scendant of the warrior king, John Sobieski. With his mother he was banibhe
from Poland.
For twenty-five years he has been a lecturer and recognized as one of the
most brilliant and eloquent oratorB on the American platform
He will deliver his great lecture on "The Rise and Fall of Poland," on the
evening of July 17th, and a tec
ocd lecture on the a'ternoon of
July 18th, i on "Russian Prisons
and Siberian Exile."
Dr. Stephen S. Wiee, the
verv able and eloquent Rabbi
of "Temple Beth Israel." Port
land Oregon, will deliver hia
great lecture, "The Mission of
Isreal," at 8 p. m., Wednes
day, July 9th, and will be ac
corded a gracious welcome to
the Chautauqua platform. The
theme is treated in a broad and
liberal spirit and cannot but
create the gieatest interest and
The Elocutionists. Never
in the history of the Willam
ette Valley Chautauqua Asso
ciation, has the management
felt keener satisfaction than in
the announcement of the en
gagement of S. S. Hamill, A.
M., and his talented daughter,
Miss Minnie Hamill, as our
readers and instructors in elo
cution. We believe they have
done well and are sanguine
that the popular verdict at the
end of the session will be that
the instruction received and
the pleasure of listening to the
rjading and recitations of
these talented people was worth
the whole price of admission.
Prof. Hamill will instruct a
class in "Vocal Culture and
Vocal Expression," each morn- . . "
ing from 9 to 10 a. m., and he dr. Stephen' 8. wipe.
and his daughter will frequently appear on the platform among our special at
tractions. Women's Dat The ladies of Oregon have been given the afternoon of July
16lh, acd they will render an especially attractive program, which cannot but
command the attention and attendance of thousands of earnest women, interested
in women's special work.
. l. , v 9
The following is the program as far as
completed to date :
..Mrs. Harford, Newburg, State Pres.
Our Federation ,
..Mrs. C. B. Wade, Pendleton, State P.
Women's Work in Public Schools. . . .
: Mrs. Trumbull, Portland
Traintd Nurses for the Poor
Mrs. Stephen Wise
Young Women's Christian Association
..Misi McElroy, Sec'y
Domestic Science in the Home
Madame President and Constituency.
Lilian Cole Bethel, Columbus, O.
The Dependent Child
Mrs. C.R. Templeton, Portland
The Women's Relief Corps
Mrs Galloway, Oregon City
Reading, selected. ..Miss Minnie Hamill
Musical features will be added.
Prof. W. H. Boyer will again have
charge of the musical program and is
now putting forth unusual efforts to
make -his department the equal in ex
cellence to any other at the Assembly.
Indeed, as last year, the music will be a
special feature and attraction. Prof.
Boyer will personady give instruction to
a chorus class each day from 10 to 11 a.
m., and no doubt a great many singers,
who are deBiroua of advancement, will
lend their presence and receive the ben
efits that come from contact with a first
class instructor and singer.
Last year Prof. Boyer, with splendid
assistance, gave the "Prodigal Son," by
Sir Arthur Sullivan, to an audience ot
three thousand people, the great audi
torium being packed with lovers of good
This vear a distinct advance is made
and the great oratorio, "Elijah," will be
rendered by a picked chorus of seventy
voices from the choirs of Portland.
The Bolists are: Soprano, Mrs. May
Dearborne Schwab; contralto, Miss Eve
lyn Hurley; tenor, Mr. H. W. Hogue;
basso, Prof. Irving M. Glen, of the State
University. i r
Special arrangements will be made
with the transportation lines to convey
with comfort the crowds that will come
to this great musical event. Portland
people leaving East Washington street
on the 7 :io p. m. train win. arrive in
time for the concert.
On the first Saturday evening, July 13,
a grand concert will be given. The en
tire program is not yet compleze, out
arrangements are bo far made that we
can announce as special attractions: f
The Spitzner-Konrad String Quartette,.
of Portland, who will charm the audi
ence with a splendid program from the
great masters.
Mrs. Wnt'er Keeu, ot 1'ortiana, lavor-
ably known to the people of the entire
Northwest coast, possessed ot a marvel
lously rich voice under perfect control,
will sire m special program to De selec ed
by hnr, of hich due announcement will
be made later. This appearance of Mrs.
Reed is her first upon the Chautauqua
platform aud her hosts of warm friends
will give her an enthusiastic welcome.
Other attractions will be added, which
will make this Saturday evenit g one of
delightful remembrance.
The Chemawa Indian Bai.d hav3 been
engaged for the whole session and will
appear twice each day and give a sacred
conce.t on Sunday afternoon at 4:30
p. m.
Under the management of Woodard &
Co., of Portland, could hardly be more
popular than it was last year. One of
the most competent instructors in the
City of Portland will have charge of the
department. A dark room and all chem
icals are provided. Pictures are taken
and demonstrated each day . Pupils de
siring to enter this claBB will, where con
venient, bring their cameras.
Will conduct an open parliament for
nine roomings at the 11 o'clock hour. A
special feature.
Few cities can boast of a Btronger pul
pit than Portland. Most of the men
in the pastorate of these city churches
have been picked out of the leading
cities of the East and brought to the
coast because of their ability in the pul
pit and on the platform.
All friends of the Willamette Valley
Chautauqua will be pleased to know that
theBe ministers have secured one of the
best hours each day, excepting the first
day of the session and the last, from 11
o'clock a. m. to 12 m., for the consider
ation of subjects of practical importance
$ t only to ministers themselves but to
all who may be present.
The discussions are to he of the Round
Table Bort. free from stiffness and brist
ling with intereit. This feature of the
Chautauqua alone will amply repay the
time and expense of camping on the
grounds through the session.
The athletic features of the Chautau.
qua Association have come to be one of
iis greatest attractions. The assembly
has a splendid quarter mile bicycle track
and in the center of the ring is a base
ball ground such as is found nowhere
in Oregon. The track and diamond is
situated in a natural amphitheater, sur
rounded by gentle elevations covered
with evergreen trees.
Ten thousand people can watch a game
with comfort and pleasure and enjoy at
the same time the shade oi the beautiful
Four crack teams are so far entered in
the Tournament. The Oregon City club,
the Mt. Angel team, the "Chemawa
Braves," and the piize winners of last
yea' from Vancouver are already in the
contest. There is a great contest be
tween the competing nines each dav at
3:30 p. m.
Tl e games will be the greatest event
in athletic circles in the State of Oregon
Ibis year, and are well wo: th the price
of admission alone.
i .iWJ J
w ttl .t
- '"-tRacine-Vis.
This Trade Mark on the side
of a wagon box is a guarantee ft
i) of excellence and high grade i
quality in the construction of
this wagon. If yours does
not have it on dispose of it
and get one that has as you
cannot afford to run any
chances on the material usi
H in a wagonr every time you break down it costs you moi
w though the manufacturers replace the broken part
s We also carry a full line of Buggies and Springy Wagons
y Write us for prices on everything you need, it only takes' a
w postal card and may save you dollars.
House Furnishing
d?b(VI 1rta T'iese are handsomely carved in ash, with fancy clock shelves and large bevel plate
mirrors, two cutlery drawers each, long linen drawer and two cupboard. Trice $14,50
Picture PrameS ne rame desivt make a fine picture, but a poor frame spoils many a
fine picture. Taste in the selection of a moulding and mat should be fur
nished by the picture f'ramer. We sell a niee 16x20 gilt frame with glass, for $t
tnv Pnlf h Some housekeepers think that stove polish is simply to make the stove look
OIUVC 1 UllSii pretty. They are mistaken in this. Our " Silver Gloss Stove Polish" preserves
the stove and is a positive necessity if you want to keep your stove in prime condition. Per box 15c
IT'S REASONABLE. The price is not
much when you come to buy a refrigerator, and
one of these well ventilated zinc lined affairs will
prove itself a satisfaction1 every day through the
summer. Ycu ought to have one early so as to
get the full benefit. Trice $10; size 22x39
tiful dishes add to the taste of the food, and these beautiful
sets will give a banquet effect to a simple meal. They are all
durabe, of e ent artistic quality, and not expensive. 100
piece set transparent cnina, $19.
Rubber Hose rE5en ?fndlawn.wi11
no better if you have
plenty of hose and keep the lawn well sprinkled.
Our canvas lined high quality rubber hose,
inch diameter, is the most convenient, size and
the most economical hose you could have. Trice
per 50 foot section, $5. Of course we have
cheaper hose excellent if there is no high
Chinaware T.here is mu,ch here .thi1t ,win
give you pleasure, including
attractive necessities, which go so far to making
up the comfort and pleasure of a meal. Leau-
(Continued on pa?e 7.)
srors the cnroii and works off
111(1 COLU.
Laxative Cromo-yuin: no Tablets ca
a cola in 010 clay. ro Uure no pay
rnce j cents,
If 'pl
ClfftAtn? ou can avc handsome fur
Vurid.Ula n;tUfg. handsome carpets an6
rugs, but it fs the draperies that give a fin
ishing touc hto a new or old house. Don't
put all of your money into the other things,
save a little for your lace curtains. It only
takes a little money to get all you will want at the prices we are now making on
this line of .goods.- Lace Curtain Material,
2c. per yard.
Hammocks 90c. up.
j House Furnisher,
Oregon City
m i