Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, June 27, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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akd Union Pacific
T) TL7
The 0. R. & N. Co.
Gives hie Choice of
JH1CAGO and ST. PAUL and
Ocean Steamers leave Portland everv
6 Days for
Boats leaves Portland daily for Willam
ette and Columbia Eiver Points.
Monthly Steamers to China nnd Japan.
For full information oflll on or d(irpse nearest
9, K. $ N. Ticket Ageut, or address
A.t. CHAIO, a,f. A.,
1'ortland, Oregon
H ;0OA.M.
7:00 P. M.
Dr. tacrs
I was weak, nervous and dizzv. with A
fainting seusatiou when walking." writes
Jesse cnuuress, Jbsq., or baniuel, suinvan
Co., Tenu. "Could not walk any distance;
always felt bad after eating; felt as though
something was sticking in my throat, al
ways uneasiness in stomach. Doctored
with three physicians Dut they did not
relieve me. 1 jtrew worse and used
everything I could think of; was nearly
ready to give up and then some one told
me that Dr. Pierce's medicine was good,
so I be tran takinz his 'Golden Medical
Discovery.' I have taken seven bottles of
that now ana am as stout as ever, and en
joying health as much as ever before. I
worked all summer and tins winter as
much as snv one. 1'v case was liver dis
ease and nervous dvspepsia of which your
medicine has cured me. In September
1898 my weight was about 95 pounds, now
it is 195. f lease accept my sincere thanks.
For Maygors, Rainier,
fllfttskaniu, West port,
Clifton, Astoria, War
renton, Fluvel, Ham
mond, Fort Sllpvens,
Unttrliart Park, Seaside,
Astoria and Beti.shore
Express, Dally.
Astoria Express,
11:10 A.M.
9:40 P. M,
Ticket Onion, 256 Morrison St. and Union Depot.
J. C. Mato, Uen. l'uss. Agt., Anloiiu, Ore.
Dally Bound Trips, except Sunday
Leave Portland 7 A. M
Leave Astoria 7 P. M
STUS. Till 031 A
Dally Trips EnceptlSundoy
Leave Portland, Mull., Wtd. and Fri 7 A.M.
Leave The Dulles, Tues., Thurs. and Bat. .7 A. M.
Leave Portland, Turn, Thurs. and Sat. 7 A. M
Leave Dallis, Hon., Wed. and Fri 7 A. M
Landing, Foot Aider Street
John 51. Filloon The Dulles, Ore.
A. J. Taylor Astoria, Ore.
J. J. Luekey Hood River, Ore.
Wolford & Wyers. White Salmon, Wash.
J. O. Wyatt Vancouver, Wash.
R.B.Gilbreth Lyle, Wash.
John M.Totton Stevenson, Wash.
Henry OlmHtead Carson, WaBh.
Win. Butler Butler, Wash.
Hew Goods Jtrrivlttq
Dally, at tb
Fair Store
Muslin, 3c.
Stereoscope and 50 Views, $1.60
"Princely" Golf and Working Shirt,
best made, $1 in Portland; 65c.
Pompadour Combs and Hair r-
naments, very latest
Valenciennes Lace for Ruffles, ic.
a yard.
Straight Front Corsets, 49c.
Colored Mercerized Underskirts
i for 79c
Nansoos Embroidery, $c per yard.
Bone and Aluminum Hair Pins,
Sc. per doz.
Pearl Shirt Buttons, all sizes, 5c.
per doz.
Ladies' Summer Undervests, 5c.
Ladies' Black Hose, Sc.
Ladies' and Children's Handker
chiefs, two for Sc.
Ladies' White Aprons, 15c.
Ladies' Ready Made Dress Skirts,
All Colors Satin Ribbon, 4c. a yd.
Tailor Made Suits, $7.75.
Girdle Corsets, 49c.
Torchon Lace, six yds. for 5c
The Dalles, Portland and Astoria
Navigation Co.'s
Sirs. Regulator & Dalles City
Dally (oxoept Sunday) between
The Dalles,
Hood River,
Cascade Locks,
and Portland
Touching at 'way points on both aides of the
Columbia river.
Both of the above Rtoamers have been re lit
and are in excellent shape for the season ofl 00
The ltriculntor l ine will endeavor loglvclts
patrons the best service possible.
For Comfort, Knonomjr and Pleasure
travel by the steamers of Tim Regulator
The above stoamers leave rortlnnd7a. m.an
Palles at 8 a. m.,and arrive at destination In amp
time for outgoing trains,
Portland OlhVe, The Pallis Office
Oak St. Pock. Courtstreet.
General M
amu '..a, ci su ru rsrn
Only transcontinental line
passing directly through
Salt Lake City,
Colorado Springs
and Denver.
Three splendidly epuipped trains
daily to all points East.
Through looping and Dining Can
and free Reclining riiair Cars.
The nioBt maiinifieent icenery in
America by daylight,
Stop overs allowed on all classes oi
tic kets.
For cheapest rates and descriptive literature
General Agent,
U Third Street, fort nd, Oregon
(Continued from page'l.)
F M Countryman 9 75
John Countryman t 8 25
P E Bonney 10 00
AB Countrvman 4 50
Walter Gorbett . .. 7 50
Joe Carlson 2 05
Ed Gottberg 14 20
B C Palmer 20 47
Total $S9 67
Road District No. 23
C Frost $ 31 12
B Stanton 3 1)0
Aug Rhotenbere 18 00
G H Gochel 13 50
W Pratt 4 50
J F Yost 43 00
James McGill 11 62
TCampan 14 02
D Hostettler 6 75
H Kraft... 23 62
John Taylor 11 25
B Armstrong 5 25
C Kratt J... 21 00
John Gohra 1 50
Aug Dallman 1 50
Coleman Mark 6 00
DO Freeman ... 9 00
H G Ziegler 10 80
D J Parmenter 15 00
Roy Parmenter 8 25
Wm Evens 6 00
M Biesanz 16 00
A B Cole 6 75
R W Zimmerman 3 00
Leonard Parmenter 3 00
Geo Biesanz.. 1 50
Total 205 53
Road District No. 24
Geo B Rate & Co 38 00
H Keels , 3 00
Sam Miller 3 00
Sam Wolfer 6 00
Geo Hostettler 3 00
Sam Shaley. 18 37
A Willbroad 3 00
G Konshak 5 25
R W Cochran 1 50
L Cochran 1 50
A M Scott 6 75
P flart 3 00
T Sconce 4 50
Joe Johnson 4 50
Ed Yoder 2 25
A W Thompson 3 00
L Fish 9 00
R Fish 3 00
O S Owen 9 00
Jacob Owen 6 00
R Garrett 0 00
G Garrett 9 00
D Garrett 14 50
John Engle 14 50
L Asking 20 00
F.mil Montandon ' 8 00
E A Montandon 42 00
Joseph Yoder 9 00
Fred Schmilzer 2 30
Wm Kuhnke 13 50
Joe Meyer 3 00
Geo Brockart 3 00
H Kummer 9 00
John Galiler., 6 00
S J Kauffman'. 8 50
H Olsterliolt 3 00
M Meyer 1 50
8 Kint' 8 25
C E Ihl'on 6 75
Wfagaud...' 3 00
Ed Mitts 13 50
J E Mitts...- 13 50
ARStouffdr .' 12 00
E B Miller........ 19 50
L Bair 10 50
P Mohr 13 50
Ed Zigler 4 50
cannot be enjoyed in a basin of limited
capacity nor where the water Bupply and
temperature is uncertain by reason of
defective plumbing or heating apparatus.
To have both put in thorough working
order will not prove expensive if the
work is done by
Wall Paper and
Lieno Wall Finish
a pertratient sanitary and Are proof
wall coating.
Superior to Kalsomine, Ala
bastine or Gypsinc. Licno
works perfectly when all others
fail. At
Shank & Bissells,
Call or Phone for Wall Paper Samples.
7tb St. ntar Wain tel. 411
Total H05 42
Road District No. 25
John Heinz if 2 40
A W Willbroad 9 00
J W Willbroad 15" 00
James Mitts 1 50
George Walsh 1 50
F M Mathews...... 9 70
Thomas Hanson 3 00
Henry Dryer 6 00
Tony Jennie 3 00
John Heinz 30 75
JohnHepler 3 00
John MiirdocK 2 10
George Murdock 1 05
frank Murdock. I zo
Louie Murdock 7 50
James Frvrear 8 75
Chester Smith 2 10
Will Barth , 7 50
Total $111 10
Road District No. 2(3
E Austin $ 6 48
WP Herman 15 00
J T Thomas 12 25
Harvey Dart 24 25
S L Dart 6 00
E E Judd 8 75
James Milton 3 50
A Smith 13 50
H A Kayler 3 00
W A Shaver 3 00
J N Sawtell 1 00
Carey Herman 5 35
Joseph Simmons 5 35
Frank Schatzman 12 60
W P Dibble 5 85
Frank Milton 3'00
John Bowman 1 50
R Davidson 75
Frank Scott 3 50
W H Engle 25 00
R J Moore 1 00
Total $100 03
Road Distiict No. 27
Reed Bros $ 1
J T Drake 3
Jesse Little 5
Riley Hubbard 4
Willie Nicholson 18
L P Jensen 4
John Labor 9
Tom Harmon 6
Phillip Marqnam 7
Lewis Melby
Bert Garrett 1
J F Bentley 5
Fred Hubbard 10
Wallace Harmon 7
Ed Hubbard 6
Omer Marquara 4
J E Marqnam 20
Btvtnntaf Monday, Jxina M, win b con
dactad In on of ths rooms tha Frt
tsmd Bnstneas Colic, corner faxk aa4
Wuhbiftoa atrMta. It win b strictly a
scfcool of study, designed to aid teaches
t fciffcar grades la ths August 1
Hoa. rurtbar particulars oa implication.
Tha Portland Bvatnasa CoDega to opea all
tha year. Students may antar at any
Uroa, tor (pacta! branches ar a resrabu
course, and reoaire iDdlrtdual or daas bf
Btroetloa, as preferred. OaO or send fa
aatalogua. Leans arhataad how wa teaca,
A. r. .IraMrrrwaaT. IX. BV, Prtaefjsal,
Total $110 20
Oegon's Favorite Seaside lie
sort. . ''Recognizing the advantage of New
port as a summer resort over .other sea
Bide resorts in the northwest, and to
make it possible for all who desire to do
bo to spend their vacation by the ocean
waves,' the Southern Pacific Company,
in connection with the Corvallia A
Eastern Railroad, will place on sale, ef
fective June 15th, round-trip tickets
from all points in Oregon on the South
ern Facihc to Newport, good for return
until October 10th, at specially reduced
rates. For full information please in
quire of your local agent."
The chilil depends upon the mother for strength and health. No mother can
give her child what she herself does not possess. If she is weak she cannot give
her child strength. If she is sick she cannot give her child health. Those propo
sitions are self-evident. They need neither explanation nor defence. What does
seem to need explanation is the fact that there are thousands of -women facing
the birth-hour in physical pain and mental anguish, who might, if they would, be
healthy of body and happy of mind.
W7to mirjht if they would be healthy! What woman does not want to be
healthy ? What mother does not crave a strong and sturdy child ? But wanting
is not enough. Suppose you want to go to New York or San Francisco, will you
sit down and take it out in wanting ? If you do, you certainly will never get to
either place. If you want to go and mean to go, you'll buy your tickets and take
the train. But suppose a woman says, " How do I know
this train goes to New York ? " She will have to take
the word of others for it. The time-card says the train
goes to New York. People who have traveled on the
same train say so. How foolish it would be for s
woman who wanted to make the trip, to say, " Perhaps
these train people are deceiving me, and the 'women who
say the train goes to New York don't know what they
are talking about."
This is just the position of the prospective mother
who is weak and sickly and wants to be strong and welL
Dr. Pierce's Favorite -Prescription is offered to women
as a means of health and strength. Thousands of
women w;ho have used the medicine affirm that it does
all that is claimed for it If the sick woman wants
to be well, if the weak mother wants to be strong,
6he has the same means open to her in " Favorite
Prescription" which have been so success
fully used by thousands and tens of thou
sands of other women.
It would be ridiculous for a train
advertised to run regularly to New
York to run its passengers
away ouj on some prairie
and leave them. It would
be equally ridiculous to
suppose that passengers
would take that train day after day and
year after year and after being deceived
and disappointed return home and tell
their neighbors that the train is all right
and does what it is scheduled to do.
It is equally absurd to suppose that Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription could for near
ly a third of a century deceive and disappoint
, women, and that these deceived and disap
pointed women would praise this medicine as
the greatest boon to the weak and sick of
their sex, affirming that it made them well and cured them after every other
means had failed to give permanent benefit.
As a matter of fact and of record, nothing is more Bure than that Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription has been the means of giving perfect health to women of
all ages, and all conditions of ill-health, and that the use of this medicine has
robbed maternity of its pangs and given the mother strength and health to give
her child.
"When I wrote to you in March asking advice as to what to do for myself," writes Mrs.
Ella Reynolds, of Guffie, McLean Co., Ky., "I was expecting the baby's coming in June,
and was sick all of the time. Had been sick for several months. Could not get anything
to stay in my stomach, not even water. Had female weakness for several years. My hips,
back and lower bowels hurt me all the time. Had numbness from my hips down. Had
several hard cramping spells, am is not able to do any work at all. I received your
answer in a few days, telling me t take Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. I took three
bottles, and before I had taken it a week I was better, and before I had taken it a month I
was able to help do my work. On the 27th of May my baby was born, and I was only sick
three hours, and had an easy time. The doctor said I got along nicely. We praise Dr.
Pierce's medicine for it has cured me. I am better now than I have been for thirteen years.
1 hope all that are afflicted will do as I have done and be cured."
Mrs. Carrie B. Donner, of Dayton, Green Co., Wis., writes: I can highly recommend
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription having taken it for nine months previous to confine
ment I suffered scarcely any compared with what I had at other times."
Dr. Tierce's Favorite Prescription is essentially a woman's medicine. It estab
lishes regularity, dries weakening drains, heals inflammation and ulceration, and
' cures female weakness. It is the best preparative for maternity and as a tonio
for nursing mothers is absolutely unriva led.
Sometimes a dealer, tempted by the little more profit paid on the sale of less
meritorious preparations, will offer a substitute for " Favorite Prescription " as
" just as good." Judged by its record of cures of womanly ills, there is no
other medicine just as good as " Favorite Prescription."
a i
wrrr rrnr rTnan r r rtyrtm.. a aai
. m
gi ' A wmmvmm 1
M H.71TO CO Q ttnnW Tho thing that motharu mont noad to know
A IV! U I nt.lt a UUUSXw arm inoludaa mmong tho many topic ttla
cuaaod in Dp. Perca'a Common Sanaa Madioal Adviaar, containing 1008 largo
pagoa of valuabla madioal Information. Thl groat work ia aont FREE an raceipt
of atampa to pay axpanaa of mailing ONLY. Sond 31 ona-eant at amp tor th
cloth-bound volume, or only 21 atampa tor th book In paper-covor.
Addraaai Dr. R. V. PIERCE, Buffalo, M. Y.
Read It In his Newspaper.
George Schaub, a well know Get man
of New Lebanon, Ohio, is a constant
reader of the Dayton Volkszeitung. He
knows that this paper aims to advertise
only the best in its olumns, and when
he saw Chamberlain's Pain Balm adver
tised therein for lame back, he did not
hesitate in buying a bottle of it for his
wife, who for eigut weeks had suffered
with the most terrible pains in her back
and could get no relief. He eajs: "After
using the I'ein Balm for a few days my
wife said to me, 'I feel as though 1 was
born anew,' and before using the en
tire contents of the bottle the unbearable
pains had entirely vanished and she
could take up her household du
ties." He is very thankful and hopes
that all suffering likewise will hear of
her wonderful recovery. This valuable
liniment is for eale by G. A. Harding.
Oregon City
Second-Hand & Junk Store
Highest Prices Paid for Second-Hand
Goods, Hides, Junks, Metals of all
Kinds, Etc. N
Second-Hand Qoods Bought andjSold
Saved from an Awful Fate.
"Everybody said I had consdmption,"
writes Mrs. A. M. Shields, of Chambers
burg, Pa. " 1 was so low after six
months of severe sickness, caused by
hay fever and asthma, that few thought
I could get well, but I learned of the
marvelous merit of Dr. King's New Dis
covery for Consumption, used it, and
was completely cured." For desperate
Throat and Lung Diseases it is the safest
cure in the world, and is infallible for
Coughs, Colds and Bronchial Affections.
Guaranteed bottles 50c and $1, Trial
bottles free at Geo. A Harding's.
Ring Phone 416 for Junk.
Sngarman & Co.
Wall Paper
Now is the time to buy your
wall paper and Murrow, the paper
hanger, will sell it to you cheaper
han you can buy it in Portland.
Drop a card in the postoffice and
have sample-book brought to your
house, or telephone Ely Bros.' store
J. MURROW, Oregon City
At nD drug it ore.
25 Dm 25c
DYE are fast to sun light,
washing and rubbing. Sold by
C G. Huntley
right's Disease.
The largest sum ever paid for a pre
scription, changed hands in San Fran
cisco, Aug. 30, 1901. The transfer in
volved in coin and stock $112,500.00 and
was paid by a party of business men for
a specific for Bright's Disease and Dia
betes, hitherto incurable diseases.
They commenced the series investi
gation of the specific Nov. 15, 1900.
They interviewed scores of the cured
and tried it out on its merits by putting
over three dozen cases on the treatment
and watching them. They also got phy
sicians to name chronic, incurable cases,
and administered it with the physicians
for judges . Up to Aug. 25, eighty -seven
per cent of the test cases were either
well or progressing favorably.
There being but thirteen per cent of
failures, the parties were satisfied and
closed the transaction. The proceedings
of the investigating committee and the
clinical reports of the test cases were
published and will be mailed free on ap
plication. Address John J. Fulton
Company, 420 Montgomery St., San
Francisco, Cal. Charman & Co. are our
ole agents in Oregon City.