Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, June 27, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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Ymi GpI. Our Rpst
I Price Whether
I Posted or Not
S Many people making purchases in
our store are ' surprised when we call J
$ them back to give them their change. 4
Can't understand why we msist on re-
turning to them 15 to 25 cents when
they buy a regular dollar bottle of med-
O icine. But this is one of the reasons
why our business has grown in a dozen
years from a store with one clerk to a
store with six or seven. Because the
O same price applies to the close buyer as
to one who never thinks of change. If
our price is 75 cents to you (instead o
a dollar) you may be sure it is 75 cents
4 to your smallest child, should you have
This week we are having a special sale on
Tooth, Nail and Hair Brushes.'
These sales are saving our customers from 20
to 40 per cent on staple drug store supplies. Why not
take advantage of them ?
Tooth Brushes - 5c 4c
" " 10c 7c
. J5c 10c
" 20c . 15c
" " - 25c j 18c
" - 35c 25c
" " - 50c 35c
" 44 - 75c . 50c
Hair " - 25c 19c
35c 25c
50c 39c
" 1 00 79c
1 50 1 13
2 00 1 49
- 2 50 1 95
O .
' u' u
O Hait "
O "
O " i
O 44 u
" " - 2 50 1 95 Y
Oregon City, Ore. Popular Price Druggist.
Furnished Every Week by Clacka
mas Abstract & Trust Co.
T E Gault to E II Cooper.lols 1 and
2 of blk 3. Gladstone 1500
J V Trullinger to P T O'Connor, Its
1,2 and 3 of nee 3, 3, 3 e 100
ii O Fields, et al to P 0 & 0 R R
Co, pt MclCinley elm. 5000
3 D Mickler to P G llerner, vt of
ejofseof sec 34,1, 3 e 1100
O E AlcCord to J Gerber, Jr, 180 as
in A Mattoon elm, 3, 3 e 1
G Moser to F Moser, 0.81 aa In sec
5, 3, 1 e 100
i Moser ta S Moser, 53 19 as in sec
6,3, le 1200
W J McOord to J Gerber, Jr, 180
as in Mattoon clni, 3, 3 e 1
A M Atkinson to E F Irons by
sheriff , 4 1 34 as in Fisher elm,
2,2 e. 1500
J V Meldrum to G A teel, 5j' as
in Hinearson clm,2,2e ....... 1
T II l.awson to B H fount ans, lot
2, biktt, Marslilield
J 11 Hickman to C W Cassedy, se
t 2, 3, 4 e 1
S O Stone to K L Sabine, ai of
ne l-4,,ec31, l,4e 1200
W J Zimmerman to C Kerr, 10 as
in lec HO, I, 2 050
15 II Cooper to M lleaily.lota 1 and
2in blk 30, Gladstone 1250
How's This 1
Weoffvr One Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any case of Catarrh that can
not be cured by Ual.'s Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Chunky & Co., Props.,
Tiledo, O.
We the undersigned, have known F.
.1 . Cheney or the last Hi years, and be
lieve him perfectly honorable in all
N business transactions and financially
nble to carry out any obligations made
fiy their firm.
WVst & I'kuax, Wholesale Drugcists,
Toledo, O.
W'Ai.mNO, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale
Urngaists, Toledo, O.
Hal.'B Catarrh Cure is taken Internally
acting directly upon the blood and mil
Ci'ua surfaces of the system. Price, 75
fier.bottle. o!d by all druggists. Tes
timonials free.
H ill's Famiiy Pills are the best.
Cull for UUts.
P.ida will be received up to June TSth
for the construction of an addition to the
Purkpl.u e school building, under modi
fied plain. The new plans aud speclti-
vatious c:in be seen at the residence of
W. A. White, arehite.t, corner of 8th
. uui Jefferson etreeta.
The Hi't rrecriitliin for MalrlH
"Hulls and Fever Is a' bottle of Grove's
1" uteleeB Chill Tonic. It is simply iron
jinl quinine in a tasteless form, No
cureno pay. Price 50c.
. 35r. 25c
. 75c . 5oc
- 25c 19c
- 35c 25c
- 50c 39c Y
i nn 19c. w
? nn t 4.9 w
Official Vote of Oregon,
Salkm, June 25. Secretary of State F
I.Dunbar this afternoon made public
the official abstract of the vote for the
state and congressional officers at the
recent election. The total vote was
92,920, and the republican candidates
were elected by an average plurality of
15,030 votes. As the vote for governor
is canvassed bj the legislature, the vote
for that office la not shown. The returns
heretofore published show Chamber
lain's election by a plurality of 256 votes.
The highest plurality is that of Judue
Bean who led by 17,140, with Dunbar
next with 17,000. The initiative and
referendum carried by a vote of 5 to 1
and by a two-thirds majority of all the
voles cast, although it had but 589 votes
to spare. About 26,000 voters did not
vote on the question.
The total vote for the leading candi
dates was as follows:
Supreme judge
Bean, republican 49,876
Bonham, demncrat 32,730
Secretary of state
Dunbar, republican 47,023
bears, democrat 30,00
State treasurer
Moore, republican 46 418
Blsckman, democrat 30,500
State superintendent
Ackerman, republican 47,045
Whihi, democrat 31,840
Attorney general
Crawford, republican 45.423
Raley, democrat 32,311
State 'printer
Whitrey, republican 42,649
Godfrey, democrat 31,010
Congressm in first district
Tongue, (republican 23,585
VVeatherford, democrat 10,213
Congressman second district
Williamson, republican 23,397
Butcher, democrat .15,598
Ladies' hats at the Hed Front in
styles and at prices to suit one and all.
Now is the time to paint and renovat
vour houses. Ctiarm.au & Co. are mak
ing special prices on Paints, Oils and
County Treasurer's Xotice.
I now have money to pay general fund
countv warrants endorsed prior to Janu
nary 2d, 1900.
Ii. forest will cease on the warrants in
cluded in this call on the date hereof.
A. Li'KLi.isu, Treasurer,
Clackamas County, Or.
Smith's Dandruff l'oinatle
stops itching scalp upon application,
three to bis removes all dandruff and
will stop fulling hair. Price 50o., at all
You Know What You Are Tallin!
When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill
Tonic because the formula is plainly
printed on every Kittle showing thst it
s simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless
lorni. iNo cure, ro pay. ouc.
Street Car Strike.
On Tues.lay all the employes of t' e
P.O. and 0. Railway struck because the
company refu-.ed to discharge Superin
tendent Tiffany and "tlieoatcher Stuart
and had discharged six of the oldest em-
pkyes, who were membera of the gritv-
nce committee. But two cars were
unnineTueBda'. one in charge of Sur
oerintendent Tiffany and the other in
charge of G. 0. Fields. A petision bad
bt-en in circulation for the removal
of Superintendent Tiffany and Car Dis
patcher smart. This obtained many
signatures in Oregon Oily and several
01 hers in Sell wood and Miiwakie unoe
carman we e signers of this petition and
Mr. Tiffany de.na'ided that these bijiiji-
ures Le wilhiirawn or the signers would
puffer discharge. The names were not
removed and the entire furce went on a
strike as the result.
There nas been bad feeling 'or some
time between Superintendent Tiffany
and his men The primary caune of the
present trouble was the discharge ot Jlo
torman Meldrum at the time of the re-
ceut wreck near Gladstone. The car
men claim this accident was due wholly
to the work of Oar Dispatcher Stuart,
But few people travel on the street car
and the boats are crowded. The trains
also secure a share. Several banners
ar-i carried by boys sent along the
streets of OregonCity with this inscrip
tion "Scab car : take boat." The busi
ness men of Oregon City sympathize
with the strikers and practically boycot
the cars. Superintendent Tiffany was
arrested for delivefing freight from a
passenger car to several stores. He
pleaded "not guilty " and will be tried
July 3rd.
The men workingon the new baseball
park joined the Btrikerson Wednesday.
New Sprinkling littles.
To accommodate the merchants with
more convenient hours for sprinkling
streets and sidewalks so as to lay the
dust, the Board of .Water Commissioners
have amended the rules to permit the
use of water between the hours of seven
to nine, a. m., and two to lour, p. m.
Lawn and garden sprinkling, or irri
gation, can be done only auring the
hours as preyiously published, six to
eight, a. m., and six to eight, p. m,
Probate Court Orders.
Ella E. Williams was discharged as
administrator of the estate of Martha
E. Partlow.
A Tice was appointed administrator
of the estate of John W. lice.
Letters testamentary issued to Nancy
Ann McMurrar in the estate of John C.
McMurray, and M. W. Gardner, II
Breithaupt and G. McMurray were ap
nointed anoraisers.
J. R. Morton was appointed guardian
of the minor heirs of Wm. P. skirvin
Kate R. Athey was discharged as ad
miniBtrator of the estate of Cbae. K
School Notes.
West Oregon City elected one new
teacher, Miss Martha Sturchler, in
Dlace of Miss Patty, who has just been
mairied to Mr. VauRhan. The Bulletin
extends congratulations.
Diplomas issued to Eighth Grade pu-
pilBof Ulackamas Uounty lor tneyear
ending June loth, i!)U, Dy uounty su
Derin'endent J. C. Zinser:
Helen Sprague, Logan, No. 8, Mr. Ba
Maude E. Holder, Currinsville, No. 68
Mr. Surface.
Mary Vaughan, Willamette, M. Hyatt
Jennie O. Reichie, Stafford, No. 41
Miss Downing.
Rex W. Lewis, Molalla, No. 35, Mr.
Dora E. Ambler, Clackamas, No 64,
Mr. tishe'.
Rpsina Sohatz, Stafford, No. 41, Miss
Frank Dowiy, Currinsville, No. 7. Miss
Christel Bowers, Macksburg, No. 20,
Mr. Mack.
Ida Smith, Macksburg, No. 20, Mr.
Mack .
Leonard L. Parmenter, Barlow, No.
96, Miss Barlow.
Hughie Jone, Cams, No. 29, Mr, Metz-
ger. 1
Cora Jaguar, Cams. No. 29, Mr. Metier.
Marshall Lazelle, Oregon City, No. 43,
Miss Bradford.
Harr Elligsen, Staffoitd, No. 41, Miss
Axel J. Estberg, Stafford, No. 41, 3iss
Everett Green, Payn, No. 49, Mr. Davis.
Huldah Kanne, "
Isabel Hunter, " " "
Maggie McDonald, New Era, No. 6. Miss
Donald Shaw. Clara Miller, Bessie
Slioue, Robert Ingram, Frances Wil
kinson, Vern Batdoif, West Oregon
City, No. 34, Mr. Gary.
Mae Egge, Tillie Scliaier, Harry Ber
dine, Willamette, No. 105, M. Hyatt.
Ernesi Naeff, Milwaukie, No. 28, Mr.
Htilph Gnuble, Macksburg, No. 20, Mr.
Sarah E. Gard, Clarkes, No. 32, Miss
Bessie Sleight, Cauhy, No. b4, Miss
Swan by,
Royal II. Trulliiiger, Meudowurook, No.
11, Miss Evans.
Dillie M. Lm:ke Joseph R. Hoff, Oanby
No. 18, Mr. Eccles.
Male lin Telford, Lillie Hacker, Cane-
mah, No. 3, Mr. Bm:k.
Lomi Small, Edna Ooone, Myttle White,
Ethel Thompson, Walter Courter, Os
wego, No. 47, Mr. EvuiH.
Kate Hampton, Annette Wait, Canby,
No. 86, Mr. Winches.
Carrie Fedolph, Damascus, No. 77, Miss
Leo Schindler, Louise Demeuther, Delia
Taylor, Jfssie Squires, Harry West,
Lucia Ciiffil, Martha Birkemeier, Leta
Miller, Milwaukie, No. 1, Mr.
. McLaughlin. .
Lydia Steiimuller. Currinsville, No. 7,
Miss Haenel.
Wallace Telford, Minnie Klemsen, Cane
man, No. 4. Mr, Buck,
Scollie Faubion, Laura Purcell, George
Robinson, Guy Kennedy, Geoigie
Matlhies, Marie Frederich, Ettie Mor
ris, Huldah Mundhenke, Parkplace,
No. 48, Mr. McCann.
IClier Kennight, Canby, No. 54, Miss
Sam TuUtowga, Willamette, Mr. Hvatt.
Bertha Long, Oaueuiuu, No. t, -Vlr.
Sherman Seely, Wilsonville, No. 23,
Mr. Vuicei t, f
Viola GribbW, Canby, "o. 38, Mr. Stan-brough.
Notice is hereby Riven that I tave file! with the
County Court ot Clackamas Counly and Slate of
OreKon rav final report as administrator of the
estate of James A. Bartmr, rieceasnd and that said
court has set Monday, the 7th day of July, 19t2,
at the hour of 10 o'clock a in., of said day as the
time for bearing said report and objections there
to if any there be.
Administrator of of the Estate of
James A. Barbur, Deceased.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Ctackanms County.
George E. Smith, 1
Plaintiff, I
Catherine A. 8mith,
Defendant, j
To Catherine A. bmith, the abore named de
fendant. In the name of the state of Oiegon you are
he-cby required tonupear aud answer the com
.plulnt filed against you in the above entitled
court and cause on or before the last day of the
publication of this summons, and if you fail to ap
pear or answer tile plaintiff will apply to the
court for the relief prayed for in Ihe cemplainl
' tween you and the plaintiff be dissolved.
ThiB sumcions is published bv order of the Hon.
ThoinnsF. Kyan, county judge of Clackamas
comity, state of Oregon, made and entered the 24th
day of Mav, 19112. and the date of the first publica
tion hereo't is Mav m, lUO'i, and ol the last publi
cation July 11, 1902.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Daied. May 29th, 1902.
Id the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for
Clackamas county, i
Anna WhitfieM, plaintiff, vs. Albert 6. Wltfleld,
To Albert G. Whitfield, the above-named de
fendant : In the name of the state of Oregon, you
are heieby commanded to appear and answer the
complaint filed against you in the above entitled
court on or Deiore Aiigus: y, iyi, atter six week s
publication of this summons, and if you fail to
so appear, for want thereof Ihe plaintiff will take
judgment again.nl you a,s prayed in said com
plaint, via: A decree of divorce between you
and plaintiff', aud the change of plaintiff's name
to Anna j autiost,,
This order is made by Thomas F. Ryan, judge
of thecounty court of Clackamas couutyt Oregon,
June 25, 1902.
First publication June 27, 1902.
JOHN W. LODEK, Attorney for Plaintiff.
In tbe circuit court of the rtate of Oregon, for the
county or uiacnamiis.
Mary Lulu Deitst, plaintiff, s. Frank W. Deitz,
To Frank W. Deilz, the above named defend
ant: In the name of the state of Oregon you are
hereby required to appear and answer the oom
plaint riled against you in the above entitled suit
within six weeks from the first publication of
this summons ; the first publication thereof as
ordered by said court being on the 27th day of
June, 1002, and which is the date of the first pub
lication of Ihe same.
And if you fail to so appear and answer, for
W(tnt thereof the plaintiff will apply lo the court
for relief prayed for in the oomplaiut herein, to
wn : For a decree dissolving the bonds of matri
mouy now existing betweon plaintiff and defend
ant, aud decieeing that plaintiff have the custody
of the minor children named in said complaiut.
This summons is served on you by publication
in the Coubikr-Hebaid, once a week for six
consocutive weeks, the first publication thereof
being made in the issue of Juue 27, 1902, by order
of Hon. T. A. McBride. a judeeof the above en
titled court, duly made and entered therein on the
Zlst day oljune, ma.
Last inser'lon August 1, 1902.
MACMAHON, Attorney for Plaintiff.
Bargain In the Latest Hats at Red
Front Special Millinery Sale.
Special sale Millinery at Red Front.
Proud of
Her Hair.
Every woman is proud of her
bair, but that insidious disease
of tha scalp, dandruff, will
drive out the hair and Kill her
pride unless cured at once.
Prier's Bair Teod
Is a positive cure for dandruff. It
keeps the scalp clean and permits
the hair to grow naturally.
For sale by all druggist
Scientific Dentistry
Why Many Artificial Sets of Teeth Work
They are Not Constructed along Lines of Recent Scientific
COME time ago it was discovered by Dr. VV. I. Bon well, a dentist, who has made many scientific investigations-
in relation to the human teeth, that the lower jaw forms an equilateral triangle, the base of
which is distance from centre to centre of the condyles of the jaw, and the sides the distance from these
points to the medium line of Ihe inferior incisors. The sides of the triangle averaging about four inches.
The centres of the tips of the anterior superior teeth artf in the arc of a circle. A line at right angles to
the medium line of tlv head
circle which is known as the
through the centres of the
a similar line parallel to the
periphery of the circle, will
edges of the second molar
The cuspid and the an
first molar teeth forming
and secondary springs of
they mark the decided
Failure in the making
ably is due to a lack of
you nearly a thousand first
sons who are wearing arti
fort and pleasure, construct
tcen years practice in Ore-
lositive ,i ; i m i a inrr ef
Lowest rates consistent with first-class work.
Barclay Building, Oiegon
WfUMT i Ul WJMim ge'ATO'Pflttf lM -1T" Willi Ill y
To Our Customers: 1
On account of the increase in
prie of meats and labor we have
been compelled to raise the price
i of meals from 20e t6 26e.
George Bros. Restaurant
Court House Block,
Look at This!
For the next 60 days
10 per cent off on
Pry roods9
Furnishing &ood
TlTIYnirwii? Mt.rf.npthAnnnml rMbirM
The reason siifferers are not cured by inctors Is because ninety per cent are troubled wttri
Proatatifla. CUPIDENE Is theonly known remedy to cure vilhout an operation, fiooo teBtlmonb
ala. A written guarantee given and money returned if six boxea does not eilect a pernmuujiteurft
IM0 a box, tlx for 5.O0, by mall. Bend for frkk circular and testimonials.
Aditresi D AV I. IHCDICINK CO., P. a Bx 2076, Ban Francisco, Cat. ibr SrUt b
G. A. HARDING, Druggist. Oregon City Orejoa
P. C O.By. Co.
25c is the rviular Sunday
round trip rate between Oregon
City and Portland. Get your tickets at
Harding's drug store "
All kinds of bicycle repairine, lock
work and saw filing at Johnson & Lamb's
bicycle shop, opposite Barlow's gro
cery. Give them a trial and be satin
teeth. No fas or coc line
iiiiiii J mm
Oregon City, Ore
for Cash, we will give
Brown & Week
Proprietors op the-
Seventh Street
Meat Market
A. O. U. W. Building
Thin rreat Vpt?.itjah1
tlon ol a lamous i'renen physician, will quickly cure you of all ner
vous or diseases of the generative organs, such as tost Manhood.
Pimplfs, Unutnesa to Marrv, Kxbausting Drains, Varlooeele and
Constipation. It stops all losses by day cr nlglit Pi'eyenO) quick
ness of discharge, which if not checked loads to Spermatorrhoea and
all tue horrors of Impotency. '11 11 OEHZOeleaiiues the liver, tht
kidnersand the urlnarvoreanaoi ttliiiUDuriLlea.
fimall worIt nrirnnM.
S. B. Catarrh Cure.
Is taken inlernally, acting directly on
the blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. It permeate i every fluid of tt e
body, eradicates the disease from the
system, cleanses and heals the afflicted
parts and restores them to a natural,
healthful condition. For sale by all
druggists. Book on Catarrh free. Ad
dress Smith Bros., Fresno, Oal.
thrcugh the centre of this
circle of the mouth, will pass
second bicuspids teeth, and
first, through the posterior
pass throu-h the posterior
terior buccal cusp of the
respectively the primary
the superior arch ; that is,
changes in its direction,
of artificial teeth unquestion
knowledge of the above
Dr. Pickens can give
dass references from per
ficial sets of teeth with corn
ed during a period of thir
gon City.