o OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD. FRIDAY, JUNE 27, 1902. 3 nil uoiaen nuie Bazaar Oregon City's Big Cash Store ....Headquarters for.... K r irwr Large Stock of all the Latest novelties in Ttreworks just Received flags ' Buntings Toy Pistols Cannons Etc. Special Sale of Fishing and Base Ball Goods WE FEEL SUiSE of our ability to handle your banking business to your satisfaction. We shall be glad of an opportunity to talk with you. THE BANK OE OREGON CITY Oregon Ctiy, Oregon of CLASSIFIED ADVERTISMENTS. WANTED To increase my 1 and lands for sale, in all r list of far ma 11 parts of the county. Lands owned by non-residents represented and sold. H. Er Cross, At torney at Law. J70R SALE 500 tracts of land. In quire of 0. A. Cheney, Oregon City. TOR SALE Thoroughbred Holstein Freisian bull, 10 montoB old, aire and dam Registered, or will exchange for No. 1 milch cow. Address ChaB. N. Wait, Canby, Oregon. POR SALE Finishing Lumber by J. A. Jones at his mill on the Ahernethy, 2 miles east of Oregon City. The mill and machinery is also for sale, including 40-horses ingine and boiler. Address J. A. Jones, Oregon City. JK)R SALE On the installment plan, if so desired, good 5 room house, cor ner 3rd and Jefferson streets ; sewer con nections and healthy location. Apply to R, Koerner, corner 4th and Jefferson sts. POR SALE Lots 10 and 15 in blk. 7, Shaw's First Addition to Oregon City, usually called Green Point. There are a dozen bearing cherry trees on the lots. Price $225. William-Newman and family live on a lot adjoing the above and will show them. For further particulars in quire of Joseph Burgholzer, Buxton, Washington county, Oregon. POR SA.LR- by W. W. -Good grades Angora goats Irvin, Aurora, Or, MONEY TO LOIN on approved real estate and chattle security. G. B. Dimick, Attorney-at-Law, Stevens Build ing, Oregon City, Oregon. SEALED BIDS solicited, for the carpen ter work for a barn 30x40, 20 foot po?ts. Specifications can be had at mill or by mall; bids to be in by 28th. Riant reserved to reject any and all bids. Lindsley & Son, Cams, Oieeon. INDIVIDUALS j MONdSY to Loan to you at 6 per cent and 7 per cent on land or chattelp; also a good farms for "sale worth $5000 each. $000 of city money on approved security. Joiin W. Loder, Attoraev-at-Law, Oregon City. J.UMBER FOR SALE by E. 3 miles east of Soda Springs, and rustic a specialty. All lumber always on hand. E. Rich, Flooring kinds of T.UMBER Leave orders at this office for first-class lumber of all kinds, or address W. F. Hakris. Beaver Creek, Oregon. TJOB, tho 3-4 Pereheron, will stand at Oak Grove stock larm this season. Six dollars to insure with fold. Will show his colts with any horse in state. J. W. Djwty, Currinsville, Or. Hot soda at the Kozy Kandy Kitchen A few watches for sale cheap Younger's. Watches cleaned, $1. at Drs. R. B. and A, L. Beatie, dentists, Weinhard building. Prices to suit you all Millinery at Red Fro t. When you visit Portland don't fail to tret vour meals at the Royal Restaurant, First and Madison. They serve an ex cellent meal at a moderate price ; a good square meal, 15c. When Sickness Comes to the head of the family the bread winner, the omuipresent thought is 'Have I safelv provided for the wife aud little ones?" Nine times out of ten, "No" is the answer. It is then too late, however, to do anything. The essential thing to do is to prepare now for what may occui at any time. An investigation of the Mas sachusetts Mutual's new policies and bonds, will, without a doubt, bring to jour notice a contract that will exactly suit your case. If interested, send a postal, giving, your name, address, ocenpaton and date of birth, when an illustration will be sent yon, showing exactly what the company will do for you. No guess work about it, as the dividends are paid annually and not witLheld for.twenty vears or so, and then not paid unless the contract is in force at that time. , II. G. Colton, Manager Pacific Coast Dept , Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Or. 8 PERSONALS g Hon. C. B. Moores visited Salem Tuesday. A. Krueger, of Logan, was in Oregon' Uity lhursuay. Miss Vesta Broughton spent Sunday in Oregon City. . Rev. Peter Bott has moved from Shu bel to Parkplace. Miss Mary Hairis has returned from a short vacation. JR. A. Woodside, of Mulino, visited Aurora Tuesday. George Reuck, of Barlow, was in Ore gon City Monday. Hiram Wilson, of Portland, spent Sunday in Oregon City . Mrs. Chris Hartman is recovering from her recent illness. Louis Funk, of Redland, was in town Tuesday on business. John Wise, of Milwaukie, was in Ore gon City Wednesday. G. H. WebBter, of Clackamai, was in Oregon City Thursday. F. Croner, of Macleay, is visiting his brother, Charles Croner. Miss May Wishart returned to her home at Montavilla Sunday. O. T. Kay, of Meadowbrook, was an Ort-gon City visitor Saturday . Mrs. Hixon, of Seattle, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. R. L. Holman. K. II. Gabbert has gone to St. Helens to take chargu of the Mist as owner. , Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Cooper, of- Mead owbrook, ere in Oregjn City Saturday, Dr. Goucher and P. P. Murphy, of Mulino, were in Oregon City Wednes day. , Mies Wattross returned from Salem Wednesday after a two weeks' visit with friends. Miss Fisher, of The Dalles, was the guest of the Misses Caufleld the fir st of the week. VV. H. Vaunhan, tha democratic war horse of Molalli, was in O.egon City Wednesday; Mrs. M Walls, of Portland, is visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. R. G. Porter, uf Caneinah. Mrs. Thomas Fields attended the Rebekah institution ceremonies at Aurora Tuesday L. W. Robbins, the Molalla merchant, was doing business in Portland and Ore gon City Tueeday . Misa Dorothy Chase left Wednesday evening tor can francisco where she. has accepted a position. Miss Bessie Kelly returned Saturday from Eugene, where she has been at tending the state university. Mrs Mary McCarver returned from Portland Sunday after spending a week with her son, Harry, in Albina. The Misses Adams, of Eugene, who have been visiting friends here, returned to their home Wednesday morning. Joe and Frank Alldredge returned Monday from Hood River where they have been picking strawberries for the past two weeks. W. W. Brooks and wife, of Portland, spent Tuesday and Wednesday in this city attending the Baptist association. Mr. Brooks was formerly reporter on the Enterprise George W. Bibee, of Sheridan, the newly appointed receiver of the U, S. land office at Oregon City, was in this city Wednesday. He expects to relieve Hon. Wm. Galloway on July 1. Miss Millie Grant, after a week's visit with relatives here, left for Portland Sunday where Bhe will remain for a few days and will then go to her home at Scappoose to remain for the summer. Miss Ethel L. Force, critic teacher of the Monmouth training department, accompanied by Mrs. Viola M. Godfrey, of Oregon City, and Misses Mona East and Neva Whitney, of the June '02 class of the state normal, left Monmouth on Wednesday morning for Eugene to at tena the state teachers' association to be held there this week. 1 LOCAL NEWS ITEMS ... .... . a.. a. .u.. ju. jn, A j. JU k.K4fc:.bkJ Jfcjfctflfc 'Golden Rule Bazaar, Headquarters for Fireworks. Grand clearance sale of millinery. Miss Goldsmith. The funeral of Thomas Chuck, Oswego, was held Tuesday. N Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Tate on Mon day, June 23, a 11 pound boy. Everything in tile millinery line must go before July 4. Miss Goldsmith. License to wed was granted on 24th to Fannie S. Eymanand A. B. Kammerer. The Oregon City Transportation Co. lost its new boat in Sunday's fire. Loss $10,000. The new house of Wallace Cole's, op posite Shively's hall, was built for S. J. Vaughan. The Portland high school alumni ex pects to have an outing at Canemah park Friday evening. A new square front is placed on Young's livery stable i which improves its looks very much. The street car company has postea Trimmed l a's. Goldsmith. Great bf.rainf. ies Is Golf Catching on the popular favor? It seems to be. A noticeable increase in sles of Pain ki ler comes from golf districts. The reason for this clear, as Perry Davis' Painkiller is the oldest and best remedy extant for sprains, strains, bruises and sorenees, all of which are of common occurrence, either in vigorous play or through accident. Everywhere ' the standard liniment and balm. circulars aBking patrons to patronize the boats until ihe strike is Beiiieu. The Sunday school pupils of the Epis copal church were given a picnic at Willamette Falls last Saturday. Flowers, silk and fancy trimmings. Special offerings Misa Goldsmith. C. W. Hayhurst and Lizzie Evans were married at residence of Judge Wm. Galloway at Parkplace Wednesday even ing. I -; W. A. White is building two houses for Dan Lvons on his lot back of; the nh.rman "hlnck. The two houses will cost about $3000. The large dairy barn, being built bv Josi Bros. & Scherruble on the old John ivivnrs nln.ee. south of Elv, is fast near- ing completion. A npit.ition has been circulated and numerously Bigned asking the Southern Pacific Co. to put on local trains between Oregon City and Portland. hanflhall crounds this side of Canemah park are nearly finished, and it is expected that the game on the Fourth will be played there. Rev. George Yung, of Lenexa, Kan., who was called by Zion's Evangelical Lutheran congregation at uregon uuy, is expected to arrive Saturday evening, June 23. The 54th annual session of the Wil lamette Baptist Association ended Wed nesday. Rev. A. .Blackburn waB elected moderator for the ensuing year. W. W. Brooks is the retiring official. The old Charnun residence, near the suspension bridge, which was moved back to make room for the new brick is being repainted and will be occupied by L. Ruconich as a boarding house. The Textile Workers initiated ten new members Tuesday night. The meeting terminated with a social entertainment, with tie Telford children, MiasOwnbey, Mr. Curtis and Mr. F. Marley on the program. The strawberry crop is unusually light this year and it is hard to get berries for housewives to can. The' canneries bought up all the Canby crop and the local growers were unable to supply the demand. John F. Clark, the abstracter, has purchased the Donaldson propeity on the West Side, and will move in next Wednesday. This is one of the best places on tne West Side, and is a desira ble home. The O. C. T. Co. was to put on a second boat, the Gray Eagle, between Oregon City and Portland on account of the street car strike Thursday morning, but the first trip she ran on a snag aud bad to be beached for awhile. Company A was inspected Monday evening in itH new Kahhai uniforms. Capt. H. L. Kelly, 1st Lieut. Fred Hum phreys and 2d Lieut (-'has. Burns have received their commissions. The com pany now has 63 members. Dr. Seamann has purchased of Cham bers Howell the residence now occupied by J. F. Clark Thin is a fine house and is located nearly opposite the Barclay school on Eleventh street. He will oc cupy the property next Wednesday. If you need a hat don't wait, but call early and get a bargain. Miss Goldsmith. The following Oregon Cityites were elected to positions in the Portland schools: Helen Barck, P.M. Weddell, Mrs. II. B. Rinearsou, Fannie G. Por ter, May Kelly, Lorene Ackerman, Grace Baird, Metta C.Brown, Ana Baird, Kate Porter and Sade Chase. All lovers of baseball will be pleased to learn that Manager T. P. Randall haB secured a game between the Fidelity a"d the Oregon City teams for next Sunday. The Oregon Oitv team beat Upchurcb in Portland last Sunday by a score of 8 to 6 Federal Union, No. 97C8, of Oregon City, will hold a carnival on next Labor Dev. Sent. 1. John C. Chase. the"shoe- maker" mayor of Haverhill, Mass., will be the orator of the day. J. II Howard haa been appointed grand manager of the fete. Christian Science services are held in Red Men's hall every Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Subject for Sunday, June 29, 1902, "Christian Science." Sunday school at 12 o'clock. Wednesday even ing meeting at 8 o'clock. To theee ser vices all are welcome. On Rundav mornine. Julv B. at 10:30. Grant, a farewell sermon will be preached by (Myrtle the present pastor ot lion's cnurcn, Rev. E. Meyer, who has accepted a call to Immanuel's Evangelical Lutheran church at San Jose, California. Father George Yorg will then assume pastoral charge of the congregation. The Sunday school of Zion's Evangel ical Lutherau church will celebrate their children's day in the open air next Sun day, beginning at 2:30 p m., in the grove of Mr. Rakel, at Canemah. All are cordially invited to attend these ser vices. On Sunday morning the usual services will be held at Zion's church. The goddess of liberty contest closes Saturday. Miss MilBtead leads, with Mrs. Catla a close second. " Golden Rule Bazaar, Oregon City's Big Cash Store is the place to save money on Flags, Bunting and Fireworks. The Fourth of July Committee re quests that all business houses and resi dences along Main street, and also along Seventh and Center streets on the hill, decorate with bunting and flags as much as possible. The procession will move on those streets to the grandstand where the exercises will be held. The Congregational church will cele brate children's day on the coming Sun day. The pastor will preach a sermon to the Sunday bcooI at 10:30 a. m., and at 7:45 p. m. A very pleasing patriotic service will be rendered bv the children. The decorations will be entirely new this year. All are invited to enjoy the services of the day. Court Mount Hood, A. O. F , installed the following officers, Monday, June 23, for the ensuing term : chief ranger, C. S. Seamann ; sub-chief ranger, M. Justin ; financial secretary, (J. A. Muir; corre sponding secretary, G. B. Dimick ; treasurer, C. E. Muir; senior woodard, O.A.Thomas: junior woodard, Pearl Mosier : senior beadle, J. Beaulieu ; jun ior beadle, Preston Cooper ; court phy sician, Dr. O. S. Seaman. Ben Hightman. single, aged about 25 years, on Wednesday morning, June 18, while moving timbers at an ore chute in the Morning mine stuck his pick in a log and it becoming loose lost bis bal ance and fell four floors, cr a distance of 90 feet. He was taken immediately to Mr. Magee's hospital at Wallace, where he died Thursday afternoon. Little is known of the unfortunate man other than he came to Mullan about two weeks ago from Oregon City, Oregon. Mullan Idaho, Mirror. Thechming exercises of St. John's parochial and high school were held at Shively's hall Thursday evening. The address to the class and publio was de livered by Archbishop Christie. Those who assisted in the program were: Mable PnBey, Williard Hawley, Randall O'Neil, Frank Michael, Emma Qninn, Kate Matthies, Burtha Chambers, Char lotte A. Pratt, John and Frank Busch, Alzey Bernier, Vita Kelly, Winnie Hanny, Julia and Hat tie Baker, Mary McDonnell. Bernice O. Kelly, Elsie Jor dan, John Finucane, Harriett Chatnbers and George E. Sullivan. Space prevents publication of program in full. President W. H. Hurlburt. Fred 8. Morris, financial backer of the Portland City & Oregon Railway, and State Sen ator George C. Brownell, went to Eagle Creek Saturday night and addressed a large crowd in the interest of building a railway up the Clackamas river to the site of the new power station. It is understood that this branch will leave the main line at SelUood and go up Johnson creek where an excellent grade has been secured. The company is now securing rights of way. It Is also under stood that the main line from Portland to Oregon City will be changed so is to run along the river bank from the Mad' ison street bndire to Hell wood anVthe old track nsed for local traffic only, Dr, and Mrs. Frances Freeman enter tained a few of their friends at their home on the West Side Tuesday even ing. Miific and a bean bag were the amusements ol the evening. Ketresn- tnents were served. Last Saturday afternoon the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Hawley was the scene of much merriment when a large number of Willard's friends were In vited to help him celebrate his 12th birthday. The time was spent in play ing games. Refreshments were served during the afternoon, and at 5 o'clock the little folks departed, wiBhlng the young host many happy returns of the day. House for rent in Canemah at $6. la quire of Fred Rakel, Mrs. L. Glover, of Eagle creek, has gone to Iowa to visit relatives, tore' main a couple of months. Some one Wednesday night stole a wheel off Robinson's delivery wagon. Heinz also lost a wheel the samn night. I NEW STORE NEW, PRICES Have you made a purchase at the New Drug Store? It not, it will be to your interest to investigate our prices. Our goods are all new and fresh, and we are not simply cutting the Old Pkices but slaughtering the New, Compare these prices with those you have been paying. ; Mile's Heart Cure $( oo 75c , Mile's Nervine I 00 75c Swamp Rootfgenuine) 1 00 75c Shoop's Restorative . ,, 1 00 75c Shoop's Rheumatic. ........ . 1 00 75c King's Discovery ,,, I OO . 75c Carter's Pills 25 i?c Pierce's Pills... v 25 15c Ayer's Hair Vigor I 00 75c Peruna , 1 00 75c We can only mention a few articles here. We have cut the price of every patent medicine in the market Prescription work is our great strong hold. We have made this work a special study for the past fourteen years and pride ourselves in our ability to properly and accurately com pound the most complicated prescriptions. If you have a special receipt or formula which.,you have been unable to get properly prepared allow us to compound it for you we guarantee our work. If your prescription is intrusted to us we assure you we will not turn it over to an assistant to prepare. We cannot afford to risk our reputation, and we know you don't care to risk your life and health on his accuracy. N Order by phone, No.' 781. Goods dejivered to all parts of the city. HOWELL & JONES, LINN E. JONES , The Reliable Druggists, CHAMBERS HOWELL Oregon Gty, Ore. ltls signature is on every box of the genuine Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets ne remedy that niren a cold in nfl daj C. S. SEAMANN, M. D- Physician, Surgeon and Oculist Office in Barclay Building, Cor. Main md 7th Sts. Calls Answered Prompily Pay or Night OREGON CITY, OREGON Notice. The partnership heretofore existing between Bethke & Gale is hereby dis solved, and all accounts due the firm are payable to H. Bethke, and all bills against the firm will be paid by him. 11. KKTIIKR, C. II. Gale. fin 20,1902. Miss Meldrum Entertains, Last Saturday evening Miss Eva Mel drum entertained a numoer of her lady friends at her home at Meldrum station The home was prettily decoiated for the occasion witu terns and candelabra. The evening was pleasantly spent in vo cal and instrumental music and games. Dainty refresiimentB were served Those present were: Misses Mary Con yers, lmogene Harding, A'my Kelly, Nettie Walden, Sade and Ina Chase. Clara Warner, Vera Caufleld, Maria and Hattie Pratt, Mariorie and Jiithel Cau field, Miss Fisher, Harriet and Nan Cochran, Veda Williams, Aneita Mc Carver, Kthel and Ivlith Cheney, Millie Lizzie Walker, May v mliart, Buchanan, Hattie ersteeg. Hazel Pilsbnry, Greta Htrickler, Zilpha ,1 T. t 1. rv I . uauoway, jnaiue i-iraper, .vi-ia riniey. The chaperones were: Mrs. K. A. Som- mer, Mrs. J. 15. Kolnneon, Mrs. L- L. Pickens, Mrs. Jselson L'.wrcnce aud Mrs. J. P. Keating. Reduced Prices YOU SEE On any thing in the drug line is quite apt to be a little higher than our price. Our first aim is to see that you get good goods and get what you ask for. Gui next ai.n and effort is to SAVE you something on the Cost. No one ever will or can sell you for less than our PRICES. We save for you not only on a few loudly heralded items but on almost everything druggists sell. , Mint Drops, 15c lb. Fresh Vaccine, 15c 2 for 25c Hot Water Bottles, $1 regular Now 64c Fountain Syringes, $1 regular Now 65c Aprobar JOc Cigars, Now 5c Every Day Prices Cut Prices on Patent Medicines $ireruna 74C $1 Hawley 's Catarrh Cure 70C $1 Swamp Root 80C 35c. Castoria (genuine) 24C 25c. Carter's Little Liver Pills. . . . 1 5C All (1 Asthma Cures 85C $1 Piorce'i Golden Discovery 75C $1 Pieice'a Favorite Prescription. 75C 25c. Porous Plasters 1 fJC $1 Pinkham's Vegetable Comp'nd 74C 25c. Pierce's Pellets 15C $1 Shopp'a Medicines 85C 25c. Pears' Soap 15C $1 Paine's Celery Compound 80C 30c. Fry's Squirrel Poison 20C 50c. Waklee's Squirrel Poison .... 30C $1 Wood's Sarsaparilla only 55C (1 Red Line Sarsaparilla . . . .only 60C 25c. Condition Powders 20C U Tansy Pills 85C 25c. Cuticura Soap 18c 50c. Electric Bitters 40C $1 Electric Bitten 80C Snaps in Cameras and Supplies (8 Cyclone Magazine, almost new 5.00 (1 Brownie Camera 80 120 Premo"A" 15.00 Stamp Card Mounts per doz, 5C Brownie" " extra fine, " IOC An endless variety of 4x5 and 5x7 mounts all colors, at special prices. Druggists' Sundries Sponges, usual price 5c, cut price 4C Sponges, 10c regular now 5C Tooth Brushes, 10c, 15c, 20c, 25c 35c regular j now 5o , 10c, 15c, 25c. Knives and Razors, reduced from 10 to 20 per cent. See our Guaranteed Razor 1 50 Sulphur, . 5c lb. Telly Beans, 15c lb. Moth Balls, 10c lb. Toilet Paper, 4c roll 7 for 25c Box Stationery, 10c box Envelopes, 2 pkg. 5c CUT GHARMAN & CO. CITY DRUG STORE PRICE RELIABLE DRUGGISTS Phone 13. Mail Orderr Solicited.