1 OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAY, JUNE 27, 1902. j COSRSSPOXDENCS ioooooooooeooeooooooooooso Clarield. We had some rain on the 23il, which vas much needed, and the prospects or more in the near future 1 oka encour ging. Since we last paw anything in the lourier-Herald, "Uncle Ben Torter'a onse, wcodshed and lien house have urned, rniiBuniirg nearly everything e had lie has taken phis abode at 'otn Ilnxley's. John Honehon has been doing some ork on the road. John knows the lick ytie work is .;one wilh. It is reported that Ed Noble has got en the contract to carry the mail on route from Currinsville to Garfield. Work has again begun at the pro posed power plant on the Clackamas- The piospect for an electric car line looks considerable brighter than it has or awhile. The funeral of Mr and Mrs Davis' lit le girl was held at Mount Z. on church i week ago today ' The cause of her death was heart failure. Evergreen. We are enjoying a pleasant shower this afternoon, which will be a great lenefit to thesga rdens. Those who attended the ice cream so .rial at Glad Tidinga last Friday had a very enjoyable time. R E Yoder returned to Portland last Wednesday, and took up his work at the Portland restaurant. Misses Ida Yoder and Maud Yoder ire home from Monmouth, where they ittended school. Miss Flora Jones, of Salem, was a pleasant visitor in the neighborhood. David Hefl'ner's wife and children ar rived from the East today. R E Yoder and sister, Rose, took sup uer at A J Yoder's one evening last week. A J Yoder is improving in health after several weeks' sickness. Miss Flora Yoder is able to be out again. L H Yoder and sister, "Flora, went to riilverton Sunday to visit L Q Bowers, Miss A'.ice Wyland was a pleasant Visitor at Fred Watson's one evening last week. Jim Watson is at home this week. He fays breaking colts is easy work. MUees Ida Yoder and Flora Jones vis ited nt Fred Watson' last Sunday. Misses Hilton and Mitts, of Needy, "were visiting at Mr Schwartz's Sunday. J 8 yoder dressed six hogs for the market this evening, and will ship them to Portland . Miss Eva Sconce visited Nell Yoder last Tuesday. Ginger. Beaver Luke. We again come to the front to let the World know that we are still in the land of the living, and think ourselves worthy .ntermixing with the outer world. Haying has already commenced in this section. There will be a meeting held at the Beaver Lake school Iioubb July 13, at 10 o'clock for the purpose of organizing a Sunday school. All parents of children whojare inteiested are invited to at tend. J W Inman, of Salem, was Jiauling lumber in this section one day last week. Bert Wade was exercising hia wheel one day last week. Ben Thomas and wife of Missouri Town, were visitors at Wilhoit Sunday last. Bert Wade and 0 W South had the misfortune, while out canvassing, to be misdirected and eeutto Herman's place, Which iB near Teasol Creek. Altogether the mistake was highly appreciated, as the place abounded with pretty girls and good ripe cherries. Whether it was a mistake or done intentionally I could not say. What about it, Bert? Bert Wade, Ed Dodson and lion. 0. W. South, of Lebanon, made Mr Grimm very pleasant call Sunday last. The day was spent in sparring contests, sing ing and baseball until 5 o'clock when guests bade their host adieu and de parted for their respective homes. Country Hayseed. Mountain View, Sunshine and showers this week, also very warm. F A Ely has returned from California and says that he is satisfied with Ore gon. Charlie and Clyde May, who have been in Eastern Oregon, are here visit lug among relatives and friends. Don Dickey iB hauling poles for the new electric line. J W Ourrinhas loBt his bird dog,which no doubt has been poisoned. Miss Belle Kedner, of Portland, is in this burg this week working in the in terest of the Order of Lions. Mrs Smalley and children went to Salem thii week to visit her parents, Mr and Mrs Good. Mrs Frank Albright linn a severe at tack of quinsy, and Mrs Nelson 1b wait ing on her. Mr Ram bo and datv Her, of Olyuipia, Wash, are visiting with m- mother, Mrs Kaya. The Fourth of July w i d soon be here. If it 1b warm we will rel.bh ice cream and lemonade. There will be preaching at the church (gain next Sunday at 3:"0. Sauna. Meadowbrook, Metulowbrook 1b not dead. Hit has not made its appearance for awhile. Mr Guild has relumed home altera trip to his ranch in Washington, He was accompanied home by Ralph llol man, who will spend awhile on the place. Mr and Mrs R P Cooper mid O T Kay were in Oregon City Saturday. T B Orem and wife, Jasper Trullinger and family and the Mires Inez and Lena Kay visited A L l.arkina' folks Sunday. John Pennieon recently purchased a a new buggy and harness. R I1 Cooper iB preparing for a new chop mill. W Standinger was in town. Monday. Mr Fishburn, who had his foot cut, is rapidly recovering. It Snodcrasa has a new horse. 1)11 Loonoy and wifo were in town Saturday with a load of hay. Mrs Cooper and daughter, Hazel, vis ited Mrs Guild Thursday last. Quite a delightful surprise party was iiivenatthe home of Mr and Mrs TR Orem In honor of MraOrem's 70th birth day. A sumptuous dinner waa served. There were 36 pres"nt as fol lows: Mr and Mrs Orem. A I. Larking, wife anil family, Mr Coop r, wife and family, Mr 01 'rke, wife' and family, Mr Evans and daughters. Mr Mar's and wifp, Mrs Myers and family. Mr Scandingar, wife and daughter and JIr Bonacher. La'e in the evening the gimsts departed wishing Mrs Orein nmny more such birthdays. She received many pres ents Mr Ilenrierohot went to Molalla Tues day on business. Misses Lena Ka.v and Minnie Trul linger culled - on Mrs 8:iodgrans and daughters Sunday afternoon , R P JUooper and family visited Mr Larsen and fajnily Sunday. Topsy Sandy . Everyme welcomes the ruin. The casket and iee cream gonial given by the school last Saturday night was a grand success. A very appropriate pro gram was rendered, which was applauded to by a large audi nee The proceeds netted $2150, with which a bell will be procured for the school house. Joseph Banhmmn, daughters, Lydia and Collie, and sons, oi .Sloan, attended the school entertainment. Mra Forbean'B health has been im proving rapidly. Rev Koppelman whs called on to preach a funeral sermon at Damascus Sunday. Tom Brown, superintendent of the fish hatchery at Salmon River, was a visitor in Sandy Monday. j((ltChflb BUGGIES. Give better Ratlsfartton than anything on the market at anything like the price, be cause they are niaite of good material, to stand "Oregon roads" Iron corners on bodies, braces on shafts, heavy second growth wheels, screwed rims. If you want to feel sure that you are getting your mon ey's worth, ask for a "Bee Line" or a "Mitchell1' (lienuey) Buggy. We guar antee them. MHcholl, Lewis 6 Stave Co. Seattle, Spokane, Boise. Portland, Or. Send for Special Catalogue Free MITCHELL, LEVIS & STAYER CO. First and Taylor Sts., Portland, Ore. Branches Houses at Seattle, Spokane, Boise, Salerh and Medford Agricultural Implements, Vehfcles, Harness and Bicycles v Mention this Paper AMERICAN CREAM SEPERATOR I Fully ' ":):l'v':j'; 5 :' Guaranteed ' Easiest Cleaned '-tL,!.- ' of Any i--Bras. Close ' f Skimmer ' ltfl Litfht t f Running !TS Durable F l Catalogue ffvf The new church is rapidly gaining construction. It will tie opened June 29. August Hornecker returned returned to Eastern Oregon for a short time. The spring term of school here will close Friday with appropriate exetcise-. It ia probable that there will he a fall term this year. Great preparations are being made for the grand celebration, which wi l be held in Sandy July 4th, Colton. Haying has begun in Colton, hence those gathering clouds and the clL'k of the mower are sure to bring rain. Mrs Oliver ,of Mt Baker, was the guest of of Mra Gorbett last Sunday. Mr Woodruff and wife were visiting at the Stromgreen residence on the 2M. Press and Fannie Bonney spent the day with Mr and Mrs A B Countryman last Sunday. Quite a crowd of Coltoniti8 attended the picnic at Elwood o:i the 20ih and report a pleasant time. Mr Wilsou ia painting the school house. MrGotbett and wue have gone to, Oregon City to attend the lUptist Aeeo-1 ci"'10"' ..,,.,. , , I ueorge ana (amine ubi y, .i Aee.iy, spent a iew uays uere i..hi wet vm nag relatives and catching trout. Alva Clark has gone to Portland to visit his mother, who U cpiite sick. Mr Carlson made a living trip to Port- and last Saturday to brirg home his uuiiglitej, Miss Gertie, wiio visiting there (or somo time, Highland, has been The Highland people are reviving a j great blessing in the shapa of an O.e- gon mist for which we are thauk ful. ' Willie Mayfield is on the sick list. Bill Buckner, of this hurg, went out to church Sunday evening. Mies Ethel Cummins, who has been staying in town learning the dressmak ing trade, is out home now to stay till after the Fourth. Curtis Kandie, who has been quite sick, is able to be around again. George Miller, of Highland Grange, celebrated Children's day Saturday, June 21st. Quite a number of visitors were present. Among them was Rev. Short of Salem. Flora's day program was rendered in the foienoon in charge of Blanche Miller, "Flora" protem. We had a excellent dinner, which waR much enjoyed by all. . In the afternoon the following program was rendered : Recitation, Cora Larkins, Zelma Cum mins, Milton Miller, and Maud Booker. Song, by the four Mountain Home girls. Recitation, Laura Gard, Frank Book er, Lula Miller and Stella Larkins. Song, Essie Gard. Recitation, Miss Surface, Vernon Lar kins, Nettie Miller and Tressie Cuming. Recitation, Miss Berger, Clay Miller, Emma Freeman and Willie Mclntyre. Closing gong by the grange. Ginger Snap. WUaonullle. The A O U W lodge is preparing to have a big time on the Fourth. The new hall in VViUon ville is near ing completion. A grand opening ball will be given next Saturday evening. The Star of Stars Wind Mill Has bsll beartngb In turn table. Turns freely to the wind. Ball bearing thrust in wheel, insuring lighest running qual- Itles, and reserving greatest amount of power for pumping. Galvanized after making. Put together with galvanized bolts, double nutted, no part can rust or get loose and rattle. Weight regulator; pertect regulation. No spring to change tension with evevy change of tempera ture, and grow weaker wit ve. Repairs always on hand. These things are worth money to you. Then why not buy a Star. Simple Stave Gasoline Engine la, 3, 4 and 6 H. P., Plain and Pumping. Simplest En gine made. More easily un derstood than any other. Catalogue Free. ssxs The new drug store is nearing com pletion . Mr Swartz has bought a new mower. Mr and Mrs Gage, of Stafford, passed through Wilsonville on Wednesday. John Rose, of Shedds, Ore, was back iu Wilsonville last week on a short visit. Shorty. Needy. Miss Mae Kinzer gave a birthday dance at Independence hall Saturday night in honor of her 19th bir hday. At 9:30 Rile Garrett and J G Noe struck up the grand march, which was led by MiBS Kinder and Lee Fish followed Misa W Elliot aud A Elliott. A prize waa given to the best lady land gentleman waltzer and was carried away by Miss A Ritter and P Schneider. The hostess was the recipient of many pretty presents. A doll was among them. There were 75 guests present, and after dancing until 2 o'clocK a m.all departed declaring they had epeut a most enjoyable evening. A Gl'EST. 11 a rke. VVe Rre fttl gltd t0 see thia cowe to make the g!meU8. Mr. Elmer and family were shower visiting reiative8 at Molalla Sunday. Grandpa Plueard is on the sick list, and has not enjoyed good health for the past three months. He is now 77 years of age. Mrs. Baker is ahl to be out again af ter a spell of i-ickness. 1 Miss Marie Edceeomh was out for a bit'vclt' rid Hut Sunday. Mr. Frank ills came back from Washington last Tuedav. Mr. James Hunt of Washington was eet" coining toward Clarkes at the rate of ten miles an hour.- 1.. - Having A Good Time. La6t Monday the old and capacious! school house in district No. 33, was filled by a motly crowd to witness the school board pull off the annual school election, as there are visually lively times on such occasions, and not infrequently a wild and violent display of Athletics, accom panied by adjectheeof no uncertain meaning. Aside from these amusements there is much more interest taken in school election than there is in that of county or etate, as the position of sctrool officer is much sought after, being con sidered as far above the common county officer us the tower of Piea is above a bole in the gr und. The people have trood reasons for taking a livtly interest in their school as it has turned out some of the best teachers out of school, all of which no doubt tends o equip the em bryo American citizen to make a success in the world. , Promptly at 2 p. m. the board called order. The all important business of the day was electing one director and one school clerk for ti e ensuing year. The clerk read some instructions from the county superintendent to procedure in the election, and the board was unani mous in the opinion that they could make neither head, nor tail to them. After some complimentary remarks about a legislature making laws that none could understand two heavy-weight republicans ere pitted against each other for director.and this fairly brought up the question of who were legal voters. An unusual display of oratory and wise Was ons Best possible to build No wagon Is or cau be better than a Mltnhell because the cream of wood stock is used, only afl ter being thoroughly seasoned. The wagon Is wel ironed, well painted, well proportioned, and run8 the ligheBtof any It Is nearly 70 years since the first Mitchell wag, on was built, and they have been built continu ously ever since by the Mitchells. When you buy ft Mitchell you get the benefit of this 70 years' experience. Champion in name J.1L111.JLI. XX bXXV XXVI VI M DRAW CUT MOWER It beats them all. That's all there is to say. Same with the CHAMPION BINDER and CHAMPION RAKE. Catalo'gue Free. observations was the the result, and the board was all at sea as to what was best to do. It waa all settled off hand by a much bewhiskered and wild looking individual from Sleepy Hollow, who juat then awoke. After adjusting several red handkerchiefs about his throat, he de clared he had Been Governor Geer about it and that no man could vote who waa not a father and forthwith challenged several dudeB from Portland, who hap pened to be present. After much delib eration the board decided that it was most likely all present were fathers and that it would entail much expense on the district to hire detectives to find out who were not fathers. It was then put to a vote and all were Batisfied with the ruling. '1 he board was sustained, and du lea and all were permitted to vote, whereupon ballots were cast for one director, and as usual in such cases one won and the other lost. Next the old clerk was turned down by the handkerchief clan for one of their own ilk, one whose social standing in the district could not be called in question. The result on this vote being very close, and several little girls voting, the bandanna men won out amid thun ders of applause, this being the much coveted position as giving tone to the new administration and fairly launching the district on that high moral wave, t has vainly sought for these many weary yeara. Brotherly love character ized the men present at the meeting, the ladies kissed and smiled, the knights of the handkerchief gave several knowing winks, and one or two of the boldest gve several Indian war whoops, as they disappeared in the woods. OAOTOTIIA. Se&n th ) li Yoa Hare Hlwars Bagfl '''?;?x ' . "bbAW HUT W 1 Union Hall. The blind musicians, Messrs. Charles Nevergall and Thomas Winesett, gave an entertainment in Union Hall last Saturday evening, June 21st. The ex cellent program was highly appreciated by all those present. The blind boys intend to travel over the greater part of the 6tates of Washington, Idaho and Montana, besides the whole of Oregon. It is to be earnestly hoped that they will meet with success and secure the funds to establish a home in Portland for the blind. They wa it a place where the bliud can be taught some practical oc cupation. May success crown their ef forts in their noble work is the wish of their many friends. Mike Huiraa and family and Joseph Perringer and family last Sunday. Mrs N Burns and Nancy Thomas vis ited relatives here last Saturday and Sunday. Sam Wilkerson and family, who came from Iowa about one year ago, have moved over on the coast near Tillamook. Mr Wilkerson and his two stepsons in tend to work on a dairy farm. Chas Thomas called on J H Burns last Sunday. N Eliza Burns was the guest of Mr Net tie Riggs last Wednesday. Miss V Jones, of South Carua, was f"e guest of Mary Molzan last Saturday night. John Burns is doing some brush cut ting for L Rigga. ' J L Thomas went to Portland last Monday on business. Backwoods. Musse'lvllle. Mr WinKfield, wife and daughter made Mr and Mrs Moore a pleasant call a few days ago. We are having a pleasant call of rain, and hope it will remain. Following were the callers at the Moody home&U' day: Mr Wingfield.wife and ;daughter, Mr Trullinger, wife and son, Jake Harlebs and Mrs E Harless and daughter. Misses Moody made Mr Moore and wife a pleasant call Sunday Mrs Boswell has returned home from Illinois, where she had been on a visit for some time. The people of Russellville are wanting rain, as the late crops are suffering. Mrs McLeran had the misfortune to be in a tunaway. There were two other persons in the vehicle and were all hurt. Some of the roadwbrk has been sus pendeded until the fall. Elder Moore, of Molalla, will preach at the school house, known as the Ogle or Samson school house on the first Sun day in July at 11 o'clock, also at Mon itor Mills in the near future. Mr Shepard had a turkey find on Sun day last a bouncing big boy. Russell ville keeps ahead. Elder Rich, of Sandy, wat in our burg recently. May Flower. Itedland. Mr Editor Will you please correct an error in last week's is-sue? In regard to district tax it should read 2 mills in- stead of 42. j The people of this place and surround ing ueignoornooas are going to celebrate on a small scale or large scale, "just as you look at it," in the grove back of the Bethel church. Good music will be furnished, and a grand time is expected by all. Don't foiget to bring a well filled basket. NH Smith is completing an up-to-date milk house. Take a look at it and get some po nters. J Gaskell ia working for W H Bonney at present. Anyone wanting any pointers about hiving bees, call and see John. B W Hart is expected home from Pu eblo, Col, about June 30. Hood Vuiv. Miss Ellen Brobst i home from For- i est Grove, where Bhe has been attend j ing Pacific University Allison Baker was down from Leban- for a days last week. Belle Jones was clown from McMinn ville Sunday. Rey and Mr J M Barber returned from Michigan Saturday evening after an absence of three months Mrs Bar ber is much improved in health. They report having had a very pleasant vaca tion, but were very glad to get back here. The Children's day exercise at the Hood View church June 22, were very largely attended and a good program was rendered. Will Barber went to Portland Satur day on his wheel. Everybody come to Wilsonville on tha 4th of July and enjoy yourself. There will be a big dance in the new hall at night. William KakriU, of Portland, waa in our vicinity Sunday. , School Meport. Following is the report of school dis trict No 93. (Oak Grove) f r the months of May and June: May No. days taught during month, 20. No. pupils eurolled, 20. Average daily attendance, 23. Cases of tardiness, 0. Those who were neither absent nor tardy during the month were Sophia and Lena Stier.Eva Graves, Rosa Eaton, Willie Damm, Pierce Wrights Following were the visitors: Miss Emma Damm, Mrs Oren Wright, Mrs P M Graves. June No. days' taught. 19. No. pupils remaining enrolled, 23. Average daily attendance, 19. Cases of tardiness. 2. Those who were neither absent nor tardy during the last month are Cicero Grimm, Eva Graves, Ross Eaton, Willie Damm, Berthens Howard. Following were the visitors: Charlie Morris, Otis Morris,Otis Morris, Colum bus Cox, Miss Emma Damm and Miss Emma Stier. Those who were present every dav during the term were Ross Eaton and Willie Damm. School closed with an entertainment and basket social in the evening for the benefit of a Daseball nine just organized here. Robert Giktuer, Teacher. Filthy Temples in India. Sacred cows often defile Indian tem ples, out worse yet is a body that's pol luted by constipation. Don't permit it. Cleanse your system with Dr. King's New Life Pills and avoid untold misery. They give lively livers, active bowels, good digestion, fine appetite. Onlv 2uc at Geo. A. Harding's drug store. ray (w.-ica'M;'jt.L&-"i'--Kaxv-x.3,33ci "My hair was falling out and turning gray very fast. But your a restored the natural color." Mrs. E. Z. Benomme, Conor s, N. Y. It's impossible for you not to look old, with the color of seventy years in your hair ! Perhaps you are seventy, and you like your gray hair! If not, use Ayer's Hair Vigor. In less than a month your gray hair will have all the dark, rich color of youth. Ji.uO a bottle, All druggists. If vonr (irueeist cannot skdpIv you. send u? erne dollar and we will express yon a bottle. Be sure mid J?ive the name bf your nearest expreFH office. Address, My little son had an attack of whooping cough and was threatened with pneu monia; but for Chamberlain's Cough Remedy we would have had a serious time of it. It also saved him frou sev eral severe attacks of croup. H. J Strickfadden, editor World-Herald, Fair Haven, Wash. For sale by G. A. Hard ing. For biliousness use Chamberlain's Stomach & Liver Tablets. They cleanse the stomach and regulate the liver and bowels, effecting a quick and permanent cr.re. For sale by b. A. Harding. Happy Tima in Old Town. "We felt very happy," writes R. N. Bevill, Old Town. Va., "when Bucklen's Arnica Salve wholly cured our daughter of a bad case of scald head." It delights all who use it for Cuts, CorMs. Burns,, Bruises, Boils, Ulcers. Eruptions. In fallible for Piles. Only 25c at Geo. A. Harding's drug store. A Massachusetts nurse confesses to 31 ranrderB by giving morphine. King Edward's condition is decidedly improved, and he may live. Roosevelt defends Wood, Taft and Root in a spech at Harvard. Indiana and Ohio are visited by tor nadoes. , John D Fain, a Champoeg, Or., mer chant, is assassinated. Official canvass of the vote in Oregon in June, Convicts Tracy and Merrill are seen near Castle Rock, Wash. Governor Geer will call special legis tion cession. Wood Wanted IS Parties desiring to contract for wood in lots of fifty cords and upwards call at woolen mills. Oregon City Mfg. Co. Constipation Does your head ache ? Pain back of your eyes? Bad taste in your mouth? It's your liver ! Ayer's Pills are liver pills. They cure constir pation, headache, dyspepsia. 25c. All druggists. Want your moustache or beard a beautiful brown or rich black? Then use DnniiMfnuM'p rwctorthe DUUMilUriHlM O HI L Whiskers 80 ct. Of DnuQGis-rs, o R. p. Hail Co., n.shu, N.H. S For years I had been a sufferer with chronic Btomach troubles, pressure of gas and aistress of my bowels. I con tracted what the doctors pronounced a low type of malaria. I could not take solid food at all, and only a very little of the lightest of diet would create fever and vomiting. The drug gist Bent rue a box of Kipans Tabnles, saying be sold more Ripanstban any thing else for Btomacn troubles. I not only found relief, but believe I have been permanently cured. At druggists. The Five-Cent packet is enough for an or dinary ocassion. The lamily bottle, 60 cents, contains a supply for a year. In every town Xraarn may be had that makes your "horses glad. Mode by Standard 011 Co. I NEWS OF THE WEEK. R PAN K- 'in urn iilica Axle Greass