Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, June 20, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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p i e
(Continued from page 1.)
A W Clienev, election .
Volumes, at times, of woman's happi
less or misery. The dull, sunken eye,
vith its dark circles almost surely speaks
f womanly ill-health, and its attendant
mffering. With the dull eye goes usu
illy the sallow, sunken cheek, the drawn
nouth, the shrunken form the whole
;lory of woman's beauty marred by the
jffects of disease.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription cures
:he diseases which undermine the health
md mar the beauty of women. It estab
lishes regularity, dries weakening drains,
leals inflammation and ulceration, and
:nres female weakness.
Sick women are invited to consult Dr.
Pierce by letter free, and so obtain the
idvice of a specialist upon their disease.
All correspondence is strictly private
ind sacredly confidential. Address Dr.
R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
"With pteasiire I send a few linen to let you
know that I feel much better than for eight
vear before taking your medicine," writes Mrs.
Pierce Geise, of 822 Went Phila. Street, York. Pa.
"Will recommend Dr, Pierce's medicine to every
oerson who may inquire as to what it has done
for me. I was troubled with female weakness,
and began to think I would never be well. If I
had continued the treatment prescribed by my
doctor I don't know what would have become of
me. When your treatment was commenced my
weight was 108 pounds, at present it is 130.
Have healthy color and my friends say I look
well. My best thanks to you and my best
wishes, too, for what you have done for me."
"Favorite Prescription" makes weak
women strong, sick women well. Accept
no substitute for the medicine which
works wonders for weak women.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cleanse
the clogged system from accumulated
Hiw Goods Jlrr'winq
Daily, at tle
Fair torc
Muslin, 3c.
Stereoscope and 50 Views, $1.60
"Princely" Golf and Working Shirt,
best made, $1 in Portland; 65c,
Pompadour Combs and Hair r-
naments, very latest
Valenciennes Lace for Ruffles, ic.
a yard.
Straight Front Corsets, 49c.
Colored Mercerized Underskirts
for 79c. ,
ansoos Embroidery, 5c per yard.
Bone a rod Aluminum Hair Pins,
' 5c. per doz.
Pearl Shirt Buttons, all sizes, Sc.
per doz.
Ladies' Summer Undervests, 5c.
Ladies' Black Hose, 5c.
Ladies' and Children's Handker
chiefs, two for 5c.
J.adies' White Aprons, 15c.
Ladies: CiUly Made Dress Skirts,
Colors Satin Ribbon, 4c. a yd.
Tailor Made Suits, $7.75.
Girdle Corsets, 49c.
Torchon Lace, six yds. for 5c
191 00
10 00
7 00
27 00
8 40
cannot be enjoyed in a basin of limited
capacity nor where the water supply and
temperature is uncertain by reason of
defective plumbing or heating apparatus.
To have both put in thorough working
order will not prove expensive if the
work ia done by
Elmer Dixon, election
Cicero Larkins, election
SJ Vaughn, muv, $10; slifF, $17
lied Front Trading Co, pauper. . .
loin P Randall, reeoider 17 00
H H Johnson, surveyor 19 50
Eli Williams, assessor 96 00
J (i Porter, assessor 51 00
Anna Williams, assessor 40 00
G E Ramaby 46 00
L K Willums 09 00
J C Haines, J P Dist 2 3 50
E P Hands, enpt 24 00
1 Selling, Pauper. .. . 6 75
Edward Holinan Co, pauper 2 00
G D & D C Latourette. 117 25
Frank Busch, court house 1 15
Mrs C J Parker, pauper 3 85
T L Turner, road survey 3 85
Geo Prosse. , road survey 3 85
J J Cooke, jiil 21 43
O C Enterpiiee, county printing 55 00
" . " stationery 125 75
Good Samaritan Hob, pauper. ... 17 00
C N Greeninan, election 1 00
Otto Meinig, election 4 00
J C Zinser, supt. . 10 67
Alice Zinser, eupt 12 00
A M Vinyard, Iuq Burt Batty, cor 1 90
Claik Terry 1 90
Henry Evans 1 90
L Grazier 1 90
Clias i , Wait 1 40
H A Dedman 1 40
Andrew Kocher 1 40
James Evans 1 40
Wilson Evans 1 40
F A Sleight 1 40
John W Loder 8 70
M C btrickland 33 70
C W Bagby, pauper 8 50
M M Cooper, election, $12; elk $8 20 00
Robt Morris, election 7 00
Peter Nehren, insane 2 00
W H Cooke, shff, $36; tax sff $20 66 00
Ina M Chase, tax, sheriff 40 50
Ina M Chahe, election 14 25
8 K Morton, bdg, $6 ; com, $14. . . 20 00
T B Killen, bdg, $9; com, $16.20 25 20
A L Stokes, election 2 00
John Lewellen, bdg, $18 ; com $12 o0 20
J E Jack, election 25
C K Ballard, insane 50
W A Holmes, election 50
E A Sommer, insane 10 00
WECarll 15 00
W L Midlam, Canemah, 2 days,
2 miles, election " .. 6 20
John Carothers, election 6 00
Fred Painter 6 00
W A Hedges 6 00
R II Taber 6 00
A Rakel 6 00
T M Long 5 00
Geo Ely, OC No 3 3 00
Fred Simmons 3 CO
F M Darling 3 00
W W Aldredge 3 00
F Redner 3 00
S Francis 3 00
C W Friedrichs, 2 miles, election 3 20
J D Renner V 3 00
E P Elliott 3 00
A II Kleinsmith 3 00
II Brandt 3 00
J W Grout 3 00
John Green 2 00
D E Frost 2 00
M MoGeehan, Maple Lane, 2 da.. 6 00
A Mautz 6 00
J B Jackson 6 00
John Darling, 6 miles 6 60
W i Harris 6 00
E W Randolph 6 00
James Shely 5 00
C T Howard, Milk Creek 6 00
W A Woodsides 6 00
Ala Larkins, 20 miles 8 00
R Goucher 6 66 '
John Deniso'n ft nn I
John Evai s 6 00
Ed Trullinger 5 00
C CBabcock, O C No 2 3 00
Eli Maddock 3 00
J E Hedges 3 00
F W Greenman 3 00
John F Clark 3 00
Clias W Kelly 3 00
E P Rands 4. 3 00
A S Dresser 3 00
David Caudeld, 2 miles 3 20
S 8 Walker 3 00
J P Keating. 3 00
Forbes Prait 3 00
E 11 Burghardt, Damascus 6 00
J E Seifer, 20 miles 8 00
E R Johnson 6 00
II Breithaupt 6 00
F M Osbnru 6 00
Win Ulrieh 6 00
John C Rover 6 00
G W Scramlin, Macisburg, 28 mi 8 80
A Klebe 6 00
ADGribble 6 00
A 11 Reynolds 6 00
O 11 Wright .' 6 00
John Murdock 6 00
Frank Matthews 5 00
W H Marvin, Killin, 46 miles. ., 10 60
S R Taylor ( 6 00
Andrew Anderson 6 00
H M Robbing 0 00
HO Grimm 6 00
John Wacthraan. 600
Wall Paper and
Lieno Wall Finish
a permanent sanitary and fire pi'ool
wall coating,
Superior to KnVminc, Ala-
bastinc or Gyts iv. Licno
works perfectly when all others
fail. At
Shank & Bissells,
Call or l'hone for Wall Taper Samples.
lib St. near Wain Ztl. 411
Btftnnlnf Monday, Juna So, win tx con
tacted in on of th rooma of tht Port
au4 Dostum College corner Fax im
Wfcsfclnston otrtcta, Xt wlU t strictly
sbool of study, deitirned U aid teacbera
tlgtiar pmdet ia tbo Aturost axamlna
tea. rurtbor purUcuUxa oa application.
Tt rorOand Bnataea CaUr ta opt an
to r&r. etudenta may antat at any
0m. (or apaolal brancb or a ragutaf
aura, and raeetra Indhrtdaal or claat to.
atrpctlon, aa preferred, CM or on4 fcJ
amtaaosa Imta waat aad bow n touda,
A, P. ArautNB Lb ft, rrimeJtMfc
Bmi-1 tht
lh Kind You Haw lwars Boitft
Mart Robbing 4 00
1) McArthur, New Era, 12 miles 7 20
RobtKelland 6 00
J S Mattock 6 00
GeoBlanchard 6 00
Gilbert Randall 6 00
FredChinn 6 00
Elmer Vetetto 4 00
M A Warner
J T Drake, Mariiuara 6 00
1) R Hubbard, 50 miles 11 00
M D Leabo 6 00
FLSkirvin 6 00
Wallace Albright 6 00
W W Doorea 5 00
A Myers 5 00
Fred' 'jerber, Harding, 2J miles., 8 00
J C Suraguo 6 00
Fred Gae
RaleiL'b Hok'omb.
G H Webster
G Millard
Alex Thompson
W A Mills, 9 miles
Otto Gan(jRlhith
Michael Gall'iiey
Fred Zinser
Lone Star Lodge
Willis Irnel..
E E Jndd, Molalla
M S H ungate, 32 miles
O W Robbins
VV W Everbart
Wm Mackrell T
J RCole
Charlie Daugherty
H S Ramsby
Allen Wells
W O Vaughan
Wm fitandinger ....
J W Thomas
J V Harless
Harvey Gibson, Eagle Crk, 42 mi
J W Doty
H Hoffmeister
Noah Heiple
J E Burnett
Chas Vancuren "
Gus Burnett
Albert Crossan, Soda Springs. . . .
T W McLeran I
0 S Boyles, 50 miles
A V Davis ..
L O Nightingale
Scott Carter
1 A Marts
Ed Bates, Garfield
D M Marshall, 44 miles
John Duns
Ed Linn
R G Palmateer
CC Miller
School Dist, 12
H Epperson
J E Mitts, Needy, 30 miles
J 8 Yoder
CW Noblitt
I J Bigelow
J D Ritter
Frank Fiscb
Wm Thompson
Herman Lins, George, 50 miles..
Hans Klinker
Peter Held
Peter Paulsen
John Smidt
E Neilzmann
Frank Arndt
Henry Melvin, Barlow
W W Jesse
L E Armstrong, 24 miles
W S Tull
R Zimmerman
Chrin Kocher
MrsM W Shepard
J W Covey
F F Seelv, Pleasant Hill
JN Wood
S M Kelso, 30 miles:
John Hoffman
Albert Campbell
C I Calkins
Chas Baker
G A Schuebel, Beaver Crk, 12 mi
David Jones
Chas B .ker
EW Hornschuch
Emil Guenther
E F Guenther
E I Harrington, Highland, 28 mi
S Hutchinson
Michael Holland
G R Miller
Samuel Dunlap
E Hammette
C P Tahman
P E Bonney, Canyon Creek
David Robeson, 40 miles
W 11 Dix
W R Garrett
V S Dix ,.
J W Gerber
BC Palmer
Bert Palmer
Chas F Wagner, Tualatin, 20 mi
Fred Baker 4....
O P Sharp
Louis Toeddemeier
II A Kruae
B F Weddle
T L Turner
Henry McGugin, Bull Run
TB Phelps
W G Calvin, 24 miles
Adolph Aschoff
Asa Thomas
Harry Biamhall
Ed Andre
Frank Thomas
W 11 Boring, Boring
S E Card
W M Dean
Geo Epperson
C M Lake
N AemissHger, 30 miles
W A Hall
W W Tucker, Springwater
John T Myers
Ed Lacy
W J Lewellen, 40 miles
II R Dubois
Wm Bard
A Lacy
C W Armstrong, Canby
8 T Fisher
A Vineyard
C N Wait
W H Bair
II K Stogsdill
H A Lee
Wm Vorpahl, Cuby
R Fanton
A Shank
J II Shull
A Phelps
Wm Night
H O Gillmore
Silas D Hedges, Cherry ville, 70 m
w 11. weicn
Oliver Shidder
3 00
3 00
3 00
3 00
3 00
3 90
3 00
3 00
3 00
3 00
2 00
5 00
3 90
6 20
3 00
3 00
3 00
3 00
3 00
3 00
3 00
3 00
3 00
3 00
5 00
10 20
6 00
6 00
6 00
6 00
6 00
4 00
6 00
6 00
11 00
6 00
6 00
6 00
4 00
6 00
10 40
6 00
6 00
6 00
6 00
2 00
5 00
9 00
6 00
6 00
6 00
6 00
6 00
5 00
11 00
6 00
6 00
'6 00
6 00
6 00
4 00
6 00
6 00
8 40
6 00
6 00
6 00
2 00
4 00
6 00
6 00
9 00
6 00
6 00
6 00
5 00
7 20
6 00
6 00
6 00
6 00
6 00
5 00
8 80
6 00
6 00
6 00
6 00
6 00
5 00
6 00
10 00
6 00
6 00
6 (10
6 00
2 00
4 00
8 00
6 00
6 00
6 00
6 00
6 00
4 00
6 00
6 00
8 40
6 00
6 00
6 00
2 00
6 00
6 00
6 00
6 00
6 00
6 00
9 00
4 00
6 00
6 00
6 00
10 00
6 00
6 00
4 00
6 00
6 00
6 110
6 00
6 00
6 00
3 00
3 00
Im in ' imnrti
ri sr:! 31.1. ir
kl r jfM-'.-mH -a It!.-. .-"Vifiitii-
. 6 1 raV1iWVf.i,iJMtataft.M tV.awlSnt r'
J7 1 7
(11 , I-
i ' 5 ' 1 1 (M
Frank WilHon 6 00
W P Kirchem
6 00
O D Robbins 6 00
John Rowen 5 00
L il Kirchem 4 00
W M Stone, Viola 6 00
G Maylleld 0 00
W O Ward 6 00
D C Richardson 6 00
Wm Rutherford 6 00
G C Armstrong, 24 miles 8 40
Helen J Ward 2 00
Fred Walker 5 00
James Coon, Oswego, 10 miles. .. 7 00
P 11 .immermau 6 00
J C Haines 6 00
Albert Bullock 6 00
M A Coon . .
Hugh Baker
Oswego Grange, No 175.
6 00
6 00
11 W Koehler 5 00
8 20
6 00
6 00
6 00
6 00
6 00
Jacob Mile, Union, 22 miles.
G Muecke......
Isaac Miller....
ML White ,
Robt CriaseU...
Jonathan Wann.
M H Crissell 4 00
John Lander, Clackamas. .
3 00
John Gatl'ney 8 00
Thos Stone.
Wm Fegles
Ed Hopper
11 C Stevens, 0 C No 1
F A Toepleman
G R 11 Miller
Frank Confer
Shirley Buck
ErneBt Leighton ,
G W Church, 2 miles
ED Kelly
H W Trinibath
J W Church
E L MeFarland
Shirley Buck
J F Adams
J W Grasle, Milwaukie
Geo Huntley
Henry Thieeen
J ROattield
U G Starkweather
Albert J lleuneuiau
C K Ballard
A L Squires
T R A tiellwood, 16 miles
A R Diuiick
Wm Kuehl
John F KiBley
Theodore Uagenberger.
J A Dowling
J T Apperson, Abernethy, 4 nil.
5 00
13 00
6 00
6 00
6 00
6 00
6 00
3 00
3 00
3 20
3 00
3 00
3 00
3 00
3 00
2 00
3 00
3 00
3 00
3 00
3 00
8 00
3 00
3 00
4 20
3 00
3 00
3 00
2 50
2 60
3 40
The multiplication of the microbe is mar
velous. Competent authority asserts that
one of these minute creatureB will produce in
one day, if the conditions are favorable, some six
teen millions of "descendants, and in three days the
production will approximate fifty trillions. We
may compute the number but never comprehend
it. We have no concrete measure for such figures.
To apprehend in some measure the amazing rate and
rapidity of microbio increase remember that
in this twentieth century the population of
the entire world is figured at less than one
billion and a half.
The one emphatic point in this statement
of marvelous multiplication is this : " If the
conditions are favorable." The most danger
ous microbe cannot injure man unless the con
ditions are favorable. It is conceded that we inhale
these microbes every day without injury, that we
receive them into the body with the water we drink
and the food we eat and suffer no harm, the reason be
ing that the conditions are not favorable to microbio
propagation. It becomes a great question, therefore:
What are the conditions favorable to the propagation
of disease microbes in the human body ? The answer
is; unsanitary conditions. The same law rules the
blood that rules the brook : keep it pure and it ?s
healthful ; let it stagnate and become fouled with
decayed matter and it breeds disease. The prime
necessity for microbio reproduction is dirt,. Pirt
has been defined as "matter out of place." The
grease which collects in the kitchen sink is dirt, just
as much as the dust which accumulates in unswept
corners, and it seems perfectly proper in the scope
of this definition to speak of dirty blood.
If you want to keep your blood in condition un
favorable to microbio multiplication, get rid of the
dirt in your blood and keep rid of it. For it is, in
effect, the clogging and effete substances that foul the blood,
which form the breeding-ground of the disease microbe.
The best blood-purifying medicine, at any season of the year spring, summer,
autumn, winter is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. You don't have to
take it on trust. It has cured thousands of men and women of pimples,
blotches, salt-rheum, tetter, rheumatism, ulcers, sores, scrofula, and other forms
of blood disease, and cured them permanently.
For about one year and a half my face was very badly broken out," writes Miss Carrie
Adams, of 1 16 West Main Street, Battlecreek, Mich. "I spent a great deal of money with
doctors and for different kinds of medicine, but received no benefit. At last I read one of
your advertisements in a paper, and obtained a bottle of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis
covery. Before I had taken one bottle of this medicine I noticed a change, and after taking
three Dottles I was entirely cured. I can well recommend Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery to anyone similarly afflicted."
K I feel it my duty to write to you of the wonderful curative powers of your Golden Med
ical Discovery,' " writes Geo. S. Henderson, Esq., of Denaud, Lee Co., Florida. I had a
bad sore on my right ear and my blood was badly out of order. I tried local doctors but
with no good results.' Finally I wrote you the particulars in my case and you advised your
'Golden Medical Discovery,' which I began to take. From the first bottle I began to feel
better, and when I had taken eight bottles the sore healed up. I wish you success."
" For three years I have suffered with that dreaded disease eczema," writes Mrs. J. Koepp,
of Hermann, Oregon. "I was told to try Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, which I
did, and after I had taken fourteen bottles I was permanently cured. It has been a year
since I stopped taking your medicine and the disease has never appeared since. I think
your medicine a wonderful cure, and hope others suffering as I did, will take it and be
relieved of their suffering."
"I will forever thank ou for advising me to take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery,"
writes Mrs. Jas. Murphy, of Fonda, Pocahontas Co., Iowa. "It has cured me of chronic
scrofula of twelve years' standing. I had doctored for the trouble until I was completely
discouraged. I also had chronic diarrhea for twelve years. I am in good health now
better than I ever was in my life, owing to Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. I took
several bottles of the 1 Discovery ' before I stopped."
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, not only purifies the blood but by
enabling the perfect assimilation of food increases the nutrition which is con
veyed by the blood to every organ of the body, so producing vigorous and
robust health.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets assist the action of the " Discovery."
Accept no substitute for "Golden Medical Discovery." There is nothing
" just as good " for diseases of the stomach, blood and lungs.
fl fvlF" nSTEJT k DA Y. SavB one cent a day ton thlpty
UMC Cr&fWaT U m onQ days and n win onablQ you
to obtain the best modern medical work. Dr. Pierce's Common
Sense Medical Adviser, containing more than one thousand largo
pages and over 700 Illustrations, Is sent FREE on receipt of
stamps, to pay expense of mailing ONLY Send 31 one cent
stamps for the oloth-bound volume, or only 21 stamps for tho
book In paper'Coversm
Address i Dr. R. V. PIERCE, Duffalo, N. Y.
' ..-UK.'
J Huerth 3 00
Grant Olds 3 00
Jas Brown 3 00
Walter Holcomb 3 00
J P Miller 3 00
John Pace 3 00
W H Smith 3 00
F Parker 3 00
I D Tavlor 3 00
Ralph "Holmes 3 00
Bert Nash . . . 3 00
A F Parker 5 00
J II Wewer, Cascades 6 00
Peter T Hein 6 00
S I) Coalman 6 00
Albon Meinig, 44 miles 10 40
Ira R Dodge 6 00
Herman Bruns 6 00
P R Meinig 2 00
E A Revenue 5 00
J Humphry, West Oregon City. . 3 00
Ira Jones 3 00
Otto Olsen ',. 3 00
E Mass 3 00
William Davis 3 00
Millard Hvatt 3 00
G W Martin 4 00
O D Eby, election, fS ; clerk, $4. . 12 00
Edward Holman Co, pauper 3 00
Wellin Rauch, witness Circuit Ct 2 40
Eddie Himler 2 40
Hall Brown . 2 40
Ed Rauch 2 40
Al Lewis 2 20
Geo Gadke 2 20
F L Brown 2 40
Carl Butts 4 80
Louie Himler 2 40
Chas E Burns 2 20
Frank Brown 2 20
GW Church 2 20
J A Rover 4 00
J W McAnulty 2 40
(Continued next week.)
Oregon City
Second-Haml & Junk Store
Highest Prices Paid for Second-Hand
Goods, Hides, Junks, Metals of all
Kinds, Etc.
Second-Hand Goods Bought andjSotd
At all drug rtore.
25 Dm 25
Ring Phone 416 for Junk.
Sngarman & Co.
Wall Paper
Now is the time to buy your
wall paper and Murrow, the paper
hanger, will sell it to you cheaper
han you can buy it in Portland.
Drop a card in the postoffice and
have sample-book brought to your
house, or telephone Ely Bros.' store
J. MURROW, Oregop City
in ana ira nan mm osix
right's Disease.
The largest sum ever paid for a pie
scription. changed hands in San Fran
cisco, Aug. 30, 1901. The transfer in
volved in coin and stock $112,500.00 and
was paid by a party of business men for
a specific for Bright's Disease and Dia
betes, hitherto incurable diseases.
They commenced the series investi
gation of the specific Nov. 15, 1900.
They, interviewed ecores of the cured
and tried it out on its merits by putting
over three dozen cases on the treatment
and watching them. They also got phy
sicians to name chronic, incurable cases,
and administered it with the physicians
for judge,. . Up to Aug. 25, eighty-seven
per cent of the test cases were either
well or progressing favorably.
There being but thirteen per cent of
failures, the parties were satisfied and
closed the transaction. The proceed in gs
of ibe investigating committee and the
clinical reporti of the test cases were
published and will be mailed free on ap
plication. Address John J, Fulton
Company, 420 Montgomery St., Ban
Francisco, Cal. Charman & Co. are oar
cle agents in Oregon City.