OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAY, JUNE 20, 1902. I V .1 AVeeelablcPrcparationfor As similating iteFood andRegula liiig the S tomachs andBowels of Promotes Digestion,Cheerful ness andRest.Contains neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. RtapeeOldSrSAMVELPlTCIIER AlxJmnm Au sjo - Arult Sfd J-vpernmt -CivtanakSodOf f firm , Seed Clarified Suaar . Winttrynn Fkmr. A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions Jevensri- oess and Loss OF SLEEP. .i Tac Simile Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT COPrOF WRAPPEB. Good Literature 1? 4 t .4- pamphlets, folders, book lei., etc., Hie J " i JL A iiiUo It tasteiully got'en up md i i uuhle t. .r wha tliev contfin. II e i- h nutwi lirt AT - 1, I , v of n hRt M- CHAS. S. FEE, General Passenger U I lllllll Agent, St. Paul, Minn., will eei ..m . can-nil iy nulled, upoii n eeitit of pric-'S gi en .A i y pmiiiIh nation e in l e made, and money or express orders, silver or flump's will le accepted. Tliis is a fine opportunity to obtain good deecriiuvt reading matter iir little or nothing. Wonde, land 1901-1 An annr.a.w. blicatinn, beautifully illustrated In color nrni hull' tone. rI: is number treat particularly of the hislory nt 5tn Hie Northern Paciflo's Trademark, the ouster Battlefield in Six Cents MoiiLana, and the Yellowstone Park. Miniature Wonderland A neat and dainty publication containing a comvilete histjrv of the Northern Paciflo 1'rademark. The artistic oovers of the Wonderland, 1001 are used iu miniature. Wild Flowers from Yellowstone A book of proaspd wild flower"! from Yellowstone Park, showing the real flower in ihxlr natural eolor. A dainty Snd and beautiful souvenir m specimens of flowers and six F Ity Cents full p ne Illustrations of Par scenery. Yellowstone National Park A new 112 page book In strong, flexible covers. Rood paper, plain type, illustrated, pocket size, a . compendium jaud Twent. descriptive of the Woild's Wonderland. Cents Climbing Mount Rainier r ' An Illustrated pocket-size book, 72 paws, In strong, flexible Send covers, printed on heavy paper, We lustiest pean 111 the United glacial nature. I Virulent Cancer Cured. Startling proof of a wonderful advance In medicine ia given by Druggist Q. W. Roberta of Elizabeth, V. Va. An old man there had long suffered vwith what good doctors pronounced incurable can cer. They believed his case hopeless till he used Electric Bitters and'applied Bucklin's Arnica Salve, which treat ment completely cured him. When Electric Bitters are used to expel bilious, kidney and microbe poisons at the same time this ealve exert? its matchless heal ing power, blood diseases, skin erup tions, ulcers and sores vanish. Bitters 50c, Salve 25c at George A Harding's. P. CiSO.Sy. Co. 25c is the regular Sunday round trip rate between Oregon City and Portland. Get your tickets at Harding's drug store." From Hot to Cold. . Dysentery is prevalent everywhere in Bummer and is due to miasmatic poisons, and begins abruptly with inflammation of the mucous lining of the large bowel In America the disease is common, but properly treated does not result asserU ously as in Tthe tropics. Perry Davis Painkiller is the best known remedy and the mostelhcacious in the treatment of.dysentery. Free Embroidery. Learn to embroider correctly by the Japanese method, A class of six will be given 12 lessons free. Leave name and addrees at Adams Bros. Golden Rule BjMar. STOPS THE COFGH AND WOlfliS OFF THE COLO. Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure s cold in one day. No Cure no pay Price 25 cents. Call and inspect the Millinery at the Red Front Special sale Millinery at Red Front. For Infanta and Children. Th3 Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Thirty Years ESS THE CCNTAU COMPANY, NCW YORK CITY. 39 The Northern Par-ifi" is not ed anions rati hvk for its advertit-irmr nniuef Its r nd Four Cents five descriptive of an ascent of Twen' y-five States outside of Alaska of a Cents, An if 4 L if 1" U' For Over 0!i il il ffl B'lcwn & Wecli -I KOPRIBTORS OP THE- Sesnth Street Meat Market A. 0. U. W. Building C I 1 GON CITY, OREGON NOTICE ,TO WATER CON- ( SVMERS. All persons intending to use water through hose for sprinkling lawns, gar dens, sidewalks and streets, munt file written application with the secretary of the city water works, before using the water. , The use of water for all such tmruoseB will be permitted onlv between the hours of 6 to 8 a. m. and 6 to 8 p. m. RATES PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. $2 for the season, for lawn or garden sprinkling; where the monthly rate Is $1 and the use is con tine J -10 the prem ises of tl e consumei, $1 for the season for street and side walk sprinkling, for each 25 feet frontage of stores ; where the regular store rate is paid and the sprinkling confined to the frontage paid for. Sprinkling not to ex tend beyond the center of the street. $2 per month for truck gardnera,in ad dition to other use. $2.50 pea month where water it used only during sprinkling season. Each consumer will be allowed the use of but one stream of water at a time, through a nozzle not exceeding inch. For a violation of these rules and regu lations and an excessive use of water the service will be .hut off without fur ther notice. By order of the Boabd of Water Commissioners, T. L.' Charman, Secretary, Oregon City, Or., May 5, 1902. ' The Volcano's Deadly Wobk from the Fall 07 I'OMPKIITO THE DETtlfCTKiK OF ST. 1'IERBK," by Prof. Charlee Morris, IX. D Most intensely interesting book ever published. Complete thrilling and accurate account of greatest disas ter that ever befell the human race greater even than Pompeii. Telli how Martinique, one oi the most beautiful Islands In the world, was sud denly transformed Into a veritable hell. About 600 pages, profusely illustrated with photographs taken before and a'ter the disaster. Practically only "Martinque Book" In the field, for every one now Insists on having Prof. Morris' book and no other. Best author, largest book, best Illus trated, c-ienllfically accurate. Price SL&u. agists yuHTED. Knomious profit for those who act quickly. Most liberal terms. Ontfit 10 cents. Hon t lose a minute. Bend for outfit I M. MEDIA1KLT, and be at work. The chance of a life-time for making money. C'AKCo. 222 4th Bt. PHi'ADsi.r tti, Pa. NEW SHORT STORIES The Kins anil tliefleggiir, A ratlior amusing story is going the rounds iu tin; Danish capital concern ing the king and his little adventure with a smart beggar, says the Copen hagen correspondent of the Paris ller ald. The democratic habits of King Chris tian are 'n ell known. Many a morning the senior monarch of Europe may be seen walking about taking au early constitutional. In some cases he is at tended by Trince Waldeniar, and at other time he is alone but for a favor ite dog. The king on such occasions ia entirely unguarded. On the occasion of one of these walks a ruau approached his majesty. lie was a rough looking fellow, with all the'suavity of the professional mendi cant. King Christian, like the late king of Italy, 13 particularly kind to the poor and goes out of his way to notice them or say kind words. Taking off his hat, the man approach ed the king, who, seeing he wished to say something, encouragingly asked: "Well, what is it?" "Please, your majesty," came the somewhat astonishing request, "might I ask for a picture of your majesty as a souvenir?" The king, rather taken aback at so unexpected a request and yet feling pleased at It, replied In a laughing tone, "Quite so, but I do not carry my like ness about in my pocket." "Excuse me, your majesty." said the beggar, with a knowing expression, "I think you do. If your majesty will only look in your purse, you will find one." King Christian disbursed at once to the extent of a 2 kronen piece, but a little later the police, who had been watching, quietly grabbed the man, and he was warned and lectured against begging. . Didn't Tell It All. "One summer morning," said Senator Frye, "I was lying in the sleeping room of my fishing lodge on the Range ley lakes, when the late Senator Sewell came hurrying In. 'Frye,' he said, 'get up. I have seen the J.igest trout I ever saw. lie is out here in t lie lake noi far from .vour Imn:,, "My rod and line were lying on the floor ready for busini's-s." said Senator Frye, telling the story, "and, simply putting on my shoes, I went on the shore of the lake In my pyjamas. I made one cast with no result I made another cast, and then I had a terrific strike. For fifteen minutes I had a great fight, but finally I landed a mag nificent trout In his mouth was one of Senator Sewell's flies. "As I took It out of the fish's mouth I looked at Sewell. 'Well,' he said, 'I did not think It worth while to tell you that I had tried for him and that he had got away.' " Why lie Bet on Gray. Once when Wayne MacVeagh had finished arguing a tedious technical case before the United States supreme court speculation arose between Mr. MacVeagh and his colleague as to whom Chief Justice Fuller would as sign to write the opinion, and a wager was made. Just then Chief Justice Fuller came down the corridor of the court build ing. Mr. MacVeagh stopped him and told him of the wager, asking the chief justice to te)l him whom he would as sign, as that would settle the bet . "On whom have you placed your wager, Mr. MacVeagh?" the chief Jus tice asked. "Mr. Justice Gray," was the response. "Why did you choose Mr. Gray?" queried Chief Justice Fuller. "Because," replied Mr. MacVeagh, "I noticed he lept through the entire ar gument" One of Mr. mil's First Cases. It is said that one of David B. mil's Jrst lawsuits was a nonjury case in which the opposing counsel was one f the best attorneys in New York state. Ilill made a speech which last ed about three hours. It was such a speech as might be expected from a young lawyer, and it was very trying to the court. .Aftef he bad finished his opponent arose nd said, "May it please the court I intend to follow the example of my young friend and sub mit the case without argument" . II111 lost the case. "I FINALLY LA.Mm M, Mii(...NT T;.of r " fainting, smothering, palpita tion, pain in left sie, shortness of breath, irregular or intermit tent pulse and retarded tircula tion all come from a weak or defective heart. Overcome these faults by building up the heart-muscles and making the heart-nerves strong and vigor ous. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure is the remedy to use. It is the best. "I would have spells when I would get weak and f itint and my heart would eeem to stop beat ing, then it would beat -very hard. I began taking- Dr. Miles' Heart Cure and when I had used twelve bottles my heart was all right" Mes. J. L, Taylok, Owensboro, Ivy . D . Mil eafft Cute is a heart and blood tonic of unequaled power and never fails to benefit if taken in time. Sold by druggists on guarantee Dr. Mil3t Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind- vwvv NEWS OF THE WEEK. VVAA(WxNAAiWVS Wednesday, June' 18. Near The latest from La Center, Lewis Wash., is to the effect that River. no further definite trace has been discovered of the es caped convicts, Tracy and Merrill. An unconfirmed report came in fiom Lewis river that the fugitives tried to cross that stream,'- but were driven back bv the posse. All the lower part of Lewis nver is being carelully guarded, it is expected that the convicts are in the brush, and will try 10 cross Lewis river tonight. Owing to the roughness of the country, there is doubt as to whether there is, any ch.vnce to capture the ciim inals. Thursday, June 19, . Chase Sheriff Marsh, deputies, Abandoned, detectives and militia have relumed to Van couver, leaving a slim gurd to prevent Tracy and Merrill dossing the Lewis river. The outlaws are supposed to be enjoying a gay time 011 hoisebck some wliere between 'La '""enter and Ridge field, and changing their boots to fool the bloodhounds. The Oregon" Pio eer Association held it- 30th annual Beoaion vwtierdny, Hon. Tfconias A. McB'ide delivciing the prin cipal addiese, and Mayor Williams ex tended a greeting on behalf of Portland. The following officers were elected : President, J. 0. Morelund, of Portland ; vice-president, William Galloway, of Clackamas county; secretary, George 11. Mimes, of Multnomah county ; cor responding secretary, Silas B. Smith, of Clatsop county; tretisurer, Charles E Ladd, Multnomah county. The liest I'reso'lpttnii fur Malaria Chills and Fever is a bottle of Grove's Tawteless Chill Tonic. It is simply iron and quinine in a tatelees form. No cure no pay. Price SOc. S. B. Catarrh Care. Is take.i internally, acting directly on thebh odand mucous suriaces of t lie system. It permeate every fluid of tt e body, eradicates the disease from the system, cleanses and heals the' afflicted parts and restores them to a natural, healthful condition. For sale by all druggists. Book on Catarrh free. Ad dress Smith Bros., FreBno, Oal. At no Tlma is Man Secure from Attacks of such disorders of the stomach as chol era morbus, cramps and diarrhoea; but these complaints are common during the heated term, when it is dangerous to neglect them. Painkiller is a remedy that has never failed and the severest attack have been cured by it. Avoid tubstitutes, there is but one Painkiller, rerry Dayis.' zoc and 5Uc. Bargain in the Latest Hats at Bed Front Special Millinery Sale, Of what does a bad taste in your mouth remind you? It indicates that your stomach is in had condition and will re mind you that there is nothing so good for such a disorder as Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets after having once ueeo them, they cleanse and in vigorate the stomich and regulate the bowels- For sale at 25 cents per box by U. A. Harding. E.E. G.SEOL Will give you a Bargain in Vall Paper Wall Tinting and in General House Painting Paint Shop near Depot Hotel HEADACHE At all sTuig start. 2i Dm 2S Brunswick Houso and Restaurant EIEWLY FURNISHED HQOMS Meals at All Ho'ls Cpcc Ezy and Eight Prices Reasonable Only First Class Restaurant in the City CHAS. CATTA, Pro. Opposite Suspension Bridge i V I CANNED M anufacturing jyjsv. .AND.. WATCH HEPABMN& .....a' specialty Fitting Spectacles and Eije Glasses By Up-to-Date Methods. Examination Free, by PHILLIPS, The Optician.. A. N. WRIGHT The Iowa Jeweler, 293 Morrison, near 51k? Yokohama $2 50 Latent Style Men's Hats $2 00 2 00 " " " " 150 150 " " " " 1 00 100 " " " 75 $3 00 Men's Latest StyleSh $2 50 2 50 " " " ''JrV 00 2 00 " " " "V r,5 1 50 " " " " "l Next door to Postoffice JLVJDU. J? Court House Block, Look at This! For the next 60 days JO per cent off on Pry (Roods, Boots, hoc Furnishing Goods RED FRONT TRADING CO, COURT HOUSE BLOCK To Our Customers: of meals . 'n ! BEFORE AMD AFTER mm rrPIUENE utrengthensunil ri"- sk'uhII weak oiKniih. . . . ri-tiwjn mifTi-n-rii sre not curt"; 'v Ikk-iops 1h Ixthuhs ninety ppr rnt sro tronWrfT srtnsto Prostalltlw. f'CI'lDKNE is tin- only :----iwn rmi(lv to cure uliout mi op'-rutloii. vH'wnmmk sis. A writf-nBiWBriti-o(rlvnatl mon . ri'iurntil it six hoxwi 1ih-s notUtct a pBrmauwi- U0ahox,slx for I5.U), by mull. Wnnil f r KHiKviroulur unil u-ntluionlnla. Aditress 4VI flKUIt'ISiK C- . P. Cd Hot SU76, Ssn Frsuotsco, Cal. TirSUet Q. A. HARDING, Druggist, Oregon City On., OREGON CITY, ORE. CANNED X OODS. Oh, yes; oh, . vps; come this way-, for the fullest and freshest stock of canned goods in town. We are just receiving a large lot of the very best fruits and vegetables in cans. Try our sliced peaches, our fancy com, or out tender melting .pens! Go away, you make my mouth water. Oh, no j come round and buy. Prices very low. A. ROBERTSON, 7TH ST. GROCER. Clothing Co Ladies' Uml.'r r is 4c up- ' Ladies Ho e 5c up 50c Ladies' Silk Waist SOc 2 60 Ladies' Shoes . ; $2 00 2 00 " " 165 1 50 " " 1 29 125 " " 99c G. N. JOE, Manager. XV vaJL l X. Oregon City Ore. for Cash, we will give. AND- OREGON CITY, ORE. On account ot the increase in prie of meats and labor we have been compelled to raise the price from 20e to 28c 1 8 George Bros. Restaurant. MAMGOD RESTORED; "CUFIDEJIE" ThhrptVT.mH4 . t Vitally r.UifHri'i-ni- licmof it i.'fiiou .French (JhynHmi, will ijuicklj-curi' vou of Ml ir vuiifl or i'.. wx ot the (ci-m-rutivn ononis, "'"h Mnnhm.t Itwotm.!:.. ealiislnOieJtiM rk-uilnal iimlmilmiii, Aitvoiis im-Miia I'imp!, i iilHnew U Miirrv, Kjtlmustiijj; lifilns, Yurk-iwelK Const in.-' 1 1. 1 1 ptops nil loHHOrt by iluv or l-lfflit. IVr-vfrilw qo--IitsHOlti. i -.iirtf', wliii'U If not (.-hw-koil l";uN to ISpi-rn.rttorrltMiAnJ ( nil tlieli-.-iorioIiuiutericy I rlllK Klcuiuts tUullvvr, Uvt kWI fif v-k 'j i'l tlmuriniiry orcmnpol ftll liupurllles.