OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD,. FRIDAY, JUNE 20, 1902. 6 CUSSIFiFD WERTiSRENlS. t "No Price Lower Jhm (Ours. s $ Look through this partial list and see for yourself If anybody "else adver tises a lower price than ours, come right here and get the same goods at the same price, or a lower price Our prices are low simply because we know HOW to buy. Have learned after many years of experience that there IS an inside price if a dealer has the cash and knows where to go ior his goods. We give our customers the ad vantage of every INSIDE price we get. Our prices are as low, proportionally, on prescriptions as on patent medicines or any other drug store goods. o Photographic Sublies Quality counts here. You don't want cheap photo goods at any price ; you want the best at lowest market prices. We are under the market from 10 per cent, to 30 por cent, this week on these: 0 16 ounce Graduates. 8 " " . 4- i' 2 " " . 1 " ' . .... 20 ..... 15 10 .07 50 Fixing! Bath. Card Mounts, 3x3 per doz. .07 ' 4x5 " . .09 " " Cabinet, " ..10 " 6x7 " ...15 Tripods 75 Prirftinit Frames 12 Bay Screens 19 Duplicators 19 Metol 75 Pyro Eiaonrgen 35 C. A. REALTY TRANSFERS. Furnished Every Week by Clack; mas Abstract & Trust Co. M A Blankcnship to J L Waldron, lot 4, blk 128,0 0 A Smith to J S Smith, 137 as in sec 28 and 29 in t 2 s. r 4 e 900 500 F A Ely to .1 W Gray, lot 1, blk 3, Elv's Add 75 8 Ooover to A It Pratt, lots 100 and ' 107. Scotta Mills 675 F W Youmanns to B B Yonmans, 37 as in Matlock elm, 2, 2 e... 1000 AV J Ranch to O Bieman, lot 3, blk 1, Fairview Atld 100 35 W Y Johnson to E Doiy, lot 3, blk 17, Bolion 200 J L Cochrane by admr to J Rongie, ejfcoirjwaiiu 6 00 adjoining 111 sec 8, 5, 1 e I Gratton to R R Carlson, 100 as in sees 21 and 28 in I, 4 e II C Stevens to C E Stiannou, lot 0, blk 8, Suneet City J Peirvto S WMde, 10.30 as ia sec 21,2, 1 e C E Shannon toM Stevens, pt blk 62. 0 O 1800 3500 500 2000 450 J W Meldium to E P Rands, 6 aB in Rinearson elm, 2, 2 e 976 J Rnddiman to W C Brown, w 1 2 of se of se of se of fee 3, 2, 4 e. . . 1 W 0 Brown to J Nelson, tame land 1200 C E Shannon to 0 A Patglaff, pt f lots 7 and 8, blk 02, 0 C 1400 H Brush to A Kotiinr, n 1-2 of e 1-2 of nw of sec 35 4, 1 e IJ Freidrich to J C Lolle, 5 tracts in Parrott elm t I Farr to C A Stuart, lot 5, blk 60, Oregon Cily ti J Trullinger to B Fried rlchs, 140 as in elm 42, 4, 2 e 400 350 1 2300 Win R Wade to O Johnson, 20 as in P Welch elm, 2 2 e 1500 L Rotermund to E Baily, pt blk 1, Roots Add 475 Read It In hl3 Newspaper. G.-0'ga Schaub, a well know U'i man ofNttW Lebanon, Ohi, ia a constant reader of the Dayton Volks.eitting. lit knows that this paper aims to advttni only the best in its c ihiinns, and when lie saw Chamberlain's Pain H dm adver tised therein for lame, back", be did n it liesitateiti buying a bol'le of it for His wife, who for eitfi.t weekn hail suffered -with the moil terrible pains in her bark iiiid coultl get no relief lie ea e: "After using the I'ein HhIiii for a few days my wife said tome, 'l feel as 1 bough 1 ws Hiorn anew,' and bcore using the en tire contents of the bottle the unbearable pains bad ei.tirely vanished and she u mi l w o 1 take "up her household du ties." He is vety thankful and hopes that all suffering likewise will hear of lier wonderful lecjvery. This valuable liniment ia for sale by G. A. Harding. Herbert D. Newell, a gra I'fite of. the MHMtaehiiMMtB Inetinteof Tichi nli g fit present located at It. Stevens and mployed on the government jetty, was in the citv on Saturday, lie askett lo a hour. I of ttude publication desoril i ig (his city ami comtiy. How's This 1 We offer One Hundred Dollars Wind for any case of Oatarrh tht can not be cured by Hid 's C itarrb Cure. F. J. C'llKNIiY tit Co., Props., Tt leiln, O. We the undeiaiuned, have known F J.Chiuiev or the lust lit years, ami lie lit-ve him net feet I v honorable in all business transactions and financially ab:e to carry out any obligations made by their firm. Wkst & I mux, Wholesale Pnumsts, Toledo. O. 1Vai.iis, Kinnas A Makvin, l olesale Druggist, loletlo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally acting directly upon the blood and in 11 Mini mirfaees of the svatem. Price, "5- nerjliottle. So.d bv all dt Uggists. TtS- tinionials free. Hall's Family Pills are the b'. Cutlery Our stock of Razors, Knives and Scissors is of the very best quality. We han dle no trash. 0'ir regular prices are lower than the same quality is usually sold for. These special prices are cuts of from 20 per cent, to 30 per cent. 75 f-hpars 65 " . B0 " 50 45 40 20 35 3 00 Razors z 1" 2 50 " 1 95 1 25 " 95 75 Com Razor.... 50 2 00 Knives 1 50 1 50 " , 1 20 1 25 " 95 75 50 00 " 45 HUNTLEY, Popular Price Druggist Oregon Citu, Oregon School Officer' 8 lieports. So little interest was manifested in the annual school meeting of the Oregon City district last Monday evening that there was only one person present 111 au dition to the school officers. 1 lie meet ing was a short one and the reports of the directois and clerk were read. They are as follows; Ohkoon City, Oregon, June 16, 1902. To the taxpayers of School District No. 02, Clackamas County, Oregon. LadieB and Gentlemen : In pursuance of law, we your board of directors, submit this report of the affairs of the district for the term ending at date. As has been customary for many years past we have had school for nine months during the year just closed. The school opened September 16th, 1901 with a fair attendance which increased to an enrollment of 5S3 in Nove-nber, after which time there was a gradual decrease till the end of the school year. Professor H. D. Wilcox ws continue j as Superin tendent and the remain ler of the corps of teachers was the same as last year, with the exception of Miss Rebecca T. I Smith who was elected Principal of thai Eahtham School and Miss Eva Melttrum I as teacher ot the tbi.d grade in same school. During tlie year mere nas Deen the gieatest harmony and good-will be tween the superintendent, principals and teacbeis and they have all worked to gether faithfully and earnestly to pro mote tlie hest interests 01 me pupun un der their charge and the consequence has been that we have iiau a very sue- essful school year. For the new year we have elected Piofessor H. A. Hayes, of Henderson, Kentucky, as superintendent (Professor Wilcox not applying for the position ) Mhb Addie Clark has been re-elected principal of the Barclay School and Miss Rebecca 1. Smith principal 01 tne hubi ham School. The old corp9 of grade teachers, with. two exceptions, were re elected. The following new teachers were elected to fill the vacancies and for an additional room which will he established the coming year: Mrs. Godfrey, Miss Shonkwiler and M.ms Foster. The sal aiies will be as follows: Siipetintendoiit. $120 per month ; Principal of the East- ham School, 70 per month; principal 01 the Barclay School, !fti5 per month; two primary teachers and Miss Sutle Chase, $47.50 e .ch per month j the remainder ol he old teachers $45 each per mouiti ana the three new leuc'iers $-10 each per month We decided hat it was necessary t.i employ an adtliitnal teacher for the new vear on aecuunt ot tlie crowned con,- dilioti ot some ol the rooms last, year and the strong probability of its continuance during the future. The census of the school-children which has just biien taken, while a little short of the number shown lust ye.ir, in dicates as large an attendance as the yjar pist closed, the dill'e ence in number Demg caused principally by theehmina lion of all children who arc in the iIih trict tempota ily ami whose nonws nr. in other districts. . Each winter quite u mini her of children come to the city to work for their bo . ril and go to school and it has been the cus'oin here to en roll them in ttiis district and fu niali In in free tuition, Imi the new law pro hihita the enumeration of children v cepl w here their homes are and so we have droppetl ail such. At the special meeting in January we were authorized to rent a room and tit I up for a new teat her, but after giving the mattjr a can fill investigation we find that we can gi tin additional room ii the Barclay building bv putting font grades in t: e two nigh school rooms; to atcoiunli'-h this it will be necessary to put the Sib, l):h, 10'h and 11th gradet 111 thesH two rooms w hich can be done wi hont a great deal of incoiiwnience a there will be sealing capacity for all ami the llth grade can retire to the ptinci pal's ollice lor leciiation. With this ar range ment we will avoid the expense of renting and tilting up a room outsidt and aitso the inconvenience of havii g one gn de off by itself. It will also b quite a sa vh g in cost as the only outla Patent Medicines One advantage in buying patent medicine of us is that we are never "just out." We carry enough stock to supply every one. Then toe,- we make it our business to have all the NEW advertised pat ents most of them at cut-rates. We oap Mile's Nervine 70 Mile's Heart Cure 70 Mile's Blood Remedy 70 Mile's Tonic 75 Warnor'8 Safe Cure 80 Mennen'8 Talcium Powdirs... 15 Swan's Down Powdjr 10 Pnzonnis Powder 35 Htiid's Almond Cream 35 Penina 75 Beef, Iron & Wine 50 Pinkham's Compound 75 Swamp Root 75 Hawley's Caiarrh Cure 75 that will be necessary will be the pur- j chase of a few more desks, which would have been required in either case. The insurance on the school buildings and contents expired last July and we tuve renewed it lor three years in the following amounts tow it: Ou the Bar clay building, $01 00; on contents, $1000; on the F'astham building, $5000; on con tents, $1000, and on the Gymnasium at the Barclay building, $400; this insurance for three years cost $335. During the past year the attention of the board was called to the fact that Dr. John McLouglilin had, during his life time, donated two lots in Oregon City to the school district and that after his death the legislature of the state had confirmed the gift, a matter which none of the board were cognizant of. On looking the matter up we found that other parties bad been claiming these lots regardless f the ownership of the district. We have had an abstract of the title to tlfese lotB made and find a clear record title in the district and here after will do whatever is necessary to protect the interest of the school disirict. It will probably require lawsuit to settle the matter add we think that this should be gone into if necessary to eo tabbsh our right to the lots. The school buildings are in very f.ir eondilbi and there will be no large iloms lor repairs during the coming year' unless we decide to paint the East am building which is sadly in need t f reno vation in that respect. 1 As you are all aware the election ol three directors today means that wi'h their qualification for the office that we will become a district of the fits) Has which, while it sounds well, does no' mean anything in particular except that we will have five directors hereafter in stead of three, and that the term of 1 flice of each director will be live years, which will give him ample time to become ac quainted with his duties. .The clerks financial report, which will be read following this, will acquaint you with the receipts and expenditures dur ing the sixteen months ending at this date. Respeetfn'ly submitted, Cuas. Albright, Charmed H. Caiheld, W, E. I'ARl.L, Directors. Ohhimn Cny, June 16. 1902. To the Honorable, tlie Hoatd of Diiec-tor-i of school district No. 12, Claukan as County, Oregon. 1 respectfully submit my financial re port as clerk of school district No. 62, covering sixteen n onths, from March 1, 1901 to June Hi, 1002, this being the ending of the fiscal year under the new school law. HKCKiri'S. A mt ree'd from former clerk. Special lax County apportionment State appottionmeiit . Tuition Loan account (burowetl) ... Our draft, at bank .$ 62 2J . MUl 81 . S717 72 . 14H2 78 . 37 i 95 . t,;i;) 00 81 61 Total receipts t-WuS 07 DlvBlKSKMKNTS. Salary ol teachers 12 months.. $S57ti 00 Salaiy o' janitors ll'monihs .. WOO Oij Suliiiy ol clerk 15 months U'4 !W School supplies --B Ni Water rent Election expense 101 1 Furniture 441 5j 1!B 00 I 0 0.1 40 HO 242 50 ienerul expense. Insmaiice 335 00 Hall rent 1001 ... ;eer installments Priiiftiur 10 0 83 40 US U0 Abstract of title to lot -0 00 Paid notes y;i veu last jear 3115 00 Paid no'esniven current year.. 4(u w RliSSlia::::::::: & liij Total disbursements $LWo2 07 LIAIUMTIKB. Six per cent bonds due .Inly.. Six per cent bonds due July . Uotes held by bank i .$6000 00 . 0t 00 00 V.'lO 00 O Scabs are heavy buyers of et it direct of the makers. We handle so much of it that we are satis fied with smaller profits. That explains the tuts in these brands : Cutftcura 4711 Glycerine 15 Pecker's Tar '. 20 Bluving Soap 5 Armour's Fine Art 7 Pear's Soap 15 Wool Soap 7 Ivory 4 C lgates Tar 10 Lyon's Skin, 10 Glycerine 10 Kirk's CaBtile, 2 lo. bars 20 Over draft bank 81 61 Total v $13801 61 No. of children enumerated 1902. . . .1140 C. O. T. Williams, District Clerk. Sthool Officers' Election. The board of directors of the Oregon City school district held a meet'ng 11 ednesday evening and canvassed he vote for directors cast Monday. The total vote was 125, and the vote of each d'rector was as follow8:Charie8 Al bright, 64 j Geo. A. Harding, 68; T. F. Rvan.85; R. Koerner, 63;. T. H.Wal ker, 36; J. W. Lod-r, 69. Under the new law the directors elect the clerk. E. E. Charman was awarded the con tract A furnishing supplies for $152 52, for one year The following school officers were elected in near-by school districts: Canemah Directors, W. A. Hedges and R, C. Ganong; clerk, Mrs. II. E. Jones. West Oregon City Director, Peter Hansen; clerk, S. O. Dillmann. Parkplace -Director, W. II. Smith; clerk, . Willamette Falls D' I dor, J. John son ; el. rk, O. F. Olson. Call for Bids. Bids will be teceived up toJune?8ih for the construction of an addition to the Parkplace schnol building, under modi tied nlans. The new plans and specifi cations can be Been 1 1 the residence of W. A. White, architect, corner of 8th and Jefferson streets. When Sickness Cjines to the head of the family the bread winner, the omnipresent thought is "Have I safely provided for the wile ami little ones?" Nine times out of ten, "No',' is the answer. It is then too late, however, to do anything. The essential thing to do is to prepare sow for what may occur at anytime. An investigation of the Mas sachusetts Mu'ual's ne policies aud bondB, will, without a doubt, brina to our uotice a contract that will exactly mit your case. If interested, send a postal, givint; your name, addrejs, occupy ton and dale of birth, when an illustrate n will be sent y tt, showing kxactlv what the company will do for von. No gnes.1 Aork about it, as the div dends are paid annuai.lv and nut wiiUeld f ir twenty veatsor so, and then not paid unless the contiact is in force at that timh. 11 G.Colton, Mana.'er Pacific Coast Dept. , Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Or Ladiei' ha s at the Red Front in styles a id at prices totuit one and all. Filthy Temples in India. Sacred cows often deti'e Indian tem ples, nut, worse yet Is a body that's pol luted by constipation. Don't permit it. Cleanse y nir system with Dr. Kind's New l.ile Pills and avoid untold misery. Theyisive lively livers, active b iwels. good digestion, fine rppttite. Only 25c at Geo. A. llardii'ii's diug store. Constipation Does your head ache ? Pain back of your eyes? Bad taste in your mouth? It's your liver ! Ayer's Pilla are liver pills. They cure consti- Pion, headache, dyspepsia. ; i;tc. aii aruggtsis. Want your moustache or beard a beautiful brown or rich black? Then tt.e BUCKINGHAM'S DYEer, BO rf. Pe.HT. m . A fry Hmm4 n m. IVAN TED r iih r, ae my list oi f..iun and M d- f.ii f.tie, in nil parts of tlie county I. i d- owned ly two residents represented aiul Hold. B . K. Cross, At torney at Law . VOK SALE oOD traeta of lfiud. In quire ot O. A. Cheney, Oregon City. yOH SALE 'l'i"Tcniglihml Holsteiti FreiPian hu'l. 10 monros olii. fire and dam Registered. '" wdl exchange for No. 1 milch cow. Address Chns. N. Wait, Uanby, Oregon. PUR A LK A dairy ww, (r '(i ) 1 Oirliuiii fresh vi'Hi'" n'd ; live trrl'ons q 11 tr p t this olliee. or wtp rUilv. I ,'OR.8AI.E ! mils. .inn Lumler ly J. a. inn. s it! 1.,.. u.,11 hi; n.e At proctor. 2 miles east nf () g'in Ci y. The mill ann n t h i 1 1 1 1 ' i' ' y iq h'uo Mir pate, iiienniiiit: 40-horse1" inuitm aii'l boiler. AIdrt"" J A. J.ines, ( gnu City. POR SALE On the installment plan, II CU IJt.-lt,''i v'u i;tiiti lit no7, ner 3rd ai d .Ji-ffrson t-tieets; eewer con nections mid liealiliv Inmitio". App'r to R K'MTii.r cornel 4 h and .letterpon ste FOR SALF Lot 10 and 15 in blk. 7, O l w P r lt flillliuuil HJUiriiuu ; , usually callfl G'een Point. There are a dzpn t'ear na ch -rrv t.rei on the lots. Prine ,225. Willimn Newman and family live on h lot adj intf the .bve and will sl ow them, bo further pa titulars in quire of .ToB-ph Bnrgholzt-r, Buxton, Waehington cjuihv, ure.'on. CEAI.ED BID- solicited for the cat pen " . -1. . , Qi..in on it postp. Specifications can be had at mill or by mail ; bids tn be in by 28th. Riuht rooeivivt ti-i rpi rt nnv and all bids. Lindsley & Son, Cams, Oteeon. "POli RENT Uottae in Canemah. I UMBER FUR SALE by E. E. Rich, 3 uiilew east ol SoJa Springs. Flooring and rustic a speeialtv. All kinds oi lumber always on hand. T.UMBER Leave orders at this office for first-class lumber of all kinds, or address W. FV Harris. Beaver Creek, Uregon POUND A United Artisan pin with irti.iala W A PIlyrHVed Oil bttr. Owner c.in have same by paying for this ad. 11USINESS OPPORTUNITY To the right patty wwill give exclusive sale of our product in Cluckamas county. Re quire limited ad vance pay men foi goods. Address, International Power Vehicle Co. Drawer G, Stamford, Conn. 110B, the 3 4 IVrcheion, will stand at Oak Grove st"ck larm this season. Six dollars to insure with fold. Will show his colts with any horse in state. J. W. Dowty, Currinsville, Or. Individuals' tio iey to Loan at 6 pei cent and 7 per cent. Call on or write, John W. Loder, Attorney at Law, Stevens Bl'd'g. Oregon City, Orea Hot soda at the Kozy Kandy Kitchen A few watches for sale cheap at Younger's. Watches cleaned, $1. Drs. R. H. and A. L. Beatie, dentists, Weinhard building. When you visit Portland don't fail t get your meals at the Royal Restaurant First and Madison. They serve an ex cedent meal at. a moderate price ; agooi. square inm,' 15c LEOAL NOTICES. ' NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT, Notloe Is hereby trjven that I have filed with the Countv Court of Clackamas County and Stale ol iimiii mv fiaal rer irr. as administrator of the estate of James A. Birb'ir, deceased and that said court has set. Monday. Hie 7th day of July, l'Jftf, at tlie hour of 10 o'clock a m., of said day as the time for hearing said report and objections mere, to if any there he. A.B.LINN, Administrator of of the Estaie of James A. Barbur, Deceased. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon U t Clackamas County. George K. Smith, I'luiiHitf, vs. Ca'herine A. Smith Defendant. J Tn Catherine A. (smith, the above named de fendant. In the name of the state of Oegon you are hf- by required to Miipear and answer the com plaint file. t BKalnst you In tlie above entitled court i. nd cause on or hefoie the last da . of the piiblkmiou of this summons, and If you f .ii to an pear or answer the plaintiff will apply to ilie court for the ie,L'f prayed for in 1 he eeniplaiul lo-wlnthat the niHrriuKe contract existing lie Iween you and ihe plaintiff be dissolved. This Hiiniiions Is published hv order of the Hon. Thomas K. Kyiin, coiiniy judfje of ll.'aekamas county, state of Oregon, made and entered the dav id Mav,r.n. and lite date of the Hrst publica tion heretic is Mav :!0, ''Ml, aud of the lasl puljl! cation July 11, 1!W. JOHN rUTCHBORN. Attorney for I'laiutlll. I DateT. MnyiOlh, 1902. How to Save Your Hair Those who are losi..n their 1iair or have parted with iln-ir locks can have it restored by a remedy that is within reach of everyone. All sorts of theories nave Deen ad vanced to nee' u ii t lot f.i'lng hair, but aliei i.ll, it is the retnetiy we are after ai;d ini the theory. Peo ple wlo need more hair, or anxious to -ave what thev bave, or from sickness, dandruff or other causes have lost tln ir bair should not d by but use PRIER'S HAIR FO D at once. For ia'e by all Jruaglsts BtSl PUTNAM FADELESS DYE are fast to sun l'ght, washing and rutbing. Sold by C G. Huntlcv 1 0 ShotLine AND Union Pacific TEE iiii The 0. R. & N. Co. Gives the Cboicd ol IKREE TRAINS TWO VIA ' TEE OREGON SHORT LINE 9:00 a. m. 9;00 p. m. TO SALT 1 1KE, DEN., , OMAHA, CHICAGO and KANSAS OITY. ONE VIA THE GREAT NORTHERN 6:1,0 p. m. TO SPOKANE, MINNEAPOLIS, ST. PAUL and CHICAGO. Ocean Steamers leave Portland ererr 5 Days for SAN FRANCISCO Boats leaves Portland daily for Willam ette and Columbia River Points. Monthly Steamers to China and Japan. Fur full information call on or address nearest O. K. & N, Ticket Agent, or address A. L.CRAIG, O, P. A., Portland, Oregon -V ASTORIA & COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD CO. N I DEl'OX lr KTH AND I S-T8., . DDTUifQ LEAVE8 fUBIUND ARRIVhS For Maj-gers, Rainier, 'lutskmiie, Weatport, Clifton, Astoria, War renton, Flavel, Ham mond, Fort Stevens, Uuartiart Park, Sea-ide, Astoria and Seashore Express, Daily. Astoria Kxpress, Dally. 8.00 A.M. 11:10 A. M. 7 OOP. Ji. 9:40 P. M, Ticket OfHee, 255 Morrison st. and Union Depot. 0 . u. oiato, lien. fuss. Agt., Astoria, ure. FOFiTLAND-ASTORIA ROUTE STR. BAILEY GATZERT Daily Round Trips, except Sunday TIME CARD Leave Port' and 7 A. M Leave Astoria 7 P. M THE DALLES-PORTLAND ROUTE STBS. TA II 031 A and IMETLAKO Daily Trips Except Sunday STR. TAHONA Leave Portland, Mon., Wed. and Frl. ... 7 A.M. Leave The Dalles, Tue , Thurs. and Sat.. 7 A. M. STR. METLAKO Leave Portland, Tues , Thurs. and Sat. ... .7 A. M Leave Dalit s, Mon., Wed. and M... 7 A. M Landing, Foot Alder Street. BOTH PHOKKS, MAIN 861 PORTLAND, OBEOOS AGENTS John M. Filloon The Dalles, Ore. A. J. Taylor Astoria, Ore. J. J. Luckey Hood River, Ore. Wolford & Wyeis. While Salmon, Wash. J. O. Wyatt Vancouver, Wash. K. B. Gilbreth Lyle, Wash. John M. Totton SteveDson, Wash. Henry Olmstead Carson, Wash. Win. Butler Butler Wash. E. W.CRICIITON, PORTLAND, ORE. fiie Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co.'s Strsr Regulator & Dalles City Dally (exoept Sunday) between The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks, Vancouver and Portland Coaching atjway points on both sides of th Columbia river. Both of tit above sleamtrB have been re nl and are in -Jctllnit nlmi.e for the season ofl 00 The Kriftilniur 1-1 ne will endeavor to glveiui pairous the best service possible. For Comfort, Kcoiiuiny and Pleaanre travel by the Btcainera of lite Itegulutor Line. The above steamers leave Portland 7. m.an Jallesats a. m.,and arriveat destination in amp 'ime for outgoing trains. Portland Oltice, The Dalles Office Oak St. Dock. Couristreet. A. C. A J. LA WAY Qd'iaral Vie GO EAST VIA Only transcontinen'al line passing directly through Salt Lake City, Leadline, Pceblo, Colorado Springs and Denver. Three spletididiv eputpped train daily to all points East. Through Sleeping and Dining Can ami Free Reclining Ohair Cars. The most uiacnilieent ecenery In America by daylight. top overs allowed on all classes of tickets. For cheapest riitt s and dtxnpttve literature address J. D. HANSFIELD, Uoneral Agt.nl, U'4 Third Si ret, Portend, Oieuon