OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAY, JUNE 20, 1902. Oregon City Courier-Herald BY A. W. CHENEY Entered in Oregon City Postofflceas 2nd-olaas matter SUBSCRIPTION BATES. fHlrl (u advance, per year 1 60 3. X months 75 faree raonths'trial 25 JtltJ"The date opposite your address oti the Fsper dcnotesthe timeto which you have paid, f this notice is marked your subscription ia due. OREGON CITY, JUNE 20, 1902. Within the past year of two, $200, 1)00,000 of merican capital move l over into Mexico, ami thU movement con tinues at tlie raie of $100,000,000 an nually. A census of 600 negro school children of Atlanta, Georgia, b'ongh b out the fact that only 5 per cent of tliein, pre ferred farming to any other means of making a living. One-sided education )ia spoiled them. A darkey philosopher expresses the opinion that "dab ain't no ,joymnt on dis yearth, dah's no liappines inde life tocome. dahis aothin' dat can be ex perienced or imagined or described dat ia equal to de little game 'ob craps." Well, many men of many minds. There ia no accounting for taste. Dairymen hate thunder, It tun B their milk eour in a few hours. The reason ia that electricity changes the sugar in milk to lactic acid. The case ine, or cheesy part of the milk, being insoluble in presence of an acid, is then precipitated into curds, and so the milk Hours. The John A. Roebling'a Sons Com pany, of Trenton, N. J.,haa increased the wages of its 40 )0 employes, averag ing 10 per cent. The increase was made, aa explained by C. G. Roebling, "in consequence of the increased cost of liv ing to which our employes have been (subjected. " Oarrol D Wright, the labor commia Bioner, etates that the 22,793 strikes, which took place since 1881 cost the Btrikera $257,863 478, and the employ era $122,731,121. About one-half of the strikes were successful, 13 per cent were partly successful and 30 per cent failed. Mr Wrig'it is of the opinion that labor Corrected Official Returns of Election On account of sev:ral errors in returns as published last week CANDIDATES Fob Uuvkhnob George K. C'lmmberlaln, Dero Wllliiira J. rurnlah, Ul A. J. Ilunsaker, rro It. R. Ryiiii.Boo VOR StlPBRMK .lllDOB Robert 8. Boatl, U B. V. Hoi.lmm, D C. J. Bright, H. .. For Brobetakt or State 0. W. Brm, 8 H. A. navia, v.. Frank I Dunbar, It.. U. W. Sears, 1). For Stair Tkkasuheb Henry Hlaolnnan, 1). T. S. McDanlel, 1' Charles 8. Monro, II W. W. Myers, 8 . .. SOI'T. OF I'UIILIO IM8TKUOTION J. H. Afkennan, B K. W. Kelsey, I' W. A. Wiiiin, 1) Attcibney Oeneiial A. M. Urawtorii, H, T. H. Coyne, 1' Jainos It. ltaloy, D State I'bintkb V. W. Brooks, I' James K. Uiiilfrny, D J. K. Hosninr, 8 - J. It. Whitney, B ltKt'HKBKNrATIVE TO CoNUKESS lllruin Uoillil, l It. F. Kanip, 8 Thomas II. Tongue, R J. K. Wenlhorfiird, D United mates Senatok T. T Geer, H !. K. H- Wnnil. I) Joint whnati.k, t'lai'kamas and Multnomah1 Herhert ll.iliimu, H W. W. jMuits, e Billion! Hoolt, (lltl.ens , ! Joint Kki besentative, Clackamas & Mult. D.M.caihcy. 1' Charles W. Nottingham, R W. K. Young 0 Henatob Ueorgo 0. llmwnell, R (). W. dn.ee, 0 Cuius VV. Herman, P 1 Fmt J. Moindl, 8- ltBl'REHENT ATI V RS II. A. Hindi, 1' V. II M .niWvllle, P C. A. Willi .v, 1' ('. V. Clark, C ... (I, V. K.nsllnlm, 0 ii!tiert 1.. lle,lRos, C liohcrl I , in: lirr, 8 A. J. Mnxllh', 8 Walter K. l'milon, S (1. Huntley, It Han PanlsiMi, 11 11 . A Webster, It , Col'NTY J I'IMIR Kluier liUmi, U A. Murlhi, I' 'Ilieinas V Uyati, R t li.iries K. Speui-e. 8 IVMMISMONKH William I nlvft, R K. U ikeineier, ll . . ., George l.iri'lli', 8 CharlisW liuloy bHKBIITK 'I'lnoOore Iljijieiibuiger, P .1. K. .hek, II. M. Kleiuen, 8 .Mill K. Shaver, K ........... CI. UK K. It. Cooper, C A W, t'ankliauser, P Gilbert 11. Bobbins, V. A Klelghl, It lUXMBlKH OK CONVKYANl'ES l K. t'l'er. C Kiaoz Knubeigcr, 8 J.W.Mi.v, P lb lire K SicvvlH, R sst ssi B Wiiliniii lloanl, 8 Willlnni Jolnlson, 0 Jemes F. Nelson, B Knns Ciilnll, R Allien l.U IllUK, 0 Isai e Prl mlltf, P &l BYKYOB A M. Kin belli, O Ji'lill W Meiiliuni, R " 4fi3ft fl ia 9 13 40 4li2( 2 WW MrUd 77,2I!44 MiWi J J Jap,LL ,X L ,J,MA 'OliO.NK K. I llt'linnu. R K. M. Miller, I' W F. I'ruiien.S J. W. PoHi'H. O INITIATIVE A)il KKFKRIKIH'U AMtSUUENT Yen No conflicts are the result of ircreised in telligence. ' The great bankers and railroad mag nates who loaded the United States Steel Corporation with nearly a billion dollara of water, contemplate forming a bankers' trust which will absorb what ever independent industrial energy there is left in the country. Since these law defying fellows control the destinies of the coun'ry, why nat turn the govern ment over to them? Perhaps they would conduct all governmental ajlairs, even thoie of a city or county, without gralts. If the United States courts do their ! duty, they will not s op with convicting i Leston Balliet of De Moines and Baker Jit.y, for using the mails for fraudulent purposes. There are several hundred companies, advertising extensively in the newspapers and magazines, which ! are purely associations to swindle the unwary and credulous. Any get-rich-casy or get-rich quick piopositlon may be set down as a bunko game. Paul Maurice, of 8 Rue Buissoi., St Etienne, France, claims that he has in vented a centrifugal gold washer vhich will save' tro.u 98 to 99 per cent of the gold in auriferous sands, the vater used being limited to simply moiatenmg the material treated, The washer ia es sentially a centiifugal turbine revolving at a speed oi from 200 to 600 revolutiona a minute. No quick silver is used, ail the ruaty, float, flake and very fine g ld being saved by the force of gravity. Gborge H. Darwin, the eminent mathematician, bIiows by hie calcula tion that the earth is in internal atresa. The specific gravity of water being placed at 1, that of the densest rock known to geologists ia 2.8, but the den sityofthe entire earth is 5.60. The conclusion lormed ia that the center of the earth is fearfully compressed, or ia composed entirely of metals. And it haa been shown that a core of gold or plati num 1000 miles in diameter would satis fy the conditions. ' It ia inferred that the earth in the main is a rigid solid, or that the vast central regiou is. You and I are witnesses of a phenome non than which a diviner has not ap peared on this earth in all its history. I mean this world-wide social movemen t, a? 1 5 S 8 S 5 S S g 2. 35 S S 2 3 U 3 Is iP3 S 3J S o I fi mm I Wi i m? m i e m imm ? J i S w r i b i ! : 3 : I r , f , r i : f f ?! I i 9 ggf ! off ! T : : r : j j j j ! ! ! j : j j I : ; f ,M f f ? I i j ' I 'N H1,n6 Ui24 64 60'4I!S w'loWlOlWsn'si m!4l 57 wWtoWboI 1H 105 7046llssi5sllsU Qd 1 791 i 1 1 i ii r n'SnulnJ? fl fe-2J 24I4T672!26 7038!46 194 194 104 f3 29 34 49 22 31 117 2 517 110 6 9 1 16 is 7 1, 1 1 6 2 5 6j 4 5 2Mi! 2 9 1 9 7 11 6 1 4 II 1 10 223 301(1 191111 S'12 '90 4m o ill His Jon iJ o iJ.J..L. , . . .. " f ?W' 6H36 53 llS86li.ll42 174 185 9 M&psfdA ,07 2,S ot)A -4 610 917 15 4422 2 434224 9 30 2o.2o.45 bli3214 45,2524,3126 73 60 46,401426431813 J49 1201 :::: iHs S1? tM itAtt .... 4djlM lbU 318 23 1027 3 I f 2 14 610:41 2018U 18.112 18 26128 46 27 4710 2.7 2j 7 27 674 ,.. 12844 0737411972 90 850318 6140312665,5026 6031 43 124 421.! 4482 :77 170 93 67 25 31 41 'l9 80 9!. 2,256 .. , 71 1 21 U 5 12i 1 1 6 3 3 5 8 6 20 4 2 7 9 5 116 1 6 1! 1 8 18 107 .... 6432 2y2l4H)15 48 3823 2 43,3624 jJatrffM 95j3246 44 12313?,33 74 66 lipl!'! I 68 1,283 ... 1244:4 9637421961 88 81 5717 6240 33 24 36'(;64823 631644 11)7466114081 1M ,71 oJ09kJJiJJ l.o L'om iio.179 i 4'. MM i iL2y Jiu i ,?r?v j?'"'! 2 J? 1 S 1 iU);8l4i4 16H5 10:152 18 27 ?5 fil 14 '47s 107 35 88M .18 H'M 77 7651 17 5343:11238:1594519 603089 10531623472 15:1 154 875925243a 123 91 1 2,015 , I 8,1 I 1 17 15 4 12 1 1 3 1 2 3 2 21 1 6 1 5 J 2 2 4 1 1 0 1J1 "IiiH J7 71,92 H S'310'8 12 9 3 tlUlO-I SI ,J a?10 3 7 8 3 W 480 till' "''"n1 I i Kl y!i412447:6J4BfS 703549 127 3972iao!6 176 18? W71 28 8451 2033 M8 1 2,488 Hl.il 22 5K' 0-U 4024 2 3630.23 9 28.82348 WM-M 42:118.30.23 81 66 52136 15,27 43,14 13 49 1 177 10849 ftVjo452ti 70 97 78(IM 19 75 58 :ifb:L 71:!740 121 JtoU'W 169 154 104W2.W5 J17S8 m 1037 73,12 881312,1119 64 49,31 2 4639211 U 32, 16 21.156 845l! 6l!:l627,!m4 La .a! SSinLoSiVo Z J'SU ... .. j 11 1 1 1 H -I- - -" "- Sll'fS' Ul". iS l'46W 9hM 4(il:M:64 46,6S 171 wi 92W24 -7 43 W20 97 2,006 - ,J,, 1 la 14 61 1" It 2i 3l0i3:6 3:8 6 ItilO' 'il 91 7 22 17 M H 6N 1 d 17 275 92 12 O2J7-013 10, 63 7ia6 8 SO.V.-S 844:16:18,44, 994157 6 1 kil LtK1 1 SI iJ SA&SJhM li 1 iV 1-1 1 I' I2 8 3 17 17 4 V tf 1 1' 11 6 8 5I ll 4 'J 6 Ul J 2 12 11 l J I J J J I ri 9in 120, . WMl.. 80 f 7361 1, 51;52382238V,S-,ll24 62 W4S 1W 39 176 l" 90 '6 "7 Al27 94 2 179 924o 6. , J 684127 . 04:U4d W 48 "w SJ-fliiijKw 65 l" S!'" H mw Wwy H'W 9rJl4SwUl:M 190 ltKl lo:yX Jn' 115 2 262 86,30 43,024.010 M 8229 6 843322 84239:14:14 993,52! 7922:38,36 6 88 W M76!l54l7'S 48 I w 17 9 14 I 6 1 ul ,, 1 J 5 1 ? 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(V 1 S 2 l' w 16'. 164 4' 94 37,:l,206i 70 7987;17 &3o:i.41 24 H',iil.Mi;l5j 72,a47 148676 WW, 2(19 218 11461 29 IU61 21 32 110 1 8,514 3113 v J ! 2!:13 lJ 5U4 I 2 l! ll s! 171031! 7' 5! 4 n'-WltM so' l:t' 4J 81 2 7 L 17 j 471 ,vJ12!i 44,'j,',22,ur20 52 78f!4 5 1(W3I !I5 UHO'372842, 9:l;l,.2l 662I 843IM1I lev -i 6f,4l!l340 11 1318 57 1 5tH 101,48 82,.i 20,62 99 6H:60I4 24 10,27 21j27;51 4830 67,8645! 1 19. in 56 ,16 70 154 169 M 14 'ail 4" -'- 91 !' 20 D ! I M I I I i I I I I I Ml 1 I 1 i ! 1 I Mil":" f" M " 10444 8S2:20il 99 72:ii316 44.'8l;S!'-'832'i9 IS25 li0313S! 6247 511 174' Itlf 8M14 '5 'I48"i''),t 031 2 Oi'.l '" lt.' 48.1112 lliSi 56, WM& 7.4,i26lMi4S37:l852: K8 4.V.7, 4...-Hi;l7484l ItH' 82 786lM7.l8',l'n1 64 l'li'18 - 8,2 412 1 j I 10 13j3 9 14j j j 7 j 3j 3, 0. 16 5, 2 2 6, 8 7, l202j 1 4 2 2," U 108 8,538 .''1.2124 1822 6 ' 6930 51 66 43 2.l'l2' 18 1536, MV 101 4956 50453 4 4 39: 78 ij. C'i'5'113 8 .ilin'u 46 ' 1 fl"4 " 1'A.',1 :r:u:UlW.I 99 8:110.71 f,7 61:iS'Hl2S.V..',l 'ri -.UJ 1l'yk,U i.e iu .... .. . -i ! I 1 I I I I M : ' 1 1 1 j I I 1 1 ; J :i 101,41 82:14 37 lo.M'l 77 7762!W! 4I.KV32 2 I 24554824' 6l'94:li 1H125H7363 ltkV 172 9".M M"7T "007 101 "069 f'S I ! II WSIlj 14 2: 1:4 131 5 1 4 21 li I 2 1 6 4 8 7 2 .1 ! i "' U.3 J611 1610 4 3;I3 l.l llll 421 :,9 931 9 7) 1: 1140 132U7, 171 11, 2 14, : 7 4 1 6. 18 8W 923.' ljl6Ul6j 65 61298 67 34 28 ;19 .12 29 38 9241.18, 60442. 41122 103 72 66 10 15;12."0 10 52 I 1,485 1 MM III M M M M 1 I 1 1 1 ' 1 I I ' 1 1 1 I I II 204 lS5041'-02 13.M 126IH1I.: 11O82i108.WVJ96,,h..2i 151 7:l!74 163 OO Suisse 281 20' lililW V,,i5 -n-1147' 132 84I 11'' 2,5 4. 9l 17 16 6: j 7 7 j j 1.7 4, 8 3 (9 13 2,3 7 4. 12 12 7 7"i 57 7 I 8 ' "17 ' i M l ll i I M M Mi lii i i i i i '. 1 i this Prrine of the cirrent of thought and aspiration in. Hie direction of an economic order which ehall make room for hro'herhood, an order and an era more potent for human unfolding toward a higher life than all the eras and civi lization of the past. We are witnesses of this world-emhracitig social move ment, this uprising of humanity, this assertion of the riaht to be human and to have everything that is essential to a human life. Selected. Tan Atmospheri- Product Company ! of Niagara Falls has neen incorporated with a capital of $1,000,000 for the pur j pose of manufacturing fixed nitrogen out of the atmosphere bv means of e ectric arcs of small current and high electromotive force The reddMi brown gas generat 'd, trioxide of nitro gen, results iu nitric acid in contact with water, with caustic potash, saltpetre, and with caustic soda, Chil saltpetre, and in contact with many other aub mancea valuable salts result. Chili salt petre being a valuable fertilizer, through this process enough can be made from the air to supply the world for all time to come The following paragraph from the Re view of Reviews shows the ueceasity of immigration lawa more discriminating than those now in force: "It is noted at Ellis Island that the average per cent age of illiteracy among immigrants is increasing. Laat year nearly 28 per cent of the immigrants above the age of 14 were classed as illiterates. We shall doubtless thiB year receive more than 500,000 immigrants. . . The native American stock is not very prolific and a large part of our general increase of pop ulation is due to the recent new comers i from foreign countries and their larger average number of children. . . We are rapidly undergoing a radical change in the radical character of the American people." Is Golf Catching on the popular favor? It seems to be. A noticeable increase in sMes of Pain ki ler ci mes from golf districts. The reason for this clear, as Perry Davis' Painkiller is the oldest and best remedy extant fur sprains, strains, bruises and soreness, all of which are of common occurrence, either in vigorous play or through accident. Everywhere the standard liniment and balm. June 2d, 1902. we again publish table corrected. 38 Members of Congress Send Letters of To the Inventor of the Great Catarrh Congressman Goodrryn of Alabama, Writes: "I have now used one botUe of Peruna and am a well man today." A. T. Goodwyn, Kolrinson Springs, Ma. V. S. Btnato.- Iliuu h 10111 North Dakota. W. K. Koacli, Lurimore, N. D.,' says: "Ihaveusvii l'oruua as a tonic. It has great ty Heli.M r.io in Ktreagth, vigor and appetite." W. IT, Iloic'n. Confe-ressmai. Lijincy f:nm North Carolina, Writes: " Jly nonrotary had aa bad a case of catarrh as I ever saw, and Bince he has taken one bit Ho of Peruna he seems like a dinercni wan." Romulus Z. Liimey, TaylorsviDo, X. C. Congresyimin Ogden from Lonlsiana, Writes: "I. can conscientiously recom mend your Peruna." II. W. Ogden, lienton, La. Congressman Smith from Illinois, Writes from Murpliysboro, 111. : "I have taken one bottle of Peruna for my ca tarrh and I feel very much benefited." Geo. W. Smith. Congressman Meeklson from Ohio, Says: "I have used several bottles of Peruna and feel greatly benefited thero by from my catarrh of the head." David Meekison, Napoleon, O. . Congressman Crowley from Illinois, Writes from Robinson, 111.: "Mrs. Crowley has taken a number of bottles of Perunaon accountof nervous troubles. It has proven a strong tonic and lasting cure." Jos. B. Crowley. Congressman Thompson of Kentucky, Writes: "Besides beirig one of the very best tonics Peruna is a good, substantial catarrh remedy." Phil. B. Thompson. Congressman Howard from Alabama, Writes from 3Tort Payne, Ala. : " I have taken Peruna for la grippe, and I take pleasure in recommending Peruna as an excellent remedy." M. W. Howard. Congressman Cummlngs from New York, Writes :t "Peruna is good for catarrh, I have tried it and know it." Amos W. Cummings, New York City. Senator Thurston of Nebraska, Writes from Omaha, Neb.: "Peruna entirely relieved me of a very irritating cough." J. M. Thurston. Congressman Worthington from Nevada, Writes: "I have taken one bottle of Peruna and it has benefited me im mensely." H. G. Worthington. Congressman Bankhead from Alabama, Writes : "Your Peruna is one of the best medicines I ever tried." J. H. Bank head, Fayette, Ala. Congressman Powers from Vermont, Writes from Morrisville, Vt.: "I can recommend Peruna as an excellent family remedy." H. Henry Powers. Senator Sullivan from Mississippi, Writes from Oxford, Miss.: "I take pleasure in recommending your great national catarrh cure, Peruna, as the best I have ever tried."-W. V. Sullivan. A Complete Line -OF- Fine Footwear For ladies, gentlemen and children you will find in our stylish and up-to-date stock. Our handsome and durable $3.50 shoe for men can't be equaled for wear, quality or style, and our women's fine $3.00 shoes are the acme of comfort and graceful outline. Our prices will suit. Krausse Bros, Snodgrass, Fo og.afer Gives a Large PORTRAIT FREE With all Cahinet Photos. This otleris good unt l July 1st otily. Ail work is strictly up-to-date Naw Plumbing s and Tin Shop A. MIHLSTIN JOBBING AND REPAIRING a Specialty Opposito Oauflekl Block OREGON4 CITY OASTOXXT-A.. Bean the 8 Kind You Have Always BoojS . Mi ll Congressman Snover of Michigan, Writes from Port Austin, Mich. : "I have found Peruna a very efficient anil speedy remedy for a persistent and annoying cough." H. G. Snover. V. S. Senator Call of Florida, Writes : " The Peruna has been recom mended by Gen. Wheeler and other reli able persons, and has been used by some members of my family, and I concur in the statements of Gen. Wheeler." Wil liam Call, Jacksonville, Fla. Senator McEnery of Louisiana, Writes : " Peruna is an excellent tonic. I have used it sufficiently to say that I believe it to be all that you claim for it." S. D. McEnery, New Orleans, La. Congressman Brownlow of Tennessee, Writes : " I have taken three bottles of Peruna and I feel satisfied that I am now almost, if not permanently, cured of ca tarrh of the stomach." W. P. Brown low, Jonesboro, Tenn. ji " Capitol at Washington, D. 0. j Senator Mallory of Florida, Writes from Pensacola, !Fla.: "I have used your excellent remedy, Peruna, and have recommended it both as a tonic and a safe catarrh remedy." Stephen R. Mallory. Senator Butler of South Carolina. M. C. Butler, ex-Governor of South Carolina, writes: "I can recommend Peruna for dyspepsia and stomach trouble." M. C. Butler, Edgefield, S. C. Congressman H- ookshire of Indiana, Says: "From what my friends say Pe runa is a good tonic and a safe catarrh cure." E. V. Brookshire, Crawfords ville, Ind. Congressman Doviner of West Virginia, Writes from Wheeling, W. Va. : "I join with my colleagues in the House of Rep resentatives in recommending your ex cellent remedy." B. B. Doviner Congressman Broderick of Kansas, Writes from Holton, Kas. : "I have taken two bottles of Peruna and find it to be an excellent remedy for colds and throat trouble." Case Broderick. Congressman Toder of Ohio, Writes : " only used Peruna for a short time and m thoroughly satisfied as to its merits." S. S. YIer, Lima, 0. 44444444V444444444) POPE & CO. HEADQUARTERS FOR Hardware, Stoves. Syracuse Chilled and Steel Plows, Harrows and Cultivators, Planet Jr., Drills and Hoes, Spray Pumps, Imperial Bicycles. PLUMBING A SPECIALTY Oor, Fourth and Main Stp. OREGON CITY 4i"to 'ii iiiANiiiiiiiiiilliiiiiiA.tii.iiiai SHANK & B1SSELL, Undertakers Phones 411 and 304. Lower 'If I'l'lllfll'HlipilHTItlllllllllJtllll . YOU MAY NOT KNOW IT HARRIS' GROCERY W WW a i w w n OWSC t SP !t a ril18in& chorus of " praise. The bread consequences that I fMl r.ur 1 to 11 C i A cuoupn to .A.Vl;PVl a please the most fastidious. We can- and akcrs Endorsement Remedy, Pe-ru-na. Congressman Slnhon of Pennsylvania, Writes from Chambersburg, Pa. : "I take pleasure in commending your Peruna as a substantial tonic." Thad. M. Mahon. Congressman Sparkman of Florida, Writes from Tampa, Florida: "1 can indorse Peruna as a first-rate tonic and a very effective cure for catarrh." S. M. Sparkman. Congressman Brewer of Alabama, Writes : " I have used one bottle oi .pe runa for lassitude, and I take pleasure in recommending it." Willis Brewer, Haynesville, Ala. V. S. Senator Gear of Iowa. Writing from Burlington, Ia. : " Peruna can commend to all as a very good tonic." John II. Gear. Congressman Culberson of Texas, Writes: "I can recommend Peruna as one of the very best of tonics." D. B. Culberson, Jefferson, Tex. Congressman Livingston from Georgia, Writes : "I take pleasure in joining with General Wheeler, Congressman Brewer and others in recommending Peruna as an excellent tonic and a catarrh cure." L. I. Livingston, Kings, Ga. Congressman Clark of Missouri, Says: "I can recommend your Peruna as a good, substantial tonio and one of the best remedies for catarrhal trouble." John B. Clark. Congressman Pelham of Virginia, Writes from Bancroft, Va. : " My sister- in-law has has been using Peruna for about one week for catarrh of the throat and is manifestly improved.-"C. Pelham. Congressman Burnett of Alabama, Writes : " I can cheerfully recommend Peruna as a good, substantial tonic, and a very good catarrh remedy." John L. Burnett, Gadsden, Ala. Congressman Botkln of Kansas, Writes from Holton, Kas. : "Peruna haa given me almost complete relief from catarrh of the stomach and constipa tion." J. D. Botkin. Congressman White of North Carolina, Writes from Tarboro, N. C. : "I find Pe runa to be an excellent remedy for the grip and catarrh. I have used it in my family."-G. H. White. Congressman Wllber of New York. David F. Wilber, of Oneonta, N. Y., writes: "I am fully convinced that Peruna is all you claim for it after the use of a few bottles." David F. Wilber. Congressman Pungun of Ohio, Writes from Jackson, O.: "I recommend Peruna to anyone in need of an invigor ating tonic." Irvine Dungan. Congressman Barham from California, Writes from Santa Rosa, Cal.: "At the solicitation of a friend I used your Pe runa, and can cheerfully recommend it," J. A. Barham. For free book address The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, O. 4444444444O0 i illliiiiiniiiiiiiifliininti liiimiiili miik,ii lit ,1ik,iiiiftillrikiijife. V e cciiy ilip onlycompleteline 1 of CufkH OffiriF, Robes and i urn gs in Clackamas County. Ve lavr the trly FintClass Pturfe in the Ccunty, which we vill fuir.'fj. (or Ires limn can be Ltd i-'imlete, n.riln.ii k r jicinliy. i C nr pi(f always' reM raHe. Satiefaction tuaranUed. 7th St. B:t. Bridge and Depot. h 1 'lJi:'nipiniJlllilipillWi,nnfn,'p, w , Bat the Best Stock of First-Class Goods to be Found at Bottom Prices in Oregon City is at 4 Using the PATFMT rt Aim putting anything below our high standard on the martpi- wrt a. ,,aL U1C Patent brahd is at its best it is all the times. Made by Portland Flouring t Mill Co. and sold by ail grocer. T 4444W4444444)444444r444444 W. Oregonian& Courier-Herald $2 1 ' ' I1. 1 1 iiii.ii i j