Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, June 20, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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    Kk-UJikALD, FRIDAY, JUNE 20, 1902.
; coanssPOSDKCfi
Miss Myrtle Boen, of Springwater, closed a
hree monilis' scccH-fiil twiu ui KHiool in this
iUtricl Iriany. ,Iun i:i. An excellent program
vus reniertd in Urn aiieriioon. Mix burn lms
Irene 11 urn nulsfactiun and ha taught ilie tm-t
erm of icuoul that has Ijeeu taught here lor sev
ral terms, and I lie directors tvi:l do their utmost
t set urc her valuable services lor the ensuing
AnumNTof people from her,; attended the
how nt Kpringwater, June l'A. All report a good
Mrs (leorne K tiler is verj low with consump
tion. John, he cartful, "there" many a slip hel ween
he cup and the lip! ' ( ,
W W Myers' sawmill Is running in full hlast
-his week. Woolly
Jieaver Lake.
Mr Editor Please allow space in your paper to
xplsin Mr Brtgby's remarks and also tell the
ruth of the matter about the so called smallpox
,r the Mllstettd itch.as it Is called in this locality,
ome time ill the month of March Mrs Milstead
as visiting fi lends at the C 1 1 it" House in Oregon
lity, and it was there she became exposed to the
-inallpox. On her return home, a few days after,
lie was stricken down whh that disease." Her
eighbors. of course, called to wa.lt upon herfWhr
.ng her illness, and of course she give them no
yarning, and now there ate 22 cases of small, o:
n this section at the present, time. Mr bagby
leads his article, "In Justice "to Mrs Milstead '"'
I there is any justice for her it should bo ncvere.
vfter her recovery she sent her little boy to
chool. In a short time he took ill atschool,
nereby exposing all the children present. Mr
rlagby said that she did not know she was ex
awed. '1 his is false, or else the story is stretched
till it broke, for Mrs Milstead told her nearest
leighhor that she was exposed, but did not want
iter neighbors and lrlends to know it. After she
ins canted trouble, slckueis and loss of money
nd time In eight Ui lie runt families, 1 would like
tlr Bagby to show me where he oould mete out
iustlce for such a person except as above men
ioued. Mr Hugby did not settle it as he thought
ly writing that anioothe article in the paper not
by a whole lot.
N. B. Wade.
School Report,
Following Is the report of school dls trict No 70,
for the month ending June 0:
Ko days'tauglit, 1&
Ho days' attendance, 231,
No days' absceuce,23.
Times tardy, 10.
Average da'ily altendance, 13
Those who were present during the month
were: Dolly and Nellie Smatheis, Leon Hulet,
Ada Brock, Earl and Lloyd Allen, Freda and
Adolph, Dolninger, Henry (Jrtleib and Sophie
jliafe. '
Thoso who were on the Roll of Honor for the
lerrn were Dolly uud Nellie Smathers
Mauoe Stone, Teicher.
Elliott Vrairle.
Our young folks are looking forward with
pleasure to ihe picnlo at Macksburg.
Mrs Drown, formerly of Uulon, was visiting Mr
tnd Mrs Keasoner.
Little Norma Ilolmtn, of Oregon City, has been
sp nding the p.isUwo or three weeks at lla.el
rood Jailll.
KHitchinan has returned ftom Portland.
Mr Coldren was agreeably surprised last Satur
lay evening ly a number of friends Mho walked
in unannounced uud spent the evening with hlin
All had a pleasant time and at a late hour
refreshments were served. Thoso present we;e
r ud Mrs N lilnir,.Mr and Mrs George Owing,
dlsses Todd, Ulair. Ooldren, Krb and Kanisby;
lessrs George Lellor, Denton Killen, Milo illair
Albert Krb, William -Todd, William Owing, John
ihislo, Doriau 1'odd, Charlos Coldreu aud John
T B Killen has had quite a Bcvere attack of
iteart disease, but we are glad to say, is welll
Children's day at this place last Sunday after
i')on was observed In proper style. The singing
niler the aide management of N K Graham was
xc.ellent, and we hoie he will continue to dilll
ueohoir, 'Ihe clilldieu were drilled by their
jachers and did tlielr parts well. Itev Dick
poke a few words to tho children at the close of
lie program. There was a large congregation
Bud Thompson was reelected road supervisor
mi Mr Smith justice of the peace for this pro
'net, i Aramoho.
Carlson & Ctirrins Embroidery gillc
I cents skein at the Racket Store.
Union Hall.
A number from this vicinity attended the Mac.
uibeos' picnic held at Macksburg on Wednesday,
lunelllli. '
James Adklns madoa trip lo the Huasoll
nines a few days ago. Charlie Thomas nccoin
lauied iiliu as far as Ihe .Mud Springs. MrAd
(lns li intfiusteii in the Itussoll mines.
Mrs f.nura lltirna and children visited lierpa
ents, Mr and Mrs J Knotts, lust Sunday.
Mrs Caroline Thomas visited her mother, Mrs
V J Burns last Sunday.
John Burns Is helping Frank Hilton move his
ence aud clean out a fonct row.
Charles Lumhorg and a party of ladies and a
eutlemen from Portland came out here last Sun
lay and took a look at Mr LuiuOerg's farm which
.situated in this neighborhood.
Ueorgo llolvey.of South Cartu, was visiting
rltmds in this locality last Sunday.
Mr and Mrs Henry Strejc, of Now Era, visited
He former's parents, a low days last week.
MrandMraSH Burin visile 1 B Frlcdrlch and
amlly last Weduosda.
John Thomas has been working on a dam for
I Adkius for the past few days.
Mr and Mrs T J Grimes visited John Molzan and
amlly last Sunday.
Miss Katlo Melndl, of Ahernothv, Miss E Burns,
t Union Hall, and John Crader, of New Km, were
.lie guests of Miss Olive Fried rich last Sunday.
The weather Is very pleasant since the socialists
ooomplishel their object, (elected the republican
Ihe picnlo last week was a grand success. Among
lie excitement was a match ball game between
it Hubbard and Macksburg teams, 4Jle score
tood in favor uf our boys,
tin J H Daly, who lias been on the sick list, Is
The Jgraml ball nt I.uobbon's hull Saturday
"light was a grand success.
Tho IMIhuci: Nettle Schro l nd Ola Miller,of
leedy, visited ihe latter's si o-,, ,drs A Michid.lt
f this place, Sunday.
Frol Yohann we'll to .oollwool to do some car
enter work for Ida sister, hu will be gone a
inuple of weeks.
Oak Grove has organhed a hall team, and It Is
-Kittling new to soe one of the boys out carrying
lis face in a sling.
Supervisor John llelnr. Is doing some extensive
fork over in Kiissla additiou to Macksburg.
hey say when Cupid aims his dart
it man lie never minses.
lut when he hits a Misa' heart,
lis then hu makes his Mrs.
Tolm liliodes has a Held of lull wheat that Is
' truing yellow.
Kali what Is not going lo be what was expected,
'he heads are short.
Spring sown grain li looking goo.1 nt yVresimt
.nil Is growing very rapidly this line weather.
The client crop will be good but shorter than
isiial. If the potato crop is goodthey will he
vefeet deep in this tectum thin fall. If sly
fork will sell them wo have a professional here.
Everybody went to the picnic at Macksburg hist
Veducsdiiy and all had a good time.
I leutonanl Fred Burns and Mi Vina Motor,
f rorllnnd, wore visiting Mr and Mrs llauncga'u
lid Miss tlliO Mot'CJ buiiday latt.
Mr and Mrs Woodside, of Mullno, visited Ivl
tehuiau and wife Sunday.
Frank Case, a mall clerk on the Southern Pac Itlc
ailrotid, is vlsiiiug his parents uud Iricudsol this
,dace for few days.
George Casebas hud a hard lime for a few tluvs
Willi quinsy.
The Liberal giant rlsllixl Mrs White Sunday
md ato a cralo of strawberries, and the girls
made "goo goo" ejes at hiiu,
Dcrco Wright lias purchased a now Ideal Giant
"wring Mower j and is ready now (or business,
elivt hlui trial.
Ore of our b"st young ir-e i see n to have lots
Ol l;l, u,l at Jl.,htlla ( omen, when he goes to see
his , Lest girl, and thev uke a str.,11 ,i..w l0 city
View 1 K,k of an ete;img. The huvs put his horse
". shed, his saddle it MiuCvi Lara and
imiuib m me nouve. II look him the rest of
the night getting Ins Imr-eami riggimr together
;IHH-V' ,ll,lr"8, up nt Imnie by brea fast.
time. Gee yluz! Hi Hie. take a horse and bugiry
aud ttuy with it. (Ku.oiux).
Holinol election passl-d cirqnielly, and we had a
tOlal Mltn nf livn 1... . ... .
bors. w'egoVti,;;,gh ; :r ":,lr!...'r',
the uld sum ariwi.
Jieaver Creek.
George Dads mt with a light ac.-i.t-n'. w Itiln
culling wood or.lohn Wnlte last Tues.iav. A
laige block which hd .jnt l,een sawed off
rol.ed against his foot, sinking it in such a way
as to di-lociite his ankle He wan taken nt once
to the ofhee of I)r Strickland, who soon assured
linn that no bonei were broken
Lizzie Wiidner and M ulolln Matthis were vis
itors i at the home of Miss Ifele.i Bon last We I
nesday. ,
Wal'er Mead, of New Era, made a firing trip
through this neighborhood last Fn'dny and
glanced Into some of our windows, but he was
gone again beloie we had time to get over the
shock of his sudden app. ura nee.
Mrs Ray Pierce. ofGrnnville, Dakota, is a guest
at the home of her uncle, .1 H . avis. She arrived
h?re T,,esdny morning from Columbia Falls,
Mont, where she has been visiting friends.
P H Mead, of New Era, cailed on a few of his
friends in this vicinity last Sitndar. Come again,
hi and next time remember theie are others as
you seemed to torget some of us ihe lust trip.
Mrs Spaniel returned from Poitlan 1 irnne ilm
ago. Her health has improve I si mewhat.
Mrs Nelson, of Dover, was taken to Portl.ind to
be treated for nervousness.
Anton Malar had the mls'oniine t he thrown
from a horte last we k end had his lef th tulder
1 IT I 1 I Tinil
t i x, " r",,tcr satisfaction than anything on
I S t,le market at anything like the price, be-
( cause they are made of good material, to V
I "'".'lO "Oregon roads" Iron corners on )
V, t hotllcs, braces on shatts, heavy second- S
! growth wheels, screwed rims. If you want
J " 'oelsure that you are getting your mon- C
S !X,s,.wnr,llj aak ,'"r "Bee Line" or a )
I "Mitchell'' (Jleuiiey) Buggy. We guar- (
autee them.
) Mitchell, Lewis A Stave Co. i
Scuttle, Spokunc, Bolso. I'ortlaud, Or. ?
Send for Special Catalogue Free
First and Taylor Sts., Portland, Ore. ; t
Branches Houses at Seattle. Spokane, Boise, Salem and.Medford
Agricultural Implements, Vehicles, Harness and Bicycles
Mention this Paper
li'jji ij'itj'l'.'V''. S;v
of Any
Mr and Mrs Unterin her, of Salmon Itlver.passed
through tiandy Monday oti their way to the me
tropolis. August Hornecker returned from Kns'ern Ore
gon last week, having dUpased of share in a mine
there for a handsome sum of monty,
Alvln Melnlg and August Horneekcr made a
flying trip to Salmon Klver Sunday,
F J Walkley made a trip to S ilmon Hlver Mon
day, A good program Is under preparation for the
basset aud ice cream social, which is to be given
June 11, by the aehool. A largo attendance Is
Yunkers .(Grove's sawmill burned to tl e sroiind
early holiday morning. A small pile ot lumber
is all that was saved. The origin of tho lire is
llov Koppeluiniin preached near Clackamas
9lutln Si,,,,,laV
Rev Kxon preache 1 at Povor Suudny, after
whirl! all nartiatk nf a II no hu.Let rilinw.r
Je('la nd,
O A llolliusworth hud a barn raising last week.
F Lehman brought out a parly last week to Uajk
at his place as he oilers It lor sale.
Home of Ihe liedUnditos turned out an 1 put up
a hoard fence arouiul the cliuroh.
Children's Day passe 1 off pleasantly, and a
good program was rendered.
G C Armstrong has been hauling plank on the
new glade toward Urt-non City,
Jack Konell and Mattie llcrtiun were up from
Portland for a low eeks' visit.
I, Funk and family, John and Charles 4iaakolU
Jack lieuell, Matlle Herman and 1,1a Young went
upou the South Fork o( Kaele Creek for a week's
ouliiiir. The IWh would uot bite good, as the
v aier was loo cold.
Harry Collins, sondn-law of A Spragun, was
burled In the Si'nujue cemetery on .lue l,th. Mr
Collins died in 1'orlhud of typhoid ptioum mla.
Mi-s Aug Funk has ben on the sick list, but is
Clover is going to be a short crop lioro this sea
sou. N 11 Smith's hrother-ln-law ami faml'v ham re
turned from tin F.ul and are now looking to, a
Mr and Mrs StMnman, of Currinsville, are vis
iting relatives hcae.
W M Stone was reelected clerk and Louis Funk
director of our school distrit. At the meeting a
mill tax wts voted to paint the school house. It
Catiilosue fOiW
has been decided that we will not havany school
except three monilis iu spring owing to the fn
nances running short.
w .M Stone and otliers, of ll.e riJgo, took out
some rjok between here and town. The laying ol
, , ueuveen nere ami town, iliolaytu
i Pwk to pmgreinlug slowly.
Herman Killer is having some slashing done.
i Evergreen.
i ii.u pieuiyoi oust.
The services at the Binyrna church width were
conducted by Kcv Clapp, of Forest Grove, were
brought loan abrupt close on Tbursdry evenin
on account of the posse which was puruln" the
escaped convicts and had ordered no one to be
on the road alter dark.
Several of ths young people from this place at
tended the ioc ere tin social at Monitor last tsaiur'
day evening. .The reported a pleueaut time aod
plenty ol ice cream.
Those who attended the picnic at, Mackslnrg
from heie enjoyed the day and the box of lunch
that arrived upside down was all right.
J W Yoder was up from Portland on his wheel
Saturday evening to spend Sunday at his home.
Miss Bertha Yoder departed for Forest Grove
haturday morning to visit lelatives and friends
and to attend the commencement exercises at
that place.
Miss Sadie Crocker Is on the sick list,
Mrs J Schwartz and son, Frank, went to their
new ranch this morning, where, MrlSehwartz is at
work grubbing Mr liarrett aud family were
visiting at Mr Schwartz' Sunday
A number of young folks took dinner at J 8
Yoder s Sunday.
James Watson has 'finished his work at Chris
Kochers andisnow working for Henry Kocher.
Miss Annie Johnson has returned to Oregon CItv
after a week's vacation with her parents. -
iet? ve f"? M's Aunie Johnson were visit
ing at J S Yoder's Friday afternoon.
simsh'nes1"8 are bu8T mking hay, "while the
r.u! 8!!.aKlighL,l,h,0,T"r thls afternoon and eve
nlng which settled the dust nicely and made
traveling pleasant. ' B
The Star
of Stars
Has ball bearings In turn table. Turns
freely to Ihe wind. Ball bearing thrust
in wheel, insuring lighest running qual
ities, and reserving greatest amount of
power for pumping. Galvanized after
making. Put together with galvanized
bolts, double nutted, no part oan rust or
get loose and rattle. Weight regulator;
perfect regulation. No spring to change
tension with evei'y change of tempera
ture, and grow weaker wit1- age. Repairs
always on hand. These things are
wortli money to you. Then why not buy
a Star.
Simple Stove
Gisoline Engine
IK, 3, 4 and 6 H. P., Plain
and Pumping. Simplest En
gine made. More easily un
derstood than any other.
Catalogue Free.
Cherries are ripening, and strawberries are
A good many are planning to attend the Ice
cream social which Is hi be held at Glad Tidings
next Friday night, June a) h.
BMrs Charlie Rlchey and daughter, Maude, wont
to Portland to visit T M Yoder's Ginuer.
Mountain View .
John Watson and niece, Mas Ford, have moved
Into the house next door to J W Grout.
Mr Boattie and wife have moved Inta Mr Heck-
i artjhouse lately vacated by J Watson.
W W May and family have moved onto their
premises lately purchased from Mr Beattle.
Mrs Albright had relatives from Portland vlsit-
I Ing her last week.
, The local talent of this lung
'"K ail elllerUlllinient OOI1.
arc talking of giv-
Mrs Huelat la at the hospital In Portland,
where she has had a successful operation per-
J W May. who has a cobbler's shon at The
Dalles, wiites that heolteu ces Oregon City poo-
Lawrence Maek
eohool at Corvalis.
hai leturncd homo from
Mrs J W May nnd children, Lucv. Willie and
Beulah, went out to Clarks Saturdav Is Tisit
among relatives aud friends. They retur'ued home
Julia May went out to Clarkes Tuesday to s) end
a few days among relatives.
I. Silpp and father, who have been living In Mta
Walton's cottage for ,a number of years, have
moved down town.
Jehntlillett went out to Clarks Saturday to at
tend birthday party given .in honor of Tommy
Sager's 17ih birthday. Card playing and dancing
were the amusements of tho evening. Messrs J
Gillett and Hob Hullard were tho champions of
the game of cards, ltefreslimdnts were served at
1.' o'clock, nnd all went homo at broad day light
in t lie morning.
Mr and MisTD Weul returned home from
The Italics on Saturday eventmr. A rirty of boys
met on Monday for an old fashioned charivari.
ln on rear hi i' g the premises thev only gave a
ae.eiiadeul sons, which were more appreciated
by the bride. A treat to cigars weie tendered
the party and all disponed.
W G B.attie returned home from Alaska last
The choir of the Presbylerlan chnrch serenaded
the newly wedded couple last evening.
Sunday to the
We need a good rain.
A great many Btrawberries
8tnpped from tlnn elation
Mrs J Ruth liaa nurnhased Ihe Weed
hotel from Carlton & Kosenkransy
George Zuck, who has been working
on the uteaui shovel at Gold Hill, has
quit and returned home.
Mr. Rosenkrans returned yesterday
from a trip up a the mountains to his
Tom Shrockley had a severe attack of
rheumatism last week, but he has re
turned to work again much improved.
Geo Fletcher, Joe Graham and F
Mack are still on the sick list. They
don't seem to improve very fast.
Quite a large audience turned out Sun
day afternoon to hear Rev P, K. Ham
mond, of Oregon City, deliver a go id
discourse. Mr Hammond will preach
here again in about four weeks.
Mrs F Rosenkrans made a visit to As
toria this week.
Our school is closed for the summer.
Mr and Mrs Winches will make a isit
in Salem and return here in the fall.
The school directors have offered them
the Bchool again for the coming year.
The work on the new A 0 U W hall is
progressing rapidly. It is the intention
Mrs Brady went out toCirus
home ol Mft iiatou, who is sick
Best possible to build
No wagon Is or can be better than a Mitchell
because the cream of wood stock Is used, nnlv n f'.
being thoroughly seasoned. The wagon Iswel
ironed, well painted, well proportioned, aud runs
the lighest of any
It is nearly 70 vears since the first Mitchell mr.
on was built, and they have been built continu
ously ever since by the Mitchells. When you buy
a Mitchell you get the benefit of this 70 years' ex.
Champion in name
Champion in the field
It beats them all. That's all
there is to say.
Same with the CHAMPION
Catalogue Free.
to have it finished by the Fourth.
A school meeting was held here last
Monday. Ii I Seely was re-elected
director (or three years and C F Wag
ner was elected clerk. A nine-mill tax
was voted for school purposes. We are
thus inclined to have a good term of
school for thft next year.
Sunshine Lodge, Degree of Honor,
eave a strawbery and cream social last
Tuesday evening. It is said to be a
S B Seely has gone to Monmouth on a
Miss Maud Seely is home from Wood
burn on a visit.
Mrs Brobst has gone to Forest Grove
on a visit.
There was considerable excitement
here last "veek on account of the escaped
convicts, who were reported to be com
ing toward Wilsonville.
My little son had an attack of whooping
cough and was threatened with pneu
monia; but for Chamberlain's Cough
Ueiuedy we would haye had a serious
time of it. It also saved him fron sev
eral severe attacks of croup. H. J
Strk'kftulden, editor World-Herald, Fair
Haven, Wash. For sale by G. A. Hard
ing. Sow is the time to paint and renovat
your houses. Charman & Co. are mak
ing special prices on Paints, Oils and
For biliousness use Chamberlain's
Stomach & Liver Tablets. They cleanse
the stomach and regulate the liver and
bowels, effecting a quick and permanent
cure. For sale by b. A. Harding.
':... ,'V.M-.Lii,-1 lir--?- J
, Smart Illonscs.
The exit of tho blouse has been so
frociuenlly predicted that It is always
a surprise, although a pleasant one, at
the beginning of a season to see dainty
blouses displayed, with new embellish
ments, which are practical and con
venient. Thev are particularly smart
this season, enlivened with embroidery,
incrustations, stitched plaids in fact,
nil manner of complicated yet delicate
; ornamentations. The blouse has made
I Its way with marked precision and de
j termination, so that now it has obtnin-
cd its entree to the theater matinee
and receptions. The blouse here illus
I trated is of lilac gray silk, with stitch
;ed seams nnd crossed fastenings. The
! trimming, consists of dark silk cord in
the same color, with inwoven steel,
over lilac pray chine silk: collar of
yellowish Arabian hu-e.-Philadelphia
Tnpked Bml'ce.
Only such remnants of last winter's
black waist were retained as were nec
essary to supply the requisite strap-,
pings for n smart tucked blue crape
bodice that hooks up in the rear. With
a knot of blue velvet heather blossoms
pinned on the left breast, this captivat
ing gown has easily passed under the
most critienl eyes as an entirely new
creation from Paris, says the Chicago
What's become of nil the gold that
used to glitter hist winter from the tips
of her braided slippers to the bow in
the hair of the well dressed woman?
You can walk the shops and investi
gate the dressmakers' establishments
and not find enough gold braid to loop
once round your little finger. Gold
specked velveteens and gold threaded
gauzes have disappeared, too, and the
only possible successor shown to the
days of gilt and glitter we knew twelve
months ago is a taffeta decorated with
dots, dashes and weed designs done
with a brush dipped in copper paint.
Willie Kill as Trimming:.
White kid as a dress tiimraing has
been very smart this spring. A very
pretty suit, here illustrated, is trimmed
In this fashion. The material is navy
blue canvas. The skirt is quite plain,
with a Jaunty trimming of the white
kid over the hips in yoke effect Black
and gofi cord outlines the kid trimming
on the skirt as well as the jacket This
Is open in front nnd cleverly cut In
curves all edged with the kid and out
lined with the cord. Gold buttons also
trim the front of the jacket. The hat
is blue straw, simply trimmed with a
scarf of blue silk, dotted with white.
A clever arrangement of a silk scarf
similar to that used on the hat may be
noted In trie jacket, where the scarf
gives a vest cffect.-New York Mall
and Express.
An Odd Pnrasol.
An odd parasol is of white satin, per-
I fectly plain, except for a garland of
Violets which encircles the edge.
! osBEsiaHirczxizaa
"I have used your Hair Vigor
for five years and an greatly 3
pleased with it. It certainly re- a
storss the original color to gray" 3
hair. Itkcepsuny liairsoft." Mrs.
Helen Kilkjr.riy, Mew Portland, Me.
Aver s Haif Vigor has J
been Teetering color to
gray hair for fifty years,
and it never fails to do
this work, either.
You can rely upon it
for stopping your "hair
from falling, for keeping
your scalp clean, and for
making your hair grow.
$1.00 a bottle. All drulyts.
If vour druccidt cannot sumilv vou.
send us one dollar and we will express
you a bottle. Be euro and give the name
of your nearest express office. Address,
u. V- " 1 1.1. V. V . , J.UVtll, .ii.vnn.
Round Trip Excursion Rate
to Clatsop 8nd Noith Beach Points via
Astoria & Columbia Kiver Railroad be
ginning June 1st round trip excursion
on tickets wilt be placed on sale at A. &
C. R. It. ticket office corner Thbd &
& Morrhon Sts. anil Union depot, Port
land, to all points on Clatsop Beach via
ra'l direct and to all beach points on I.
R. & N Co 's line (except Ilwaco) via
A. &0. R. R. to Astoria and steamer
and rail from Astoria at popular round
trip excursion rate of $4 00, and from
Portland to Flavel and return $3, good
for return passage until October 15th.
Similar excursion tickets issued by the
O. R. & N Co., Vancouver Transports
tionCo., and Columbia River & Puget
Sound Navigation Co. to points on
Clatsop Beach (except Flavel) and
points on North Beaclu (except ilwaco)
will be hono ed on trains of the A. & 0.
R R. in either direction.
" Close connections made at Astoria
with steamer, Nahcotta to and from
North Beactiii points. The above rate
includes ttansferof baggage betweeen
depot and deck.....
" For Over Sixty years
been used for over sixty years by millionB
ui uiotiima ior ineir cuimren wnne
teething, with perfect sucpess. It
soothes the child, softens the gums,
allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is
the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Is
pleafant to the taste, Sold by Druggists
in every part ol the World. Twenty
five cents a bottle. Its value is incalcu
able. Besure and ask for Mrs. Wins
li w'sSoothing Syrup, and take no other
Oegon's Favorite Seaside Re
sort. "
''Recognizing the advantage of New
port as a summer reBort over other sea
Bide resorts in the northwest, and to
make it possible for all who desire to do
so to spend their vacation by the ocean
waves, the Southern Pacific Company,
in connection with the Corvallis &
Eastern Railroad, will place on sale, ef- 1
fective June 15th, round-trip tickets
from all points in Oregon on the South
ern Pacific to Newport, good for return
until October 10th, at Specially red uced
rates. For full information please in
quire of your local agent."
Happy Tima In Old Town.'
"We felt very happy," writes R. N.
Bevill, Old Town. Va., "wten Bucklen's
Arnica Salve wholly cured our daughter
of a bad case of scald head." It delights
all who use it for Cuts, Corns, Burns,
Bruises, Boils, Ulcers, Eruptions. In
fallible for Piles. Only 2oc at Geo. A.
Harding's drug store.
Smitli's Dandruff Pomade
Cures dandruff.eczema .itching scalp and
Btops falling of the hair. One applica
tion stops itching scalp, three to six
applications removes all dandruff.
Doctors and druggists regard it, as the
only standard remedy for dandruff and
all itching, scaly skin disase; price 50c,
at all druggists. Book on Catarrh free.
Address Smith Bros, Fresno, Cal.
.For years J had been a sufferer with
chronic stomach troubles, pressure of
gas and distress of my bowels.! I con
tracted what the doctors pronounced
a low type of malaria. I could not
take solid food at all, and only a very
little of the lightest of diet would
create fever and vomiting. The drug
gist seut me a box of Ripans Tabules,
saying he sold more Ripans than any
thing else for stomach troubles. I
not only found relief, but believe I
have been permanently cured.
At druggists.
The Five-Cent packet Is enough for an or
dinary ocasslon. The family bottle, 60
cents, contains a supply for a year.
In every town
wlfi clilu' village
w& mbehad'
that makes your
horses glad.
m m