OREGON CITy COURIER-kERALD; FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 1902. Official Returns of Electioiyjune 2d, 1902 CANDIDATES . I I' MHII 1 1' I LI H ! HI III I ' nl Hill HIIUlUHnlitTTTT i''''''' ''f''' 'i1' ' iTI : ' l""?i-' ii Mir. iffVTIT jegelablePreparationTor As similating thefood andltegula ting the Stomachs andBowels of Promotes Digestion.Chccrful nessandHest.Contalns neither Opium.Morphinc norMnexal. Not Narcotic. jkape ot'oidnrSfflUZLPrrcma Rmpkm SmZ" Mx.Stnnm JtMUSJn -Amu SeaA imemaot - fVcmSeed Clorihtd Sugar . ttijrmWrimr. Aoerfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms .tonvulsions.revensn' aess and LOSS OF SLEEE lac Simile Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT COPYOT WRAPPCH. ttbHVm..- S- .ililllit Good Literature F A TMf.,i. pamphlets, folders, booklet, etc., are "l xJt.l.lIlOol' tastefully gotten ap and are valuable for what XT- I n -r of n hat MK- CHAS. S. FEE, rjenural Passenger !M O w illllLl Agent, St. Paul, iVinn., will set l nt, car. fnlly " mailed, upon rt-ceipt of prices giu n Any combi nation cm be made, and money or express orders, silver or plumps will be accepted. Tbis is a fine opportunity to obtain zood descripuve reading matter for little or nothing. " Wonderland iooi ' An annual publication, beautifully illustrated In color flnd ' half tone. This number treats particularly of the history o( Stn Hie Northern Paeiflo's Trademark, the ouster Battlenelil in Six Cents Mmitaua, aud the Yellowstone Park. Miniature Wonderland A neat and dainty publication containing a complete hlstjrv of the Northern Paciflo Trademark. The anlstio covers of nd . ..... the Wonderland, 1901 are uswl In miniature, pour Cents Wild Flowers from Yellowstone A book of pressed wild flowers from Yellowstone Park, showing the real flowers In ihelr natural colors. ,k dainty Send and beautiful souvenir '.-n specimens of flowers aud six ' F fty Cents full pine illustrations of Pars, scenery. Yellowstone National Park A new 112 paee book In strong, flexible covers, good paper, plain type, illustrated, pocket size, a compendium j and Twentv-fivo descriptive of the Woild's Wouderland. Cents Climbing Mount Rainier An illustrated pocket-size book, 72 pageB, in strong, flexible Send covers, printed on heavy paper, descriptive of an ascent of Twenly-five uie uiKueBi peun 111 me umtuu glacial nature. is Nature's time for rest; and the man who does not take sufficient time to sleep or who cannot sleep when he makes the . effort, is wearing out his nervous strength and consuming his vital power. Dr. Miles' Nervine brings sweet, soothing, refreshing sleep. Don't let another night pass. Get it to-day. "I had hard nervous spells, lost nil appetite for food and for eipht weeks was' unable to sleep at night The only thing; that helped me was Dr. Miles' Nervine. It cured me. ' Mrs. H. Jackson, Bowling Green, Mo. lilii.MM, t... fl f ' i its ill 3m Dt. Miles' soothes the nerves, nour ishes ,the brain, and re freshes the entire organism. Sold by druggists on guarantee. Dr. Miles 'Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind, Ton Know What You Are Taking When vou take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula is plainly printed on every bottle showing that it is Bimply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless .form. No Cure, No pay. 50c. HEADACHE At I n 2i t- aSfcfl For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears Signati of Use For Over Thirty Years THK CCffTAUft COMPANY, NEW YORK CPY. The Northern Pacific is not ed among railways for Its advertising ma'ter. Its thev contain. Heie 1 t'tutiai lift states outsiue 01 Alaska 01 a uents. Virulent Cancer Cured. Startling proof of a wonderful advance in medicine is given by Druggist, ii. W. Roberta of Eliz'-.beth, W. Va An old man there had lonir suffered with what good doctors pronounced incurable can cer. They believed his cape hopeless till be used Electric Bitters and applied Bucklin's Arnica Salve, which treat ment complexly cured him. When Klectric Bitters are used to expel bilious. kidney and microbe poisons at the sutne time this calve exerts its matchless heal ing power, blood diseases, skin erup tions, ulcers and sores vanish. Bitters 50c, Salve 25c at George A Harding's. P. C&O.Ky. Co. 25c is the regular Rnndav round trip rate between Oregon City and Portland, Get your tickets at Harding's drug store." From Hot to Cold. Dysentery is prevalent everywhere in summer and is due to miasmatic poisons, and begins abruptly with inflammation of the mucous lining of the large bowel. In America the disease is common, but properly treated does not result as sen ously as m "the tropics. Perry Davis' Painkiller is the best known remedy and the moBt efficacious in the treatment of;dysentery, Free Embroidery. Learn to embroider correctly by the Japanese method, A class of six will be given 12 lessons free. Leave name and address at Aaams Bros. Golden Rule Bazzar.' STOPS THE COrGH AND YVOhKS OFF THIS COLD. Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one day. No Cure no pay Price 25 cents. Special sale Millinery at Red Front. The Best Prescription for Malaria Chills and Fever is abottleof "Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is simply iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No cure no pay. Price 50c. ' Self Protection demands that you be on the alert to see you get Painkiller (Perry Davis') when you ask for it ; tome dealers will try and persuade you to take something else, claimed to be just ag good ; insist upon getting Painkiller, the remedy which has been the world's family doctor for 60 years ; it never fails to stop diarrhoea, griping pains in the stomach or bowels, (ivnenterv. etc.- T.aroa hnttlai 9.1 mH &0cents. Fob UcwaitNoR Meorge IS. Chamberlain, Sem WilliHm J. Furnish, Rep,. A. J. lluusaknr. Pro . R. R. Ryan, Sue. For ti'PREME Judge Koi-ert 8. Be an, U B. . Uonham, 1) C. J Brittht. P '.. For Secrktart of State O.W. Bnrace, S N. A. Oavis, P Frank I Dunbar, R D. W. Scars. I) . For State Treasurer Henry Ulnckman, D T. 8. McDaiiiel, P Ohwrles 8. Moore, R .. 11 ISO 66 48 IS 128 w. w. mycrs, o SUPT. OF PDBLIO J.NSTHCOTION J. H. Ackerman, R R. W. Kolscy, P W, A. Wimn, D Attorney General a. M. Crawford, K ... T. H. Goyne, P James 11. Raley, D State Printer VV. W. Brooks, P : Jame E. Godfrey, D J. E. Hosmtir, 8 J. R. W hitney, R Representative to Congress Hiram Gould, l B. F. Ramp, 8 Thnrnns H. Tongue, R J K. Weatherford, D United states Senatoh! T. T Geer, R C. K. 8. Wood, D Joint Penator, Clackamas and Multnomah Herhert Holuian, R W. W. Marre, P Richard Scott, Citizens . Joiwt Representative, Clackamas & Mult.. D. M. Cathey: P Charles W. Nottingham, R W. F.Young, C '. Senator George 0. Brownell, R G. W. Grace, C Caius W. Herman, P Fred J. Meindl, 8- , Rbpresentatives R A. Black, P W. H Mnndevillo, P C. A. Wllley, P . (I. F. Clark, 0 0. W. Easlham, C Gilbert L. HedjieR, C Robert (iinlhur, S A. J. Maville,.8 Walter F. Arutleri. 8 C G. Huntley, R Han Prnilspn, It H. A. Webster, R CoUntt Jcdoe Elnier liixon, C A. Uarlin.P '. Thomas F. Ryan, R i harles E. Hpcnce, 8 , C0IHMI9I0NE. ( William Rrobst, R : F. Dirketnuicr, P .... George Lnzeile, 8 Charles W. Risley Ehfbiff Theodore Hsgenbutger, P J. E. Jack, C. . . . D. M. Klemsen, 8 . John R. Shaver, R.... Cl kk E. H Cooper, C A t, Faukliauspr, P.. Gilbert H. Hobbins, 8 F. A Hlcinht, K Recorder of Conveyances h. E. Griizer. 0 Franz Kraxberger, 8 J. W. Mar, P Henry K. Stevens, R . .iBSESS' r . ' William Beard, S '. Willltiui Johnson, 0 James V. ,elson, R iS Treasurer f Enos C hill, R Alfred l,u llmg, C Jea'c Hrindle, C... BURVEioa A M. Kirchem.C John VV Meldaim, R Cohonku R. 1 ll 'lman, U E.M. Miller, P W. K I'.uden.S J. W. Piiwt ll, C .. Imtiatiye and Rkferenduh Amendment Yi-b Ko 16' 128 li 64 124 16 63 16 61 38 107 135' 108 115 120 128, CITY COUNCIL. Election of Water Commissioner W. li. Zumwalt, the Man. At the adjourned meeting of the city council Wednesday night W. B. Zum walt was unanimously elected a mem ber of the Koard of Water Commission ers for the term of three years. On Jnly 1st, lie will pucceed U. I). W ilson, whose term of office will have expired. Uio nuance committee presented a report recommending that a license of $400 be imposed on the Portland City & Uregon Kailwav Company for run ning an express car on Main stteet for the term of one year to date from June 1st. It will be required that the license be paid quarterly in advance.- Lhe re port ol the committee was unanimously adopted. in the matter of the trolley lice not pioperly replacing brick when the pavement is torn up to make repairs, Mayor Dimick said he would interview F. ti. Morris in the matter. It A as voted to purchase the Darling property at Ely for $275. It is to be used as an engine house and meeting place for Mount Hood Hose Company No. 4. It was also ordered that a new roof be placed on Hose Company No. 3's build ing, and that it be painted. it.was ordered that the dumping of rubbish near the Congregational church be hereafter discontinued. Kelly & Noblitt were granted a re bate on their aloon license on account of retiring from bueinees. In accordance with the provisions of the charter, the petition of W. L. Block for damages on account of his daughter receiyii:g damages by a fall from a defective sidewalk was denied, as the accident did not take place on an improved street. VUWU1T COUltT. Now in Adjourned Session. Circuit court is still in session, and the regular jury panel are doing duty. Bob Gardner was acquitted of the charge of robbing "Captain" Jack Mil ler after a lury trial. The suit of D. L. Keyt, administra tor of the estate Matilda and Richard EnesvsC. W. McCown, et al, to set aside a quit claim deed executed in fa vor of J . U. aicUown, trustee, wag de1 cided in favor of the plaintiff, and the Eneses declared fee simple owners of the contested premises. The divorce suit of Ida M. vs Charles 0. Young, was referred to Runyan to take testimony. In the suit of Minnie Casseday vs P. A. Lindslrom, the jury returned a verdict for plaintiff Tor MHO 10. In the suit of J. 8. Boyer vs V. W Austin the defendant was allowed 60 davs to dead at bar. A decree was entered in the divorce suit of Minnie L. vs Edward Busby on the erouDd of cruel treatment. A decree has also been entered in the divorce suit of Aune vs C. T. Darling. n'0'22 106 30 10 44 . 22 41 2I 16 3 89 68 10 27 62 46 12 43 35 8 21 9 41 12 19 66 77 7 32 17 17 56 73 16 92 12 12 90 H2 40 I 15 U2 65 65 82 29 86 8 17 151 1 2115 8 7 10 71 88 89 22 28 20 113 94 91 114 4 103 12 97 6 31 96 25 4 106 00 84 13 4 93 48 18 7 19 90 2 1 24 5 24 fat 85 40 27 56 14 44 104 44 103 3) 88 29 30 48 19 21 8 2 4 12 1 195 1 126 17 1 16 Letter List. The following is the list of letters-remaining in the postoflica at Orenon City, June 12, 1902: Women's List Kitt Ellis, Mrs Leona Douglas, Blanche Girdner, Mrs Kate Uonsher, Fred O Henkel, Jr, Mrs Min nie Locke, Imo Mvers. Men's List J M Brooks, D Brow nson, F A Billings, John Davurn, Gib Jones, W O Marks, James Henry Miller, G B Moore, Nels Oats, Will Wilson. GEORGE F. HORToN, P. M. OASTOniA. Sean the ,4 You Have Always Scientific Dentistry Why Many Artificial Sets Unsatisfactory TKey are Not Constructed along Lines of Recent Scientific Investigations OME time ago it was discovered by Dr. W. I. Bon well, a dentist, who has made many scientific inves tigations in relation to the human teeth, that the lower jaw forms an equilatoral triancle, the base of which is distance from centre to points to the medium line of the The centres of the tips of the anterior superior teeth are in the arc the medium line of thf head circle which is known as the through the centres of the a similar line parallel to the periphery of the circle, will edges of the second molar The cuspid and the an first molar teeth forming and secondary springs of they mark the decided Failure in the making ably is due to a lack of facts, v. you nearly a thousand first sons who are wearing arti fort and pleasure, construct- teen years practice in Ore- " Positive painless extratinir Lowest rates consistent with first-class work. Dr. L. L. PICKENS, Barclay Building, Oregon 111 I 44 I 6 31 ; CO 42 , SO 5) , : 43 fO 8(i 64 42 ; 72 4 1 2 i ! U j I i i ti i 10 : 66 I 1 19 l j I'll! 18 6 32 24 67 ! 52 7o i 8s 1 46 94i8i". :;2 126 ' 43 i 71 ! 46 97 i 3 j 34 48 ; 89 I SO ! 44 22 ! 12 2 9 1 j 2 6 9 3(1 12! 42 24i 2 23 i 19 ! 9! 81 44 82 1 il 0i 29 23 Hi 11 4! 86 66 ! 32 i0v2i 115 j 86 ' 65 45 1 25 : 24 22 27 1 2 43 64 14 C 11 ! 18 8! 1 24 1 68 62 : 18 42 61 4 2 42 31 441701 26 28 107 1 46 25 1 7 54 ! 38 24 44 9 32 51 1 62 138 43 93 86 62 41 1 33 95 48 50 :o I 34 22 38 il 2 4 2 17 5(1 46 4 6 1 40 47 40 2 49 2 8 I 35 42 15 8 89 22 89 67 55 61. 40 13 27 88 81 1 9 90 49 76 I 55 27 9 35 26 83 , 20 1 27 24 9 14 148 14 56 A19 62 1 8 17 10 46 37 10 81 51 4 28 42 48 30 5: 21 26 36 45 43 16 66 130 39 43 W 25 21 I 1 i r 40 611 1 44 09 13, 2 60 Saved from an Awful Fate. "Everybody said I had consdmption," writes Vlrs. A. M. Shields, of Chambers I l,rrr P. T .. no 1,,,., ..Flu. SV s. J. nan nr inn niwi niA months of eevere sickness, caused by hay fever and asthma, that few thought . I could get well, but learned of the marvelous merit of Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, used it, and 1 ... !..., 1 ..1 I) 17. . J . wnu t;uuijieteiy cureu. rur ueBperaie Throat aud Lung Diseases it is the safeBi cure in the world, and is infallible for Coughs, Colds and Bronchial Affections. Guaranteed bottles 50c and $1. Trial bottles free at Geo. A llarding'a. Call and innpect the Millinery at the Red Front. 31 . 89 I 64 1'5 40 : 21 centre of the condyles of the jaw, and the sides the distance from these' inferior incisors The sides of the triangle averaging about four inches. ef teeth. No nas or cocaine. ZJU. 1!4 KB 70 ' 46 1 15 1 SI 1.721 2,118 188 395 2,517 1,420 223 502 201 2,W5 1,201 68 651 , 4 4 88 104 60 11 37 7 97 46 88 ! 2 I ' 29;34 194 (-4 9 17 31 H 4 K0 18 174 73 72 7 14 2 6 I 2 tO I 29 40 i 14 1 1 52 21 43 13 28 j u7 13 ! 49 14 126 43 II 1,091 11 !! 185 1011 ii 27 I T,7'.)0 7 96 168 46 28 i 87 2117 47 93 11 64 95 12 48 11 40 80 87 8 81 102 62 104 57 92 26 61 13 674 2,256 197 1,283 2,212 210 1,294 218 1,122 473 2,015 145 480 2,453 1.177 1,837 1.895 2,006i 27 48 19120 4 2 11 39 48 15 25 275. 1,706 210 2,179 1,646 2,262 l,3o7 108 856 12 1 11 175 I 179 90 66 4 82 33 90 67 190 88 o IS 5 6 10 81 97 112 21 32 19 171 142 l;:o 72 2 212 16 156 4 40 93 103 26 26 45 64 7o 16 1 6 8 159 17 180 1,472 1,621 1,528 3ST 484 - SI2 2,038 1.861. 1,763; 1,56 114 2.2S7 325 ,702 112 642. 1,498- 1 48 6 4 12 52 14 4 1 62 1,62(. lsi 461 20 11 89 !U ii 1,917 118 6 23 7 l :4 48 62 . :ij 1 49 : ' . 7 2 8 , 26 -.4 ' 39 l.O" 1,734 12! 382. 1,882 1,017 407 Uil J.514 471 1,565 2,029' 1,991 1,49 168 1,024 2,288 2,06!) 398 1,485 3,544 217 145 48 24 9 81 10 27 53 10 40 209 i:n 99 114 41 56 84 154 174 104 8 78 198 165 6 17 103 231 12 26 132 The steamer Leona, which has been overhauled and repainted by the Oregon City Transportation Company, began making regular trips between Oregon City and Portland. It is a delightful ride on the river at any season of the year, and more especially during the spring and summer months. The only way landings are Magone's park, Mel drum's, Moreys, Risleys and Oswego, enabling the boat to make rapid time up and down the river. The time table U as follows: Leave Oregon City at 7:00 a. m. and 10:00 a. m. and 1 :30 and 4:30 p. m. Leave Portland at 8 :30 and 11:30 a. m. and 3:00 and 6:15 p. m. of Teeth Work of a circle. A line at right angles to thrcugh the centre of this circle of the mouth, will pass second bicuspids teeth, and first, through the posterior pass through the posterior teeth. terior buccal cusp of the respectively the primary the superior arch ; that is, changes in its direction, of artificial teeth unqucslion knowledge of the above Ur. Pickens can give class references from per ficial sets of teeth with corn ed during a period of thir gon City. City DENTIST