OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD. FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 1902. CLASSIFIED HDVERTISMTS. O O o o o o o Ihcy Call , Us Cutters. Our competitors do. We don't mmdwe are cutters. We were the first to smash the prices. We are still cutting them--expect to cut and keep cutting as long as we are in the business. We are not satisfied to meet others' prices, we set out to make the prices. We are doing it. . If you are not a customer of this store, you are not sure that you are getting your goods as cheap as you ought. Our cut-rate prices are not confined to well known patent medicines, but extend to our Prescription Department. , $ IVANTEH T .increase mv list, oi hirun ami lni'd- 1'"' ie, in all parte n( t lie county Land- owneit liy nm-reitienii-represenieil au.i fdid. li. E. Chis, At torney at Lnw . ' Jj'OR SALE quire of 0. -500 tntcts of land. In A. Cheney, Oregon City. VOll SALH-'l"i.ruught.reii Holstein FreiFian ru 1 10 moiilon old. me ami dam Kegi'teifd. r will exidianire fur No. 1 milch cow, AddreBB Chas N. vVa.t, Oanhy, Oiegon. ( WOK SALE A N) 1 Dm 1mm flesh dairy cow, live yearn ulri ; live nations or more t.aih . Inquire at, this oliice. Photographic Su)blies Quality counts here. You don't want cheap photo goods at any price ; you want the best at lowest market prices. We are under the market from 10 per cent, to 30 per cent, this week on these: 25 Cutlery Our stock of Razors, Knives and Scissors is of the very best quality. We han dle no trash. O'tr regular prices are lower than the same quality is usually sold for. These special prices " ...20 are cuts of from 20ptrcent. 15 to 70 per cent. 16 ounce Graduates 8 ' 4 " 2 " ' 10 1 " ' 07 Fixinsr Bath 50 Card Mounts, 32x3 per doz. .07 " ' 4x5 " ..09 " Cahinet, " ..10 3 " " 5x7 " ...15 2 Trinodn 75 1 Printing Fra.nes .12 Ray Screens 19 2 00 Duplicates .. . .... 19 1 60. Metol 75 1 25 Pyro 35 75 Ein.iKg"n 35 60 75 Phears 50 65 " 45 60 " 40 35 " 20 00 Razors 2 10 50 " 1 95 25 " 95 75 Co n Razor 50 Knives 1 50 1 20 ' 95 " 50 " 45 Patent Medicines , Some new prices this week. If the kind you want is not here, ask for it. We have it, and the price is cut if it is possible to cut it. Swamp Root 75 Mennen's Talcium Powers... 15 Rubifoam 20 Hmd's Almond Cream 35 Herpicide .'. .. 70 Beef, Iron & Wine 50 Pierce's Pellets..... 15 Quaker Herbs 75 Oregon Blood Purifier ..... 75 Peruna 75 Pierce's Discovery 75 Pierce's Pre cription 75 Pinkham'a Compound 75 Soaps We are heavy buyers of soap get it direct of the makers. We handle so much of it that we are satis fied with smaller profits. That explains the cuts in these brands : Cuticura 4711 Glycerine 15 Packer's Tar 20 Sh iving Soap 5 Armour's Fine Art ..... 7 Fear's Soap 15 Wool Soap 7 Ivory 4 C Igates Tar 10 Lyon's Skin. . .' 10 Glycerine 10 Kirk's Castile, 2 lo. bars 20 yOK SALE Kiiiisidiitt Lumber by J. A. Jones at his mill on Ire Abernethy, 2 miles eai of On g.iii Ci'y. The mill and machinery i mko for sale, ineludine 40-horfes inline and boiler. Address J. A. Jones, Oi gnu City. C. Q. HUNTLEY, Popular Price Druggist Oregon Cihj, Oregon "POR S.VLEOn the installment plan, it eo desued koou 0 room house, cor ner 3rd at d Jt Arson stieets ; eewer con necriot(8 and healthv locatio 1. Apply to R. Koern-r corner 4 li and JeftVreon sts. LUMBER FOR SALE by E. E. Rich, 3 miles east of Soda Springs. Flooring and rustii- a tpeciali. All kinds of umber alwavs on hand. NEX1 LEGISLATURE. Will Consist of 18 Democrats and Ti liepi bltcana. The composition of the next Oregon legislature will he overwhelmingly re publican. In all the democrats will have but six members of the senate, as fol io s: W. II. Wehrunii, Washington, holdover; Alex Sweek, Columbia, Mult nomah and Washington, hold over, and Justus Wade, of Uoion, hold over. The new senators elected bv the demo crats are M. A. Miller, Linn ; Walter Tierce, Morrow, Umatilla and Union, andO J. Smith, of Umatilla. The repuplican members of the sen ate are: Marion E. M. Croisan, Sq. Farrar. Linn, Marion W. II. Hobson. Lane W illiam Kuykendall. DoughiB A. O. Marstera. Douglas, Josephine, Lane R A. Booth Coos, Curry T. M. Dimlck. Jackson E. V. Carter. Crook, Klamath, Lake, Wasco-J . N. Williamson Benton J D. Daly Lin coln, Tillamook, Yamhill Tyler W. Smith. Polk B. F. M.ulkey. Yamhill W. A. Howe. Clackamas G. O. Browuell Multnomah Herbert II il man, J. E. Hunt, F. P. Maya, Henry E. McGinn, G.T. MyerB, Andrew C. Smith. Clatsop C. W. Fulton. Sher man, Wasco. T. H. Johnson. Gilliam, Grant, Sherman, Watco, Wheeler VV. W. Steiwer. Baker, Harney .Malheur John L. Rand, THE 1IOUHB. Only 12 demociats will sit in the lower house. They are: W . B. Bilyen, Linn ; S. R Ciaypool, Linn; Willis Kramer, Douglas; Miles Oantrall, Jackson; John B. Olwell.Jaekaon; Charles V.Galloway, Yamhill; John llahn, Clatsop; W. M. Blakeley, Umatilla; J. A. Burleigh, Union and Wallowa; T. N. Murphy, Union; J. II. Bobbins, Baker; E. II. Test, Harney and Malheur. Republican members of the lower house follow: Marion Frank Duvey, E. J. Judd, T. 15. Kay, Alex LaFollutt, J D. Simmons. Lauo I N. Edwards, L. T. Harris, J.M.Shelley. Douglas Ira B. Riddle. Cons 8. B. Hermann. Coos, Curry R. I). Hume. Josephine W. V. Hale. Douglas, Jackson ,1. M. llaiisbrouxh. Benton M. Ilayden. Polk George L. Hawkins. Lincoln, Polk B. F. Jones. Yamhill B. 0. Miles. Tillamook, Yamhill B. L. Eddy. Washington D. M. C. Gaiilt, Oharius IlinoB, li. F. Purdy. Clackamas C. G. Huntley, Hans Paulsen, H. A. Webster. Clackamas, Multnomah O. W. Nottine ham. Multnomah A. A B-iiley, W. W Banks, S. B. Cobb, H. J. Fisher, John Gill, V. W. Hod.Him, W. R. Hud on, J S. Hutchinson, W.N. Jones, Dan J. Mularkev, Geo ga M. Orton, Sanderson Reed. Clatsop 0. W. Carnaban. Co lumbiaMartin Both. Crook, Klamath, Lake, Wasco-J. N. Burgess, R. A. Em mitt, J. N. Wlieutdou. Morrow, Uma tilla H O Adams. Gilliam, Grant Sherman, Wasco, Wheeler C. A. D.'ii neinan, R. J. Ginii, C. B. Johuaou. Read It h his Newspaper. George Sohaub, a well know Gm man of New Lebanon, Ohio, is a constant reader of the Dayton Volkszeituug. Ha knows that this paper aims o advertise only the best in its c ilunins, aud when he saw Chamberlain's Pain B ihu adver tised therein for lame back, he did not l esitate in buying a bottle of it for his vkife, who for 'eiui.t weeks had suffered with the most terrible pains in her back and could get no relief. He eft s : "After using the l'ein Balm for a few days my wiio said to inn, 'l f t! as though 1 was born anew,' and before using the en lire contents of the bvittle the unbearable pains had entirely vanished and she ,.,ii,l m.in take np her household du ties." He is veiv thankful and hopes that all suffering ' likewise will hear of her wonderful recovery. This valuable liniment is for eale by G. A. Harding. Offleial 1 Vote on cers. DUlrict OJJi- Folbwing is the official vote for jus tices of the peace, constables and road supervisors at the election held June 2nd, in Clackamas county : Juntices and Constables. District No. 1 Jmtices, J. A. Turner 199, G. F. Aden 14J, CDarles Hansen 108. District No. 2 J. C. Haines 115. District No. 3 Justices, John Wise 210, James A. Wells 136; constables, George Mooney 174, Leonard Jones 1G0. District No. 4 Justices, Livy Stipp 792, J. W. Loder 521; constables, Moody 732, Cooke 503. ' District No. 6 Justices, Williim Kniaht 213, J. A. Graham 226. District No. 7 Jnstices, K. R. Brat ton 73, J, II. Joy ner 56, P. Malloy52; constables, L. L. Gribble 91, F. M. Mathews 62, John MoCreary 50. Road District No. 8 Justices, J. Lubour 162, H. Skirvin 136; constable, John Haugh 176, J. B. Taylor 121. District No- 9-Justlces, W. F. Mueller 154, li M. Coooer 151; consta bles, Aop D. Jones 121), F. Molden hauor 70. District No, 10 Justices, M. E. Kan dle 77, L. P. Williams 0i; constables, Everett Pollock 75, B. C. Palmer 57. District No. 11 Justices, L. Tcnny 108, J. J. Barafeld, 100; constables, T.R. Dubois 116, F. U. King 75. District No. 12 Justices, S. C. Young 146; constables, J. L. Bates 9!), It. 0. Heiser 83. District No. 13 Justice, T. G. Jms rud 115; constable, Bert Jonsrud 116. District No. 14 Justices, O. W. Casseday 96, J. P. Woodle 97 ; consta bles, B. F. Forrester 103, Homer Glo ver 88 District No. 15 Justices, G. W. Ow ings 74, B. F. Smith 110; constables, It. G. Garrett 111, S. J. Kauffmann 78. Road Supervisors. Dieirict No. 1 VV. H. Counsel!, 101. No. 2 Walter Wilson, 102, P T. Da vis 101. No. 3 A. H. Ritzau 101, O. W Gritlin 100. No. 5 G B Linn 102, Joseph Ca hill 101. No 5 Andrew Vetsch 101, John Bird sail lull. No 6 John Revenue 99. No 7 Charles Le.ik 100, Jamns Fea gles 99. No 8-Ed Kopper, 99. No 9 Henry Johnson 69. No 10-W li Oatlield 102, Charles Duncan 101. No II John E. Smith 192, Jesse Mansfield 101. No 12 J C Sprague 101. No 13 W H Mattoon 102. No 14 F E Ternan 103, G F Gibbs 102, W O Dickerson 101. Nol5-Ward B Lawton 103, E E Kelloga 101. No 16 August Staehley 99. No 17 A H Knight 100, Joho Baney 99 No 18 John Shannon 102. Fred Moehnke 101. No 19 P Pendleton 102, J J Mal latt 101. No 20 J Stromgren 103, Charles Welch 104, John Put 102, Joseph Pol lock 101. No 21 J H Wright 102, O R James 101. (Continued nex. week.) tate, which consists principally of money and mortgages at $5317. The appraisers were Dan Lyons, H. L. Ktdly and C. O. T. Williams. The will was executed on the 4th day of Febru ary, 1901. In the matter of the estate of J. E Faulkner, deceased, the Willamette Pulp & Paper Company paid $250 to the administrator, in release of all claims against them. The administrator was ordered to pay Shank & Bissell, under takers, $373 on account of funeral. SHERIFF COOKE AND MILI TIA IX PURSUIT. Escaped Convicts In .Clacka amas County. Tracy and Merrill, the escaped mua erer convicts, are now in Clackamas county and Sheriff Cooke has charga of the plans to eff-ct their capture A ter the convicts escaped from t he posse, which virtually had them sur rounded, they were supposed to be in the vicinity of Monitor, and the Marion county posse in militia went in that direction. Yesterday afternoon Sheriff Cooke received a telephone messaKe that he convicts got dinner at P. M. Graves' house, and hurriedly left for timber cover. Sheriff Cooke at once left for scene of action. Later in the af ternoon Governor Geer ordered Com pany A out, and they left for Molalla Corners. Tracy and Merrill are the most des perate characters that ever escaped from the Oregon penitentiary. For two days they were practicallv surrounded by a oosse of 400 men, tracked with bloodhounds, shots were exchanged, yet they escaped under cover of darkness. Will of Jacob Ranch to 1' rebate. Admitted Herbert D. Newell, a graduate of the Massachusetts Instiu eot Technology, at present located at it. Stevens and employed 011 the g iverinnent jetty, was in the citv on Saturday. He asked for a board of trade publication describing luis city and county. The will of Jacob Rauch, deceased, baa been admitted to probate, and the appointment of William J. Ranch, as executor, confirmed. The estate is be queathed to the widow, Elituheth O litvieh, during her life time. The will provides ihat the assets of the estate shall be invested in first mortgage interest-bearing securities, the interest to be paid semi-annually, and the pro. ceedstogo to the widow. After the latter's death, the will devises that the property shall be equally divided be tween John lleury Kaueli, ttannau Remington, Margaret M. Telcher and VV. J . Ranch, The appraisers of the e tiite haye placed the valuation of the es- IFED DINGS. V AUG HAN-PATTY. Miss Florence E. Patty, one of the best teachers in the West Oregon City school, was married to Stonewall J. Vauglian, a prominent young business man of O.euon City Wednes lay evening. The ceremony took place at the homa of Colonel Robert A. Aliller at Glad stone at 8:30, Riv P. K. llunmoad, of St. Paul s Epicopal chcrch, being the olliciatimr clergyman, Miss Iva Har rington was bridesmaid, and Chauncey Ramiby was best man. Only a few im mediate friends and relatives After a short trip to Southern Oaegon, Mr, aud Mrs. Vaugban will occupy their new home on the corner of Saventh and Madisoii streets. WKED-CUKRIN. Miss Mvrtle Currin, daughter of Mrs. M. J. Currin, was married to Theodoro VVeed at the Presbyterian church Ht 5 p. m , Wednesday after noon. Rev. W. 8. Gilbert, of Portland, was the officiating cleigyman. Miss Eletha Cnmins was maid of honor and Fran't , was best man. Miss Echo Samson played the wedding march, and Owen Thomas and Seth Levens were the ushers. Th church was prettily decorated, white tijal arches being erected over the aisle. Mr. and Mrs. Weed will reside at Ely 011 their .eturn from E istem Oregon. SOCIAL EVEX1S. Several Interesting Functions Dur ing the Heek. The members of the Eva'igalical church gave Rev. and Mrs. A A. En gelbart a delightful surprise pany a few evenings ago, as an appreciation of their ret urn to this charge lor another .year. there was a house-fill of the quests. at d a very enjoyable time was passed. Miss Imogen Harding was the recin lent a delightful birthday surprise party last Baturoay evening. Mrs. George C. Brownell entertained the Mothers Club yesterday afternoon How's This! We offer One Hundred Dollars Re' ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by HaL's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., T ledo, O. We the undersigned, have known F J. Cheney or the last 16 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made Dy tneir tirm. West & Iruax, Wholesale Drugiist.B, Toledo. O. Waldino, Iunnan & Marvin, Wholesale .DrrigfistS, .Toledo. O. HaL's Catarrh Cure is taken internally acting diroctly upon the blood and in 11 cnus surfaces of the system. Price, 75 per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Tea. timonials free. Hall's Famiiy Pills are the best. Bargain In the Latest Hats at- Red Front Special Millinery Sale, Restaurant Privilege. Sealed bids will be received by the undersig led ap to and including Satur day June 7th, for the exc usive restaur ant privilege at the coming session the Chautauqua Assembly at Gladstone lark, July 8 to 19 inclusie. Building with range lustailediurnishel . H. E. Cross, Sec, OREGON and Union Pacific T) THE The 0. R. & N. Co. Gives the Choice of THREE TRAINS AIM JjU.MBER Leave oideif at tins' office lor first-class lumber of all kinds, or address W F. Harris. rWver Creek. Uregou . TWO VIA THE OREGON SHORT LINE 9 00 a. m. 9:00 p. m. TO SALT 1 DEN', OMAHA, CHICAGO and KAN8AS CITY. CTRAYED About. May 1st, a email bay horse, weight about 000 or 800, rather thin, little white in forehead. For information or return to Persell, the cow-hearder, on Abernethy, a liberal re ward will be piud LOCAL SUMMARY Hot soda at the Kozy Kandy Kitchen A few watches for sale cheap at Younger's. Watches cleaned, $1. Drs. R. B and A. L. Beatie, dentist, Weinhard building. The Weekly Oregonian gives all th national news and the Courier-Herald gives all local and county news. Both one year for Two Dollars. When you visit Portland don't fail ti get your meals at the R'yal Restaurant. First and Madison. They serve an ex cellent meal at a moderate price; a good square meal, 15c. ' Edgar L. Rjsea id Nettie May Clark, of Portland, were married ai t tie Con gregational parsonage, June Sih, Rev. Bollinger ollioiatiug. Marriage licenses have been issued to Louisa Brasell and .1. Thompson I'ownlv. Martha Stfbert'i and Irving Tamblyn, Missouri VauBuskirlt and Ferdiiund L'l rich, during the week. If'iedem 11 w' Best Troup. Wiedeman's big show is being greeted with crowded nouses at Shively'u Opera House this week, and th au tiences aie delighted. Friday night, ' Steam Laundry." S iturday matinee, ' That Naughty Kid " fatii'day uight, "Sea ofle." Filthy Temples in India. Sacred cows often defile Indian tem ples, out worse yet is a body that's pol luted by constipation. Don't permit it. Cleanse your system with Dr. King's New Life Pills and avoid untold misery. They give lively livers, active bowels, good digestion, fine appetite. Only 25c at Geo. A. Hmding's drug store. Constipation Does your head ache ? Pain back of your eyes? Bad taste in your mouth? It's your liver ! Ayer's Pills are liver pills. They cure consti pation, headache, dyspepsia. 25c. All druggists. Want inur limut:i.'hn nr twarrt a Iwni.i.- brown or rich black? 1 hen use BUCKINGHAM'S DYEtters B-CT. 0PIKJ3.8TS, 01 R l. Mali A Co. . Nhu M. pRESri COW f .r sale by H. II. Perry, Mulino. Young and gnntle. Will have two mote fresh this month. WANTED A ladv or gentleman to spend vacation mont s working for a saiary of $4'i per mouth Please ad. dress Box 42", Oregon City, Oregon. VOli KENT A furnished 7-room hoie lur the bummer, li. quire of C. H Dye. $10 REWARD for return ol Irish ter- rier, wearii g (ollar marked "Mickey-Gordon Voorhiee" ; lost at Ore. gou City, June 1. Gordon Voorhie8,227 vyest fark, Fortland. lOUND A United Anisan pin with initials VV. S, A. engraved on bar. 0 ner can have same by paj ing for this ad. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY To the rigui party we win give exclusive saie of our product in Clackamas couniy. Re quire limited advance paj nieut for goods. Address, International l ower Vehicle Co. Drawer G, Stamford, Conn. THE T 8. Townsend Creamery Co, of 44 Second St, Portland, will Bell you a cream seperator and take cream in exchange. IIOB, the 3-4 Percheion, will stand at Oak Grove stock larm this season Six dollars to insure with fold. Will show his colts with any horse in state. J. W. Dowty, Ourrinsville, Or. Individuals Money to Loan at 0 pei cent and 7 per cent. Call on or write, John W Lodrr, Attorney at Law, htevens lilM'g. Oregon City, Ureg LEOAL NOTICES. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notioe is h.ireby zlvn that I hve flle'1 with the County Cuurt ol Clackamas County and Slate 0 Oregon my llual rep 111 an atlraiuistmtor of the estate of j'u.aes A. Burhur, deoeaaod and that said court has sft Monday, the 7th day of July. 1UU2, at the hour of lu o'clock a m of said day as the time for bearinn "iilil report ana objections there to II auy wore ue. A.B. LINN, Administrator of of the Estate of Jainus A. Barbur, Deceased. SUMMOSS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon foi Clackamas (Jouuiy. George E. Smith, 1 Plain utf, I vs. V Catherine A. Smith, Defe.idaut. j To Catherine A. Smith, the above named de- feudaut. In the na ne of the state or oiegon yni a'e he-nby requlri-d to appear aud answer the com plaint fll.'il auainst you ill the above enllned court and cause on or before the last day of the Diiblication of llus summons, and it vou fail to an. pear or answer the plaintiff will apply to the court for the reli.'f prayed for in the cemplaint to-wu: thut the mamase contract existing be. tween you and the plaintiff be dissolved. This summons is published bv order of the Hon Thomas V. Kyan, county judge of C.'ftckamas county, state of Uregou. madeaud entered the 24th day of May.llHu. aud the date or tne nrst publica' lion hereoi is .May .w, rju, ana 01 tue msi puuu. caiiun July ii, iaui. JOHN DITCHBORN, Attorney for Plaliititl. Daie 1. May 311th, 1902. T.ailia.' h4ta at. Mia (lull Frnnt styles and at prices toeuit one and all. How to Save Your Hair Those who are losing their hair or have parted with their locks can have it restored by a remedy that is within reach of everyrne. All sorts of theories have been ad vanced to hcci tint for falling hair, but alter all, it is the remeoy we ate after ai d 1101 the theory. Peo ple who need more hair, or anxious to fave what they have, i.r frum sickness, dandruff orotiier causts have lost their hair should nut de lay but use PRIER'S HAIR FO . D t once. male by all druggists PUTNAM FADELESS DYE arc fast to sun light, washing and rubbing. Sold by C G. Huntlev ONE VIA TEE GREAT NORTHERN 6:C0 p. m. TO SPOKANE, MINNEAPOLIS, ST. PAUL and CHICAGO. Ocean Steamers leave Portland every 5 Days for SAN FRANCISCO Boats leaves Portland daily for Willam ette and Columbia River Points. Monthly Steamers to China and Japan. For full Information call on or address nearest 0. R. & N. Ticket Agent, or address A.L. CRAIG, G, P. A., Portland, Oregon AST0FJA & C0LUMBIV RIVER RAILROAD CO. LEAyES 8.00 A. M. 7 00 P. M. DKl'OT "F FTH AND 1 SIS., j ARRIVES For Maygers, Rainier, 'latskauie, Westport, Clifton, Astoria, War ronton, Flavel, Ham mond, fort Stevens, Gearliart Park, Seadde, Astoria and- Seashore Express, Daily. Astoria Express, Dally. 11:10 A.M. 9:40 P. M, Ticket Office. 256 Morrison st. and Union Depot. j . j. juaxu, uen. rass. Age, Astoria, ure. PORTLAND-ASTORIA ROUTE SIR. BAILEY GATZERT Dally Round Trips, except Sunday TIME CARD Leave Portland 1 A. M Leave Astoria 7 P. M THE DALLES-PORTLAND ROUTE STKS. TA1I0.1IA and METLAKO Dally Trips Except Sunday STR. TAHONA Liave Portlanri, Hon., Wt d. and fri 7 A. M. L ;ave The Dalles , Tubs., Thurs. and Sat. .7 A. M. STR. METLAKO Leave Portland, Tues , lhurs. and Sat. . . . ,T A. II Leave Dalles, Mon., Wed. and Frl .T A. M Landing, Foot Alder Street BOTH PHONES, MAIN SSI PORTLAND, OltKOON AGENTS John M. Filloon The Dalles, Ore. A. J. Taylor Astoria, Ore. J. J. Luckey... .Hood River, Ore. Wolford & Wyers. White Salmon, Wash. J. O. Wyatt Vancouver, Wash. R. B. Gilbreth Lyle, Wash. John M. Totton... Stevenson, Wash. Henry Olmstead Carson, Wash. Wm. Butler Butler, Wash. E. W. CR1CHTON, PORTLAND, ORE. Hie Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co.'s Strs. Regulator & Dalles Daily (except Sunday) between The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks, Vancouver and Portland Pouching at way points on both sides of th . Columbia river. Both of tie above steam i rs have been re nl and are in excellent aha) e for the season ofl 00 The Kegulutor Llue will endeavor loglveita patrons the best service possible. For Comfort, Kconomy and Pleasur travel by the steamers of llin Begulator Line, The above steamers leave Portland 7 a. m.an Oallesat 8 a, m.,and arriveat destination in amp time for otittroing trains. Portland Office, The Dalles Office Oak St. Dock. Court Street. A. C. A JXA WAT General v GO EAST City VIA Only transcontinental line passing directly through Salt Lake City, Lead v ill e, Fueblo, Colorado Springs and Denver. Thr. splendidly epuipped trains daily to all points East. Through Sleeping and Dining Cart and Free Reclining Chair Cars. The most inaenificent scenery in America by daylight. Stop overs allowed on all classes of tickets. addres cheapest rate8 nd descripUve lit, r4tnre J. D. AAN5FIELD, General Agent, I2i Third Street, Portj-nd, Oregon