City ounerf COURIER ESTABLISHED MAY, 1BB3 HERALD ESTABLISHED JULY, 1893 INDEPENDENT ESTABLISHED 1888 OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 1902 20th YEAR, NO. 4 (3 D. & D. C. LATOURETTE ATTORNEYS AT LAW Commercial, Real Estate and L Specialties Office Is Commercial Bank Building OREGON CITY OKEGON (COMMERCIAL BANK . ok OREGON CITY CAPITAL $100,000 Transacts a general banking business Makes loan and collections, discounts bills buys and sells domestic and foreign exchange, and receives deposits subject to check. , Open from 9 a, m. to 4 p. m. D. C. LiTornETTK, F, J. Meybb ; NEWS OF THE WEEK. ij i President Cashie GREENMAN THE PIONEER EXPRESSMAN v (Established 1865) Prompt delivery to all parts of the city OREGON CITY. OREGON J)R. GEO. HOEYE DENTIST All work warranted and satisfaction guaranteed Crown and Bridge work a specialty Oilfield Building OREGON CITY OREGON DR. FRANCIS FREEMAN DENTIST Graduate of Northwestern University Dental School, alBO of American College Dental Surgery, Chicago Willamette Block OREGON CITY OREGON E I. SIA8 DEALKB IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY Silverware and Spectacles CANBY ' OREGON Qt E. HAYES ATTOK.NEY AT LAW Stevens Building, opp. Bank f Oregon City OREGON CITY OREGON QEO. T. HOWARD NOTARY PUBLIC REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE At Red Front, CourtJHoose Block OREGON CITY OREGON J C. STRICKLANT), M. D. (Hospital and Private Experience) Bpeoial attention paid to Catarrh and Chronic Diseases Office hours: 10 to 12, a. m.; 1 to 6, p. m. Willamette Building OREGON CITY OREGON J. W. Nobbis, M. D. J. W. Powell. M. D. JJ ORRIS & POWELL, Physicians and Surgeons. Calls in cit y or cou nt ry promptly attend ed Office: 1, 2, 17, Charman Bros. Block, Oregon City. Q W. EASTHAM ATTORNEY AT LAW tr.i Titles Exmlced, Abstracts Made, Deeds, Moi'.gEi6, Etc. diainn, Money Loaned. Office over Bank of Oregon City. OREGON CITY, - OREGON JJROBERT A. MILLER ( ATTORNEYS AT LAW Will practice In all Courts of the State Weinhard Building, Opposite Court Honse OREGON CITY, OREGON a. Sohuebel W. 8. TJ'REN JJREN & SCHUEBEL . ATTORNEYS AT LAW SDeutfcfcet ittbDofot Will praotice In all courts, make collections and settlements of estates, furnish abstracts of title, lend you money and lend your money on urn mortgage, umce in enterprise tranuing. OREGON CITY ORKGON VV. II. YOUNG'S Livery & Feed Stable Finest.Turnouts in City OREGON CITY. OREGON S. J. YAUGHAN'S Livery, Feed and Sale Stables Nearly opposite Suspension bridge First-Class Rigs of All Kinds OREGON CITY, OREGON DR. KINO'8 try HEW DISCOVERY , FOR THAT COLD. TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. Cures Consumptiou,Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, LaGrippe, Hoarseness, &ore Throat, Croup and Whooping Cough. NO CURE. NO PAY. trie 50c. and $1. TH'l BOTTLES FRES Friday, June 6. Fighting The sawmills of Portland Unions, have unitt-d with the plan ing mills in fighting the unions; and the combination has be sides the active support of the master buildets' association. It was dtcided yesterday to institute a counter-boycott against the building trades council and federated trades council, unless the un fair ban has been removed from the products of the planing mills. This mems that the building contractors pro pose to buy material from the planing mills and run the risk of another strike by carpenters and affiliated unions; and that neither Bawmills nor planing mills will sell to persons participating in or enforcing the boycott. The Chicago stockyards strike is set tled LetBon Balhet, the Eastern Oregon mine promoter, found guilty of defrauding through the United States at Des Moines, Iowa There is a decline of 10 cents per 100 on sugar in the Portland market., Interest in Pacific coast flour has temporarily shifted from the Orient to South Africa. Saturday, Jnne 7. More A dispatch from San Frar- Volcanic cifco, states that another Eiuptions. city in South America has . suffered almost complete destruction, and hundreds of its inhabi tants have been killed by volcanic erup tions. The steamer Palene, which ar rived today from Southern ports, brings the news that the town of Ktabulen, situated at the foot of Mount Tacona, in Gautemala, has been buried under a mass of lava, stones and ashes thrown from the volcanic crater, and probably 1000 of its people have perished. The volcano is abont ib miles from Cham- panico, and near the town of Tapachulo, which it is believed also Buttered se verely. Mount Pelee in the Martin ique island, also is in a state of eruption. Governor Geer is considering the matter of convening an extra session of the legislature a few days prior to the regular cession. 'I he principal work be fore the body would be to put into effect that plank of the republican state plat- lorm wnicti declares tor flat salaries for all state officials. By maoting the law before the newly-officialn are sworn in they would be able to abide by it. Gov ernor Geer would also recommend that the extra session paeB a law making operative the initiative and referendum, lor which the voters declared by a large majority at Monday s el- cuon. The federated trades council suggests arbitration for the strike in Portland .... A rich copper strike is reported from Josephine county. Sunday, July 8. Suits The Sunriny Oregonian Governor says that Governor Chamberlain. Geer's special legisla tive session enterprise to put all state officers on flat salaries is fnvornd by George E. Chambelrain, supposed to be governor elect. But it is not approved bv members of the legis lature from Multnomah county who were yesterday interviewed by the Ore gonian. It seems to be agreed now that the legislature, if called tegether at all, must meet before the new year, in order to devote the tfrne necessary to consid eration of the complicated and cumber some lee system, bovernor Geer says he has not yet made up his mind about the matter, and will not until he heara from the people. With the river and harbor bil! a law, The Dalles improvement will soon go ahead. A special board will determine the best class of improvement, and on its report to Washington the chief of engineers will issue plans for the work. Eugene, Or., is to have free mail deliv ery July 1. The treasury department states its plana for enlarging the Port land postoffice . Another examination is to be held in Oregon for an Annapolis cadetship. Mitchell, in the senate, de nounced the Panama Canal Company. The house failed to vote on the anti-anarchy bill. Disorderly officers of the cruiser Chicago will not be court-martialed The miner's strike in West Virginia began yesterday Prepara tions for King Edward's coronation are being made .. ..Evidence is produced of the inefficiency of British army offi cers The new French cabinet is completed Paul Underwood, the alleged child murderer, of Ballard, Wash, is still at large Legislative candidates at Colfax, Wash., all declare forrailroad commission. .. .Over 17,000, 000 Calcutta grain bags rebeived at Portland in (30 days May customs receipts at Portland exceeded $100,000. The Central Railroad Company will build between Coos Bay and Roseburg, if no further. Monday, June 9. The supreme lodge, A. O. IT. W., will arrive in Portland at 8 p.m. to day, and the delegates will be given a hearty reception. They were welcomed at Huntington yesterday morning by Governor Geer and a committee, aid will be met at The Dalles by Ihe Port land committee at noon. The trip down the Columbia will be made on the Bailey Gatzert. When the boat passes Vancouver the Portland firebell will ring and the fire whistles will, blow five times at intervals of 10 seconds, and an hour later the delegates will arrive at the Aider street dock. This evening an informal reception will be given to the officers and delegates of the Supreme Lodge, A. O. U. W., and Supreme Lodge, D. of H., at the Hotel Portland. Oregon The final reports of the Wins committee of awards for Highest the South Carolina Inter state and West Indian Ex position give to the state of Oregon and Oregon exhibitors a larger percentage of medals and premiums than to any other state. T he list includes one di ploma of highest award, 64 gol J medals, 43 silver medals, 55 bronze medals and 90 diplomas of honorable mention a total of 253 medals and diplomas. The classifications under which these awards were made include agriculture, birds, iooda and accessories, horticulture and pomology, forestry, mines and metal- 1..... ,.l,. ;! j.. (JSC luiKy, U'lrciunmio, miliums, rum it I I'm, ; i?vi-.Tfc ciigmtrciiug, ju fjaiiiiiM&a mm luaiuutt- its tion. ira properly distributed Peace Thanks-1 giving services were held at et. Paul's. A plot was discovered at Pretoria to blow un the government buildings . . . Wh tplnw Reid has arrived at Lon don The fifth week of the miners' strike begins The strike was discussed at a conference at the White House Tuesday, June 10. Penitentiary Harry Tracy and Da Convicts vid Merrill, serving Murder terms from Multnomah And countv for burglary, es caped from the peniten tiary at 7 o'clock yesterday morning and made their way to liberty, leaving murdered behind them Guards F. B Ferrell.S R. T. Jo. es and B. F. Tif fany, while Frank Ingrgm, a convict, who tried to bar their road, was shot in the knee, which was so badly shattered as to require amputation. He is now resting easily, and strong hopes are en tertained of his recovery. Clad in their prison garb, well armed and provided with ammunition, the are men now lurk ing in the woods not far from town. It is believed that the weapons were smug gled into the penitentiary in eome way, and that no other prisoners are in. the plot. The Salem state militia have joined the county officers in the search. The house passed the anti-anarchy bill. The bill to transfer certain forest reserves from the interior to the agrif cultural department wai up in tthe house i , ll H, f This Trade Mark on the side of a wa gon box is a guarantee it of excellence and high grade quality in the construction of fi this wagon. If yours does not have it on dispose of it 4 and get one that has as you m -l. -j ... m uimiui auoru 10 run any chances on the material us in a wagonr every time you break down it costs you mor though the manufacturers replace the broken part. BUY A FISH Continued on page 7. Lodye Elections. ' Falls City Lodge No. 59, A. O. TJ. W.. elected the following officers last Satur day night: Past master workman, W. H. Godfrey; master workman, James Edmunds; foreman, Livy Stipp; overseer, C Schuebel; guide, John Kelly : recorder, H.J. Harding; finan cier, O. O.T. Williams; receiver, U. H. Dye; iuside watchman, Sam Roake. Myrtle Lodge, Degree of Honor, elected the following new officers : Past chief of honor, Mrs. Tena Fosberg; chief of honor, Mrs. Elizabeth Matha son; Udy of honor, Mrs. Clara Wil liams: chief of ceremonies, Miss Donna Doty; recorder, Mrs. EBtella N. Weed ; financier, Mrs. S. A. Gillett; receiver, R. G Pierce; usher, Mrs. Frank Doty; inide watchman, Mrs. Estes; OUtuide watchman, MrB. E. H. Cooper; installing officer, Mrs. S. A. Gillett; captain of team, Mrs. Jennie O. Pierce; musician, Mrs. Patella jn. weed. Artisan As-embly No. 7, elected the following new officers last Thursday night: Mster artisan,. Miss Jennie Rowen ; superintendent, Mrs. 8. A. Gillett; inspector, Mr. A. G. Kinder; secretary, E. H. Cooper; treasurer, Mrs. M. R Lubker; senior conductor, A. G. K nder; junior conductor, Miss Hattie Ruwh; muster of ceremonies, MiBS Alda ficer. About 200 members of the Workmen and Degree of Honor will go on the ex cursion by the steamer Albany Satur day night to participate in the supreme lodge parade. The-e was a large delegation of Grand Array veterans and Relief Corps mem bers from Clackamas county at the en campment held in Astoria last week. They vieited the interior of Fott Ste-j vens by special permission of Secretary Root, and had a mo6t enjoyable time, j Awong toe numerous visitors irom una section were Commander L. W. In gram, of Meade Poet, and Commander S. Thomas, of Gibbon Post. Both Meade Poflt and Relief Corps will be represented in the state councils during tin, coming year. Meade fost is now third in membership in the etate. We also carry a full line of Buggies and Spring Wagons. Write us for prices on everything you need, it only takes' a postal card and may save you dollars. Northwest Implement C 208 FRONT STREET, OMPANY, PORTLAND FRANK BUSCH Mouse Furnishing t7 Woods... REALTY TRANSFERS. Furnished Every Week by Clacka mas Abstract & Trust Co. W A Procter to H C Inlow, nw of ne Bee 35, n and e of Hood View wagon road in t Is, r 4e 400 J J Johnson to C A Flick, sj of sofneofne, sec 33, 1, 3 e.... 20 EE-Williams to O Fuge, 1 as in1 Holmes elm 3, 2 e 5 W G Beattie to A Schubel, 3-8 as Holmes Add, 3, 2e 300 A Schuber to V F May, tract in Holmes elm, s, 2 e 800 E Vivian to P Schmeer, 1-6 int in 21.92 as in sec 2, 2, 2e 180 A Wachtman to J F WacLtman, 40 as in sec 6, 5 1 800 8 Miller to H Scroeder, 10 as in Crow elm, correction deed E H Cooper to G A Weed, nw of seof sec 10, 4, oe 76 JGibbsto A K Ford, 14.83 as in W bitten elm, 5,1 e... 600 E A Paine to J W Exon, lots 1, 2, 9 and 10, bis 2, Darnall's Add.. 100 J A Moshberger to Wm Weinman del, ne of sw if Bee 5, and road way 4, 2 e 350 W W Austin to H E Austin, 14 as In Arthur elm, 3,2 e 417 G W Willey to A JN (iuynup, lots 37 and 38, blk 87, Minthorn 15 Wm Barlow to J H Jesse, pt blk 1. Barlews 800 I Cooper to P A Mignole, 66 of sec 4, 3, 5 e 200 G W Tucker to A Rotttr, lots 13, 14 and 15. Parkplace, blk 6 375 I Buckman to R L Sabin, t of ne wjof se, n of sw, sec 31, 1,4 e 3300 F Beck to A C O'Neel, int in 483 as in 'Jlover elm, 2, 4 e 000 H Gerhardue to L Bloufua, w of sec 7, 2,3 e..' 4000 A C O'Neel to H Glover, int in Glover elm, 2, 4 e 600 C & G Bluhm to II Bluhm, 5 as in sec 15, 3, 2e 5 J Lenneberger to P J Goder, 100 as in Hatton elm, 2, Se ....13350 Bee the fine line of shirtwaists at the Racket Store. TO CCBE A COLD IX ONE DAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If it faili to curer E. W. Grove's signature is on each bos. 25c. Sideboards Tliese are handsomely carved in ash, with fancy clock shelves and large bevel plate mirrors, two cutlery drawers each, long linen drawer and two cupboard. Price $14.50 PlCtUre Frames Afine.frame doesn t makeafine picture, but a poor frame spoils many a fine picture. . Taste in the selection of a moulding and mat should be fur-' nished by the picture framer. We sell a niee 16x20 gilt frame with glass, for $t StOVe Polish Some houseleePers think that stve polish is simply to make the stove look pretty. They are mistaken in this. Our " ,'Silver Gloss Stove Polish" preserves the stove and is a positive necessity if you want to keep your stove in prime condition. Per box 15c II -b REASONABLE. The price is not much when you come to buy a refrigerator, and one of these well ventilated zinc lined affairs will prove itself a satisfaction every day through the summer. You ought to have one early so as to get the full benefit. Price $10; size 22x39 Rubber Hose Your Karden ?nd wn win .luuK ueiier it vou have mk. ll v "'t L2 S VVV '! ( if . -v. r1 i. ,Vf -vl- C.V-v li IF t I - tiful dishes add to the taste of the food, and these beautiful set3 will give a banquet effect to a simple meal. They are all durabe, of ex ent artistic.quality, and not expensive. 100 piece set transparent cnina, $19. plenty of hose and keep the lawn well snrinklpfl Our canvas lined high quality rubber hose, inch diameter, is the most convenient size unrl the most economical hose you could have. Price per so foot section, $5. Of course we have cheaper hose excellent if there is no high pressure. Chinaware is much here that wiIt give you pleasure, including attractive necessities, which go so far to making up uie comion ana pleasure of a meal. Beau- '5 mm CtI1ta?n You can ave handsome" fur. niture. handsome carpets an c rugs, but it js the draperies that give a fin ishing touc hto a new or old house. Don't put all of your money into the other things, save a little for your lace curtains. It only takes a little money to get all you will want at the prices we are now makin" on this line ot goods. Lace Curtain Material, I2jc. per yard. im'i 1 mi 1 11 ii v. Ait r r 1 ' r Hammocks 90c, up. FRANK BUSCH, House Furnisher, Oregon City . 1