Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, June 06, 1902, Image 1

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CCLKiBf tiTt-lL.it t I.
Ht.fi AID ESTAtLiiHt uHV
INLtftt CtM til H LiihtC
its, a
20th YEAR, NO. 3
to pr"pit co operation on the part nf
His Majesty's South African subjects in
promoting ihe welfare of their common
country.'' According to a dispatch to
the Phi y Mail from Utrecht, Holland,
Mr Kroner was infornvd shorty after
9 o'clock lust night that peace had been
declared. He had been asleep ''My
God," be paid, "It is impossible!" Mr.
Krugcr and his entourage, the dispatch
continues, hope to be permitted to re
turn to the Transyaal. Thi9 however, is
quite unlikely. -
Senate will vote on Philippines bill
Tuesday, after which will come consid
eration of Nicaratiua canaj and Cuban
bills Striking Chicago teamsters
gained 125 recruits yesterday.
Pat Donan, the well known railroad
writer, died in Portland. He left a wife
and two children.
m . . '
Wit k.. i M
Continued on page 7. I
His Grip is Tighter than Ever. It dues not pay to ab ise a man
Friday, May 30.
Four In a baati g accident in a ln
People goon off iti.- i olun1ia nv r,
Drowned, six uiil-u ir.nu K Imm,
aliiiut 10 u'cloc: We. i iies
clay night, four young ppln were
drowned and a mutlit-r w e compelled
to cl.ng to a cftp iz, '. boat and witch
her son and daughter and to young
lady frifnds drwwii beiore h r ty In
a niost heroic winner, Htro'-rt .initio,
21 years oid, saved tlm ives of his
mother and sweeth-ait, a i i tli-.ii he
started bek to try io save the lives uf
the other young wninn, lint w.s
drowned himself. Tim accident ws
caued by a loose plank ail'tiug water
partially to fill the rmbnat, and it in
supposed in the exati uim the occu
pants rushed to tlie ou.t-r side of the
boat and Uie trail caft hi came over
balanced. The drowned werv: Her
bert Martin, 21 years old : Isrv Martin,
18; Nt-llie Uurkee, 2J; Mvrtl'e lluikee,
Morgan ami Spooner spoke in the sen
ate for ibe Philippine bill, and Clay
against it. Tne hiuir-e parsed the silver
coinage bill Tli- Filipinos are
taking up with Americiii oiviization,
and are now threa eumg a strike at Mt
nila. Three of the larnet American
employers of Filipino laoor have been
notified that they must ativanc alaries
50 per cent all a ound by .VI iy 31. or
face " a strike. Railroads will
shorten the time between Ni-w York
, and the Pacifiio coasi Mis. Crave .
abandon's tier fight for the estate of the
late Jumes Q Fair.
Saturday, May 30
Ex-Governor Sylvester Pennoyer,
Pennojer for tight years govnr
Dead. nor of Oregon, mayor
of Portland from 1896
to 1808, and a man of nati nal prumi-1
Hence, died very suddenly of heart dis
ease at bis home on West Park and
Moirison BtreeU, Portland, about 4
o'clock yesterday afternoon. He was
alone in his room on the second story of
his residence at the time of his death,
and was not discovered until 5 o'clock,
when his wife returning from a street
car ride with her son-in la w and daugh
ter, Mr. and Mrs. George F. Russell,
found him lying pr jnj on the flo jr, near
a sofa, from which be bad apparently
fallen. His glasses lav broken on the
flotir beside him, and . across his face
was spread an OVegunian, w hich he had
boen leading, and which had evidently
linaei.ed from his grasp in the fall.
Pennoyer was b ru in New York, July
6th, 18L!1, arid came to Oregon in 18)5.
He was governor of Oregon from 1887 to
1895, and major of Pot Hand (run 1890
to 1898. Mr, Pennoyer also achieved
success in early pioneer days as a
teacher; later as a journalist, and was
prominent as a sawmill owner.
Hon. Michael Henry Herbert may be
British ambassador to Washington
President Roosevelt delivered an ad
dress at Arlington cemetery
The Great Northern Railway Company
will build three more large ocean steam
ers. Sunday, June 1.
Emigration A. dispatch from Chi
To cago states that the man-
Oregon, agement of Harriinan
railway lines has just
perfected the details of the largest culo
iiizYtio i nlan ev r attempted I y a rail
ro d in t ie Ueat. The mean za' ion of
a c ilouizition iiiieau, and m ppjnr
mnntofG. M. McKinney !o be general
colonization ugenr, in charge of the bu
reau, with he ! Cj lart. rs in Oinco has
been announced. Mr MclCmney
started for Portland, Or., yesteriiav,
wi;ti a view to setting in touch with the
ieneral Sltmittnti. nnit ntmn hia roturn
to Chicago plans wi.l be perfected which
the Harriaian people believe will place
many thousand ro'en'sts fn Oregon ai d
Washington duri g the next wto years.
A large turn has been appropriated ft r
the woik. It is to be on a scale not
Hitherto attempted. It. i the purpose
to appoint colo-izing agents in all the
Eastern and Middle west centers, and
todnw largely from the population of
the Extern states. Arraignments have,
been made for agencies at piomineiit
poiuts in the E ist, West and houth
The bureau will represent the Sou hern
Pacific, tne Uni in Pacific-, the Oregon
Railmad & Navigation' Company and
ttie Oregon Shcrt Line. It is the pur
pose of the management of these roads
to thoroughly exploit, develop and Bet
tie Uregnu and Washington. Especial
attention will be givpn to the mineral,
agricultural and timber resouices It
is staled there are many millions of un
occupied fertile lands in these states,
and that no other states have such
brilliant futures fraui a mineral stand
point. The bureau, with the combined
influence of the railroads back of it is
going to pi y special attention to irriga
tion in the way of inducing (he govern
ment to promote irrigation, and redeem
the immense areas of land, which need
only water to become the most fenile
fields in the northwest. Incidentally,
the bureau will colonize Southern Caii
foroia and Texas, but the greatest ef
fort is being made In the northwest. A
novel aid for the scheme will be the
sending throughout the east lecturers to
give illustrated talks on the advantages
to farmers and miners. "
Acting President 8teyn, ol the Orange
Free State is suffering severely with
paraiysis ueported tut between
Lord Salisbury and tie King Over
100,000,0X0 teet of lumber Bhipped from
Portland by sea in May,
Mon!lay, June 2nd.
Bttton A disptch from London
And states that peace has been
Boer declared after nearly two
Make years and eight months of
Peace. a war which tried the Brit
ish nation to the uttermost,
an 1 wiped the Boars from the list of na
lions. The war has come to an end
with Lord Kitchener's announcement
from Pretoria that he, Lord Milrier and
the Boerdelegates had signed "terms of
surrender." This announcement bad
been anticipated for several days, and it
was definitely forecasted in these dis
patches, but its receipt Sundav after
uoou took the nation by surprise, as ev
erybody had confidently believed that
the house of commons would hear the
first news today The edge of anticipa
tion with which Great Britain awaited
the promised statement in the houee of
commons Irom Mr. Balfour, the govern
ment leader, was still further dulled by
the by the following message from King
Edward to his people, which was nsued
after midnight : 'The king has received
the welcome news of the cessation of
hostilities in South Africa with infinite
satisfaction, and bis majesty trusts that
peace may speedily be followed by the
restoration of prosperity in his new d o
minions, and that the feeling! necessa
rily engendered by war will give place
Annual Stsslon Closed Sunday
The five days' session of - the Evangel
ic a! Lutheran Synod closed Sunday
night with sermons by Rev. W. J.
Rhoenier, of Nehalem, and Theo.
SchOenberg, a student of theological
seminary in Chicago.'
Saturday afternoon the annual Sun
day school convention of the synod was
held. Theo Scboenberg, cf Chicago,
presided as chairman. Papers were
presented as follows: "How to keep
up the interest in Sunday sclnols," by
Miss Walters, of Taconia; "Our Mis
sion Sunday ScIihoIb." by Rev. E.
Meyer, of Oregon City; ''The Model
Superintendent," Rev' .1. A. L"s, of
Portland; "The Model Teacher," Rev
H. A W. Yung, of S- at'le.
Eev A. Schoenberg. of Mackebnrg,
preached the sermon Sunday morning.
Sunday afternoon the Luther Leaerue
held its annual session, R v. E Mever
: presiding as dhairman, arid. Mies Meta
, Kern, of Portland, filling the position of
! secretary. A paper on "Literature,"
, by Rev. W Brenner, of The Dalles, was
read, and Theo Strobmeyer, of Oregon
Litv, presented a paper on ' Labor."
The lny delega es to the Synod were
John L iwsnn, ol Tacnnia ; W. J. Paul
sen, Saitle; John Wenrit, of La Cama s ;
iCarl H..rii, Oregon City;. William
I'Wichen, Portland, mid John Krax-
I berger, of Mxckshng.
I The uiinisers present have betn
! previous y mentioned in this paper.
Tne oiln -is of the ty.ind for tlie pres
ent year re; t resident, 11 v. J. A.
Leas, of P nland ; secretary. Rev. K.
Meyer, m Oregon t "it y ; treasurer, E
, EncKi On, nf Seattle.
The next annual se-finn of the fyr od
will be In M ut Seat' V
This Trade Mark on the side
of a wagon box is a guarantee H
I UxM&M'i&M'A of e,xctlknc and h!h
ifiMM-' iSi&' W luaIity in the construction o
this wagon. If yours does p
not have it on depose of it 1
and get one that has as you f
cannot afford to run any m
chances on the materta. ueA f
1 in a wagon, every time you break down it costs you mor
a ft,
Wi S wiv, iitMitwiavtutUii i.s.om. lilt UlUJXil pdil
T!V i H.J.:- I . J
YT' f . r ft t r tti . 1 r .
ti vv r a xi i rarnr a Tint irt rT r-i irrrvax? inrt a irvrttie
f, ' ' w ww. a y M, twit VI i-J Ut if aiiu uuiii; VV CI U11J
wS tV7 r
Write us for prices on everything you need, it cn!y takes a
postal card and may save you dollars.
I " ' Ell l . v n
Graduutes of Oregon City and
j Caiumuh Sc'iooln. : j
The graduating exercises of the Ore- j
gon City high f chool were held at
t-hively's opera bouce Tuesday night. (
Kev. Stephen ti. Wise, of Portland, j
gave the address to the graduating :
class. nd . Chairman Albriuhr, of the j
; board of directors, presented the diplo- '
mas, and Rev. J H. Heaven pro-1
; nonnced the invocation. i
i The six gradanaieb presented the fol
lowing program !
i Master Florance Sullivan oration,
, "Tlie OHgin of a Na'ti n.
I Maude W. Cooke recitntion "Grada
tim." ! Clara M. Cantield ecsay, "Class
Eoma G. Btafford essay, "Class
Mary "E. Mitchell "tjchool, Old and
Edna Dalton piano solo, "La Ga
relle." ' The class motto was "Contendimus
Praestare Medioeritatum ; the class
flower was carnation, and the class col
ors, orange and white. An excellent
musical program was presented by lo
cal talent.
misc Fui'Biishifig
The graduating exercises of the Ca
nemah school were held last Thursday
af ernoon. Following are the gradu
ates: Lillie Hacker, Malcolm Telford,
Bertha Long, Minnie Klemsen.
Additional School Notes and
Graduating Exercises.
Chaplain Gilbert, of Portland, will
deliver the class address at the graduat
ing exercises of the West Oregon City
school next Monday night: Following
is the personell of the graduating class,
from the eighth grade: Bessie fcihobe,
Frances Wilkinson, Verne Batdorf,
Donald Shaw, Robert Ingram. The
Tenth grade clans will not gradnate this
time, as they detiro to still further pur
sue thiir studies during the next year
Everyone and veterans of the Second
Oregon are invited to attend the exer
cises The Park place, West Oregon City and
Milwaukie schools close today.
The June examb.ation for teachers'
certificates will take place June lOih,
11th and 12:h, and will be the last for
the present school year. Cjunty Su
perintendent Z nser is sending out sup
plies for the annuol school election.
" Last Thursday afternoon Miss Helen
W. Gleason closed a successful term of
schoal at New Era. The closing exer
cises consisted of songs, recitations and
declamations. At the close of the
program. Howard M. Brownell, of Ore
gon City, addressed the school on "Ed
ucation. His subject was very interest
ing, and he held the entire attention of
bis audience for over half an hour, ice
cream and cake were served at the close
of the program.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it fails
to curer E. W, Grove'i signature is on
each bos. 25c.
Sideboards ese are handsomely carved in ash, with fancy clock shelves and laro;e bevel plate
mirrors, two cutlery drawer? each, long ltnen drawer and two cupboaid. Price $1450
Picture Frames A fine fiame doesn 1 male a f'"e Picture' but a por ('rame sPi!s many a
fine picture. Taste in the seledion of a moulding and mat should be fur
nished by the picture framer. We. sell a niee 16x20 gilt frame with glass, for $(
StOVe Polish Some nousekePers thl'nk that stve polish is simply to make the stove look
pretty. They are mistaken in this. Our " Silver Gloss Stove Polish" preserves
the stove and is a positive necessity if you want to keep your stove in prime condition. Per box 13c
. Mini lift-.
i . r- it
1 I
.ir HW, ' i I ' V
tiful dishes add to the taste of the food, and these beautiful
sets will give a banquet effect to a simple meal. They are all
IT'S REASONABLE, The price is not
much when you come to buy a refrigerator, and
one of these well ventilated zinc lined affairs will
prove itself a satisfaction every day through the
summer. Ycu ought to have one early so as to
get the full benefit. Price $10; size 22x39
Rubber Hose Your gnrden and lawn will
-look better if you have
plenty of hose and keep the lawn well sprinkled.
Our canvas lined high quality rubber hose,
inch diameter, is the most convenient size and
the most economical hose you could have. Price
per 50 foot section, $5. Of course we have
cheaper hose excellent if there is no high
Chinaware There is much here that will
give you pleasure, including
attractive necessities, which go so far to making
up the comfort and pleasure of a meal. Beau-
durabe, of
ent artistic quality, and not expensive.
piece set transparent china, $19.
Ctlftatn can have handsome fur-
niture, handsome carpets and
rugs, but it is the draperies that give a fin
ishing touch to a new or old house, Don't
put all of your money into the other things,
save a little for your lace curtains. It only
takes a liit'e money to get all you will want at the p ices we are now making on
mis line 01 goous. J-acc curtain iviattriai,
I2c. per yard.
90c. up.
House Furnisher, Oregon City