'Storical Society, City Hali Oregon CO J ity 0 ounerli COUFtlEK ESTABLISHED MAY, 1EB3 HERALD EST ABUSHECi JULY, 1693 INC EhEfiCEhl tSTAt LISHBD lS8 OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 30, 1902 20th YEAR, NO. 2 S From the Oregon City Courier-Herald.) s bill as follows: The Indian war veteran bill canting pensions to those engaged in the early Indian wars of the north west, passed the senate three times, ana has been on two occasions favorably r -ported to the house, is now pending in the house cnmrnittee of pensions. So fur, no report has been made to this congress. While J. am twginuing to lose hope somewhat, lce.tamly enail not in the least diminish mv efforts to secure a favorable report and the ultimate pas autre of the bill. Every day the passage of the bill is delay-d, it is condoning a national crime. The interest of the president has been enlisted in it, ana it seems to be having some effect. Volcanic eruptions continue in the Leeser Antil es in the near vicinity of Mount Pelee. Injunction in Portland strike will be argued today. Building and trades council meets tonight The first spring supplies have arrived in the Thunder mountain district British naval tests show superiority of American shell cap Fiench Pres ident I.oubet visits the Danish king. Continued on page 7. rf!i,-."' CSS This Trade Mark on the side id of a wagon box is a guarantee & of excellence and high grade 5. quality in the construction of m this wagon. If yours does 5 net have it on dispose of it and get one that has as you cannot afford to run any p chances on the material uwA $ in a wagon, every time you break down it costs you moi I though the manufacturers replace the broken part '' ' 8 - vv- CORRESPONDENCE M 50000000000008 j! Ml 1 BUY A FISH 1 THE MISFIT GOVERNOR. W. T. Furnish as he would appear wearing the gar ments of Governor Geer. C NEWS OF THE WEEK Friday, May 23. CO 300000000001 Rfidiand. Sunshine at las'. Fruit, garden, grain and grass are im proving irh the few days of sunshine. Memorial sei vices aie to be held at the cemetery on May 30th. Everyone is cor diallv invited to attend these services. Ohildreu's day exercises are to be held , here on June 8tli at 10 o'clock. I Miss Stone's social is :o be held at Kveifgieeu Bchooi tiovse, district No 70, i on June 6tU. All are invited to come and brii g a nocket lull of money and lad ftie da too. Mist -Murray's Bocial will he held on the evening of the 14th. You'll miss hull vnur life if you miso this. John and Ohailes Gaekell are home f;om Portland for a short stay. Several oi the ciiizeus candidates, who spoke at. Viola on the 23d, spent tne night with us. ' Some time a.o two colored boys were fined 5 for cracking peanuts in a Brook ln church. This surely is no worse than ea iug dried fruit in tlie choir dui ing seryices. This iiint should be suffi cient. B E Courtr ght. of Union, spent a few days lat week with old friends. Mr Holonsworth has lumber on the ground for a new baru. C Walenstine, of Portland, spent Sun day visiti .g his grandparents, Mr and Mrs A Sprsgue. An omil'Bt might do a good business in cur bin, as a lady was so near Bight- llini O.in V.V'UII. tlvJM irw utiu .... was extruded to Utr of a near relative. ; She bad :iof seen him for two yearn and ! mav haw not reC"giiizjd him. I Mr Furred anil He came out fr-im - i We also carry a full line of uggies and Spring Wagons m verything you need, it only takes a g Write us for prices on even m costal card and mav save vou dollars. i . r ORTHWEST IMPLEMENT FRONT STREET, Company, Government The. mill owners of By Portland get out an Ir junction. injunction, and Al fred F. Sears, jr., circuit judge, maaes a temporary order that strikers must not iutei fere with the mills. Following is the order: "It is ordered that the defendants and each of them shall show causa on the 26th day of- May, 19ii2, at 9 ;30 a. m., why a fflit ot injunction shall not issue as prayed tor herein, and Ihut meantime and until further order of this court the defendants and each of them and their servants and agents, officers and all of tbem, he and they are hereby restrained from interfering with the business of the plaintiffs or either of them by pa trolling the sidewalks or street in front of or in the vicinity of the premises oc cupied by plaintiffs; or from placarding their wagons or teams or the goods of plaintiffs. from picketing in front of the premises of plaintiffs? oi from in terfering with the employes of plaintiffs or persons desiring to be employed; or from congregating in front of the prem ises ol thd plaintiff, in any wise inter feting with, threatening or ooer.dng, or attempting to coerce, anv of the em ployes of the plaintiff -i or persona desir ing to be emyloyed by plaintiffs. The senate passed the assay office bill and concurred in the nous amend ments to the Columbia river bridge bill. The Presbyterian general as sembly adopted the report on creed re vision, which will be submitted to the Tote of the varioui Presbyteries Victor 0. Dolliver. of Iowa, addresses the republicans of Ashland...... George D. Evaiis. formerly a prominent poli tician and den'Uv state auditor of Wash ington, and a convict on parole, com mit suicide ...The taxDavers' league, of Portland, charges thai non resident taxpayers have not been fairly treated. Saturday, May 24. Death An explosion in the Coal In " creek mines, near Fernie, Coal B. 0., caused the almost Mines. instant death of between 125 and 150 miners. Not a single person escaped. Tlia disaster is the worst in the annals of British On lembia coal mining, except that of Wel lington, 18 years ago, by which 157 lives were lost. Immediately after the explosion a ca 1 for help was Bent to Fernie, and the foremost of the reecue party that responded was overcome by the after damp, and his life was only saved by the timely arrival of comrades. In the work of leocue the miners mide hproic sacriQi'es. The tunnels in which the disaster occurred were very long and badly ventilated. The mines are only six miles from Fernie, a town in the Eastern part of the province of British C dumbio, on the Crow's Nest pass branch of the Canadian Pacific railway. It lies in the center of a country very rich in coal deposits. The building of the railway four years ago, was followed by the operation ef coal mines, which belonged largely to company com posed of Toronto capitalists. Most of the miners are foreign born, iicientitta state that the worst eruption i f Mount Pelee is yet to come The war in South Africa is auain prac tically ended Lnubet leaves Rus sia fr France ... ...Mis Lopez peti tion for the release of her brothers, wt o were deported from Luzon ... Tne Piesbvterun Assembly g es on roc- nrd as Hgainst card playing Young I rwhet. hHBte.l Kid Rrown at Denver. ... Josi Br .s are building a largi dairy R..hfiir Anrews. of Portland, was birn on their property (Le.ter known as PORTLAND, ORE. A liHI? .-"i -'iLBt."! Pordaud one day iaH week and tO'-k iliu latter's mo'-tipr, Mis Ifilcox, back itli them for a siioi t visit. ' X. j elected grandmaster of the grand bulge of Odd Fellows at Newport. Mrs. Flor ence Atwood, of Baker City, waB elected grand president of the Rebekah assem bly Portland exporters will dispatch a cmg of oats to So'ith Africa. The Portland federated trades in dorse the strike and call out no more unions. Sunday,. May 25. Toe The striking unioi men Portland of Portland have the sup Sinkers. port and sympathy of the building contractors; but the latter do not think the course of the formei has been wise. The master builder's think that a 9 hour day should be granted, and they think also that the various unions Bliouia witnnraw iroin the building trades council. The strike situati n was quiet yesterday, and there was no sign ot a break ' on either side. An effort by officers of the board of trade to secure arbitration failed be cause the millowners declared flitly that they have nothing to arbitrate. En voys to King awards coronation will receive pins and brooches The South Africaa war is agai practi cally at an end ...No more supplies are required in Martinique Loid Pauncefote, British ambassador, died at Washington The Rochambeau statute was unveiled at Washington . . . Indications are favorable for a large vield of grain and fruit in the Palouse country One million acres of tim ber land bought from the old Military Wagon Road Company on the coaBt fork route to Eastern Oregon, purchased by the Booth-Kelly Lumber Company... Profmsor Pease dismissed from Stan ford nniversity by President Jordan... Fonv bodies recovered at Fernie, and 100 more remain in the tunnels. Monday, May 26. Train Harry Granelli, was Sat- Wrecker urday sentenced to three Sentenced, three years in the state penitentiary by Judgn Hamilton, of Roseburg. Granelli was 23 years uld. In company with a youth ful companion, Thomas Arnold, Gra nelli was beating his way northward, and on the previaus Sunday morning was put off a train near Rice hill. The boys went on over the hill and placed cittie guard rail, a heavy piece of iron and a block of wood on a curve section of track. The obstructions stood in such a way as to have had the effeet of throwing any passing train into the deep gulch below. As President Har riman's train was due soon afterward the lection crew was especially vigilant and consequently discovered and re moved the obstructions before the ar rival of the train. The two young men were arrested by the chief of police of Forest Grove. The younger of the two boys, Arnold, aged 17, turned state's evidence, and was let off with a 60-days sentence in the county jail. Indian Congressman Tongue in War forms Washington cor- Peniionf. respondent of the status of the Indian war pension the John Myers' place), which they re cently purchased. They intend to run a firat-claoo dairy and to deliver milk to their numerous customers in town. B 0 Ooiirtriht was down from Sum merville on business last week. Charles an 1 J ,hn Gaskeil h ive sold th- ir teams. A M KVcliem and family visited rela tives at Logan over Sunday L . F. Union Mall. Mrs Sam W'ilkerpon, Mrs Mrs Mack intosh and Mrs Oughton vifdted Mrs J ! Thomas last. Wednesdny. Lee Riggs went to Portland last Mon day to visit lelatives and friends. ! Frank lieavener, a taientea young i school teacher from Calhoun county, 111, ; been visiting Messrs iL P liurns, J i H Purns and J L Thomas and their ! families for the past few days. Mr j lieavener went to Portland last Thurs- i day to visit relatives for a short time and then he inten d to start on bis trip imie. This is Mr iieaveners second trip to Oregon. Miss Emma Johnson, of Oregon City, visited her sister, Miss Francis Johnson, who is teaching school at this place. Miss Anna lice came home from Port land a short time ago. Our teacher, M'ss Francis Johnson, closed her school here last Friday. Miss Johnson closed her school a few weeks earlier than was first intended. he had to alone her school last winter on i alcount of smallpox and by doing so! made this term of her school come out later than it should. She thought it expedient to close it, and the directors j agreed with her. Miss Johnson has given very goci satistacusn as a teacner, Mrs John Theinas visited Mrs J tl Burn? last Thursday afternoon. Charlie Thomas went to Oregon Cit y last Sunday on a pleasure trip. Miss Veva Jones passed through tins vicinity on her way to C inby last Tuesday. Mrs Nettie Rigs called on bar grand moiher, Mrs Nancy Burns, last Sunday. Mrs F May visited Mrs N Riggs one dav last week. Mrs Caroline Thomas visited Mrs Martha Wilkerson last J Wednesday. Backwoods. FRANK BUSCH, Monc IFui'iiisliin to These are handsomely carved in ash, with fancy clock shelves and large bevel plate mirrors, two cutlery drawer? each, long linen drawer and two cupboaid. Price $14 50 Sideboards Pifttlff Fram ne frame doesnt make a fine picture', but a poor frame spoils many a 1 lllUIC 1 rd.in.gS fjne pjcture. Taste in the selection of a moulding and mat should be fur nished by the picture iramer. We sell a nice 16x20 y ilt frame with glass, for $( ' stove look rT Pnlfck Some housekeepers think that stove polish is simply to make the s pretty. They are mistaken in this. Our " btlver Uloss Move Polish preserves Per box 15c O'Ul'li!.; 11 'll, . : .T,vr. -7-.: 1 -- - the stove and is a positive necessity if you want to keep your stove in prime condition, IT'S REASONABLE. The price is nt: much when you come to buy a refrigerator, and one of these well ventilated zinc lined affairs will prove itself a satisfaction every day through tl summer. Ycu ought to have one early so as. to get the full benefit. Price $io; size 22x39 "QnUUor Hncio Your garden and lawn witl ivuuucr i mac look better if you have plenty of hose and keep the lawn well sprinkled'. Our canvas lined high quality rubber hose, j inch diameter, is the most convenient size and the most economical hose you could haw.. Price per 50 foot section, $5. Of course w.e have cheaper hose excellent if there is. no high pressure. VllilltlWalC gjve yQU pieaSurC including attractive necessities, which go so far to. making ud the comfort arid pleasure of a meal- Beatu ''-'I'm' I' ' '' Currlnsville. tiful dishes add to the taste ot the food, ana tnese Deauuiui sets will give a banquet effect to a simple meal. They are all durable, of excellent artistic quality, and not expensive. 100 piece set transparent cnina, qu. . Miss B.'rtha Kitching was the guest of Miss Nora Hale Sunday. Mr Cross, our preacher, preached at this place Sunday. J H Kitching, wife and daughters, of Washington, have been home on a visit. Born, 'n tha wife of Ed Noble, a son. Mrs L Hale has been on the sick list. Jim Linn, of this place, was in Salem a week ftgo last Sunday. The Stone creamer; is getting along nicely. T. T. twTir.pr.s- testa 111 Curtains X can have handsome fur- Initure, handsome carpets and rugs, out it is me draperies men give a fin ishing touch to a new or old house. Don't put all of your money into the other things, save a little tor your lace curtains. 11 v'y takes a little money to get all you will want at the p' ices we are this line of goods. 'Lace Lurtain Material, I2c. per yard. Hammocks 90c. up. TO CURE A. COLO IN ONE DAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. A.11 druggists refund the money If it fails to curer E. W, Grove's signature is ob each box. 25c. FRANK BUSCH, House Furnisher, Oregon City now making on g "EUXTSKmi mi 1