Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, May 23, 1902, Page 9, Image 9

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akd Union Pacific
the EAST
The 0. R. & N. Co.
Gives the Choice of
9:00 a. m.
0:00 p. m.
DEN a.,
6:00 p. m.
8T. PAUL and
Ocean Steamers leave Portland evert
o uays iur
Boats leaves Portland dally for Wilton
ette and Columbia Kiver roints.
Monthly Steamers to China and Japan,
For frill Information call on or address nearest
O. K. & N. Ticket Agent, or aaaress
A. L. CRAIG. G. P. A..
Portland, Oregon
8 .00 A.M.
T.00 P. M.
Depot Fifth and I Bts,,
For Maygera, Rainier,
niatskanie, Westport,
Clifton, Astoria, War
renton, Flavel, Ham
mond, Fort , Sterens,
Gearhart Park, Seaside,
Astoria and Seashore
, Express, Dally.
Astoria Express,
11:10 A. M.
:40 P. M,
Ticket Office, 255 Morrison st. and Union Depot.
J. O. Mno, Gen, Pass. Agt,, Astoria, Ore.
Dally Round Trips, except Sunday
Leave Portland 7 A. 11
Leave Astoria 7F.lt
Dally Trips Except Sunday
Leave Portland, Mori., Wed. and f rt 7 A. H.
Leave The Dalles, Tues., Thnrs. and Sat.. 7 A, M.
Leave Portland, Tues., Than, and Sat. 7 A. M
Laave Dalles, Mon., Wed. and Fri 7 A. M
Landing, Foot Alder Street
John M. Filloon The Dalles, Ore.
A. J. Taylor Astoria, Ore.
J. J. Luckey Hood River, Ore.
Wolford & Wyers. White Salmon, Wash.
J. O. Wyatt .'. Vancouver, Wash.
R.B.Gilbreth Lyle, Wash.
John M.Totton Stevenson, Wash.
Henry Olmstead Carson, Wash.
Wm. Bntler Butler, Wash.
The Dalles, Portland and Astoria
Navigation Co.'s
Strs. Regulator & Dalles City
Daily (exoept Sunday) between
The Dalles,
Hood River,
Cascade Locks,
and Portland
Touching at wav points on both sides of
UolumDia river.
tw, rt tha r,nvn Rtnampra bare been re nl
and are In excellent ahape for the season ofllOO
Tlie Regulator x.ine win enaeayor iu given,
patrons the best service possible.
For Comfort, Economy and Pleasure
travel by the steamers of Ihe Begulator
The above steamers leave Portland 7a. in. an
Dalles at8a.m.,ana amveei aeeuuauuBiii.iiiii
-1m fn M,ttFnlnV trainH.
Portland Office. The Dalles Offlee
Oak St. Dock. CourtStreet.
General Aire
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has heeu
in use lor over 30 years, has home tli siVnatnro of
and has been made under his per
sonal supervision since its infancy.
Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are hufc
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
- V
Macksburg. N
MoBt of the farmers done went,
To Oregon City to pay their rent.
The bosses wear a smile ana say,
How do you do, how are Jane ana the
When thev meet us on the way,
They tip their hat at the ladies.
But when this war is over,
The smoke of battle is gone,
They will ramble in clover and say,
"The Doodie is ourn.
So, gentlemen of wiBdom,
It you want to remeay tne system,
I will tell vou how to make it.
Just vote the citizens ticket
Be sure you are not too late
And vote -'or straight.
The KM You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
TV rnunnav emirr, new voaa errv.
Maple Lane.
Well, this beautiful weather ia just
The attendance at the Sunday school
is Bteadily increasing. Maple LaDeis
all right morally, if not politically.
Mrs Bravton is having the upper story
of her residence remodeled .
Mr Ward went to Portland on busi
ness last Saturday.
Mr Mautz is erecting a fine granary
and root house.
Mrs Kellogg visited with hor mosher
Mrs Bravton. last week.
Mrs L E Anderson and daughter, of
Portland, are spending a few weeks with
the former's sister. Mrs Swallow.
Mr flramnr. who is working in the
Willamette Paper Mills, will move to
Went Omimn Citv in a few weeks.
Mr Nichols returned home from Wash
ington, where he has been employed
for the last eight months in the coal
Considerable improvement is being
made on the shinzle mill road between
the Davis and Darling farms under the
Hiinervision of F E Terman.
MrJosi is -preparing to erect a large
barn on his newiy acquired pobbbbbiuub
in Manle Lane.
A larse number of our citizens at
tended the rallv at the Shively hall
last Saturday night and report it a grand
anccesa .
The Smabt Set.
Reduced Sates to The East.
Those contemplating an eastern trip
will be interested to know that there
will shortly be on sale greatly reduced
rate tickets in connection with the Rio
Grande System, the famous "Scenic
Line of The World."
This line offers its passengers a mow
delightful and comfortable journey to all
eastern points.
It is the on v transcontinental line
passing directly uirougn quaint, aim
pictureeqne Salt Lake City "The City
of The Saints", beautiful Glenwood
springs, Leadville, Pueblo, Uolorad o
Springs (where a side trip may be made
to the garden of the G"ds and the sum
mit of I'ikes feak over tne cog wueei
railroad), and Denver, the queen city ol
the inter-mountain region. Stop-overs
are allowed on all classes of tickets,
Three daily express trains make close
connections with all trains east and west
and afford a choice of five distinct
routes of travel. The equipment of
these trains is the best, including free
reclining chair cars, standard and tour
ist sleepers, a perfect dining car service,
and also nersonallv conducted excursion
cars, each in charge af a competent
guide, whose business is to iook aitur
tha nnmfort of his (wests. No more
nlfiftsant and Inexpensive means of
r-rnRaino- the Continent cin be found
than is provided by these excursions
hnr additional aeiaus. auureuM.
J. D. Mansfield General Agent,
Rio Grande Lines.
124 Third St., Portland Oregon.
Good Literature
' wnar, iney contwii
T4.U!rr of what MR. CHAS. S. Fl
JLM OtlllDS Agent, St. Paul, Minn.,
mailed, upon receipt of pri
The Northern Pacific Is not
ed among railways for its
advertising matter. Its
T! A I .(.i. pamphlets, folders, booklets, etc., are
J; 'L x.JLII10!Sl tastefully gotten up and are valuable for
wnat tney contain, nere is a paruai iitv
i r-fcK, uenerai passenger
will Bend out, carefully
prices given. Any combi
nation can be made, and money or express orders, silver or stamps will be
accepted. This is a fine opportunity to obtain good descriptive reading
matter for little or nothing.
Wonderland iooi
An annual publication, beautifully illustrated in color and
half tone. This number treate particularly of the history of 5
the Northern Pacino's Trademark, the ouster Battlefield in Six Cents
Montana, and the Yellowstone f ark.
Miniature Wonderland
A neat and dalnt;
tv publication containing a oompiew
or tne Kortnern i-acino i raaemar
The artistio eovers of
the Wonderland, 1901 are used In miniature.
Wild Flowers from Yellowstone
A book of pressed wild flower from Yellowstone Park,
showing the real flowers in their natural colors. A dainty
and beautiful souvenir ten specimens of flowers and six
full page illustrations of Park scenery.
Yellowstone National Park
A new 112 page book in strong, flexible eovers, good paper,
plain tvpe, illustrated, pocket size, a compendium I and
' descriptive of the World's Wonderland.
Climbing Mount Rainier
An illustrated pocket-size book, 72 pages, In strong, flexible
covers, printed on heavy paper, descriptive of an aacent of
the highest peak in. the United States outside of Alaska of a
glacial nature.
Pour Cents
Fifty Cents
Well, Mr Editor, here we are again to
Bcribble you a few lines to let you know
that we are still living in the land of
health, wealth and piosperity, although
at a cnstance.
Political speaking is the order of the
Our road boss is doing some good
work on our roads.
Jake Gioshong. who bad the misfor
tune to get his arm broken, is improving
a s last as poseiDie.
Mrs Dollv Groshong and mother-in
law have returned from Eastern Oregon,
where thev attended the funeral of the
former's mother. Mrs Groshong brought
her two sisters with her, who will make
this place their home for some time.
Raloh Slaughter and brother-in-law
have been engaged to dig 100 rods of
ditch for F W McLaren.
At present it looks as though winter
was iroine to continue all summer as
the rains have continued to fall through-
nut the naat week.
Grain looks well and bids fair to yield
a good crop.
Well, how is it , Jim, that you took a
back road to keep from meeting Annie.
Slim Jim.
Whooping Cough.
A woman who has bad experience
with this disease, tells how to prevent
any dangarous consequences Irom it,
She savs : Our three children took whoop-
inor eouirh last summer, our baby boy
being only three months old, and owing
to our giving them Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy, they lost none of their plump
ness and came out in much better health
than other -children whose parents did
not use Ithis remedy. Our oldest little
girl would call lustily for cough, syrup
betweed whoops. Jessie Pinkey Hall,
SDrineville. Ala. This remedy is for
sale by G. A. Harding.
Renublican candidates will address
the voters of the county at the following
dates :
Oswego Friday,
Clackamas Saturday,
Beaver Creek. . . .Monday,
Brown School. .Tuesday,
Maple Lane. .Wednesday,
Carus Thursday,
Oregon City.. Saturday,
Kidney Trouble Makes You Mlseralik
Almost everybody who reads the news
papers is sure to know of the wonderfu
cures maae by Ur
Kilmer's Swamp-Root
the great kidney, live;
L and bladder remedy.
. It is the great medi
cal triumph of the nine
teenth century; dis
covered after years o!
scientific research bj
Dr. Kilmer, the emi
nent kidney and blad
der specialist, and t
onderfully successful In promptly curinr
lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou
bles and Brlght's Disease, which is the wore:
form of kidney trouble.
Dr. Kilmer s bwamp-KOOt is not rec
ommended for everything but if you have kid
ney, liver or bladder trouble It will be found
Just the remedy you need. It has been tested
In so many ways, In hospital work, In private
practice, among the helpless too poor to pur
chase relief and has proved so successful is
every case that a special arrangement has ,
been made by which all readers of this paper
who have not already tried it, may have e
sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book
telling more about Swamp-Root and how to
find out If you have kidney or bladder trouble.
When writing mention reading this generous
offer In this paper and
send your address toi
Dr. Kilmer & CoBInc;-
hamton, N. Y. The
regular fifty cent and Bomeotswams-aest.
dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists.
Holds Up a Congressman.
"At the end of the carnpaign," writes
Champ Clark, Missouri's brilliant con-
oreaiiman. "from overwork, nervous
tension, loss of sleep and constant
speaking I had about utterly collapsed
It seemed that all the organs in my
Kn.lv were out of order, but three bot
tles of Electric B'ttersmademeall right.
It's the best all-around medicine ever
sold over a druggist's counter." Over
worked, rundown men and weak, sickly
women gain splendid health and vital
ity from Electric Bitters. Try them.
Only 50c. Guaranteed by George A.
Reveals a Great Secret.
It is often aske d how such startling
cures, that puzzle tne nest physicians.
are effected, bv Dr. King's New Discov
ery lor Uonsumption. Here a tne se
cret. It cuts out the piegm ana germ-
infected mucus, and lets the life-giving
oxygen enrich and vitalize the blood. It
heals the inflamed, cough-worn throat
and lungs. Hard coldB and stubborn
coughs soon yield to Dr. King's New
Discovery, the most intaiubie remedy
for all Throat and Lung diseases, guar
anteed bottles 50c and $1. Trial bottler
free at Geo. A. Harding.
Yon never heard of any one using Fo
ley's Honey and Tar and not being satis
fied. (Jharman & Uo.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money it it laik
to curer E. W. Grove s signature is on
each box. 25o.
Foley's Honey and Tar is peculiarly
adapted for asthma, bronchitis and
hoarseness. Charman & Co.
New Spring ftoods
..AT THE....
Itacket Store!
Fancy Shirt Waists
Fine line Ladies' Chemise
Fine lot Ladies' Drawers
Hoyt's Cologne, 5c and 10c
Infants Robes and Skirts
Towels, all grades at cost
Large assortment Corset Covers
Dress Skirts at a Bargain
Sun Bonnets and Tam O'Shanters
Ladies' Wrappers, 50c up
Men's Undervests
Men's Laundered ,Shirts, 49c.
Men's Linen Collars and Cuffs, 10c
and 15c.
Children's Iron Clad Hose
Children's Hose Supporters
Ladies' Hose, all prices
Stamped Linen Doily and Center
Sofa Pillows
Charman & Co., the cut-price
druggists, carry over 20,000 arti
cles in their up-to-date drug store.
Battenberg Braids, Finishing Braids, Bernard & Armstrong Em
broidery Silks, Ladies' Automobile Ties and Fans, Bustles, Ladies'
Fancy Hose, Men's Fancy Socks, Bachelors Buttons, Boy's Blouse
Waists and Caps.
Only transcontinental line
passing directly through
Salt Lake City,
Colorado Springs
and Denver.
Three splendidly epuipped trains
daily to all points East.
Throueh Sleenins- and Dining Can
and Free Reclining Chair Cars.
The most magnificent scenery In
America bv daylight.
6top overs allowed on all classes of
For cheapest rates and descriptive literature
General Agent
124 Third Street, Portend, Oregon
B F Boyles has commenced working
the roads again. '
Jessie Bagby is hauling from the
mountains for the Molalla teasel bouBe.
Meadows are looking fine, and there
is a good prospect for a large amount of
hay this season .
A large crop of f uit is expected this
J Harless will preach at the Mulino
hall the third Sunday in May.
Elder Moore will preach at the Dart
meeting house on the last Sunday in
James Moore made Mr Wingfield a
pleasant call a few days ago.
Master Bay Marquau. made a pleas
ant call on Mrs F Davidson last eve
ning. Ode Boyles called on Mr Wingfield
O S Boyles Is preparing to begin his
mountain work for the summer, escort
ing miners and others to the mountains.
He is talking of building a bridge over
the north fork of the Molalla for the
benefit of the miners.
BJohn Countryman, of Col ton, was vis
iting relatives at UlarKes tnis ween.
L P Williams was in Oregon City
this week.
John Arquette was seen at Clarkes
Bert Wilis was out tor a ruie sunoay.
Mr Garret was in Oregon City this
Mrs Martin and Mrs Gruce were vis
iting at Mrs Edgecomb Sunday.
Mr James was in tne city Monday,
brand pa Pluard is sick again.
Sclatio Rheumatism Cured After
teen Years of Suffering.
"I have been afflicted with sciatic
rheumatism for fourteen years," says
JoBh Edgar, of Germautown, Cal. "I
was able to be around but constantly
Buffered. I tried everything 1 could
hear of and at last was told to try Cham
berlain's Pain Balm, which I did and
wan immediately relieved and in a short
time cured, and 1 am happy to say it
has not since returned . " Why not ubo
this liniment and get well? It is for sale
by G. A. Harding.
What Thin Folks Need
Ia a greater power of digesting and as
similating food. For them Dr. King'i
New Life Pills work wonders. They
tone and regulate the digestive organs
gently expel all poisons from the system,
enrich the blood, improve appetite,
make healthy flesh. Only 25c at Geo,
A. Harding's.
Catarrh of the Head and Throat
Makes your voice husky, causes you to
ache all over, stops up your nose, makes
you snore, makes your nose itch and
burn, brings on catarrhal headaches
and neuralgia. Smith Bros.' 8. B. Ca
tarrh Cure attacks this common, areao
ful disease on new and correct princi
ples. It eradicates the disease irom tne
anatorn and rnatnres the mUCOUS mem-
' . ... ,!.! I
hmnestoa nea toy conumou aim m
cure catarrh no matter where located,
For Rale bv all druggists, book on ca
tarrh free. Address Smith Bros., a res-
no, Cal.
Wabsah Niagara Falls Short Line
And Points Beyond.
Throat Trains Daily from Chicago
4 Through Trains Daily from St. Lonis
4 Trains Daily from Kansas City
TjpkT TTPTVriHlVrTr Reclinin8 Cbair CarBre P"Uman Palace Sleepers
Ilv'UlirlVlI-ilN 1 Dining and Cafe Cars on all tia.ns. Polite train
men. Perfect roadbed, shortest bed and quickest time. Tourist cars Mondays
and Thursdays; 29 hours Chicago to Boston.
C. S. CRANE, G . P. & T. A., St. Louis, Mo.
ROS& c. CLINE, P. C. P. A.. Los Angele s.
Thta rreat Vi!.)tf.i
ttonol ft famous French physician, wiil quickly cure on of all ner
, Nervous
us, Vttrtoc
L Prfvei
B ol discharge, wiucn u no r,nec,Krn jeana yo operiiirrnu bmhi
vous or dtscanes of the generative or ram, such i
'a nsin ine .Hac. Dentinal .emission, x
Pimples, VnLnedS to Marrr, Kxbaufltiiig Drains, Varicocele sti
Insomnia 1
uiiasi'Mis, nurruui jpijuii.t.
inr Drains Varicocele and
It stops all lossen by day or nlffht Prevents qol
cp. which 1 nui rhAcked leads to HoermittorrhoBa I
7, . .l . i T I'fTDlnvH naanaM Itm liVftl- ttiM
BEFORE AMD r I iri Sidneys and the urinary orransoi siisinpuriUes.
ftTPIDEXf! etrenjrthens and restores small weak orsrana. - : ' ' " . ...
.rifiS rVrTtS 'Wn Tnd fmoner relumed if six bo; doe. nut effect a pennaueiiteuie, '
Ii3oa box,sllur5.),bymau. Bend lor ra circular ana leeumooiau. ,
AiVirwa D A VO I. HIUKI.X CO., P, Q. B-t 2OTIS, Ban Fraiidaco, Cal Jbr&teov
a A. HARDING, Drngglst, Oregon City Qre;oa
Is often no more or less than a neglected
case of catarrh, which in time creates a
hacking cough and nature in her en
deavors to get rid ot the tubercules, sets
iin an inflammation, matter is secreted
and the tubercules is softened. It then
comes to a head or supuratej and the
matter is discharged into the nearest
air tubes. This the sufferer raises and
allavs the cough to some extent, but as
the air cells fill up with tubercular mat
ter the blood cannot circulate periectiy
through the lungs hence it becomes
more impure for want of air, which les
sens nature's power to threw off the dis
ease until at last the disease becomes
more uenerai. the cough gets greater,
followed by night sweats and bleeding
of the lungs, finally the sufferer gets
weaker and weaker, until death ends
this dreadful disease. Smith Bros.' S
B. Catarrh cure acts on the glands and
mucous surfaces of the system through
the blood. It promotes the action of
absorhants. then removes the deposited
tubercules and Speedily allays the cough
and cures catarrh, no matter where lo
cated, , Never fails to cure night sweats
F r sale by ll druggists. Book on Ca
fart-h fi-aa ' A td rhu - Smith ftrrm ' Frea-
I no, Cal. ' '
All kinds of bicycle repairing, lock
work and saw filing at Johnson & Lamb's
bicycle shop, opposite Barlow's gro
cery. Give them a trial and be satis
fled. f '
An Epitome.
Of policy on life of the late Ed win St.
Kimble, of Portland, Oregon, bookkeep
er for Studebaker Bros. : Policy, No.
70,282, issued June 2, 1890. Twenty
payment life. Died Dec. 8, 1901.
Amount of policy $6000.00
Dividend accumulation 618.55
Total paid $5618.55
A return in oiviaenas oi sayt per cem
of premiums paid, besides the $5000 in
surance, inis company ooiiicn nitu i
policy holders each year and issues the
most liberal policies.
Mora! : Get the best from the Massa
chusetts Mutual Life Insurance Com
pany. H ubuht G. Colton, facinc
Coast Manager, Chamber of Oommeree
Building, Portland, Or.
ArTiitiR W. Ulothikr, Bpeciai Agent.
P. C&O.Ry. Co.
25c is the regular Sunday
round trip rate between Oregon
City and Portland. Get your tickets at
Harding's drug store."
Tan Know What Ton Are Taking J
When you takeSGrove's Tasteless Ohill
Tonic because the formula is plainly
printed on every bottle showing that it
is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless
form. No Cure, No pay. 50c.
of Cod Liver Oil is the means
of life, and enjoyment of life to
thousands: men women ana
When appetite fails, it re-
. . '.'it, r l
stores it. When iooa is a
burden, it lifts the burden.
When youlose flesh.it brings
the nlurrmness of health.
When work is hard and
duty is heavy, it makes life
It is the thin edge of the
wedge; the thick end is food.
But what is the use of food,
when you hate it, and can't di
gest it?
Scott's Emulsion of Cod
Liver Oil is thefood that makes
you forget your stomach.
If you have riot tried It. send for
free sample. Its agreeable taste will
Does your head ache ? Pain
back of your eyes? Bad
taste In your mouth? It's
your liver 1 Ayer's Pills are
liver pills. They cure consti
pation, headache, dyspepsia.
23c. All druggists.
Want your moustache or beard a beauUful
Drown or ricn oiaca r i nen utte
niiniiuniisiitp nvefor the
DUUMNunMM O U I L Whiskers
so cTt. e. DmwowTi, on a. hu. a Co. , nhv w.m,
ABOWNE. Chemists.
409 Pearl Street New j one.
50o. arid $ l.OtJ rail drugglata.
Bipans Tabules hold their place as
the supreme remedy which cures dys
pepsia, indigestion, stomach, liver
and bowel troubles, sick headache
and constipation. No othet single
remedv has vet been found since the
twilight of medical history which is
capable of doing so much good to so
large a majuriiy vi iuiiim.
' At druggists.- ...
The FlreM3ent packet is enonth for an or
dinary oo.Hxlon. The family bottle, 0
oetits, coutalus a supplj for a J oar. j