ORECOX CITY COt'RlIIR-IIEIULD, FRIDAY, MAY 16, 1902. TO33O00CC!3DCO3OO0OCCOCC0 C0SRESPOSD3i:CS X)OOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOo8 Sandy. Mrs Minnie Newlander and daughter , 'eturued to their home at Portland Sat urday, after an extended visit with the Winer's pa rente here. Miea Simppon, teacher of Sandy Ridge j:hool .closed school last week on account rf ill health. MisB Anna Olsen, who taught the w in fer term ol t;ie DamHCU.i Miliool, '. vi "..in i lww -days wLli n -r titwr, Xri K Foniihu '. Mie v. il. jelurn la Portend fhnrjdty. Mr Zimmerman and wife,of Portland, vere visiting at Sandy Sunday. An ice cream and basket social will be given in Junker's hall May 31 by the school. An excellent program is under preparation. An unusually largo crowd was in at tendance at the political speaking last Vriday night Mr Dresser and Fudge Rj an delivered rather lengthy, but interesting speeches, which were ap plauded by the republicans. Rev Koppelman preached in Sandy Sunday morning and at Dover in the fternoon. Mrs M N Bowman, of Dover, lies langf rously ill at the home of her daugh ter, MrsPrebstel, at Portland. Her hus band and son were summoned Friday. Edward Bruns returned to Portland Saturday, where lie will resume work again in a furniture factory. Miss L Vancuren f'aa resumed her po rtion as clerk in Joe Jarl's store at Kelso. School is progressing nicely under the management of Mies A Bachman, of Stone. Mr Stevens, a socialist speaker of Portland, will speak at Sandy Saturday (light, May 17th. Evergreen. We have several real estate transfers so report this week : David Hefner and David Yoder, recent arrivals from Mis touri, have bought 1G0 acres of the Pat terson D L 0, also 8 acres joining the ibove, known as the Gren place. They intend to build right away. Mr Nelson, recently from North Da ota, has b mght 20 acres off the Jesse Morelund D L C hnd has moved onto it. I B llein ot this place has bought 80 icres adjoining the townsite of Needy 'om Postmaster llorton, of Oregon City. A J Yoder, David Yoder, David Hef ler and I B Hein transacted business at Oregon City last week. i B Hein hauled his household goods from Woodburn last Saturday. Miss Annie Johnson is home from Ore on City for a week's visit. John Johnson was home over Sunday. ie is working for VV W irvin near Au rora. William'Shaw, from near JefFerBon, )r, was a visitor at J S Voder's sawmill ne day last week. Mrs T O Riding and Miss Doll Riding, f Glad Tidings, passed through here ast Thursday on their way to Needy. Alexander Taylor and sister, Jessie, ittended services atSmyrna church Sun day. , Mrs McCormack was a visitor at J S .Yoder's last Wednesday afternoon. Johnny McOormack went to work for 'lis brother-in-law up the Columbia river it a lotig'ng camp. h H Yoder and A Biglow were callers it J S Yoder's Sunday afternoon. J R Wateon took dinner at J S Yoder'B Sunday. Misa Sadie Crocker is home from Port land, where she has been working for lrs Summers all winter. We are glad ',o see her in our midst again. Those who attended the dance at Frank "ish'a last Wednesday evening report a pleasant time. Last Saturday afternoon this section as visited by a light thunder 'storm ind heavy rains, something we haven't lad for a long time. Quito a number of young folks of this vicinity went to Hubbard this evening o attend the concert at the armory. R E Yoder is expected home" from' Portland on the 17th for a short vaea ion. Miss Alice Wyland and Misa Nora 'ish were in Hubbard Monday after toon. Wehfoot, ia here again this evening, .md we feel at home once more. (jlNNKR. Heaver Creek. Political speaking is the order of the week. On May 7th the socialists had a nieet ntr. The speakers were Messrs Klemsen ind Hankins, who gave us a talk on the leneflts to be derived from socialism. Che following evening Messrs Campbell nd Diniiek spoke of the benefits that ve ought to have if we would vote their icket. The meeting was called to or ter by Mr Campbell, who then nomi mted onr esteemed citizen, John Shan ton as chaiiumn (who by the way is a .andidatejn the citizens ticket), whether w) a compliment to Mr Slmnnou or a light to our prominent republicans, is or ua to say. But It 1 k .1 .i little odd, osay the least, us thin. re plenty re publicans there to nmk' a chairman of .'hen they proceeded in a very able and . onvincing manner (In their own est i nation) to tell us why we should elect tioir ticket. But we have heard of one nan who said that he had howled ropub lean prosperity until the wolf at the loor answered him. There may bo ithers. Who knows? Mrs D W Thomas will go to Portland his week. Wo can all have a new truss wLen she returns, as she will ring home a supply of new goods for umnier. Little Albert Weidner, while on an nestigating tour hist Sunday, ran up igaiust the "real thing" in the shape of t bee hive, and he found out all that he van ted to know abitit the bee industry. Lady. Elliott Prairie. Everyone ia very busy. There is more vork than tuore are hands to do it. Bud Thompson has been doing excel ant work on the roads. He ought to be tmimeinled for giving all equal chauces or working. In this matter differing rom road supervisors of boiu6 other pre oiocta and those who bave preceded ia this precinct. f There is one good lady in the prairie who would do well to remenaber that there ia no harm in dancingand that the people do more harm with their tongues than with their toes. A Heasant i nlpttaintrent was given f.t V Lieke.v iiiil taturdjy evening. George Lefler, who has been in East ern Oregon, and brother. Charlie, were seen shaking hands with their many friends on Sunday last. A.J.Todd an4 friend, of Portland, were visiting the former's parents Sun day. Rev J M Dick announces that Mr and Mrs Broad, missionaries frojn Kansas, will be at Hubbard on the 22dof this moth. All are invited to bring their lunches and he.'.r what they have to pay. Ww are to b ) vuite i b LoUi lbs n- tmbiienn and Urn citirja Candidate) ti.ii week. N Lnd tunday evening the young peo ple of this vicinity gathered together in the Congregational church for the pur pose of organizing the Y P C E. This was effected in a manner satisfactory to the chief promoters of religion and emi nently amusing to outsiders. The young msn who presided didn't preside at all. He quite innocently ignored par liamentary rules usually observed in the conduct of public meetings, and the two elderly ladies, who came in to assist the unexperienced youngsters in their busi ness added to the general embarassment by their ludicrous attempt to keep the chairman O. K. Whet think you of the lollowing incident? A motion was moved by one of the women and received by the chairman, but he hiving a vague notion that a motion should be seconded before being put a6ked for a second. 1 mmedi ately the aforesaid woman seconded her motion which was then put and carried. This is a specimen of how public meet ings are conducted in theae parts and in this enlightened 20th century. Akymoho. Mountain View. Mies Pearl Ourran is on the sick list this week. Dr Carll is in attendance. Grandpa Frost ia seriously ill. His son and wife and hi s sister-in-law ar rived from the East Tuesday afternoon. A telegram message was sent them last week. Mrs 0 E Knotta and daughter were calling on frienda here Thursday last. Mr Seeley has built a new woodshed on his properly, that he recently pur chased from Mr Moran. Our postmaster, Mr Beattie. will move his postoffice this week to the Nickels building, next door to Ely's old store. Quite a number from this place were down town last Saturday morning to meet the 9:20 train from Portland, when the body ot little Lloyd Heckart. was brought from Seattle. The remains were taken to Highland the same day for burial. Mr and Mrs Rogers, from the East, were the guests of Elmer Dixon and wife Sunday. Theie is quite a number of houses in this burg for rent at present. Henry Henrici and family moved but to their farm this week. Mr Henric will come to his work every morning on hie wheel. - Mr Duvall and family moved to Sell wood this week Dock Boen, of Springwater, wae visiting in this burg Mondyy. Mrs Ferd Curran returned home Tues day from a visit to ber father. Mrand Mrs Everhart feel quite.aged of late. They are now grandparents. Their son Willie's wife has a daughter, which whs born May 10th. Ice cream and cake and coffee and sandwiches will be served on Decoration day to the warm and hungry people of the town. The proceeds will be for the church. Thero will be preaching at the Moun tain View church again next Sunday, May 18th at 3:30 o'clock. All are cor dially invited to attend. Mr Duvafl'a brother.from Kansas, was visiting here last week. Frog Pond. On Miy 3d the citizens candidates spoke to the largest crowd that ever gathered in Tualatin precinct. A Luel ling, being the first speaker, spoke very briefly about the county affairs, while 6 W Eastham, Charles Clark and G L Hedges told us about the Oregon legisla tion in 1900. Hon J L Kruse and W Brobst were pre. ent and gave careful at tention to what was said. The former put in a cross (too once in a while, but the moie he Bpoke the more the crowd cheered, which was beard for miles dis tance. After the citizens had completed their speeches, W Brobet, republican candidate for commissioner, was called on and addressed the audience with a short talk that lasted till 11 :30 when the crowd thought it wae time to go home. J D Stevens, the socialist, addressed the people of this place May 5th, and the houee was filled. He began his speech in a whirlwind manner and kept it up for an hour and a half explaining the difference between anarchy and social ism, and, also telling about the 2S,000 vol umes of calf bound law boons with the calf brains in them in the Salem library that were perfectly worthless, and the binding of these boot a should be made into shoes for people to wear. James Turner is the citizens candidate for constable for Tualatin, Unioa and Pleasant Hill precincts. It is rumored that J G Aden will be reelected roadboss by a large majority. The people of Frog Pond are wide-awake and know something about our comity affairs. That's why the machin ists will not visit us during their cam paign. The taxpayers of Tualatin precinct are earnestly requested to view the new route of the Borland road. It ia said that the road will only benefit a few peo ple and will be au expense of several hundred dollars. Mr Farmer haa made a start toward putting in hia crop. Rev H Lit-smanand Mint Petera made a trip to Bethany last week on business. Lydia Aden, of Portland, iB visiting her' parents this week. F Klligmn ia improving hia ranch by clearing out fmcerows. Louise Oldenstat, of Stafford, waa vis iting relatives in our burg last week. Henry and Edward Boekm an were visiting at tiu')el ana Beaver weea Sa'urday and Sunday. The M H A of Wiiaonville will initi ate several new members on June Oth. A haket social will be given at Wil sonville Saturday evening, Chunky Fellow. linral Veil. Sadie Brocker, who has MUs been staving in the metropolis for several months, came home Sunday. Thomas Ogle is on the sick list. P frame! tnd f::r.i'.l-, of T.Io'.-.l'.a. Mitts Fanner, oi Union, and Mr liow er6, of Ksnsnu. wer vi.-itin:- st I Wil low's Monday afternoon. The latter is looking over a portion of Oregon and will leave soon tor California. She is looking for a location, as the is tired of Kansas hot win js. J M Voder and wife, of Oregon City, came out today to look at some real es tate. Misses.Eva Sconce and Ackerson were tvie ynes.U of Mitsjs i.yc.ia un.l Ko-.etti Kyman Mindiy. lyase WiliiivbM k-.u been v. nrkir." (or J 01. . MisH Lizzie Oswalt moved her house hold goods to Molalla Thursday. Ray Austin and Mr Kilmer did her hauling. She intends to move to her farm at Col ton in about a month. F 8 L Bagby waa but Thursday with a man from Woodburn, who recently ar rived from the East, and who was look ing over his farm. The Sameou estate was appraised Sat urday and valued at $1200. Our school officer hae purchased new seats and a bell for the school. Albert 'and Lou Moehberger Inaac Williams, Nathan Zweifel.and F-ed Mohr went on the excursion to Corvallia Sunday. Misa Zella Hardesty came heme Sat urday and returned to Needy Sunday. Highland. Highland ia pretty lively at present with entertainment, debating societies, parties and dances. There will be an entertainment at Olarkea in the Grange ballon Friday evening, May 23d. Come one, come all. Boys, bring your girls, and girls, bring your baskets. It will b. a g od basket social. (itckella EUGGIES. Give hotter satisfaction than anything on the market at anything like the price, be cause they are made of good material, to stand "Oregon roads" Iron corners on bodies, braces on shafts, heavy second growth wheels, screwed rims. If you want to feel sure that you are getting your mon ey's worth, ask for a "Bee Line" or a "Mitchell'' (Uenney) Buggy. We guar antee them. Mitchell, Lewla St aver Co. Seattle, Spokane, Boise. Portland, Or. Send for Special Catalogue Free IVIirCHELL, LEWIS & 8TAVER CO. . First and Taylor Sts., Portland, Ore. Branches Houses at Seattle, Spokane, Boise, Salem and Medford Agricultural Implements, Vehicles, Harness and Bicycles Mention this Paper AMERICAN CRFAMSEPERATOR Fully Guaranteed Easiest Cleaned of Any Close Skimmer Liuht Running Durable Catalogue Free We had quite a time at the surprise party at Mr Gard'H home, hut, ws not so good aa the dance at the Wallace home. Fred North lost a valuable horse about a week ago. j Mrs Patsy Parriijli, of this b.iirg, and Peter Kerns, of Oliirkes, wern married onj dav last week at Or g m City. We tender them our best wiuin s for the fu ture happiness. Quite a number of improvements are being put on Q K Miller's place in 'the way of fences and bnildiniiS. K J Tay lor, from New York, is doing the work. Mr Sauis-on, of Oregon City, will sell the baskets for the Orange at Clarkes, on May 13 Button IU'ktkk Hood I' lew, George Seely went to Portland Mon day to the Good Samaritan hospital to have his foot tended to. Mrs Maggie Nenditll h visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs T M B:iker. Clyde Baker left for Letnuon .Monday near which phuA he intends to worn in Baker Bros' sawmill us engineer. His many friends are sorrv to see him leave and all wish him success in his new home D m't forget the entertainment, fol lowed by a basket social, to be given by the Degree of Honor Saturday evening, Uy 17ui. TliM social is to be followed by a dance. This is the first anniver sary of Sunshine Lodge No 93, D of II. Toe dince at Charlie Biker's Satur day evening was well attended, and a good time waa had by those presnt. e John Peter' ;ind G"or."i Aden wen', ti Albany Sunduy on the Past Sachem ex cursion Miss Amelia Zink has gone to Portland to work. Albert Turner, of Frog Pond, was in this vicinity to get the' road grader, and we expect to see some fine roads down there soon. Miss Elva Templeman was down from McMinnville Sunday visiting lriends. julhera'. I armeri wi.l nearly iU be done seed ing this week. . Plant ing potatoes and making garden is the cnler of the day. Postmaster craves is planting 20 acres of potatoes. Win Husband is planting 10 acree. GraBa is good and stock looks well. Fall wheat is making rapid growth. Early sown grain looks well. Pears, cherries, peach plumsand Italian prunes trees seem to be loaded with young fruit. Mr B'iwen, of Albany, is in this sec tion buying yearling calves. H Abbott's wife's health is very poor. She is in a Portland hospital. E Austen, our sawmill man, etarted up his mill last week and runs all right. He ia now putting in bu log hauler. Dan Graves and Jack Dodge have a crew of men cutting shingle bolta on White's place and will soon be turning cut shingles again. Our blacksmith had the misfortune to throw bis knee out of joint again. John, tie a rope around it or band your knee and not be troubled so, Grandma Wright, and daughter, Liz zie Coates, have moved back to L.beral from Portland. Dan Graves purchased the Wright Spring picnic ground of Mr Hill, of The tar of Stars Steel Wind Has bell bearing In turn table. Turns freely tolhe wind. Ball bearing thrust In wheel, insuring ligheet running qual ities, and reserving greatest amount of power for pumping. Galvanized after making. Put together with galvanized bolu, double nutted, no part oan rust or get loose and rattle. Weight regulator; perfect regulation. No spring to change tension with evei'y change of tempera ture, and grow weaker wit1' ige. Repairs always on hand. Then things are worth money to you. Thou why not buy a Star. ., Simple Stover Gasolins Engine 1M. 3, 4 and 6 H. P., Plain and Pumpint:. Simplest En gine made. More easily un derstood than any other. Catalogue Free. iwgag.jiHjMuiiiu Portland yesterday. Ike Williams is working for W H White, digging post holes, as the latter intends to put up a plank fence around his place J A Hannagen is the proud poesaor of a flnecolt from his trotter, Lula. He sat up with t lib colt two nights to save its life, as It wns very eick, but it is all right now. Grandma and Andrew Hagey, of Marks Prairie, were visiting Levi Steh man and wife Sunday. Sylvia. Maple Lane. The entertainment and basket social at the school house last Saturday even ing was a sucess. The funds will' be used to purchase books for the school library. Courtie Gibbs is just able to be about again aftor being laid up with a stiff knee, caused by striking it with a pick, School will close this week after a term of eight months. Sunday school is in quite a flourahing condition at present, with Mr. Ward aa superintendent. Josi and Scherruble have their spring sowing almost finished on the old Myer's place, and will soon commence building a large barn. John Gaffney Jr. was conSned to bis bed last week, with a severe attack of typhoid malaria, but ia slowly im proving. O. T. Kay passed throng h our burg yesterday on his way home from Kelso, Washington, where he bad the mis tortune to get his arm broken, while he 3Er I m m JJ;- ": v i . ' mi N , Lost Haiij it " My hair came out by the hand- ful, and the jry hr.lrs bean ro creep in. I tried Av--v,: . .. LUtn 3 a 'e leisure m offering such a prepara tion 33 Ayer's Hair Vigor. It gives to all who use it such satisfaction. The hair becomes thicker, longer, softer, and more glossy. And you feel so secure in using such an old and reliable prepara tion. SI.OO l bottle. All druErUti. If vour drnetrUt cannot supply you. send as one dollar nd we t. ill express vnu a bottle. Be sare and srire the name of your nearest express onice. Address, it, i. a. x iU., ijoweu. juaes. was driving a team in logging enmp. Pansy Blossom. Jtu88ellville. The people are busy in this part of the country putting in gardens. The flowers in the gardens are blooming nicely. B F Boylea commences working the roads in a few days. Mitchell Wag ons . .; -r i A -i... "Best possible to butld. No wagon Is or can be better than a Mitchell, because the cream of wood stock Is used, only af ter being thoroughly seasoned. The wagon Is well Ironed, well painted, well proportioned, and runs the Ugliest of any It Is nearly 70 years since the first Mitchell wag on was built, and they have been built continu ously ever since bv the Mitchells. When you buy a Mitehell you get the benefit of this 70 years' experience. Champion in name Champion in the field DRAW CUT MOWER It beats them all. That's all there is to say. Same with the CHAMPION BINDER and CHAMPION RAKE. Catalogue Free. II Engle has been working the road near the RuBsellville line, doing a fine job. Much work is needed in our coun ty now. Mr Trullinger has been getting out ce dar posta for J Harless. Business starts up in the mines soon. H Russell and O 8 Boyles or opening up the trail now. We hope gold may be found to supply all their desires. B F Boyles has bought himself a fine horse to work hii farm. Mrs Mary Boyles. Mrs Carter and Mrs Melton made Mrs G Wingfield a pleasant call yesterday. All had a most delightful time. Chirles Dart died at his home Thurs day morning at 8 o'c'ock. He was a pioneer of '52. Mr Dart's age was 82 years and 3 months and left a wife, one daughter and three sons to mourn his loss. Mrs Wingfield took 207 dozen of eggs to market. Mis Mary Boyles ia on the sick list. May Flowbr, Union Hall. Messra L P Burns, C E Knotta and F Hilton were visitors at J II Burns last Sunday. Mrs Peter Sager and childien, of Mu lino, were-.visitingEdward Casiday and wife last Tuesday. Jacob Crader, of New Era, is visiting relatives and frienda in this vicinity at present. Mrs John Molzan waa the gueat of Mrs Nettie Rigga last Tuesday. SSI: T J Grimes is doing Eome farm work for Perry Burns. MrsGeorce Raur h ai.d darghter, Ef fie, visited Mis B J Helvey lest Monday. J L Thomas and son, Jie, went to Oregon City JaU Monday on bu'sirefs. Mrs John Burns viuited Mrs J L The niiis last Wtdnetday. Mrs Chi.rk-s 1'irubiole vitit. -i l.er nioiher, ,Yr, iiUm Pa. l;cr. !u-t 1 -li-u;'.v. I!r rhrk j;fy crf,i.rn j;rE i:i;tOD Jr t Mond 'y. 'Mrs Strejc went to Portland last week to vbit her daughter. There was a stereopticon and concert granhophone entertainment at Utiion Hall last Saturday night Miss Ilattie Butiz went to Mulino last Tnetdny to visit Mrs Minnie Sager for a few iiiivs. Mr and Mrs Johu Molzan visited Mr and Mrs Summerfeldt laet Sundav. Jack Dodge, of Liberal, was the'guest of Orriu Adkins last Saturday night. Ileniy Kanton was the guest ol Owiar Strikir lust Sunday. Backwoods. Xew Era. The fiumeru here aie planting pota toes. Mrs J L Hoffman left last night on the overland for California, where she will visit relatives and friends for sev eral wreks. Mr Solli has just finished a new picket fence, which adds to the appearance of his already neat little place. P H Mead and Elmer Veteto aie I uild ingabarn across the riyer. The friends of Mr and Mrs Georee II Brown gave them a very pleasant sur piiseon May 8th, it being the 10th an niversary of their wedding. The table was fairly loaded down with good things brought in the baskets. Quite a number or useful articles in tinware weie re ceived besides quantities of beautiful flowers. Those rresent were Mr and Mrs George H Brow u, Mr and Mis D McArthur, Mrs' Lillie Wink, Mis JO Newbury, Mr8 P H Mead, Mrs J Reif, Mrs F O Chii,n, Mrs E M Haines, Mis Spulak. Miss Hattie Spulak, Helen Ppu lak, Ethel Reif, Lottie Reif, Albert Mead, Eddie Mead, Charlie Chinn.Clare Haines. Canby. Cold rains still continue. Prune crop will be very light in this vicinity.- James Phipley rode to Woodfurn on his bike lsst Tuefduy. Mrs E Sias was called fo Parkplace last week tobelpca e for her aioiher, who is very ill. Geoige Fleicl er is slowly improving and will be aide to be out in a lew dpys. rheSP Co are putting the Canby railroad yards in first-clasi- shape, which improves our city very much. Joe Graham is still confined to his bed, not being able to lear his weight on the leg he sprained bo badly. He doesn't Beem to improve very fast". Mrs W S Raj, of Harrisburg, Pa, is visiting her parents, Mrand Mrs J S Dix. She expects to remain several weeks. The republicans held a political meet ing in the city hall last Monday evening to a well-filled house. Senator George C Brownell aDd several others epuke to the people on the politicol questions of the day. Beaver Lake. Mrs Darnell, of Portland, Is visiting relative in thin eeotlim. Mra Harriet Groshong nnd dauirlitnr-ln-lew, left last Sunday for Antelope to visit the Utter's mother, whoi not expected to live. It seems as thongh some of our public high ways that lead inlo Molalla me infested wilh highwaymen, as C G Forlues had to get a ham merless nhotgnn to escort him part way home. How many shots did you Are, Jim'f Mr and Mrs Murphy, of Wallace, Cal, eie visit ing relatives In this burg. James Nicholson had the mlefortui.e lo lose a valuable (horse from an unknown cause, Jake Groshong mot with a painful accident one day last week while out riding he stopped un derbrush to break a switch when Ihu horse l-caine frightened and shied and threw him offback wards and dislocating his arm at Ihe elbow and fracturing the smaller bone. Vt A A Leonard, of Silverton, is attending hiui. Well, Newsboy, : we arc clad that you hRv annkerfd frcm your long stacp and come to the front with a half column last wtek, but at the same time we are sorry to think you are going to 1"tt us. Sum Jim, Woidburn. 8 Mills and dog, Fritz, departed last Friday for The Da. lea ou a visit. II C Roche Was lu Oregon City lust Sunday on a visit, Joe Richards came up from Portland last Wed uesday, and he Is now iinployed in leudel Bros1 grocery store. Alee Schwabauer has returned to the charge of the railroad section hire, and his many friends welcome llilra back. O A Nendel and son, Lester, departed for Con tact, Mont, last Tuesday to be gone for the sum mer. Dutch. Vollon. Mr and Mrs Qorhett were visiting at Tnrkev Hill last Sunday. 1 E Lee and wife, of Clarkes, and Carl Strom green ard wife, of Elwood, were tliegues'aof Mrs Gouberg Sunday. Wm Bonney and son, Delbert, of Graeme, were visiting in Colton last week. We are pleased to see that the political pot Is steadily boiling.but does notsplutterand bubble so fiercely as in timet past as all seem lo have come to the knowledge that each individual has a right to his own opinion. Colton will not have a spring school ou account of pending improvements ou ihe building. The dance at the Colton ballon Mav Sd was well attended and much enjoyed. 'Jhirty-two numbers were sold. Jessie James and niece. Miss James, called on Miss Uorbett Sunday. Joe Carlson, Emile Bittner and Edward Gott berg culled at Press Bonuey's Sunday. Grange Organizer Casio was In onr burg last Thursday, but we have not heard of any prospect of the organization of a grange here. DIxBroa are putting a new edger in their saw mill. liedland. Tom Hughes has gone to Portland with his team to run the sprinkler for the summer. Mr Gray Is slashing five acres for Mrs Dittmer. Tom Morgan Is slashing for Mrs Anao.' The remains of Mrs Jack Fnllam were bnried in the Kedland cemetery on Monday, Mav 12th. Mrs Fullam died at Portland of- spinal me'nglni tls. In the loss of Ella, the husband loses a de voted wife and the parents a dutiful daughter. The bereaved have the heartfelt sympathy of thi entire community. Mrs F Murdock and son are down from Macks hurg on a visit to her inuther, Mrs F F Wilcox, D H Mosher Is at home from his schcol. Jay Mosher and Fritz Perricn have started a matrimonial agency. Come alorg, hoys, we can supply you from a butterfly to a washer woman . The Redland and Viola road Is to have another one-fourth mile of plank. vW) 'alt kes huj first trip on cream rout for tne Clear Creek creamery. l, j. OABTOIIIA. Beari tha The Kiar You Han Always BofgSl I