Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, May 02, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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and Union Pacific
The 0. R. & N. Co.
Gives the Choice of
Furnished Every Week by Clacka
mis Abstract & Trust Co.
9:00 a. in, I
8:00 p. m.
8:00 p. m.
ST. PAUL and
Ocean Steamers leave Portland evert
5 Days for
Boats-leaves Portland daily for W illam
ette and Columbia Kiver Points.
Monthly Steamers to China and Japan,
For fnll Information call on or address nearest
0. R. S N. Ticket Agent, or address
Portland, Oregon
8:00 A. M.
7:00 P. M.
bui-oT FIpth andTSii.,
For Mnygrers, Rainier,
llatskanie, Westport
01 If ion, Astoria, War
rentou, Flavel, Ham
momt, Fort Stevens,
Gnmlinrt 1'ark, Sea-Me,
Astoria and Seashore
Express, Dally.
Astoria Express,
, Dally.
11:10 A. M
9:40 P. M,
Ticket Ofilen, 2!i5 Morrison st. and Union Depot.
J. C. Mayo, Gen. Pass. Agt., Aswria, fro.
Dally Round Trips, except Sunday
timp r.iRn
Leave Portland 7 A, M
Leave Astoria .7 P. M
Dally Trips Except Sunday
Leave Portland, Men., Wi d. and tr 7 A. V.
Leave The Dulles, Tues., ThurB. and Sat.. 7 A. M.
Leave Portland, Tiles , Tlinrs. and Sat... -,..7 A. M
Leave Dalus, Mini., Wed. and III 7 A. M
Lauding, Foot Alder Street
John M. Filloon The Dulles, Ore.
A. J. Taylor Astoria, Ore.
Prather & llemman. . .Hood Kiver, Ore.
Wolfotd A Wyers. White Salmon, Wash.
,1. O. Wvntt Vancouver, Wash.
R.1S. Giibreth Lyle, Wash,
John M.Totton Stevenson, Wash.
Henry Olinsteivl , ; . Carson, Wash.
The Dalles, Portland and Astoria
Navigation Co.'s
Strs. Regulator & Dalles City
Dally (except Sunday) between
The Dalles,
Hood River,
Cascade Locks,
and Portland
atlwav points on both sides of Hie
Columbia river.
Both of tbe above steamers have been re 111
And are Ineicellent shape for II e nasen ofT.Ot
The lteictilatur Line will endoavur to gtvvIM
.Mktrous the best service possible.
For Comfort, Koonoiuy hihI Pleasure
travel by the steamers of 1 lie lugulator
The above steamers leave Portland 7 . in. an
Oalles at 8 a. m.,and arriveat damnation In an p
Imp forouiKoliig trains,
Portland Office, The Dalles Offlee
Court street.
Uennral Are
Oak St. Dock.
Wall Paper
Now is the time to buy your
wall paper and Murrow, die paper
hanger, will sell it to you cheaper
hart you can buy it in Pmtland.
Drop a card in the postoffice and
have sample-book brought to your
house, or telephone Ely Bros.' store
J. MURROW, Oregon City
Beginning Monday, June SO, will be eon
ducted In one of the rooms of the Port
land Business College, corner I'ark and
Washington streets. It will be strictly a
school of study, designed to aid teachers
to higher grades In the- August examina
tion. Further particulars on application.
The Portland Business CoHege Is open an
the year. Students mar enter at any
time, tor spechj branches or a regular
course, and receive Individual or class in
struction, as preferred. Ceil or send for
catalogue. Learn what and bow we teach.
Am I. Ar matron. IX A. Prlaclf
W H Jones to M Fnton, 2 as in
sec 8, s, 2 e 50
J Abron to C N Hainaes, lot 12, blk
32, Oswego 150
M (5 Munley toT J Munley,l in
in 401.50 as in the Garrett & Kelt-
log elms in 1, 2 e Fulfill trust
R Rauch to D R Diinick, nw of sec
7, 4. 2 e 45
E E Williams to C Fuge, 1 as in
Holmes elm 500
R H Thompson to W W Espy, e'A
of sw of sec 21, 2, 4 e Valuable
J F McOormiek to L C McCoruiick,
35 as in sec 23, 1, 5 e 1
E S Bratnball to H E Bramhall, e'A
of sw of sec 32, 1,5 e 400
C Loder to O A Nash, blk 119 and
lots 3, 4, 5 and 6, blk 122, O O. . 1000
J Stretjc to A Bremer, lot , blk2,
2, Heals Add 45
J Knotts to M L Knotts, w of se
of sec 7 and nw of ne of sec 18, 4,
2 e 2500
M White to Wm F and 8 Skeen 70
as in officers elm, 4, 2 e 1700
M Skirvin to E J Nicholson, of
nw of nw of sw of sec 24, 4, 2 e 1
Alliance Trust Co to S Weldon, 600
as in itattoon elm . 5600
H H Baker to E F Riley, lots 26 , ,
27, 27 and 29, Pleeaant Home,
No 1 2
M M McGe-ban to C A Gale, 60 as
in sec 6, 3. 2 e 1000
M E Bradford to J F Kerrigan.9.26
as in Willis elm 13UU
H J Miller to Carlton &Rosenkrans,
lots 2, 3, 10, Hand U, blk 1,
Can by 1
F Bui lard to C Bullard, ne of se of
sec 9 and xi'j of sw, sec 10 4, 1 e 1
F Bullard to R Bullard, n of n-v
.of sec 10, 4, 2e 1
J W Douizlas to T Collinee. sw of
neof sec34, 2. 6e..A 160
T B Hill toT Callimre. s of sw
and nw of sw of sec 26, 2, 5 e. . . . 500
TJ Dannals to H Williams, lots 6
and 7 in blk 1, Green Point 300
H Williams to F O Burke,lots2and
3, Green Point 800
F C Perry to W Gray.lt in elm 40,5,
2 e 200
J Jones to J W Jones.74 as in Farr
claim $1200
T Schmidt to F A Paosch. wJ4 cf
nw of Bee 8, 2, 3 e 4500
V F Curran to F F Curran. lot 7,
blk l.Mt View 500
C G Stauton tj R L Sabin, se and
lot 3, of sec 29.1, 3 e 3260
B Pederson to M Bresany. 20 as in
sec 31, 3, le : 950
J Scbwiertlech to J 0 Jahn, lots 10
and 11 in blk 2. tract 2. Oak
Grove 40
J J Hatton to Church of Christ, .72
as in Baker elm 1
L M SimmonB toJ C Royer, 2-5 as
in sec 9, 2 e 25
E M Atkinson et al to L Verhag,
trHct in unsurveyed part, O C. . .
J G Mumpower to J J Hatton, 12
as in Baker elm, 2. 3e 1000
S Cooyer to A Scott, e1 of lot 140,
Friends Oregon Colony
E F Pixlev to M J Stevens, lot 11,
blk 31, Cambridge 1
E A Bichle to S 0 Miller, 87.80 as
,in Weisclra
E A Bichle to A Thaver. 66.71 as
in Weise elm 1
A Thayer to E A Biehie, 92.82 as,
Weise elm , .
A Kalman to II Britrht. nM of ne
and ne of sw of sec 6, 2, 4e,.... 300
T A Roots to J W Roots, lots 1, 2, I
3 and 8 blk 13, Roots Add 100
T J Hannigan to C M Udell, nw of
se of sec 1,3, 4, e 350
E Criswell to M P O'Brien, 75 as
in W William elm, 3, 2 e 2600
M Meekly to J S Bevens.lots 4 and
5, blk 19, Bolton 750
R M Dooley to E C Johnson.blk 54
Oswego 10
J A Marx to C L Ogle, lot 15, blk
4, W Gladstone 20
O A Garrison to C W Armstrong,
i, interest in lot I and 2 in blk
23, I'anly 150
J W Jones to S E Gregory, 74 as
in Farr elm, 3, 2 e 3200
D O Hones to J E Turre. IK as in
lot 7, sec 34, 3, 1 e 100
J S Maddux to CIihb Hall, 25 as in
sec 25, 3, 1 e 1000
H R Quint to A Pedorson, pait blk
10, Barlows 350
0 I & S Co to 0 1'erry, 5 as in sec
1(1,2, 1 e 225
J K Groom to J Connell, tract 66,
andwj of tract 64, Prunelands. 1
A Boylan to J Walters, lot 6. blk
Sunset City 550
0 J Gibbg to T Gibbs, 14.84 as in
Whitten elm
S Gibbs to J A t ibbs, 14.83 as in
Whitten elm
T L Dart to 0 W Dart, 4 as in
sec 29, 5, 2 e 45
LverhaagtoC H Cauheld, tract
in unsurveyed part, Oregon City 1
T Gibbs to J A Gibbs, lots 1, 2, 6,
7 and 8, blk 32, Canemah, tur
veed tract in Fame, also part
tract J10, Gladstone 10
C Kiniberly to T Schmidt, tract in
elm No ()0,2. 3 e 3000
J Hardy to F May 24 as in elm No
3, 1 w .. 1400
0 F Olson to F '1 Grillith.lots 5 and
6,bll(172,()C 1
E Hatter to J Sehwartzenruber, 41
as in tec 20, 4, 2 e 1000
C Bosb to A Ott, 149.45 as in sec
20, 4, 2 e.... 3000
J A IlowhuultoM Clarke, 32 as
in Howland elm 2000
M Becker to J Aplintj, 21 as in sec
2, 2 e T 900
Waveilv Association toJH Lam
bert, blkl5,Waverly Heights.... 250)
Wm Denboer to W R Dallas, 21 as
in strs 8 and 9, 2, 3 e 12C0
W A Currie. to H Shaw, lots 1 to 21
and 24, 25 and 28 to 50, blk 10,
Miiribbanks 400
DJegortoOH Johnson, roadwav
in sec 15, 2, 4 e 12
C H Johtifon to J A I'erreth, nw
of ne sec 15, 2, 4 e 1400
G 8oh m it ke to J Neniee, 50 as in
Bird elm, 2, 1 e 3200
W Gortler to G Walsch, se of ne of
sec S6, 4,1 e 3200
C Thaver to S B Edwards, s 1-2 of
8 l-2ofs.ee 26,1, 4 e 1700
J Myers to E P McCorkan, lots 1,
18,19 20, 21 and 26 to 46, blk 72,
and 1 to 13 aud 31 to 39, blk 73,
Mintiiorn 1
I C Wakefield to M U White, s 1-2
of ne of sec 19, 6, 2 e 407
Til Nicholson to P Parrish, w 1-2
of sw.i; of sec 24, 4. 2 e 625
N Nelson to 0 II Johnson, roadway
in sec 15, 2, 4 e 1
Governor, R. R. Ryan, of Marion
Secretary of State, O. W. Barzee, of
Wasco county.
State Treasurer, W. W. MyerB, of
Clackamas county.
Justice of the Supreme Court, V. r.
Rutherford, of Harney county.
Congressman,-B. t . Ramp of Roseburg
Stte Senator Fred J. Meindl, of Ab-
Representatives Robert Ginther, of
Beaver Creek precinct: A. J. Maville,
of Canemah; Waller F. Pruden, of
County Uommissioner ueorge L,a-
zelle, of Canemah.
County Judge Charles K Spence, of
Sheriff D. M. Klemson, of Cane
Clerk Gilbert H. Robbins, of Killin.
Recorder of Conveyances Franz
Kraxberger, of Macksburg.
Assessor William Beard, of Maple
Treasurer N. W. Richards, of Maple
Coroner Dr. W. F. Pruden, of
Abernsthy, J. S. MayQeld.
Beaver Creek, Wesley Hill.
Canemah, Thomas Lindsay,
Maple Lane, G. F. Gibbs.
Needy, Carl Hilton.
New Era, Joseph Reif. y
Macksburg, Ed Morris.
Barlow and Mackburg : Juetice, R. R.
Bratton, Barlow; constable, F. M.
Mathews. Macksburg.
New Era and Canby : Justice, Elmer
Veteto; constable, F. Kelland.
Three Oregon City precincts, Aber
nethvi Canemah, Maple Lane and West
Oregon City : Justice, J. W. Grout.
1. All officers shall be put on a flat
2. Reduction of passenger and freight
3. We favor precinct assessors, each
precinct to elect their own assessor.
4.. We reaffirm i the principles of the
national socialist platform,
Chairman, J, W. Grout.
Secretary, Thomas Lindsay.
. Treasurer, Charles Moran.
order to win, builds
carious foundation.
his hopes oi a pre-
Socialist Speaking.
Fred J. Meindl, candidate for state
senator on the socialist ticket, will speak
at the following places :
Maple Lane May
Barlow "
Beaver Creek "
Redland "
Logan , "
Viola "
Springwater "
Eagle Creek "
Bullriiu "
Sandy "
J. D. Stevens will Bpeak on socialism
at the following places :
Clackamas ... May
Mulino " 2
Molalla ; " 3
Stafford " 5
Frog Pond " 6
Wilsonville " 7
Oswego " 8
Damascus " 9
Sandy " 10
Family cares arid duties do not weigh
down the well woman, and the children
are never in her way. But when the
womanly health fails, and there is a con
stant struggle with weakness and pain,
household duties are a burden almost
past bearing, and children are a cease-
less annoyance and worry.
weak women are made strong ana
sick women are made well by the use of
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It
establishes regularity, dries disagreeable
drains, heals inflammation and ulcera
tion and cures female weakness.
Sick women are invited to consult Dr.
Pierce by letter free. All correspondence
strictly private and sacredly confidential.
Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
"I had been ailing some time, troubled with
female weakneiw."write8 Mrs. Wm. H. Johnson,
of Avondale, Chester Co., Pa. "Every month I
would have to lie on my oacic. 1 meet many
different medicines and nothing gave me relief
until I began Dr. Pierce's medicines, using twro
bottles of ' Favorite Prescriptipn ' and two of
'Golden Medical Discovery,' These medicines
have cured me. When I began your treatment
I was not able to do very much, but now I do
the work for my family of nine, aud feel better
to-day than I nave for a year, t thank you,
doctor, from the bottom of my heart, for well
do I know that you are the one who cured me."
"Favorite Prescription" has the 'testi
mony of thousands of women to its com
plete cure of womanly diseases. Do not
accept an unknown and unproved sub
stitute in its place. '
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are the
best laxative for family use.
Catartii Cannot be Cured
cannot reach theseat of the disease. Ca
tarrh is a blood or constitutional disease,
and in order to cure it you must take in
ternal remedies. Hall s Catarrh Ihire
is taken internally and acts directly on
the blood and mucous surfaces.- Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was prescribed by i neof the best phy
sicians in this country for years, and is a
regular prescription. It la composed ol
the best tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifiers, acting directly
upon the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
Props., Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by druggists, price 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Yon never heard of any one using Fo
ley's Honey and Tar and not being satis
fied. Charman s UOi
Folev's Honev and Tar is peculiarly
adapted for asthma, bronchitis and
hoarseness. Charman & Co.
w ' M w , i
cannot be enjoyed in a basin of limited
capacity nor where the water supply and;
temperature is uncertain by reason of
defective plumbing or heating apparatus.
To have both put in thorough working
order will not prove expensive if the
work is done by
Life of T. Dewitt Talmage, by his Bon,
Rev. Frank Dewitt Talmage and associ
ate editors of Cbristian Herald. Only
book endorsed by Talmage family En
ormous profit for agents who act quickly.
Outfit ten cents. Write immediately.
Clark & Co., 222 S. 4th St.. Phila., Pa.
Mention ttiis paper .
His Side.
Macksburg, Or., Apr. 28, 1902.
Editor Courier-Heral i : Will you
kindly allow me space to t-tate a few
facts in regard to the citizens meeting
held in Mulino on l"St Thursday night
I wish to tell my friend, O. W. Eastham,
that when Robert, Sliuebel asked him
the question on what lines he proposed
to reform this county, he should have
offered some remedy instead of attack
ing his personal character. I have known
Mr Shuebel from childhood, and a truer
and more thoroughly honest man never
lived. From early boyhood ui.til far
into the early years of manhood he ga"fl
all nis hard-earned earning to his pa
rents. As a married man he has suc
ceeded in securing for himself a pleasant
home, and I believe owes no man a dol
lar. He is a hard working man, and is
always ready to help a needful person.
It certainly seems to me that a man,
who is trying to secure the suffrage of
the people, displays poor judgment and
a lack of gentlemanly action, when he
undertakes to destroy the character of
a man that desires information. To say
the least, an individual who betrayB the
private confidence of his fellowman in
Reveals a Great Secret.
It is often aske d how such startling
cures, that pnzle the best physicians,
are effected by Dr. King's New Discov
ery for Consumption. Here's the se
cret. Itcutsout the plegm and germ-
infected mucuB, and lets the life-giving
oxygen enrich and vitalize the blood. It
heals the inflamed, cough-worn throat
and lungs. Hard colds and stubborn
coughs soon yield to Dr. King's New
Discovery, the most infallible remedy
for all Throat and Lung diseases. Guar
anteed bottles 50c and $1. Trial bottles
free at Geo. A. Harding.
r CdSO.By. Co.
25c is the regular Sunday
round trip rate between Oregon
City and Portland. Get your tickets at
Harding's drug store."
or tWMm
Guaranteed to be the best Sulky Plow
in the world. This is a broad statement,
but we stand rady to prove it in the field
with any plow made.
J6T"Send for Special Catalogue.
Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co
Portland, Oregon.
A Complete Line
Holds Up a Congressman.
"At the end of the campaign," writes
Champ Clark, Missouri's brilliant con
gressman, "from overwork, nervous
tension, loss of sleep and constant
speakirg I had about utterly collapsed.
It seemed that all the organs in my
body were out of order, but three bot
tles of Electric B!tters made me all right.
It's the best all-around medicine ever
sold over a druggist's counter." Over
worked, rundown men and weak, sickly
women gain splendid health and vital
ity from Electric Bitters. Try them.
Only 50c. Guaranteed by George A.
All Hands OnTime
That $5000 Tension.
Washington, 13. The bill pensioning
Mrs. Ida S. McKinlty, widow of the late
president, at $5000 a year, led to some
discussion in the house today.
Mr. Bell, of California, aBked what
justification there was for such a large
Mr. Grosvenor answered that this fol
lowed a well established precedent from
the time of Washington.
Mr. Bell said he would not object, but
he considered the precedent absolutely
Arongand indefensible. The widow in
this case, he said, had an independent
income, the husband's estate inventory
ing at $210,000. .
Mr. Grosvenor answered with consid
erable fueling. He paid tribute to the
beauty of character."
Fellow Socialist, every time the
question of pensioning generals and
presidents' widows at such high rates
comes up it sets my socialist blood on
fire. Think of it, old comrades, $5000 a
year for a woman that Is already rich.
You, that love your own wiveB and fami
lies, will object. Thoie that love rich
men's wiveB and families better than
their own will, like Grosvener, of Ohio,
uphold it. Five thousand dollars for
one year is more thau a thousand of old 1
soldiers' wives have in cash in a whole
life time. Women who are in every re
spect as 'good and worthy as Mrs. Mc-
Kinley, and the old soldier, the old
farmer, the workman of any class or
kind, who hasn't love enough for his
own wife and family to rise up and kick
is not worthy of a good wife and loveable
children, and when 1 fail to protest
against such rank injustice 1
hope every eliild of Diine and my
wife.also, will disown me.
Not one republican congressman in
fifty ever protests againBt such unjust
legislation, not because the man is cor
rupt, but because it is and always has
been the policy of the republican party.
If you want eoual and exact justice done
voie for men and with parties that ad
vocate equality and justice for all, and
not lor men and parties that have always
looked up to capital and down at men.
It vou vote lor fred .Meindl yoo win ue
voting for a bright, brilliant young man
that, loves his fellow men better than the
yellow metal called ''money" or atiy
True eocialits will not let petty con
siderations stand in the way, but they
will vote to ipe out the cause of rings
ami clicks that have prevailed in Clack
amas county, in tbe state of Oregon and
in the Vihde United States, In demo
cratic as well as in republican
states. Remove the incentive to do
wrong, and the work will be done and
done right.
Barlow, Or., April 17.
The second hard,
the minute hand,
the hour hand, run
in unison on an
, 'Perfect in construction: positive in
performance. Evcrv genuine Elgin
has the word "F.lirin" engraved on
the works. Illustrated art 1 oe'ek-t free.
Fine" Footwear
For ladies, gentlemen and
children you will find in
our stylish and up-to-date
stock. Our handsome and
durable $3.50 shoe for men
can't be equaled for wear,
quality or style, and our'
women's fine $3.00 shoes
are the acme of comfort
and graceful outline. Our
prices will suit.
Krausse Bros.
Yokohama Clothing Co.
Has just received
New Spring and Summer Goods
Ladies' Shirt Waists and Dress Goods
Gentlemen's Overshirts, Latest Hats,
Clothing, Shoes. Dry Goods
Next door to Postoffice
tlls and Ends ale
..AT THE....
Racket Store !
Only transcontinental line
passing diiect'y through
Salt Lake City,
' Lead s ill e,
Colorado Springs
and Denver.
Three splendidly epuipped trains
daily to all points East.
Through Sleeping and Dining Cars
and Free Reclining Chair Cars.
The most magnificent scenery 1n
America bv daylight.
Stop overs allowed on all classes of
For cheapest rates and descriptive literature
General Agent,
214 Third Street, Portnd, Oregon
Will give you a
Bargain in Wall Paper
Wall Tinting and in
General House Painting
Paint Shop near Depot Hotel
wMm i fate M
M a W stew 3 Pests 25
Wrappers, Soc and up.
Shirt Waists, 25c and up.
Childrens' and Misses Hose, odd
sizes, 5 c, 7c, 8c and 10c pair
Ladies' Chemises, 15c and up.
Ladies' Summer Undervests.
Dressing Sacks and Kamomas.
Ladies' Dress Shirts at a Bargain.
Ladies' Corset Covers, 35c up.
Your choice of Umbrellas for 50c.
Towels, all grade?, at cost.
Men's and Boys' Shirts, 15c up.
Men's Laundried Shirts, 49c.
Men's Undervests at cost.
Men's Linen Collars and Cuffs, 10c
and 15c.
Men's Socks, 10c up.
Hose Supporters.
Ladies' Collars and Cuffs, ioc.
Bandanna Handkerchiefs, 3c, 2 for 5
Tam O'Shanters, Head Rests, Sun Bonnets, Gent's White Bows,
Hooks and Eyes, Buttons, Pins, Needles, Hair Pins, Safety Pins,
Gent's Bicycle Belts, Ladies' White Belts. All below cost
Bright's Disease.
The largest sum ever paid for a pre
scription, changed hands in San Fran
cisco, Aug. 30, 1901. The transfer in
volved in coin and stock $1 12,500.00 and
was paid by a party of business men for
a specific for Bright's Disease and Dia
betes, hitherto incurable diseases.
They commenced the series investi
gation of the specific Nov. 15, 1900.
They interviewed scores of the cured
and tried it out on its merits by putting
over three dozen cases on the treatment
and watching them. They also got phy
sicians to name chromic, incurable cases,
and administered it with the physicians
for judges. Up to Aug. 25, eighty-seven
per cent of the test cases were either
well or progressing favorably.
There being but thirteen percent of
failures, the parties were satisfied and
closed the transaction. Tbe proceedings
of tbe investigating committee and the
clinical reports of the test cases were
published and will be mailed free on ap
plication. Address John J. Fulton
Company, 420 Montgomery St., San
Francisco, Cal. Charman A Co. are our
sole agents in Oregon City.'