OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1902. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court, of the State Oregon, for theOountyof Clackamas. Emma Gillham, 1 Plaintiff, vs. T. W. Oillhara. Defendant, J To T. W. Gillham, Defendant. In the name of the State of Oregon; You nre hereby reniured to eppear and answer the com plaint filed atrumst you in the above entitled suit and court, by May 3, 11102, and if you fail to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply for the relief prayed for in his complaint tiled herein, namely, a decree dissolving the bonds of matri mony existing between plaintiff and defendant herein and the custody of the minor children named in plaintiff's complaint. This summons Is puldMicd by order of the Hon. 'lima. F. ltynn, Judge of tho county courtof Clakamas county, duly made and filed March 27 1!H)2 The date of the first publication of this summons being March 28, 11)02, and the date of the last publication hereof Mav 2, 1002. J. J. FITZGERALD. Attorney fot riaintiff. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notloe is hereby fiven that the undersigned ha been appointed bv the county court of the tftate of Oregon for the county of Clackamas, ad ilnlstrator of the estate of J. EarlyTaulkner.de ceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same properly verified, at the ofBoe of attorneys, Hedges t Griffith, in Oregon City, Oregon, within Ix months from the first publication of this no tice. WKLDONM.8HNK. Administrator of the Estate of J. Early Faulkner, Deceased. Fint publication on April 4, 1902. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE.' Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a li cense and order of sale duly made by the county courtof Clackamas oounty, Oregon, on the 7th day of April, 1!HK, in the matter of the estate of William D. Bedford, deceased, I will, on Saturday, the 81st day of May, 1902, at the hour of 1 o'clock, Ei '. ui., nt nie couruiouse uoor in uregon uuy, to the highest bidder the following described real property belonging to said estate, and described ae follows, to-wit: The northeast quarterof section 14, ownship 4 south, range 6 east of the Willamette Meridian in Clackamas county, Oregon, containing 160 acres. Terms,oash on day of sale. asa r. Hawkins, Adminlstratorof the Estate of Wm. D. Bedford. Deceased. H. E. Cross. Attorney for the Estate. Hated April 14th, 1902. KOTK'E OF ADMINISTRATOR. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has filed in the county court tor Clackamas county, slate of Cregun, his final report In the estate of Da vid Minton, deceased, ai d that said court has fixed Tuesday, .lime 8rd, 1902, at 10 o'clock, a. m., as the time for hearina of the objections thereto if any be made end for settlement ol his accounts concerning said estate. T. J. JIOFFIT, Administrator of suid tslote. Dated Apr! 1 hh 1902. NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF ESTATE. In the county court of the state of Oregon for Clackamas county. Notioe Is herelijr given that the undersigned, ad ministratrix of the estate of Charles E. Athey, de ceased, has filed her final report as administratrix of said estate, and the honorable county court for said Clackamas county has set as the time for the bearing of any objections to seid report the hour of 10:30 a. m. of Tuesday the 3rd day June a D 1902. N KATE R. ATTIEY, Administratrix of EBlate f Charles E. Athey, Deceased. PUTNAM FADELESS DYE are fast to sun light, washing and rubbing. Sold by C. G. Huntley. Shivcly Opera Kcuse OREGON CITY SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT , Friday, May 16 That Merry Musical Comedy To Rich to Marry A Scintillating Whirligig of Lai'ghter, Wit and Humor AJ1 that's enjoyable in POLITE VAUDEVILLE All Seats, - - 5 Cents Children, 2j Cents FOR SALE. SO 15 100 acre farm. 7 miles Irom Ore gon City, IS niilea from Portland. 40 acres in cultivation: 15 acres in wheat, 12 acres in oats, 10 acres in clover, 1 acre in potatoes, acre orchard, good well and running water, house, barn, granary, stable, blacksmith shop with tools, 2 wagons, 2 plows, spring tooth barrow, peg tooth harrow, cultivator, self binder, mower, hayrake,feed and bone mill, hay cutter, and other tools too numerous to mention. 2 horses, 3 cows, 48 Bheep with lambs, 2 hogs, 100 chickens, 12 stand bees, 2 sets harness, 2 stoves, some house furniture. All goes for $42 an acre, half cash ; balance so suit purchas er at five per cent, five per cent, dis count if all cash. A dress, P. O. Viola. Acorn Fcnk, Eedland. AVegdablePreparatioaFor As similating theroodandRegula ling the Stomachs andDowels of Promotes DJgeslion,Cheerful ncss andRest.Contains neither Opium.Morphtne nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. Steve atOldSrSAMUmmma Pimpinn Si J' jUx.Senna ftoJitlU Safc -JnistSetd 9 fl tyrrt Seed -Ctanfud Sugar . Aocrfect Remedy for Constipa tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions .Feverish oess and Loss of Sleep. facsimile Signature of NEW VOHK. EXACT C0PV OF WRAPPEB. Good Literature - A I mVC!f pamphlet, folders, booklet;-, etc., are J XxilUOol- Ume ullv vtot'en np unil i.ie variable for Nothing nation can he made, and money or express orders, silver or stamps: will be accepted. This i a tine opportunity to obtain iwod descriptive reading matter for little or nothing. Wonderland looi An annual publication, beautifully illutrrtt'-d in color and half tone This number treats particularly of the hislnry of Sen the Northern PaeiBo'8 Trademark, the C'ister Battlefield in Six Cents , Montana, and the Yellowstone Park. - Miniature Wonderlard ... A neat an.l dtiinty publication containing a complete hlstjry ' of the Northern Pa-ilic Trademark. Ti- artistic oovera of nd the Wond t :and, ltM)L are uiiod iu minial nre. . Four Centi Wild Flowers from Yellowstone A book of pressed wild flowers from Y-llnwstmie Park, showing Ihs real ft wen in their natural -ol'irs. A laiuty Send and beautiful souvenir ten specimens of flowers and six F fty Cents full page illustrations of Park scenery. Yellowstone National Park A new 112 pae book in strong, flexible covers, good paper, plain type, illustr ited, pocket sue, a compendium , and Twent-flve diiscrlptive of the Woild's Wonderland. Cents Climbing Mount Ralnler- An illustrated pocket.Blze book. covars, printed on heavy papor, me miiiiest peait in the unitea glacial nature. MRS. R. 220 FRONT STREET. Has a complete : SPRING : GREAT BARGAINS IK TRIS1S12D HATS Magnificent Designs Also a consignment of very cheap hats and trimmings the Utw Tdea H ! Dandruff ' i ITT? WUHI T 4 VnDTTET? idea of the treatment of disease is applied in it- preparation. It is called the "scientific remedy" because it contains only such Inere dients as are known to be efficacious in maladies of the class. The y flakes of dandruff are the dried and hardened discharge from tbou- sands of little ulcers in the scalp. The New Idea Dandruff Cure will cleanse these ulcers, stixulate the healthy tissue around them, and allow them to be healed up by the restoring piwer of nature. It contains no alcohol, ammonia, sal soda, borax or alkali in any form, or anything that ill injure either tre hair or skin, and is not contaminated with the cheap "perfume" which is so well calculated to "bewitch the silly and dis gust the sensible." It is a Banitary, safe and sure cure for dandruff. It is put up in full quart bottles, which Is enough to cure any one case (and ordinarily two r thrte cases), with fui direciions on each bottle. Sold by the trade at $1 per bottle. Can be bought from the following dealers in Clackamas county : C. G. Huntley, Oregon City G. A. Harding, Oregon City E. E. Charman, Oregon Oity Red Front Trading Co., Oregon City G. W. Grace, Oregon Cny W. C. Green. Oregon City rianuUclurrd and Sold to the Trade by MANHOOD RESTORED II BEFORE H0 AFTZR kidnersandtheurinarvoriianiof alltaipurlUea, rrPIDESEstrengthenBandr'emoressmallweaHoritana. The reason sulTerers are not cured by Doctors Is because ninety per cent are tronwed wiib llfla. CI 11 IKN Ik I ine miT mown als. A written guarantee given ana money reiurnea n ii p"i"j a. S To i k,, f,r ii.00. bv malL Beod for ri circular and lesamoulala. arantee aleil ana money rpiunini u , u.i- wjto uu nm, m r - - JUfclrl4TLKDICIHCOP.aB(am8aiirrmnclaco,Cal. tvBuUkt G. A. HARD1NQ, Drncslst, Oregon City For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years THE CCNTAUR COttMNV, NEW YORK CITY. The Northern Pacific is not ed among railways for its Rilv-rtifinti iint'ier 1 1 s .AH AAlf what thev con'i'in. H ip I-- a imitiHi lut of what MR. CHAS. S. FEE, General Passenger Agent, St. Paul, Minn., will send mt, can-fully mailed, upon receiiit of prices given . Any combi 72 pasea, in strong, flexible Send desp.riptivn of an aacent of Twenty-five states outsme of Alaska ol a cents, BECKER ' POTRLAND, OREGON assortment of , MILLINERY Zbt... Stkntifk Curt Remedy rilTTJC 1 1 1 ,,,T ., 1 1, ... Ely B'.'os., Oregon City ' J. J. Gorbett, Colton FRANK REDNER oreqon city, ore. "OUPIDENB- Thin rreat Ve.MUbl ' VltHlizT,tlie prifsi.Tlp- tlon ot a famoui French hyBlrlun, will quickly cure yu of all ner voua or dnf-a-iefl of the generative orgauf, ftuco an Loat Manhood, Insomnia, Tains In the B:-j:Ic. Seminal Kmisainnfl, Nenroue lability, PimpleTVoflwe!;s to Marrr, KxliauUjm JJralna, Varioofele ana Constipation. It stops ail louses by day or night Pierenu quica. una of discbartR, which if notchrlti leads to Spermatorrhea and nrinwir i'iurB.iiuu,iiui"-i-. " - r Health " For 25 years I have never missed taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla every spring. It cleanses my blood., makes me feel strong, and does me good in every way." John P. Hodnette, Brooklyn, N.Y. Pure and rich blood carries new life to every part of the body. You are invigorated, refreshed. You feel anxious to be active. You become strong, steady,courageous. That's what Ayer's Sarsaparilla will do for you. . $1.00 1 bottle. AH dnifftifa. Aik your doctor what he thinki of Ayer's Bartaparilla. He knows all aboutthtigrand old family medicine. Follow hit advice and wo wui o. auNii'-n. J. C. Atsr Co., Lowell, Maw. - Tuesday, April 29. Geary 'the Gaary exclusion law Law is extended without any Extended, limitation as to time. Operation of the law in the Philippines is placed in the hands of the commission, and in to be ex tended as far as practicable, to all American island territory. The hill has paesed the senate and house and the measii8e now goes to the President for for his approval, which is assured. BMd There were evidently three Robbers robbers, who robbed the Break Brownsville Bank, yester Into day, two of whom 'stood Bank. euard. Only the inner door of the vault was el' wed, and this was easily broken op m The loss to the bank is about $1500. Al though the act was committed in broad daylight, and the Imut uf the vault was in plain view of the streets, the rubbery was not discovered until the cashie' re turned from his dinner. The robbers thought tht-y had to be in a hurry, and t herefore missed a large amouut of cash. The United States senate passes the oleomargarine bill Big gold find reported in tundra bi'ds at Cape Nome. The Portland laundry workers go on a Btrike in Portland Port land railroad men dine with E. H. Har rlman. , , . . .Sol ismitu Kunsell, the aC' tor, is dead. . Wednesday, Auril 29. Hill President Roosevelt's firm Fears , stand against the trusts . pflHseyelt. has sent J. J. Hill scur- -' rving to Washington for the apparent purpose of drumming np opgosiiion among toe senate and house republicans to Mi Rooi-evxlt's renomi nation. The eff c far seems to be to strengthen the Pii-sident in quarters where trus's are not so favorably re garded is they are with promoters. H Clay Evans waa offered the con sul generalship at London The house passed the omnibus public build ing bill Special Agent McGonnell makeo sensational report on Grande Indian reservation Miss Rose Me lt rath was killed by a falling tree, while driving near Vancouver, Wash, ' " Thursday, May 1. Over 200 employes of Portland Lum ber Oompady's mill walked out yeBter day. Union men in five planing mills were paid off last night, and assert that they will n6t return to work until they are promised nine hours' work at the pay they have been receiving fur 10 Ttie truck drivers 'have demanded an advance in wages of 25 cents per man and will probably go out May 15ih, if they do not get it. What Thin Folks Need Is a gre!ater power of digesting and as -s'milatig fool For them Dr. King's New Life Pills, work wonders. They tone and regulate the digestive organs, gently expel all poisons Irom the system, enrich the blood, improve appetite, make healthy flesh. Only 25c at Geo. A. Harding's. DR. KING'S try NEW DISCOVERY FOR THAT COLD. TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. Cures Consumption,Coughst Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Pneumonia,HayFever,Pleu- risy, LaGrippe, Hoarseness, ore Throat, Croup and Whooping Cough. NO CURE. NO PAY. . Prlc 60c. and $1. TRIAL BOTTLES FRE& : NEWS OF THE WEEK, ij "BEE LINE" BUGGIES, 0ilh BUGGIES. ? 1 fJlve hotter Ratlnfort!on than anything on S v th rnurkirt tit anything likf the pric-, Ik- S v.nnw they ftrp iniKlf of k1 uiatcrlul, to j 8 1 ii r id OrK'n rowJH" Iron corncrH on J txHlU'g, hrucca on HhnftK, heavy second- K J growth whefl8, Hcit-wt-H rim. If you want to (Vel mire that yon are getting your pion- v C ' worth. ak for a "Bee Linn" or a J ? MltPhHI " (ilennt-y) Buggy. We guar- I autre them. J 7 Mltcholl, Lmwfm Stiver Co I Hcattle, Kjwkane, Boise. i'ortland. Or. r WAST MOIIE ItOADll'OJtK. Ask that Can (J Ida tee for Commis sioner Pledge to Increaxe Jtoadbuihling. Whereas, We i lie people of Highland, in maBS meeting assembled, regardless of politics, for the purpoi-e ot considering the ques ion of roaduiaking and help de velop the Tv sources of this part of the! county, and Whereas, There is only one one-fourth of the land in ibis district under cultiva tion lor lack of settlers, and thai it can never be fully developed nniil the trunk road, now in course of construction, is extended and citmpleted to Sprinnwater, and that we tnge the county court to complete the said road immediately, re ganlleKN ot cost. Whereas, The s dd road is being built largely by donation, thereby relieving the corporations and non-resident land owners of their share of the road ex pense, thus enhancing the value of their property without, expense to them. We disapprove ot this policv being pursued as tending to put the burden of road making on ti.e poorer classes, who are the least able to oear'it.this being un fair and unjust to litem. But we are willing to bear our just shar of the ex pense of roadlmilding in the county re gardless of expense so long as all prop erty owners are compelled to do the same. Whereas, The various political parties have adopted their platforms favoring re trenchment in roadbuiluing. We do not approve of such policy as tending to retard rather than develop the resources of the county. And as the various par ties have na.ned candidates for county commissioner, we respectively ask said candidate immediately to express through the county presa in positive terms their viewes on roadbuilding and in case of their election what their poli cy will he. We also ask the legislation candidate to express their views on the same ques tion. And now, therefore, be it Resolved, That in the coming election we will support only those candidates who will publicly Commit themselves to this laudable and much needed enter prise of building and extending wagon roads throughout the county. And be it further Resolved, That wt endorse the policy of the present county commissioners in theu ettorts to build wagon roads and thus develop the resources of the county but that we ask that all county roads be built by taxation aloof, and that asking for donations he discontinued And further, we ask the people in all ot her districts to join u- aod work for the same purpose. W, U. Bucknkh. Chairman, S. M Diinlai', htceiary, Edward Nelson OASTOniA. .Bean tin ) Ihi Kind Von Have Always Boiiil Blgnttura ef Letter Lis', The following is the list of letters re maining in the postotlice at Oregon City May 1, 1902: Wntnen's Liei Viand Caulson, Miss Nita Field (3), Mrs Mary Trosel Men'j I.i-i Noey Bee, H t! Cliurchill Frank ( oo ey (2), Joseph ( ollius, O E Elliott, K ijrant, Mr Hir , J D Jordan, C E Kell. r, AS Thomps n, Charles M Wilson. GEORGE F. IIORTON, P. M. Stan tii f Ito K-'Pd Vdu Haw Always BotigM of TO ClIKKA OOI.U IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money n It fails to curer E. W. Grove's signature 1b on each box. 25c. wWIlt 50 YEARS' ' EXPERIENCE 2 flW Cc'VI.ICI-ITSViO. Anyone nenrllng ft flrotfh nui fln: rlptlon may qnlokly aaoHrtiiiii our r.pi:iin froe whi'tlicr ao Invention Is probably p-nt"!- uhlu. omiimulcft ttoiiHRtrictlyoonflilentlul. I I'tiuiUool'.on i'atnuU Bent free. Oldunt nuuncy 1.: it-vuriiitf patoulR. Patents tuken throui.')i Mur.n A Co. receive tptcUii rwtice, wttbout ch'To, iu the can. A nunrtsomely HlostrHtPd wpklr. Lnrpfist etr culatlon of Hoy nclent illo Jounml. Tortus, a year; four montbs, $L Bold byull nowsdpalors. MUNN & Co.36,Broa,wa- New York itrauch OHIca. li'iS F WaahliiKtun, U. C. A Bad Breath A bad breath means a bad stomach, a bad digestion, a bad. liver. Ayer's Pills are liver pills. They cure con stipation, biliousness, dys pepsia, sick headache. ' 23c. A'l driigzl'U- Want jour mouHtarhn or beard a bcuutiful brown or rich black? Tlii'ti ue BUCKINGHAM'S DYEttV. BO OTi. Or DmiOOHts, O" t CO. , Hmj,H. M. list! the damp, ww do not bitak. V Xi V. No rout'li Fur. face to cluife and cut. ',1 lie barm:ss not only kef j looking lik. new, out wears twice ai lonKby ue ol Kurrl HirueuOiL Sold very wber. In can allii'ea. Made by Standard Oil , Company I V fihl'ait 1 tf Al'MyaiaiSa1Wr 7l V x Rain and weat W . have no elfrct on KLwtir tfvSit harncs. treated B 1 1 If t ti i wilhKurekaHar- M SMlMMlf Vl ff III mm in. lab Jfc-v j-: a '7 7 a XV-' Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. All the blood in your body passes through your kidneys once every three minutes. 1 he kidneys are your blood purifiers, they fil ter out the waste or Impurities in the blood. If they are sick or out of order, they fail to do their work. Pains, aches and rheu matism come from ex cess of uric acid in the blood, due to ner'le.cterl kidney trouble. Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady heart beats, and makes one feel as though they had heart trouble, because the heart la over-working in pumping thick, kidney poisoned blood through veins and arteries. It used to be considered that only urinary troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all constitutional diseases have their begin ning In kidney trouble. If you are sick you can make no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild, and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy is soon realized. It stands the highest for It wonderful cures of the most distressing cases and Is sold on Its merits t-sW bv &11 drucclsts in fiftv- cent and one-dollar siz- es. You may have a-iSJu sample cottie Dy man hmm of swamp-Root free, also pamphlet telling you how to find out If you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., Blnghamton, N. Y. SmiWa Dandruff Pomade stops itching scalp upon one application three to six removes all datv! uff and will stnp falling hair. Price 50o., at all druggists. All kiu ls of bii-ytil e repairing, lock work and saw filing at Johnson & Lamb's bicyclo shon, oppodte Birlow's gro cery. Give them a trial and be satis fled. Stand Lke a Stone Wall. Between y'inr children and the tor tures of itching ai d burning eczema, sealdbead or other skin diseases. How? Whv, bv tiHing Bucklen's Arnica Salve, earths greatest healvr. Quickest cure for U leers, t ever sores, Salt Kbeum, Cuts, Burns or Buncos. Infallible for Piles. 25c at Geo. A. Harding's drug store. .1 lipihune. Of policv 'i i li"i o "i. mte Edwin R. Kimble, of Pn il.nid. Oregon, bookkeep er for 8tildelmker Bos.: Policy, Nf). 70,282, issued Jtine 2, 1890. Twenty payment life. Died Dec. 8, 1901. Amount of policy $5000.00 Dividend accumulation 618.55 Total paid $5618.55 A return in dividends ot 33j per cent of premiums oaid, besides the $5000 in surance. This company settles with its policy holders each year and issues the most liberal policies. Mora! : Get the best from the Massa chusetts Mutual Life Insurance Com pany. Hubukt G. Ciilton, Pacific Coast Manager, Cham t'er of Commerce Building, Portland, Or. ArTiiUK W. Ch "Tin icr, Special Agent, A Lesson in Heal h. llealthv kidneys Oiler the impurities from the blood, and unless they do this good health h- impossible. Foley's Kid ney Cure makeH sound kidneys and will positively cure all forms of kidney snd bladder disease, It strengthens the. whole system. Charman & C j. A Revelation. If yon will make inniib v it will , be a revelation to you how many succumb to money or umucier troubles in one form or another. If the patient is not beyond medical aid, Foley's Kidney Cure will cure. It never disappoints. Charman & Co. . Will Cure Conanmpt ion. A, A. Herren, Finch, 4rk., writes, "Foley's Honey and Tar is the best preparation for coughs, colds and lung trouble. I know that it his cured con sumption in the first stages." Char man & Co. Yam Know What You Are) Tahlna; When you takeGrove's Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula is plainly printed on every bottle showing that it' is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. No Cure, No pay. 150c. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, Notice In hpri'by given tliat J. D. Rlttnr lins Leon (Inly aimolntwl by Hie oounty rnurt of the staleot Orogon fur Hie county uf Clackamas, Rdmlnbtra. tar of lh emme of Kli-anur Kainmui, (lo.-cancd All persons liuldtna; olnltns nifainst the said de ceased or her estate are hereby notified to nreient tliem, duly verified Willi proper vouchers to Uie said admlnlstrHtor at Needy, Ori'Rou, within six months from the pi.kllcatlou of tills notice. - J-1). HI H KR, FAdnilulstrator of the Kstale uf , w vf!! Illeuiior Sauuou, Doceaaed. Datei, May I,;ino2. J. W. Nonius, M. D. J. W. Powell Jf I). MORRIS & .POWELL, Physicians and Surgeons. Calls in city or country promptly attended Office: 1 2 17 Charman Bros. Block', Oregon City. RIPENS Ripans Tabulcs liolil their place as the mpieme remedy which cures dys pepsia, iiuligi'stion, stomach, liver uiid bowel Iri.ubles, sick headache and toiislipafi.ui. No other single remedy has yet been found since the twillifht of medical history which is capable of doing bo much good to so la'ge a majorily oi mankind. At druggists. Th rie-Ocnt parlet ts enrn-h f,.r dlnary ooasslon. Theiatnu cents, contains a supply r . . , Orccog