e OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1902. PLAYED BASEBALL. ! v Dropsy l ii ': Great Things in Store Future. in the starting in the feet or ankles comes from a weak or diseased heart a heart that cannot keep up the circulation. The blood then settles in the lower limbs where the watery portions ooze out into surrounding tissues causing bloat and swelling. The heart must be strengthened and built up before the dropsy can be cured to stay; and the best of all heart medicines is Dr. Miles' Heart Cure. "Heart d's"ase made my feet swell so that they had to be lanced In several places. One bottle of Dr. Miles' Heart Cura helped me and twelve bottles worked a complete cure." James Traty, Barnard, Mo. D. Miles' ; Hea?f Cute ; gives new strength to the heart, regulates the circulation, stimu lates the digestion and restores health. Sold by druggists on a guarantee. Dz. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. CITIZENS AT MIL W A UK IE Candidates Makej a Gratifying Enthusiastic Campaign Dem onstration. . X The citizens candidates were gieeted with a crowded house at Milwaukie, Mun lay night, and the intense interest oi the audience wai held until the last speaker had completed his peroration, and the "jag" trolley car was pulling up in the direction of the car barn. The principal speakers were Rii hard Scott, candidate for joint senator; G. W. Grace, nominee for senator. 0. W. EaBthain, Gilbert L. HedneB and Charles P. Olark, nominees for repre sentatives; Harvey E Cross, Colonel Kobert A. Miller, anl brief ppeeches by Alfred Lueliing, candidate for re-elec tion for county treasurer; J. E. (Jack, nominee for sheriff; b. H.Cooper, norn inee for re-election as clerk; 0. vy, Rib ev. nominee for commissioner. George Ogle, also made a few remarks. Hot shot was poured into the ma' chine and its management, and the way in which it has been manipulating countv affairs. Facts and carefully ar ranged figures were given, showing the ejact status of affairs. It also is a fact, that the citizens ticket has the most ca pable lot of orators ever placed on any ticket in Clackamas county. The au dience was enthusiastic, and frequently applauded. Miss Gertrude Fairclough, of Oregon City, played several selections on the piano. T. R. A. Sellwood officiated as chair man of the meeting, Richard Scott, the nominee for joint representative, was the first speaker. He said that he was not ashamed of his record in otliee in Clackamas county Would endeavor to get laws through the legislature that would benefit the far mer; favored a dirtet primary law; did not believe that one or two men should nin the county. Mr.Scott is chair man of local initiative and referendum league. He favored precinct organiza tion, and desired that each precinct col lect its own money and expend it on its own roads, but the bridges should be built by the county; precincts should have a home government like the dis trict schools. G. W. Grace explained what should be required of an honest man in the senate. He called attention to the fact that his opponent had stated in his Mu iino speech that an lioneet man had no business in state senate. When Mr. Grace whs sheriir he had saved the county f K'OO paying his first deputy out of his own pocket. He had looked out for the taxpayer's imprest 'When city councilman, and had been successful iu tho mamwument of his own business. 0. W. EiiHthum made a logical, niae. terly address, and explained exactly what the citizens movement H- Nw is the time fr the young men to assist in throwing off this yoke of bosaism, in the interests of better trovernment, Gilbert L. Hedges said there was nothing new or startling in the citizens movement. It was. a non-partisan movement to do sway with the extrav agance and leisen the expanses of county government. Mr. Hedges is a brilliant orator, and told of some of the dodues by ihe machine legislators, who were at 'thd l ist session of the legisla ture. T he ins and outs of the last last leginlutare, known to Mr. Hedges, would till a large volume. Charles V. Clark gives facts and fig ures and his sarcasm tends to make 'bossism nauseous to the auditor, lie showed that present financial conditions in Clackamas countv were a menace to business. He showed that after build ing the suspension bridge costing $L'0, 000, mid Baker's bridge $S.(XM, Clacka mas county was only $57,000 in debt. ' The great increase in indebtedness had .occurred since that economical period. Mr. Clark is a republican of the stal wart Htnoe, but ho believes iu leform. ii irvey K. Cross kept the audience in' the best of humor between hot shots. Won't Fallow Adyios After Paying for it. In a recent article U prominent physi cian says, "It is next to impossible for tl e phystfiau to get his patients to carry ,r,,v nmHcribed course of hygiene or .ii.,nii, smallest extent ; he has but ' one resort left, namely, the drug treat ...... when medicines are used for chronic constipation, the most mild and -c . . i : ri. .( aVinnld ha am use is not followed by This bids fair to be a red letter year j in the history of baseball for Oregon , City. A stock company has been I formed, and the way business men and other individuals have tnken stock in- dicates that the people of the town are determined to place Oregon City in the foremost rank of baseball work, fiext Sunday the Monograms, who will play the Oregon City team here, will be met at the court house by the Woodmen Band, where a procession will be formed headed by the mayor. Alter reaching the ball grounds, the first ball will be thrown over the plate by the mayor, thus formally opening the baseball sea son here witli the honors due our great national 6port. An excursion from Dayton also will land at the grounds. A grandstand has recently been erected, whose shade will combine comfort with pleasure. The preservation of order will be another feature, and the Wil lamette Fall3 baseball park, a ill become one of the most popular resorts in the blood has been infused into the nine this year, by importing several new players, whose tkill has proven un questionable in the gmes recently played. The new suits have arrived from Chi cago in time for next Sunday's game-, and eveiy player will be uniformed and thoroughly equipped for the great grand start toward the goal of triumph. The management is now in communication with tome of the best teams of Eastern Oregon with the view of arranging for a game of more than ordinary interest, to be played here on the Fourth of July. Of course, before any definite conclu sions can be reached, the sentiment ot the people will have to be obtained, the final result depending on the enthusi asm and patronage of the people for the next few weeks. If conditions are not favorablp, another field will have to be selected for a Fourth of July exhibition. This contingency, however, is liaidty probable, as Oieron Citv has nsver failed to carry to a successful issue every project of sport it has undertaken. There is an enthusiastic confidence cur rent in file nine this spring, which will lend a zest to their playing, and Uregon Citv will be the battle-ground of some of the hottest baseball games ever Dlaved in the slate. The Oregon City team was defeated by the Fidelity team of Portland, by a score of 1 to 0, last nunday. Next Sunday will be the first of the state league tiwiues between Oiegon City and the Monograms at Willamette Falls park. $ Q) Tou get full value for your money if you choose S ,) from these three: ft rPnt.mKin For .23 years 8 i & Tribune 8) "Standard of the World" Holds World's Record For Speed Mile in 57 sec. 40 $50 $40 $50 The Church Can Endorse. ''Too Rich To JMarry" Is a polite com. edy that the pastor of a church can ad vise his congregation to go and see. Edwin Owii'K", the author, has in his possession, letters from scores of minis ters, all highly praising his comedy and giving it the stamp of their approval And still "Too Rich To Marrv" is not a TVkini- "The wheel That Stands Up" $25 V.CSLt 111 Most popular wheel in America $40 ( ' Many 19(2 improvements which we would be gfai to show ycu. A few 1901 models at special prices. Choice of Dunlop, G & J or Hard ford tires. We have a special pro position to make on chainless models. Ask about it. All wheels sold on easy installments and old wheels taken in ex change. Get our prices on bicycle sundrit s and save money, HUNTL'EY'S BOOK STORE OREGON CITY Agents for Spalding's Base Ball Goods. Headquarters for Cameras and Photo Suppl'ts. To Our Customers: On account of the increase in prie of meats and labor we have ( been compelled to raise the price of meals from 20c to 2Be. George Bros. Restaurant. Eagle Creek. ' v Eiigle Creek Orange will give a grand May party, at Eagle Creek, May 10. Everbody come with your lunch and have a good time. Mr. W. S. U'Ren will speak. An excellent program will also be furnished. Special Millinery Sale at Red Front. STOPS THE COUGH AND WORKS OFF THIS UOLU. Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets a cold in one day. No Cure' no Price 25 cents. cure pay Restores Hair to the Bald Scalb Erradicates Dandruff Stobs Falling Hair and Prevents Baldness Prier's Hair food 9 P If you want your money's worth buy the W. L. DOUGLAS 1:18 SHOES so-called Sunday school drama, but it is recommended iy pastors evei y where, because it is a true picture of real life. The liven of a family of peaceful, law abiding, God feaiinu ounkards. with an American heir, make up the principal eharaete s in tlie piece with an artist and a mine-owner, and others to complete the picture of real life. The comedy will be at Shively's opera house Friday, May 16. No Lo.3 of Time. I have 'ld Chamberlain's Colic, Chol era and Dianhoca Remedy foryears,aud would rather be out of enff-ie and suar than it. I sold live bo ties of it yester day to threBhei s mat could t;o no farther, and they ire at work attain this morn ing. 11. K. 1'help, Plymouth, Okla homa. As will lie seen by the above the threshers weie able lo keep on with their work without losing a single day's time. You should keep a bottle, of this Remedy in your home, t or sale by G. A. Harding. For Sale. We will sell at public auction on Sat urday, May 10. 11)02, at 1 o'clock p. m., the lot and building of ihe Farmers' Creamery Association of Barlow, Ore gon. J. F. Yost, Vice-President. J. S. Youkh, Secretary Terms of sale cash. Fo- further par ticular call on or address the secretary, Needy, OreO'i. Traveling Is Dangerous. Constant motion jars the kidneys which are kept in place in the body by delicate attachments. This is the reason that travelers, truinnien, street car men, teamsters ami all bodriv very much suffer from kidney disease in some form. Foley's Kidney Cure strengthens Ihe kidneys and cures all forms of kidney and bladder disease. George II. llau sen, locomotive engineer, Lima, O., wrilos,"Conataiit vibration of the engine caused me a great d' al of trouble with my kidneys, and 1 got no relief until I used Foley's Kidney Cure." Charman A Co. For Prices, quality and style in Hats, call on Miss Goldsmith. U. R. Miller. C W. Kelly. AVm. Frev. J. K. Morris, J. H. Howard and E. Grasier were elected delegates to Portland meetintr Monday of State Federated Trades. On Tuesday a local carpenters union will be organized with nrnbahlv 40 members, at regular meet ing of Federation at A. 0. U. W. hall. Will Cure S tomach Ache in Five Minutes! This is just what Painkiller will do; tiyit. Have a bottle in the house for instant use, as it will save you hours of suffering. Watch out that the dealer does not sell you an immitation, as the great reputation of Painkiller (Perry Davis'), has induced many people to try to make something to sell, said to be "just as good as the genuine." Is sold under a positive guarantee to do these things. Give it a fair trial. Yon will not be disappointed. For sa'e by all druggists You get style, comfort and durability. Every pair as we repre- l sent them cr a new pair free. Call and examine this line. We also have an up-to date line of Clothing and Gent's Furnishing X Goods . j J. M. PRICE, Next to the Bank of Oregon City. The One-Price Clothier, RED FRONT Court House Block, Oregon City, Ore Tarm Produce and Sbingks taken in Exchange The only Union Shop in the city. Parker, the barber. Whooping Cough. . A woman who has had experience with this disease, tells how to' prevent anv dangarous consequences from it. She says : Our three children took whoop ing cough last summer, our baby boy being only three months old, and owing to our giving them Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, they lost none of their plump ness and came out in much better health than other children whose parents did not use Uhis remedy. Our oldeBt little girl would call lustily for cough syrup betweed whoops. Jessie Pinkey Hall, Sorirgville. Ala. This remedy is for sale by G. A. Hardirg Like Daisies Before the Scythe, Baby lives are destroyed in summer by cholera infantum. The attack of the disease is sudden, its progress is some times 'erriblv rapid. Mothers who have given their children Perry Davis' Pain killer can tell how this treatment has checked the diarrhoea and vomiting.and nut the little patient out of danger. 25 and 50 cents. Catarrh of the H jad and Throat Makes your voice husky, causes you to ache all over, stops up your nose, makes vou snore, makes vour nose itch and burn, brings on catarrhal headaches and neuralgia. Rmith Bros.' 8. B. Ca tarrh Cure attacks this common, dread ful disesse on new and correct princi ples. It eradicates the disease from the system and restores the mucous mem branes to a ;healtby condition and will cure catarrh no matter where located. For sale by all druggists. Book on Ca tanh free. Address Smith Bros., Fres no, Cal. THE STAR OF STARS Steel Star Wind "fi" ! m Hm bU bRnriogfc In tnra . Turns frel j to Ihe wind. Ball bearing thrust In wheel, insuring lighent running qualities, and reserving greatest amount of power for pumping. Galvanized after making. Put together Willi galTauiied bolts, double nutted, no part oan rust or get loose and rattle. Weight regulator: perfeot regulation. K spring to change tension with ((very change of temperature, and grow weaker wit "ge. Repairs always on hand. These things are worth money to you. Then why not by a Str. Mitchell, Lewis & Stavev Co Portland, Oregon. Wall Paper and Lieno Wall Finish a permanent sanitary and fire prool wall coating. Superior to Kalsomine, Ala- bastine or Gypsine. Lieno works perfectly when all others tail. At Shank & Bissells Call or Phone for Wall Paper Samples. 7th St. mar Wain ttl. 411 Hew Goods Arriving Daily, at the Fair Store Four- Sciatic Rheumatism Cured After teen Years of Suffering. "I have been allllcted with sciatic rheumatism for fourteen years," says Josh Kdgar, of'Germaiitown, Cal. "I waB able to be around but constantly suffered. I tried everything I could hear of and atla-it was told to try Cham berlain's Pain Balm, which I did and was immediately relieved and in a Bhort time cured, and 1 am happy to say it hasnotBince returned " Why not use this liniment and get well? It is for sale by G. A. Harding. UlUH"u"i i ill btouuich iV liiver lauiovo, " " - , .... i 'im. ir inn is nol iouoweu in constipation u they leave the bowels iu a natural and healtny conuuiuu ale by U. A. Harding. For What Is Foley's Kidney Cure? . Answer: It is made from a prescrip tion of a leading Chicago physician, and one of the aiost eminent iu tne couutry. The ingredients are the purest that money can buy, and are scientifically combined to gel their utiuoat value. Charman & Co. Foley's Honey and Tar contains no opiates and can be safely given to child ren. Charman A Co. ?"j 1)1 Al fl aVug torn. 2$ Don 2S. J ( Muslin, 32c. Stereoscope and 50 Views, $i.6o "Princely" Golf and Working Shirt, best made, $1 in Portland; 65c. Pompadour Combs and Hair Or naments, very latest Valenciennes Lace for Ruffles, ic. a yard. Straight Front Corsets, 49c. Colored Mercerized Underskirts for 79c. Nansoos Embroidery, 5c per yard. Bone and Aluminum Hair Pins, 5c. per doz. ' Pearl Shirt Buttons, all sizes, 5c. per doz. Ladies' Summer Undervesls, 5c. Ladies' Black Hose, 5c. Ladies' and Children's Handker chiefs, two for sc. Ladies' White Aprons, 15c. Ladies' Ready Made Dress Skirts, $1.25. All Colors Satin Ribbon, 4c. a yd. Tailor Made Suits, $7.75. Girdle Corsets, 49c. Torchon Lace, sixyds. for 5c. Brown & Welch -Proprietors of the 7, VV f w ' I Seventh Street Meat" Market A. O. OREGON U. W. CITY, Building OREGON Roast Coffee, Good Geen Coffee, Diamond C Soap, Arm & Hammer Soda, Alaska Salmon, Oysters, Gold Dust, Cocoanut, Good Syrup, from JOc lb. per lb. JOc 7 bars 25c 8 lbs. 25c 4 cans 25c 3 cans 25c per pkg. 1 8c per lb. 1 8c per can 25c RED FRONT COURT HOUSE BLOCK TRADING CO. OREGON CITY, ORE. Fan' Avak!! SPRING HAS COME! You Want a Harrow! j Peg Tooth, Spring Tooth, or 5 isc. Marrow GET THE BEST!! The Most Durable and Efficient are made by t. AL OSBORNE & CO., STANDARD OF THE WORLD Later you will want an Osborne MOWER, RAKE, TEDDER or BINDER. It will cost you nothing to examine the fine complete stock of Andrew Kocher. Canby, Ore. llT anufacturing AND WATCH REPAIRING .A SPECIALTY. Fitting Spectacles and Eye Glasses By Up-to-Date Methods. Examination" Free, by PHILLIPS, The Optician A. N. WRIGHT jThe Iowa Jeweler, 293 MorrisoD, near 5t&