Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, April 25, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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$ Your Share
of the Profits
I. J. J.Xl k3 lAVVV til
great measure due to its many custom-
ers and therefore, you, as customers,
are entitled to a share of the profits,
This profit comes to you in the way of
better prices; instead of paying the reg-
ular price of $1.00 a bottle for Peruna
or Pierce's medicine as you have in the
past, you can now get it for 75 cents.
Is this not like having an interest
in a dividend paying business? Our loss
in this respect is made up in two ways:
First, in buying right, for spot cash, and
direct of the makers, which means about
JO per cent better prices than the aver-
age store gets, and, Secondly, more bus-
mess Why, we have increased our
business well, a greater per cent, than
we care to say here and yet our ex-
penses for rent, clerk hire, light, &c,re-
mam about the same as a year ago, O
Therefore we get our dividends in in-
creased business, and you get yours in
lower prices. .
0 I u
1 80
C Swamp Root, reg
ular $1.
QCC Castoria, regular
$ LJ 35c.
j "7 CC Oregon Blood Pur
T I U ifier, regular $1.
I Q C Cuticura Soap, reg-
ular 25c.
ular $1.00.
if AC Electric Bitters, reg-
TU ular 50c.
X "inC Herpicide, regular
iU $100
IQC Lyon's Tooth Pow-
I J der, regular 25c.
7pTCZ Hawley's Catarrh
I J Cure, regular $1.
20G M 25c-Pills-
jflC Beggs Blood Puri
A UU ficr, regular $1
X 7 ffC Pure Olive Oil, reg.
ular $1. Best qual-
ity table oil
IQC Rubifoam,
Ivf regular 25c.
O '
ICC Bensoliptus Tooth
I J Powder, regular 25c.
OU pound, regular $1
C Ivory Soap, reg. 5c
C Wool Soap, reg. 10c
7 Afl T-1 01.
i ttiectro oiiicon.
v regular 15c
Y I AC S. S. White's Tooth
Powder, regular 25c.
I PC 4711 Soap,
I vl regular 25c.
dflC Hind's Almond
Y v Cream, regular 50c.
7 EC Quaker Herbs, reg-
I J ular$l
The above prices are just a sample of the bargains
we have to offer you. Our cut price includes prescrip
tions, toilet articles and every day supplies.
C. G. Huntley,
Popular Price Druggist
11. AIT I 111 s
"fl ftC Pierce's Pellets,
regular 25c.
1 OSr SWpn'S a DWn I
race Powder, reg- Y
ular 15c Y
QKC Robertine, reg
ular 50c.
fgiC 3 Porous Plas-
''ters, regular 25 ea.
J51hC Beef, Iron and
Wine, reg. 75c
Best Spring Tonic
1 C Best Spices in cans; Y
Allspice, Cloves Reg 10c Y
5 c Nutmegs, per doz
C Talcum Powder,
regular 1 5c
Pierce's Favorite
Regular $1
ly tC Pierce's Medical
w " Discovery
r Regular $1
ftlC 100 Grain Quin- A
ine Pills, reg. 50c
1 Pinldiam's Ve-
getable Compound,
regular $1 V
fl Carter's Liver A
11 Pills, regular 25c A
Q EC Shoop's Restora
tive, regular $1
QEIC Shoop's Rheuma
tic Cure, reg. $1
Q EC Ayer's Hair Vigor,
00 regular $1
ilC Green Mt. Asth
v ma Cure, reg. $1
'C Scheif men's Asth
ma Cure, reg. $1
3QC Coke's Dandruff
Cure, reg. $1
85C 7 Sutherland Sis
ters Hair Restorer,
regular $1
ear's Soap,
regular 25c
B. W. Iliig, of Cliainpoeg, was in the
city Sunday.
W. B. Garrett, of Col ton, was in town
F. Hahn, of 2ew Era, was in Oregon
City Wednesdey.
James O. Morris, of Macksbarg, was
in town Monday.
John E. Schneider, of Killin, was in
the city Saturday.
James W. Marre, of Springwater, was
in the city Monday.
Peter Pague, of Milwaukie, was in
Oregon City Saturday.
Frank Milstead, of Springwater, was
in Oregon (Jity Monday.
Henry Smith, of Canby, was a visi
tor in ihe city Monday.
William O. Heater, of Highland, was
in Oregon City Monday.
C I. Gipson, of Molalla, is spending
the summer at Gower, Mo.
George G. Bingham, a Salem attor
ney, was in the city Monday.
A. H. Wing, of Portland, wns a visi-
' tor in the city during the week,
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Gard, of Clarkes,
were visitors in the cily Tuesday.
Lawyer Ohas. Rohlin, of Salem, was a
guest of Mrs. J. A. Cole Monday.
J. G. Pilsbury, of Portland, was vis
iting friends in the city yesterday,.
A. It . Doolittle, of McKee, was visit
ing relatives in the city yesterdar.,
Mr and Mrs. John Shindler, of
Canby, were in the city Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Judd, of Molalln,
were visiting in the city Wednesday.
Irving M. Pratt and W . II. Jones, of
Beaver Creek, were in town Monday.
Herbert Bestow, of Portland, was via
iting relatives in the city Wednesday,
Misses Blanche and Ethel McCord
were visiting friends at Canby Sunday.
Newton MflOoy and Cluudo Strahan,
Portland attorueyH, were in the city
CO. Rose, of the salem woolen mills,
was visiting his old home at Canemah
William, Johnson, of Dam.i6eus, the
citizens candidate for assessor, was in
town yesterdny.
Miss Grace Miller has completed her
second term of school at Liberal, and
returntd home.
Mias M. S. Barlow, teacher of the
Jiariow school, was in the Wednesday,
visiting relatives.
F. A. Sleight, of Cnnby, the republi
can candidate for county clerk, was in
the city Wednesday.
Hans Paulsen, the republican candi
date for the legislature from George,
was in town Wednesuay.
William Brobst. the republican candl
date for commissioner from Wilsonvilie,
was in town Wednesday.
Misses Rose and Emma Reuck, of Bar
low, were guests of Helen and Rachel
McCord, of Mt. Pleasant.
Miss Nellie Hoyd, of Mitchell, who
nas Deen visiting Mrs. w, (J. Green, re
turned home Wednesday.
R. S. Guttridge, of Springwater, has
ordered his Courier-Herald forwarded to
Baby McKee Mine, Cabieville.
J. E. Corlyle, recently returned from
Thunder Mountain, states that will be
come in time a big mining camp
Mrs. Louisa Pauli, after visiting her
aaugncer, Mrs. xnomas Warner for a
year, left Tuesday for her home in Day
ton, Ohio.
H. E. McGinn, the Multnomah
county republican candidate for state
senator, was in Oregon City Wednesday
Mr. akd Mrs. J. Tompkins, who are
now lining near Warren, in Columbia
county, were viBiting friends he'e dur
ing the week.
Charles Straight, son of Cyrui
Straight, who has lived in Astoria for
the past year, was visiting relatives
here during the week.
Mrs. A. A. Engelbart and two child
ren went to Salem Wednesday evening
to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ja
cob Winger for a few weeks.
Green Stewart, who has been a resi
dent of Molalla for the past 20 years, left
this week for hisoldhome in Missouii,
where he expects to remain.
W. W. Irwin, of Aurora, was in the
city Tuesday, having concluded his la
bors as a grand juryman in the United
States circuit court at Portland.
H. C. Gilmore, city councilman;
Howard Eccles, teacher of the Mundorf
Bchool ; Otto Evans and James Evans,
all of Canby, were in town Monday.
Ex-Governor Sylvester Pennoyer was
calling on ol 1 friends in the city Tues
day. Among the places t hat he visited,
was the cit:zens campaign headquar
ters, 1
Wayne Howard, who has a big con
tract lor cutting cottonwood cord wood,
on the Santiam, for the Portland excel
sior mills, went up the valley yesterday.
He hs had some difficulty in securing
a sufficient number of wood choppers.
Superintendent Dalton and family,
of the Crown paper mills, have removed
to the dwelling on the corner of Sixth
and Water streets, at the rear of the
Bank of Oregon City. W. P. Hawley
and family are now occupying their own
residence on the West Side.
0. D. Robbing, of Logan, was in town
Tuesday. He is one of several dairy
men, who put up green clover bay silos
last fall. The silos met every expecta
tion, and the feed was readily eaten by
the cows. However, there was some
waste to the silos, but this can be rem
edied hereafter. All the dairymen in
that section have fed out their silos, ex
cept Mr. RobbinB, and he has but little
Hsl Rands left for Idaho Wednesday,
to do some preliminary work on a sur
veying contract to be executed by him
self and his brother, County Surveyor
Ernest Rands. The former has
received a new Young solar compass
from Philadelphia, the fineet ever
brought to Clackamas county. Ernest
Rands will follow his brother, accom
panied by a crew a few weeks later.
The Georg'a Harper Company of ten
people will appear at the opera house to
night and to-morrow night. Also will
give a matinee at 2:30 Saturday after
noon at which time the price of admis
sion will be 10c to everyone.
100,000 Rolls of Wall Pa
per at 5c per double roll at
W. L. Block, The Home
furnisher, opposite P. O.
Ribbons lc per yard and up at Racket
Union Shop porcelain baths. Parker,
the barber.
"Fanchon the Cricket" at the opera
house to-night.
The only Union Shop in the city.
Parker, the barber.
Candidates cards of all kinds printed
at Courier-Herald office.
Bargain in the Latest Hats at Red
Front Special Millinery Sale,
Don't miss the matinee to-morrow at
2 :30, opera house, 10c to everyone.
Hair Rolls, boy's waiBts, Sunbonnets
and children's hats Racket Store.
The only barber shop in the city em
ploying union labor. Parker, the barber.
Special Millinery Sale at Red Front.
The democratic state candidates will
speak at I'anby and Oregon City on
May loth.
For Sale Two a 1 milch cows. In
quire of A. Pressy, first house past West
bide school.
Tne West Oregon City school gymna
sium has been completed. It, is a veiy
neat structure, 30x60 feet.
Thos, H. Slaughter has purchased 80
acres in section 1, township 6 south of
range 1 east, for 500 cash.
New specialties are given between the
acts at each performance of the Georgia
Harper Co. at the opera house this week.
A. Robertson, the Seventh Street gro
cer, recently received the first carload of
sugar ever landed in Oregon City at one
V. Harris has purchased the Richard
Freytaj; grocery stock and a running
both stores. J. W McAnuliy will as
sist in the Freytag store.
H. W. Jackson has made several trial
runs with his new automobile, and it
has proven higldy satisfactory. It is a
thing of beauty and rapid transit.
The net proceeds of the Mt Pleasant
school entertainment was $'?6 lhere
was some talk of repeating the play as
many were unable to attend last week.
A Sumpter item says that John No
ble, of Oregon City, has let a contract
for pushing the tunnel work toll feet lur
ther on the Paul Kruger group of claims
in the Sumpter district.
Charmen & Co., the RELIABLE
DKUUUiSTS, nave cut tbe prices ot
Drugs and Patent medicines Bicycles
and Stationery. See their Bhot-to-pieces
advertisement. .
Card of Thanks W. A. Hedges de
sires to extend his appreciation of the
kindnesef s of many friends, during the
illness of his late wife, and in the hours
of hie sadness and affliction. -
Geo. H. Gregory, Jr., the Molalla
teasel grower, was in the city Wednes
day. He has moved bis teasel barn to
the village from bis former location ana
will continue his teasel farm.
Turney will give one of his popular
dances in Canemah park Saturday
night. The park has been cleaned up
and fitted with new buildings and
floors, and is now lighted by electricity.
Fred Meindl, the socialist candidate
for state senator, spoke last night at
Highland, and will speak this evening
at Macksburg. He also has dates at
Shubel on May 2nd and at Clarkes on
May 3rd.
II. M. Ilarnden, of the Koey Kandy
Kitchen, has fitted up rooms back of his
store for ice cream tables. He will also
install a motor and power freezer and
will do a wholesale business In this as
well aa the candy line.
Mrs. and Mrs. W. M. Paddock wish to
express their gratitude to their friends
and neighbors for the kindness and
sympathy extended to them during the
illness and at the death of Walter
Cooper, the son of Mrs. Paddock.
The Mother's Club, of Oregon City,
will meet at the residence of Geo. O.
Brownell Thursday afternoon, May 1st.
The leading topic will be: "What Errors
of the Mother make Most Trouble for the
Teacher." The presence of guests as
well as members of the club is desired.
"Way Back East" an up-to-date
ruaal comedy drama will be produced
by the Georgia Harper Co. at the opera
house on their last oppearance Saturday
night. Georgia Harper is an excellent
actress with an elegant wardrobe, she
is surrounded by a good company, de
serving of liberal patronage.
"Grandma" Hornschuch, an elderly
German woman, held in high esteem,
who died at Elyville, was interred in
the the Beaver Creek cemetery yester
day, after appropriate funeral services.
She was a widow and the mother of
Abel and Einil Hornschch, of Beaver
Rudolph Aegeter, of Redland, was ar
raigned before County Judge Ryan
Tuesday afternoon on a charge of insan
ity, hut Dr. Carll pronounced him sane,
and he was dischaged. He also had an
examination before the prosecuting at
torney on a charge of threatening to
hoot J. 3," Bargfeldt, but wbb dis
charged. W.F.Young, the well known hop
raiser and ex-school teacher, who lives
in Pleasant Hill precinct, near Sher
wood, was nominated for Joint repre
sentative of Clackamas and Multnomah
counties by acclamation at the meeting
of the democratic county central com
mittee, held Tuesday afternoon.
The republican candidates held a
meeting at machine headquaiters Wed
nesday, and arranged plans for the
campaign. As heretofore, one man will
have absolute dictation of the cam
paign, as no special committee for that
purpose was named. The candidates
will begin their itinerary of speech
mtkine in the various precincts on
May 7th.
J. M. Kendrirk will have a hearing in
Justice McAnnltj's court tomorrow on
a charge of killing fiah in the Molalla
river, n"ar Canby, with dynnmite. He
was firred y Constable M'ody
two or three days ago. Two young
men named Duncan were arrested for
the same offense, but it is understood
that they were rleased.
At the meeting of ihe local union of
fhe American Federation of Labor, held
Wednesday nicht, over 100 new mem
bers were added to the lodge. There is
now a total of 513 names on the list.
The woolen mill employes union now
numtiers over 200.-and. as some of the
men belong to both organizations, it is
likely the union strength in town num
bers nearly 700
The morning theme at the Congrega
tional church will he "The Correct Use
of the Soul's Monitor." In tne evening
the pastor will give the last of the se
ries of sermonB on "Faith and Wasle of
Life." The book of Job has been used
to illustrate this series, and the last,
"Faith Purined and Corrected," is to
show how life's perplexities may train
ttie eye of faith to see God,
Some plays have lobe waits between
acts that are quite tiresome to the Budi
ence. There are r.o waits in the per
formance of "Too Rich To Many,"
which will be at Shively's opera house
on Friday, May 10th. There is a goodly
list of specialties that an given during
the performance and between the acts.
Not a dull moiueut is left, for the audi
ence from tha time the curtain goes up
until the close of the Inst act. The
specialties in the piny belong there and
nt in just the right places.
The steamer Leona, which has been
overhauled and repainted by the Oregon
City Transportjticn Company, began
making regular trips between Oregon
Citv and Portland. It is a delightful
ride on the river at uny season of the
year, and more especially during the
spring and summer months Tne only
way landings are Magone'B park, Mel
drum'B, Moreys, Risleys and Oswego,
enabling the boat to make rapid time
up and down the river. The time table
is as follows: Leave Oregon City at
7 :00 a. m. and 10:00 a. m. and 1 :30 and
4:30 p. m. Leave Portland at 8:30
and 11 :30 a. m. and 3 :00 and 6;15 p. m.
Professor T. J. Gary, principal of the
West Oregon City publio school, and
a number of his pupils were visitors at
the rooms of the Oregon Historical So
ciety today. The object of the visit wat
for us educational value, ihe pupiia
enjoyed the diversion greatly, and
gniueu iiiucu vmuauie uisioricai liuor-
mation by studying tha many relics dis
played. The following persons signed
the register: Arvie Batdorf, Lilly
Schmidli, Amanda Klinger, Robert In
gram, Miss Humphrys, Miss Miller,
Bessie McMillan. Verne Batdorf, Fran
ces Wilkinson, Andrew UcDaniel, Ma
be) Pusey, Bessie Ingram, Bessie Shobe,
Herbert WeBton, Arthur Schmidli, Ida
Kelly, Willie Armstrong, Robbie Ward,
Lavada Freem'an, C. Smith, Carrie Ver
ner, Albert Melvin, Hugo Schoeheinz.
Thuisday'e Portland Evening Jour
nal. A Fourth of July meeting was held at
the county court roo.n Tuesday, under
the auspices of the' Retail Merchants
Association. President Duane O. Ely
presided, and there was a general dis
cission of the matter. It was agreed
that the principal exercises be held on
Main street, and it was generally esti
mated that it would take at least $700
to defray the expenses of a celebration,
inclusive of music, sporta prizes and
fireworks. The following committee
was appointed to solicit subscriptions,
and report in two weeks: Chrrles Al
bright, L. Adams, M. Michaels, J. P.
Lovitt, Dr. W. E. Carll, J. W. Moffatt,
G. B. Dimick, O. G. Huntley, G. W.
Grace and O. Schuebel. When the
amount has been subscribed, the names
of the subscribers, with the amounts
put dowa, will be printed in this paper.
Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidneys
and bladder right. Don't delay. Char-
man & Co.
PRUG WAR has shot to pieces almost every article In our Complete
Down-To-Date DRUG STORE, even postage stamps reduced.
You will find this sale a money saver, as we make the price. We
buy direct from the manufacturers, and you get fresh genuine goods from us.
If you do not see what you want ask for it. Here are a few of our
cut prices :
Regular. Special.
13 two-cent stamps .... 215c
Peruna $1 00 74o
Carter's Little Liver Pills 25 15c
Pink Liver Granules 25 lOo
Kidney Pills 60 25o
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.... 1 00 74o
Shoop's Restorative 1 00 85c
Wood's Sarsaparllla 1 00 55c
Red Line Barsaparilla 1 00 60c
Castoria 35 24c
Paine's Celery Compound 1 00 80o
Best Gasoline, quart 25 10c
Swamp Root (Kilmer's)
Hot Water Bottles, 8, 3 or 4
Our Drug Store contains over
dozen ordinary Drug Stores, it is full
progressive lines, its trade is founded
grown with 20 years of experience, only years can bring fullness of know
ledge, and experience is an important thing in the DRUG Business.
Unng us your PRESCRIPTIONS and drug orders and we will
treat you right. Mai: orders solicited.
I'hone 13 our phone connects with
e Open Checking
For firms and individ
uals. We supply them
with check books, so t
that they can draw
against their deposits in
favor of other persons.
Depositors are thus en
abled to pay bills or
withdraw money with
out coming to the bank. ?
O i
Oregon Gify, Ore.
The fruit farms on Willamette rive,
bet een Portland and Oregon City; alec
stock and grain farms in Clack mat
county, five to twenty miles from Tort
land for sale at reatonable prices and
upon easy terms. Inquiie of Commer
cial Bank, Oiegon Cily.
Chainless Bicycles Reduced.
The exhorbitant price charged fof
chainless bicycles has kept them out of
the hands of the average wheelman,
though their superiority in every way
is generally acknowledged. This jear
Huntley's Book Store is quoting special
prices in the chainless no higher than
chain wheeN.
Public Speaking,
Subjects: Machine Politics, High
Taxes, Corruption in ollice.
The Candidates on the Citizens ticket
and other speaker will address the peo
ple as follows :
Mulino, Thursday, April 24, at 7 :30.
Beaver Creek, Saturdav, April 20, 7:30.
Milwaukie, Monday, April 28, at 7:30.
Canby, Tuesday, April 29, at 7 :30.
Clackamas, Thursday, May 1, at 7 :30.
Tualatin, (Frog Pond schoolhouse) Sat
urday. May 3, at 7 :30.
Everybody invited.
Funeral of Mrs. Alice F.
Mrs. Alice F. Hedges, wife of W. A.
Hedges, aged 41 years, nine months and
16 days, died at Salem, last Monday.
The funeral services were held at the
family residence Wednesday afternoon,
the services bbing conducted by the
Rer. P. K. Hammond. The interment
was in the Canemah cemetery and the
services at the grave were conducted by
Mrs. Thomas F. Ryan, noble grand of
Willamette Rebekah Degree Lodge,
assisted by the chaplain, Mrs. W, H.
Howell. The funeral was largely at
tended. There were many floral trib
utes in evidence. , MrB. Hedges' maiden
name was Brayshaw. She left a hus
band and two children.
Miss Madalne F. Casey, and O. Q.
Muhlig, both of Portland, were married
at the Congregational parsonage, April
19th. Rev. E. S. Bollinger was the of
ficiating clergyman.
Miss Oma Estes, of Clackamas
caunty, and Oscar RusbcII were married
ia the city last Friday, County Jndge
Ryan officiating.
A marriage license was issued to Ade
line Tucker and Harrison Collius on the
When You Go Into a Drug Store
to get a bottle of Painkiller, examino it
carefully to see if it is made by Perry
Davis, and don't be persuaded to take
something "jut as good" because it is a
few cents cheaper. There is only one
Painkiller. "Perry Davis.' " Largo bot
tles 25 and 50c.
1 00 80c
at 1 00 05c
20000 articles, would make a half of
grown and its growth has been along
on confidence, a confidence that has
& CO.,
Reliable Cut-rVice Druggists.
any part of the County or State.