OREGON CITY COURIER-WEfcALH. FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 1902. 6CO3O00C3Q3OO0OOOOOOOOOOQ CORRESPONDENCE oooooooooooooooooooooooooo Da mascus. Fitrmcre are renping; quite a harvest off their puds. The comniinBion merchants ere ecouring the neihborh ooii (or gocd potatoes. Ri-nl estate is elmiiKintf hands very rapidly in thin place. T 0 KimVrly sold one-hall oi hie ihiko laiuiou Saturday to ineodore smun, ana on the follow! g Monday Bold the other half,con- atueraiiou uciuif tujuv. The infant child of Guy E White was burled in UllBJUttl'O Jtl-il WMl'll. Frill Wi-llmati has been taken to the Good Sa maritan hospltHl to he treat) d. Charlie Paschal! hs returned to his mine on Shenna Creek, elf ht miles abore Salmon river post office, wnere he will wort lor awhile. Rev KoiiDclmann preached at Damasous Sun day. A dance will be iriven in Casner Junker's hall 8alurday night, April 26. Everyone inrlted. South Cams. Alva Krick'Ou Is working for E W Paine In the nop yiru. G Klrhyaon and wife, J Evans and wife, A L Joimh and wife, K Bi hu.'b'-l, J Moshberger. Clyde emun mi i ji,rm mine vvnt t-i town last weeK, Mrs 1) Ti-iiIIIiirit. of ITnion Mills. TisiUd R Bcinioli'd Hitd family !u.-t .Siiuiluy. A lnryi' nlunlirr frum this vi. inlty went to MulluO iam Nttiiruitjr iiikiii to near Hon Ucorge Browntii apeuk. B J II, Ivor has runud the Ranch farm near t anh. Ink Sun. CitrliB. ami Sirs Helvey are stop ping on UK' farm at pn-yt-nl. Al iiikI !-tob," t .-tchoenliorn caught a fine lot of iruui on" tniy mm weea. Krv Moore win been ciniliicting revival meet ing m tin-i;nuii;e bull the past week. Last Sun day all took b.mkcts of lunch and ate together ai mo uau. B Hnyhurat, of Oregon City, visited his parents umi wqaiiesuay mgui. J i'alne took a trip to Trullinger's Mills Wednesday. Mrs HpaiiKler, who has been slok, la Improving uuuui me uare ui Lr uoucuer. The Misses Jessie and Edith Jackson are stay' nig at me nume oi cneir aunt, jars Dpangier. Mr and Mrs Pearson visited friends in Mullno last Sunday. Charles Daniels, of Mullno, has been helping ub uuuie, vi uoucner, me past week. ibis. Highland. There was a large crowd at the debate Saturday evening. 1 he musical and literary program was wan reiulrred. Much crerit Is due tne memners for their entertaining efforts in making it a sac cess. The debate is also becoming very interesting. Many fair women and brave men of Highland nd ailjoinine precincts attended the grand ball U the 12th at the residence of John Wallace. Dancing did not lag until the sun rose, and all went Home ruerry as a marriage Den Work on the Moehnke road is progressing slow ly, as many people Dere object to paying taxes to build rouils In other districts, '.and then build ing their own by subscription Our local real estale anent is having a lot of hard luck in locating immigrants in tins district. ime calamity seems to ofertaite them oeiore ne 'els them out here, but it may be just as well, Or if tliuv do not drop dead before, they certainly will when they strike the Highland boulevard. Itetlland. Seeding Is progressing slowly, although gener ally uiusi oi us iiave uuisneu aeemng. James Fullam went to Stone Siturdnv and stayed over the day witb W H Kerchem in order to see lite separators at wonje. Mr irullain 1b inter ested in the creamery at Stone. , Several of the Redlandltes attended meetlnr at Viola Sunday. Hro Kxon Is holding meetings there this week and is assisted by Bro Sweeny, of sruuas, or,, wuopreaonea a toxical sermon to an appreciative congregation. Next Sunday will prouaDiy oe me close oz tno meetings. Rev Wallers, of Salem, will hold service at the KeuiitriK M h. church Mav Hth, at 2 p m, and he will baptize a class of children. All those having ciumreu in ue napiizeu are luvtiea to De present. O A ilollluswoith lias bought a horse and bngqy, and he Is now looking for a matesohe will have a leain. Aug Funk lias posters out for the sale of his farm and all its contents, such as stock, machinery ami mi riopn, price - per acre. W C Ward has begun grading. Charles and John Oaskell have gone to work Wltn their teams al at ortland. Rev Hatch preached at Bethel Sunday. In future there will be preaohlngat the Bethel rresuytenan church in this place every Sunda' aiaooioca ne juuen mini, pastor, sabball school us usual at i o clock. , dams Bros. Go OREGON CITY'S den Rule Bazaar Q CASH STORE everything Priced on the Small Profit, Quick Selling Plan Sole Agents for Monarch "Shirts. Coon & Arrow Brand Collars and Cuffs. Brown's Star-Five Star Shoes. Stetson Hats. Dry Goods. Silks, Linings, ' Laces, Embroideries, Notions, Hosiery, Parasols, Umbrellas, Blankets, Shoes, , Hats, Has- Hall Goods, Stationery, Muslin Underwear, , Japanese Goods, Toys, Queensware, Tin and Granite Ware, Curtains, Yarns, Clocks, Fancy Lamps, Fishing Tackle, Men's Furnishing Goods, Neckwear, Sweaters, Underwear, Gloves, Complete line of Do mestics, Skirts, Ladies' Wrappers, Valises, Jewelry, Fancy China, Vases, Baskets, Ribbons, Ladies' Shirt Waists, And everything else usually found in a Progressive Dry Goods Store. Missouri Town. Ah mi one tukee notice of our little town. I will write a lew lines to let you know that we are still alivo. The smallpox scare is In our burg at last, and uile a number arc badly frightened over it. The irectors should try und prevent it from spreading in the school Jake Qroahone is making quite a bir improve ment on h is rented farm. He has also the larger part ef his grain sowed. Ben Thomas has been building some new fenoe and greatly lmproed thelooks of his farm. John Ferguson and wife were visiting the school last week, lie reports having a fine school taught at Beaver take. We are sorrv o learn that Miss Sarah Church- hill, a well known young lady of this suction, took her books home from school last Friday on ao count of her health. We are sorry to learn that Ray Nlcholsou, of this section, is st present lying very low and also Mrs Jane Milstead, who Is very sick wltn tne smallpox, and her little boy is still attending sohool. Ralnh. sav Havseed.T notice In vour last week's Items you made mention about coming home from Charlie Heinz'. If you hadn't been smiling on that girl and been a little more careful what you write it would have been much better. UJHIUI Bock Creek. O M Wyland and son are cutting telephone poles. C G Vorhles Is making improvements by mak ing a new gate. Bert Wndo was seen in this section one day last last week. Mr and Mrs Wyland made Mr and Mrs Crouse a pleasant call Hunduy. I L Crouse and H Wilson ate busy cutting tele phone poles. G T Slaughter was seen passing through this burg a lew days ao. Funny Jack. Frog l'tnd. Farmers are all busy between showers putting In their spring grain. Our road supervisor Ib having a new bridge erected near Hike Gross' residence. J Q Gage, the bridge imllder.is engineering the Job. Charles Turner was visiting at Haaalta Sunsay Something attraoltre, Chariest Rosle Wilson, of Sherwood, was visiting at the borne of Mrs F Comer Sunday. Charles Holns has disposed of all his cord wood and is making preparations to move to hia farm pposlte New lira Paul Kruger, the Wilsoarlile window dresser, was seen at Frug Pond Sunday. T K Barnes attended churoh at Hood View Sun slay evening. BrownelPs campaign fund must have been bombanlcd. It is rumored thai a small portion Tandud about two miles of this place. A grand ball will be given at the grange hall.Sat. unlay evening by Henry Haker. Come one, oorae all. IIosiLLi,. JlussellvUle. G W Wlnetield Is going to attend the meeting at millnn this evening W H Daughcny had the mMortunt to back his horeos on the Teasel Creek hill, anj by the help of 0 Austin he got up all nut t. Mrs F Davidson and Mrs TrulHnger made Mrs Wingfleld a pleasant call Tuesday las'. Omil Boyles made Mrs Wlngneld a pleasant call Wednesday last, Mrs Nctta Carter's father and mother made her a pleasant oall yesterday. Yesterday the rainfall was heavy. We are having vacation Id our school this week, Seeding season Is being lengthened out. Seed grain Is getting scaroe, wheat at b ast, Mrs Bryant is very Bid at present , but it is hoped she may recover. Mr Marquam Is visiting friends at Marquam at present. Born to the wife of Mr Russell, a ion. KM mill will now run with agreater rapidity. It will-be Russell Bros and son. Mr Stone has been verr unfortunate with his cattle by going away from his farm. Some of the people Ihere are moving to Eastern Oregon outo ilheir noiuesteaus. i The weather is fine today and we hope I It will continue lunger. El wood. As T am a reader of your paper, and In glancing over Ihe Klvvond Items, I am obliged to call down he correspondent in the issue of : Friday, April Imli. The next lime she writes about parties conilnir from Oregon City she should conline her self l the truth, and as I am one of the parties I will endeavor to give you au account of our do llglillul trip. It Is true we started from Oregon City about 7:110 a. m., and we knew where we were going, as we went to visit friends. We hid a delightful ride to Clarkes on a plank road.aud every Orego ulan knows it is very muddy in the wintertime on roada not Improved. Wo had no use for elec tric lights or lamp chimneys, because we arrived at KIwihmI hy 1 p. m., and we returned bame by ft p. in. We had a manageable team, so we were not easily frightened by muddy roads, and did not reqnire tne uneariniy sqiiass oi coniancne s yell, rue u river we nan was wen acquainted wltn tne road, as he had been there several times before. and we were not compelled to be informed of tile road. We were not corraled In a barn yard, but we uan to drive to the barnyard of the parties we were visiting, ai mere waano otner wayot taking the team in Ihe baru. Union Hull. Mrs Hilton, of Canny, was the guest of her sis ter, Mrs frank May, a few (lays last week. M re B J Helvey was the guest of Mrs J H Burns ia t Bunuay, Miss Eliza Burns went to New Era last Satur day to visit over Suud.iy with her oouslu, Miss UI1VO rnruncil. (leorge Heliey went down (he Co umbia river last Wednesday to work. J H Burns visited Frank Hilton and hia mother last viimtay. Barney Helvey has rented the Oeotve Rauch place from Mr Dlmlek, the present owner of the larm. Mr Mackintosh and family and Mr Oughten and wife havo inured onto their place they purchased injiu James Auariis. will Johnson Is working in the Adklns sawmill, Miss Frauds Johnson, who Is teaching our cnooi, vrsiieu ner parents w no reside at (Jregou uiy, rasi raiuruay una fu.i ,.;y. tUCKWOUDS, Rav Marauam. who is teaching school at Rus- sellville, was a visitor here last week. FM Manning cut his hand quite badly last week while sharpening a pairof sheep shears. Mlsa Mae Davis, lunes and Eva Wallace. Katie Force and Nottie Bounds were the guests of Belle and Goldie Murphy last Suuday, also Mr and Mrs Bounds and Br tlanesa wereme guests oi ar auu Mrs Murphy. Miss Miller was visiting her sister, Mrs Mallatt, last week. Adklns Bros have finished loircing here and have moved their camp below Mullno, near Jack Knotts' place. Professor Oale seems to be having good sucoess with his pupils, who are taking lessons on the organ. 8ome of the little girts can enteriain a house full with their music already. Revivals were held here last week and eon tlnued over Sunday. A very sociable time was hail, the people having taken their lunch and entinir riiiitmr toflrether. after whioh services were held at. 2 o'clock. The services were conducted by Rev Moore, a minister or the Church oi unrist. Uncle Juke Harless gave us a short sermon in the eveniu: at 11 n'cloA vltj,d to come and hrinff lunch or tret on the good side oi somebody else that has something good to eat. Lengthy. I think yon did well as to .comlngto church.afso to hear the will -be senator ,but I guess I didn't arrive In time to see the young lady. Rev Wingfleld and family were visiting at the home of H Perry last Sunday. I believe Bunohy prefers a trip to Klondike I Instead of kidnapping. Wonus. j Mocksburg. busy putting In their spring The farmers are crops. Say. D It, C B wasn't home Sunday, was she! Mr Gibson will begin building his new barn In a few days . One of Mr Koch's children died last week after a short illness. The Maccabees have decided to give a plcnlo here on the 11th of June. Did you havo good time Sunday, Millie? The second huso ball nine will give an entertain' moot and basket social on May drd. Everyone In vlt.nl. and ladies bring baskets. "In the Merry Month of May," a boarding sohool oomcdy, will be one of the Leading leatures oi tne nay. uome early to avoid the rush. Bunchx, JClliott 1'ialrie. Genuine spring weathor greets us again. The roads have been Improved between here and Hubbard, but John, the spud hauler, still travels it. I Miss Edltb Blair has been visiting her sister, Wilms, who Is attending school In saiem Grandma Thompson, who had been ailing for several works, passed away last Wednesday ana was buried at Hubbard, She leaves relatives and many friends to mourn his loss. Will Kainage visited the Owing brothers last Bunday. We are glad to hear that the church la to be painted. Mr and Mrs N R Graham spent Sunday with Mr Todd and laiuuy. Joe Becker has returned to this community and Is working at Captain rope s. Preaching as usual on Sunday at 3 o'clock. Mrs Nan Perdew has moved to Hubbard whh her sister-in-law, Mrs Sac try, who has opened millinery store mere. Nearly all th e hopyards on the prairie are being cultivated. 0 L Barber has rented the N K Gra ham yard, i Several of our yonng folks attended the social Evergreen More 'would like to have gone btt the coudillon or me roads would not permit. Abamoho, Obituary Heaver ,uke. Hello! tlv Editor, after an abseuce of one week, 1 again come bclore you with but little to suy. We are sorrry to Ham that little Hay Nicholson Is seriously 111 uith la grippo at the present writ ing, l'r A A Leonard, of Silvt'rton, is attending htin. (' (i Vorhles and Ralph Slaughter allemlad the basket social Rt Sootts Mills Krlday last. They rcpoiicda pleusmit tmio. i A party of young folks gathered at the Wyland home last Sunday and spent the afternoon in playing ''black man" and ither outdoor games. The time was joyously spcat till d::)0 p. ni.,wlien the gtioHs bade ihelr hostess adieu and departed fof their respective homea. Those present were a f. llows: l' II Verities, Josephine Slaughter, llert Wade, llattle Vorlnes, Ralph fliiugluer, Hosio Vorhles, Kdward Wvlarul, C B Wade, lva Wy laml and George llardestv. We understand that K 1' Carter, a Well known ftlce seeker of this nacliou, hns quit polities and gone to fanning till the next republican county olivcntiou comes off. lthvs Utilnn has had the1 misfortune to lose two valu.iUo mares, one roan and the oilier a dark fcrown. A liberal reward will be paid to anyone toiling said horses oriiifonnaiionleadlng to'lhelr recovery. IIapi'y Jack, BAZAR mTTERJJS ASK TO SIB IB Ladies' "Queen Bee" $2.15 Shoes Ladies' ''Golden Rule" $3 Shoes Thompson "Glove Fitfing" Cor sets, $1.00 pair Summer Corsets, 25c. "Percy" Kid Glove, Warranied, $1.00 pair Ladies' Shirt Waists, 45c Mt. Hood Shirt and Overalls, 50c. Ladies' Leather Belts, 10c. Ladies' Trimmed Hats, from 98c, up Ladies' Sailor Hats, Newest Styles, 25c It Pays to Trade With the Big Store Golden Rule Baz We Bun and Sell lor Cash Onlu , Oregon City ug. There will be gemots next ounaay jek and 2 o'clock. All are cordially in Carm. The farmers here are taking advantage of the flue weather and are planting po- totoea. Hichard Davis, who tiaa been very sick with pneumonia, is improving- Fred Evans, of Portland, is visiting his uncle, J Jones. MiBS Emma Jut tea has returned to Portland, where she intends to retmme her studies at the ll jlines liustness Uol- lege. John E Jones visited II T Evans at Oswego last week . Misses Kachel, Maggie and Lizzie Lewis, Tillie and Sarati Thomas and Cora Jairgar Bpent (Saturday evening witb Misses Kate and Sara Jones. Will Guyer is very ick. Dr Leavitt, of Molalla, is attending him. Miss Lilly Hayward spent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs 0 E Spence. John Jonei has gone to fishers, wnere he will work in the quarry. Mrs Lewis has improved her bouse by paporing and painting it. at Washington on tne 21st, after a two weeks visit here with her paretit-i. TJ S Dix went to the county seat toJay as a juryman. B C Palmer and Emery bottberg have taken a contract of supplying the super visor with raih tocordurov the Arquett hill. Misses Lula and Bulah Garrett were the guests of the Misses Gorbett and Buckner last Sunday. The Colton correspondent for the En terprise made a slight mistake lust week in regard to the coming dance at the Oolton hall. It will be on the 3rd in stead of the 1st. Mrs Countryman, who has been quite sick during the last week, is somewhat improved. The merchant has improved the looks of his place with a new board fence. Supervisor Bonney is out on the road with a crew improving our thoroughfare. M Clark, of Scotts Mills, has pur chased the bee ranch of Mr Kauffman, and he will refill the houses with bees. We hope he will prosper, as there is certain! v monev in the bee business. H E Carr and family have moved onto their homestead near Baker Heights. Ed Gottberg has been making im provements in the way of a new root house. FmsKY Body. Mr and Mrs Moran went to Portland last Saturday afternoon and spent Sun duv with their son and his wife. M s Ferd Curran and son have gone to Eastern Oregon to spend a few weeks with ber father. Miss Alice Kirk came up from Port land Monday to visit with ber sit ter, Mrs E Frost. Mr Gale is n o ving into his new house this week. Frank Everhart is out at Molalla this week as his brother, Will, is sick from vaccination. Sam Oglesby, of Springwater, is in town this week. Miss Hattie Bingo returned home from Molalla Wednesday morning. Mis Duvall has the mumps. Luther Duvall has recovered from his attack and has gone to work again They ex pect to move to Sellwood soon. Mr Moran and family hava friends from Nebraska and Iowa visiting with them this week. They expect to locate near Portland. Madam Rumor saya there will be a few more weddings here in the near fu ture. Sauna. AGENTS WANTED. Life of T. Dewitt Til mage, by hia son , Rev. Frank Dewitt Talmage and associ ate editors of Christian Herald. Only book endorsed by Talmage family. En ormous profit for agents who act quickly . Outfit ten cents. Write immediately. Clark & Co., 222 S. 4th St., Phila., Pa. Mention this paper . 1 THE STAR OF STARS Steel ''l?cf! Ilood View. Rev Cephus Clapp, of Forest Grove, preached at the Oongregational church both Sunday morning and evening. John Butson is hauling lumber from the sawmill to Eyman & Bell. He in tends to build some fence. Guy Gross, of Stafford, was a visitor in our vicinity Sunday. Mr Tipton haB opened a barber shop at Wilsonville and is doing a rushing business. Henry Baker is doing considerable im provement work on his dace, which adds eroatlv to its appearance. Rev Wormelsdorf and wife are livin g in the parsonage durmg the absence of Rev Barber and wife. Miss Martha Boberg, W Boberg and Louie Hasselbrink were the guests at Frank Tooze s place Sunday. The social given by the D ot n oi 11 Highland. Highland has had a few show rs this last week, and those who made garden between showers were lucky. Miss Pearl Harrington is much better. Mrs Ding Jones is slowly improving. Mrs Charles Welch was visiting Mrs Kankel one day last week. Ora Welch was visiting at the home of of Ed. Harrington last week. Quite a number of women gathered at the home of Mrs Olive OuraminB last week to see Archie, who has been sick wi'h a bad cold. As Archie's case was not serious the ladies quilted awhile for Mrs Cummins. Mr Kiggens and family were the guests of Mr and Mrs Kandel Sunday MusUra McGuire has returned to her home in Portland. Mrs Nicholas was the guest of Mrs Rath Sunday. The debating society is progressing nicely. The question far debate is, "Re solved, that a bachelor has more pleas ure than a married man." The literary program was well presented by the young folks. The music was splendid. Mr and Mrs Johnson, come and give us anothei entertainment next Saturday ninht, All come out and lets try to make the debate a success. Fletcher lloeue was born In Ohio, Septembe 11, 1KJ7, and died nt Mullno, Oregon, April 1(1, 11KU On March lain, lie enlisted In uom imnv E. lltth leitimentWiteonsin Volunteers. and served as a corporal fur nftiiy two years when be became dLsnliled In healtliutid wdb discharged wus alwavs after a me.it nutri.rur. On September SOllVllle was a decided HUm!8S. A good Ai.issi, lie married Misr susau strunk. Two i urogram was rendered, after which re- children were bom to Idem tlila union, uoln tlv- 1(a .HrB aurveil Th rest, nf luir. March 1, lS7ti,henpainmnrrifd. Thia union I lrBstlmen,ta ere serve"' ln.e reel OI was also blessed by two children. In February, the evening Wi!S spent 111 Untieing, and a ism), with inn amity iw moved to urcfou. iwo nioBt enjoyable tune was had by all pres dauthtem.oiio soil and four grando blU" je-1 pnt FoUr ,ipw melulwr8 were taken jn nsonlva little more 'than two weeks' time had i The Degroe of Honor iu) numbers about ,1, ..If., .,,,.1 .,w,tl,,.r ,...,o .,ll.,.( I J, Sandit Jitiaci Htittnn, of Stone, was seen In our village kul eiineadny with one of the finest horses that uu beou seen In Sandy for a long time, Johnnie Malar, of Portland, passed through atidy Saturday oa his way to Firwood, where Ue will vUit with hi panjnta for a few days. Illii Clara Melntghada aevore attack of heart , wublo last Salui-day morning bulla now ltuprov-i- the wife and mother was call tivMiv, fltiss Nellie, tne only memoer r- luaiiiniK at the old homestead, has the sympathy of the entire community. The finiernl services were conducted by Ilev, T. Mites, and the Uitemieiit was in Graham's o'tne terv. M" bogus was a member ef Meade Test il. A. It., ami sev-'iul eomiadva came to attend Hie fuut-i'ai, Al. S. II, 31 ill i ii o. quite an excitable Place the KevivuU and primaries is I lie order Mullno has been (last week, uf the tl-iv llNUKe l! Hrowrell lectured on "Initiative and Ucfereiiduin"last Sitimlay oTeniui;.whi''h seemed to nive Hiuiernt satist'aethm. Mitytie they won't all say it w as lieortto O's fault because the real Is full of mud hoU-s. Kverybody's colds sewn lo be getting bettor. Tielllo BoRiie departed fur an extended vlit With fr ends and relatives last week. Pete Sugar and abe Pratt left here lat Sunday to work lu J Joues' sawmill this summer, Mr. and Mrs Davis were visiting at the home of George Force last Suuday evening. Key Wiles and family, ol Liberal, were the guests of C ' Howard and family Snuilay. 4(1 menihor: M rs Josepl fa Jones is to be the post mistress ' wine as noon as the pres ent post mam ei , ivl Hiker moves away Miss Mi'Ahee, ot southern Oregon, is vUitiim her cousins, Misses Jessie and liertlui Her. Chase Kinvnun, of Hutteville, was vis iting William Murray's family Sunday. The inuiils of Ho.id N lew school are rraeticing right a'ong for the entertain ment to be given May 2d. It will no doubt be goo 1, and everybody is cordi ally invited to attend. Cotton. Mrs Grace and Miss Gottberg were the guests of Mrs P E Bonney last Mon day. P Shevie, of Timber Grove, was in Colton last Monday transacting busi ness. Mrs Sa,lio Bonney returned to her homo Beaver Creek. Miss Marie iierman waa agreeably surprised last Tuesday evening by a number of her young friends, who gathered at her home for a good old time. Dancing was the amusement of the evening. August Bluhm will soon move into his new house, where he has been making many improvements. Mr Mathis and family moved into the Staub house last week. Will and Henry Shannon were the guests of J S Davis last Sunday. George Priester was visiting in this vicinity last Sunday. Lizzie Weidner called on Mrs Mathis at her new home last Wednesday. Lady. .at3k- aw3MIL- f V. .a ill Wind "M" MiI1 lias belt bearings In tnrn table. Tnrns freel y la the wind. Hall bearing thrust in wheel, insuring llghest running qualities, and reserving greatest amount of power for pumping. Galvanized after making. Put together with galvanised bolU. double nutted, no part can rust or get loose ana rattle. Weight regulator; perfeot regulation. He spring to change tension with every change of temperature, and grow weaker with age. Bepalrs alwavs on hand. These things are worth money to you. Then why not bay a Star. Kitchen, Lewis & Staver Co Portland, Obeqon. Wilsonville. Oar field. OureBtewmed neighbor, D. A. Jones. moved to Portland yesterday. Mrs. W likens left yesterday lor San Francisco, where Bhe is going to make her home. Mrs. Irvin, our postmaster's wife, has gone to Barlow to visit her dauuhter, Mrs. Fred Covey, who has been sick for some time; W W Porter has the grip, A petition was- presented to the county commissioners' court for a road by John Honebon. It was politely kicked out by that honorable body. Election time will come around some time when several voters and taxpayers will reward them for their kindness. As a great many of them have been getting out and iu over a road on about 20 per cent grade. Dr Casto, deputy state grange organi zer, was in Garfield last week and got 33 names on a petition, and he will or ganize a grange here Monday night, April 23th. There has never been any organization of any kind in Garfield be fore. We wish them much success, as au organization of this kind will accom plish much in a neighborhood like this. Marion Davis, of Gat Held, and Jessie Currin, of Curriusville, were married last week. J Ed Duncan and Florence Davi9, of Garfield, were united in matrimeoy last week. Who said Garfield was not a progres sive locality? A grangs ready to organ ize and two weddings in one week and several others who would like to marry. Mountain Tiew. The ground is drying up again after the hard rain, and gardeaiug is the or der of the day. Mr Harms thinks he will have his blacksmith shop finished in about six months, John McOormick and family and Miss Bertha Harms were out from Portland last Sunday on a visit. The Misses Schlickeiser visited at Prof Vincent's last Sunday. Mr Campbell, of Sherwood, visited at Mr Tipton's last Sunday. Miss Maud Seely is going to Wood burn next Sunday to stay all summer, Kev Clapp preached at Hood View church last Sunday. J S Seely was back at his old home last week and stayed a few days. Henry Schwartz has sold 100 sacks of potatoes last week and received i'l .20 per C delivered on ths bank ot the river. W M Tipton has started a barber shop at Wilsonville. lie shaves on Saturday afternoons. Wilsonville needs a meat market and bowling alley. Who will start them? Prof incent visited the metropolis last Saturday and Sunday. The M B A's boast of having two candidates among their members for jus tire of the peace. We predict that the next justice of the peace of Pleasant Hill district will be a M B A. There as church at Wilsonville last Sunday evening. Thev say that there are Brownell ci gars to be had at the Wilsonville Cash Store. Bert Seely was at Frog Tond last Sun dav night. Mr Scitj, the old mall-carrier, was seen in Wilsonville one day last week. Mr Shaver, the republican candidate for sheriff, was around through this part of the county last week. He is looking tin the prospects of the June election If he keeps this up long perhaps he will capture the whole caboodle. Shorty. floosicr Prills HOE DRILLS SHOE DRILLS DISC DRILLS Send for catalogue. Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co. Portland, Oregon, Wall Paper and Lieno Wall Finish a permanent sanitary and fire proof wall coating. Superior to Kalsomine, Ala bastine ' or Gypsine. Lieno works perfectly when all others fail. At Shank & Bissells, Call or Phone for Wall Paper Samples. 7tb St. near Wain tel. 411 Several communications go r next week on account of latei" others on account of notbeingii All correspondents should sin names, not for publication, butt evidence of good faith. SIOFS THE COrH AND WORKS OFF THE COLD. Laxative Bromo-Gjuinine Tablets cure a cob! in one day. No Oura no pay Price 25 cents, Prkfs Is an ideal tonic. It des troys microbes and com pletely eradicates dandruff. It deitroya the decaying hair roots, stops hair falling out and keeps it healthful, soft and silky. For sate by all drugglaU J