Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, April 25, 1902, Image 1

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    , i
19th YEAR, NO. 49
fjjy 1.1 o
Candidates Make a Gratifying
Enthusiastic Campaign Be
ginning. The citizens candidates held their first
cunipain meeting at Oswetro Saturday
night, and were greeted with an atten
tive and enthusiastic audience. Sheriff
J.J. Cooke called the meeting to order,
and Henry Gans was chosen as chair
man. All the candidates were present,
except two.
U. VV. Rbley, the candidate for com
missioner, assured his auditors that he
would look afier the affaira of the county
in a careful and economical manner.
Dr. J. W. Powell, the candidate for
coroner, stated that a physician in tljat
office, could the better protect the inter
ests of the county, as it oftentimes saved
the expense of calling in a physician.
He claimed that an approximate saving
of $125 per year could be made to the
county by electing a physician to the of
fice of coroner.
Elmer Dixon, the nominee for county
judge, made a abort but forceful ad
dress. He believed in restoring the
county judge to his old place as judge of
the county court, and bad the, utmost
laith in the prediction that ihe-citizens
movement would . carry Clackamas
J. E. Jack, the nominee for sheriff,
was. born and raised in Clackamas
county, and bad always lived here. He
was practically familiar with the sheriff's
office, having been a deputy in the of
fice for four years.
U. W. Grace, the nominee for senator
made no pretensions to oratory . Hon
est deliberation was of. more impor
tance than oratory in legislative bodies.
He managed his own business success
fully, and would look after the peoples'
business in the state senate in a way,
that would prove creditable to himself
and the county. Oratory was not nec
essary to pass bills in legislatures, for
the greater part of the woik whb done in
the committee room.
Gilbert L. HedgeB, one of the nomi
nees for representative, was the next
speaker. He was a member of the last
legislature, and it was a two to one
proposition with the Clacknmas county
republican delegation. Kruse had lit
tle to say, mi ' Talbert less. The only
speech tlm' Kruee made was: "Mr.
Speaker, 1 uui sick, and waut to go
home." Mr, Hedges followed with an
eloquent sppeal for the citizens party,
and talked practically on its principles
and its uliimate objects. Kruse
and Talbert voted against reducing the
railroad fare to 3 cents per, and Brown
ell was chairman of the railroad com
mittee in the senate, that killed the bill.
E, H. Cooper, the nominee for clerk,
made a few remarks peitinent to the
Chaides F. Clark, another nominee,
for representative, said that "A Man
Ought to be a Man," and followed w ith
forceful arguments, delivered in a most
covinoing way in favor of the citizens
movement. He was a republican, at 1
would support the party outsi ie of the
present county conditions. It was nec
essary for a citizens movement to cor
rect the present abuses in Clackamas
county. One trouble, there was too
much legislation. There ought to be
fewer measures formulated, and they
should be good ones .
0. VV. Eabtham, another cand date
for representative, addressed the meet
ing in a sound,, practical way. He is
the son of a pioneer of '49, who located a
donation land claim in Clackamas
county. The speaker was the youngent
of 11 children, and was raised on a farm.
He said, there is no such a thing as lib
erty in Clackamas county ; the taxes
are 32 mills outside of the cities, and the
psople are oppressed and ground down.
He drew comparisons with the taxes
and expenditures of some other coun
ties. Sheriff Cooke tore the allegations, pub
lished in the Enterprise into shreds, and
showed how Senator Porter's bill for the
creation of a separate board of commit
(doner, provided for changes in the
Sheriff's office, that made it more ex
pensive. He called attention 'to many
other examples of misrule in Clacka
mas county. , How the assessor's office
bad kept two, men for months making
abstracts, and they were now Bhouting
for the republican machine.
Henry Gans, the . chairman of the
meeting, was called on, and his terse,
pointed remarks in favor of the citizens
ticket, brought forth hearty applauie.
The speakers were greeted with fre
quent rounds of applause, and the close,
the entire audience joined Charles P.
Clark in three deafeniDg cheers for the
The stars and stripes were tastily dis
played among the decorations in the
The Bcore by innings :
Oregon City, 0 0 7 2 3 0 0 113
Hillsboro, 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 04
Base hits Oregon City, first base
hits: Graham 1, Lee 1, "McFarland 1,
Cfark 2, Califfl, Kapp 2; second base
hit, Ualiff 2, Rapp 1.
Base hits Hillsboro, first base hits,
Pwope 1, McGinnis 1, Somers 1, Baude
zand 1 ; second base, Nathan 1, Som
ers 1. Struck out By McGinnis 6, by
Graham 6, by Belt 5.
Umpire, Ed Reckner. '
Regular April Terra of the County
J, R. Morton, John Lenrellen and T. B
Klllln, CorainUaloneia.
Road Diet No 15
R H Taber..... $1 00
S Thomas 75
Total $1 75
Road Diet No 16
Mike Uuiras $ 4 50
Charles Bauman 6 00
Walter Mead 3 00
Oscar Burgoyne 3 00
Hurbert Ducus 4 50
J F BriggB 15 25
$36 25
Road DistNol7
John Molzan $6 00
Road Dist No 18
Lindsley & Son, bridge $ 3 26
Fred Moehnke, road.- 18 00
Thomas Daniels 4 00
Total $25 20
Road Dist No 19
J J Mallatt $4 00
Road Dist No 24 f
Geo B Rate & Co..... ..$58 05
T H Sconce 3 75
LDWyland 150
J R Watson 1 50
E H Yoder 2 25
G Wyland 2 25
B F Smith 38
A MoBhberger 11 00
L Moshberger 13 50
FEyman... 13 50
FHScholte 10 50
TC Christner 16 50
E A Montandon ; 28 00
A Blosser 1 65
J S Miller, bridge...' 3 30
W H Yoder, bridge 6 75
Frank Taylor 1 50
In the matter of report of viewers on
survey of Howard Mill and Canby road.
Read first time.
In the matter of report of viewers on
survey of Molalla and Noland's Mill
road. Read first time.
In the matter of report of viewers on
survey of change in Epperson road.
Read first time, i
In the matter ed report of viewers on
survey of Vetch road. Read first tune.
Friday, April 4, 1902.
In the matter of petition of J L Brack
ett et al for a county load. Denied. I
In the matter of bids for a bridge near
T L Turner's. Contract awarded to C
H Dauchy for $382 18. ' I
In the matter of application of Mrs
Lydia Livesay for rebate of school tux. j
Allowed rebate ot $4 78.
In the matter of report of viewers on
survey of Vetch road. 'Report accepted
and expense account allowed as follows :
W H Boring 6 60
Thos Bohna 7 20
Frank Osburn 7 60
W M Dam 4 00
J W Ackerson 4 00
P M Hoist 4 00
John W Meldrum 23 00
1 . . i ' ""' 7 r This Trade Mark on the side
uW'ZrlM ' t T y ifei of a wagon box is a guarantee
$m&'MW of excellence and high grade
mmfM- i"a!ity in the cnstructici? oi
J'xV- this wagon. ) If yours does
gon. it yours
not have it on dispose of it
and get one that has as you
cannot afford to run any
chances on the material used
in a wagon, every time you break down it costs you money
though the manufacturers replace the broken part.
Total $175 88
Road Dist No 25
Fred Yohan $ 3 00
Frank Mathews 2 25
Wesley Rigtss 3 00
John Heinz 4 50
George Scramlin T. 1 50
Total $14 25
Road Dist No 26
C W Austen $ 8 62
Ben Johnson - 3 00
Frank Scott 2 25
Henry Daugherty 3 25
J Bagby 3 00
M Pelky 3 00
Tom Miller 1 00
Scott Carter 1 75
J Shepard 1 25
WHEngle 14 00
Interesting Practice Game Last
Sunday Between Oregon
City and Hillsboro.
The Oregon City baseball team played
a practice try-out game with the Hills
boro team at Willamette Falls park last
Sunday afternoon, the former winning
oat in a score of 13 to 4. About 200 peo
ple were present to witness the game.
It is no doubt the strongest line-up that
any Oregon City team has ever bad, the
coacber, Gilbert L. Hedges, has great
faith in tbe poraibilities of the home
players. The first of tbe Oregon State
League series of games will be played at
Willamette Falls park on Sunday, May
Ith, between tbe Monograms of Port
land, and the Oregon City team. Tbe
other two teams in tbe league are Up
church, of Portland, and the Hillsboro
team, Following was the line-np of the
' two teams in the game played 6unday :
Oregon City Graham, pitcher; Lee,
left field; Martin, catcher; Hedges, sec
ond base; Davis, third base; Clark,
shortstop; McFarland, first base; .
OaliS, .right field ; Rapp, center field ;
Belt, extra pitcher.
Hillsboro McGinnis, pitcher ; Mills,
left fied; Bwope, catcher; Nathan, sec
ond base; Bredenmeier, third bate;
Hart, short stop; Bandzand, first base;
Vandehauer, right field; Spmers, cen
ter field.
Total $4112
Road Dist No 27
George Dunlavy $ 85
David Ramage, bridge 5 00
N C Johnson 4 50
N C Ernston 6 75
J E Marqnam . 8 00
J C Marquam 45
Total $25 55
Road Dist No 30
Tualatin Mill Co, bridge $ 7 92
G Hays, bridge 2 00
J R Hays, bridge 4 00
J Dennis, bridge.., 6 00
Total $5 30
In tbe matter of report of 11 H John
son on survey of M Oatfield road. Ac
cepted and expense account allowed as
follows: ,
H H Johnson $ 6 00
In the matter of report of viewers on
survey of change in Epperson road.
Report accepted and petitioners ordered
to pay expense.
In the matter of report of viewers on
survey of change in Molalla and No
land'B Mill road. Report accepted and
expense account allowed as follows :
W P Herman $ 6 40
E E Jndd ; 6 40
Caius W Herman 6 00
G Z Dart 6 00
C W Hendershot 6 00
John W Meldrum 29 60
P J Ridings 6 40
Total ..$66 80
In the matter of report of viewers on
survey of Howard's Mill and Canby
Ordered opened and expene paid by
In the matter of report of viewers on
Burvey of Union Hall road.
Ordered opened and expense account
allowed as follows :
Peter Engle $ 4 90
H 8 C Phelps 4 60
C T Howard 5 00
B J Helvev 4 00
Wm Weismandel 4 00
J Moshbt rger 4 00
Ernest P Rands 16 80
Total $17 92
Road Dist No 31
John Aden.. $ 36 00
Charles Larson 15 75
Arthur Borland... 9 00
John Wauker ;.. 1 50
Harry Borland 4 50
Chas Polifka 75
Dick Oldenstadt 15 00
George Aden 6 00
Frank Weddle 3 00
Ernest Boekman 14 25
John DeNui 12 00
August Peters 4 50
John Reuke 4 50
Total .$126 75
Dist No 32
W Obust $ 2 00
J McConnell 50
H Vors 1 50
M McConnell 9 00
f Davis 1 50
J Gross 1 50
Total $16 00
Road Dist No 34
Geo B Rate & Co $ 14 25
Wilson & Cooke 7 25
Ed Batdorf 54 50
Jim Kiser 47 00
H Hill 35 00
Henry Gilbert 26 25
Fritz Wagner 25 38
Caleb Cross 24 50
John Watson ; 1123
C Graham 7 50
C Brown 6 75
Total $259 63
Road Dist No 35
Proctor A Beers .' $7 75
Road Dist No 36
A Anderson $ 3 00
Ivan Broadwell 3 00
PD Christner..... 150
Isaac Miller 4 75
Matt Olsen 1 50
Obed Miller 3 00
Sam Miller 6 00
8 L Miller 6 75
Bud Thompson 3 00
Total.. $32 50
General Road Fund
C N Greenman $ 2 70
Austin &-Western Co 283 35
Total $286 05
In tbe matter of report of viewers on
survey of Union Hall road. Read first
Total .,...$43 30
In the matter of report of viewers on
survey ol Borland road, Geo.'Prosser,
Albert Sharp and T L Turner appointed
viewers to assess damages.
In the matter of report on eurvev of
Schutzman Hill, Accepted and expense
account allowed as follows:
John W Meldrum $15 00
F II Dungan 1 00
Saturday, April 5, 1902.v
In the matter of scalp Btatemebt Ap
proved. fh the matter of rails in the road in
road Dist. 20. Supervisor Stromgreen
ordered to remove same.
In the matier of application of Max
Klegel for rebate of poll tax granted.
In the matter of Clackamas Hill in
road district No. 10. Supervisor Hone
bon ordered t spend $100 on same.
In the matter ot petition for relief oft
T J Holland, denied.
In the matter of petition for relief of
Charley Colo Allowed $10 for months
ol April and May each.
In the matter of application of S J
Mack for settlement of taxes. Granted.
In the matter of petition for aid of
John Skirvin. Allowed $8.
In the matter of report of viewerB of
damageB on survey ot Boon's Ferry and
Aurora road. Expense account.
John Walthatn $6 80
J H Woifer i 7 20
J O Reasoner 6 80
J D Ritler 1 00
',! BUY A FISH I .
We also carry a full line of Buggies and Sprinr Wagons,
Write us for prices on everything you need, it enly takes a
postal card and may save you dollars. .
orthwest Implement
Total .$21 80
In tbe matter of assessment for year
1890 against Peter Weiter and Fidelity i
Trust Co. Petition granted.
In tbe matter of Lawton Hill road al
lowed four hundred dollars from fund of
district 15,
In the matter of county charges L
Freeman, Mrs M A Clark and Chas
McGuire receive no further aid and
warrant of Mrs. Volckers drawn in her
name. '
Wednesday, April 2nd, 1932
In the matter of petition of O B Tay
lor, et al, for a county road. Granted.
In the matter of Gottlieb Scbmale, a
county charge George Mooney allowed
$8 00 per month for his support.
In the matter of Abram Yates, a county
charge Robt Montgomery allowed $6 60
to send Yates to Lane county
In the matter of petition of Bud Smith,
et al, for a county road Granted
- In the matter of bids for lumber on the
Moehnke road Contract awarded to
Minke and Heft for $4 75 per M
In tbe matter of John H Churchill, an
indigent soldier, Allowed $5 00 per
month from April 1st, 1902
In the matter of application of V 8
Rice, refund of money paid on assign
ment of certificates Allowed rebate of
$11 13.
Thursday, April 3rd, 1902.
In the matter of petition of W C Ward,
et al, for improvement of Abernethy and
Viola roadGranted.
Iu the matter of petition for aid of Mrs
Sweitzer Laid over.
In tbe matter of petition of Pope, An
derson A Co, for relocation of Cochran
and Killin road Denied.
In tbe matter of petition of John Hone
bone, et al, for a county road Denied.
In the matter of claim of Frank S L
Bagby for injury to horse on Butte bridge
Allowed $100 00. ,
In tbe matter of petition of II E Noble
for refund of money paid at tax sales
Denied. In the matter of report of physicians
on bmall Pox Approved .
In the matter of scales of O Wissinger
at Milwaukee Granted privilege to
move same.
Frank Busch'
The House Furnisher
IF YOU'RE BUILDING Vu want to produce a house
that will be a credit to you, and
one that will endure for years. Probably you'll never build another. We
want to furnish the Doors, Windows and Building Hardware.' Cedar
doors are advanced, but nevertheless we sell them at the old price $1.00
for a 2-ft. 6 in. by 6 ft. 6 in. by in. door. Other sizes in proportion.
Go-Cart 14 50 up.
Large Chiffonier, $6.00.
A glittering array of handy utensils
maue irom extra neavy bright tin,
stamped into shape without anr seams
or joints, and warranted atrainot leaking
or ruining, oiewpanii, couee pois, lea
kettles, cups, dippers an endless list,
Paints, Oils and White Lead.
If you want to save your house
putty up tbe holes and paint. Some
people seem to consider paint an ex-
vravagnnce Dy me cnary way mey
use it. You cannot spend money any
more Drofltablv than bv invAitino ft
. in paint if yon have property the
pain i can protect, we Keep tne
ready mixed kind : all you have to
hare with it is a brush. We can
furnish those, too.
; ill 'I
China Closet, $18.50.
Wide borders are the thing in wsll
papers now- It is quite a trick to
pick out really appropriate papers for
the different rooms of most houses.
We are buildir g up a business on
the strength of the skill we display
in making these selections. "Every
man to his own taste" is a poor way
' to select wall coverings. Let us
help you if tou are perplexed.
This Eleeant Couch, $8.00.
A good mattress will provide a
wholesome night's rest. If it is
properly made it will lastfor years.
We would like to talk to von about
mattress matte. s. We know we.
can give you
That Which Is Worth Having
and which is worth using. This is
an investment which you can well
afford to make because it provides
you with certain comfort and cer
tain satisfaction.
Shabby furniture is
a disgrace to any
housekeeper now that
we are offering a per
feet furniture polish.
It takes the dirt off
and leayes the surface
of tbe furniture on.
It Is easily used and
after one or two ap-
J ilications your turn
tnre will keep the
polish for weeks at
time. 25c per bottle.
For your eyes' sake don't de
pend upon electric lights high
above your head, but have the
soft healthful lamp light tha)t peo
ple used before modern light made
nine out of ten people wear glasses.
We have lamps for students:
kitchen lamps and the ornamental
kind that help to furnish the
library or the musio room. We
have hundreds of new ideas in
fancy shades to show you.
Tj V I ""TW , M
$21.00, pay as you please.