OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAY APRIL- iSy 1902. SUMMONS. In the clroult court of the state of Oregon, for Clackumas county. Martha Mclfeely, plaintiff, vs. Qeoige MpFeely, defendant. To George McFeely, the above named defend, ant: In the name of the state of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the coin, plaint filed against you in the above suit by the 12th d iy of April, 1902, following six conseoutive weeks' publication of this notloe. and if you fail to so appear and anawer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will take a dt cree agaiust you at prayed for in he coQiulaint, to-wlt: let, a decree dieaolv ing the bonds of matrimony existing beiweea plaintiff and defendant; 2d, that plaintiff have all Jiei ooMs aud disbursements In thie suit; that plaintiff pays su(;h other and further relief ae the matter of this caae may require aud as to tbe court may seem Just and equitable. This summons is served by publication by vir tue of au order made by the Hon. T. a. Molirido, judge of the Hliove-entitU'd court, made and en tered on the 2Cih day of February, WU2, said or der providing that publication be made in the ConriiT-Iierrlcl. and that the first publication be Hindu on the 28th day of February, W02- M. J. MaoMAIION, Attornej for Plaintiff. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT' Notice Is. hereby given that the undersigned, administrator of the eninteof Polly Quinn, de ceiuud, has filed his final report in tbe county court of the slate of Oregon for Clackamas county as administrator of said estate aud the court has fixed May 6th, 1902, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m.,of said day as tbe time for settling said eBtate. ny person having any objection thereto are here by notified to apnenr at said time and place and such objection will be heard by the cou't. CHARLES W. DART. ' Administrator ol Said Estate. Gordon E Hates, Attorney for Estate. Dated, March 20, 1902. Painless Dentistry DENTAL BRIDGE WORK OF TO-DAY. By new methods we are able to produce this most beautif ul and durable of all dental work without the least pain. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice Is hirehy given that the undersigned has been appointed by the county court of the Bute of Oregon, for connty of Clackamas, admin istrator of the eBtate of Margaret Jane Baumann, deceased, All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present them, properly verified, to the undersigned at the office of his attorneys. Hedges & Griffith, in Oregon City, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. A. A. BAUMANN, . Administrator of tbe Estate of Margaret Jane Baumann, Deceased. Hedges & Gbifjith, Attorneys for Administrator. First Publication March 21, 1902. Figure 1 shows a mouth whore the four Incisors have oeeii u.urut'tei... mid the two cuspids (eve iw.h); crowns de stroyed to the cum line, showing this cuspid roots prepared to receive a brkige. ,. --oliW. C i( -J Figure 2 represeuts tbe hrtrtfe r arty for adjustment SUMMONS. In the Circnit Court, of the State Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. Emma Glllham, Plaintiff, vs. T. W. Glllham. Defendant, J ToT. W. (illlham. Defendant. In the name of the State of Oregon j You are hereby required to appear and answer the.com plalnt filed against you in the above entitled suit and court, by May S. 1902. and if you fail to answer, for w ant thereof, tbe plaintiff will apply for the relltf prayed for n his complaint tiled herein, namely, a decree dissolving the bonds of matri mony existing i). tween plaintiff and defendant herein and tbe custody of the minor children named in plaimiffV oomplaitit. This summons is 1 ulill-hed by order of the Hon.'lhos. K. Hyan. Judge of the county court of Clakamas i ohmv, duly made and filed March 27, 1802 The date of the first publication of this summons being Mareh28, 11102. and the date of the last publication hereof May 2f 1. Attorney for Plaintiff. Figure 3 reprdients the case after ths bridge has been placed In position. TEETH WITHOUT PLATE 5 fAJ ;gMtr I ' 1 Figure 4 It Is useless to wear a plate In the mouth when a bridge can be attached to a lew remaining teeth and roots. Figure 5 shows the loss of two upper teeth, the six year molar aud the first bicuspid. The bridge above is attached by an open face gold crown over the second bicuspid, aud a bar which exttjuds into a cavity of the adjoining molar. Figure show! a root wit crown ready to attach. It ii folly to extract a root when It can be crowned and &d as useful a ever. Figure shnwa the bridge anchored In posltloB. Figure 10 is a month that has lost all the twtb twit fonr the two cuspids and two molars; they are shown a prepatsy for a full upper bridite. Fltnue 11 shows the bridge complete, tvnij to place position, as shown in figure lu. Figure 7 represents a full set of teeth on a gold plate. Figure S Illustrates a case in which the lateral incisor teas been lost and the central incl -or crown destroyed. To this root a crown has lieeu fastened and ' a tooth has been soldered to the crown to fit tbe lutersuace left by the lost lateral iueisor. Fljure 12 tU wb Ye bridge In t lece, natural as life NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Kotice ia hereby given that the undersigned, as administrator of the estate of R. L. Kussell, de ceased, has filed his final report with the county ourt of the state of Oregon for Olaokamas couuty and that said coort has set the 6th day of May 19ti2, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m , for the hear-, ing of said report and objections thereto, if any there be, at which time all persons interested are required to be present. w. A. HOT.MK, Administrator, Dated this 27th day of March, mi. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Wnitno Is herehv elven that the undersigned has been appointed bv the county court of the state of Oregon for the county of Clackamas, ad ministrator of the estate of J. Early Faulkner.de ceased. All persons having claims agalriBt Bald estate are hereby notified to present the same properly verified, at the nffioe of attorneys, ledges k Griffith, in Oregon City, Oregon, within Bix months from the first publication of this no- UCB' WELTJON St SHANK, ' Administrator of the Estate of J. Early Faulkner, Deceased. First publication on April 4, 1U02. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. , DR. PICKENS, whDse life has been devoted to the study of the Dental Art, makes a specialty, not of robbing the mouth of the teeth still left for service, but of building up a full set (painless) from the teeth and roots which afford sufficient basis for crown and bridge work. He is prepared to do all kinds of work pertaining to the dental profession and guarantees the same forfivtjyears, at the very lewest prices consistent with first-class work. ' Teeth extracted absolutely without p iin bya new and harmless method, applied to the gums. Nojgases orj poisonous cocaine. This is the method now bsing used by the leading dentists of Chicago and New York. Send for illustrated book on "Dental Bridge Work of To-Day," , It will be mailed to you frie of charge.Jand will explain'sothoroughly the system that you will urderstand it as well as tbe dentist. Dr. L. L. Pickens, Dentist, Barclay Building, Oregon City Monday, April 14. Against Martial law will be pro Socialisjn. c. aimed in Belgium Tues day if the rii.ti nti lias not. ceased. Brussels was quiet vesterdaT. but after nightfall the rioting whs re 8 imed, and was only supprcs.-eu after a bloody conflict. The interior provinces were quiet. A general strike will be proclaimed throtighoet the kingdom to day The Boer leaders have com-. mtinicattd with Lord Kitchener, and England ia hopeful. Major Waller was acquitted of the Philippine charge. The cholera situation in Luzon- is ,toi'8e- General Miles will be forced tore tire at an early date Wade Hamp ton's funeral took place at Columbia, S. 0 , yesterday The povt'rnmenfc will take steps to dissolve the hfef trust. ...... Marion coun'y repuUicutsa and! democrats are preparing lor the cam paign Eltweed fotueroy lectured on direc' legislation before a lare aii-dience. luesdav, April 1. To In the budget (tatement for Tax England the chancellor of the YYtieat. exchequer estimates the defic iency for the coming year at 45,000,000, aud it recommends that the tax on wheat be renewed. It is evi dent from the statement that strong; hopes are entertained for peat e in Soutbt Africa, but at the same time the govern ment desires to impress the Boers with its ability and determinhtion to pnsh the war to a finish. The senate river and h trbor bill in creases amount for Oregou. 8eaate gives day to Chinese exclusion David B. Hill speaks at New lork dem ocratic hWmony meeting. .... ,H. O. Smith is named for the secretary of tbe republican Btate central committee. Wednesday, April 10. Philippine Secretary Root has cabled barbarities. General Chufiee at Ma nila to investigate the re ports of the Waller trial, and if they are correct, to court-uatial General Smiths also, if the facts are established as tes tified to before the' senate Philippine committee, to court martial the efheeret who administered the 'water cure" to tbe Presidente of Igbaras, These offi cers are Major Glenn, Lieutenant Con ger and Assistant Surneon Lyon. It is almost certain that oil lias been struck near D.dlas, Or. Thursday, April 17. Mitchell-Kahn The Piatt substilute, Exclusion which the senate Bill adopted in place o Defeated. the Mitchell-Kahn ex clusion bill, provides that all exclusior laws now in force be continued so I t as they are not con sistent win, - . t obligations; that the laws Bhal' c ply to all territory under the juriol c .on of the United State-, and to ail iinmigratio'i of Chinese labor ers from the islandH to the mainland! territory of the United Slates or from one portion of the island territory to an other portion of said island territory, but shall not apply t3 thi transit oi Chinese laborers from one island to an other of the tame group, or to islands within the jurisdiction of any Btate or territory. The law shall not expire with the present treaty with China. State of Oregon decides upon contract or reclamation of arid lands. Good Literature Notice 1r hereby given that by virtue of a li cense and order .f sule duly made by the county court of Clackamas county, Oregon, on the 7th day of April, in the matter of the estate of William D. Bedford, deceased, I wlll.on Monday, the Ifllh day of May, 15102, at the hour of 1 o'clock, p.m., at the courthouse door In Oregon City, Clackamas countv, Oregon, sell at public auction to the lilghPfit bidder the following described real property belonging to said estate, and described as follows, to-wit: The northf ast quarterof section 14, ownsn!p 4 ruth, range 6 east of the Willamette Meridian in Cla kanins countv, Oregon, conuiniug 160 acres. le.ni.,eahondayof "jj. Administrator of the Estate of Wm. P. Bedford. Deoeased. H. E. Cross, Attorney fur.tlie Estate. Dated April I4lh, 19(3. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR. X'ntfo Is hpreliv elvm that the undersigned has filed In the county courtier Clackamas county, tiai nf (irpoon. his flrjal rcDort in the estate of Da vid ilinton. d(C(Sfed, ai d that said court has k-a 'r,..riv .linn. Srd. 1(102. at 10 o'clock, a. l as the time forbcarinn of Hie (injections thereto if any be made snd for settlement ol his accounts concerning said estate. T. J. MOFFIT, ' Administrator of said Estate. Dated April 14th. 191)2. The Northern Pacific is not ed among railways for ita advertising matter. Its 4 I ,-n7 4- ramph'et8i folders, booklets, etc., are J r xjlAIIIOoI tastefully gotten up and are valuable for what they contain. Here is r partial liEt XT 4-1 of what MR- CHAS- s FEE General Passenger J Q T M 11112 Agent, St. Paul, Minn., will send out, carefully c5 mailed, upon receipt of prices given. Any combi nation can be made, and money or express orders, silver or stamps will be accepted. This is a fine opportunity to obtain good descriptive reading matter for little or nothing. Wonderland 1001 An annual publication, beautifully llltistratid In color and half tone. This number treats particularly of the history of the Northern I'aclflo s Tra'lenwk, the Custer Batticnu'ia in Montana, and tlie lellowstone rant. Miniature Wonderland A neat and dainty publication containing a compleU history nf t he Nortnern ear'ino iraaemarK, ine arusiio vuvvi. u the Wonderland, l'JOl are used in miniature. Wild Flowers from Yellowstone A book of pressed wild flowers from Yellowstone Park, Showing the real nowers in ineir natural coiurn. a uaiuvy and beautiful souvenir ten specimens of flowers ana six full page Illustrations of f ark scenery. Yellowstone National Park a nAiR 119 ium hnnti in stroTiir. flpithiri covers. Brood naner. plain type, illustrated, pocket si.e, a compendium and descriptive of the Woild's w ouaerianu. Climbing Mount Rainier A n ll1,iDtn.taH r,n.lral.alxn TlROtPS. In StrOnff. flexible Seild covers, printed on heavy paper, descriptive of an ascent of Twenty-five the highest peak lu the United States outside of Alaska of a Cents, glacial nature, MW.MiMjatM tK!mmm mii.iumm i . mw Jn srVVWVVvVrVyM i l NEWS OF THE WEEK. Send Six Cents "nd Four Cents Send F.fty Cents Twenty-MVS cents Manufacturing JLYJL AND.... NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT ESTATE. OF In the connty court of the state cf Oregon for Clackamas county. Notice is hereby given that the underslgned.ad ministratrix of the estate of Charles E. Athey, de ceased, has filed her final report as administratrix of said estate, aud the honorable county court for said Clackamas county has set as the time for the healing of any objections to said report the hour of 10:80 a. m. of Tuesday the 3rd day June a. D., kater. athey. Administratrix of Kstate of Charles E. Athey, Deceased. WATCH EHEPAM&aiW ..A SPECIALTY. Fitting Spectacles and Eye Glasses By Up-to-Date Methods. Examination Free, by PHILLIPS, The Optician A. N. WRIGHT The Iowa Jeweler, ' 293 Morrison, near 5th I i vvy i HEADACHE ! . j At aJ sriig torn- 25 Dota ( Mm- Brown & Welch -Pbopbistoeb of thk- Each Package of PUTNAM FADELESS DYE colors more goods than any other dye and colors them better too. Sold by C G. Huntley. S Seventh Street Meat Market a. o. u. w. OREGON CITY, Building OREGON fb.il signature Is on erery box of tbe peoulms Laxative Bromo-Quinine Toieu Mm rem4y tbat ranm m cola ! M slaj Pneumonia Is Robbed of Its Terrors. By Foley's Honey and Tar. It stops the racking cough and heals and Btrenuthens the lungs. If taken in time it will prevent an attack of pneumonia. Refuse no'substitutes. Cbarman 4 Co. Friday, April 11. Peace From all inlications the In South African war is at an Africa, end. Several telegrams have reached London to the effect that the Bot-r leaders have accepted the British termH, and that peace has been arranged. GeneraU Deet, Delarey, Bothua and Meyer have been in consul tation for several days at Klerkgdorp with Steyn, Reitz and Schalkburger. The terms as agreed upon have been cabled to the Boer agents in Europe. The editor of Manila Fteedom was ar retted for sedition Grosvenor made the principal speech on the Cu ban relief bill in the house The senate mav vote on the exclusion bill next Tuesday. The senate passed the poBtofflce appropriation bill The ri oting in Belgium reaches a serious stage Diplomatic relations between Italy and Switzerland are severed.... Cecil Rhodes' body was interred near Buluwayo A larger electric plant is to be constructed at Red Boy Concord mine in Eastern Washington. Satutdiy, April 12. Democratic Tbe democratic state State convention, which.com' Ticket. pleted its work yester day, nominated tbe fol lowiog state ticket: For Governor, George E. Chamber lain, of Multnomah countv. For indorsement, for United States senator, C. E. S. Wood, of Multnomah countv. For Representative in congress first diHtrict, j, K. Weatherford, of Linn county. I For Representative in congreKS sec old district, W. F. Butcher, of Baker countv. i For Supreme Judge, B. F. Bonhatn, of Marion connty. For Secretary of State, D. W. Sears, of Polk countv. For State Treasurer, Ileurj Black- man, oi Heppner. For Superintendent of Public Instruc tion, W. A. Wann, of Lane county. For State Printer, J. E. Godfrey, of Marion county. All the nominees, except Sears and Godfrey went in by acclamation. The nominaiion of Chamberlain was greeted with the greatest enthusiasm. There is a more favorable outlook for the Chinese exclusion bill in the eenate. The senate will vote on the exclusios bill Monday Senator MiUhell in informed by the war department of the procedure necessary to secure exemp tions from the I'tiilippine export fluty. The duty must first be paid, and affida vits tiled that goods are for consump tion in the United States. The collec tor of the port then istues a receipt sub ject to drawback. The shipper then may recover the amount so paid within 18 months after the time of payment.... The Boers have not yet accepted tbe British franchise Sudden calling of a cabinet council at London leads to many rumors The revolutionary movement in Belgium appears to be spreading General Wade Hampton is dead Eugene F. Ware has been offered the pension con inissionerehip. President calls for resign tins of immi gration officials The Washington supreme court decides the famous di vorce case in favor of Colonel Peyton. The Baker Cfty schools held a big arbor day celebration The supreme of Washington decides the noted Pey ton divorce case in favor of Colonel Isaac M. Peyton, and against Mrs. Pey ton No, 1. This is a case in which e young married man came west, changed his name, and secured a divorce in Washington by a most remarkable pro ceeding. He then married again, and amassed a fortune Thirteen years elapses, and then Mrs. 1'eyton JNo. 1 ap pears on the scene, and institutes suit or a community interest in Colonel Peyton's property, and to have the de cree of divorce sqt aside. The superior court of Spokane county first decided against her, and now the supreme court upholds it M. F, Lynch, foreman of a section gang on the 0. R. & N. Railroad, accidentally fell over a 100-foot bluff into Mosier creek, while admirini; the falls near tlis sta tion, this morning. He suffered inju ries to the spine and several severe cuts about the head, and lay in the shallow water about 10 hours, unconscious the greater part of the time. He finaliy at tracted the attention of a section fore' man, who took him to The Dalles for treatment. School Report, Following id the report of the Henrici Bchoci fol the month euditig April 11th : No. enrolled, 20. No. days' attendance 366'. No. days' absence, 1. ' , ' No. of tardies; 2. Those who were neither tardy or ab sent were Bella Davis, Mina Blulim.Tinm B.uhm, Lottie Bhihra, DollieB:tker,Gor trude Kroll, Freda and Dora Schmale, Freda Oa'.ahan, Sophia Schmnle, Davidl Harris, Willamette Harris, Tudor Davis, Alfred Davis and Simon Calahnn. M. E. Adams, Teacher Notice. The counly clerk oi Clackamas county, will receive sealed bids for 1) miles of plank, to be delivered on thei Abernalhy road, beg nning on tbe Viola hill and Wmling toward Oregon City.. Lumber to he of gooJ souud old freest and to be 16 ft x3x 8 to 12 inches: ' stringers 3x6 incites. Bids to be open ed "May 9, 1902, at 2 p. m . Dated April 15, 1902. E. II. Cooi-er. Clerk- For Sale A draft horse, 1200 poll n d weight. J. 0. Zinser, Oregon City. General Strike In Belgium. Sunday, April 14. This promises to be one of the most critical weekB in Belgium. A general strike has been proclaimed for Monday, and Wednesday parliament will be called upon to settle the question of revision of the constitu tion. The government has made exten sive military preparations to cope with anyjetnergency. The strike is spread ing in the interior, but the presence of troops has prevented further rioting at Brussels. There is a feeling in Washington that the republicans will have hard work to hold their mrjorily in the congressional elections. Trouble is expected on the tariff and Cuban questions Senator Lodge spoke in the senate yes terday in favor of the Chinese exclusion bill. The house passed the bill grant ing Mrs. McKinley a pension of $5,000. In the Philippines MacArthur refused to answer questions asked by segators on the insular committee. Ma jor Waller's methods were denounced by the by the judge advocate in the Ma nila trial. Judge Taft upholds the ar rest of the editor ol Manila i reedom. . . Peace in South Africa is within mem ureable distance Miller, the Detroit murderer, was sentenf-cd lo life imprisonment A New York subur banite, proves to be a robber on a large scale Kev. 1. DeWitt Talipage is dead The hale in The snreBt and safest remedy for kid ney and bladder diseases is t uioy's Kid ney Cure, Cbarman & Co. Cbronlo Bronchitis Cured. "For ten years I had chronic bronchh tis so bad that at times I could not speak above a whisper," wriles Mr, Jo seph Colfman.of Montmorenci, Ind. "I tried all remedies available, hut With no. success. Fortunately my employer stig gesled that I try Foley's Honey and Tar. 1 s effect was almost miraculous, and I am now cured of the diseaso. On my recommenation many people huve used Foley's Honey and Tar, and always witU satisfaction." Cliarmiiti & Co. A Hurry-up Medicine. Every housekeeper recognizes thei need of effective remedies to be used im emergencies; when something must b done right away. Such a remedy is Perry DaviB Painkiller, for sprains and bruises,, for strained muscles and for the achesi and pains resulting from blows and falU. Its mission of mercy began sixty yearw ago. It is used in all countries. Thorn is but one Painkiller.Perry Davis ' Union has voted to contract ts l',)02 product of strawberries to (). V. Allen, a local canneryinan, for Z ceit per pound for tbe best canning U inee, such as Wilson. Ideal, Ruby and ClarkS seedling, and 2 1-2 to 3 cents per pound for other varieties Wok on the Washington capitol building has been shut down by the contractor The Postal Telegraph Company eubi-cribes $100 to the Lewis &, Clark exposition fund in Portland . 'JZL tj Statu ok Ohio, City of Toi,kio, s. Lucas County, ) Frank J. Cheney makes oath that her is the seni r partner of the fii in of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the city of Toledo.n mnty and state afor3iiidm4 that saip firm will pay the turn of OCJJT HUNDRED DOLLARS for each, tad every case of Catarrh that tanutttbe Fruitgrowers cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh, Care. Frank J. Chknit. A. W. Glkason, Notary Public. bhuI j Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and mi cous surfaces of the system. Send lor testimonials, free. F. J. ClIKNBY A t o. Tola lo, O, ltsT"8o'J by Druggists, 'rc. ..-I.. Hall's Fa cuilv I'... re 1 eitf.