Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, April 18, 1902, Image 3

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6EG6ti CITY COURIER-HERALfi. f RlBAY, (APRIL 18, 1902.'
John Cook has moved big family from
Barlow to this city.
Joseph Reif, o! New Era precinct, waa
In town Wednesday.
Post n aster R. M. Cooper, of Oarus,
'was in town Wednesday.
William M. Leitz, of Beaver Creek,
was in the city Wednesday.
Thomas Martin and mother, of
Clark es, were in the city Monday.
Miss Olara Fisher, of Corvallis, ia vis
iting her cousin, Mrs. J. P. Lovitt.
G. 0. Armstrong, a well known rei
dent of Redland, was in the city yester
day. ! . ,
' Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Kirchem, of
Stone, were visitors in the city Wed
nesday. Cyrus Jones, of Marquam, was in the
city yesterday on his way home from
Postmaster G. W. Scramlin and
daughter, of Mackiburg, were in town
0. W. Rialey, of Oswego, the citizens
candidate for county commissioner, was
in town Wednesday.
Fred Nelson left for Cape Disappoint
ment yesterdav, where will enter the
life-saving crew Bervice.
Walter Pruden, of Springwater,
county organizer of the socialist party,
waa in the city Monday.
Harry Bair, a member of tha produce
ow We
Can Help
Each Other
100,000 Rolls of Wall Pa
per at 5c per double roll at
W L Block, The Home-
furnisher, opposite P O
By your liberal patronage you
have made it possible for me to buy
nearly all drug store supplies in such
quantities that I get the best jobbing
prices You all know what a big sav-
ing this means and in return I want to
make equally big savings for you The
following list of prices will give you
some idea how I propose doing this: f
75 eruna regular $1
OfsC Swamp Root, reg
OU ular$l.
C Castoria, regular
mm r f T51 J TD. ...
uv-. wregonuiuuorur-
I U mer, regular $J.
I QC Cuticura Soap, reg-
I 0 ular 25c.
A QCC Electric Bitters, reg
03 ular $1.00.
$ A ftC Electric Bitters, reg
$ tU ular 50c. ..
A 7RC Herpicide, regular
a lU i.oo.
7JrC Hawley s Catarrh
I QC Lyon's Tooth Pow
I vl der, regular 25c.
Cure, regular $1.
CflC Beggs Blood Puri
fier, regular $1
7CC Pure Olive Oil, rejr-
IJ ular $1. Best qual
A itp table oil '
Y IflC Rubifoam,
Regular 25c.
Powder, regular 25c.
ICC Bensoliptus Tooth
C S. S. White's Tooth
Powder, regular 25c.
C 4711 Soap, X
regular 25c. X
C Hind's Almond
Cream, regular 50c.
C Quaker Herbs, reg- a
ular $1 i
KC Pierce's Pellets,
regular 25c.
"0 ifKC Swan's Down v
ular 1 5c.
Q KC Robertine, reg-
ular 50c.
2J5C Porous Plas- $
ters, regular 25 ea.
fSC Beef, Iron and
Wine, reg. 75c
Best Spring Tonic
Best Spices in cans! X
Pepper, Cinnamon, Y
Allspice, Cloves Reg JOc
tC Nutmegs, per doz
Talcum Powder,
regular t5c V
KC Pierce's Favorite
d Prescription I
Regular $1
iy KC Pierce's Medical
Regular $1
lilt duuvc piiccd cixc j i a win-
pie of the bargains we have tooiferyou
Our cut price includes prescriptions,
Popular Price Druggist
toilet articles and every day supplies.
C.G. Huntley,
We have 125 packages of Sweet Pea Seeds $
to give away to our lady customers next Saturday.
Any purchase on that day entitles you to a pack
age free.
John Hutton, returned on Sunday
from a four months visit to Koseburg
and Ashland.
E. F. Whitten, of Oswego, was in the
city on Satur Jay.
firm of Knight & Bair, was in the city
Wednesday from Canby.
Mrs. Henry Hedges, of Barlow, left
Wednesday for a four months visit with
relatives at Plainview, Illinois.
Mrs, S. J, Vernon, of Salem, who was
visiting her her son, John Vernon, re
turned to to her home Tuesday.
J 0, U. Wimer, a pioneer millwright,
of Salem, is stopping at the home of his
daughter, Mrs. Cr. W. Bingham.
Mr. Tom F. Cowing jr., and daugh
ter are visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Sol Smith at Silverton for a week.
L. E. Grazer, the cottonnood farmer,
of Barlow, and the citizens candidate
for recorder, was in the city Wedneiiday.
Charles F. Clark, of Clackamas, one
of the citizeas candidates for rep-,
resentative, was in the city Wednesday
Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Carter moved to
Portland this week, and have taken up
their residence at 404 1-2, East Burnside
' C. Hettmann, of Slmbel,- was in town
Wednesday, and stated that a large
acreage was being planted in potatoes in
that section.
S. D. Hicklin, who has' been running
a sawmill . engine at Elmira, Lane
county, for a couple of months, re
turned home Tuesday.
William Young and family, of Silver
ton, who had been visiting relatives
here for several days past, returned
home Wednesday.
Misa Mary Wilhelm, of Monroe, Ben
ton county, who had been visiting Miss
Alfreda Meyer for the past month, re
turned home yesterday.
Miss Delphina Heanel arrived Satur
day from Currinsviile, Clackamas
county, where she has been engaged in
teaching school. Corvallis Times.
Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Dye, of Iowa,
w ho had been visiting his brother, C. H.
Die and family for a couple of weks
past, left Monday for a visit to ths
Suund country.
Mrs. Ivan Chase and child, wife of the
publieher of the Colfax, Wash., Gazette,
who had been vinaing her mother-in-law,
Mrs. S. A. Chase for several weeks,
returned home Tuesday.
J. A. Randolph, ol Viola, who was in
the city Tuesday, intends o go on a
prospecting tour to Crook county and
other Eastern Oregon sections, during
the coming spring months.
T. B. Fairclough, brother of Mrs.
G. W. Grace and the Faircloughs, ar
rived from Cuba, Mo., Sunday. He. will
remain here dunng the spring and sum
mer months. His coming was unex
pected, as he had not advised his rela
tives of an intended visit.
Joeiah Martin, of West Oregon City,
accompanied by his two sons, Captain
G. W. and W. D. Martin, expect to
leave this week for Odessa, Wash.,
where they will be employed on a new
mill being constructed by the Portland
Flouring Mills Company. They expect
to be away for about four months.
P. G. Wells left Tuesday for Sumpter
to puBh development wor k on the ledge,
in which Elmer Dixon, County Clerk
Cooper and other Oregon City parties
are extensively interested. Mr. Wells,
who also is a prominent stockholder,
has great faith in the future of this
mine of gold-bearing quartz. The as
says made are highly gratifying to the
individual members of the company.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Huiras, of New Era,
were in the city Mouday. He had just
received returns for a choice lot of Bur
bank potatoes shipped to San Francisco
1 75 per 100. A letter from the same,
firm received Monday stated that uti
les s heavier shipments of potatoes be
gan to arrive soon, choice potatoes
would soon advance to $3 per hundred.
Mr. Huerth states that the freight and
commission on a hundred pounds of po
tatoes is about 28 cents, and if tbay
brought $2 in San Francisco, the over
weigtit would make a sack measure
ment net something neai $2.
Democratic Committee Meet
ing, A meeting of the Democratic Central
Committee ot Clackamas County, is
hereby called to meet in Oregon City on
Tuesday, April 22, 1902, for the purpose
of nominating a candidate for joint
Representative of Clackamas and
Multnomah county, to be voted for at
regular election, held in June. A
full attendence is expected.
' R. B. Bkatib.
Chairman of Central Committee.
Letter List.
The following is the list of letters re
maining in tire poBtoilice at Oregon
City April 17, 1902:
' Women's List Mrs OUie Cook,
Mrs Ettleman, Mrs Mamie Huntley,
Mrs Lerton Miller, Mrs Cha-lotte C
Steward, Mrs Anna Tayter.
Men's List O A Davis, Elmer De
Haven, Harry Eastman, James Fletcher,
Samuel Hadfock, F H Harris, H Harrik
(2), Ezra Henson, A E Hodgson, 0
Howell, Linn Jones, M Knight, C Mat
son, A Moore, Franc Schweizer, W A
An Epitome.
Of policy on life of the late Edwin R.
Kimble, of Portland, Oregon, bookkeep
er for Studebaker Bros. : Policy, ho.
70,282, issued June 2, 1890. Twenty
payment life. Died Dec. 8, 1901.
Amount of policy $5000.00
Dividend accumulation 618.55
Total paid ' $5618.55
A return in dividends ol 33f per cent
of premiums paid, besides the $5000 in
surance. Thin company settles with its
policy holders eai h year and issues the
mot liberal policies.
Mora' : Get tlie best from the Maesa-chii-etts
Mutual Life Insurance Com
pany. HUBL'RT G.- COLTON, Pacific
Coast Manager, Chamber of Commerce
Buildins, Portland, Or.
Aitiiub W. Ci'THiEB, Special Aent.
See CHARMANS shot-to-pieces ad
vertisement ; it will save you money.
G. W. Bigbam has removed his soda
works to the corner, next door to the
armory, where be has roomy quarters.
The T. 8. Townsend Creamery Co.
of 44 Second St, Portland, will sell you
a cream separator and take cream in ex
change. Lost Between West Side and A. O.
U. W. ball. A square breast pin, red
coral. Finder leave at Post Office store
and receive reward of $2.50.
George Harper is the best leading
lady that ever appeared here. Faribault
Cor. Opera House Reporter. At
Shively'g Monday April 21.
A typo accidentally left out of laet
week's paper the names of John Shun
non and Charles Baker, delegates to the
citizens convention from Beaver Creek.
Millinery bargain at R d Front during
Special Sale.
Chairman Campbell and Secretary
Randall have called a meeting of the re
publican county central committee for
next Wednesday to formulate plans for
the campaign.
Charmen & Co., ths RELIABLE
DRUGGISTS, have cut the prices of
Drugs and Patent medicines Bicycles
and Stationery , See their shot-to-
pieces advertisement.
Peter Enele. a well known old resi
dent of New Era precinct, is reported to
De very low witn sickness at nis nome.
He is a Grand Army veteran, and one of
the old members of Meade Post.
The Men's Concrecatipnal Club, will
give the next supper on Friday even
ing, May 2... Dr. A. t . Mowry, a man
well known over the country in educa
tional circles, will be guest of the Club.
.Milch cow for sale. Extra ood grade
Holstein, C. W. Swallow, MapIe Lane.
Card of Thanks. The family of
William Blayney desires to thank their
friends and neighbors for their kind as
sistance during the illness of their
daughter and sister, Mrs. U. L. Mc-
A meetitiorof the stockholders of the
Barlow creamery will be held at Needy
on Saturday, April 26, at 2 p. in. All
person interested are expected to be
present. There was not a quorm
present at- the meet'ng on April 12.
A rousing meeting f the local union
of the American Federation of Labor,
was held in the Redmen's hall. Wed
nesday night. The membership roll
was swelled to 425. No permanent
place of meeting has yet been secured.
The 8alem Weekly Democrat, pub
lished by A. M. Dalrymple. and R. A.
Harris, is a paper neatly printed and of
much merit. It is a new venture and
the only democratic paper published in
Marion county
Bargain In the Latest Hats at Red
Front Special Millinery Sale,
A. B. Stroun. of Boone's Ferrv. was
in town Monday, and discovered that
his taxes amounted to $63. Last year
nis taxes amounted to about 140. Mr.
Stroup announces his intention of sell
ing oat and leaving the country.
The Bicycling World says that ball
separators absolutely prevents friction
between the balls, in a ball bearing.
That's the reason 1902 Crescent bicycles
run so easv. They have ball separators
Have a look at them at Huntley's Book
is tore.
II. W. Jackson has another automobile
from Portland at his bicycle shop for
repairs. It seems there is no repairer in
rortiana able to do this kind ot work
and it has to be sent to Oregon City.
Mr. Jackson will soon have the automo
bile be built on th street.
William McLarly, recently of Ells
worth, Wis., is fitting up the room in
W. M. Gardner s new building, next to
the Red Front Store, for h tailoring es
tablishment. Mr. McLartv is a son-in-law
of William Beard, and carried on a
probtable business in the East.
At Congrigational church. "Heavenly
Visions" and "Job's Clingisg Faith in
Adversity " win be the themes next Hun-
day, in addition to the usual music by
tne choir. Miss Uonyers will render,
"The Singing in God's Acr e" on Sunday
evening. Services at 10:30 and 7:45,
Special Millinery Sale at Red Fiont.
The Portland Evening Journal is com
ing to the front, and is filled with the
news of the world in a condensed form,
and newsy style. It prints some of the
more important Oregon City news from
one to two days ahead of tha Oregonian
and Telegram . "
Colonel George French, of San
Francisco, will appear at Salvation
Army Hall on Friday evening. Col.
French is a talented speaker and has
charge of the work on the Pacific Coast.
Mayor Dubbin, Lient Brown.ihe violin
ist, and the Portland Corps Brats Band
will also be present.
The April term of circuit court con
venes next Monday. There are already
62 law cases on the docket, and 121
eqnity suits. Forty-eight of the latter
are divorce suits, 19 Clackamas county
cases, and 29 Multnomah county suits.
The criminal docket is small.
Georgia Harper is one of the best
leading ladies seen here in years. Her
ward rode is strickly firgtclass. She ii
possessed with beauty, grace, a pleas
ing siape presence ana excellent ara
matic ability. Lancaster (Wis.) Herald.
At Shively's for one week begining
April 21,
Cood Assortment of Ribbons for fancy
work at Racket Store Saturday.
Mrs. Cora L. McOormick of Cbehlalls,
Wash., died at the residence of her
father, Win, Blaynay, on Thursday,
April 11, aged 30 yers 1 month and 3
days. Funeral services were held at the
bouse on Saturday, Rev. A J. Mont
gomery ofheatipg. She left a husband,
two sisters and three brothers.
F. H. Welsh has purchased Ihe Union
Candy , Company's stock and plant
across the strtet from the armory. Mr.
Welch has moved his wholesale man
ufacturing plant to the new location,
where he also will engage in the manu
facture of ice cream. He is installing
an electric motor to furnish motive
Miss Georgia Harper as the Queenly
Lady Isabel in East Lvnne superb and
is away the best leading lady that has
appeared here. Mr. Harper as I.eviun
and Mr. Detrick as Archibald Carlyle
carried their parts in a highly pleasing
manner. Spencer (la.) Cur. Opera
A Convenience
rT; great convenience ; not only to the business and
professional men, but to the farmer as well. More
people would keep such accounts If they knew just how to
go about it. We gladly assist those who need help in get-
ting started. .
Till! BANK Or OREGON CITY, Oregon Cltq, Ore.
House Reporter. At Shively's one week
begining April 21.
WANTED 40 men with teams for teams
for wood hauling. Aqust Schnokr,
WilUmette Falls.
Sheriff Cooke's report taxes collected,
makes an extraordinary good showing.
The total tax money received up to
April 15th, amounts to $112,190 71. The
diecount on taxes paid before March
15th, amounted to- $3,216 64. On the
half payment proposition under the new
law $4,967 wag paid. The above total
was turned oyer to the county treas
urer. The presentation of East Lynne last
night by the Georgia Harper Co. was
at once a surprise and1 a delight. The
struggle between love, jealonsv and
duty, as portrayed by Georgia Harper
touched the hearts of all. -The same
scenes in real life, and they occur could
not by any possibility be more potent
and absolute to the eye of the beholder
than was the imitation produced by the
this talented woman. Aberdeen (S, D.
News. At Shively's one week.
The steamer Leona, which has been
overhauled and repainted by the Oregon
City Transportation Company, began
making regular trips between Oregon
Citv and Portland. It is a delightful
ride on the river at any season of the
year, and more especially during the
spring and summer months. The only
way landings ars Magone's park, Mel
drum'g, Moreys, Risleys and Oswego,
enabling the boat to make rapid time
up and down the river. The time table
in as follows: Leave Oregon City at
7:00 a.m. and 10 :00 a.m. and 1:30 and
4:30 p. m. Leave Portland at 8:30
and 11:30 a. m. and 3:00 and6il5 p.m.
At the democratic state convention
held in Portland last week, W. H.
Vaughan, of Molalla, was a member of
the committee on platform. J. P.
Lovett was the committeeman for
Clackamas county . Colonel Robert A.
Miller was a prominent figure in the
convention. Charles V. Galloway, of
Yambil) county, son of Hon. William
Galloway, receiver of the Oregon City
lsnd office, was the youngest delegate
to the convention, and also was honored
with the secretaryship f the conven
tion. Following were the delegates,
who attended from Clackamas county :
J. K. Gribble. Erneft Mass, O. W. Ga
nong. Robert A. Miller, A. W. Cheney,
O. W. Kelly, Dr. W. E. Carll, R. B.
Beatle. O. N. Wait, J. P. Lovett, T. L.
Turner, A. M. Ki-chem, W. H.
Little Clarica Elizabeth Locke, died,
April 10, of pneumonia, seed 7 years
6 months and 13 days. She leaves a
father, mother and six brothers to morn
her loss.
Our Family circle is broken j
By the strong arm of God,
Who lacked a little angel.
And a tender plant was taken
And planted gently in the sod,
To blossom with the angels.
We extend our thanks to the many
friends and neighbors, for the kind as
sistance through the sickness and burial
of our little daughter Clarica. Mr. and
Mrs. J. A. Locke.
Dr. Mowry Coming.
Dr. William A. Mowry of Boston, the
author of "Marcus Whitman and the
Early Days of Oregon," that has been
such a large sale recently throughout
the United States, is enroute to Oregon
for a visit to the scenes which he da
scribes so graphically. He is lecturing
this week and next in the colleges of the
State of Washington and expects to
no previous preparation could be nude
the Men's Club of the Congregational
church, have concluded to banquet the
distinguished author and lecturer, and
give the general public an opportunity
to hear him.
Prolxite Court Orders.
In the matter of the estate of Reed T.
McClincey, et al, minors, an order was
made authorizing the guardian, Mrs
Amelia McClincy to effect a settlement
with the Modern Brotherhood of Amer
ica for $100, that being all the insur
ance, that the company would pay on
the life of the late Mr. McClincey.
In the mutter of the estate of Isaac
Capps, deceased, T. P. Randall, admin
istrator, a distribution waa ordered to
the following heirs: William Capps,
Sandford Capps. Francis M. Capps,
Laura A ; Gillespie. George W. CaoDS.
Olive A. Philips, Eugene Capps and
Sasan . Fortune.
In the matter of the estate -of Wiley
P. Boyer, deceased, on petition, of the
widow, Emma O. Keith, it. was ordered
that George J. Ourrin, administrator de
bonis non. file a report of the condition
of tha estate on or before Tuesday, May
6th, 1902; or appear and show cause why
ne should not be punished for contempt.
In the matter of the estate of Mary
E. Partlow. deceased, the final renort of
Ella E. Williani8, adiuinisirator, was
tile.l, and June 3rd, set as time for
hearing final report.
In the matter of Hie estate of Samuel
Engle, deceased, the petition of Albert
and Clarence Kngle, administrators, for
an order to hell the personal property,
was granted.
Public Meeting to be Held Mon
day Night.
The Retail Merchants Protective As
sociation has called a public meeting at
the county court room Monday evening,
to discuss the matter of a Fourth of
July celebration. Everyone is invited..
It is four years since Oregon City had a
celebration, and patriotic and city pride
demand that we have one.
And it is hoped that a certain few
will not have all the places on the committees.
Citizena Campaign Organized.
Ths citizens campaign committee met
Wednesday night and elected the fol
lowing executive committee: J. J.
Cooke, chairman; Elmer Dixon, secre
tary; J. P. Lovett, II. E. Cross, Geerge
Ogle. Headquarters have been opened
in the Weinhard building.
J. W. Noble and P. G. Wells, left
Tuesday for Shmpter to work in the
mines of the Oregon City Mining and
Milling Co.
Willis Johnson roturned Thursday
from Tillamook. 1 lie helped drive over
500 sheeps. His father will remain
there this summer.
At the meeting of the local branch of
the American Federation of Labor held
Wednesday evening, the organization
was perfected and the secret work demo
istrated. The enrollment is 425. '
Prof. Zinser, the County Superintend
ent, desirous that the teachers of the
county, should have an opportunity to
hear this distinguished educator.
Oregon City in general will take pride
in honoring the gentleman, who honors
us by his visit at this time. One special
object of Dr. Mowry's visit is to view
the historical features of the old capital
of Oregon and we may expect a good
word from him in his lectures and writ
ing in the future.
Try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets, the best plisic. For sale by
G. A. Harding.
eRfJG WAR has shot to pieces almost every article in our Complete
Down-To-Date DRUG STORE) even portage stamps reduced.
You will find this sale a money saver, as we tnaks the price. Ws
iirect from the manufacturers, and you get fresh genuine goods from us.
If you do not see what you want ask for it. Here are a few of
cnt prices :
13 two-cent stamps
Psrunu $1 00
Carter's Little Liver Pills 25
Pink Liver Granales 25
Kidney Pills 50
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.... I 00
Shoop's Restorative 1 00
Wood's Sarsaparttia 1 00
Red Line Sarsaparilla 1 00
Castoria , 35
Paine's Celery Compound 100
Best Gasoline, quart 25
Swamp Root (Kilmer's) 1 00
Hot Water Bottles, 2, 3 or 4 at 1 00
.. 25c
Our Drug Store contains over 20000 articles, would make a half of
dozen ordinary Drug Stores, it is full grown and its growth has been along
progressive lines, its trade is founded on confidence , a confidence that has
grown with 20 years of experience, only years can bring fullness of know
ledge, and experience is an important thing in the DRUG Business.
Bring us your PRESCRIPTIONS and drug orders and we will
treat you right. Mai! orders solicited.
The Reliable Cut-Price Druggists,
Phone 13 onr phone connects with any part of the County or State.