Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, April 18, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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Correspondents most Bead in their
communications by Wednesday to insure
(heir publication.
A M Kirchem attended the democratic state
convention as a deleguto at Portland,
John aoc! 'Charles (ik !! wont to Portland
thin vvi'k Indispose of their horses.
W C Won and James Fiillum brought out the
new roito giHutTin-m uregon Ully.
As suon us ;the wcHther permits work will be
gin on a y piece or plank road from the four
corners ww, i ne rounty euttrt also Intends tlx
lug a pieco in Hungry Hollow.
Walker Riutlicrs, of Viola, are talklngsone of
puttiiig in h suwnmi on in iticiiardson place.
O a Holli is, of Nebraska, Is settled in his
new li )
Ti ( Ki"liurflson hns b'jrun to paint A M Ker-
cneni s inuse
Mrs June's Fullam and daughter, Clara, visited
rt'jtuives in roriitum i lie pasi week,
Mrs T Wylfer and (until y, of Logan, have
xuoveu onto tin cutting place lor the season.
N H Smith iiihiIh a liusiuess trip to Portland
find iiicidfiidv reported at the food oommitsiiin.
er's aili. e, a- the Ihw required. Mr Smith now re
ceives 00 (.ruts per roll fur his butter He Is very
enthusiastic over his Nhnrplen separator, as he
maims 10 get a pouna 01 cream more to a milking
vtci uie uiu njmt'ni,
Reilland M K Sunday school held lis Easter ser
vices ,111st ouinltiy. a good program was ren
Mr and Mrs Holllnsworth wore taken Into the
wmireu oy tenor,
Mrs Miitlle Herman, of Portland, Is out on a
Heaver Lake.
We are bavin,' real good April w ather.
I, Dart and son, of Molalla, were visiting rela
tlves in this section a few dars ago. ,
B Wade is busy splitting boarji,
H Wilson is busy Duttini un fence.
nnnrira Hi u,i.rli,a. l,a t A .l.
looks of bis ranch by adding three gates that
uctu ricwij uwueu tor rue past zu years,
Ralph Slaughter, who has been working for
We welcome his smiling face.
Hamy Jack.
' Seottn Mill.
We are having flue weather, that is a n .
ei ago, two days of sunshlno, two of frost, one of
Biiuw, tiuu an Kiiius 01 ram line past week.
The lame prune orchards of this nlnn era h-
glnnlng lo take on their spring and summer foli
age, in a few days this place will he one vast
son ui iiKMiiuing prune oreiiardi, with the ex
ception of a couple of light frosts, the fruit crop
here bids fair to be a good one,
A fine time was had at the social of the Modern
Woodmen given on the lUih. It was as usual a
success, llaskels were plentiful and sold or a
good price some of them passing the $2.50 mark.
Of oouise.Wlllle.oanio all the way from Lafayette
to attend the social.
Mr and Mrs Brenlnn Vedder, of MeKee, were
visiting friends iiucl relatives at Scotta Mills Satur
day and Sunday.
I)r Iironks, of Sllvel-ton, was In town two or
three times during the week, and we find that
there has been two youngsters left in the town.
The first was a boy which was left with Mrs
Kelles, The .second one, a glil, was left with Mr
aud Mrs Sieve Conver.
Byrd Thomas, ofHootts Mills, had the misfor
tune to puncture one of his lower limbs with a
nail a few days ago, wttl.ih we believe Is not seri
ous, as he was able to be out to the social and
bid in a couple of baskets. The first one he was
io kind as to say, "here Pa, you can have this
one, I'm going to try for Lydia's." But, oh I How
dlssnpointed he was, but thill's all right, Baui.you
did well.
Miss Lnolla Clark, of this place, has returned
to Portland for the season. She has been work
ing In Watson's rostraunt heretofore.
If you wish to see the results of sewing yonr
old cloti.OB Into carpet rags, just call on Annie
lerguson or iKate Thomas, of Missouri Kldge, in
a few days and see the display of new carpet In
the front room, which was woven by Mrs (Jen
der, of Scotts MIUb, who alwaysdoes a neat Job
Give her a trial.
Well, again Newsboy Is able to be seen and
heard. Ho made a trip through our town a faw
days ago. Possibly on some deal with the Ap
peal manager.
Sand i.
runners are taking advantage of the fine weather,
Which Is prevailing at present,
School Is progressing nicely under the supervis
ion of JMss Dai liiiiann, of Mono, which opeued
April 7, with, a good attendance.
Rev Iw'ppclninnn relumed last Tuesday from
Washing n, where lie had been attending a con
ference. K Knpper left Inst Tuesday for Salmon Rlvor,
where ho v. ill woik on his ranch.
Mrs Muinlg has been In poor health for some
Casper Junker lias gone to Portland on busi
ness. Services were held nt the Puver school house
Snuduy by Uav Keppeliuauu, of Maudy.
Miss Tenle Miliar, of Flrwood, and Miss Annie
Hue 1 1 in an u, of Sitnily, were seen In Dover last Sun
day slinking hands with a boat of friends.
Mr Ki dsei ker, of Kiiwood, lost a two-year-old
steer by uilrlng In a swampy place and then
drowning. Tills makes the fourth one that he has
lost this spring.
Arbor liny was observed at school Friday by a
short ami iipprnprlule program, and also a tbor
ough seiiilililug olihesehool house and clearing
up uf the school premises.
Miss Minnie Smith and Miss Cook, both of Port
land, made a Hying trip to Sandy Sunday.
School lie port.
Following is the school report of district No. 70,
for the month ending April 11:
Total No. enrolled, 14.
No days' tnuglit, lil).
No. ilitys' aUeliilain'o,
No. days' absence, li5.
Average dully attendance, 13.
Tinu s tardy, S.
Roll of honor Dollle, Nellie and Charlie Smath'
ei's, Ada liroek and l.eou Unlet.
Mapii Stone, iTcacher.
Wenihor Is lino mid Ihe farmers are all busy put
ting m their crops,
Willliitu Heck, of Clinks, died at his home In
Clarkes April 1 1 111, uf culiMllep loll. William leaves
many friends and relati u inoiiru his loss.
If any one wanting th, n - ee.islic red call on
Jack bkiniier, the prolessioioo ,-lioe,i shearer,
William Wallace lias left lo, t'ortland, where he
lntciela to work this summer. suink.
Ilea rvr Creek.
The Welsh Congregational shiirrh of this place
Is going to have a basket soeiul and all are invited
to nticiid and tiring their baskets. A good,
lengthy program has lieen arranged for the occa
iol, and a big jolly time is anticipated.
Mountain View.
Fruit trees 'lire out In full bloom, aud the suit Is
There Is a great deal of siekuess hero this week,
Utile lueta lUxen has the mutinies,
Quite a number of children are out of school
tills week siek from vuiciuailoii.
George Vomit's mother and other relatlves,from
Kasteru Oregon, have been visiting with him
0 minima " llacon Is still vet y low,
Mr Mollenliowcr Hint wife, from xnple Lane,
linvo luuti'd Into the house opposite J (Jroul'a.
Mr Hall traded oil' his spau of mules this week.
Died, at her home In this burg Friday eve
ning, April 11, Clarissa Lock, aged 7 years The
lllllu one will be sadly iuUseil, being the ouly
girl, and there are six boys in the family.
Mrs KM Andrews, of Falls View, was calling
on friends lu this burg Wednesday morulng.
Si' IMA.
Union Hall.
(too late for last week.)
James Adklns lias sold his farm toMrMacklu..
tesli aud sou in-law.
Ceonra Kauch. who has traded his farm lor
property lu Canhy, Intends to move there this j
Frank Hilton has Durchased another tinnu.
Joseph Perrlnger traded horses a few days ago.
LRiggsand LP Burns wentto Oregon City
last Monday as delegates to the county conven
tion. ,Ms Francis Johnson was the guetof Miss
Eliza Burns last Sunday.
Charlie Thomas has purchased a buggy.
CEKnottswas visiting his sister, Mrs Laura
Burns, last neck.
Geno and Mabel Burns wen visiting at the
residence of their uncle, J H Burns, last Sunday.
Mrs Laura Burns visited Mrs George Rauch last
Satunioyl ,
.E'I?S, ?,urn' WH8 tne net of her grandmother,
Mrs N J Burns, one uight last week.
Mrs Mftrlhfl Ttorna vl, flail M-o 1 T Ti , a
..D,vu u luumoa jooi
Mrs Sam Wilkerson called oo Mrs Nettie Biggs
last Tuesday.
James Atkins made a business trip to Oregon
City last week.
Miss Johnson, our teacher, is preparing an ap
propriate program for Arbor day, to be rmdered
next Friday.
Orrln Adklns is building a new house, which
he will occupy as soon as it is finished.
T J Grimes 1b building a fence.
John Burns is cutting wood.
(Too lute for last week).
H L Mills is building a new board fence around
his orchard.
Mrs Sadie Bonney is visiting friends here this
Weaie sorry to say that John Naze has moved
to Woodburn, wherohe expects to continue in
Miss Minnie Reasoner visited friends at Port
land last Week.
J A Bonney and wife visited the latter's parents
near Rural Dell Sunday,
An enjoyable time was had at the entertainment
at the Wilhoit schoolhouse last Friday evening
L 8 Bonney, of Point, Wash., visited his parents
last weekend returned home Saturday.
For Brst class millinery call on Miss Johnson.
Rose Bud.
WH Whson has quite lot of early garden
W T and A S Henderson purchased 20 head of
sheep of F Wlnslow.
Jesse Cox, while working In his chopper, mit
with an accident which came near breaking his
D Bonney was a visitor on Wilson Hill Sunday.
Henry Turner and wife are going to move to
Oregon City soon.
Hannah Schiewe is working for lira EdHani
mette. Ihcre Is to be quarterly meeting In the Moun
tain Home church Saturday and Sunday, April 26
and 2?. Services to be held Saturday will begin
at 7:80 o'clock and on Sunday at 11 o'clock a m
and also Sunday evening. Elder P A Black will
A family have moved into the house formerly
owned by Deb Boylan, but the correspondent has
not yet learned the name.
A party of pleasure seekers of Oregon City chose
last (Sunday, the 6th. as a suitable day for a drive
Into tile country. Two young men left the stable
at 7 80and drove to Mr Williams' aud took in a
third party, and continued their Journey toward
Clarkes. They knew not where they were going,
and owing to the narrowness of the plank road
were unable to turnaround so continued to the
terminus They parlied and puzzled their brain
for awhile and on seeing some lamp chimnev s
peering through the window, and as they were
used to following the rays of electric lights de
cided to travel the road upon which the oliim
neys might reflect on their first descent into a mud
hole the air was pierced with unearthly "squaks"
not uneoilal to the Comanche'H veil. Thev uoro
greatly delighted at first sight of a lengthy stretch
of corduroy by the continuous wavelike move
ment of the vehicle. They had soon forgotten
their exceeding fright and wer cooing again like
doves. They continued for some distance and at
last finding themselves corralled in a man's barn
yard were happily rescued, and after some hours
of questioning, It was ascertained their desires,
and the; were Btarted on their delightful trip
Lalla Booxh,
Father Bagby is quite low, and is not expected
to let up aaniu.helng In his Wih vear. and so an
other pioneer will be gone to his long homo.
Mrs Bryant is on the slok list.
Miss Lela Boyles is working for Mrs W Bryant.
Mrs Mary Boyles made her mother a Dleasant
call Thursday last.
Mrs Wing Held made EmhVDart a Dleasant nail
on Rock Oreek Friday.
Mrs L B Trulllnger made Mrs Winirfleld a nloas-
ant call Thursday.
Last Tuesday in tills part of the country tho
ground was covered with snow, which was a sur
prise to all.
Winter hangs on so long that feed Is getting
scarce, and wheat la hard to find. . Munv chick
ens will be marketed before grain ripeus again.
Oats arc scarce and are selling from 82 to so cents.
The old supply of hay is fast going down.
L B Trulllnger lias completed 11 1 lob of wood
cutting for Mr Adams.
Our school has closed lor a week on account of
teachers' examination.
Wemro nil wishing for good weather In this
part ot theoountry.
Some of the people of this vicinity think that
the fruit is killed by the cold weather.
Kldcr Moore commences a protracted meeting
at Mulitio ou the W h.
Wilhoit hotel Is undergoing a thorough clean
ing. lliyliland.
The last few days of sunshine has given the
people all the sun grins.
Miss Pearly Harrington is greatly Improving.
Mrs Martha Jones is able to be up again.
Ding Jones was very sick a few days ago, but is
all right now.
Curtis Kamlle pt running Ihe engine for Tln
Jones. Curds is a good etigiueer for his practice.
Miss Ida Sbockleywas visiting her sister, sirs
Nellie 1'atish.
Mr Mitchell and Eugene Cummins started to
Eastern Oregon to lookat land. They are going
to viiltslinuiko before coming back.
The literary was not o well attended, but oome
out ucxt Saturday aud hear the debate.
The dance at Jack Wallace's was just about all
OK. 'Jack was not as badly surprised as
some thought he would be.
Mr aud Mrs Cuiuiulns, of M Inks, was visiting
at the home of Eugene Cummins last Sunday,
Mr lluekner and family were visiting Charles
Welch and laiuilj' Sunday.
A few of the Highland gamesters pitched horse
shoes and played a lew games of pedroat Mr
Ruth's homo Sunday.
Elbert Larklus was visiting the Nicholas boys
Mat Handle and Pete Davidson took four beef
leers lo Itethke, the butcher. Pete received 7S
aud Mat fH.
The smallpox scare 1ms about died out, although
the people were going to give up the ghost, but
It has turned out to be the scab. Don't be alarmed.
Mural lMl.
Trying to down "bosslsm" seems to bo the
common subject lor coutlab.
0 W (Iraee, citizens candidate for state senator,
wasvlilting at Ihe hoiue of Hon Ueorge Ogle last
Saturday aud Sunday.
W S Sconce has lieen shearing goats for his
neighbors during the past week,
O Kilo, who had the misfortune to cut one of
his feel several necks ago, is able to be arouud
Miss Lir.zle Oswalt, of Molilla, was calling In
this community Ian Saturday while ou her way to
alaeksourH lo attend a meeting ot tne Maccabees.
Albert Evniiiu. who has been working in a
Porllaud furniture factory, isvisltiug at his home.
Miss Lotlle Samson went down to Cams yester
day lo visit her sis!er. Miss Spangler, who it sick.
Warren Husk ins was iu Hubbard Sunday.
I J Blgelow has a cow for sale.
The "machine" men seem to be on the move
aud "oil uc k full" ol business.
John K Shaver, of Molalla. passed through
here this morulng.
Kanfflnan. the creamers man of NVely, 'n'ends
starting a wagon out this way iu the uu lu.ure
to gathur up the cretu.
A Montandon Is authorized to not work the
old Sconce road until ills surveyed.
Jjhu Crocker still haul spuds.
I Adams IB
Sole Agents for
Monarch Shirts.
Coon & Arrow Brand
Collars and Cuffs.
Brown's Star-Five
Star. Shoes.
Stetson Hats.
Dry Goods.
It Pays to Trade with the Big Store. We Buy and Sell for Cash Only
Golden Rule B Oregon City
OeorRe Hurdesty is working for Mr Bagby.south
of Molalla.
uanjr of the taxpayers of Rural Dell are very en
thusiastic over the prospocts we have of defeat
ing the "boss", and we do sincerely hope that
"Grace" will be sufficient for him.
There was about three inches of snow at Miller's
sawmill last Tuesday.
Rev. Olazier'8 father-in-law, who moved t the
Miller settlement a short time ago, had three par
aletio strokes the past week
William Darls sold his team of horses to Charlie
Johnson, of Orient, the past week for 121 i. Mr
Davis hud b.en asking 1350 for the same team.
We saw B G Palmateer driving a wagon alom
the other day. Glad to see you Improving so
much, Dock!
Henry Kpperson naa been sick with the asthma
for several days.
The patrons of school district No 68, were in
proving thsir school grounds last week.
E F Surface, of Gsrfield, Is teaohlng school at
Improvements at the proposed power plant on'
the t:iackaniaa river are progressing finely. About
two acres of land have been cleared and the foun
dation of a house has been laid, whl' h is 24x60
feet and Is to be two stories high, and it will be
used as a bunk house, but to be converted into a
summer resort In the future,
South Crrus.'
MIhs Verna Smith visited friends iu Mull no last
William RobBon,of Portland, called on Miss
Guns Saturday.
G W Grane, of Oregon City, passed through our
vicinity last Saturday.
Louis Buclcner was in Oregon City hist week.
Fred Neuklrchner. who has been at Nome for the
past two years, returned home last week.
Al Neuklrchner did some plowing for B Billiard
last week.
Mrs G Klrbyson went to Oregon Cltylnst Thurs
day. B J Ilelvey and C Pioka spent one day lust week
In town.
Mrs B J Helvey called on Mrs C Smith last Sat
urday. B Schuelie! was the guest of his mother at Ore
gon City for three or four days lust week during
the convention.
George He.vey and S Banv, of Union Hatl.called
On friends here last Thursday.
0 E Nash and wife, and O Knott, cf Oregon
City, attended grange al Mulino last Saturday.
Mrs K C Gouoher went to Liberal last Wednes
day ufternoon.
A I. Jones made a business trip to Molalla, last
George Helvey has gone to Washshington to
J Glllett, of Fly, visited friends In Mulino Frl
dsy and Saturday and at the home of A L Jono
Sunday. s
Mrs J Evans visited her daughter, Sadie, of Ore
gon City, hut week. Miss Kvuus is quite ill with
the measles.
Mrs Daniels, of Mulino, was Hie gues,t of her Bis
ter, lirs R Goucher, last Monday.
Mrs spangler has been very sick the past week.
If Abuus Wallace would try the kidnapping plan
it mlnltt safe taking that unnecessary tiiptothe
G Klrbyson called on R Soluiebul one day
last week.
Mr, Schoenbnrn and daughters, Clara, and Kl
sle, also John I.anih, were the guests of B J Hel
vey and family last Sundav.
Mr Helvey has been quite unfortunate, a tree
having lal leu the oilier day on i his lui'n and
breaking the roof of same.
John May, of Oregon City, took dinner at the
home of A L Jones last Mouday.
Mrs Michael and daughter and Mrs J Mcllannls,
of Oregon City, were the guests of the latter's pa
rents last Mouday and Tuesday,
Charles Daniels left Tuesday to be gone all
summer dowu the Columbia.
A L Jones' faaiily were much alarmed las
Tuesday morning being tinder the impression
that Mr Jones was in a Irauoe .
Ah iut :t0 friends of Dr R C Goucher surprise d
him at Ills home lost Monday evening, the occasion
being his TOih birthday. It was a very sueeeeuilul
affair iu every particular, the surprise being com
plete. Hearing- music on the outside, the aootor
opened the door ami was completely overwhelmed
when ihe party crowded around him ,to oiler their
good wishes. The evening was pasd in dancing
ami card piavlng. At Y2 o'clock a delicious lum-h
was served In the dining room. The presents were
tasty and numerous. At a late hour the attests de
parted iorthelrrespeolive homes, all deolaring It a
merry evening spent aii-i wishing Doctor many
sueh'happy returns. His daughter, Mrs MeMan
nis, and Mrs Michaels, of Oregon Ciiy, were among
those present. Dr Uoueiier is one .f the popular
and suecesslui doctors of our county. 178.
Tva C Bogue was born In Illinois, August 4,
IMS. Mrs liogue was twice married, having mar
ried In March 1S7U, at Juliet, 111, to Francis M
Cleaves, and at Sinltllland, Iowa. March 1, 1876,
to Kleicher itogu. with whom she moved to Ore
gon, February 18S0.
The sited hustwnd and two daughters remiln lo
mourn her loss, M rs Ovvaoo Kellogg, of Oregon
City, and M:ss Nelli , who livtni at home, also
two sisters aud a brother besides a large circle of
Mrs. Hague's kind and gonial disposition won
her many friends, and the sick and suffering of
hr nohthb irho.nl '.villsadly miss the mlnistra'tous
of love so freely given. Alter a paiuful Illness of
ros. Golden Rule
Everything Priced on the Small Profit, Quick Selling
Silks, Linings,
Laces, Embroideries,
-.Motions, Hosiery,
Parasols, Umbrellas,
Blankets, Shoes,
Base Ball Goods,
Muslin Underwear",
Japanese Goods;
Toys, Queensware,
Tin and Granite
Ware, Curtains,
Yarns, Clocks,
Fancy Lamps,
Fis'hing Tackle,
Lakes' "Queen Bee"
$2.15 Shoes.
Ladies' "Golden Rule"
$3.00 Shoes.
Thompson " Glove Fitting "
Corsets, $1.00 pair.
Summer Corsets, 25c.
"Percy" Kid Gloves,
Warranted, $1.00 pair.
T 2vr -w WW
several months, she quietly passed away March
30, 19U2, at Mulino, Or., at the age of 53 years, 7
months and 26 days.
The funeral services were conduoted by Rev.
T. Wiles, the Interment being In the Graham
cemetery, where the remains of a son are laid to
rest. A large concourse of friends followed the
remains to its resting place. The blow falls
with especial severity ou the aged companion,
who is an old war veteran, and in failing health.
The family have the sympathy of the entire com
munity. Ohl A mother, what is like hei?
Who, on earth, can take her placet
What are father, sister, brother
When compared to loving mother?
Who nan know and feel so fully
All our wants and little sorrows?
Who so willing ever willing
To forgive, forget and love?
Love unbounded, neier ebbing,
Never Changlag, forever true;
Self-denying, sslf-forgettlng,
Self-ignoring for her children;
Do we know her, can we prize her,
'Till by death she's taken from us,
'Till she's gone and left us weeping ,
Weeping for a mother's love?
, M. S. H.
K H Carlton and wife have moved to Portland.
The steam shovel and crew will leave Canby for
Gold Hill some time next week.
Miss Len 8talnaker and Charles Mattock were
mited In marriage at the home of the bride last
Tuesday. Rev Myers performed the ceremony.
G Batty and family returned to their home last
Tuesday morning from the East. Mrs Batty Is
much Improved in he.ilth.
Harry Glllmore is In Portland this week helping
Mr Carlton settle his house.
John nook, of Oregon City was in our town last
Spring still hangs back while the farmers
watch and wa it for a few sunshiny days to dry
the ground so they can finish seeding.
A dance was given at the home of Jack Wallace
Saturday niiihi. A larire crowd was inatteiidanoe
and all enjoyed themselves. D-mcing was In
duced in until daylight warued them that it wis
time to go home.
MisB Ida Shockley, who has been visiting her
sister a few days, returned to her home last Satur
day. Mr Shockley, wife and dau- hter, Gertie, were
visiting diaries Shockley at he old Boeson mill
Mrs Hiram Dannals, who was on Ihe sick list
last week, we are pltjased to learn, isablstobe
about again.
Mr Wise, a form r resident of thig place; was up
on business the fore part of the week.
Iliiam Dannals and wife were visiting old
friends near Logan last week.
William Buckner and Mr Knndle have been
hauling rails for Mr Scott the past week.
Jack Klggins Is thinking of going into the roul
estate business iu the near future.
Ethel Cummins will return to Oregon City the
middle of the week, where she has been learning
the dressmaking trade.
MrCummins and wife were visiting their son,
Eugene Cummins, and family Sunday.
Tinu Gl'GUR.
llesolutions of Respect.
At a reimlar meeting of Cnnbv Lodge No. 1511,
I. O. O. K held on the 11th day if April, I'm,
the following resolutions were unanimously
adopted :
Whereas, It has pleased the Supreme Rulerof
the Universe, is His ail wise providence, to re
move from our midst our beloved Brother, M. C.
Resolved, That onr heart go out In sympathy
to the bereaved family in this hour of their great
attlietlon.that we commend them to the God of all
mercy, who alone Is able to afford them comfort
and consolatiou in their loss. Therefore be it
Resolved, That it is a Just tribute to the m. m
ory of the departed to say that in regretting his
removal, we mourn for one who was iu every
way worthy of our respect nd regard.
Resolved, That the heartfelt sympathy of this
lodge be extended to his family in their aftUctisn.
Resolved, That these resolutions bespread upon
the records of this lodge, and a copy thereof be
transmitted to the family of our deceased Brother
and a oopy sent to the county papers with are
quest to publish, and that our charter and em
blem be draped In mourning for a period of 30
days iu memory of our deceasad Brother.
G. E. Prki'eb,
H. A. Dedmah,
E. H. Carlton
The farmers commenced seeding Mou
day in earnest after our severe storm .
Fall wheat is looraingupin good shape,
and from present prospects there surely
wi'l be a good crop.
Clover seemp to be damaged to some
extent by the long continued cold rains.
Winter oats look extra fine. Cheat that
was s.iwn Inst fall looks good and has
started well and is making a rapid
Joe Daniels was in our midst Sunday
last and partock of a fine dinner at Mrs.
Hannagen's home. John Rhodes was
also there. As it was Mr. Hannagen's
birthday a little surprise was tendered
him. Jim passed cigars to the guests.
Men's Furn ishing
Goods, Neckwear,
Underwear, Gloves,
Complete line of Do
mestics, Skirts, ,
Ladies' Wrappers,
Trunks and Valises,
Ladies' Shirt Waists, 45c.
Mt. Hood Shirt and
Overalls, 50c
Ladies' Leather Belts, JOc
Ladies' Trimmed Hals,
from 98c. up.
Ladies' Sailor Hats.
Newest Styles, 25c.
Tlio waitress is a fine cook. Am I right,
Well, Bunchy, Lengthy seems to be a
wonderful being. There if something
magic; about bim. He can change the
weather, lake the girls to church, eplit
the clouds in twain, and be is coming
back to church with another girl, and I
bet he'll pray before he gets home. Eh 1
Rev. A. (Jomer, of Marquam, was vis
iting his son-in-law, Frank Klingler,
Miss Millie Kruie, of Oregon City, one
of Clackamas county's successful teach
ers, was visiting Miai Grace Miller last
week, returning to the city Saturday, as
Miss Miller's school closed Friday.
Goodbye, Grace, may success go with
yon in your noble work as a teacher.
Many th nks, editor, for the station
ery supply.
The bushwhackers will finish Thurs
dny. Some of the boys are going to the
logging camps.
Fred Nelson is going to Fort Canby,
Wash. Sylvia.'
The Degree of honor gave a social
dance Tuesday night.
Amo3 Silvey has gone away on an ex
tended visit.
Samuel Ualbreath has been through
this part of the country buying potatoes.
He pays (1.25 per cental" delivered on
the hank of the river.
Charles Wagner's youngest child has
been very sick. Dr. Vincent, of Tuala
tin, has been attending it.
Gus Stein had a barn raising last week.
Misses Maud and Mabel Seely were
visiting wi'h their sibter, Flora, last
John Butson has rented Mr. Harm's
place and is putting it into oats.
Mox Nix Ocbb.
Grandma Thompson Is very sick at
the home of her son, Bud.
Misses Belle and Minnie Ramage.wbo
have been working at Salem, returned
home Saturday.
Bill Owingfl went to Woodburn on a
business trip this morning.
Frank Sweauey was out calling Sun
day. W. J. Ramage and E. R. Killin were
in Hubbard Saturday."
Flmer Dorig has his plowing nearly
finished and will begin sowing grain.
The weather is changeable. Yester
day morning we had rain and sleet. But
never mind spring is coming.
Jessie Taylor and Gilbert Wyland
were seen out horseback ridine Sundav.
Miss Lottie Schwartz has gone to Pot t-
land to work. We will miss her very
Quite a number of the young people
gathered at L. D. Yoder's to practice
songs for the basket social.
Jim Watson is working for Chris Ko
cher on Marks Prairi.
Gilbert Wyland is working for Sam
Miss Maggie Schwartz, the dress
maker, has been sewing for R. B. Yoder
this week.
Misfes Bertha 'Yoder and Maggie
Schwartz are working at the millinery
trade this spring. Hats made to order.
Lawrence Hein has rented the Sayage
place for three years, and he is having a
house built on it. His brother and
brother-in-law are doing the work.
Albert Yoder and John Crocker hauled
lumber from J. S. Yoder's mill for Law
rence Ilein's new house,
David Hefner, of Garden City, Mo., is
visiting his brother-in-law, Iddo Hein.
He is looking for a location.
John Peck, of Clarkes, was in the
neighborhood Sunday.
There was a large attendance at
Smyrna church Sunday, although it
Rile Garrett is home from Portland,
where he has been taking violin lessons.
Abe Stoutfer took dinner at L. D. Yo
der's Sunday.
W e .are all enjoy ing good health in
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