Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, April 11, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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    "v:v: . v ....... .- r j --
starting in the feet or ankles
comes from a weak or diseased
heart a heart that cannot keep
up the circulation. The blood
then settles in the lower limbs
where the watery portions ooze
out into surrounding tissues
causing bloat and swelling.
The heart must be strengthened
and built up before the dropsy
can be cured to stay; and the
best of all heart medicines is
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure.
"Heart d'sase made my feet
Fwell so that they had to bo
lanced in several places. On
tottle of Dr. Miles' Heart Cur
helped me. and twelve bottles
worked a complete cure."
James Trusty, Barnard, Ma
Dt. Miles'
Heart Cute
gives new strength to the heart,
regulates the circulation, stimu
lates the digestion and restores
health. Sold by druggists on
a guarantee.
"Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart. InL
Friday, April 4.
Fir along the board walk at
Atlantic City destroyed 12!
large hotels and many ;
smaller buildings, valued at not less
man jidimjuu on wtiic.i the insurance
was small.
Very wit rjd cold.
There r leversl oersoog In this vicinity rick
with colds.
Ell Skinner had the misfortune to break his
leg half way between the knee and ankle while
at work at Cole's mill. The fracture was reduced
by Vt Dedman, of Canby, and he is doing nicely.
Mrs 0 W Qniut arrled home from her sons in
Eastern Oregon where she baa been tlnoelast
Colonel Blanchard le in very poor health.
There have been many changes since we last
Firemen from Philadelohia '"p'ethat it would take a whole newspaper to
S; ?Barlow Vaudeville Troupe will give an en-
Senator Foster was today assured at
Washington by members of the hons
committee on naval affairs, who are pre
paring tue naval appropriation bill, that
the new yard at Bremerton is being well
taken care of in the bill, nd that the
appropriation for it will fit it up in such
shape that a verv large share of the na
val ships on the Pacific can he repaired
thbre Aimer McKinley denies
that he whs connected with the Danish
Islands deal The allied peoples
party was launched at Louisville
Many revolutionary bands have in
vaded Macedonia Cecil Rhodes'
funeral ocenned at Oape Town
Saturday, April 5.
No At the request of the water
Reserve commissioners of Oregon
Granted. City, Senator Mitchell asked
the general office to set
aside a tract of 38 sections, constituting
the water shed of the south fork of the day.
ilacob Weidner is on the sick hat.
Continual from page 7.,
tertalnmi nt here next Ea urday nigh',priH2.
The Molalla river Is getting on a rampage Just
now, as well as politics. Jack MoCreary and my
self carry the only cool heads in the town, aiid
when we get possession jou mav expect a term of
mixed prosperity in these diggings. Gold will
wiish lfioun es to the pound. Here is success to
the whole mixup.
Cor pbaL.
Beaver Vreek.
II W. Mating returned from Van
conver last Thursday.
Merril Davis relumed Monday from
Spokane, where he had bpen engaged in
the dairy business.
George Davis and family and H W.
Mathis and family took a pleasure trip
to Mulino last Sunday. All returned
sober ami somewhat wiser after their
Mr. Keller was the guest at the home
of Mr. Shannon Monday.
billy O'Connor called on a few of his
friends in this neighborhood last Fri-
This comparison is the moat Btriking
-when we remember that the population
oi Lime is the same as Clackamas coun
ty and its assessed valuation over $1,
OOO.DOl) mure while Marion county has
'3,(l(ii) morn population and an assessed
valuation nearly twice as large.
Fifth We charge the reckleBS ex
travagance and waste of the public mou
rns ot the county not only upon the
(present board of county commissioners,
but with more point and directness upon
the "machine" that has for a period of
ight years not hesitated to add to and
subvert nnv and all funds to maintain
its political supremacy in Clackamas
Sixth We strongly condemn the
practice insisted upon by the machine
of all republicans road supervisors, us
ing the road inouey apportioned to their
reaueotive districts to carry primaries in
the interest of and to perpetuate th rule
ami power of the "boss," and we insist
that this vicious policy cease and all res
idents of the road districts be given an
equitable share of the road work irre
spective of pariy.
Seventh We condemn the lack of
syntem and method in our road work
leading, aa it does, to inevitable waste
and po r results. We demand that a
definite, fixed plan of modern road
imaking be adopted by the authorities
that has for La ultimate end and pur
pose the construction and completion of
a good road from the various market
centers to each piincipal district in the
county as a help to this end, we urge
the necessity ol a non-partisan manage
ment oi the entire road question and
that all mpervisors be elected on merit
only. We further demand that the
tiomnussioners court appropriate the
road money once each year amorg sev
eral m.i 1 districts, and that all expenses
be kept w ithin the apportionments as
by law required to be done.
Kii'hlh We condemn what has come
to be known aa the contingent fund,
kept cou'rary to law, and demand that
all county expenses shall he regularly
3re,M.ilcd to the board of county enm
wiissionurs, duly audited, and orders
-drawn on the treasury therefor.
Ninth We demand that the county
printing ami the furnishing of supplies
to tin co'irt house) and all other sup
plier nee.l'd 1 1 v the county be let ti the
lowest leMpin sihle bidder.
T ii'.l. - Wo insist on the strictest
nu.iir. in all the ollii'os of the county;
r.h..t iid deputies lie appointed except on
iphiin pi.jol of the necessity and that our
i'ei l.t'ir" he instructed to pass a bill
f,voi'i'ioi a llit. sum to he paid all coun
ty V-.llk.lMlH.
Kiev li We cm loom the repre-
.itiv.-s irom thw c unity in thwartm
will of the peiplo expressed at the
P-....H, ii. removirg the county judge
iiuiu his position as coiiiriuan of the
bi.iiid i f county commissioners, ai'.d do
ii i -i ,1 .t he ') le-lored at the next
si c! the 1' gisia'nrtv. If this is re
fu,.,,l vi: iiisi.iiui.it Ins sahuy sti.iil be
.reduce ! to the sum of $;HV).
T.u.ifvli We demand that, the rights
ol labor, the producer of wealth, he re
si..'li .! . .i.i to thiit end we demand that
our i e ri est ii ta I i ves i ii both branches of
the ! gislature give an unprejudiced
hem in.; to ihe claims of vir-jauizeil labor,
and fcr.iut tliein whenever based on
justice and right.
Clackamas river, as a reserve for the
protection of the water supply of that
city. After making a thorough exami
nation into the matter, Commissioner
Hermann has advised the senate that it
is not practicable. Twenty-four of the
sections in question are now included in
tne Uascr.de forest reserve, while the re
mainder belong largely to the Northern
Pacific or the Oregon A California Rail
road Companies, and the deDarmentt
contends that it has no authority, under
existing laws, to create reserves of other
than public lands. Furthermore, the
policy in estabUhing forest reserves
has been to create as little lieu base as
possible. To create a reserve such aa
requested would be to offer these two
companis and several settlers an oppor
tnnity ot relinquishing their presen
holdings unil perhaps securing much
more valuable public lands elsewhere.
The socialist meeting at the Beaver
Creek hall was well attended, consider
ing the inclemency of the weather.
P. T. O'Connor was viBiting J. S.
Davis and family the first of the week.
Over-Work Weakens
Your Kidneys.
Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood.
All the blood In your body passes through
your kidneys once every three minutes.
i ne moneys are your
blood purifiers, they fil
ter out the waste or
impurities In the blood.
If they are sick or out
of order, they fail to do
their work.
Pains, aches and rheu
matism come from ex
cess of uric acid in the
blood, due to neeleoted
kidney trouble.
Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady
heart beats, and makes one feel as though
they had heart trouble, because the heart is
over-working in pumping thick, kidney
poisoned blood through veins and arteries.
It used to be considered that only urinary
troubles were to be traced to the kidneys,
but now modern science proves that nearly
all constitutional diseases have their begin
ning in kidney trouble.
If you' are sick you can make no mistake
by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild
and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy is
soon realized. It stands the highest for its
wonderful cures of the most distressing cases
and ls said on Its merits tr-rW-
by all druggists in fifty-
cent and one-dollar siz
es. You may have a
Sample BOttie Dy mail Home of Swamp-Root
free, also pamphlet telling you how to find
out If you have kidney or bladder trouble.
Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer
8c Co., Binghamton, N. Y.
Newly Furnished and Refitted
This Restaurant has no Superior in the City
Opposite Electric Hotel OREGON CUT, 0HEG0N
Call and See
Finest Wheel in Town
Jackson's Bicycle Shop
Sunday, April 6.
Usnil While the positive assertion
is made by members of the steering
committee at Washington that the ac
tion of that committee t iday in giving
the Philippine tariff bill right of way
ahead of the canal bill ii not against the
interests of the canal, th re are some
who bt-lieve that it has been a serious
blow to .he canal. Some members of
the steering committee have quietly
charged other members with having
placed the Philippine bill ahead of the
Nicaragua canal bill with the c el i berate
pnipose of defeating the canal measure.
This is denied, and it is asserted that
the canal bill shall have consideratioa
and a vote before adjournment. But
with an understanding- that the Cuban
reciprocity measure is to be considered
as a revenue bill, and that it and appro
priation bills are to have tbe right of
way, there will bo a long postponement
of the canal bill. A very prominent
member of the ateeuing committee said
today that in his judgment today's
course means serious antagonism to the
canal. Those senators, who are ear
neatly in favor of the canal assert that
they will do all in their power to pre
vent adjournment.
Later News.
A new railroad is projpeted
Grant's PaHS to Crescent City.
' he St. Louis World's fair will proba
bly be postponed until 1904.
R. D. Intnan declines to stand for
the democratic nomination for mayor of
Fighting between Christians and
Turks is reported in Northern Turkey.
Eastern manufacturers look to Port
land for locations.
President Roosevelt visited the Charl
eston expansion, and presented a Bword
to Uolonel Jenkins.
The Chinese exclusion bid is being
debated in the senate.
Job Couldn't Have Stood It
If he hid Itching Piles. The're ter
rihly annoying ; but liucklen's Arnica
Salve will cure the worst case of piles on
earth. It has cured thousands. For In
juries, Pains or Bodily Kruptious it's
the best solve in the world. Price 2oi a
box. ( 'me gn iranleed. Sold by U . A.
"K neighbor ran in with a bit tie of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy when my son was sufler
itig with severe cramps and was given
up us beyond hope, by my refill ir uhv
sioinii, ho stands high in tits profession.
After administering thr.-e doses of it, my
son regained consciousness and recov
ered entirely within twentv-fonr hours,"
says Mrs Miry Haller.of Mr. Crawford,
Va. This remedy is for sale by (i. A.
Fvir Over Sixty mr
Mrs. Winslow s Soothing Syrup
been used lor over sixty years by millions
ti; .: I is tor tlieir children while
itmhitig, will perfect success. It
Ks)lhos the child, softens the gums,
!!:- 'i'! pain, cures wind colic, and is
tlie'U-ei. remedy for Diarrhoea. Is
plea: ant to the taste, Sold by Druggists
In v, rv uait ol the World. Twenty-
rive ivilt.-. a bottle. Its value is inenlcu-
Hid U anted.
Sealed bids will be received for labor
and male'ial for two cottages by the un
dersigned until April 15. Plans and
specifications can be seen at residence
ol the undersigned, w ho reserves the
righi to rrjeet any and all bids,
Johkimi T. Lynch.
The Thrust of a Lanoe
is scarcely more agonizing than the re
current pins in the abdomen which fol
low the eating of improper food or too
free indulgence in ice water. The im
mediate cause of cramps and colic is
often the distention of the bowels
by gas. Quicic relief follows the use of
Perry Davis' Painkiller. Careful house
keepers give it tbe place of honor in the
family medicine chest.
Furnished Every Week by Clcaka-
mas Abstract & Trust Co.
D C Howell to E liidgeway, 118 as
in II C Brown elm in 4, 4 e 2000
J Ilarkins to J H Johnson, e 54 of
nw of nee 5. 2. 4 e 1000
0 & C It H Co to J Meyer, sw of ne
of sec 7, 4, 3e 200
F8 Hutchinson to II S Anderson,
2U0 as la W ui Arthur elm, 2, 3 e 4000
Sellwnod Ld & Irapvt Co, 95 feet of
lot, 4. tract 8, Ut Urove
J Myer to A Buol.s of ne of sec 7,
4, 3 e
W A Itathbone to O H Blocksom,
i of ne of sec 4,sw of nw, w 1-2
ot f w, sec o, 7, z, i e
N W Herman to H S Anderson, 1
as in Arthur elm, 2, 3e
H C Marquardsou to S Sham-
beck, 40.75 as in sec 27,4, 1 e. . . . 1500
D W Stanffer to J E Mitto, tract in
biui Q K 1 a
of v .. ... ........
C Sabel to F C DeBaw, lots 1 and
2, blk 28, Oswego
0 & C It It Co to J Cox, w 1-2 of
tie of sec 31 4, 4 e
Also se of ne of sec 31, 4 4e
J P Howell to R Koerner, blk 2
DurnaU'a Add to Oregon City....
J B Moore to C Loder, bHrH9 and
lots 3, 4, 5 and 6, blk 122, OC
A J Hobble to II F C M Cromer,
lot 4, blk 29, Bolton 135
L M Leland to II H Gregory, 100
as in elm 50, 3. 2 e 245
J li Bruges to 11 B Tanner, n 1-2
ot sec 25,4. 5 e
II B Tanner to W II Schuinaker,
n l-l ot sec 2o, 4 5 e
J W Loder to J B Moore, lota 12,
13 and 14. blk 6, Gladstone ....
F Buseh to R C Frost, e 1-2 of nw
of e 1-2 of sw of sec 2t 4. 4 e and
lots 7 and 8 of bloi k 00, Oregon
It Jonsrude to A Olson, e of s of
nw of see 13. 2,4 e
J A Jones to State, sw of tec 36, 5,
lie . . Valuable
M M Bingham to A Clark, lot 5, sec
25, lots 1 and 2 of sec 35, w 1 2 of
nw and lots 7 and 8 in sec 30, ex
cept 100 as, lot 2 and 20 as in sec
35 and w 12 of sw and lots 5 and
6 in sec 30, 2, 3 e, lots 1, 5,6, 7
and 8 in sec 1, ne of ne and lot 1,
sec 2 3, 3 e 5500
J L Uoork to P Roork, n 1-2 of ne
sec (i, 1, 4e
G 1'eeliM to J M Henderson, 40 as
in se.i 25. 1. 2 h 3300
Win Bramhall to X J Jones, sw of
fee 18, 1,5 o
J Adkins to It K Onghton, nw of
sw of sec 12, 4, 1 e
li A C .it liny to A A Reasoner, e 1-2
of ne of sec 25. 4, 1 w
A Hassock to J J O'lveane, n 1-2 of
of ne and n 12 of nw oi sec 25, 4,
K 1 l.ig-r to J .1 Lewis, 123 as in De-
Lashniutt elm
I) Kiiiiffiiian to 0 M Phillips, nw of
ne of see 14, 5, 4 e
C M l'eillips to M Clarke, nw of
ne of sec 1 4, 5. 3
R Koi-rner to T F Kvan, agent,
lot 8, blk 57, Oregon City
Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidneys
and bladder right. Don't delay. Ohar-
man & Co.
All Late Improvements
Neatest Wheel in Town
Strong and Durable -Satisfaction
Witliont Inrestigatins My Stoci
Foley's Kidnev ure if taken in time
affords Becnrity from all kidney and
bladder di eases. Chairman & Co.
A Ctiattanooga Druggist's Statement.
Robert J. Miller, Proprietor of the
Read House Drug Store of Chattanooga,
Tenn., writes: "There is more merit in
Foley's Honey and lar than in any other
cough yrup. The calls for it multiply
wonderfully and we sell more of it than
all other cough syrups combined."
Uharniau & Co.
Pneumonia is Robbed of Its Terrors.
By Folev's Honey and Tsr. It stops
the raeking cough and heals and
strengthens the lungs. If taken in time
it will prevent an attack of pneumonia.
Keluse no substitutes, unarinan is uo.
County Treasurer's Notice .
I now have u.oney to pay county war
rants endorsed prior to May 1, 1809,
and also road warrants endorsed prior
to October 1, 1901. It-terest will cease
on the wairants embraced in this call
on the date hereof.
. A. Loklling,
Treasurer Clackamas Co., Ore.
Oregon City, April 4, 1902.
Court House Block, Oregon City, Ore.
Tarm Produce mi Sbingks
takm in Gxcbangt
U(W Goods Arriving
Dally, at tbe
Fair Store
Valenciennes Lace for Ruffles, ic.
a yard.
Straight Front Corsets, 49c.
Colored Mercerized Underskirts
for 79c.
Nansoos Embroidery, ?c per yard.
Bone and Aluminum Hair Pins,
5c. per doz.
Pearl Shirt Buttons, all sizes, 5c.
per doz.
Ladies' Summer Undervests, 5c.
Ladies' Black Hose, 5c.
Ladies' and Children's Handker
chiefs, two for 5c.
Ladies' White Aprons, 15c.
Ladies' Ready Made Dress Skirts,
$1 .2;.
All Colors Satin Ribbon, 4c. a yd.
Tailor Made Suits, $7.75.
Girdle Corsets, 49c.
Torchon Lace, six yds. for 5c
Roast Coffee, - from 10c lb.
Good Geen Coffee, - per'Jb. 10c
Diamond C Soap, - 7 bars 25c
A m & Hammer Soda, - 8 lbs. 25c
Alaska Salmon, - - 4 cans 25c
Oysters, - - 3 cans 25c
Gold Dust, - per pkg. 18c
Cocoanut, - - per lb. 18c
Good Syrup, - per can 25c
750 g "-
n f
i .'
lU'sure and ash for Mrs. wins
gibing Syrup, ami take nootho
Better Than Pills.
" The ii'iv'S'ion hushc-ii asked "In what i
,-av Hi-e Omniberlain's Stomach and
fl ivcr Tablets supeiior to pills','" Our
.w,.r r: Tliov aro oa-ioi' and more
,, -hi' to take, more mil 1 and gentle
in etlec't mid more reliable aa tlioy can i
cm alwais be depended upon. 'Uu-u I
ti...v flon'tme and invigorate the stomach ,
-...I f tin tmviiM oi u on.. ...
lion, while pill" ,lr0
i. -. - . l "voir harsh in
,,,.' i often tollovvvd bv constipation
lir i'- ''J' l'- A. Harding.
A Raging Roaring Flood
Washed down a telegraph line which
Charles O. Kllis, of Lisbon. Ia., had to
repair. "Standing waist deep in icy
water," he writes, "jtave me a terrible
cold and coupli. It K'ew wors daily,
finally the bei-t doctors In Oakland,
Neb., Sioux City and Omaha said I had
Consumption and could not live. Then
I beifim nsinir lr. Kind's New IMsccvery
anil was whollv '"tired bv six bottles "
IVitivt-lv mi iranb'ed for Couuhs. Colds, !
and all Throat and l.nna troubles by '
G. A. Har,liu Price 50c and l.
'Tis Easy to Feel Good.
Countless thousands have found a
blessing to the boity in Dr. Kind's New
Life Pills, which positively cure Consti
pation, Sick Headache, Dizziness, Jaun
dice, Malaria, Fever and Aijue and all
Liver and Stomach troubles. Purely
vegetable; never iripe or weaken. Only
25 cents t Geo. A. Har ling's drug
Try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets, the best phsie. For sale by
O. A. llar.aiijj.
more harsh in ef-
I'ffect and tin ir
lor Infants and Children.
Ttia Kind You Havs Always Bought
The stockholders of the Farmers'
Cieamery Association of Barlow, Or ,
me hereby notified that a stockholders'
meeting will be held at Hoffman's hall,
Needy, Or., on the 12th day April 1902.
at 2 o'clock p. tn., for the purpose of ar
ramriptf for the sale of the property be
loneint: to the associati n.
.1. S. Yooru, Sec.
J. V. Yost, Vice-Pies.
Needy, Or., March ol, 1902.
mr s
ammxiCiiBnivi mum
You Want a Harrow!
Is an ideal tonic . It des
troys microbes and com
pletely eradicates dandruff.
Il de -troys the decaying
hair roots," stops hair t',tllhi
out and keeps it healthful,
soft and silky.
Fur sa'c by all druggists
Peg Tooth,
Spring Tooth,
BSisc Marrow
Bears the
Signature O
TlU'l'UK .V t'OI.l) IN OMi DAY
i Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
: All druggists refund the money if it fails
'tocuror K W. Grove's signature is on
e.vch bos. 2")o.
IIhs halt biHr:n8 tn tnra table-. Turns freely to
Iho wi-.il. RUt ik'ttrtug thrust tn whtt, in-airini? '
litftif-t rHnntmr miliiipn. 8 ml rorvinii sroatci
fi"iii!iil of tvuvi-r for pumoiniE, (ittlvaniz 1 afirr
uirtk'Utt i'ut MijctiuT with gfilvani.eti b;lts,
tt'tuhU1 n'lttfl, no p'irt run rut or Kt hoe it rut (
rUl Weight roulator; jtertect K'CuUttion. No j
jprinu to chanKt tension with nv.-y chance of I
temncnunrtv an t crow weaker wits -v- R'nirs
tihviiytion h;viiii. Thfe ttiini are wurth money
jO you. Then vhy not ly a Star. j
The Most Durable and Efficient are made by
Later you will want an Osborne MOWER, RAKE,
It will cost you nothing to examine
the fine complete stock of
Andrew Kocher, Canby, Ore.
Mitclisil, Lewis & Stavev
Courier-Herald and Pacific Homestead $L