Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, April 11, 1902, Image 1

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19th YEAR, NO. 47
Largest Convention in the Hi tory
of Clackamas County '487
The citizens coiventioi on Tnesd.iv
was composed of 2H7 delegites, inde
pemlentv iters from the re publican, demo
cratic, populist Bin) socialist parties.
The delegates to the. convention laid all
party feeling aside, ami put up the bet,
ticket possible. The. candidates on the
legislative ticket as especially strong and
a marked conira-it 'o the two or three
"good fellows" on the ring ticket. The
ticket can be voted by the most consci
entious citizen or strict party m -in with
out any doub'. It is a move toward the
reduction of the taxes and county ex
penses. A sketch of the 'candidate will
be pu1 lisbed next week. Following is
a detailen J t oi t of the proceedings :
- r
. i .t. h
'it i
tilt'. V
Citizens Candidate for Sheriff.
Senator George W. Grace, of Oregon
Representatives Charles F. Clark, of
Clackamas ; Gilbert L. Hedues, o1 Ca
nemah ; 0. W. Easthnm. oi Ori f on 1 ity.
Judge Elmer Dixon, of Oregon City.
Sheriff J. E. Jack, of Oregon f ity
Recorder L. E. G'ozer, of Barlow .
Clerk EH. Cooper, of Carus.
ABiessor-' William Johnson, of Da
rn aseus.
Treasurer A. Lnelling, of MiWaukie.
( ommii-sioner Charles W. RU'ey, f
Kurveynr A. M. Kin hem, of Viola.
Coroner Dr. J, VV. Powell, of Oiegor
('liainiinn VV W Jesse chIImI meeting to orrW..
('oldiii'l R a Miller mid W W .h'SSH mentioned
or tempm'tuy otiiiiimmi nnd (leclii'ed.
Harvey i Sui'kweHther was uniininn usiy
elpcti tl chHiimall
O W linMmis, O D Ilolibinn, Klmer Dixon, Frank
Killing, L Funk and V F Young wore iim ntiMifil
and si! declined except L Funk mid V K Young,
who wi-re tiolh made Becreliirie,
Committee on credentials :
J P Loveit. G W Grace, Charles P Tallmai,
George Knlghl and 'J L Turner.
Committee on order of business:
CN Wait, Ileury Uans, E Bites, E ECharma'i,
D C Ely. '
Committee on platform, one fort aih
Abcrncthy H E Cross.
Heaver urepR ira ugaen. ..n.u,.
' Bull Bun H McGugin.
B'lrlnic J 8 Birdsall.
Canby -Jolin Bany.
Catiemah 0 L Hedies.
Clackamas 0 F Clark.
Canyon (,'reek-L P Williams.
Dnniascus H Br, (thanpt.
liagle Creek 8 A Douglass.
Gartield K Bates.
GeorgB F Kath
Harding (I D Knbblni.
Highland Q R Miller.
Killcn O V Owliifts
Macksburg John Abbott,
ilanle Lane a a Kenny.
Marqnain (ieorge Ogle.
Mnlaila O W Kobbins.
Milk ( reek H Hard.
Milwaukie T R Sellwood.
Needy I J Binelnw.
New Era William Hcerdt.
Oregon Oily No. 1 H C Stevens.
Oieuon City No. 2 a W Cheney.
Oreiton ( iiy No 8 li Ulxoti.
OMWeiro J Mines Coon.
I'll asait 11111 J Ba er.
Poda Springs-AV Rnasell.
Sprlngwater-S H Raney.
Tualaiin J M Turner.
West Oregon City-Ira Jones.
Viola-DC Richardson,
Uuion M M Crissell.
Adjourned till 1 :30 p. m.
The committee on credentials reported
that the following delegates were enti
tled seats in the convention :
Aberne'hy J T Apperson by H E Cross prniy.
0 Jones, B A Flaga'da, Charles Llresay, John a ' P't-yanc .u. n,,Hulu,
Ruillugs, R a Miller.Henrv NachHiid H Salisbury ! ment of a committee on platform, and
b R A Miller prosy, E F K.nnedr. M E Croia,
John Kent, David Close. 1
Barlow V W Jesse.Jaenb Yost, L Grazer, John
Andrews, a B Widdows, D 0 Freeman.
Canyon Creek VV E Garrett, L P Williams, B C
Palmer, U SDix.
Clackamas W Johnson, C F Clark, R B 11 ol
comb, W W smith, a Robinson, W a Mllls.G
Hatierlach, W Wilson. SJiJone., Frank Foster,
W Fullerton, John Gaflii.
Borings J M Poe by J 8 Birdsall proxy, 8
Hiekev by J S Birdsall proxy, A Hertz by J 8 Bird
sail pr'cxv. J S Birdsall.
BeavtrCreek-F Kamrath.Thomas Pnrry.lf Shan
non, D Roberts, James Shannon, Wlllium Martin,
Ira 0.tileu. , ,
Cantmah E E Kellong, Joseph Painter, W C
Ganonp, W Follemshee by G L Hedges proxy, L
Feaater by G L Hedges proxy, G L Heduea, Wil
liam Clint Cole bv 1 M Umg.
Canbv C N Wait, Charles Rath, H C Gllmore,
C T Bates, Georee KniRht, L B Burns, James Ad
kins by C N Wait proxy, John Bany, B Fan ton, L
Kigss, O Sturgta.
' Damascus-H Brelthaupt, F Bates, J Tonsr, W
H Johnston, T Schmidt by H Bitzan, A ilale,
Charles Royer.
Eagle Creek Charles Cassaday, James 0 Linn,
8 A Douglass, Noah Stingley, J B Linn, A D Bur
nett, Joe Brackett.
I Garfield-E Bates, Ed Crawford, C Krlgbanm, J
Krixbanm, William Oatneld, E Bates by proxy.
oeorgo-F Raih by iiaua Kliuker proxy, lians
(Continued on page 7.)
Deh gates to the State Convention
And Central Committee Elec'cd,
And V e Carrtid to Join
v Citizen MovdtwHt.
Tti)ty-two precincts and 101 dele-
pates were represented at Clackamas
cmiiity den ocratic county corventiou
Monday. The vote fir joining in the
citizens movement with the independ
ent republicans and populists t place a
comity ticket in the field, was carried
by a vote of 77 to 23. The story wsb
jnveii out at republican machine head
quarters Saturday nipht, on an alleged
leli phone mehSKie fiom Barlow that no
delekrates were elected to the demo
ciatic or citizens convention from thai
plate, Mackeburu or Needy, but enthu
siastic delegations came from these
place. It is alBO a noticeable fact thai
there was far less disci rd exhibited than
Ht the late republican convention. Even
thohe who were opposed to torming a
combination with the citizens move
ment were still enthusiastic for the
democratic organization.
The convention wan called to order
soon after 11 o'clock in the Redmen's
i.'wiiwani by County Chairman Robert
A. Miller, who Tefaced. the proceed
ings with a few timely remarks. On mo
ion of Henry Hedges, of Barlow, C. N.
'Wait, of Canby, was made temporary
chairman. J. E. Jack, of Oregon City,
was marie temporary cheirnian, and
l W. Robbins, ol M alalia, assistant
-ecretary .
Onmoiionof Ira Jones a cc remittee
ol live was appointed on credentials, and
the followinu were named : Ira Jones,
nl Wert Oiegoii City ; C. V. Ganoti)?, ol
Caiieniah; George Knight, of'Canby;
,1. A Turner, ol Tualatin, and J. 1.
l.ovett. of Oregon City.
F. 0. Sealon, of l-'arlow, moved that
a committee of five be appointed on cie
dectiuls, bnt another motion puvailed
to postpone the selection of this com -mil
tee until ihe aliemoon Fession, when
the credentials ci nmitttee shall, have
ii. ade Ibeir report. The convention ad
jnutried until 1 p. m.
The conniittee on credentials re
port d the followirg enlit td seals in the
Ahermtlij-H C Pslisl tiry, Duvid Cloue, F.I
Kdllng, Henry Kachnml. Joe Kri nulip, by J R
1 alouretle jirdxy Jehu Keni, Gtorgc ZiuEerling,
Ki lieit h Miner.
Barli w Henry HidgeB, J Reuck, F 0 Seaton, J
W ( 'ovey.
Canbv James Adklns t y LptI BIggB proxy,
Geoige"knight, C S Wait.L P Burns, Uiarles
I I Bill UJHti U UMIIV-U, A J.U J-unj, "
Iledees. 1
t - v n w f m ht T ,.iw, W L
ClH(kmse-W W Smith und W Wilton by O
Ilaheilaeh projcy.G Hnberloeh. .1 W Bennetl,Joha I
Gaffnej and L D Johns by J W Bennett piexy. i
WiBt Origon( lty-E Mats, Ira Jones, Jetlerson
Phuw In Mspa prexj. W lenty by K Mass
pi' iv, W R Resin, ,1 Cai'mai k I'S Irn Joins proxy.
Killin B R 'lailor, J A fciui.ii n b s R 'I ay
lor ii xy, W M Lun n.
Hi asant Bill W F young bj J Baker, H Baker
tiv J Baker.
'Oiegon City. No. 1-K D Killy. F A Miles, TP
Cowinp, Chn'riis Nohliti, J K Jack, George W
Gii ce b T ( i vii;g pn . L 1 tieei iih.
Oregon City No 2-C WKelly.W K ('aril, H J '
Huniing by 11 K ha) man pr Ay, P Finntucan,M
P Hiiuan, J P lovett, Ptivid Caufleld, J K:
Hedges, a 1. Bestie hv Charles W Kelly proxy.
Oirgnn City o. 8-Geerge Pnrsilul, R B Beutle,
M JiiHin, fc Phl.ion.W I) Mnfloid. !
VnriUan: Jel.n t eiiner by-liurion Jiek pit v,
A PJi.ik ly Burton Jnik im;, JiVn DntheR ly
BaiinnJnek pn xy, h J ltitlings by hafti.ii Jack
proxy, Barton Jaek. i
Meceburg j n uajy, J J orauie, jonu
lliiiins, A 1) Gnhble.
!i It Lt:iu A A Kenney, .1 It Vjen,, J B Jack
fiiiii by J R Myers pruy.
NeiOy o w JVdiiint, r A pi nniancii n , l J I'g
O W Ki:
mill Y- rv fun er l.v (' W i li 1 lit 1 liiXV
Milk Ciw k-JiiiiHti AI itl In LI , -Ileiideishotl, E Ij
iniltiltger; .lolui ftluivnn .
Molalia WO Yi.ii!ln. C V Adrms, G W.My
ers. J V Mb nis. I) I Ball, Charles Hauphcriy by
G V Ac an.s proxv, .hum a lia'v. Flunk Winsiuw
hv 0 W Hi'bl iiis 'i. sv, (1 V liebbins. ,
'Om.ijo-ii Keix'y.10 J llusaell.J lliekller b E
J linssi il. W L Pans l.y 11 W Hi lwy.
Tiuiliiiin Kiaiik f-h'uip, J A Turner, Charles
Vieli-A M Kireheni, DC. i( hardsell.
I nuiu M M Ciissell. Sydney rahsni.
West i ' ri fjon t iiy K Mass, lrn Junes, J fferson
Shan , M Claiioy, J P Bevai s, W R Ream, J Car
maek. 1 l
i,' k- i. " . t :ll'K'' f ' 'j
' 1 f I ' ' I
,,' . . f v
'-J...;Al.wi., 3-hiLl.ii.,.,; .......
Oilizens Candidate for Coroner.
Chairman Wait announced the follow
ing committee on order of business:
F, O. Seaton, of Barlow j J. K. Gri fa
ble, of Macksbnrg; J. E Hedges, of
Oregon City; J. W. Bennett, of Clacka
mas, and J. A. Turner, of Tualatin.
A motion prevailed for the appoint-
an amendment carried that vv . it
Vangban, of Molalia, an interested
spectator at the convention, be made an
honorary member of this committee,
and its chairman. Following was the
personell of the platform committee:
W. H. Vaughan, of Molalia; C. W.
Kelly, of Oregon City ; E. J. Kussell, of
Oswego; L. W. Kobbins, of Molalia;
John Gaffney, of Clackamas; Barton
Jack, of Marquam .
Four of the members of the commit
tee on order of business presented a ma
jority report, which provided for th) re
port of the committee on platform, elec
tion of delegates to the state convention,
nomination of county and precinct com
mitteemen, and the nomination of
county and distiict officers. J. E.
Hedges, of the same committee, pre
sented a minority report, which was
substantially the same aa the majority
report, until the order of business was
reached, which provided for thenomina-
tint! rf nnllntv ntfw'Ol-a
Here the minor
I ity report substituted the word. "Ad-
journment." Both reporta contained a
provision for making the temporary oi
ticers permanent.
Chairman Wait announced that it '
was customary to vote on the minority j
r. nm I. . fi i fit iiurl full-fl fnl rolTiarkll on I
. . . V.. V . u., v ... .
; . j . i .. T t) I
itsmi rnsanu iiemeriis. i . r. ijuveii
0. W. Ganont'. T. 1. Cortina. I. L.
Turner E. D. Kelly and J. E. Hedges I
presented stroiig arguments in favor of i
the niinniitv report, w hile W B. Staf
ford, Henry Hedges, J. K. Gnbble,
l. - ii
itizens Candidate for Treasurer.
r 0. He i ton and Frank tharp spoke in
opposition to the minority report 'the
!tter lnvored the nomination ot a
straight deini cratic ticker. C. 'V. Ga-
nong said while lie favored perpetuating
the democra' ic organization, it would
tie folly lo in minaie a ticket. He had
aeo-pteil inntv hoimou'io'is when not a
word wat- urged atrB i i -t h s r.-cord, yet
he onlv li ceivi il h mnl i vote. p, .1).
Ki Uy bad been a dem crat when Ort-
uon vmis a teiii' . rT, tin believed in i
electing a eonnty c ulinl coinmntee and
delegates to the state c.iiveiiti-n, and;
the nomir.ation ol a straight democratic i
ticket ; btr the county ticket was purely
a local affair. Sonn-i binjj must be done HI
to rid Cb'Ckamas c unty of its great in- jL
debtedness and exees-ive taxation. The 6
deniocr its connot lilt the burden alone. K
Mr. K hv niaite an enriiest, eloquent ISi!
plea. Mr. Ganong also spoke oi the !
reckless extravagance of the county
board ol commissioners.
The minority eport of the conven
tion was adopted by a vote of 77 to 23.
The committee on platform submitted
the follow ii g, which was unanimously j g
1 ,
4 t
E. H. ( 001V.R.
Citizens Candidate for Clerk.
"We, the democrn's of Clackamas!
county, assembled in convention, sub
mit the following:
"We believe in the old Jeffersonian
maxim of equal rights and exact jus
tice to all, and special privileges to none.
"We also adhere to the principles ad
vocated by Jefferson, Jackson, Samuel
J. Tildenj and such other illustrious
democrals, and we therefore condemn
the action of the republican party in
fostering the inteieet of the powerful
truns at the expense of the people of
this county, miking the rich richer, and
the p or poorer, and it is the duty of
the people to rise in their might and
protest with their ballots to overthrow
this condition of affairs existing in oi r
"We condemn the extravagance of
the republican administration in the af
fairs of this county ."
The platform was received with great
The following delegates were elected
to the state convention:
E. Ma-s. C. W. Ganong, Dr. W. E.
Carll, A. W. Cheney, E. D. Kelly, Colo
nel Robert A. Miller, W. 11. Vaughan,
J. K. Gribble, Dr. R. B. Beatie, C. N.
Wait, A. M. Kirchem. E. L. Tmllinger,
T. L. Turner.
The following precinct committee
men were elected by their respective
delegations :
Maple Lane, W. O. Dickerson.
Milk Creek, D. L. Trullinger.
M'ckburg, J. K. Gribble. ,
Molalia, U. L. Vaughan.
Marquam, Barton Jack.
Viola, A. M. Kirchem.
AbernethyJohn Kent.
West Oregon City E. Mass.
Needy, C W. Noblitt.
Tualatin, Oharles Thompson.
Oregon City No. 1, E. D. Kelly.
Oregon City No. 2, Mark Chapman.
Oregon No. 3, Matt Justin.
Dr. 11. B. Beatie, was unanimously
elected chairman of the county central
committee, and a vote of thanks was
extended to Colonel Robert A. Miller,
who very creditably filled the place of
chairman for the preceding four years.
When You Go Into a Drug Store
to get a bottle of Painkiller, examine it
carefully to see if it is made by Perry
Davis, and don't be persuaded to take
something "just a good" because it is a
few cents cheaper, there is only oi.e
Painkiller "Perry Davis.'"
Large bot-
tea & ana oUC-
i, a i oi,
, , 'vit . . t
' ;
i - ' r. 1
I , , j-k
' e IuVt'- - Racine-vIs.
1Fj ''WAa..UI.an,'
in a wagon, every time you break down it costs you money
'.,5), thougn the manuiacturersrepla'ce the broken
We also carry a
Write us for prices
postal card and may
This Trade Mark on the side
of a wagon box is a guarantee
of excellence and high grade
quality in the construction of
this wagon. If yours does
not have it on dispose of it
and get one that has as you
cannot afford to run any
chances on the material used
f U, tm mSm'iM 'irnli iVilPm Ml lll'i 1 11?1 1 fi'iX'fT
full line of Buggies and Spring, Wagons.
and everything you need, it enly takes a
save you dollars.
Placing Your Money
No money spent in building is so wisely placed as that
which you pay for good doors and windows. We invite atten
tion to the assortment of our well made stock. Many great
economies will be revealed by a visit and critical inspection of
exceptional offerings throughout the entire store.
Misrepresentations of any kind are not permitted in our
store, if we advertise one door 2 feet 6x6 feet 6xi thick we
will not send you one that is dressed down to iji inches, it will
measure one and one-half inches and cost only $1.35 at that.
We guarantee our prices on windows to be as low or lower than
any factory in Oregon can sell.
Artistic Wall Paper
There are many works of art in our
stock of Wall Papers, We think we have
some that are prettier than any ever
shown before.
Better Colors.
Better Weights.
Better Proportions.
Better Prices.
See if there isnt one here that just suits
Price S cents per double roll. Of
I course we have higher priced paper.
Here are novelties made to our order
in exclusive designs. In the magnitude
and variety of these Lace Curtains, in
their artistic excellence and in their un
usally low prices we present a sale that
will be profitable and helpful to you in
draping and adoring yoiJr home. Fixing-up-time
is met by unusual offerings.
Lace Curtains per yard 10c.
4Wi ;
The mechanical con
s t r u c t i o n of the
Climax Machine
makes it a great
pleasure, because of
the ease of operation
and the perfect work
it does.
Price $20 and pay
as you please.