Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, April 04, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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Noting l hereby given that Albert Engle and
Clarence Kngle have been duly appointed by the
Cirunty Court of the Ktate of Oregon for theOoun
ty of Clackumas, administrators of the estate of
Samuel Kngle, deceaaed. All periwni holding
claims agalntt the said deceased or his estate are
hereby notified to preaent them, duly verified
with proper Touchers tothe (aid administrators
at the office of Hedges A Griffith. E;.qi., in Oregon
City Oregon, within six months from the publica
tion of this noticet
HbdgesA Gbifpith, Ci.abenck Kholk,
Attorneys, .Administrator's of the Kstate
lof Harauel Engle, dece .fied.
In the circuit ccurt of the state of Oregon, for
Clackamas county.
Hitneim May, plaintiff vs. Amy May, de
fendant. To Amy May, the above named defendant,
In the iiHine of the state of Oregon, you are here
bv requin-d tu appear and answer i he complaint
filed against you, in the ahove entitled suit and
court, by April 19, 1902, and if you fail to answer,
for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply for the
relief prayed for in his complaint filed herein,
namely, a decree dissolving the bonds of matri
mony existing between plaintiff and defendant
herein and the custody of the minor child named
Painless, Dentistry
By new methods we are able to produce this most beautiful and
durable of all dental work without the least pain.
In plaintiff's oomplalut.
his summons is published bv order of the Hon.
T. A. McBride. judge of the above entitled court,
duly made and filed March 6, 1902. The data
of the first publication of this summons being
March 14, 1902, and the date of the last publica
tion hereof April 18, 1902.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
5- y "k
Figure 1 shows a mouth where the four (nelson hare
oeen extra ted, and the two cuspids (eye teeth); crowns de
ttroyed to the gum line, showing the cuspid roots prepared
to receive a brluge.
In the countv oourt of the state of Oregon, for
nminl ct Clackamas.
...Citation to bein and parties Interested in
' PTnthe matter of the estate of Wm.' D. Bedford,
'V' deceased. ' '
To Mrs. Flnegan or Flanegan. John Bedford,
T. Bedford, 0 V. Bedford, and to all others un
known, and interested in said estate Greeting!
In the name of the slate of Oregon, you are
hereby required to be and appear in the county
court of the state of Oregon, for the county of
Claokamas, at the court room thereof, at Oregon
City, in the said county of ClaekamaB. on Mon
day, the 1th day of April, A. D. 1902, at 10 Vcioek
a. 'm. of that day, then and there to show cause,
if any you have, why an order should not be
made by this court, allowing Asa Hawkins, the
administrator cf said estate, to sell the northeast
qi.arter of section 14, township 4 south, range 5
east of the Willamette meiidlan in Clackamas
county, Oregou, eccordlng to the petition on file
for that purpose.
Witness, the Hon. T. F. Byan, Judge of the
county court of the state of Oregon, fur
Seal the countv of Clackamas, this 28th day
of February, A. D. 1902
Attest: E. H. COOPER, Clerk.
H . E. CROSS, Attorney for the Estate.
Figvre 2 repreveut the hMrir r ady for adjustment
lu the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for
Clackamas county.
Martha McFeely, plaintiff, vs. Geoige McFoely,
defendnm. , . . , .
Mi Fnelv. the above named defend
ant: In the name of the state of Oregon, you are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint filedagain"! von in the above suit by the
12th d y of Ai.nl. 1902, following six consecutive
weeks' publican . n of this uoiloe. and If you fail
to so appear i.nd answer, for want thereof, the
plaintiff will take a d cree against yon a prayed
for in he oompiaiiil, lo-wlt: lt, a decree dissolv
ing the bonds of matrimony exisiing be ween
..,in,i.l ,lMfn.lui.t- 2d. that plaintiff have all
hei costs and disbursements in this suit; that
i,,i,,Hfr ..,vi imi'b other and further relief as the
matter of this case may require and as to the court
may seem Just and equitable.
This summons is Bervea uy oumi j -
nre of an order made by the
T. A. McBrido,
rtf tha ahnve.pn titled court, made and en.
nn th o!h dav of February. 1902, said or.
der providing that publication be made in the
Courler-Herrld, and that the first publication be
made o h me ann oay oi i eoruo rj,
Attorned fur Plaintiff
Notice 18 hereby gl
I tne
riven that tne undersigned.
amini.tratnr of the estate of Polly Union, de.
ceasjd, has filed his final report in the couniy
orurt of the slate of Oregon for Clackamas county
as administrator of said estate and the court has
fixed May 6th, 1902, at the hour oi lu o cioca a.
m ,of said day ss the time for settling said estate,
- naran having anv nbipction thereto are here-
bv noHHed to appear at said time and place and
such objection will he nearo Dy me "'
Admiuistrator of Said Estate,
GoepchE Hates,
Attorney for Estate.
Dated. March '20, 1902.
Figure ni.uisents
placed in position.
the case afler the bridge has been
3 fC?i
Figure 6 shows the less of two npper teeth, the six year
molar and the first bicuspid. The bridge above is attached
by an open face gold crown over the' second bicuspid,
and a bar which extendi into a cavity of the adjoining molar.
Pltare shows the bridge aaohared In poiltloa.
Figure I shows a root vita
crown ready to attach. It if
folly to extract a root when
it can be crowned and ad
a uneful aa aver.
Figure 10 is a month that ha lost all the Wh bnt fonr
the two eutplds and twomolara; they are ahowu ua
for a full upper bridn.
Klirure 11 shows the bridge eompleta, taady to place In
position, as ahown In figure 10. , , . ,
Figure 4 It is useless to wear a plate in the mouth when
4 bridge can be attached to a few remaining teeth and roots. (
rigor f represents a full let of teeth on a gold plat.
Figure 8 illustrates a case in
which the lateral incisor has
been lost and the central incii-oi
Crown destroyed. To this ro .t
a crown has tieen fastened mi
a tooth has been soldered to
the crown to fit the inte'sj.ai e
left by the lost lateral iueiaor.
iVi w
Flf ure 12 tYivs Ihe bridge tr t'scp, nalnral as life!
DR PICKENS whose life has been devoted to the study of the Dental Art, makes a specialty, not of robbing the mcuth of the teetV
still left for service, but of building up a full set (painless) from the teeth and roots which afford sufficient basis for crown and bridge work.
He is prepared to do all kinds of work pertaining to the dental profession and guarantees the same for five years, at the very lowest prices
consistent with first-class work. v .
Teeth extracted absolutely without'pain by a new and harmless- method, applied to the gums. No gases or poisonous cocaine. I his
is the method now being used by the leading dentists of Chicago and New York. ...
Send for illustrated book on "Dental Bridge Work of To-Day," , It will be mailed to you free of charge, and will explain so thoroughly
the system that you will urderstand it as well as the dentist. '
Dr. L. L. Pickens, Dentist, Barclay Building, Oregon City
Good Literature
Notice Is htreby given that the undersigned
i... ...nninul hv the countv court of the
Slate of Oregon, for couniy of Clackamas, admin
istrator of the estate of Margaret Jane Uaumann,
deceased, All persons having claims against
said estate are hereby required to present them,
properly verified, to the undersigned at the othee
Si his attorneys. Hedges & Griffith, in Oregon
City, Oregon, within six months from the date of
the first publication of this "tll'epArMANN
Administrator of the Estute of
Margaret Jane Baumann, Deceased.
Hkpoes & Gbifhth,
Attorney for Administrator.
FirBl Publication March 21, 1U02.
The Northern Pacific is not
ed among railways for its
advertising matter. Its
A Imot- pamphlets, folders, booklets, etc., are
J "r x.xlI10Sl taateiully gotten up and are valuable for
what . thev contnin. Here is a partial lict
XT 4-1 ot whllt MK- CHAS. S. FEE, eneral Passenger
JOtlllllS Agent, St. Paul, Nlnn., will Send out, carefully
c5 mailed, upon receipt of prices given. Any combi
nation can he made, and money or express orders, silver or stamps will be
accepted. This is a fine opportunity to obtain (food descriptive reading
matter for little or nothing.
Wonderland 1901
An annual publication, beantifullv illustrated In color and
halftone. This number treats particularly of the history of Send
the Northern Paeino's Trademark, the Custer Battlefield In Six Cents
Montana, and the Yellowstone Park.
Miniature Wonderland
i not nnri dnintv Tmlil iri Ion containing a complete history
1 i'Heinc iranemarK, rne aruano covers oi ,-wiiu
nf the Northern !
the Wonderland, l'JOl are used in miniature.
Four Centa
In the Circuit Court, of the State Oregon, for
the County of Clackamas.
Kniuia Gtllham,
v s.
X. W. Glllham.
ToT. W, Gillham, Defendant.
In the name of the State of Oregon; You are
heicby required to eppear and answer the com-
. .7, In tiiu ntniVH entitled SUjt
and court, by May 3. 1902, and if j ou fail to answer,
for v"M thereof, ihe plaintiff will apply for the
relief prayed for in his complaint filed herein,
namely, a decree dissolving the bonds of ma.tn
moiiy txisling between plaintiff and defendant
herein and the custody of the minor children
named in plaintiff's complaint.
'Ibis sum mora is published by order of the
lion. I hos. F. Ryan, Judge of c'liVI
t 'lnkaroas county, duly made and filed March 27,
l'HW 1 he date of the first publication of this
summons being March 28, 11)02, and the date of
the last publication hereof Mav 2,
attorney for Plaintiff.
Notice Is hereby given that the nndersigned as
administrator of the estate of R. L Russell, d
ceased, Iia nled his final report with the county
aonrt of the state of Oregon for Clackamas county
andthet said conrt has set the 5th day of May
19, 2 at Ihe hour of 10 o'clock a. m , for the hear
ing of said report and objections thereto, if any
there bo, at which time all persons interested are
required to be present. ttolMFA
Dated this 27th day of March, I'M.
Wild Flowers from Yellowstone
A book of pressed wild flowers from Yellowstone Park,
Bhowlng the real flowers in their natural colors. A dainty Send
and beautiful souvenir ten specimens of flowers and six P.fty Cents
full page illustrations of Park scenery.
Yellowstone National Park
A new 112 page book In strong, flexlbij covers, good paper,
plain tvpe, lllnstr ted. pocket size, a compendium and Twenty-flva
descriptive of the Woi Id's Wonderland. Cents
Climbing Mount Rainier
An illustrated pocket-size book, 72 pages, in strong, flexible Send
covers, printed on heavy paper, descriptive of an ascent of Twenty-five
the highest peak in the United States outside of Alaska of a Cents.
glacial nature.
JJf-lL AND....
Each Package of PUTNAM
FADELESS DYE colors more
goods than any other dye and
colors them better too. Sold by
C G. Huntley.
Fitting Spectacles and Eye Glasses
By Up-to-Date Methods.
Examination Free, by PHILLIPS, The Optician
The Iowa Jewelei, 293 Morrison, near 5th
stare. 25 Doae Ki.
At all (bug
Wabash Niagara Falls Short Line
4 Through Trains Daily from Chicago
4 Through Trains Daily from St. Louis
4 Trains Daily from Kansas City
- TTrtr irr?H.TT' Reclining Chair Cars (fre P"Uman Palace Sleepers
JtlLUIr lVlElN 1 Dining and Cafe Cars on all tia.ns. Tolite train
man Pfirfor.t roadbed, shortest bed and quickest time. Tourist cars Mondays
and Thursdays; W hours Chicago to BoBton.
' C. c. CRANE, G. P. & T. A., St. Louis, Mo
And Points Beyond.
Friday, March 28.
Simonites The Multnomah county re
Stay publican convention, at
Out. ,ii8 adjourned meeting
yesterday, completed its
lint of candidates for county and city
offices. A majority of she Simon dele
gates refused to participate in the delib
eration, but Hied a long protest againHt
Ihe ac ions and metliodn of ihe majority.
A few minor places were left vacant,
and will be nlled by the central com
mittee. The Washington county republican
convention elected teven anli-Geer and
five anti-Ueer delegates to the state con
vention. The anti-Simon legislative
ticket is D. M. C. Gault, of IlillHboro;
B. F. Purdy, of Gaston, and Dr. Charts
Mines, of Forest Grove Senator
Mitchell asks for large appropriation for
Oregon rivers, and narbors Sena
tor Patterson criticised Funston's
methods in catching Aguinaldo.. ..
A presidential message recommends
provisions for diplomatic and consular
representation in (Juba bdwaril
Hugland, a railroad section foreman at
Westport, shot at three men, missing
them, then killed himself.
Saturday, March 29.
Fo Senator Turner today
Columbia . i u nl betore the com
Eiver. merce committee in con
gress the plea from Ben
ator neitlelu lor an increased appropri
ati'm for improving the Columbia be
tween The Dalles and Celilo, and for the
Upper Columbia and Snake rivers. The
Idaho senator urges the early construe
tion or tne canal to attord an open river
to the sea, stating, that the improve
in e nt is worth an inestimable amount to
bis state, and will open up an extensive
area oi productive country.
The Benton county republican con
vention declared lor Geer, and John D
Daly was renominated for state senator
Clatsop countv republicans
inRiruci ior me renomination ot Van-
bar for secretary of state, and renomi
nate fultou tor state senator
It lias teen ascertained that the late C&
cil Khodes left the bulk of his fortune
except some personal and familv be'
quests, to the promotion of his vast im
penal plan or education. This nroiect
embi aces every land where the Union
Jack flies. Jts purpoee n the intellect
uai Deuermenr oi ine lintisli race
throughout the world, and the fosterin
of the imperial sentiment Huh-
sia has agreed to the evacuation of Man
churia Wireless telegraph sys
tem to De established between arm
posts in Alaska... The Simon
forces plan fusion with the democrats in
Multnomab. county Over 80 car
goes ot Portland wheat now afloat.
Examined For halting young women
uin a on tf.e cuipua and exam1
Feet. ining their feet, nine stu
dents of Missouri univer
sity have been dis-iisned and the names
of others are being secured with a view
of similar puniHhmetit. The girls were
on their way to a banquet in the aca-
i.. -..!; nr-i jrv!T '.ik trs'iirren. Tli
students, bent on kidnapping as many
f the male guests as possible. A num
ber of the latter disguised themselves as
girls iu order to pass throutth the line.
One young man thus attired was identi
fied us he stepped into the light of the
main entrance. The mob tore his silk
o tatters and dragged him away. After
lis. the besiegers were suspicious, and
aa the guests apuroached, those who
were gnls, or appeared to be, were
ailed and made to thrust forward their
et for examination, Nearly all sub
mitted to the ordeal with surprising
good nature.
' " Monday, March 31.
Worshipeis Pittsburg, Pa., aa
Injured". struck by a gain which
unrooftd many bonnes
and injured a larjie number of pui le,
some of whom will die. Four churches
were partly demolished, and manv of
the worshipers in them were hurt Mill
elaoks, trees and oil derricks were
blown down and telegraph and tele
phone wires disabled. The struck other
sections of the country, and consider-
able damage resulted.
The loss in Tennessee by the recent
floods is $4,000,000 The rail
way bloekfc.de in North Dakota is worse
than ever Hanna's alleged candi
dacy for the presidency, seriously
alarms Roosevelt's f-iends N ih-
ing has come of the Boer pence negotia
tions James R. Garfield, Bon of the
late President Garfield, has aciepttd
the position of civil service commis
sioner tendered him by President
Roosevelt. He lakes the place to be va
cated by April 1st, by William A. Ro
denberg The world's conference of
the reorganized church of Latter Day
Ruinta, which will convene at l.amoiu,
la., April 6th, promises to be one oi the
largest gatherings of the church ever
held. Among the ministers and dele
gates already arrived are nil the mem
bers of the quorum of the 12 apostles, oi
whom Gomer T. Griffifths comes from
England, and there are several from
other important localities.
Tuesday. April 1.
The senate will take 'id Nicaragua ca
nal bill alter the disposal of the Chinese
exclusion matter...... House commit
tee favorably reports bill for 20 per cent
Cuban tariff reduction .. . Roosevelt
refuses to honor Hanna's request for
pardon ot Kathbone Rogue river
oichardists are flghsing fruit pests ..
Much distress among natives at Cape
Nome The March grain ship
ments from Portland were over 1,100.
000 bvshels .... Portland Street Rail
way Company raises wages of employes,
and decides on large improvements....
Multnomah delegation will caBt its vote
for J. N. Williamoon for congrees.
Multnomah county delegation declares
for Furnish, and he will probably be
nominated for governor in the republi
can state convention Congressman I
Tongue was renominased for conaresg
by acclamation at the district cotiveu-
lon held at RoBehurg. In the fccond
district republican convention held in
Portland, J. N. Williamson, of Prine-
ville, was nominated by acclamation.
. Sixtv thousand Chii.eee are in re
bellion in the southern provinces. Plans
are being made for the reorganization of
the Chinese armv ihe JNew
York court cf ipftU decides that
strikes are bv Mayor Campbell,
of Tacima, is . h c.:ed by a iiood niajor-
Tl nrsda , April 3.
State The state republican
Republican convention met in
Nominations. Portland yesterdey,
and nominated a full
state ticket. Geer withdrew from the
race for governor, nnd L. L. Porter re
ceived oidy 49 votes for utate printer.
He wai nominated by Senator BrownelL
Multnomah county received all the
Clackamas joint nomipaiiona. Follow
ing are the nominations:
Governor, W. J. FumiBh, of Uma
tilla county
Supreme Judge, B. S. Bean, of Lane
Secretary of Slate, F. I Dunbur, of
State Treasurer, 0. S. Moore, oi
Attorney-General, A. M. Crawford,
of Douglas.
State Printer, -J. R. Whitney, of
Superintendent of Public Instruction,
J. II. Ackerman, of Multnomah.
No. candidate for United States Sena
tor received endorsement.
Sunday, March 30.
Democratic Democratic members of
Policy. the senate committee on
Philippines yesterday
agreed on a substitute for the Philip
pine government bill to be oll.ired by
them. It provides, subject to provis
ions which are set forth, that Ihe Uni
ted States shall continue to occupy and
govern the archipelago 'in til the people
thereof shall have established a govern
ment, and until sufficient guarantees
have been obtained for the performance
of our treaty obligations with Spnin, and
for the safety of these Inhabitants who
have adhered to the united states, and
for the maintenance and protection of
all rights which have accrued under the
authority thereof. A constitutional
convention is provided for, the mem
bers of which are to be selected Dy vo
ters who speak and write English, Span
ish or any of the languages oi the archi
pelago. This convention is to number
300 persons, and is to meet in Manila
not more than a year from the cessation
of hostilities In the Islands. This con
vention is to proceed to form a constitu
tion and organize such government as
they may deem best adapted to pro
mote the welfare and secure the peace
and happiness of the inhabitants of said
islands. Provided, that said conven
tion shall provide by an ordinance, ir
revocable without the consent ot the
United States.
The Danish official statement denies
that bribery was used in the purchase
of the Danish West Indies Miss
Ellen M. Stone, the returning captive
miasionaiy, is resting in London, and
crowds go to see her. She states that
the Turkish authorities took stringent
precautions to prevent a repetition of
the kidnapping The Lane county
delegation elected by the republican
convention yesterday, was given no in
structions for governor. Dr. William
Knykendall was lenominated for state
senator, and L. T. Harris for represen
tative. J. M. Shelley and I. N. Ed
wards were the other representatives
nominated. The legislative di legution
will boom L. T. Harris forBpeakerof lie
house, and is instructed to lubor fur the
enactment of a low making 3 cents per
mile the legal railroad fare in Orc'ii
....Pension Commissioner Evans will
resign, and accept a foreign mission . . .
President Roosevelt favors a stronger
exclusion law than that now in (re;
he also is against state control of water
and irrigation Wasco county
democrats held convention yester lay,
and nominated a complete enmity
ticket Umatilla democrats nomi
nated Dr. C. J. Smith for stale sen tor
Raker Li"n and Yamhill
Ten thousand miners are on a strike
In the Altooua district of Pennsylvania
Two thousand setilerB passed
through St. Paul yesterday. Demo
cratic conventions were held in several
Oregon counlies yesterday. Hon. M. A.
Miller, of Lebanon, was nominated by
the Linn county democrats for Btati
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money tf it fulls
to curer E. W. Grove'i signature is on
each box. 25c.
The surest and safest remedy for kid
ney and bladder diseases is Foley's Kid
ney Cure. Charman A Co.
Cbronlo Bronchitis Cured.
"For ten years I had chronic bronchi
tis so had that at times I could not
speak above a whisper," writes Mr. Jo
seph Coffman of Montniorenci, Did. "I
tried all remedies available, hut with no
success. Fortunately my employer uug-
gested that I try Foley's Honey and far.
I 8 effect was almost miraculous, and I
am now cured of the disease. On my
recommenation many people have used
Foley's Honey and Tar, and always with
satisfaction." Charman & Co.
A Hurry-up Medicine.
Every housekeeper recognizes the
need of effective remedies to be used in
emergencies; when something must be
done right away. Such a remedy m Perry
Davis Painkiller, for sprains and bruises,
for strained muscles and for the aches
and pains resulting from blotva and falls.
Its mission of mercy began sixty years
ago. It is used in all countries. There
is but one Painitillor,Perry Davis '
ROS& C CLINE, P. C. P. A., Los Angeies. jbuilding wa"s urrounded by a mob of j counties all instructed for governor.
Statu of Ohio, City ok Toi.kdo,) as.
Lucas Countv, j
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that'he
is the seni'.r partner of the firm of F." J.
Cheney A Co., doing business iu the city
of Toledd.c iiinty and state aforej.il,und
that saip firm will pay the n of ONE
HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and
every ease of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by the use of flail's Catarrh Cure.
Fhank J. Chknky.
i A. W. Gleahon,
t Notary Public. ',,
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally
and acts directly on the blood and mu
cous suif.icea of the system. ..xiid, L,t
testimonials, free. -'a
F. J. Ciikni v t'o.
iol - hi, O.
t'fyCT'$ohi bv Dnvrg'ftit, 7Fc,
Hall'g Familv Pillf ere ti e ). si.