Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, April 04, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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, -it'
An Appeal to Populists.
A bv Btematic effort U being made to
"work" the populists in the interest of
republican machine in the coming cam
paign, it is actually ludicrous to see
the deep regard and tender solicitude
, for the populists, expressed by the same
republicans, who, a few short years ago,
could nna no words ol contempt iitiong
enough for he "Coxevites" and who
carried a coffin representing "Populism''
through the streets of Oregon
City, after their victory in 1894 and
went through a mock burial service; re
peating the same performance after the
November election of"189G, despite the
tact tuat the 1 opulinU, after all the
abuse and ridicule heaped upon them
had i-p.l tjieir opponents a magnnnimoiiB
exan.ple by al silutely refusing to make
any public demonstration after the
sweeping victory in June. But. now
comliiions lmve changed. The Populist
8tate committee very unwisely, as many
of us believe, disbanded the party and
this yery fact will be used by the ma
chine heelers to make it appear that
there is an effort being made to turn the
populists bodily over to the democratic
organiz ition.
"The democrats have swallowed you"
will be thrown at populists in allopathic
doses during the next fr w months This
is nonsense and no thinking man should
be influenced thereby. No party can
swallow ut if we do not desire to do the
Jonah act; No doubt the democrats
would welcome such an addition to their
ranks; bo would the socialists or prohi
bitionists; so would so immaculate an
organization as the Brownell party in
this county, but it is for us, not for
them frisay if we shall be "swallowed."
If ttie populist party is dead even that
is no excuse for its members to go over
to their worst enemy. There are sev
eral honorable causes of action open to
us. If we think that Hrvan democracy
is radical enough for ub and believe that
the element represented bv Bryan, Alt
geld and Tillman wi'l control the future
fiolicv of the pirtv, as against, the Oleve-Hnd-Gorman
wing, then the way is open
for us to voluntarily ally ourselves with
that- .party.
If on the other hand we have no faith
in the eflicacy i f the measures proposed
by the Bryan element or feel sore that
the party is to be Ulevelandized, w can,
if we can agree to their somewhat exact
ing demands, join the siHtialists; or we
might reorganize t.pu populist parly or
ownize 1 nig ihe lines of the new
"Public Ownership Party," which
headed by Lee Meriwether made such a
splendid showing in ti e St. Louis niuniC'
ipal elections. While something could
be said in favor of each of these plans
there is another slternative and it is not
the one desired by the Brownell nia
chine.Ii'n not necessarythat we belong to
miy party? Would a thousand or so in
dependent voters be a bad thing for the
county. If no party suitB us we need
not, out of sheer pervlsity rush to the
most corrupt one of the lot. In the pro
poBed independent movement e will
meet with the major portion of the dem
ocrats and wiih many of the best and
ablest of the rank and file of the repub
licans; meet them not as democrats and
republicans but as independent citizens
Who desire to promote the general wel
fare of the county and who object to the
boss rule which puts up nominations as
so much merchandise on the auction
block and promises places on the ticket
two years in advance and occasionally
even deliver the goods. Knowing that
these corrupt methods have disgusted
and alienated many of the republican
voters, the machine is endeavoring to
recoup from the ranks .of the democrats
and populists. The republican county
plitform with it populistic and social
istic planks is a direct bid for Popu.ist
support. But who is gullible enough to
believe that the republican machine is
sincere for insiance in the demand for
n income tax? Through some over
eight an endorsement of Mitchell's vole
for the ship-subsidy bill was omitted.
This is to be regretted for it would have
made splendid reading in connection
with the anti-trust plank. Another
omission was tlieftilure to endorse ei
ther UhriHtian Science or the Keely
cure. It is to be hoped that all these
little defects will be corrected by the
next election and that the machine plat
form can then be "expanded" to include
every plank of every platform ever pro
mulgated by any party. But seriously,
all the buncombe should deceive no one.
The republican party under the pres
ent owners! ip has had charge of this
county for years; wj know the result; if
we like it, well and good, if not, we know
how to rid ourselves of the incubus.
Thereare half adozen ways to log and but
one way to win; that is through an in
dependent ticket, supported by all who
desire a belter county government.
Ant don't forget to begin at the primar
ies ou Saturday, Apr. 5th.
Molalla, Or. Gko.Ooi.e.
For SocUilism.
TomyFrllow Oitizknb:
Having been se ected by the Socialist
party of this county as one of its nominees
for representative, it becomes my duty
to discuss with you, the p lluical ques
tions that so earnestly concern every
citizen in the republic. I recognize the
dilliculty of trying to persuade men to
investigate new changes in government,
and to notice the effect of hu di change
upon themselves. I teali.e that in time
of political excitement, man is prone to
he guided by his passions instead of his
reason. But, nevertheless, we should
not be deterred from doing our duty, nor
be disappointed should we (ail to con
vince our fellowmau. It is better to
have worked lor the cause ot humanity
and failed, than not to have worked at
all. Thereare times of deep concern.
One class of men and women, struggling
on iu hopeless toil, surrounded by cir
cumstances that emit no ray of hapoi
ness and another class of men and wom
en, indulging In the delights ot life, and
reaping all the benefits of human soci
ety. The one class are the laboring
ueu and women everywhere, the other
class are the millionaire capitalists.
You may arrange w rd In ways to
t ruth appear in different uniforms, but
arrange as you may, there are only two
classes ot people on'the face of the earth.
Those who raise the food (or the human
race, thoee who make the clothing and
those build the horaej are the essential
Biemiers of the one class, and those who
do nothing but lav plans to ensnare their
fellowman into slavery, are the princi-
lien of the other. The content!
is now on. and it rests with every citizen
in every land whether laboring men and
women shall have their natural rights,
or whether the men and women who
toil not shall continue to hold tl em
In bondage. This is the struggle be
tween socialism and imperialism.
Either the people who produce every
thing, must take the government into
their owu hands and govern themselves
to their own advantage, or the "trusts"
will take the governments and use them
for their benefit. I regret that it is im
possible for me to canvass our county
and talk to the people directly, but be
ing engaged to teach a term of school, it
is my duty to serve those who have en
gaged. I shall at some future ti e dis
cuss the merits of our county platform
and also the orinciples of proportional
representation. Kespectliilly,
Robert Ginther.
IP Ren's Referendum Joy.
Ever since the delegates to the repub
lican convention begun to arrive in Port
land last week Hon. W. 8. U'Ren has
been giving all his time to interviewing
the delegates ttnd getting friends of the
initiative and referendum to talk to
them and show good reasons why the
conveniiou should put a plank in the
platform eudorsing the constitutional
amendment for di.ect legislation. The
plank whs written by Hon. Geo. H. Wil
liams and offered in Ihe convention by
him After that Mr. U'R n and Senator
Brownell devoted their entiie time and
attention to the committee on platform
and succeeded in getting a unanimously
tavoraDte report, and the plank in the
platform reads: "Weaie in favor of the
proposed amendment to the state consti
tution providing for the initiative and re
ferendum, and recommends its adoption
by the people of the state."
Mr. U Ken says he has the asturance
of many leading democrats that
the democratic state conven
tion will also endorse the amendment,
and he believes it will be adof ted by the
people Dy a large majority in June. He
has worked a lung time for this reform,
and in times past some of his enemies
have said he is not sincere, but his faith
ful, persistent and never ceasing work
for this reform, and above all, his suc
cess up to this time in getting the favor
able consideration of all classes and all
parties, and their public endorsement
must convince even his worst enemy
that he has been in earnest from the
start. This endorsement bv the repub
licans has put new life into all the
friends of this great measure, and up to
date there seems to be no open opposi
tion. l it, is lost it will be clearly be-
CMtiscMthe people do not want power to
make the law even in important cases.
For Over Sixty J ears
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has
been used for over sixty years by million!
of mothers for their children while
teething, with perfect success. , It
soothes the child, softens the gums,
allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is
the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Is
pleasant to the taste, Sold by Druggists
in every part of the World. Twenty
five cents a bottle. Its value is incalcu
lable. Beeure and ask for Mrs. Wins
iow'sSoothing Syrup, and take noothe
The stockholders of the Farmers'
Creamery Association of Barlow. Or.,
are hereby notified that a stockholders'
meeting will be held at Hoffman's hall,
Needy, Or., on the 12th day April 1902,
at z o 'clock p. m., lor the purpose ot ar
ranging for the sale of the property be
longing to the association.
J. s. i oder, Sec.
J. F. Yost, Vice-Pres.
Needy, Or., March 31,1902.
"A neighbor ran in with a bottle of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy when my son was suffer
ing with severe cramps and was given
up as beyond hope by my regular phy
sician, who standi high in hU profession.
After administering three doeea of it, my
son regained consciousness and recov
ered entirely within twenty-four hours,"
says Mrs Mry Haller.of Mt. Orawford,
Va. This remedy is for sale by G. A.
A Chattanooga Druggist's Statement.
Robert J. Miller, Proprietor of the
Read House Drug Store of Chattanooga,
Tenn., writes: "There is more merit in
Foley's Honey and Tar than in any other
cough syrup. The calls for it multiply
wonderfully and we sell more of it than
all other cough syrups combined."
Uharman & Co.
An Epitome.
Of policy on life of the late Edwin R.
Kimble, of Portland, Oregon, bookkeep
er for Studehaker Bros. : Policy, No.
70,282, issued June 2, 1890. Twenty
payment life. Died Dec. 8, 1901.
Amount of policy $5000.00
Dividend accumulation 018.55
Total paid 15618.65
A return in dividends ol 33 per cent
of premiums oaid, besides the $5000 in
surance. This company settles with its
policy holders each year and issues the
most liberal policies.
Mora' : Get the best from the Massa
chu etts Mutual Life Insurance Com
pauy. Hubort G. Colton, Pacific
Coast Manafer, Chamber of Commerce
Building, Portland, Or.
AmiuB W. Cl ithikk, Special Aent
Maple Lane Orange,
Mrs. Hiward. secretary of the SUte
Grange, visited Maple Lane Grange dur-
ing its session on' Saturday. Seven
members were initiated in the fourth de-
gree, one was balloted on, and live ap-
pleations for membership were read by
ttie secretaiy. Mas subordinate grange
expects that during the year it will reach
if not exceed a membership 0( 100 . As
soon as Mr. Josi his closed the pur
chase of the Myers farm, which he in
all probability will be able to do, he will
Bell the Mtple Lane Grange one acre at
the junction ol the two roads for a hall.
Join the Grange!
Notloeis hereby given that the undersigned
hu ben appointed by tlx county court ot the
state ol Oregou for the county ot Clackamas, ad
ministrator of tli eaute of J. harty Paulkiittr.de
ceaanl, All persoua baring claima anaiusl aaid
eataie are hereby notitlnU to nruaeul Uw aame
properly verified, al tbe offloe of attorneys.
Hedges t liri tilth, in Oregon City, Oregon, within
tlx mouths from the Unit publioaUou of this uo-
Administrator ot the Filiate of
J. Karly Katilkner, Deceased.
First publication ou April 4, 112.
The churches were crowded with ap
preciative auditors last Sunday, and the
Easter services were unusually im
pressive. The decorations were tasty,
and artistically arranged. A number of
elegant spring hats were in evidence,
and there were a few elaborate cos
The Presbyterians do not make elabo
rate preparations for the Easter festival,
as do some of the other churches, but
there was a large attendance, and the
sermons were fittingly appropriate to
the resurrection event. The choir did
excellent work in the evening, and in
the anthem, "I am the Resurresction,"
Chester Muir acquitted himself very
creditably in the bass solo.
The decorations at the Congregational
church were aided by he addition of
Bix dozen call a lillies, the gift of Mrs.
R. M. Sprague, of Sant Cruz, Calif.
The morning sermon was oi especial in
terest The praise servic in the even
ing was under the direction of Mrs.
F. F. White, the leader of the choir.
Herbert BeBtcrw, of Portland, for many
years a member of the choir here, sung
several solos. Miss Mary Conyers, a
new member of the choir, sung in a
pleasing manner Shelley's "Resurrec
tion." A vervcreditable Easter offering
for the benefit of the choir, was raised.
The decorations were up to the stand
ard, and the pastor preached an appro
priate Easter sermon. .The Sunday
school program in the evening was of
unusual interest There were eongs
and anthems by the choir, class BongB,
and a solo by Mrs. R. C. Ganong.
Other numbers were a duet by Perrin
Latoorette and Cliffoid King, a recita
tion by Robbie vard, Mrs. Williams'
story recitation bv Gera'.dine McOown,
and the address by the past ir, Rev.
J. H. Btaven. .
Rev. W. S. Grim, the pastor,
preached a special sermon in the morn
ing, and an excelled, Suuday-.-chool I
program was presented in the evening, !
and the choir sung several iiHiiiljers,
and Miss Imogen H.irding snii th
"Resurrection." Among ihe numbers
on the interesting program were recita
tions by Maisie Scott and Mrs. E. J.
Maple, and a number of sacred soiig se
The usual impressive several Easter
Sunday services were conducted at St.
Paul's Episcopal church bv the rector,
Rev. P. K, Hammond. The feature of
the decorations were iv and calla lilies,
the latter the gift of Mra. Norman R.
Lang. The flowers were grown in Cali
fornia. The music was in charge of Virs.
J. P Keating, and excellent ruusiotl
programs were rendered, including fes
tival chants, etc. Miss Miry Conyers
sung thb offertory solo, "The Resurrec
tion." The offering amounted to $125,
a gratifying Bum.
St. John's Catholic church not only
observed the preceding Holy week, but
Easter services were specially impress
ive. The Easter services of the Catho
lic church are of special significance,
and deeply impressive. There was a
large attendauce of the members of the
parish. The choir did extraordinary
good work, which was highly appreci
ated. .
The services at this church were un
usually impressive and interesting. The
following ciaas of young people was con
firmed : Minnie Rakel, Henry Walte
mathe. Alfred Klemsen, Anna Bittner,
Martha Bauman, Lizzie Strohmeyer,
Minnie Klemsen Herman Treichler,
a member of ttie class, was unable to be
present on account, of illness. The
Lord's supper was celebrated, and there
was a special sermon, and singing and
recitations by the pupils of the Sunday
Rev. A. A. Enuelbarc pleached a
special Easter sermon at Ihe morning
service, and was greeted with a large
audience. The Young Peoples Alliance
had charge ot the evening service, and
among the numbers was a quartet, by
Mr. and Mrs. G Grosanbecker and Mr.
and Mrs. il. Halmeyer; another quar
tet, by Mfsses Huldah Montanke and
Freda Zinslering, of Parkplace, and
Misses Helen Stropling and EUa Sum
merfeldt. Carl HarriBberger played an
appreciated instrumental solo, and
Henry Brant gave an entertaining lec
ture on the object and purpose of the
Y. P. A.
Heat and Cold Raise and Lower ttie
Great Structure.
The engineer of the Brooklyn bridge
states that the variation in the height of
the-center of that structure in summer
and winter is three feet. 1 his is due to
the expansion of the wirea by heat and
their contraction by eold.
The same law of expansion and con
traction, influencing the sensitive wires
of the piano, is the chief cause of that in
strument getting out of tune
In the construction of the Kimball
piano these conditions have received the
careful attentiou and judgment of ex
nerts trained in Eurooe and America.
The result is an instrument that wiil pre-
sent the greatest resistance to the vari-
ation of tension caused by changes of
temperature. Consequently the piano
standing in tune as perfectly as human
ingenuity can devise in the Kimball
The grand piauo purchased of the
Kimball company by Mme. Eames in
1805 for Paris home is an illustration.
The instrument made the long journey
from Chicago to that city and arrived in
perfect tune. Appreciating this remark
able fact, Mme. tames concluded a
recent letter to the tirm directing the
shipment of a second piano for her castle
at Vallombrosa, Italy. "It also has the
i marvelous quality of keeping in tune."
County Treasurer's Notice.
I now have u.oney to pay county war
rants endorsed prior to May 1, 1899,
and als road warrants endorsed prior
to October 1, 1901, Interest will cease
on the wairants embraced in this call
on the date hereof.
A. Ll'KI.I.INli,
Treasurer Clackamas Co., Ore.
Oregon City, April 4, 1902.
Maple Lane.
These few days of bright weather is
Lgiving the farmers a . chance to get their
spring commenced, reach and plum
trees are in blossom, and prospects are
for a large ctop of fruit. .
The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Beard,
Mrs, McArty, with ber husband and in
fant arrived last week from Wisconsin.
They expect to make their home in the
George Keller and wife, of Dodge, Or.,
stayed over night with G. F. Gibbs and
family last week.
Edith and Jessie Jackaon attended
the dance at Carus last Friday night.
Clarence Mallatt, who ia staying with
Mr. Emert, was quite badly hurt yeter
day, being kicked by a mule. Two of
his ribs were dislodged.
Mim Olia Jackson is much delighted
bv the giJt of a pet lamb by her aunt ,
Miss Lottie Samson.
The pie social at the school house was
a success socially.
Pansy Blossom.
Beav.-r Crvek.
The basket Bocial at the school house
last Friday night waa well attened.
Mr. and Mm. J. Bolander.of Portland,
attended the E inter service at the Ger
man Congregational church.
Miss Blanche Holden's school closed
last Friday Many visitors were .res
eat at the closing exercises.
Mrs. Kirk and daughter, Arta, were
guests at "Shady Bro k Farm" one day
last week.
Andrew Weidner has not sol his
farm as waa reported last week.
Miss A. '.Davis was a visitor at the
home of Mr. rod Mra. G. . Davis last
Henry St aben's Land is somewhat
belter. Lady.
D. 0. Richt rds baa the contract of
painting A Kirchem's house.
Aug a; u ii k is ou the sick list.
J L. Juidock waa down from Macko
burg on business. 1
jrs. Wilcox is at the home of her
daughter,. Mrs. F. Murdock, cause a
bouncing big boy. Congratulations,
frank 1
M. Kircht m is putting in fome board
Af. Austin intends taking his daugh
ter with mm today. Tie desination is
not known.
Notice citizens primaries I If yon
have any favotite measures to come
before the people adopt your planks at
the primaries ana by eo doing assist
the platform committee. L. F.
We have had three good days in
March Good Friday, Saturday and
Easter Sunday.
HamlB have gone to work clearing up
grounds for a cook tnuee, bunk bouse
and a barn where the new electric power
bouse ii to be built.
ti. B. Sarver was visiting Hugh Cur
rin the past week. Mr. Currin has just
returned from Idaho, where he had been
for bis health. He thinks he was bene
fitted some and is going back soon.
Frank Gill is going to Eastern Oregon
to teach a school he has engiged about
five miles west of Dufur.
School was suspended for a few days
last week on account of the teacher hav
ing neuralgia.
H. G. Palmateer h s gone to Portland
to see the doctor again, but he will be
back again in a few days.
A party was given at the home of D.
A. Junes last Saturday evening. Tbe
young folks leport having had a very en
joyable time.
J. Woodle, of Eagle Creek, was in
Garfield last week seeing what the pros
pect was for organizing an Artisan lodge.
Look out (or a remonstrance, Joe, as
no'hine new must come this way.
It seems as the more the road super
visor is talked of, the more incumbent it
is for the citizens to nominate a candi
date for that position. The present
road supervisor should have been nomi
nated by the republicans, but they never
give a nomination to a man that does
rood work. Although Mr. Duncan is a
hne young man, we minx ne lacas ex
rjerience. What would be the matter
with the nomination of Krigoaum?
The surveyors, who have been survey
ing for the railroad lo where the electric
Dlant is to be. goes back Tuesday to be
gin to survey for another line. We have
been informed that the line already sur
veyed was a one-per cent grade.
George Ely, of Ourrinsville has been
quite sick with la grippe, and he is just
able to walk a little now.
Tast Gnouqb
Without allowing your hair
to become prematurely gray.
faiKii's Haik Food nourish
es and strengthens the hair
follicles, preventing prema
ture grayness and promoting
a luxuriant growth of soft
and silky hair.
For Ml by all druggists
Hu ball tmringb In ton table. Turns freely to
the wind. Ball bearing thrust in wheel, insuring
ttghest running qualities, and reserving greatest
amount of power for pumping. Glvsnised after
making. Put together with galvanized bolts,
double nutted, no part can rust or get loose and
rattle. Weight regulator: perleot legulation. No
spring to change tension with every change of
temperature, and grow weaker wit ve. Repairs
always on hand. Thesa things are worth money
to you. Then why not bay a Star.
Mitchell, Lewis & Stave? Co
Portland, Obkgon.
Newly Famished and Refitted
This Restaurant has no Superior in the City
' !
Opposite Electric Hotel
Call and
Jackson's Bicycle Shop
Court House Block,
Tarm Product and Sblngks
taken in exchange
Roast Coffee, - from JOc lb.
Good Green Coffee, - perlb. JOc
Diamond C Soap, - 7 bars 25c
Arm & Hammer Soda, - 8 lbs. 25c
Alaska Salmon, . - - 4 cans 25c
Oysters, - . - 3 cans 25c
Gold Dust, - ' per pkg. J 8c
Cocoanut, - - per lb. 1 8c
Good Syrup, - per can 25c
You Want a Harrow!
j Peg Tooth,
The Most Durable and Efficient are made by
Later you will want an Osborne MOWER, RAKE,
It will cost you nothing to examine
the fine complete stock of
Andrew Kocher, Canby, Ore.
j Courier-Herald and Pacific Homestead $1.75
Wheel in Town
All Late Improvements
Neatest Wheel in Town
Strong and Durable
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Oregon City, Ore.
iwab ! !
Spring Tooth, or
Pise Marrow