OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 1903. Oregon City CourlenHerald By A. W. CHENEY Stiteit i In Oregon Cttypostofflceaa 2ndolaBi matter SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Pild In advance, per year 1 60 31 it months 75 T ireo mimlhs'trlal 25 fPThe date opposite your address on tile Diner denotes the time to which you have paid. M this notice is marked jour subscription is due. OREGON OITY, APRIL 4, 1902. In sang froid Russian diplomacy is eqinl to any emergency. The Bear will n t ti'iten the irrip of hi sjnws ort north ern C.iiua until the weather of inter national polities is morn propitioas. England has spent a billion dollars on the Hour war and her casualties are over iOt) 001 men, according to the latest rpport. It is very evident that old man Kruuer knew his business when he epo'te of the price England would have to pay. Alsnta Journal. Tub Cliicago Record-Herald says that Justice Brown's deduction "seems to be tbaf while they (the Philippines) are part of the United States, they may be legislated against as though they are de- nied the right of a foreign countay to re taliate." The people of Astoria have contributed $1000 foi the relief of the suffering Boer women and children confined in concen tration camps io the Transvaal. Most of this sum as contributed by those who have suffired the toiraentsof Brit ish oppression. Am, the anti-trust legislation by the several states has been declared uncon stitutional by the U. 8. supreme court on the just ground that it was not im partial. A corn or cotton trust must be placed under the ban of law as well as a steel or kerosene trust. Uncle Sam spent last yearon his Phil ippine war $a),000,000. While the profits on Ametican trade were a little over a million, the product of the war, 38r)4 dead Filipino "reb"ls," costs over $23,000 per corpse. The American soldiers killed or converted into lunatics do not enter into the account. Statistic prove that under identi cally the same circumstances almost the same number of murders, of suicides, of thefts, or of marriages take place within a certain tiff.e. MuBt we then consign the dogma of the freedom of the human will, so much cherished by doctrin aires in speculative philosophy, to the "limbo of the lost?" Ckcil Khodkb, the South African Co lossus, lies dead in his Cape Town borne at the age of 47. lie did not live to gee the end of the war, so costly in men and money to the English people, which he precipitated. It probably hastened his end, for he doubtless saw that in his scheme of empire-building this was a moHt terrible mistake. However, he bequeathed a billion dollars for instruc tio i in (llritish) empire building. In the state ot New York farm values have decreased during the past ten years 50 per cent. The cun petition of the vast areas of virgin soil in the West, most of it given by Uncle Sam to the settlors, has produced this untoward re sult, "lltrd times," says the Chicago Tribune, "in the face of peace and plenty betray a detective social economy, and the progressive business organization of today exe nplifie 1 in this country, cor t liuly pro nis to make against their re currence " ' This jingoes of London are much amused with the description given by Sergeant Faisli, recently returned from South Africa, of his h inging four B6ers accused of breaking their parole; but the side-splitting part of his story is the "pretty .fcene" in which the wife of one of his victims sees him learning hanging beforehand with an old anvil. The shooting of the Boer Commandant 8chcepers in South Africa, while a rol licking tune wai being playad by tho band, is, to the mind of the British jingo, an lnimirom an incident as can be in) tgitied. All of which goes to show that the jing ), Biwr-biting proportion of the population of "merry England" is as mercilessly savage as their forbears were 2000 years ago. Enolikd is oouetrained to borrow 25.000.000 to Cover a deficit. The South African war has put a severe strain on her military reso urces. The chairman of the meeting of the stock holder, of Lloyd's Bnk h eld in London t snort time ago, saia : y ho wuuhi nave thought when they met in 1900,when the country was just emerging from the critical st.'gesof the war, and fancied they saw the end approachlug, that two years thence it would still be dragging onT Who would have thought that con sols, who stood at 9S,', a drop of 13 from what they stood at exactly twelve uniitbs previously '.hey ha J even baen higher than that could possibly fall to 91, the point at which they stood in No veraber last? Or who would have thought the cost of the war would amount, as it assuredly would, to one third as much again as the whole sum of XISS.OOJ.O.H), whicd was paid ofTthe national debt during the sixty-three years of her late Majesty's reign?" ... - - i j . t.iiri. li t POL1TIVA L-WfTPX Primaries April 3rd and 5th. both. Attend The republican county convention stole a large share ot tho "thunder" (or its county platform, but the citizens con- vention will have no trouble in finding more for its platfi rm, and will go it one better ,md pledgj its candidates. Charles F. Clark, of Clackamas, Charles N. Wait, of C.tnby, and an Ore gon City man, would make a strong leg islative ticket. These two gentlemen are good speakers and fighters and are capable of making a good cauvasa. Mr. Clark is also mentioned in connection with the senatorial nomination and is an able man and capable in every way to mak-i the canvass. L. Grazier, of C tnby, is mentioned in connection wUh tUe recorder's ollice on the citizens ticket. Don't fail to attend the democratic primaries on April 3d and also the citi- zens pnmaues on April 5th. You can attend both and represent your preciuct in both conventions. The democratic convention meets April 7th to elect dele gates to the state convention. The citi zens convention will convene the follow ing day, April 8th', to nomiuate a county ticket pledged to reform. II. Breithaupt and Boone Johnson have been mentioned in connection with the office of county com missioner. Both reside north of the Ciackamrs where the commissioner should come from. S.J.Vaug'ian.Charles Noblitt and Mark C lapinan, of Oregon City, and William II. Johns n, of Eagle Creek, are men tioned as good candidates for sheriff. In the republican convention Dr. Smith, of Eagle Creek, stirred up quite a mess by his resolution endorsing Geer, and ior a time clogged the wheels of the machine, but it bad been well oiled and the obstruction as soon crushed. The state tax of Clackamas county is nearly $31,000 this year. If commission ers were a little more careful it would be much less. We are pleased to note that the agita tion of county matters by the Courier-Herald nas resulted in the turning down of J R. Morton when be came up for renomination in the republican con vention. However badly the convention wanted Morton, renominated it knew it would be suicidal after the publicity given to the mismanagement of county affairs under present rule. You never board of the Enterprise ferreting out anything the overburdened taxpayer objects to". It never kicks un less its graft is curtailed ; then you hear a howl. Ex-County Clerk Elmer Dixon is spoken of in connection with the nomi nation for county judge. ' Deputy Sheriff J.E. Jack will no doubt get the nomination for assessor on the citizens ticket. His experience in the sheriff's office gives hliu a clear un derstanding of what the people demand in regard to assessments. The nomination of County Clerk Elmer Cooper and Treasurer Alfred Luelling are conceded by all. George Chamberlain, of Portland, will no doubt be the democratic nominee for governor and his chances for election are Brut-class on account of the scrap in the g. o. p. in Portland. The citizens platform should contain a plank pledging a radical change in the deputy proposition, as that seems to be the "thorn in the flesh" of the majority of taxpayers. Tlmt Machine Ticket.. To the Editor: So the most humble citizen of the county won id take the state senatorship for a third terra if the good people see fit to elect him? And the machine ticket went through by dipping one cog in the gearing. That was when the wrong man slipped in for assessor, They will restore the county judge to the commissioners' court, if te doesn't die wf old agrf before the time comes round. Very magnanimous aren't they? But the best joke of all was the offer ing of taffy to Dye and Rands in the 8m,,e 0f recommending them as candl dates for joint representative and sena tor respectively, when they know as well as tbey know that election day comes in June that both those candi dates belonging to the adjoining county, Multnomah . And didn't our honorable joint representative two years ago have to sign away his birthright, bo to speak, before Multnomah would accept him? And that time the candidate rightfully belonged to this county. J. S. Yodkh. Needy, Or., March 31. Jfih Wanted. The undersigned will receive sealed bids for the construction of two eight room cottages until Saturday, April 5th. Plans and speculations at law office of 0. D. & D. C. Latouretie. Right to reject any and all bids reserved. Dan Lyons. AHettfl ffce Citizen Primir The Committee appunted by a mass meeting of citizens to call a citizens con vention tnkes this occasion to urge all good citizens to attend the citizens pri maries, which will be .held on Saturday, April 5th, at the usual voting places throughout the county. Come out to the primaries and show the bosses that you refuse to be whipped in line for the purpose of boosting into office the can didates of a political ring. Tho9e candi dates are simply the creatures of this political ring, and the mass of the peo ple have no voice whatever in their se lection. You are only asked to take the county business in your own hands. Vote for state ami national officers of whatever party yon cho se, but name your own county ellicer. This is the way to solve the problem of our unreasonable taxa tion. The primariewill be held at 2 o'clock p. in. Voters will assemble at the vari ous voting places and elect a chairman and secretary. This chairman and sec retary will furnish the proper creden tials to delegates chosen for the county convention. The number of delegates apportioned to each precinct are given in the call for a citizens convention published in this paper. W. W. Jesse, Chairman of Campaign Committee. O. W. Eastham, Secretary. CITIZENS CONVENTION DELEGATES. It is suggested that one member from each precinct delegation elected at the citizens primaries on April 5th, come to Oregon City the evening before the citi zens convention. The sentiment of dif ferent parts of the county can be ascer tained in this way and much time saved that would be wasted at the convention next day. , Will some one from each delegition make it a point to come in on the eve ning of the 7th with this in view? W. W. Jesse, Chairman, O. VV. Eastham, Secretary. Tlie Way They do It In Klilln Pre cinct. The republican primary election of Killin precinct was called to order by a Brownell appointed chairman who an nounced the only business of the meet ing would be the selection of the dele gates to the county convention. The macbiue slate was pished through by being grafted on to a particular road boss candidate whose nomination was much desired but could not be accom plished without swallowing the ma chine slate of delegates. An attempt was made to adjourn the meeting be fore any other action could be taken but there chanced to be one sturdy Ameri can present who finally succeeded in of tiring in the form of a motioti some instructions to the delegates but one of the delegates elected flaity refused to be instructed, and the precinct boss. 'think ing the motion could be voted down, got up and gave the boss-appointed chair man permission to put the question. Think of these methods, Americans I For the want of a little education, hon est and intelligent men rob one another of their political rights just as men once robbed one another of their cattle. And when I use the word "honest" I am not referring to the bosses either. Monitor, Or, Coming Local Events. Democrasic primaries, Thursday, April 3rd. Democratic county convention, Mon day, April 7ih. Citizens primaries, Saturday, April 5th. Citizens county convention, Tuesday, April 8th. I ircuit court convenes on the third Monday in April. Initiative and Referendum. Is self-government right? If so, the referendum and initiative follow. . ' Direct legislation means simply an ac tual instead of a mere theoretic sov ereignty of the people. We are governed today, not by a democracy, but by an elective aristocracy holding for a term. The people are sovereign only at the moment of election the men they elect become their masters for one, two, four six years, as the case may be. Self-government is one thing the choosing of the men who are to govern you is a different thing. A child may choose its guardian; a slave might be given a voice in the selection of his master and yet be absolutely sub ject to his dominion after the choice were made. ' Power will be used in the interests of its possessor. If the power of govern ment is to be used in the interests of the people they must have continuous and effective possession of the government. We call our legislators "agents" and the people their "principal" queer agent J who can give away their principal's property despite his protest, and are not responsible to him during their term of service ; queer principal that cannot veto his "agents'" plans, no matter how much he objects to them, nor in struct his agents what to do whenever he sees fit, nor discharge said agents when they refuse to carry out his orders : qneer principal who has to obey the commands of his "agents, instead of giving them orders. Ex . Representatives are elected to enact the will of the people into law. Now they can only guess at the people's will on an great question, and if one guesses wrong, political death is the probable and always possible result. Then we lose a valuable public Bervant, valuable perhaps because of many years of ex perience, wide acquaintance with public men, and positions on legislative committees, as well as unusual natuial ability. The system is terribly waste ful oi talent as well as courage in public life. When the Initiative and Referendum is adopted, if the representative is in doubt as to the will of the people on any great question, he can refer it to them tor their own decision snd let them take the consequences as well as the re- sponBibilty. If he guesses wrong at any time the people can then correct him without losing his services and experi ence. fcx. William Dean Howells, the great nov1 1st, chief of living American literaieurs: I am altogether in favor of the initia tive and referendum as the only means of allowing the people really to take part in making their laws and in gov erning themselves. Ex, w9eeoo0e09eooee99 SOCIALIST COLUMN. I ooooooosoeecooooooooeoosoa TUB TICKET. ' Governor, R. R. Ryan, of Marion connty. Secretary of State, 0. W. Barzee, of Wasco county. State Treasurer, W. W. Myers, of Clackamas county. Justice of the Supreme Court, C. P. Rutherford, of Harney' countv. Congressman, B. F. Ramp of Roseburg 8tte Senator Fred J. Meindl, of Ab ernethy. Representatives Robert Ginther, of beaver Creek precinct; A. J. - Maville, of Canemah; Waller F. Pruden, of Springwater. County Commissioner George Li zelle, of Canemah. County Judge Charles E. Spence, of Cams Sheriff D. M. Klemson, of Cane mah. Clerk Gilbert H. Robbins, of Killin. Recorder of Conveyances Franz Kraxberger, of Macksburg. Assessor William Beard, of Maple Lane. Treasurer N. W. Richards, oi Maple Lane. Coroner Dr. W. F. Pruden, of Springwater. ROAD SUPERVISORS. Abernethy, J. S. Mayfield. Beaver Creek, Wesley Hill. Canemah, Thomas Lindsay. , Maple Lane, G. F. Gibbs. Needy, Carl Hilton. New Era, Joseph Reif. Macksburg, Ed Morris. JUSTICES AND CONSTABLES. Barlow and Mackburg: Justice, R. R. Bratton, Barlow; coustable, F. M. Mathews, Macksburg. New Era and Oanby : Justice, Elmer Veteto; constable, F. Kelland. Three Oregon City precincts, Aber nethy, Canemah', Maple Lane and West Oregon City: Justice, J. W. Grout. TUB PLATFORM. 1. All officers shall be put on a flat salary. 2. Reduction of passenger and freight rates. 3. We favor precinct assessors, each precinct to elect their own assessor. 4. We reaffirm the principles of the national socialist platform, Chairman, J. W. Grout. Secretary, 1'homas Lindsay. Treasurer, Charles Muran. Geo. Lazelle, nominee for commissioner- Socialist L,ecture. "0. F. Keller will speak on "Socialism" at the following places: 4 Holcomb ' ' Redland... " 5 Beaver Creek " 7 Clarks " 8 Highland " 9 Canvon Creek ... "10 Mnl'ino. "11 Molalla "12 Mr. Keller is one of the most forcible speakers on the public rostrum today and posseses the happy faculty of con vincing without antagonizing. U me and bring the ladies. J. vv. urout, unairman. Socialism. With many thanks to the editor of the Coumkh-Herald for his generosity in allowing us a whole column each week to air our views on how the government should be run to secure the greatest good. All socialism includes all the people in all the world in its beniticence and its an international, world-wide move ment. Its banners are already making tyranny tremble all over Europe and a part of Asia Its in the air. none comes in contact with it he or she are quite likely to catch it. Some take the gold cure and partially recover. As a preventive some take Brownell "Buzz," others, "Hedges' Honejt" or "Ogle's Oil," but its useless for the people to poison their systems with the aforesaid nostrums, for it's here and you never will be happy until you try it. It is like the old-fashioned religion we used to gei. that made one feei like hugging allot oie's neighbors and neighbor's wives, especially the latter. socialism is alltruism put into prac tice. Its the doctrine that Jesus taught and if ministers of the gospel find that tbey are not preachi.ig socialism they will know that tbey are what Jesus called all those that did not teach bis doctrine. We leave this bickering and back-biting, trading in votes, quarrelingover what has been stolen and what has been mis appropriated by onr public officials to the old parties. With all of that, that part we are not to blame or do we care. All that we socialists have to do is with the future. We bavo put into the field a full set of candidates, all of whom so far as we can discover, are men with clean, r!ear. unimpeachable records, not speaking of myself, of course. Mot one of them seeking for any office whatever. Not one of them going around the coun try telling the voters how "I passed this law" and "I passed that law'' with a strong emphasis on the "I." As for myself, I doot want the office for which I was nominated, and of which I did not know anything about for over a week afterward and onlv o fill out the ticket. Judge W. W. Jesse is a good enough justice for any community, and should succeed himself. Of some of the other candidates we would like to speak some other time. Thanking you for the invitation to write something for socialism, I am eternally yours for the Rood of the I cause, R. R. Bratton V 4 a 1 ' t V u V Brunswick House and Restaurant NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS Meals at All Hours t ' Opon Day and Night Prices Reasonable " Only First Class Restaurant in the City CHAS. CATTA, Prop. Opposite Suspension Bridge OREGON CITY, ORE. Don't Hand Out Money For something that is not the best. When you are ' buying remember that f e best is alwavs cheapest and a poor article is dear at any price. If it is grocer- ' les the best and safest way is to bring fir e-nd your ! order to us and then yen know you are getMng the best there is. The cheap kind we do not handle; it ' djiesn t pay. No matter what prices we ask you can ' always depend on the quality. 7ih and Center Sts. mm ' POPE & CO. HEADQUARTERS FOR Hardware, Stoves. Syracuse Chilled and Steel Tlows, Harrows and Cultivators, Planet Jr., Drills and Hoes, Spray Pumps, Imperial Bicycles. PLUMBING A SPECIALTY Cor. Fourth and Main Sts. OREGON CITY $ iin . YOU MAY NOT KNOW IT Bat the Best S,tock of First-Class Goods to be Found at Bottom Prices in Oregon City is at HARRIS' GROCERY CITY MARKET fgBS Opposite Huntley's First-Class Meats of 11 irds Satisfaction Guaranteed Sivc yirg a Call arjd be Treated ?igkt f7 V. I I 111 fJh i ll R. L. HOLMAty Undertaker Phones 476 and 305. Two Doors South of Court House. Bread Is the Staff of Life The better the flour, the better the bread; , The better the bread, the stronger the staff. . . . Patent Flour . . . Makes the Whitest, Lightest Bread. It is kept for sale by alt dealers. Demand "Patent" Flour. Made by. PORTLAND FLOURING MILL CO. X fi f CH01C5 f 1 CANNED t ' GOODS, Muir BrOS. ItllMlllltlHHUIllHIH ... 2 We carry the largest stock of Caskets Coffins, Robes and Lining in Clackamas county. We are the only undertakers in the county owning a hearse, which we fur nish for less than can ba had elsewhere. vVe are under small expense and do not ask large profits. Oillj promptly attendel night or day Brown & Welch Propribtors of thb Seventh Street Meat Market . A. O. U. W. Building OREGON CITY, OREGON CANNED GOODS. Oh, yes; oh, yes; come this wav for the fullest and freshest stock of canned eooda in town. v ... just receiving a large lot of the very best fruits and vegetables in cans. Try our sliced peaches, our fancy corn, or oui tender melting peas! Go away, you make my mouth water. Oh and buy.. Prices very low. A. ROBERTSON, 7TH ST. GROCER.