Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, April 04, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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Iieaver Lake.
All is quiet in our burg at present.
Frank Haun and eon were m Scott
town on business last week,
Mr. Milstead has greatly improved
the louks of bis farm by adding a new
gate and other necessary improvements.
0. K. Quinn of Maiquam, was seen in
onr bnrg a few days ago.
H Wilson, of Wilboit, was seen pass
ing through this section Monday last
Well, Elmer, we were glad to hear
from you. Keep right on as your last
production was good.
J. tiroehong had the misfortune to
lose a valuable cow in this lection a few
days aiio.
Mr. Bounds of Mulino, was visiting
old-time friends in this burg one day
lant week .
B. Wade was transacting business at
A. H. Rich's sawmill Wednesday
We are sorrv to learn that Miss Sarah
Churchill, a well-known young lady of
this section is at pteaent lyiag very low
with pneumonia fever. Dr. A. A. Len-
ord, of Silverton, is attending her.
Happt Jack.
Scotts Mills. ,
A nd spring has come at last and every
body rejoicing in the fact that it is al
wavs better late than never.
All are invited to attend the drama
ffivnri bv the Modern Woodmen of Amer
ica at their hall in the Commons block,
the 12th of this month. Recitations
nd a basket social will follow in the
Droeram. Don't forget the dat and
come and trv vour luck boys.
A. E. 'I homas made a business trip to
Oregon City last week. He complains
of his taxes beina areatly increased over
last year. Don't kick about that Bant,
for such seems to be quite a popular
thing this year.
Miss Lizzie Lncier of this place left
last week for Washington in company
with her siste', Mrs. Sanders, who has
been vinjling her parents for the past
four or five months.
Geoige and Willie Dart or Molalla
have purchased a livery stable at La
fayette which they will takecharge of on
or before the 6tb of the month. Suc
cess be with you boys'
Well, Willie, as Cora's engagement
with the measles is completed, you are
at liberty to call, but we hope that you
will correct that Btory about renting
that house at Scott's Mills for the bene-
' fit of curious 'neoDle.
The democratic primary for Marion
county at Scott's Mills was held last Sat
urday. The delegates are Louis Hert
sel, Dave Brody,' and Robert Skirvin.
Dave Body for supervisor; Robert, Skir
rin for justice of thp peace, and Charles
Kidd for constable. Their opponents
are Fred Druger, justice of the peace;
Charles Nordyke, constable; Lum Whit
lock, road supervisor for district No. 12;
Labon Maulding, district No. 11.
Clifford Mcintosh and his sister, Mrs.
Esten, of Portland, are visiting their fa
ther and mother of this place.
Mr. Richard White is still with us but
is very low.
Easter has come and gone and the day
was very quiet at the mill. A short
program was rendered at the Christian
church which was well attended by the
little folks. Stbanqbb.
South Varus.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Goucher and
Atkins took Master dinner with Mrs.
Daniels at Mulino.
Miss ALMieH Wallace was the guest of
Mrs, Minnie Kanton Friday night and of
Miss Veva Jones, fcrtdaj afternoon.
Clyde Smith bus a beautiful young
horse for sale Call and get a bargain.
John Confer of Oregon City ftopped
in Smith Chi us, a few moments last
Grace, the youngest daughter of R.
Schneliel. whohas been very sick with
pneumonia fever, is improving.
Our vicinity was saddened last Sun
day by the death of Mrs. Bogue, of Mu
lino. She hail been very sick for many
weeks past and peacefully passed away
Kuster Sunday and was buried at the
Graham cemetery on Monday. Her
family have our deepest sympathy,
Kd. Howard and family visited Mrs.
Howard's mother, Mrs. Morris, of
MtU'ksbnrg, during the week Their
daughter, MissThena, will attend school
theie and stay with her grandmother.
Mr. and Mrs. Fish were the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Pearson last Sunday.
Several of the young ladies of our
neighborhood attended the Easter ser
vices at Mulino
Oito Striker wttnt to Oregon City last
Mondav on buineR
M ins Veva Jones made a business trip
to Liberal one day lust week.
A.L.Jones, C S.Smith, R. Schoen
born, J. Evans and several others went
to Orecon Citv lust week
Messrs. Norman and Kalph Howard
and l.onis Bnokner, of North Carus,
passed through here lust Sunday on
their wav home from Mulino,
Mrs. Peatsuu called on Mrs. R.
Gnnclier one dav last week.
Elsie Schoen born ran a splinter into
her Aimer which neativ caused lockjaw.
The dance i!iveu a lentil farm
last Fridav inuht was u ry successful
affair. About fifty coupi tiippedthe
litrht fantastic, many having come from
a distance. At 12 o'clock light refresh
ments were served.
John Helvey has again left our midst
having none to Washington for an in
definite period.
Clarence Mallott of Oregon City vis
ited Mulino last Sunday.
Wnt. H. Jones Is able
once more
Easier aervicei were
tiiangfl hall in Mulino.
nrouram was rendered.
to be around
held st the
An excellent
Little Haxel
Erickson deserves special mentioning
for ihe manner in which Bhe delivered
hnr mirt.
MIhs Cans was the guest of Mrs. 0
Rmith lust Stinihtv.
A certain youug'lady of our neighbor-
. . , , . i i ll......:...- itrill!..
hoo'l is iiuu&iuk oi Kiiiii.tpint
Frank Sohoenborn had a very narrow
ea ob from having all his rios Broken
lut. wiink.
Harry Kirbysou went to Oregon City
last Saturd.ty. ...
Tim f.irmorj of our vu'tnitv are all t.ik
in advanUgn of the good waather by
plo ving and plantli thoir potatoes
Evervbodv is clad it ddu't rain on
EViutrtr Mtitliljtv.
ni.nrlrt. and Frank Manning were out
went nearly to Molalla returning with
very little mud.
Mr. and Mrs Caseday were visiting at
the home of Pete Sager last Sunday.
Misses lva and .bva Uraves were vis
iting Mrs. Wood aide Sunday.
Everybody seems to have bad colds.
Ernest Davis is working on Charles
Holman's farm at Meadowbrook.
Tom Fish was hauling hay from here
last week.
Roy Gat let was visiting at the borne
of August Enckson Sunday.
Johnnie Darnalr was tne guest oi
Charles and Ida Boynton last Sunday.
Rev. Wiles and family were visiting
at the home of George Force last nun
day, also Mr. and Mrs. Austin, ot Lib
eral. Mr. and Mrs. Perry were visiting Mr.
Barnes and family Sunday.
Archie McUord, Will U Connor ana
Clarence Mallatt were visiting here last
Agues Wallace was visitii g Minnie
Fanton last Saturday
Fred Wallace had the misfortune to
have a piece of steel in his leg while
driving a wedge in a log but is able to
work again.
Mrs. Uoguedied at her home last Sun
day morning of heart trouble. She Lad
been ailing fur several months. The fu
neral took place at Grahams Monday,
the services being conducted by Rev.
Wiles. Mrs Bogue was liked by all who
knew her, and she leaves many friends
and relatives to mourn her loss.
We originate and design Pattern Hats
at all prices. Miss Goldsmith.
Farmers are very busy now plowing.
A few are sowing spring wheat.and they
don't have time to talk politics.
Grass is starting in good shape and
stock have about quit eating hay.
Another wintei gone aud very few
have lost any stock.
Spring wheat is a scarce article in this
The smallpox scare is getting close to
our burg, but I will say tliat there is not
the tir.it symptom of smallpox. I have
Been it from the first to the last stage,
and I am ready to back my statement
that it is not smallpox.
E. Austin, our new sawmill man, has
quit sawing lumber at present and will
soon place his new machinery in, raise
the flume and start his double circular
saws, and then you can get lumber to
your heart's content.
Quite a crowd ot young people ane nu
ed the Easter services at Mulino last
Sunday. Even the mayor dressed up
and escorted two young ladies. Bunchy,
wasn't he in it I The services weregooa.
Rev. Wiles' recitation, "The Moneyless
Man" was fine.
Newt Farr passed through our burg
with a wagon load of extra tine mutton
sheep today for Charles Albright.
The moonlight excursion was tine over
head, but under foot it was bad, especi
ally the side roads.
Gilbert White is working for Mr. Sim
mons. '
Lewis Wiles is helping P. Schamel.
. H. Abbott went to Portland with his
wife for medical treatment last Friday.
Our bushwhackers are busy slashing
and will wind up the ball in a short
time. Sylvia.
Miss Mabel Whitney came down from
Salem last Wednesday to visit her pa
rents, Mr. and Mrs. George Whitney.
Miss Minnie Whitney, of this place,
and George Knight of the firm of Knight
& Susbauer, of Hubbard, were united in
marriage at the home ol tne Linda's
parents on Wednesday, March 25, at
high noon. May ttieir me oe strewn
with roses.
Messrs. Bert Kent and Silas Barber
were visitors in Portland from Tuesday
till Thursday.
A dinner nartv was given to Miss Ma
bel Hubbard by Mrs. Ellis Young on
last Wednesday evening. All enjoyed
a good time until a late hour. Those
present were .Misses Maine ttuooru
litti ana Belie loung, iurs. Jttis
Young; Messrs H. C. Roche, Robert
Bonney, Pearl Engle and Arista Nendel.
Tom Killin, of Handy, was in town
last Friday on business.
Lewie Hubbard came down from La
Grande, Ore., last Tuesday to visit with
friends and relatives for a tew days. He
will then depart for Oak Point, Wasli.,
tojoiu his brother, Bert, who is work-
ng in a logging camp. jjutch.
Charles Owlngs, an old and respected pioneer
of F.lliot l'ra rie, died lust Friday and was buried
Sunday In the Hubbard cemetery. He leaves a
if., three iinns and one ciMUvnter, wiinam,
George and John and Mrs Mary Casto, all of Fa
llot Prairie, besides many friends and neighbors
to mourn his loss.
Mrs J H Mlddlelnnand son, of Portland, are
visiting Mrs Mlddleton's auut aud uncle, J W
Cochran. ....
COwro, of Molvce. was caning on menus at
Hnnitv Tnesdnv.
Kllwrt iKllini mane a ousiuets irip w
angel mouuay.
Mrs II C Kaniago, oi mis pinoe, wno u visiting
ker daughter near Salem has been very sick.
MrsUC retnlletoit aniloiiM Alula imooara
visited friends and relatives at Wooduuru this
JuhnRamage visited at Marquam Tu saay
Mis s l) Wright is mowiy improving.
All fools' dav Is past
Binw tiles, buzzards and grey squirrels made
th -ir appearance yesteroay.
Kreil Nailer IS plaining eany potatoes on uis
last year potato ground.
Robert llielilo's new board fence In front of the
school house Is a great improvement over the old
rail and brush affair.
Our merchant s wood lot. loosen uae a woxi
camp Monday. Several men were busy there
sawing, splitting aim piling aunay inuir,
li Aloscr uaa several uiou at worn on ins iu uure
farm. , , , ,
Snuds arc tietng named to iswego ami loane.
on ours for $1.10 perewt.
Some sueillng ntts pecn none.
Wl'd lillit'S iu profusion now.
Jatuea Turner, of Krog I'otid, Is the proud pa
rent ol an April 1st girl, James wished It to oe
known and rode ti miles In a lop buggy spread
ing the news. Tim wimio county win miow ui
before the week entls, Jim!
Mr VYetssenbirii has bougiit somo rausoiu
Fires rnn well lit grass and fern Monuay anu
Tuesday. ...
Tualatin. Orange '.vtll setitl 30 candidate! to the
Pomona Grange at Oswego to tsko tlie tll'lti de
gree. Koincnioer uswego xpru in.
The Maccabee social S iturd.ur night
fits a tie-
el-led success.
Mra Schwlehtenhurg, of Porilanl.1' visiting
her parents K'vinl Mm Setioeiioerg.
t'hll and Maiyi oncer visited friends up the
country Sunday ..... , , ...
The sialalist m' nt held Monday night was
U't.11 AlttMld.'d.
There was eonllru at on at the German Lutheran
church Sunday, a I. n orowd was In attendance.
Mr Koch'a new re 100 has filled np all at
once, the reMilt of a lOt ler aud bis family ar -
Mountain View,
,:' (Too Ute for last week'i lwue.) '
Frutt blossoms are coming out.
Mr Murrow hud a new chicken yard built last
Mr Howard and family hav moved to Beaver
Creek again, but the boy are still hauling wood.
Samuel Irons, ol Monitor, was in this burg
Monday visiting among relatives.
Manlon Moran and wife came home Tuesday to
visit the former's parents.
O K Selby, of Canby was the guest of J Glllett
Wedonesday. He is a delegate to the republican
When No 3 Are bell rang last Tuesday evening
Company Ho 4 was up on duty in a very short
time Members of No 4 can be relied on every
The person who borrowed the book from the
reading room of the poitoffice entitled "The His
torv of Battery B in the Civil War" is requested
to return the same to the owner, D G Frost, or
leave it at the postorfloe.
Miss Hattie Bingo went home with her brother
J Ringo.last week to visit a few days and returned
home again this week. '
C F Keller was here last Saturday evening leo-
turing on s ociausm.
The sun is shining again again after the bard
rain storm last evening.
It did not rain on Easter Sunday tihs yea r.
Gardening Is the order of the d ty here this
r Frost say It Is too late to plant potatoes now.
Ee has his all planted.
H K Cross has the lumber hauled to build a new
wood shed where J W Currin lives.
0 F Keller, the socialist ipealcer, was the guest
of Mr Moran on Sunday He will speak at Ma
pie Lane on Sunday, April 6.
A family moved into the Hall house last Mon
day. The West family lived there nearly three
Mrs Griffin is quite poorly of late.
Our mall carrier, Mr. Duffy, bad a break down
while coming into town Wednesdoy morning. Vf
W May came along at that time tnd took thelotd
town and back to Kly. Mr Freldrlch, the blaok
ksmith, repaired the breakdown and the carrier
went on his way as happy as ever with a bran new
axle to his vehicle.
Miss Ollie Harris wns the guest of Miss Myrtle
Currin Saturday and Sunday.
Joe Rlago, of Molalla, who has been attending
school at Corvallis, came to Mis Mattie Bingo's
Sunday, and on Tuesday he went home accom
panied by Miss Battle Bingo, who will visit
among relatives and friends a few days.
Frank Kverhart Is employed by Fairclough Bros
In their commission store on Main street this
Ferd Cnrran Is having anew fenee built around
his premises this week.
Thamas Taylor aud family have moved Into the
Rellly house lately vacated by Charley Shockley.
Mrs Taylor Is a oousin of Mrs Huehvt Bradley.
Some ot the fanners have commenced to plow.
Kussell Bros have built a bridge across Molalla
for crossing horses from this place to their mill.
Our teacher, Ray Marquam, is getting along
nicely with the school .
J Night ngale, who Is a hard worker, has sold
about all of his last year's orop, which was a good
one, consisting of oats and wheat.
Many taxpayers are not looking oheerfull y, as
they cannot meet taxpayments on time and to
wait is only increasing the amount. 'Ihe speak
ers are ooming around to gi ve them some sweet
talk to keep them nopenu.
Mnnv fanners work hard from yar to yar and
bv some msihan do not gain dollars. Will our
otlioials give us a rest by serving one year without
a salary; i;ome, turn aoout is lair piay.
ORBovles and Loul Dart traded horses last
week Both profiled by trading.
8priug weather 'has at last come, and the farm-
ers are enjoying ,
and 8eeiiiug.
Miss Aggie Wallaoe called on Minnie Fanton
There was A large crowu present ai vue uuuco
given at the teasel house last Friday evening.
Robert -Umbel's little girl, who has been con
fined tn Iter bed for the last two weeks with ma
larial fever, is slowly improving.
Frank Irish haslpurohased a new horse, and he
was out trying it Sunday. ...
Mrs Spangler was visl'Ing her sister, Mrs Jaok
.nn At Mi,nU f jinn lnttt Katurdav eveninsr.
Several from tins Durg attonaeu ine luuerat ui
Mrs Bogus last Monday.
Misses Edith and Jessie Jackson were visiting
their aunt, Mis Spangler. last week.
John Helvey started for Wasliiugon on business
l.st Saturday.
Mi8 Gans was a visitor at Mulino last Sunday.
Grandpa Paine visited his daughter. Mrs Dell
Trullinger, Saturday and Sunday last.
Twin Sisiibs.
H. Brodle, our new station agent, and wife will
move into the miller nouse, laieiy vaoaieu oy a,
T RUhnr.
Rev. Siasand wife, who have been visiting
their sou. K. Sim, returned to their home lu
Miirlitirnn lust Mondav mornine.
George Knight and bride, of Hubbard, were vis
iting fitemls in Canby last Sunday. We wish yuu
II in tnv and hiitiulness in the world, George
The smallpox srare Is all over, as Mr. Elmer's
on has recovered and no new oases have devel
oned. and the school has opened with the usual
John Cook and family have moved to Oregon
City, and Frank Actinium, who tiouth', air. cook
nn livll continue l ie uusiuess ai tne rvea rruni.
Hev. R K. Human and family will start for
Ohio mat Friday for an extended visit with rela
tives and Wends 'I hey expeot to begone about
three months.
M. (!. Kiik, one of the oldest Odd Follows ill the
state, is quite III at his home in Oauby with pneu
monia. D. R. Dlmlck has traded his livery barn and
town property for George lunch's farm about
five miles east of Cnnliy. Mr. Dimlck expects to
east of the mountains for awhile. lie will be ao-
companion oy nis laiuuy.
School Report.
Following is the report of Sltu'jel school for
the six months Just past!
No. ol pupils enrolled, 51.
No of days taught. 119.
Average tlaily attendance, il.
No eases ol tardiness, kt.
Those who were neither absent nor tardy during
the laol ni.mtli are Lottie and Alviu llornselinh,
Hazel Uittllter, Calso Ouenther, Annie Stelnor,
F.llen Moehnke, Nora, Irene and Edna Uoehnke,
Lcrena Hill, Rosa and Lena Moehnke.
Those who were absent only one day during
the entire term are Kllen Moehnke, Lottie Horn
si'huh, Nora, Kdna and Irene Motnnke.
'lhnsewlio were present during the past nine
months excepting one are Lottie Horuschuh and
I Kllon Mnehnke.
There were 64 visitors present during the past
nine mouths.
Robert Gumma Teacher.
Something new It did not rain on Easter, and
people hml all the egi-" they "Oitld eat.
Knrueil Davis is working for Mr. Uuild at pres
ent. K. Snodgrass win- in town one day lust wtek on
bus! nose.
llarel and Franklin Cooper visited Mrs. Noyer'i
folks Sunday alternoon
T. R. Oretn matte a trip to Liberal and Mulino
one day last week.
0. T. Ksy and John Keller took supper with
Mr. and Mrs. Oram Sunday evening
E. Shubert and family are moving near Mil
waukte on a farm, which they have rented.
Miss Kmlly Freeman has gone to Oak Point,
Wash., for the benefit of her health.
Mrs. Welch aud daughter, of Highlandrwere
the guests ot Mrs A. Tuiuef ft'educsJay night.
Rev John l'aik, who has been sick -with la
grippo, is nolo to be t work again.
W. T. Henderson and Vert Surfus went over
on the Molalla to look at some horses.
J. I). Surfus has purchased some sheep.
The entertainment and baket social held In
the school house Wednesday ulght was well at
tended, about 77 being presout. t welve baskets
s.,l,l fr S.Y
. Laiav Rookh.
Union J lull.
(Too late for last week's Issue.)
Miss Cora Helvey and brothers, George and
Curtis, went to Wo dburu last Saturday to see
their nnclr, Wllllem Smith, who is lying very ill
at hla lmru uear that place.
Mers. Heorgo llilvey aud Sebastian Biny at-t-
ndej the ilatie. at Heaver Creek last Monday
i. Kio. and ivita visited J. IT. Rums and
family la.t Sunday.
Mrs. J. Bobbins was the guest of Mrs. Nettle
ftllli last Monday.
John turns visited relatives at New tra
14 kt. Gold Pilled FOUNTAIN PEN to any $2.oo Pen
Charlie Thomas was the guest of hisuncle, J.
H. Burns, last Sunday.
Geno and Mabel Burns visited their grand -mother,
Mrs. Jaokion Knotis, of Multno, last
Sunday. Bertha Ktggs accompanied them.
Miss Anna Strejo, who has been staging in
Portland for some time, came out home a few
days ago, where she will remain a few weeks.
Mrs. John Molzan visited Mrs. Joseph Perringer
last Hui.riay.
John 1.. Thomas visited Alfred Smith last Fri
day. He secured some prune grafts, which he
intends to craft on plum trees.
r.dwai.l Uaslday went to Oregon Ulty last Sat
urday on business.
Mrs Caroline Thomas called on Mrs. Maud
Casiday laBt Monday afteruoon.
Alviu Phelps is clearing land at present. He
has a tiara old time wrestling with the stumps -
and logs.
I have been informed that there Is one case of
smallpox neai Canby. It is at the parsonage
near me .vaugeucai cnurcn.
Say, you political speakers, why don't you ever
come to U lion Hall and give us a talk any more?
All are welcome to come and speak Irrespective
of party. It is not fair to pass this place by and
not enlighten us about the political issues of the
Mr. Mackintosh and family are expecting rela
tives from the Kast in the near future.
People are beginning to think of making gar
den. Mrs. Caroline Thomas and Krs. Sam Wilker
son visited Mrs Mackintosh one day last week.
Sebastian Banv is on the sick list this week.
Mrs. Joseph Perringer last Sunday to visit her
brothel, Mr Riderman.
Mi. Mackintosh and family have moved into
John Tice's house.
Mrs. Nettie Higgs called on Mrs. Frank Hay
one day last week.
Sags Wtlkerson and family visited his brother,
James Wllkerson, last Sunday.
Ell Burns was the guest of Mrs. Nettle Riggs
last Tuesday night
G. Cassiday and family visited Ed Cassidayand
wife one day laBt week.
Millie Molzan has returned to Portland, where
she intends to work.
tieorge Bauch and sister. Miss Effle Rauch, vis
ited our school last Wednes my.
The infant daughter of Mr and Mrs . S. Wllker
son has been seriously 111, but Is some better at
James Adkiiis has been quite sick for the past
week, but he is improving somewhat at the
present writing.
(jeorge Helvey Is unable to work on account ol
a large boll on nis nau'l.
T. J. Grimes is grubbing for Charles Wolf.
J. L. Tnoiuua and wile went to Oatiby oue day
last week .
Frog Pond.
April 1st is past aud none of our Frog .'onders
got caught by the foot.
Tweu'.y candidates took the third and fourth
degrees iu tne Tualatin (irauge Sj. Ill Haturduy
last, which was largely aueuded n elabonte
dinuer was served after which some oi the follow
ing visiting members addn-ssed the order: Mr.
Kilers and H. L. Bents, of Butteville, Slate Mana
ger Leede, of Tigardviile, Mr, Casto, ot Milwau
kie, and George Litzelle, of Canemah, A good
program was rendered. The grand ball given by
the Grange iu the evening was a grand suooess,
aud was not in the least effected by the vVilsjn-,
vilie dance.
George aud Ellen Aden were viiiiiug at the
home of John Butson Sunday
lr. i5.;Uuoor, the wood contractor has volun
tarily put his teams at work on the mountain
road 8 nue steep nllls will be cut down. If all
the woodhaulers would follow Mr. Suhiuur's ex
ample the roads would be in a maun better con-
Remember the primaries on April 5.
On Easter morning Mulino Sunday school ren
dered the foltowiug interesting program at the
Orange hall:
Opening aong, "L'rt tne Savior in,"
Prayer, S S superintendent T Wiles.
Raspousive reading superintendent and class
qf young men.
naater aauress, pastor, itev r. yvucb.
I Bong, "Cavalry, choir.
Recitation, "Easter Story," Reta Bowman
' Recitation and march, infant Class.
Recitation, "The Birdies' Easter Mom," Earnest
Mallatt. . .
Recitation, Vivia Sager.
Motiou song, primary class.
Ri citation, Maggie Manning.
Recitation, Eclliu Wiles.
Recitation Maude Manning.
Song, 'Christ Arose," school.
Recitation, Blanche Wiles.
. Select reading, Mrs Howard.
Recitation, Jessie Akins.
Song, "Bye and Bye," ohoir.
Recitntion, Lester Wiles.
Select reading, I' Wiles.
Recitation, Augusta Bowman.
Hecittttiou, Mamie Sager.
haster acrostic, iuumiediate class.
Soug, "Sweet Story of Old," two young ladles.
Recitation, M.ty hriekj.iu
Recitation, Pearl Kricksou.
Floral exurcises, class of young ladies.
Recitation, "The Moneyless Man," T Wiles.
Chant, "The Lord's Prayer."
Easter offerimr.
Closing soug "Miry to the Savior's Tomb," Sun
day school.
Confectioneries was distributed to the Sunday
school, and the teachers of primary and iiHerinedi
ate classes presented Kas.ter eggs beautifully
painted and colored to their Bcholara. The altar
was eituttfully decorated Willi evergrceus and
llnwerrt. A turtle crowd was in attendance.
iMulino Sunday school is prospering, and at
tendance and interest good. Muehcredit isd'ie
the superintendent and wife forthelr untiring ef
forts iu tne work. PreMCtuug 1st and ;ird Sunday
ol each month at 11 o'clock a, m. at Grange hall
by Rev. T. Wiles. Sunday school at lu o'clock,
a, in. A cordial invitation is extended to every
body, M, S. Howard.
HiyhXand .
The few days of sunshine has given us
all the ".arden lever.
My ! How glad we were that it did not
rain on Easter Sunday.
The dunce at the Daniels win a grand
We are glad to repoit our schoolmate,
Pearl Harrington, is slowly improving.
Mrs Martha Jones was eonie better
Frank Holloway is going to remain
w ith us for awhile.
Rev. Short preashed on th e 21st and
22d at the cuurcii to a laige crowd both
Mr. Biiekner was in town one day last
week. He was o ie if the delegates.
John Pariah is working for Air. Mitch
ell at Kedland.
The people of Highland have organ
ized a debating society. There was not
a large crowd in attendance, but it is
hoped that it will better attended in the
We are eony tB say that another death
has occurred, and took from us Mrs.
Annua Mayfield, who died at Crescent,
March 2Stli, of an abscess on the lungs.
She was sick jttst two weks. Her age
was 20 years, 2 months and 28 days. The
remains were laid to rest in the High
land cemetery. Mr. Jones and Mr.
Mayfield wish to thank the friends for
their kindness. Annua gone but not
forgotten. The voice we love is stilled,
a place is vacant in her home that never
can be rilled, and though her body
moulders here, and her soul is safe in
Heavenly rest. Corkkspokdknt.
(Continued on page 6.)
Correspondents must send in their
communications by Wednesday to insure
their publication.
Bean th. A m ma m "m lwa'5
one i
" ffji"' -iiijiiw l'j rrjrr " "injvjniiinfrejii hiiihi urjjiiiiiEjTiMuiiQriiiiiiijjtEi niqriiiJuiririkliciQii'Jijisriu iiiqjfrin ti
When You Think of Purchasing a
Dont Fail to Visit or Write to
Eilers Piano House
351 Washington St.,
The largest dealers on the Pacific Coast, wholesale and retail. Main distributing ware
rooms. Portland. Oregon, Spokane, Wash., 8an Kranoisoo and Sacramento. Oal. We carry
the largest stock of High tirade Pianos, comprising such well-known make as CHICKER
INGof Boston, WEBER of New York, KIMBALL of Chicago, Vose & Sons, Decker & Son,
Wheelock, Whitney, Hobart M. Cable.Sohumann, Steger, Hiner and Singer, also the many
toned Crown Piano and the Weser Bros. Orchestral.
IN ORGANS, we handle such well-known makes as the Kimball, Crown, Great West
ern, Burdett, Peerless and Needham, and the good qualities of these organs are so well
known that they require no further recommendation from us. W. will guarantee absolute
satisfaction, or money till be refunded. ' ,
The ANGELES ORCHRSTRAL Have you seei HI A self-playing piano player, which
enables any person to play any kind of music on any piano; not a novelty, bat a practical
player. It will plav your ptano better than the average pianist. You can see any of those
instruments by calling at our sales rooms. We take pleasure In showing, whether von
Lwant w Duy or aoi. y
III ill illi ill ill ;8i rill ill ill AiiiiSiii1niiihniiiMinViiiit' iln.iniiliii
IVjo.alla Undertaker
Keeps on hand a stock of
Coffins, Caskets, Burial
Rcbas, Furniture, Etc.
All Kings of Repairing Done
Wall Paper and 1
Lieno Wall Finish
a permanent sanitary and fire proof
wall coating.
Superior to Kalsomine, Ala
bastine or Gypsine. Licno
Works perfectly when all others
fail. At
Shank & Bissells,
Call or Phone for Wall Paper Samples.
714 51. near main tel. 411
Special Inducsment
For 30 Days !
order to introduce my work to
the public, I will give free with
every dozen Ou'mint Photos, a
14x17 B oniide Portrait
frOiL tile name illative. .Sample
can lie seen at the Studio. The
Poitrait alone is worth the money.
All work strictly first-class.
W.F. Snodgrass,;
uccc.aon v.
Has a complete assortment of
Magnificent Designs
Also a consignment of very cheap hats and trimmings
rids and Ends Sale
....AT THE....
Wrappers, 8oc and up.
Shirt Waists, 25c and up.
Childrens' and Misses I lose, odd
sizes, 5c, 7c 8c and ioc pair
Lad'es' Chemises, 15c and up.
Ladies' Summer Undervests.
Dressing Sacks and Kamomas.
Ladies' Dress Shirts at a Bargain.
Ladies' Corset Covers, 35c up.
Your choice of Umbrellas for 50c.
Tarn O'Shanters, Head Rests, Sun Bonnets, Gent's White Bows
Hooks and Eyes, Buttons, Pins, Needles, Hair Pins, Safety Pins'
Gent's Bicycle Belts, Ladies' White Belts. All below cost.
Portland, Ore.
Jll.. j
A Complete Line
Fine Footwear
For ladies, gentlemen and
children you will find in
our stylish and up-to-date
stock. Our handsome and
durable $3.50 shoe for men
can't be equaled for wear,
quality or style, and our
women's fine $3.00 shoes
are the acme of comfort
and graceful outline. Our
prices will suit.
Krausse Bros.
Send for catalogue.
Mitchell, Lewis & Staver
d Portland, Oregon.
...USaekct Store!
Towels, all grades, at cost.
Men's and Boys' Shirts, 15c up.
Men's Laundried Shirts, 49c.
Men's Undervests at cost.
Men's Linen Collars and Cuffs, ioc
and 15c.
Men's Socks, ioc up.
Hose Supporters
Ladies' Collars and Cuffs, ioc.
Bandanna Handkerchiefs, 3c, 2 for 5
tditij fa j. i' v iiji iu 4 4 "jy X""'4 ' u'''
't'lSv'-.llt. ill
N '
da) last WL'ok.